#anemone x a2
rockaberryx · 2 years
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I feel like I’m one of the only few people who thinks that A2 and anemone are gfs lol
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sugarless--girl · 4 years
For You, I’ll Wait (Anemone x A2)
Summary: Anemone and A2 have a moment together.
Read on AO3
Anemone nearly jumped at the voice and immediately turned to see A2 laying underneath a tree, almost entirely hidden by the bushes around her. It was strange seeing her with the short hair she initially had those long three years ago.
“Hey, yourself. What are you doing there?” Anemone asked, managing to keep the surprise out of her tone.
“Just, you know. Relaxing.” A2 let out a sigh that sounded too weary to be relaxed. “We can do that now, huh?"
“I—yes, I suppose so.” Anemone said, hovering as she was unsure whether to sit or not. A2 simply raised an eyebrow, neither giving her the option or taking it away.
Even A2 gave her nothing but choices. But of course she did—she was still the resistance leader at the end of the day. Anemone sat down beside her all the same.
“So you’re just relaxing? Not hiding from 9S?” Anemone asked, a slight smile tugging at her lips.
A2 groaned. “He keeps on asking questions! Every time I answer one, he has five more for it! Not saying anything seems to be the best way to keep questions minimal.” She grumbled to herself.
“You should humor him—it’s in his nature to be inquisitive, isn’t it?” Anemone asked, an expected laugh bubbling up from within.
But before it could escape, A2 said, “and look where it got him.” She sighed. “It’s weird to care about someone like this. I don’t like it.”
“You care for 9S, right?”
“Yeah, but that’s all 2B’s memories. Now that she’s back, I’d rather not...you know….”
“Carry the weight of caring for someone?” Anemone asked, smiled wryly.
“It’s not like that.” A2 sighed. “He’s still wary. Even though he knows what happened, it’s not gonna make him like me anymore. And answering questions isn’t gonna change that fact either.”
“He just needs time. Maybe that’s him trying to reach out, you know?”
“I know. I’m just saying he’s annoying is all.”
“Well—” Anemone didn’t know what to say to that. “Don’t say that to his face?”
“Too late.” A2 muttered.
Anemone couldn’t help let out a laugh. “You’re terrible.” It was incredible the amount of lightness she had felt in the first time in years.
“And yet, you’re talking to me.” A2 said, closing her eyes. She looked content and Anemone had to wonder...was she? She certainly hoped her friend had some respite from what she had gone through.
“I am.” Anemone said as she got comfortable next to the YoRHa unit. Or was it ex-YoRHa now that the Bunker was gone? Perhaps, A2 had always been ex-YoRHa once she had become a rogue.
That didn’t matter. She didn’t want to dwell on the fall of the Bunker any longer than she had to—she had good friends there, after all. Instead Anemone sat in silence with A2.
A2 said nothing more. They stayed like that, watching the clouds pass and the birds chirp as they flew overhead. It was quiet. And for once, Anemone didn’t think of the past and didn’t think of the future. All she thought of was about the presence next to her.
“Hey, Anemone.” A2’s voice broke the silence between them
“Have you ever seen the stars?”
“I—I’m afraid not. I’ve never been to the Kingdom of the Night so...” She had always been fighting where she was currently stationed. The machines didn’t work there so there was no real reason to travel to the Kingdom.
“Ah, Well, humans seem to think it's a big deal or whatever.” Where was A2 going with this?
“You’ve been reading up on humans?” Anemone asked, surprised.
“What’s with the surprise?” A2’s voice sounded both sleepy and annoyed. “But yeah, I have. Bits and pieces. Probably should know a bit more about our creators, right? Even if…they're gone.”
“Right….”She didn’t know what to say to that. It had been a while since Anemone took time to understand who she was fighting for. Did it matter anymore? The humans were gone but they were left behind.
A2 shifted beside her, sitting up now. Anemone didn’t look at her but she could feel the other android’s eyes on her. “Yeah…anyway, they say that the night sky is supposed to be pretty incredible. Think it’s any different from space?”
“Possibly? The sky and clouds might affect how the light filters through to the atmosphere, after all.”
“Huh. You know a lot about….that stuff?”
“I...I guess so. You pick up things when you live as long as me.” Her memory wasn’t perfect. It was fracturing at its edges and yet there were still so many things that came to surface she had supposedly forgotten. Things like information on the sky and clouds and such—knowledge she had determined to be useless for fighting against machines and here she was, remembering it all.
“Hmm.” A2’s hum was noncommittal. It was easy to forget that they had centuries of years apart from each other.
“Hopefully you’ll be able to live as long as I did.”
“...We’ll see.” Was that the wrong thing to say?
Anemone decided to change the subject back to the topic at hand—she didn’t like the idea of hurting A2. “...So what about the stars?”
“Right. So apparently they’re super beautiful or whatever. I didn’t get to see them much on the Bunker. I mean, the time I spent there was for learning how to fight so I didn’t appreciate it at the time. I just wonder if I...you know….lost the chance to actually see them.” A2 was so young but she had lost too much already, hadn’t she?
“You have a point there but...well, we could always go to the Kingdom of the Night and see for ourselves?” The idea sprung from nowhere in particular but she found it appealing nonetheless.
“I…you’d wanna do that? With me?” Anemone smiled at the incredulity in A2’s voice.
“Yes? I mean unless you have—”
“Don’t finish that sentence—I have nothing else going on. You know this. I know this.” The resistance leader didn’t have to look at her to know she was rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, I guess I do. I just—”
“Not sure about it?” Finally, they made eye contact. Anemone felt lost in the pale blue of A2’s eyes. How long had it been since she looked at someone like this? Like she was seeing them for the first time?
Snapping out of her strange reverie, Anemone sighed. “Yeah. There’s still a lot to do here—there’s so much rebuilding to get done and so many new connections to forge.”
“Yeah, and we gotta help Jackass with her revenge quest, huh?”
“I’m not entirely sure how to help her…” Anemone grew silent, thinking about the things they had lost from the war.
“Eh, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Better you, than me. Right?”
“Sure. But don’t discount yourself—you were responsible for saving us all in the end.”
A2 snorted. “Hardly. I wouldn’t call that saving anyone. I wasn’t sure what I was doing half the time.”
“You tried, nonetheless.”
“Why are you the one comforting me here?” The android said with a sigh. “I wanted to—I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just...you changed so much since I last really saw you. It hasn’t been that long and I just…”
Anemone waited for A2 to continue but when it became clear that she wasn’t going to, she spoke up. “I changed, yes, but you did too. You changed a lot more than me.”
“I’m younger than you.” A2 muttered.
“Yes...and you have....a lot more to see now that we’re a little bit free, I suppose?” Anemone didn’t know how to say what she was trying to say. All she wanted to do was help A2 feel a bit better. Feeling emboldened (or maybe even a little desperate), she held out her hand for the other android to take.
A2 took Anemone’s hand. She threaded her fingers between the other woman’s gloved ones. Both their hands were black but one was due to skin stripped away and the other due to gloves meant to protect. “Coming back to the previous thought….wanna go travel once we’ve got this all cleaned up?”
“Sure I’d like that. But, after you finish helping me with the peace treaties and such.”
A2 wrinkled her nose but clutched Anemone’s hand even tighter. “God, diplomacy is so not my thing. Why do you want me there anyway?”
Anemone laughed. “Why not?”
“Wow, what a great argument. Our resistance leader, ladies and gentlemen.” She said, tone wry and eyes sparkling with mischief.
“That’s why you’re there—you’re the one gonna be arguing.”
A2 tilted her head and smiled. God, it had been so long since she had seen that expression. “Alright, I can concede that. I’ll wait a little bit longer—we have time.” Anemone could feel herself smiling back.
“For now. But I guess that’s enough, huh?”
“It’s enough.” And once more, they fell back into their comfortable silence.
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breezy-cheezy · 6 years
Ok. Ok...I finally finished Nier: Automata. I like to go looking for fanart too, but it’s...difficult for this fandom because....mainly it’s alot of er....very revealing drawings of 2B. I get it, but I get very tired of that stuff real quick...I like the wholesome stuff, cute fluff, the like, so if anyone knows where I can find that/good nier: automata fanart/gif blogs, I’d love to hear! 
But yeah more thoughts since the last part of the game just cranks everything up to an 11 and tbh I’m really emotional (MAJOR SPOILERS BTW. It’s an...older game now but I still feel like I should warn...)
- Ok I thought the beginning of route D/C was cool if surprisingly difficult?? Playing as 2B running around in full armor and I seem to be more fragile actually?? Hrm.
- I did NOT expect 2B to be killed so soon. Like. Wat. I knew it was coming but not THEN. And A2 taking mercy on her and finishing her off (when we found out she’s witnessed comrades suffering this same virus before it makes even more sense) was actually...that made a big impact on me. I liked A2 right off the batt. I love that her arc is to learn to care again. Not just about androids, but the world, and how beautiful it is...just...after all her trauma and such I just think her story arc is lovely. 
- I do question how she ran around in clothing scraps for years but I mean. You do you sweetie. 
- 2B’s soft “Nines...” as she notices him watching her die I DIE, I missed her so muuuuch...
- Devola and Popola are apparently characters from a previous Nier game and gosh dang I love these disaster twins. They deserve so much better...thank you for looking out for 9S you two ;~;
- I realize 9S actually has alot of Moms and I think it’s hilarious (Devola and Popola, Anemone, 2B, A2, O210, HIS OWN POD ) but also really cute!
- Watching sweet 9S slowly but surely descend into madness and rage just...pained me. I mean I feel that is how you do that kind of character development, it...worked, but oh my GOSH that boy was a mess by the end ;;A;; screaming, crying, killing...his voice actor is super good. I had to remind myself this angry boy is same voice of sweet little Mob X’’’D But just all his “nothing matters anymore, I’ll kill you all” lines sounded so painful and angry and insane all at once and just A+++ choice of voice actor yall. Having to kill O210 was just...noooo isn’t he suffering enough?? Isn’t she???? BWEH
- I realize alot of the side quests about revenge were foreshadowing this character arc and this also pains me.
- A2′s banter with 2B’s pod was beautiful and I couldn’t get enough of it, especially his not so subtle jabs at her inability to comprehend things/calling her stupid basically X’’’’’’’’’D 
- Also A2 interacting with the machines at Pascal’s village gave me life and light in these dark times. The kids call her big sis!!! She helps build them a slide!!! My heart!! ;;7;; 
- Also just...everything that happened to that village...ugh. Why. WHY.
Me: Things are sad now but hey at least we still have Pascal’s happy peace village!
Game: *for some reason, half of the machines in the village get infected by the network and start eating each other, everything’s in flames, there seem to be no survivors*
Me: Aaaaaaaa at least...Pascal lives? With the children?? They’re safe, right? 
Game: *Yeah but now an army of infected machines are coming your way and you have to fight them off with a previously pacifist robot Pascal*
Me: Ok...ok did that. It was pretty cool. But knowing this game the kids are going to be dead upon return huh...the machines went around and got to them...*trying to prepare*
Game: *they indeed died, but it was actually suicide because they were overcome by fear, which fear is a concept Pascal taught them, and now he hates himself and wants you to kill him too or erase his memories*
Me: ...............frick. *just walks away*
- I COULDN’T DO IT I just walked away I feel like that’s the most chance for hope DX what the heck Yoko Taro do you LIKE suffering?? 
- Just everything up to the ending was super cool and pretty dang epic. I was confused on lore points, but hoo boy the full revelation on project YorHa is just awful and I can’t blame 9S for going totally ballistic after finding out...
- Red girl. Super creepy. Jackass’s report on her after completing the game?? Hilarious.
- Might I say, Jackass is a hilarious, great side character, and she was totally immune to all the tragedy and just wanted to teach others how to make bombs X’’’’’D Her name alone had me busting out laughing, what a gal
- I like Ending C better than D...but the bit about the ark was interestinggg...I love confirmation that Adam is taking care of his little brother in the datascape at least ;;v;; Eve deserves it...
- A2′s “I’m coming, everyone” as she falls to her death WEEEEEHHHHHHH
- Ok but the game makers put so much heart into this game. Ending E???? Was really hard to get. But it was so COOL. It took the whole nihilistic “nothing matters anymore” theme and turns it right on it’s head, as it puts you in this little mini game against the credits of the game...a FIGHT for a better ending. And I finally stopped being dumb and turned on the network and it got BETTER??? Quotes from other players encouraging me and uplifting...apparently the actual 2B and 9S voice actors data are in there too and they helped out and iasiuwruyguyerge the fourth wall is so broken but dang I love it...getting help from past players was amazing.....
- ALSO THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD IS SUCH A GOOD SONGGGGG and that it uses ALL versions/languages of the song all in once scene PLUS a chorus in the back if you accept help from others...chills. Like. I was trying so hard not to cry it was AMAZING, I love music and it was GRAND 
- The E ending was very open ended but also super hopeful and I love the pods for helping us and I hope these children can live on and be happy now...I will draw that fanart for sure. 
- Needless to say I hate sad endings, I hate that people think they’re cool and progressive because for me they’re just depressing. I literally leave media feeling empty and near depressed after those. So the fact this game GIVES you the option to press on and try to bring some light and happiness back just really, really touched my heart...I really appreciate how it was done.
Also I didn’t sacrifice my save data because I’m terrible I’m sorry my brother’s file is still on here he would KILL ME
So I’m super grateful to my friend Ana for introducing this masterpiece to me. What a GOOD GAME. A little wierd, a little quirky, very sad, but a good message at the end...I loved this journey. Super unique to anything else I’ve played. Now I’ll have alot more free time back since I finally finished this off too X’’’’D but hey, I’m happy with it!!
I also wanna go lore diving but I am very...emotionally exhausted and should do that Later >v>;;;;;
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baconplasm · 6 years
If Allen is 9S, who is 2B? How about A2? ;o; I am in Love with your crossover art omg
Ahh thank you so much!! Actually I was thinking about that lmao. But hmmm to be honest dgm x nier:a crossover is a little tricky because every character have such unique personalities so its hard to just say “oh this character is this person!!”. But from an artistic stand point id say… I’ll draw Lenalee as 2B, Kanda as A2. As for Lavi im not too sure…. He gives me a resistance member vibe with his scarf lmao, perhaps… Anemone???
( @pikapi-chu I'll just tag you for the reply bc tumblr be glitchin so you may not see it.)
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yilinzc · 6 years
I’ve been tagged by @do-you-believe-in-uravity
Rules: Choose any 3 fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Three fandoms:
• JJBA • NieR: Automata • League of Legends
The first character you loved:
• Danny Joseph • 2B • Ahri
The character you never expected to love so much:
• Jolyne • A2 • Evelynn
The character you relate to the most:
• Jotaro (Can’t really think of any, but I kinda relate to him) • 9S • Xayah
The character you’d slap:
• Jonathan • 9S • Jayce
Three favorite characters, in order of preference:
• Jolyne, Gappy, Rai • Devola, A2, 2B • Ahri, Evelynn, Irelia (Talking about lore/personality, not counting gameplay)
A character you liked at first, but don’t anymore:
• Koichi • I don’t really have any • Quinn
A character you didn’t like at first but do now:
• Narancia • Commander • Rakan
Three OTPs:
• Yasuho x Gappy, Bruno x Abbacchio, Kira x Shinobu • 2B x 9S, A2B, A2 x Anemone • Ahri x Thresh, Zed x Syndra, Yasuo x Riven
I’m not a big shipper, the ones I listed are either crack ships or basic ships :^)
Tagging: @calliestar, @dizzidizzy, @impeanutkk, @sonolith, @coffeemuncho, @salty-final-boss-vinegar, @somesortofqueen, @magical-girl-anemone, @itrio, @ctromedea (Feel free to use another one of your blogs to do this, or don’t do this at all if you don’t want to lol).
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forhcarthandhome · 4 years
Bold = Main Ship(s)
Final Fantasy VII
Rude/Tifa | Leslie/Tifa | Reno/Tifa | Kunsel/Tifa | Aerith/Tifa | Tseng/Aerith | Aerith/Biggs | Zack/Aerith | Zack/Cloud | Reno/Rude | Cid/Vincent | Rufus/Tseng/Elena | Rufus/Elena | Poly Turks/Rufus
Final Fantasy VIII
Seifer/Rinoa | Laguna/Raine | Zell/Rinoa | Squall/Selphie | Selphie/Quistis | Quistis/Irvine 
Final Fantasy X / X-2
Yuna/Tidus | Shuyin/Lenne | Braska/Jecht/Auron
Final Fantasy XII
Balthier/Basch | Balthier/Fran | Balthier/Ashe | Ashe/Basch | Vossler/Ondore
Final Fantasy XIII
Serah/Snow | Fang/Vanille
Final Fantasy XIV
Gaia/Ryne | Urianger/Thancred | Dulia/Chai-Nuzz | Y’shtola/Lyse | Y’shtola/Runar | Cid/Nero | Lyse/Fordola | Estinien/Vrtra
Final Fantasy XV
Cindy/Holly | Cindy/Aranea | Cindy/Crowe | Cindy/Lunafreya | Crowe/Lunafreya | Nyx/Lunafreya | Noctis/Prompto | Prompto/Gladio | Ardyn/Verstael | Ardyn/Aera | Monica/Cor | Monica/Dave | Cor/Dratuos 
Final Fantasy XVI
Terrence/Dion | Cid/Gav | Cid/Clive
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim 
Hijiyama/Okino | Keitaro/Natsuno | Ei/Iori | Ei/Miura | Yuki/Ryoko | Nenji/Tomi | Hijiyama/Keitaro | Keitaro/Natsuno/Ei (13SW!AU) | Yuki/Iori | Yuki/Tamao
Eighty Six 
Persona 5
Ryuji/Ann | Ryuji/Ann/Ren / Ann/Ren
Devil May Cry
Blake/Sun | Blake/Sun/Yang | Blake/Weiss | Qrow/Ironwood | Qrow/Clover | Roman/Neo | Coco/Velvet | Ren/Nora | Ruby/Penny | Pyrrha/Jaune | Robin/Fiona | May/Joanna | Emerald/Mercury | Summer/Raven
Fyra/Sechs | A2/Anemone | Kaine/Nier (brother) | 2B/6O | Weiss/Nier (Dad) | Caim/Angelus | Two/Cent
Red vs Blue
York/Carolina | Carolina/Kimball | Locus/Felix | Grif/Simmons | Wash/Tucker | Church/Tex
Life is Strange
Chloe/Max | Chloe/Amber
Assassin’s Creed
Altair/Malik | Ezio/Leonardo
Resident Evil
Jill/Chris | Jill/Carlos | Jake/Sherry | Billy/Rebecca
The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Sokka/Suki | Korra/Asami | Zuko/Katara
Mass Effect
F!Shepard/Garrus | F!Shepard/Thane
Kingdom Hearts
Namine/Xion | Aqua/Cinderella | Kairi/Olette
Fire Emblem
Shiro/Allura | Allura/Lotor
The Legend of Zelda
Link/Mipha | Link/Sidon | Midna/Zelda
Itto/Gorou | Stelle/March 7th | Stelle/March 7th/Dan Heng
Star Wars
Ahsoka/Barris | Obi-Wan/Cody | Riyo/Fox | Bly/Aayla | Bail/Breha/Fox | Boba/Din
  Aoife Dia (OC) /Dave Auburnbrie | Cora Thuraine  (OC) /Thancred Waters | Nero Sinclair (OC) /G’raha Tia
Sebastian Blake/Cain Holt | Arethasgr/Unnamed Knight | Laughter/Axil
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khalix-hyetology · 7 years
If there was a Psycho Pass x NieR:Automata Crossover
Akane Tsunemori
Shinya Kougami
Shogo Makishima
Kirito Kamui Eve:
Mizue Shisui 
Pascal: Joji Saiga
6O: Shion Karanomori 21O: Yayoi Kunizuka  Commander: Kasei Anemone: Nobuchika Ginoza
Jackass: Choe Gu-Sung N2: Kozaburo Toma & Sakuya Togane
I mean I can definitely see Shinya become an obsessive psychopath bent on destroying the machines and getting revenge for Akane. Not to mention, seeing he had a softer inspector side I can see initially as a softer person as in 9S’s Route A who doesn’t like physical violence be turned into the one who causes the most physical violence. I can also see him rip up an Akane clone’s hand to replace his own. Just the way he progresses in Psycho Pass makes him fit this role. 
Akane makes a brilliant 2B — she has the all the making of a beautiful warrior who is strong, fierce and just. I mean I can see a more morose side of her where she could be telling Shinya-9S “emotions are prohibited.”It is just the first TV series end where she is able to keep the secret of Sybil and plow on makes me feel that she is someone who could keep on fighting regardless of the lies to ensure the safety of Earth.
Shogo Makishima has certain similarities with A2. A person who feels betrayed by Sybil and YoRHa would have similarities. Seeing the endgame, is between 9S ands A2, and Shinya and Shogo, this choice seems to work best. I also think Shogo and Akane could have a friendship and relationship like the one shown between A2 and 2B. In the end, Shogo can have elements of being an anti-hero or even a redemptive antagonist, which is basically A2′s Route C. 
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