#anyway I hope this ship gets SOME traction
noemilivv · 7 months
Hi 👋
I saw your requests were open again! If you're up for it, would you do a fluff oneshot for Husk x reader?
Iike maybe they're hosting a ball and the Hazbin crew has to get all dressed up and the reader dances with Husk.
Kinda got inspo from the ballroom scene from Beauty and the beast.
If not, it's totally cool and I look forward to what you put out next! 😊
the timing is funny considering i’m doing the musical for beauty and the beast rn haha anyway this is so cute, and husk is my boo, so ofc i’ll do this for you!!
this gives off the vibes of one of my hazbin hotel oc’s so bad, so i’m sorry if the reader is a little more, detailed(?) than most of my previous works😭
i had so many inspo pics for each characters fits, so i put links to pics on the side for some of them, hope that it’s not too jarring haha
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“I’m not too good at this…”
Husk x Reader
Warnings: Fem!Reader (i’m so sorry to my male or other identifying readers😭), Swearing, S1 Finale Spoilers, Chaggie (Charlie x Vaggie), Pentious x Cherri (idfk their ship name), platonic Rosie and Alastor
You checked your appearance in the mirror attached to your vanity one last time, you fluffed out your hair, which Charlie had been so generous to curl for you, and fixed up the edges of your lip gloss.
Ever since the hotel had been rebuilt, a lot more traction came along with it, and Charlie and Alastor insisted on hosting an ‘opening ball’ sort of thing for the reopening for the new hotel.
You dusted off your glittery, rose gold dress one last time (which for reference, looked like this), admiring the gems placed in your hair one last time, before hurrying out of your room, and down into the lobby, which was redecorated for this special occasion.
You see Charlie and immediately go to hug her, even though you got ready with her, as well as Vaggie, this is the first time you really got to soak in her appearance. Her hair was up in a French braid, it suited her oddly well, as for the dress? Her dress was very, well, her — it was princess-y, had some lace, but was a bright pink (which looked similar to this)
“Hey girl!” you said excitedly, as you pulled her to you, you could feel her smile softly in the crook of your neck, you pull back and grin at her, your hands rest on the sides of her arms briefly as she grins back at you, “You look awesome!” You said, she really did, she was very naturally pretty, there wasn’t an ounce of makeup on her face other than a few subtle coats of mascara, which you only noticed due to the lack of distance between you both. “Me? Pfff, stop. Look at you!” She says, giving a bashful giggle, more people begin to fill in, and music starts blaring, you both turn over to see Cherri over at the DJ booth — the guy Charlie had paid had gotten a bit too…high before the gig, so Cherri was a last minute decision.
“I should go, there’s a lot of, important people here I need to talk to, we need to catch up though!” Charlie said with a small chuckle, “Sure thing!” You reply before you begin walking around to find your next victim who’s going to listen to you talk their ear off until you get bored.
As you walk, you see a lot of folks that you wouldn’t expect to see, Rosie and Alastor are talking, Mimzy’s banging it out on the dance floor, and even Velvette decided to show up (the other two Vee’s weren’t invited for…clear reasons).
You see that Cherri took a break from DJing, as Alastor used some of his magic from his new and improved cane to have it do it on its own, after Adam snapped the last one in half.
Cherri’s chatting with Angel and Pentious, who which you never thought would come down for this after being redeemed, and excitedly you go up to them.
“Pen, Angel, Cherri!” You shout out as you approach them, “Hello, my friend, I haven’t ssseen you ssssince the battle! Quite the time, hehe!” Pentious said, giving you a side hug, which was a lot more awkward than you both would’ve liked.
“Heya, bitch!” Cherri said, nudging ya softly, as Angel gives you a small nod of acknowledgement.
“So, Pentious, how are things up in Heaven?” You asked curiously, a bit louder than you would’ve like, having to yell over the blaring music.
“Sssssplendid! I get back rubs every day!” He exclaimed. Odd. But that’s Sir Pentious for you.
Cherri and Pentious go off to have their own conversation, not wanting to third wheel, you more so turn your attention to Angel, who is looking quite bad ass. “Loving the look, Ange!”
He smirks, “You’re rocking your fit too, toots.” he says back, giving you a toothy grin. He had a baby pink blazer on, with a matching crop top underneath that pronounced his fluff, with matching pants and black heeled boots (like this.)
“You seen Husk anywhere?” He asked, glancing around the darkly-lit lobby for the grumpy cat. “Actually, now that I think about it, no, I don’t think I have. Why?” You said, beginning to go back into your memory to remember if you saw him last.
“Jus’ cuz, I know how you look at eachother, it’d be like a little romantic moment. Swaying on the dance floor, holding eachother, eh?” Angel said with a soft, playful grin, nudging your arm.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You say, a soft grin playing on your lips, yes, you do know what he’s talking about, a little too well.
“Sureeee…” He says, a knowing smile on his face, his head turns slightly. “There ‘e is.” He points to the far end of the room.
Husk is there, his shooing Niffty off as Vaggie goes to take her, a bottle in his hands.
“Go get ‘em, tiger!” Angel says, pushing you over.
“Hey.” You smile, Husk looks at you, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Hey, whatcha up to?”
“Not much, just trying to make a point to talk to everyone.” You say, chuckling softly.
His smile remains, before looking away, and then back at you, a…discombobulated look on his face. “Ey, I’m not too great this, ain’t done this shit since I was alive.” He starts, chuckling softly, “But, er…” He holds out his paw to you, a loving, affection smile on his face that tugs at your heartstrings, “Will you, have a dance with me?”
You grin widely, before taking his paw, “Yeah.. I will.”
As you both approach the dance floor, the music begins to slow down, as people take their partners in their arms and hold them close, cherishing a romantic moment.
Husk pulls you in by the waist with one paw, the other hand holding your own, as you both begin to sway.
You look around, too flustered to look at Husk, you smile at the sight of all the lovely pairs.
Cherri’s with Pentious, as he’s tripping over her as she chuckles softly in his embrace, Rosie and Al are sharing a lovely moment as friends, talking amongst themselves, and Vaggie and Charlie are holding eachother close, closing the gap to share an intimate kiss.
Your eyes skim over Husk, it was the first real time you’d seen him in, actual clothes…
He wore black trousers, with a fitted white buttoned shirt, with a red tie and suspenders.
Hesitation was written all over Husks face, you’d never seen him in such a state, he sighed before speaking, “Look, I’ve never been into all this,” he said, gesturing to the scenery before you both. “But quite frankly, my heart beats for you, and I’d really like to work something out for us.” He stated, a soft and… nervous(?) smile tugged at the ends of his lips.
“I’d… really like that.”
Before you both know it, the ball ends, and Husk takes you up to your room, you’re both slightly tipsy, giggling at simply the presence of eachother, Husk stops at your door.
He looks at you before pecking your forehead, smiling proudly to both himself, and you, “Sweet dreams, doll, I’ll see you in the morning.”
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Hi i saw your post about jikook filming and taking pictures of e/o thru the years...i started tearing up a lil bit.
i'm kinda mad at all the jikook blogs that keeps appearing in my feed lately i'm not following any of them but i do follow the #jikook tag, i even blocked some out of anger because they keep saying jikook are distanced and shit over what exactly? because no new SNS media of the two of them for the past few days??? i admit it's a jikook drought but isn't y'all reaction too much? can't we just appreciate their bond without speculating and speaking for their bond without knowing absolutely nothing that's going on in their lives rn? we don't know shit! and that's it! but if there's ANYthing i'm damn sure about it's jimin and jungkook and their love.
i'm really in need of some wholesome jikook accounts that celebrate sweet and lovely jikook moments, i'm new to tumblr so i'm kinda lost...so i followed you ^v^ you seem like a very adorable and fun mom hehe i think i like your space a lot <3
have a good day!!!
Thank you for your kind words @tinygoo  and welcome to my blog.
I kind of feel like maybe not all, but most of the 'jikook blogs' that are talking about them being distant were either not jikook blogs to start with or are more about the shipping and not supporting, expecting or feeling owed the content (like these are two puppets and not actual humans living their day to day lives).
I kind of feel like those that talk about them being distant are mostly young and immature with zero to no good loving and long term relationship experience.
But there are also MANY trolls utilizing this insecurity (which I for one don't get anymore - it comes in waves, it is always proven to be wrong time after time, and still it doesn't seem to go away). They hide as supposed jikook blogs or call themselves ex-jikookers, but they were never believers or supporters of the couple to begin with, and you can see it if you stay around long enough and read all their posts or comments. For the life of me, I do not understand people wasting their time and energy to try and convince people that a certain pair are not a couple, not a couple anymore or were never a couple. Like, I believe that JM and JK are a couple. Do I go to TKK accounts and try to convince them TKK aren't a couple, or try to convince them that Jikook are? Nope. I just don't get it.
This story of distant Jikook has been going on for exactly a year now. Starting when they got back from LA.
All while it was the exact same situation - not seeing them together, not having them to interact AT ALL on SM. stories of them being distant, them breaking up, JK cheating on JM, JM being with a new lover, and it goes on and on and on. All total bullshit. All totally baseless made up fanfics. All because people just cannot see them as two normal (yet super talented and successful) human beings actually having a normal long term loving relationship.
And every single time it gains traction, it's proven wrong by their behaviour with each other, things they say or do or even things we hear from other members (cough Hobi cough).
As you said: "we don't know shit". Not what they are doing workwise (apart from a vague knowledge JM is working on his album), what they are doing in their spare time, who they are spending their time with at work and in their free time (out and about or at home).
There is sooooooo much Jikook content, and although I'd love to get some new content, I do understand their need to stay private and silent at the moment.
So, why not enjoy what they have given us up to this point?
Anyway, I'm babbling away here. Lovely to have you onboard. Hope you enjoy the content in this blog, I will do my best to continue to add more and more in the new year too (I feel like it helps with missing them so much).
And I will take this opportunity to wish you and all my readers Happy new year. 💜💜  
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gwynrieldreams · 12 days
So as someone who has been in fandom spaces for 20+ years… I have started dipping into the ACOTAR fandom within the last few months. I am very confused as to why crackship is being used for gwynriel and I’m ver confused as to why this ship war appears to be so much more… hateful than some I’ve seen? Like I’ve seen some fucked up shit but I don’t think I’ve seen the way that some folks are literally wishing death on others because of a ship? Additionally it’s a tad frustrating that it appears folks don’t know how to tag on tumblr and I need them to learn it’s not like tik tok where you just add any tag whatsoever to give it traction you tag based off what the post is about if a certain ship isn’t even mentioned don’t bother tagging it anti x
I’ll be honest I like almost every character in acotar (except Beron he can fuck off) but I am so sick and tired of Elain and that is quite literally because of the way some folks portray her in their shipping war. I know Sarah has said she will tell Elains story and I believe she mentioned she wanted to tell Azriels story too?? but at this point I’m hoping Elain gets a short story, a novella would be too long, and Azriel gets a blog post. I hope we get a full Mor story and anything but the four that make up this crazy ship war (while establishing who ends up with who on the side cause I still want my own ships to sail but that’s neither here nor there)
Anyways if you’ve read this far thank you 😁 apologies if it doesn’t make sense
Yeah, this shipwar is getting ridiculous. I don't know what people are thinking sending hate and death threats over fictional characters. I don't know why there's so much hate.
The tagging system in tumblr is different from other platforms and older users just have to be a little bit patient and kind to new users. The confusion is understandable. I was using tumblr years ago but then suddenly stopped. I didn't even remember how the tags worked, so I made a a mistake at the beginning. At the end of the day it's just tags, it's not that serious.
SJM has confirmed she will write a book about Elain. Personally, I'm looking forward to it, even though Elain isn't currently my favourite, I believe she has a lot of potential as a character.
SJM has also confirmed she will write two books with dual povs each focusing on a different couple -so the gwynriel/elucien book scenario is very much a possibility- and a novella, which imo will be Mor's backstory and her happy ending with Emerie.
I understand, though, why some people are tired of the shipwar. No matter what ends up being canon, people can and will ship whatever they like and that's ok. I'm just afraid that after we get confirmation, shit will get real bc some part of the fandom will be real angry and will start acting out, taking it out on sjm or other fans.
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s-------i-------g · 1 year
I've Written a Book for No One to Read
If you’ve been paying close attention to the goings-ons through my social media presences (don’t worry, I don’t expect it), you may have seen a few posts alluding to writing chapters of a book. This was actually not a joke! Basically, I was planning on finishing the whole book and waiting for someone to message back with “can I read it?” at which point I would’ve revealed that the each chapter had been uploaded to this very blog from the start [note to self: edit that for tumblr, cohost, and spacehey], but the most interaction on any of these posts that I ever saw was on twitter, and right before finishing off the book I was permanently suspended (for normal reasons) and so that fizzled right the hell up, didn’t it? Let’s be real here, that’s not a great way to get people to actually read your work anyway.
I cannot stress enough how much of my social network was built onto the racist, collapsing platform formerly known as Twitter, and since that’s gone now/I have to start again and I’m being unduly secretive about it, I have to actually promote my own work which is a huge pain in the ass. So now you can know that exists and you can still ignore it! Seriously, I’m not going to be upset either way.
The book (can it be called it book if it’s entirely online?) is something I’ve been doing in my spare time for the past few months, mostly combining a great deal of ideas I’ve had floating about forever and actually committing to writing them down in a way so that they can finally be excised from my he. It’s not something I put a ton of thought into, just stuff I had a rough idea about, fleshed out a little, went over again, and then published it as I was writing it. It was the first time I approached a project that’s so “big” so loosely, and it was freeing to do. I’m not pinning all my hopes and dreams onto this thing, I’m just putting it out there for someone to read. Or not read, as it may be. It would be great if it lead to something a bit better than what I’ve got going on now, sure, but I’ve learned to not get my hopes too high. At the very least I’m finished with it for now. If this actually gains traction, there’s a possibility of shoring it up a bit more for proper publication.
So now, in a somewhat more formal way, I’m introducing you/the world to CARETAKERS, an experimental, science fiction work (with maybe some fantasy/unexplained shit) that spans multiple viewpoints, locations, and time periods. It might actually be very difficult to read, and that’s not including what it’s about. It concerns an Earth, not too far in the future, that has been destroyed by both climate change and a world war, the response to which has been to launch most of the population into space with the intent of finding a new home, but the majority of the ships are destroyed about a year into their travels (not that most of the people on Earth know that). This work tends toward being bleak and pessimistic, and often addresses real world situations in ways that might be uncomfortable for people to read. CW: Sex, Light Racism, Drug Addiction, Depression, Death, Suicide, Mass Murder, War, Climate Catastrophe, Nuclear War, The Apocalypse. Use your best discretion to decide if it is for you.
I would also say that as I kept publishing it as I was writing, there are going to definitely be some mistakes and inconsistencies. There are characters who aren’t fleshed out much, and there are things I didn’t do much research on that may be straight-up wrong, especially regarding heroin addiction and cultural backgrounds. My intent was never to be problematic, and if you feel like some aspects are, I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong, but I’m doing my best to mitigate the damage in advance. The work itself is fairly short. I would be hesitant to refer to it as a “novel.” “Novella” may be too much. “Novelette” doesn’t sound like a real word. “Series of interconnected short stories told in the most obnoxious, confusing way possible” now that one seems far more accurate. I’m guessing if you were to properly print any given chapter, few of them would surpass two pages of print. I’m going back to trying to make comics again, thanks.
Anyway, enjoy?
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nu-carniviva · 1 year
I'm not expecting this to gain much traction since it involves a personal oc of mine (and it's not a ship— which you'll realize immediately) but hey, this is my blog and I can post what I want >:3
Anyways, I realized that Quincy and Sisu, an oc of mine, would have a super wholesome friendship. Long post ahead, sorry ^^;
Starting with a bit of context for Sisu...
Sisu is a girl who is forever 9 years old. Her exact age isn't known. All that is known is that she's been alive for a long time but never ages past 9 years old. She's nonverbal and autistic. She communicates in many different ways, but one trait of hers is that she can communicate with any kind of animal by replicating their sounds
Like any typical child, she's curious and eager to learn more about the world, especially by exploring it herself. She's also very optimistic, but her optimism far surpasses the ordinary child. It's very hard to upset Sisu. The world is so fun and magical to her that she can often be seen laughing in the face of danger... For the most part
See, Sisu suffers from a poor memory. She's only able to remember so much about her life. Whenever she's one year "older," big chunks of her memory will be wiped from the year prior. She always remembers things like her name, age, interests, and people she's super close with, but she might not remember certain big life events. Sisu gets really upset when she's asked to remember something but can't. Re-learning some of life's hardships like death can upset her too
Okay enough context, onto the main point...
I'm sure you might have picked up on a few things that would bond Sisu and Quincy
Like Quincy, she never ages. They've both lived for a long time but still keep the same young appearance. I think they would find comfort in each other knowing that they share a similar lifestyle. They'd be less alone together
Quincy doesn't talk much, and Sisu doesn't talk... At all. I think he'd appreciate being able to communicate without talking (ex: through body language.) Also, since she can perfectly replicate animal noises, she can verbally communicate to Quincy by mimicking Topper's noises. After all, Quincy can canonically understand Topper's squeaks. I think Sisu would be overjoyed to find a way to talk to someone verbally and be understood
It's shown in the Astral Duo event that living for so long has had quite the toll on Quincy. 100 years ago, Quincy was a talkative, energetic man who was friends with the human tribes in the Wood Territory. As of now, he's the exact opposite. He's quiet, constantly exhausted, and alone. It would probably be refreshing seeing someone so young and full of the same innocent joy he used to have. I like to imagine he'd want to try and protect Sisu from being exposed to the dangers of life, regardless of how positive she is
Since Quincy remembers a lot of his life, he has a lot of wisdom that's always expanding as the years go by. Sisu would absolutely eat that up. She'd accompany Quincy on little adventures in the forest. What might be a simple journey to acquire more resources to Quincy is a chance to explore the magic and wonders of the world to Sisu
Of course, Quincy might not be close with her at first. After all, he's used to living alone. He rarely ever interacts with other people, even more so with children. Having to become acquainted with an energetic young child would be troublesome
But then... He notices how Sisu doesn't fear him. Rather, she becomes fascinated with him at first glance. Just the size of this man alone is enough to pique her interest and urge her to learn more about him. Her and Topper would be like his cute little helpers. Speaking of Topper, Sisu would have absolutely no issue giving Quincy some time to socially recharge while she plays with Topper
Okay I'm done lmao...
Sisu might not remember everything, but she'd always remember Quincy and Topper
I tried to keep this short but I know I ended up rambling a bit anyways. I hope this all made sense. It's late at night while I write this and I'm honestly super sleepy but I really wanted to get this written down because it's been on my mind all day. Maybe I'll talk about them more if you guys are interested! It can be like... Something exclusive to my blog that you wouldn't find anywhere else
Thank you to anyone who read, by the way! I'm happy you were interested in reading about a silly crossover between Quincy and an oc of mine :)
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I completely agree with you regarding how a romantic arc between Alys/Aemond could work. I really enjoy the potential of two broken people coming together and finding a valuable bond since that is thematically really interesting from a story POV so that’s what makes me enjoy what they could be but as you said, there are other routes they could take I would hate. I don’t see them making him violent towards women but I’m less certain about which path they will take with her character. Some people really hate her since she gets in the way of their “ships” which is just very dumb since her whole character is shrouded in mystery and she could be really intriguing. What are your thoughts on the Helaena/Aemond theory that’s gained traction? I find it would make no sense for multiple characters, take away from Aegon’s storyline, and it isn’t aligned with something Aemond would do. He’s too devoted to that dutiful side of him and wants to be better than Aegon in terms of not acting on impulse or personal desire. It also just seems really dumb and meant for shock value.
YES I really hope people give Alys (and the actress) a chance and don't just automatically hate her because she gets to be with Aemond...like none of us had a shot anyway, it's not like she's some gremlin standing in the way of our happily ever after 😂😂
I am personally not a big fan of the Helaena/Aemond ship. I mean they look beautiful together, and I do think there is a part of Aemond who feels slighted that Aegon got to marry her, but not because he actually lusts after her or anything. I think Aemond just sees it as one more example of Aegon being given something he wasn't worthy of and then destroying it, whereas Aemond would have behaved honorably. I think Aemond feels affection for Helaena and is protective over her and the children, but I agree that a love story/affair between them would feel...not right. That's just my personal opinion though 🥰
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vb-realmstrider · 5 months
"I know that I shouldn't be writing this, it could get me killed in an instant, but it's too big of a discovery to not document. The frozen north of the world is not as barren and desolate as we thought. The blizzard surrounding the country would have been impossible to navigate without the help of a local fishing ship, but acting stranded was worth it. We docked at a moderate sized town called 'Sevvlt' and at first it seemed to be like any other port town. Oh how wrong I was. The beauty of the town rivals the opulence of Olassare or Venntel. I wish that you could have seen it in person with me, Ranna. The structures near the docks were nothing special, but once you walk past them it's unlike anything you've ever seen. The roads are extraordinarily clean, and made of large slabs of gray rock that look smooth yet give enough traction to never worry about slipping on the snow and ice. Every thirty feet, on alternating sides of the roads, are tall posts of a black metal. At the top of each post are small dull spheres that radiate enough heat to make the fridged weather feel like a cool spring afternoon; and at night they come alive with a beautiful soft glow, bright enough to see exactly where you want to go and yet dim enough to never strain the eye or dim the stars! Can you believe it?! The beauty of the heat and lights are nothing compared to the buildings though. Made of some type of lumber I've never seen before, they look to be made of slightly tarnished silver. The shops are all single story buildings featuring large and wide arches, steep peaked roofs covered in snow, simple signboards, and big windows of crystal clear glass showing off their wares. The houses are all two to three story building made of the same material as the shops and feature the same roofs and elegant arches as the shops, but also have large porches or balconies. Upon each porch or balcony people lounge and relax as if in the middle of a pleasant summer evening, completely oblivious the the snow all around them and the storm raging not too far from their town. Off in the distance, at the far edge of town, stands a simple yet stunning temple of worship. I wasn't allowed to get close, but it has large stained glass windows comprised of the most vibrant colors I've ever seen in glass. The building itself seemed to be made completely of an extremely dark ice, completely distinguishing it from the rest of the town. I have no clue how they keep it from melting, but even from a distance it seems as if it was built just yesterday… I can only theorize that a team of Arcanists meticulously maintains it. At night, worshipers gather inside, and the building glitters and lights up bright enough to clearly see even in the darkest night. It's like a star fell from the heavens and is gracing the town with its beauty. The only thing that could have made the town more mesmerizing is having you by my side to see it.
After bringing me to the docks, my new fishermen friends helped me find a cozy inn, and have left me here alone since. I believe they went to the town's leadership though, as today I've received a letter stating that I'll have a ship waiting at the docks in the morning. I suspect they don't want me lingering for too long. I wish that I could stay longer and travel to their capitol of 'Darrst,' but being unable to see it just gives me a new goal to strive for. This one small fishing town alone is more advanced than the capitol of Telrenv, I can't even fathom what secrets and beauty are hiding deeper in this frozen land.
Anyways, it's getting late, and my body is complaining or exhaustion more and more the later I stay up this night. So, I shall stop writing and making you jealous of the sights you've missed out on. I'll mail this letter as soon as I reach Telrenvi coasts; I hope it reaches you quickly. I would return home and deliver my stories to you directly, but you know me. There's always another adventure to chase and ever more sights to see.
p.s. Oh, do tell Mrs. Lenant that I miss those jams she made; I ate the last of them shortly before stranding myself on the ice, and would dearly love to taste more soon."
Letter acquired from the hidden records vault in Alarunne
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sugarless--girl · 4 years
For You, I’ll Wait (Anemone x A2)
Summary: Anemone and A2 have a moment together.
Read on AO3
Anemone nearly jumped at the voice and immediately turned to see A2 laying underneath a tree, almost entirely hidden by the bushes around her. It was strange seeing her with the short hair she initially had those long three years ago.
“Hey, yourself. What are you doing there?” Anemone asked, managing to keep the surprise out of her tone.
“Just, you know. Relaxing.” A2 let out a sigh that sounded too weary to be relaxed. “We can do that now, huh?"
“I—yes, I suppose so.” Anemone said, hovering as she was unsure whether to sit or not. A2 simply raised an eyebrow, neither giving her the option or taking it away.
Even A2 gave her nothing but choices. But of course she did—she was still the resistance leader at the end of the day. Anemone sat down beside her all the same.
“So you’re just relaxing? Not hiding from 9S?” Anemone asked, a slight smile tugging at her lips.
A2 groaned. “He keeps on asking questions! Every time I answer one, he has five more for it! Not saying anything seems to be the best way to keep questions minimal.” She grumbled to herself.
“You should humor him—it’s in his nature to be inquisitive, isn’t it?” Anemone asked, an expected laugh bubbling up from within.
But before it could escape, A2 said, “and look where it got him.” She sighed. “It’s weird to care about someone like this. I don’t like it.”
“You care for 9S, right?”
“Yeah, but that’s all 2B’s memories. Now that she’s back, I’d rather not...you know….”
“Carry the weight of caring for someone?” Anemone asked, smiled wryly.
“It’s not like that.” A2 sighed. “He’s still wary. Even though he knows what happened, it’s not gonna make him like me anymore. And answering questions isn’t gonna change that fact either.”
“He just needs time. Maybe that’s him trying to reach out, you know?”
“I know. I’m just saying he’s annoying is all.”
“Well—” Anemone didn’t know what to say to that. “Don’t say that to his face?”
“Too late.” A2 muttered.
Anemone couldn’t help let out a laugh. “You’re terrible.” It was incredible the amount of lightness she had felt in the first time in years.
“And yet, you’re talking to me.” A2 said, closing her eyes. She looked content and Anemone had to wonder...was she? She certainly hoped her friend had some respite from what she had gone through.
“I am.” Anemone said as she got comfortable next to the YoRHa unit. Or was it ex-YoRHa now that the Bunker was gone? Perhaps, A2 had always been ex-YoRHa once she had become a rogue.
That didn’t matter. She didn’t want to dwell on the fall of the Bunker any longer than she had to—she had good friends there, after all. Instead Anemone sat in silence with A2.
A2 said nothing more. They stayed like that, watching the clouds pass and the birds chirp as they flew overhead. It was quiet. And for once, Anemone didn’t think of the past and didn’t think of the future. All she thought of was about the presence next to her.
“Hey, Anemone.” A2’s voice broke the silence between them
“Have you ever seen the stars?”
“I—I’m afraid not. I’ve never been to the Kingdom of the Night so...” She had always been fighting where she was currently stationed. The machines didn’t work there so there was no real reason to travel to the Kingdom.
“Ah, Well, humans seem to think it's a big deal or whatever.” Where was A2 going with this?
“You’ve been reading up on humans?” Anemone asked, surprised.
“What’s with the surprise?” A2’s voice sounded both sleepy and annoyed. “But yeah, I have. Bits and pieces. Probably should know a bit more about our creators, right? Even if…they're gone.”
“Right….”She didn’t know what to say to that. It had been a while since Anemone took time to understand who she was fighting for. Did it matter anymore? The humans were gone but they were left behind.
A2 shifted beside her, sitting up now. Anemone didn’t look at her but she could feel the other android’s eyes on her. “Yeah…anyway, they say that the night sky is supposed to be pretty incredible. Think it’s any different from space?”
“Possibly? The sky and clouds might affect how the light filters through to the atmosphere, after all.”
“Huh. You know a lot about….that stuff?”
“I...I guess so. You pick up things when you live as long as me.” Her memory wasn’t perfect. It was fracturing at its edges and yet there were still so many things that came to surface she had supposedly forgotten. Things like information on the sky and clouds and such—knowledge she had determined to be useless for fighting against machines and here she was, remembering it all.
“Hmm.” A2’s hum was noncommittal. It was easy to forget that they had centuries of years apart from each other.
“Hopefully you’ll be able to live as long as I did.”
“...We’ll see.” Was that the wrong thing to say?
Anemone decided to change the subject back to the topic at hand—she didn’t like the idea of hurting A2. “...So what about the stars?”
“Right. So apparently they’re super beautiful or whatever. I didn’t get to see them much on the Bunker. I mean, the time I spent there was for learning how to fight so I didn’t appreciate it at the time. I just wonder if I...you know….lost the chance to actually see them.” A2 was so young but she had lost too much already, hadn’t she?
“You have a point there but...well, we could always go to the Kingdom of the Night and see for ourselves?” The idea sprung from nowhere in particular but she found it appealing nonetheless.
“I…you’d wanna do that? With me?” Anemone smiled at the incredulity in A2’s voice.
“Yes? I mean unless you have—”
“Don’t finish that sentence—I have nothing else going on. You know this. I know this.” The resistance leader didn’t have to look at her to know she was rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, I guess I do. I just—”
“Not sure about it?” Finally, they made eye contact. Anemone felt lost in the pale blue of A2’s eyes. How long had it been since she looked at someone like this? Like she was seeing them for the first time?
Snapping out of her strange reverie, Anemone sighed. “Yeah. There’s still a lot to do here—there’s so much rebuilding to get done and so many new connections to forge.”
“Yeah, and we gotta help Jackass with her revenge quest, huh?”
“I’m not entirely sure how to help her…” Anemone grew silent, thinking about the things they had lost from the war.
“Eh, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Better you, than me. Right?”
“Sure. But don’t discount yourself—you were responsible for saving us all in the end.”
A2 snorted. “Hardly. I wouldn’t call that saving anyone. I wasn’t sure what I was doing half the time.”
“You tried, nonetheless.”
“Why are you the one comforting me here?” The android said with a sigh. “I wanted to—I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just...you changed so much since I last really saw you. It hasn’t been that long and I just…”
Anemone waited for A2 to continue but when it became clear that she wasn’t going to, she spoke up. “I changed, yes, but you did too. You changed a lot more than me.”
“I’m younger than you.” A2 muttered.
“Yes...and you have....a lot more to see now that we’re a little bit free, I suppose?” Anemone didn’t know how to say what she was trying to say. All she wanted to do was help A2 feel a bit better. Feeling emboldened (or maybe even a little desperate), she held out her hand for the other android to take.
A2 took Anemone’s hand. She threaded her fingers between the other woman’s gloved ones. Both their hands were black but one was due to skin stripped away and the other due to gloves meant to protect. “Coming back to the previous thought….wanna go travel once we’ve got this all cleaned up?”
“Sure I’d like that. But, after you finish helping me with the peace treaties and such.”
A2 wrinkled her nose but clutched Anemone’s hand even tighter. “God, diplomacy is so not my thing. Why do you want me there anyway?”
Anemone laughed. “Why not?”
“Wow, what a great argument. Our resistance leader, ladies and gentlemen.” She said, tone wry and eyes sparkling with mischief.
“That’s why you’re there—you’re the one gonna be arguing.”
A2 tilted her head and smiled. God, it had been so long since she had seen that expression. “Alright, I can concede that. I’ll wait a little bit longer—we have time.” Anemone could feel herself smiling back.
“For now. But I guess that’s enough, huh?”
“It’s enough.” And once more, they fell back into their comfortable silence.
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shivroyslut · 3 years
hello, so i am shifting accounts, woo! well, partially shifting. (if you want to reblog this post, go ahead) long post follows below cut, so a TLDR: i am leaving because i am starting to feel uncomfortable in the cule (reason for discomfort explained below cut). i will still keep this account for reblogging destiel and creative content, but everything else will be in the new account. im not saying the account's name but it isnt too hard to find. please tag @castinkywinky in your creative posts (edits, amvs, art, webweaves, gifs, etc.) or DM them to me. i really do not want to miss them. feel free to DM me other people's posts you find cool as well!! --
the primary reason why i am leaving is because the environment in cule tumblr right now is starting to get hostile. idk if i should, but im just gonna talk about what i am seeing on here that has made me uncomfortable, cause i dont want to be silent:
biphobia, acephobia, people talking over neurodivergent people, people invalidating other people's triggers and being unwilling to cooperate by tagging their posts with warnings, vaguing and ganging up on mutuals (i have seen none of my mutuals partake in these, but i am not online all the time so i cant be sure what happens when i'm offline), and just people being rude and mean. definitely didn't help that a lot of the victims were poc and/or neurodivergent people.
i’ve been lucky to not have directly been involved in any of the conflict that arose, but it is really tough and upsetting to see mutuals’ names get dragged under just for having different and valid opinions on a tv show that ended in 2020. all of this while blogs who purposely started the hate and discourse are getting support, praises, and tractions, and i'm just gonna say it, its because they are very popular among the cule and have a lot of followers. i am unsure if they are unable to grasp the influence they hold or are purposely using it to bully others but idk. also the anonymity of discord channels makes things harder.
i'm not saying i'm a perfect person and i have definitely made mistakes on this account, which i am regretful of. but i am learning and growing and a lot of these people i see seem fixed in their ways. i also do understand that it is human nature that in a power struggle people will most likely stand with the bully, often without even realising that that's what they are doing. really the only option i have in this scenario is to walk away because the rest of us are powerless (i know whatever i say here wont have an impact either, considering i blocked some of the blogs too). i know i can just block and unfollow people, but that hasnt been enough for me. and frankly after spending majority of the day on my new account, my mental health feels much better. (hoping it doesnt get worse after i post this)
anyways, i still want to support everyone's creations so if you make a new amv, art, webweave, etc. feel free to add me to your tag list or DM them to me, cause honestly my prime reason for not deactivating this account is to see creative work in the cule and the fandom. cause you guys are so fucking talented. i still do have a decent following size here, so hopefully reblogging the posts here instead of my new account will bring more traction to the posts.
speaking of my new account, it will not have any destiel content. destiel content shall remain in here alongside fandom creations. but on the new account i will be posting individual character content and content of other ships, including any and all rarepairs (well, within reason). also succession, watcher, muppets, and my other special interests.
i'm not going to link my new account here, just going to say that i'm using the same email for it as the one i use for my jail account, and that the url is also linked in the description of my jail. i have followed some of my mutuals on there already. you are free to ask me for the account name, but just know if you're primarily a destiel account, i may not be following back. we can remain mutuals on this account
i will also still be doing the daily cas posts so follow me @dailycasposts. the post usually come around 10-11am EST (unless i forgot or a mutual asks to post earlier) and i will still be active on discord, so DM me if you want my discord ID. or really, just DM me here if you want to talk, since i have to log on every night to cas post anyways.
that's all i have. so take care everyone, it was fun being active on this account while it lasted. all of you made it so fun and i definitely would not have survived 2021 without this account and the mutuals and friends i have made along the way. i hope to keep in touch with most of you and last reminder to add me (this account) to your tag lists and/or DM me your creative posts !! <33 Mx Stinkywinky
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ghostystrider · 3 years
Someone asked me why I ship DirkJohn and DaveJake. And I figured I'd share that here, because I know that these pairings don't get a lot of traction, but maybe some folks will find this interesting.
So, John and Jake are both goofs. But John has a bit of sass to him and can be an outright asshole sometimes, and I think that meshes better with Dirk's personality. Like whereas Jake might be a pushover in an argument or have a self-conscious downward spiral about it (re: all his friends hate him and everything is terrible and he's just going to cry now), John would be able to call Dirk out on his shit and vice versa. They keep each other in check and any issues that might arise in their relationship are more likely to be addressed rather than ignored. And!! I think they'd have a lot of fun together -- John would tug at that side of Dirk that likes to make silly "bro" puns or write pony stories because he's a prankster and he loves a good laugh and I'm sure he'd find so much humor in doing some of those siller things with him. They could really build each other up in that way, getting Dirk to finally loosen up a little and relinquish some of his control issues. At the same time, John will have someone who has already gone through the "Oh shit, I'm gay" process and will understand him and help him settle into his identity. And if you go by epilogue standards, the fact that they are narrative foils is interesting. And the fact that they both seem to struggle with depression and self isolation means that they would be better equipped to recognize and pull each other out of that cycle.
DaveJake, on the other hand, is just... so wholesome. They both had a similarly traumatizing childhood -- Dave could never feel safe because of Bro's constant strifing with him, and Jake could never feel safe with all the literal monsters prowling around the island. They both dealt with it by leaning into a specific persona, the cool kid and the plucky adventurer respectively. So, when they finally get to a point where they can try to deal with and move on from that, I feel like they'd have this really deep empathy and understanding of each other. And Jake is a literal embodiment of hope, and I feel like Dave would be drawn to how bright he can be. The silly japes and his sense of humor and that desire to just go out and do things sometimes!! Jake could also be someone to help Dave settle into his sexuality, since Jake has been there and done that already. And honestly? I feel like Jake needs someone softer. Someone who can be there to hold him when he needs to cry without ever judging him for it, and I feel like Dave could be that person for him. Plus, between Dave's interest in preserving dead things and Jake's interest in skulls, that's one Very Weird Thing that they would actually have in common with someone!! Which is just a neat little bonus!!
And anyway that's my tea on DirkJohn and DaveJake... For now.
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Ok so like......a little bit ago you did some general headcanons for the TMNT boys in a relationship and I just love to imagine donnie with an s/o who's also a huge star wars fan like......picture sparring but the two of you just start making lightsaber noises and quoting lines as a form of banter.....and sometimes you start little fights about it because it's just fun to be like "you know I think Greedo shot first" and hear him go "whAT" three rooms over and rush to wherever you are......or having marathons every so often and needing pause every 10 minutes because one of you has another rant/theory about what's happening........and like cosplaying together and raising both your confidence and just having fun with it.......and the general shared fan behavior over merchandise and characters.....sorry your headcanons just inspired me and I wanted to share some of my thoughts. Anyway have a great day :)
Hey guys I'm back! Sorry for such a long hiatus, had some life shit I needed to work through. School's out and summer has been pretty okay so far, but if you've got any college tips for me please message me, I'll take all the advice I can get.
Anyways- I'm doing what I can to get back into writing, TMNT was a mild hyperfixation that I had a while ago, I never expected to gain so much traction on here for my writing. I hope you can understand my surprise when I got so much positive feedback and I do feel a little guilty for all of the requests that have sat in my inbox for months.
But no matter- I'm back now with a vengeance and I will be doing my best to push out more content. So thanks for being patient! Now that that's out of the way, let's get this show on the road.
TMNT Headcanons
In which everyone is afraid to ship people in the Star Wars universe in fear that they might be siblings (aka, Donnie's s/o is a huge star wars nerd and everyone else is fucking sick of it)
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Donnie was dead on the floor the second you made a Star Wars reference in front of him
dead in all capitals
dead in italic font
thing was, he'd already thought you were cool before you made the reference, you were Casey's friend and you weren't scared of him or his brothers
he had the very vivid memory of you yanking a crowbar out of a discarded toolbox in an alley when you'd first met and using it to hit a foot soldier over the head
that hadn't surprised him too much, it was the noises you were making with your mouth
"are you-"
"yeah," you shrugged, "making lightsaber noises makes me feel better about rocking his absolute shit with this thing."
Donnie was a little wary of you after that
but it admittedly turned into admiration when you'd started dating
well, most of the time, you jumping at him at 3am screaming "you were the chosen one!" because he'd accidentally eaten your leftovers wasn't what he'd call endearing
it did make him careful not to eat your food however
and god knows you two couldn't get 5 minutes into a movie without pausing it to dissect the plot, much to everyone else's annoyance
the worst times were when you didn't pause it, the others would watch you talk for 15 minutes as the movie went on before you stopped and had to rewind
what should've taken only 3 hours ended up lasting 5 or 6
the others eventually banned you two from watching star wars with them
you were fine with it, more time to talk anyways
sometimes it was extremely helpful, spirit-lifting if you will
you wouldn't, it sounded really cheesy and you were lactose intolerant as fuck
but it did help when the mood was a little sour
you'd walked in on the entire family moping about, you didn't have to ask what happened, you knew they'd had another fight
your eyes landed on Leo first and you decided to roll with it
"I did it."
they noticed how low your voice was first, and when they looked at you your expression was dark
"Uh... did what exactly?" Mikey was the first to respond
"I killed them- I killed them all. Not just the men. But the women and children too."
maybe it was your face, maybe your horrible impression of Anakin, whatever it was it made Raph snort so hard he fell into a coughing fit
Donnie did that near imperceptible giggle he always did whenever he found something funny and hearing that sent Mikey into a fit of laughter
Leo cracked last, not laughing entirely but he gave you that amused side smile and shook his head
yeah, you were pretty good at lifting the mood
sometimes it served very helpfully as a method to get Donnie out of his lab
one day when you were over having lunch with the others you immediately noticed your boyfriend's absence. you didn't comment- usually he came out on his own accord
but he didn't
Raph had sighed and rose to retrieve his younger brother
"hang on a sec Raph," you were mumbling through a mouthful of sandwich and waving at the wall of muscle. it took a moment for you to swallow your food before you winked at the others
then you raised your voice just a little and announced-
"yeah- that's an interesting take on that, but I still say that Greedo shot first"
you counted on your hands, your eyes twinkling with amusement
"there we go."
all six and a half feet of the purple genius came tumbling down the hall and into the kitchen, gaze landing on you in complete and utter shock
"Works like a charm, hey darling, it's lunchtime and you need to eat."
"You can chastise me later, now sit down and put food in your face."
he managed to shut his mouth and sit down at the table and at that moment the rest of the family burst into rambunctious laughter
Donnie was halfway through his second sandwich when he looked up at you again
"you don't actually think that, right?"
You snorted into your apple juice
"Of course not Donnie, I'm a dumbass, not an idiot."
I had SO much fun writing this, forgot how much I missed doing it. I hope you like it! And thanks for being patient with me!
-Mars 🌠
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
💖 What made you start writing?
I was writing since I was little. I literally found a book a month or so ago of a story from before I could even properly write for myself. I had drawn the pictures and then told my mother and grandmother what to write. It was a hilarious read honestly. I still wonder what happened to that prince and princess and if their parents ever did let be together.
But I didn't seriously start writing or I guess it's more like I didn't consistently start writing until like...2020? Like I had story ideas in the past I tried to write out, only to give before I barely begun. There was actually a period of time where I wrote a sequel idea to Rise of the Guardians and actually thought I could send it to Dreamworks and have them see it (and possibly produce it). Guess you could say that was my first fanfiction xD (before I even knew what fanfiction was). Like all I remember is that it focused on Pitch Black's daughter and she was found by the guardians and...That's all I remember. Her name was Twilight. Perhaps I could draw her at some point because I remember what I wanted her to look like. Gosh I'm rambling.
Anyway 2020. I get the book Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Main character is a fanfiction writer who goes to school to make a career out of writing (funny how my life is becoming just that). After reading that book I was like "I want to write fanfiction." I didn't really know where to start. Arthur was my fav character and at the time and with my limit experience only have looked on Wattpad and some Fanfiction.net (specifically older fics) I felt the fandom did him dirty (yes I'm talking about the 2012 uwu must protect England). But I wasn't into any England ships. Then I thought of my OTP of the time: Ger//Ita. But I did not feel comfortable writing for Italy. Then I remembered hand-holding buddies were a thing. Erroneous Epilogue had just been made a few months ago so GerEng was still fresh in my mind. Even before shipping GerEng I held the headcanon that Lud and Art got together for a football match in memory of the 1914 Christmas Truce. I was like: "I can use that headcanon and make a GerEng fic." Because GerEng had very few fics to it's name especially on Wattpad which is the site I started on. Eventually, when everything shut down and I found I had a lot of time on my hands I began writing everyday and I soon fell in love with these two dorks and they became my new OTP.
Honestly I'm getting a little emotional writing this because, like I've shared in a previous ask, I just got into the creative writing stream for uni and writing is thus becoming more serious. It's just...hard to believe how much writing has been involved in my life and how I didn't start taking it so seriously until I began writing fanfiction. If it wasn't for Fangirl, if it wasn't for GerEng, who knows if I would be where I am now.
And I'm also emotional because when I started out writing, I of course hoped to gain some traction, but I never imagined I would get to where I am now. I never thought I'd find such lovely online friends. I never thought I'd write something people would come back to reread when they felt down. I never thought I'd get so many followers who are all wonderful and who binge my writing and find comfort in it. And I definitely never thought I would actually get fanart for the fics I write. It's amazing to see how far I've come and I can't wait to see where I go from here.
Sorry... That last bit wasn't really part of the question but I had to get it off my chest. Thank you, everyone. For supporting me and for your lovely comments.
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jackoshadows · 3 years
Do you know what the first Jon/Arya theory post was? Is there a link to it? Did not know who else to ask, love your blog!
Sorry to disappoint, but no.
Jon/Arya theory posts have been around since forever on sites like Westeros.org. There's always been resistance to it because a) Incest ship b) Arya is so young c) the tendency to not see Arya as having a romantic arc compared to Sansa d) Arya being reduced to psychopathic, damaged killer who will die and end up in Nymeria blah blah... etc.
But Jon/Arya also gained traction after ADwD considering the important role Arya plays in Jon’s storyline.
For example this was a 2014 Jon x Arya discussion thread before OG outline got leaked...
I was around on Westeros.org, when the OG outline was leaked and I remembered it was a time of great catharsis for especially two groups of readers/theorists - those who predicted Jonrya, and those who maintained that Sansa was secondary to characters like Jon, Dany, Tyrion and Arya.
The OG outline seemed to confirm those two speculations. Even if GRRM has now changed his story, Jonrya fans were not reading it wrong when George wrote book one with Jon x Arya in mind.
And then there was the con at which a Jonrya shipper more or less badgered GRRM about it 😂 and his answers made some shippers despondent. I was in the Jonrya group that the shipper privately messaged later on - she was indeed sad, but also she was going to continue shipping them and be hopeful.
So anyways, here are some metas/theories on Jonrya:
By IceTurtle:
Jon & Arya - hints and overall significance of their relationship: Part I
Jon & Arya - hints and overall significance of their relationship: Part II
Jon & Arya - hints and overall significance of their relationship: Part III
Ashotofjac's meta about Jon and Arya
And even though there is a lot of resistance still to Jonarya on Westeros.org, I will always enjoy the casual readers there thrashing the Jonsa shippers anytime they spout Jonsa nonsense. If you want some entertainment, check out this thread,
where a poster wants to discuss Jon/Arya, there is some debate about Jonrya vs Gendrya and as usual the thread soon gets invaded by tumblr Jonsa shippers like Elegant Woes and Rose of Red lake. Hilariously Rose of the Red Lake pretends to be just a casual reader who thinks that Jonsa maybe possible. Keep in mind that I think it was Rose of Red Lake who made up the entire nauseating Political Jon theory!
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Rose of Red Lake:
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And it goes on and on. I was pretty much Michael Jackson eating popcorn.gif reading that thread lol. Seriously, read the whole thread, especially the Sweetsunray Vs Rose of the Red Lake comments on pages 5,6 and 7.
Rose of Red Lake tries to rewrite Jon Snow's story as revolving around Sansa and gets absolutely thrashed by Sweetsunray
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These Jonsa/Sansa stans pretending to be Jon Snow fans and rewriting his story got shown the door by casual book readers. And that's why they hang around here in their tumblr echo chamber. On tumblr, they can keep manipulating the text and writing total nonsense and get away with it.
Also this was in the TWoW discussion thread...
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Ghost Jon is going to the Vale you guys! Forget the trauma that comes with death and resurrection and him being a possible wight and the North and Winterfell and mutiny at the wall and all that. Jon’s story is in the vale....
Oh and also Shadrich is Howland Reed...
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matoitech · 2 years
Howdy! I can’t private message you for some strange reason so feel free to answer this privately, but this is stardomyx! Kindly never reblog anything from me again, please. I’d rather not get traction from someone who reposts other people’s art just to trash it. Thanks & have a great day!
so i was debating whether i should respond 2 this publically anyway since the only time anyone could say ive ‘trashed’ art was the time i posted a screencap of a transphobic promare genderbend and i was like wow am i just like well known among cis people for being a Mean Trans Person but it turns out youre an absolute garbage person i ALREADY have blocked and didnt notice and you just seem to have like, beef with me personally? 25 yr old w a hetalia url for ur main that ships galo w kray his abusive father, and you dont want ME interacting with YOU (and trust me if id known id had you blocked i wouldnt have touched your shit either!) bcuz youre upset you think im Mean about ppls transphobic art. checks out. check out this post on your blog i wonder what and who this is in reference to
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if you dont want people interacting you should block them (n again i already blocked YOU and didnt recognize ur url) instead of having the nerve to send me this thinking id respect the wishes of someone who fetishizes incest, but i rly, truly, in my heart of hearts, and i dont say this lightly, hope you kill yourself
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Thurs 7 Jan ‘21
Z3 Z3 Z3 Z3 Z3 Z3 Z3!!! Firstly Zayn posted a teaser of a red curtain, labeled 'tomorrow', beginning to rise with a snippet of a song-- it's Vibez! Vibez is HERE! NEW ZAYN MUSIC! And hell yeah that's super exciting (and the curtain is reminiscent of the filming at the theater last month I'm hopeful we're about to get that video) but THAT'S not the half of it-- Z3 listings are UP! 'Nobody is Listening' (friend we are ABOUT TO BE and I CANNOT WAIT) is out Jan 15 and has 11 songs (titles unrevealed with the exception of Better, already released, and Vibez). The cover art is a painting of a bright colorful sea of staring faces; everybody looking, nobody listening? Spotify also has Vibez cover art- a cool blocky noir looking painting- and a new photo of Zayn smouldering in a tank top. Happy almost Zayn's birthday to US, and thank you very much!
Liam did a long live today with an also long BEARD (oh shush on his FACE you guys) to talk about Saturday's show, but then he ends up talking to Ben Winston for most of it which is, as you can imagine, a mixed blessing. I mean all that 1D reminiscing is great for dredging up unknown tidbits for us but otoh Ben: the part where Liam puts manager Steve on to say hi to Ben and it's just the two of them is the worst content I've seen in a minute and I mean... Holivia is current..? ANYWAY, before Ben, Liam has his cousin Ross on and tells us Ross will also have cousin Luke playing drums for him at the show Sat, and snippets of all the openers' music are played. They discuss accents, and Liam, as usual, says that he was just on the phone to Louis (relatable I too immediately think of Louis when discussing strong British accents). And then the Ben chat: they talk about the We Are 1D Family fan project at San Siro and how the band didn't know it was going to happen, Liam talks about not wanting to do the Leroy piece for the BSE video (“haha remember I had a meltdown but you made me do it!”:/), and they talk about the two Midnight Memories videos-- we learn that Ben didn't have anything to do with the scrapped first one so he can't release it sorry, and “you guys didn't like it so we had to make a new one in like a week”. Liam: “no I preferred the first one!”, lol. Ben talks shit about not liking You and I (no wonder he did her so dirty), Liam: “WHAT??” and “didn’t Zayn’s high note turn you on a little bit? It had to!” sksksjfa okay calm down there, and then he turns me into the 'had me in the first half' meme when he says his least favorite 1D song is I Would! CAN YOU BELIEVE. He quickly realizes though that no! He means I WANT! Yeah okay that makes more sense but jeez Liam, don't mess with me like that! He also says (not about I Would or I Want), “when I was younger I didn't really understand the songs as much as I understand them now, they mean so much more to me later on in life than they ever have done before, the feeling, the emotions that come through, the lyric as well for some of them.” Oh and Ben mentions the Grammy awards being pushed to March 14 which btw I forgot to say yesterday so there ya go. New date. And last but not least, new LP Act 4 merch! RAINBOW HOODIE! Omg it's so good! The rest is great too but that rainbow hoodie (uh 'hoody' that is hmm why) is soooo nice.
9 am PST came and went without a single Holivia pap pic, but don't worry (darlings) they were just a little late today, though you'll be excused if you didn't realize there were new ones, as they are simply more of the same batch as yesterday's- it was a very exciting parking lot after all, they needed a lot of documentation! Harry grabbing Olivia's arm SO AWKWARDLY is a gem though, I'm starting to have doubts that they're even really friends now that I'm seeing them interact so much tbh. I think the press time excitement was supposed to be the 'candid' pics of them drinking coffee together with Harry in the spa robe (taken... maybe you can guess... YES! it was over the weekend!) but aside from being memed they didn't seem to get much traction. Even so, the press is still all over Holivia ofc and if you only read one article about it PLEASE make it the Harper's Bazaar one that marveled at today's pics “Wilde happened to be wearing the same outfit from last weekend” oh SO CLOSE YOU GUYS, defensively states that Harry was wearing a mask (in response to the many articles out there about people being mad at him for not wearing a mask which yes are very much still up and not being suppressed by HSHQ, btw) but some enterprising layout person placed a picture of him without a mask right under that line, and tells us twice in a row that their relationship is 'very organic'-- definitely 100% truly oBvIOusLy ORGANIC, 'a source' says so. So you can see that clearly it's all very organic. In case you were wondering! STRONG honorable press mention for Vogue though, who declared that Holivia were “already 2021's most stylish pair” with a picture of Harry in his paint splattered merch hoodie and pushed up sweats; but then they also said the other day that larries were people “who ship Harry with Liam Payne”...hey Vogue I really recommend getting an intern if you're struggling, so helpful!
#liam payne#harry styles#zayn#most of my dash – ugh I have holivia blacklisted I do not see it anyway the chicken#me: ugh actual updates JUST LET ME MAKE FUN OF HOLIVIA PRESS ALL DAY#yeah I know not everyone is an I would stan but I' just prefer to believe everyone appreciates as much as me it's how it should be#I'm in the 'spoiled by Icarus Falls an actual epic work of genius' camp and I'm sad this one is comparatively short#but Z knows what he's doing I'm gonna bet it's perfect as is and I can't wait to hear it#I already love Vibez it's so pretty and soft#Liam to Ross- haha this is first time I've been on the phone to you in a few weeks when I'm not drunk. :/#he also talks about watching the San Siro gig drunk the other day#he does not however say he doesn't have access to any of his accounts he says he DOESN'T KNOW HIS PASSWORDS offhand#that he's just logged in on his phone but can't just tweet from another phone real quick while he's on live#I would say the exact same in that situation and despite tumblr oppressing me rn for the most part no one is controlling my accounts yall#it's NOT THE SAME THING he clearly states that he access to ALL HIS ACCOUNTS on HIS PHONE#Harry Lambert made a flagging joke not relevant to much just a reminder that yeah it's a real thing#and gay people def know about and about the significance of wearing bandanas#I mean the connection of the blue bandana to Louis is a whole other thing ofc but if Harry does mean that by that#he knows very well it isn't the only thing he's putting out there#probably why he steers real wide of ever putting in his pocket lol he truly said fuck your top bottom discourse#7 jan 21
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eri-cheri · 3 years
Okay! So I've been meaning to do this this season and I hope you'll bear with me. I'm not planning on making it super thorough, just mainly highlights and other things I found fascinating! But without further ado, here is Eri-Cheri's MHA episode recaps ✨🎉
MHA Episode 90- Vestiges
Alternative Title: Keeping Up with the Todorokis: Pilot.
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Quick Summary: We see in a flashback (because damn recap continuinity) that Dabi shows up after Endeavor's fight against the Battle Ready Nomu™️ and surrounds EndHawks in flames and then Miruko‼️ shows up and her sheer Boss Bitch energy scares local misogynist Dabi away. We then learn Hawks is *gasp* with the LOV?! Only to find out he's *gasp* a double agent?! It's all very dramatic.
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After finding out more of bird boy's tragic backstory, we move to a Todoroki family lunch! Which goes about as well as one would expect. After some theatrics that would be the Kardashians to shame, we go back to our Main Character (Contrary to what this app thinks, that would be Deku)! And he's tired from doing suspicious rabbit themed activities. Anyway he dreams!!! And his dreams involve All for One! And One for All! And it's all mysterious and enticing and then he wakes up and breaks his window because it's been too long since he's broken a bone so he has to break something!
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The queen has entered the chat. You are now a Miruko simp. We are all Miruko simps. 👌🏼
Natsuo's emotional performance!
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I was really moved by Natsuo's scene! Some comedic moments in the lunch didn't hit as hard as they did in the manga but at the end of the day, the emotional impact and purpose of the scene shined through. I really enjoyed how Bones delivered this moment! And props to Natsuo's Seiyuu
The One for All Dreamscape
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This was so beautifully animated! I was drawn in to what going on between First-kun and AFO! Also the red eyes! The whole scene was absolutely breath taking!
Manga differences: They left out Miruko stubbing her toe!!!! 🥺
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They left out class A (and Todoroki in particular)'s reaction to seeing Dabi pop up on their TV. This scene of Shoto remembering Dabi is actually kind of important so while I understand why they left it out, I kinda wish they included it.
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-They increased Aizawa's interaction with the feral cat outside the Todoroki home! Which I very much appreciate! He's so dorky!!!
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-I'm going to include the infamous slurp here because I want to clear up something. I read from JP fans on Twitter that the Shoto way of humor is because he is very dead pan and serious! I've read a lot of takes already disappointed Shoto wasn't more sarcastic but he's not supposed to be! The humor in the scene lies on the fact that Shoto is actually seriously pointing out the bad scar on Endy's face without taking into account his matching one! Natsuo is the one who notices the irony! So the anime played the scene right!!!
We got a new Ship BOIS! Finally all aboard the DABIHAWKS TRAIN! The tension! The banter! Yesss DabiHawks shippers, hopefully you gained more traction today!
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EndHawks boy oh boy. Hawks's little Endeavor plushie is finally animated 🥺 Ah! The scenes with him and Endeavor are so sweet! His concern is so touching!!!!
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Next time:
-Next time we get class A vs Class B + a "mysterious guest" gee, looking at the OP sequence, I wonder who that could be???
-Scene I'm most looking forward to animated: Deku fangirling over Bakugo's new costume!
Until next week my lovelies!!!!
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