#angel number 0000 meaning
madamlaydebug · 8 days
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What Does Seeing Recurring Numbers Mean? 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, etc. ★
Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. human dna, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 10:10, 11:11, 12:12 is ONE of those codes, meaning activation of DNA.
You will note that seeing 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, etc. frequently creates synchronicities in your life.
Theories Behind 11:11 ★
There are many different theories out there to express exactly what this apparent phenomenon of seeing the numbers 1111 is all about. The most common theory is that when you see these numbers you should simply make a wish, and it is believed that it will come true. Some people claim that when this number is seen it means that there is some kind of window opening up in your life and you should ask for the guidance of your ‘angels’ to find out what it is. Other theories state that there is something significant happening in the moment that you are in and you should pay attention to what is going on in your surroundings. One of my favorite ideas that I read was that when you see 11:11 you should simply stop, and recognize the significance of the moment.
In my opinion and what resonates with me, is that when you see ‘11:11’ whether on a clock, a license plate, your bank statement or wherever you happen to see it, is like a friendly little sign from your soul, source, higher-self, or the entire Universe, whatever you choose to call it, God, if you will, that everything is in alignment and you are exactly where you need to be, right here, right now.
According to numerology the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic. I have read on a website that seeing 11:11 can be viewed as a glitch in the matrix, it is a very real way for the spirit world to communicate with us. I don’t know if we will ever find out exactly what it means, I think you can decide for yourself what it means to you. I know I always get a smile on my face when I see it, it definitely makes me feel good and I love to share with others, ‘Hey look! It’s 11:11!’
~ Alanna Ketler
(excerpt from 11:11:11 Portal of Light Book)
Master numbers energetically accentuate the meanings of single digits. They are considered to be some of the most powerful vibrations known. They are thought to symbolize raw untapped potential and assist one in achieving illumination. This energy is waiting to be harnessed by those who have the eyes to see.
00, 000, or 0000 ★
The great void, the unknown what is to be, that has not been birthed yet. Moving into a higher dimensional flux, shifting time matrixes. The portal of creation before creation.
11, 111, or 11:11 ★
The gateway to all that is. Within a hair of instantaneous manifestation. Letting go of man-made manifestation and coming into Christed Creation. Doorways open doorways close and you are in-between all. Conscious creation with 13 second intervals of thought. Becoming one with the Oversoul in abundant creation of ones innate hearts desires.
22,222, or 22:22 ★
The highest sequence of manifestation/creation without the frustration. All words thought deeds and intentions will take seed with or without rain to help them grow. Moving out of the neighborhood of polarity. Time moves forward with or without you. Do not create by default, have a say so in your life.
33,333 or 33:33 ★
This number offers you a choice. Within it you are not allowed to straddle the razor blade fence of indecision. The trinity is the holiness within all of your choices. Your body, mind, spirit in agreement for your Soul’s evolution. Connection with the wisdom of the Oversoul. Seeing the sacredness in all of your choices no matter what the outcome.
44,444 or 44:44 ★
A foundation of light is being cemented for you. New opportunity comes without being asked. Build your future thought by thought, brick by brick. Do not allow those of too much wind to blow down your dreams with their negativity. Believe deeply until you see the proof. Hold on through all choices and changes.
55, 555, 55:55 ★
The universe is changing your direction with your Souls permission. Hold the vision until you land on the shore of the new self. This change may be an answer to some long forgotten prayer. The future is hidden so see it in your minds eye as you would a sought after dream. (555 escorts us into the year 2004 which is a # 6. 5+5+5=15 (1+5=6)
66,666 or 66:66 ★
In the year 2004 the vibration of 6 will change into a light vibration that is felt as a holy emanation. For too long now humanity has been branded with the thought that anything associated with a “6” is of negativity, darkness, evil, denseness and earth. Well just look at the beauty of a planet that has given you life since you were born. The number 6 is asking you to come back to the original seed thought/blueprint of life with a reverence for its numerical explanation. 6 is of earth but there is a beautiful holiness within earth and within those of earth. The mother earth begins to move back into her original form in 2004 not waiting for her children to agree. By aligning with the true essence of the number 6 you will find a smoothness and harmony while riding upon an earth-road that is under construction.
77, 777 or 77:77 ★
This is the vibration of the spiritual warrior. One who walks a narrow path within self and soul. Seven works for the light, by the light and with the light. Sevens eat drink think and speak the light. Sevens are not allowed to stray outside the boundaries of light for more than a fleeting thought. Seven brings you home the place where miracles are an every minute event, where you can fly and dance in the stars while in any and all forms. Seven is a place where wonder, magic and miracles are seen as natural happenings. Seven is your natural state of being.
88, 888 or 88:88 ★
AS ABOVE SO BELOW AND WITHIN. This configuration gives to you the infinity portal escorting you past all pervious limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source. It is success, prosperity and big business with the added flavor of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your divine inheritance promised to you by your Holy Creator. It is turning you nose up at earthly limitation and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty.
99, 999 or 99:99 ★
Cosmic and personal completion, THE END! Entering the next level of love of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing self. Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to see and be more than you are at this minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have.
“Eleven is the number of new beginnings.”
When the forces of Eleven become fully activated on earth, they have the power to change history in the making. Within the number and sequences of Eleven (29, 47, 38, 92, 83, 74, 56, 65) lives all answers and questions. Eleven teaches us every problem is a divine opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It try’s and tests our faith and our belief. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within the silent witness. It reminds us we are not victims but victors and are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the ascension process starting with ourselves. It asks you to finally locate the light within and share it with all. Eleven is our Best Friend and Teacher.
This source from Ronna Herman who channels ArchAngel Michael. Her combinations are as follows:
111 Energy Flow, enhancing whatever level you are in presently.
222 Resurrection and Ascension process
333 Decision Number
444 You have just completed an important phase.
555 Experiencing the energy or a level of Christ Consciousness, very significant
666 Third-dimensional frequency, material world
777 Symbolizes an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies
within the third-dimension plane, or at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the
earth plane.
888 Symbolizes infinity. The unified spiral of the physical merging with the spiritual.
999 Symbolizes the 3 levels of the triune, completion.
000 Great Void, experiencing a null zone, switching or moving into a new energy field.
11:11 Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development. Another dimension or frequency of
experience. A portal Way Opening.
12:12 A Cosmic Connection, a bridge to the future. Signifies a level of completion or graduation.
Master Numbers Significance
11 = birthing and anchoring the New.
22 = building upon the New. Building New Lives and a New World.
33 = universal service through the quickening of our One Being.
44 = the balance between spiritual and physical, the reconfiguring of our evolutionary labyrinth. As Above, So Below. The creation of the foundation of our New Lives.
55 = attaining personal freedom by being free of the past & totally real.
66 = fulfilling our responsibilities in a joyful, creative manner.
77 = profound insights and revelations. Honing ourselves to our Core Beings.
88 = mastering of abundance in all realms.
99 = the completion of a major evolutionary cycle.Time for another quantum leap.
Each Master Number is a level of initiation that we all must pass through in our evolutionary journey on Earth.
Sometimes, we may even be activated by super Master Numbers such as: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc. Each of these has a unique resonance which affects and activates us on deep cellular levels.
The 3 digit numbers many people are experiencing in their day-to-day lives and a brief meaning for each with the intention it assist in our process. 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 10 10, 11 11, 12 12
A. 111 is beginnings as it is the multiple of 3 it indicates the power of each new beginning and the impact on the individual and society. For every thought and practice of a new venture is impacted by the energy of three. And that would apply to all the numbers which, indeed, be multiplied by three.
222, indeed, is partnership and duality which reference to the inner body and the outer body and being in the multiple of three, indeed, it be enhancement of one on one relationships.
333, is unique onto itself, for it doth complete itself, indeed, the power of the number 3 is for creativity. It be the three element of selves, indeed, and all aspects of the creation being color form and sound to create as in mother, father, child and in the reference of spirituality, of some schools of thought, father, son, holy spirit etc.
444, indeed, is security for also can be referenced to control or restriction.
555, is _expression and it be management of self, taking charge but the need to take charge is also evident.
What does 11:11 mean? 16 Meanings for 11:11 ★
11:11 is subjective to the interpreter and to the interpretation. In other words, YOUR interpretation is the only interpretation that matters! Here are the many interpretations of 11:11.
11:11 Awareness: The first thing you should pay attention to when you see a synchronistic number is what you’re either doing or thinking at that particular moment. You should also be cognizant of your surroundings, such as the song that you’re currently listening to or even something as simple as the rays of sunshine coming in through your window.
11:11 Gateway or Portal: 11:11 is the doorway between two worlds – between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional worlds.
Angelic Humans: According to George Barnard, 11:11 is “the calling card for beings that are half angels and half humans”.
Angels and Spirit Guides: Your guardian angel or spirit guide is trying to connect with you.
Balance: Your life is either gaining or becoming more in balance when you see 11:11. This might also be an affirmation that your life is in complete balance as well.
Binary DNA Code: The brain is like a computer, which relies on binary codes (1’s and 0’s). In this premise, 11:11 is the binary code that awakens your dormant (junk) DNA.
Digital Time Code: This theory encapsulates several theories within the same premise. 11:11 unlocks your DNA and opens the subconscious mind through physically seeing these digital numbers and re-remembering why your brain was coded to remember the importance of 11:11.
DNA Activation: The number 11 represents twin strands of DNA, so for some people, this is a sign of a DNA activation or upgrade.
Edgar Cayce: As I mentioned in a previous article, Edgar Cayce was quoted as saying, “The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One- One; Oneness of God, oneness of man’s relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!” Edgar may have meant, “The first lesson for six months should be 11:11.”
Fibonacci Sequence: The first two numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence are 1,1. The Fibonacci Sequence is basically tied into Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio of Creation, so this number would represent an end to physical reality as we know it.
Global Consciousness: When you see 11:11, you feel connected with the Universe and everyone else who is currently experiencing this phenomenon. You completely understand what “we are all one” means.
Make a Wish: Many teens are playing the 11:11pm game without really even knowing the significance behind 11:11. If they notice that it’s 11:11pm, they make a wish. Is it possible that these children are indigos and 11:11 represents an awakening code for them?
Numerology: The number 11 is a Master Number and represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.
Spiritual Purpose: 11:11 presents you an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual purpose for being here.
Synchronicity: Your life has become total balance and the lesson you need to learn will appear before you. “When the pupil is ready, the master appears”.
Wake Up Call: 11:11 signifies your spiritual awakening, as this number seems to be predominantly noticed by those who have begun their spiritual journeys. It may also be seen as a code to unlock your subconscious mind.
~ Gregg Prescott
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centerspirited · 1 year
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millennialsbustle · 2 years
Guardian Angel, Angel Numbers meaning
What are Angel numbers and Guardian angel
There is a theory which explains what is angel number and how angel numbers related to you.
The theory says that when you born, God assign a guardian angel for you. This guardian angel is assigned to protect you, guide you throughout your life.
When god wants to give you some message, he provides it via guardian angels. This angels try to contact with you or want to pass the message of god in the form of numbers. When you start seeing sequence of numbers like 000, 111, 222 etc. are called angel numbers.
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This numbers can be seen at different places like license plate of 000, 111 or clock time 11:11 or ticket number 222 or 3333. An you see this number many times for few days.
Angel numbers meaning
Every sequence number or angel number has some meaning. The angel number meanings are explained in astrology and numerology. Every sequence of angel number provides you some message or guidance for your life by guardian angel.
There are different angel numbers meaning for various aspects in you life. Angel number in love, angel number in money, angel number in spirituality etc.
Angel number 000 meaning
Angel number 000 meaning is Infinity. number 000 represents the new beginning of your life. If you start seeing sequence of angel number 000, it means your bond with the universe is strengthening and you are going to experience a new beginning in your life in various aspects.
Angel number 0000 meaning
Angel number 0000 meaning is related to good fortune. Number 0000 is an indicator of sign of good fortune which is going to be the part of your life. If you start seeing sequence of angel number 0000 in various places, it means you will become successful in your work, business, new projects you are going to start and you will live a successful life.
(Also read : 111 and 1111 angel number meaning in your life.)
Angel number 111 meaning
Angel number 111 meaning is related to your positive thoughts and motivation. As the number 1 is the sign of unity and independence, the sequence of angel number 111 is a sign of manifestation and prosperity. If you start seeing the sequence of angel number 111, it is asking you to be aware in your life, monitor your thoughts.
Angel number 1111 meaning
Meaning of angel number 1111 is a symbol of new beginnings going to happen in your life. Your guardian angel trying to convey a message that something good and big going to happen in your life if you start seeing sequence of angel number 1111.
Angel number 222 meaning
One of the strongest angel number 222 meaning is the sign that God is seeing you in your difficult situation and God is with you. Angel number 222 is one of the common sequences which symbolizes faith and trust.
Angel number 2222 meaning
Angel number 2222 meaning is the double master number. In numerology it is called super number 2222. If you start seeing angel number 2222, it means your guardian angel will not letting you alone and it gives you positivity and hope to start new journey.
Read full article for all Angel Numbers meaning here.
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following-paths · 2 years
"As for connections, 444 addresses sidney applebaum cooperating to fabricate a strong starting point for the future," Siegel says. "This could mean it's the ideal opportunity for a house, a family, or a business, or this can mean [we ought to concentrate on] long-range arranging, including monetary ventures and other useful relationship contemplations." If you're seeing someone, successions of 4s might demonstrate that now is the right time to pursue something more significant with your accomplice and commit to your responsibilities more substantially.
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On the off chance that you're single and searching for an accomplice, seeing 444 features the impo While number 0 is about 949 area code God/Universe, number 1 is about you and indication, number 3 represents anything profound expert you are near (Jesus, a holy person, and so on), and number 4 is about heavenly messengers. When you see the numbers 4, 44, 444, or 4444, you can be guaranteed that the holy messenger is with you. They have heard your requests, and you're in good company angel number 0000 meaning.
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godfatherminute · 2 years
The focus point
Assuming that you're in sidney applebaum a twin fire relationship and 444 continues showing up, sorting out everything it's attempting to say to you might rely on how things are going between you and, obviously, the setting where you saw it. Assuming both of you are both glad and the relationship is working out positively, your holy messengers could be sharing their endorsement and backing and, in any event, telling you they played a part in your association.
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Then again, if things aren't going so indeed, 444 might be empowering you to survey the balance of the relationship, returning to the essentials of construction and establishment and evaluating the foundations of any issues angel number 0000 meaning. The main sign with regards to translating a heavenly messenger number is the thing was going on right when you saw it. Yet, taking everything into account, it advises us that we need a strong groundwork, our holy messengers are close, or more all,are arrangements of numbers that seem to individuals in day-to-day existence computers electronics.
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furryghost · 2 years
What to do about it:
Your holy messengers endorse how things are playing out fitness health/ . On seeing any heavenly messenger number, setting matters, so focus on when 444 shows up. As indicated by Richardson, assuming that somebody messages you at 4:44 with an extraordinary proposal on your imaginative task, for instance, could mean the holy messengers support it. Assuming that you saw 444 in an especially propitious second, the model above pulls out all the stops! Your holy messengers reinforce you with your endorsement and offer you a hint to immediately take advantage of a chance.
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444 significance for adoration: Assuming you're seeing someone 949 area code. Hearing 444 assuming you're seeing someone is a great sign, Richardson says, as it tends to be a sign that the holy messengers brought this relationship into your life. What to do about it: Appreciate it! Don't overthink this one — assuming that you're in a blissful, solid relationship and 444 continues showing up, your holy messengers support your organization angel number 0000 meaning.
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hijadepavlov · 2 years
Work on your establishment.
Returning to the possibility of four connecting with construction and establishment in Numerology, you can contemplate those topics while seeing the heavenly messenger number 444. "As a heavenly messenger number, 4 to me addresses leniency, improvement, and help. If you somehow managed to wed the two implications, you could say that four is tied in with getting divine assistance making establishments," Richardson makes sense of angel number 0000 meaning. Consider "4" as the four legs of a table that offer establishment — we should keep them solid and solid to remain to brew, and seeing 444 requests that we do as such sidney applebaum.
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Richardson says 444 can seem while you're going through an extreme separation, managing a troublesome finding, feeling desolate — anything that stones your establishment. Seeing it, for this situation, is the affirmation that your holy messengers are nearer than any time in recent memory now, Richardson says, and they can assist you with tracking down the strong balance 949 area code.
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hilluhri · 2 years
444 holy messenger number significance:
Numerologist Michelle Buchanan recently repeated this point sidney applebaum, telling mbg that lifeway 4's in Numerology are orderly, deliberate, and coordinated, making progress toward construction and dependability. They additionally benefit from making that dependability in their own internal and external lives, too, she adds. Also, to the extent that what it implies while you see a ton of 4's immediately, Richardson says the more the number is rehashed, the more the energy is intensified (i.e., 4,444 has significantly all the more a charge as opposed to 444) 949 area code.
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1. Your heavenly messengers need to help you computers electronics. Of all the heavenly messenger numbers, Richardson says she considers 444 to be "the transcendent heavenly messenger number that most intently addresses holy messengers themselves." When she sees or hears the number 444 to her before meeting with a client, she adds, "it's a sign that holy messengers need to assume a much more dynamic part in my client's life, need the client to request or perceive more radiant direction, or just need to comfort my angel number 0000 meaning client by advising them that heavenly messengers are close."
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numerology-reading · 3 years
Have you come across the numeric term 0000 anywhere in your life?
It could have been a telephone number, a license number or simply written on a scrap of paper. Have you ever stopped to ponder on its significance?
If you are still confused, this article is exactly for you.
You may have come across what most numerologists call an “angel number“- a secret code of divine guidance sent by your guardian angel to you.
Generally, it signifies the opening of certain doors in your life.
The angel number 0000 is extremely rare and special in its significance.
If you have come across this number frequently in the recent past, then you must read on to find what your guardian angels are trying to tell you.
0000 and its Biblical Meaning:
Table of Contents
According to the Bible, the number 0 signifies infinity: particularly God’s infinite nature.
God is the Alpha, He is the Omega too.
Just like 0 exists before any number, God exists before any of His creations.
This number signifies infinite love that God has for all his creations.
It also signifies the second coming of Christ and humanity’s eternal life thereafter.
Furthermore, 0 is indicative of the descent of New Jerusalem.
Spiritually, 0 is the highest form of manifestation.
This also represents creation of the world in its newest form, i.e., when the earth was empty and devoid of God’s living creations.
The number zero is null and void in value in the entire number system, hence the resemblance.
The divine realm assures us infinite potential via manifesting this number.
God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
He is above all of divinity, all of existence.
He is the pinnacle of faith and the author of our lives. He forever lives; hence His name is lifted unto High.
Meaning of singular ‘0’
If you happen to spot 0 as a single digit too many times, instead of the ‘0000’ combination as mentioned earlier, then it means you are on the track of reaching your true potential but are not quite there yet.
Click here to learn more about angel number 0000
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3nd0fr3gss · 3 years
Angel Numbers
111- a reminder that thoughts create your reality. This can be a reassurance or a warning.
222- a good omen for relationships and a reminder to seek balance as well as peace.
333- a sign of encouragement. If this is shown, you should anticipate the arrival of good news.
444- a sign to your intuition that you’re on the right path and you should keep going.
555- a sign that change is coming. This is a good omen for manifestation. Keep going and make room for something new.
666- a warning of negative energy either already in your life or energy that will be coming into your life.
777- shows a need for solitude and rest. Take time to work on yourself. A reminder to give yourself breaks when you need them. Rest is a right, not a privilege.
888- a powerful manifestation number. A sign of progress and success.
999- a reminder to release what no longer serves you. You can’t keep everything, so you need to make room for what’s coming.
1010- a sign that there is something near completion in your life and you should keep working towards your goals.
1111- a sign of manifestation and its workings.
911- a reminder to try and stay positive. There’s new things coming to you, and you need to be ready.
0000- a message from your angels or guides that you will become what you strive for with some extra work. “Good things take time”.
1234- a reminder of your potential. This shows progress and gives you a reason to believe in yourself and your abilities.
1222- a reminder not to give up on your goals. Nothing can really stop you unless you let it, so keep that in mind.
717- a sign that you are on the right path, you should continue what you’re doing.
1313- a sign that you are closely connected to your guides and angels. This could mean anything.
1122- a reminder that you can’t accomplish anything from within your comfort zone. Making things better for yourself is going to be uncomfortable for a bit, but it will be worth it.
2255- a sign that you show urges to change your life in any way, big or small. Figure out what you need to do and ask for more signs if you need them.
202- a sign that there is a divine being helping you to become what is needed.
1919- a sign that something important is beginning to manifest itself into your life. This can be a good omen or a warning. Prepare yourself for both.
505- a sign to forgive yourself for anything you may have done. No one is perfect and you shouldn’t hold yourself to that standard.
616- a sign to get your life in order. Your life is messy right now and you need some sense of organization before anything else.
757- a sign to clear any guilt before seeking any guidance or forgiveness. You must forgive yourself first.
0110- a sign that you have been blessed by the divine realm. Do not take these blessings for granted, as they can show themselves to disappear at any moment.
0909- a sign to get yourself prepared for greatness. Good things are coming to you and it’s ok to get excited. Be happy!
1242- a sign that you need to believe in your talents and skills. You are worthy of greatness, and you will do great things.
123- a sign that your capacity is expanding. You have the capability to shape your own life. Use that skill.
411- a sign that you need to feel what there is, not just see it. In order to truly acknowledge something, you must know it exists in the heart.
2323- a sign that something big is coming into your life. Get ready for what may happen in the process.
2828- a sign that your life will result in endless abundance and unity. Good things are coming to you.
4141- a sign that you need to focus on your goals and not be tempted by material things. In times where this is a struggle, remind yourself that no gold is any good to the astral world.
1414- a sign that your prayers have been heard by your guides.
1212- a sign to stay focused on your end goal. Good things are coming to you.
901- a message from your spirit guides telling you that it’s time for a fresh start.
711- a sign the spirits are helping you in life. Nothing is too far out of reach if you work for it, and they are here to help you.
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solsken-advina · 3 years
Angel numbers and their meanings:
Have you ever noticed that you keep seeing the same numbers? Perhaps you repeatedly encounter the number 3? Or, maybe you've spotted a sequence of numbers that continually shows up. If so, don't dismiss its meaning.
Number sequences can convey important messages. Often called angel numbers, these commonly repeating patterns have a meaning. Each angel number is very important and can hold vital information about your goals, needs, and life purpose.
Angel Number 11, 111, & 1111:
People often see 11, 111 or 1111 when there is an opportunity to share their gifts creatively, or through teaching.
You are tapped into the truth of the universe right now and your gut feelings are extremely reliable. So, look for ways that you and others can benefit from this.
Angel Number 22, 222, & 2222:
Angel numbers 22, 222, and 2222 are all connected to turning your ideas into reality. So, if you've been putting together a plan or sorting through various possibilities for a while, this angelic number sequence gives you a useful indication that now is the time to make those dreams more concrete. These dreams may be related to your work or personal life or may be more related to personal growth projects.
In addition, multiple 2’s remind you not to give up on something you've wanted, telling you that your patience and persistence is about to be rewarded by profound positive change.
Angel number 33, 333, & 3333:
In terms of meaning, number 333 (along with 33 and 3333) link up to themes about sharing and communication. These number sequences sometimes serve as a warning that you need to open up to a particular person in your life.
However, at other times this type of angelic sequence has more to do with spreading an important message throughout society. To figure out what seeing sequences of 3’s means for you, take a critical look at how you tend to share with others. Then, ask yourself who could benefit the most from increased communication. In addition, think about what might be holding you back.
Angel number 44, 444, & 4444:
Often, angels send you multiple 4s to let you know that challenges are coming. This may be a sign that you should prepare and think about what you need to do to fortify yourself. However, 44, 444 and 4444 can also crop up when you are already in the middle of a test and need to be reminded that this test has meaning.
Angel number 55, 555, & 5555:
Angel numbers 555, 55 and 5555 are liable to crop up when you need to change your circumstances in order to move past something negative. For example, you may see this type of number sequence when you're in a toxic relationship or friendship, when you have grown to dislike your current job, or when it's time to consider moving to a new place. Regardless of your current circumstances, the angels are communicating that although change is scary, cutting ties with the negative opens you up to limitless amounts of positivity and possibility.
Angel Number 66, 666, and 6666:
When you see 66, 666 or 666, you are in need of a self-esteem boost. It's likely that you've recently been knocked down in some way, or that you have a general tendency to put the needs of others before the needs of yourself.
Angel Number 77, 777, 7777:
Repeating numbers 777, 77 and 7777 challenge you to reexamine what you really want. Often, we simply assume that certain aspects of our lives are still right for us, when really we may have outgrown them.
Perhaps the status quo is holding you back from a happier, more exciting way of living. Sequences of multiple 7’s are particularly related to life choices that promote or inhibit spiritual growth, so they also let you know that you may currently be vibrating on a low frequency. Ask yourself what would boost that vibration, and make a plan.
Angel Number 88, 888, & 8888:
When you see angel numbers 88, 888 or 8888, stop and consider how much responsibility you're dealing with right now. It's likely that you're shouldering other people's burdens, or that you're stretched too thin to do your best work in any area of your life.
To address this issue, think about absolutely all of your commitments. Then, ask yourself which can be put aside, which can be delegated and which can be delayed. If you're not sure, consider which responsibilities feel like they're truly tied to your life's purpose and which merely feel like burdens that you don't really benefit from carrying.
Angel Number 99, 999, & 9999:
Angel numbers 99, 999 and 9999 are all sequences that relate to an ending.
This is sometimes a loss, but at other times it simply represents just moving into a new phase of being. These angelic sequences gently remind you that it's important to let go of the past, especially if it comes with sadness, resentment or anger. Ask yourself what you'd need to do in order to let go of any resentments that you're holding on to. Plus, consider how you might be able to make a clean break with people in your life that have caused you pain.
Angel Number 00, 000, 0000:
Last, in the series of symmetrical sequences, angel numbers 000, 00 and 0000 are powerful and important. These numbers are likely to appear when something in your life has come full circle, bringing you to a point at which a new beginning is both likely and beneficial.
As with a single 0, there is also a connection to your spiritual health here. Multiple 0’s tell you that you are spiritually aware, and are particularly attuned to signs from the universe right now. As such, it's vital to trust your intuitions, even when you can't initially make logical sense of them.
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anaklnky · 5 years
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐲 [bucky barnes x reader]
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🔗 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bucky barnes x reader
📖 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the reader suffers with depression. and when it all becomes too much, bucky tells the reader how much of an affect she had on his life.
📣 𝐚/𝐧: i was listening to a song by daesung (kpop) and it's called baby don't cry. and it hit home. so i decided to write about this beautiful song. i hope you enjoy it :"]
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐞𝐭𝐜: depression, anxiety, but it does turn happy towards the end :"] if you suffer with any of the things mentioned, feel free to message me and talk. i will be here for anyone that feels the need to talk. however, if anything along the lines of suicide, depression, anxiety triggers you, please don't feel forced to read this! i want all my readers to be and feel safe. don't forget no matter who you are and where you come from, you all have meaning. i love you all so much!! <3
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it was a saturday morning. it was cheery outside. gleaming rays of sun shone through the window. bouncing of the wall and onto the floor. kids were outside having a blast. new yorkers were running up and down the side walk. all round, outside looked happy.
however, i did not feel sunny at all. i did not feel like having a blast. i didn't want to go out running anywhere. and i most certainly didn't feel happy.
it was another one of those days. my head was clouded with judgement. my body felt paralysed. like i couldn't walk. like i didn't want to walk.
but i still had a bright smile plastered on my face. i didn't want to let the others see me down. not then. not when i was that bad.
i was sat on the sofa. bucky to my right and steve to my left. wanda, vision and nat were sat with us.
we were watching a horror film. my choice. yeah, i know. it's weird to watch such a genre in the afternoon. when it's still light. but i had no other suggestions.
bucky had his metal arm over my back; my legs slung over his lap. whilst my back rested on both bucky and steve's arm.
our eyes were focused on the screen. we had gotten FRIDAY to smoke the large glass windows, locking the light out. leaving the room dark.
my eyes remained glued to the screen. drowsy.
"mum? are you there?"
bucky's arm tighted around me. drawing me closer into him.
"please answer me!"
i felt his heart beat quicken.
"get out!"
bucky jumped. as did steve and the others. i didn't. i had no energy to react. my mindset was elsewhere.
the girl on the screen ran off screaming.
i felt my head begin to drift away. my eyes drawing closer and closer by the second.
the energy i had used to put myself in the state i was, had drowned me out. making me tired.
my head landed on bucky's shoulder; i had given up on trying to stay awake.
but bucky had other plans.
i never called him james. only when i was angry, annoyed or wanted to be left alone.
"doll? you alright?" he asked, pushing me head up with his shoulder. his icy eyes shimmered in the darkness.
i didn't respond in words.
"mmhm" i mumbled.
bucky frowned.
"you sure baby?" he asked again.
this time i answered in words.
"yes, james, i'm sure." i replied bluntly.
the conversation was put at rest, until the end of the film.
i stalked off to our shared room. then bucky grabbed hold of my wrist, gently.
"hey, hey, hey." bucky said. he pulled me closer into him. "you never call me james." he put his hands on either side of my face. making me look up from the ground and into his treasurable eyes. "what's wrong y/n?"
that's when he knew.
my cheeks tensed in his cool hands. my lips shrinked into a painful scowl. my nostrils flared slightly. and my eyes went small and glassy. i felt broken.
bucky saw this. he walked us into our room, which was only a couple of strides away. he opened the door and moved us through, his hand still softly grasped onto my wrist. we stood in our room looking up at eachother.
"hey," bucky cooed. "hey baby don't cry. it's okay doll. i'm here, i'm here." he brought me into a hug and pulled me into his chest. i wrapped my arms around his torso and balled my fists into his grey t-shirt. most likely stretching the cotton as i did so.
i sobbed into his chest. letting everything go. pushing away those awful thoughts. wanting them to move on and never return. wanting for just once to feel like a million rainbows. needing bucky to stay with me. wanting him to say those sweet words he always would.
bucky stroked my hair, trying to lull me into a calm place.
my hands grew clammy under the grasp of his cotten t-shirt. so i slowly began to let go. i then dropped my arms to my sides. my head still rested in his chest.
he then let go of me.
bucky lifted me up into his arms. my legs wrapped securely around his waist; with my arms around his neck. he slowly moved down onto the bed and perched himself on the edge.
i moved back slightly on his lap, getting a clear view of his angelic face.
"i'm sorry buck-"
"no, no, no, no," he said. "this isn't your fault. okay?"
i nodded. remembering the talk we had when i told him about my diagnosis.
"it's not your fault you feel like this." bucky cupped my cheeks in his hands, rubbing any stay tears away from under my eyes. "you don't have to apologise for anything." he kissed in between my eyes.
i took ahold of his wrists and kept my hands there. supporting myself.
"i know, it's just that i feel like a burden. putting all this pressure on you. making you feel like you have to be there for me all the time-"
bucky cut me off.
"i do have to be there for you all the time. you're my number one girl. you're my everything. my job is to make you happy. my job is to make sure you're safe. to make sure that your needs are met. to make sure that whatever happens to you, you know i will be there for you through thick and thin."
my eyes began to water again.
"do you know why i have to be there for you?" he asked.
i lazily shrugged.
"because without you, i feel no worth. i know i have steve and all that. but you, you're different y/n. you're the love of my life. you're a star in my dull sky. so, i have to make sure you're okay. because without my shining star, my sky would no longer by bright."
tears were streaming down my face.
i felt want. i felt happy. i felt safe, loved. all the above.
the clouded thoughts had since been pushed away pass the boundry. because bucky had done that. my star in my sky had done that. and i couldn't feel any more grateful for having him stick by my side.
"i don't deserve you bucky barnes. you're too good for me." i whispered, looking into his eyes.
"oh no doll, you're just right for me." he planted a kiss on my lips. his hands left my cheeks and wrapped themselves around my body. my arms circled around his neck. his kiss was full of passion and love.
i then pulled away and placed my head into his neck. breathing in his scent. it felt like home.
"i love you so much bucky barnes." i mumbled into his neck.
"i love you so much too y/n l/n." bucky replied, turning his head to mine and placing the last kiss of the night in the top of my ear.
after that, i still had my episodes. but bucky was always there for me.
his help for me was reciprocated and i told him everyday how much he meant to me.
and even through our doubt, we always made it through the dark tunnel and out into the open.
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so i hope you liked it!
don't forget i am always here to talk no matter what. don't be scared to message me.
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hwangskz · 5 years
not an angel | guardian devil! felix
felix has been bias wrecking me for quite a few days now,,,,,,, so,,,,
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• every one of ur friends were getting all their guardian angels and there u were, sitting all alone in the cafeteria cause dAMN patricia sweetie u really ain't giving this person a guardian someday hhhh
• obviously u were jealous whenever u saw ur friends being best friends with their angels and u had,,,, no one
• (u were just too scared to call someone a best friend because of all ur failed friendships and trust issues :((( )
• so u were sitting on the bleachers one day, waiting for ur football practice to start
• when suDDENLY
• "yo is that banana milk"
• so u turn to ur left to see this guy??? sitting beside u???? S M I L I N G AT U
• "who are u,,,,,"
• he quickly snapped out of his thoughts
• "-ANGEL?????"
• "DEVIL."
• u freeze in ur spot cuz hunty excuse me the fuck
• u have a WHAT
• (no i didn't pull a harry potter ok)
• "but aren't we supposed to have guardian angels or something????? the fuck is a devil doing here huh"
• "cause u be going to hell bih"
• "excuse et moi the fuck do u mean ((╬●∀●)"
• honestly u could've assumed that he's a devil anyways if u first had only heard his voice cause it's so deep bUT !!!! HIS HEART !!!!!
• "how tf are u a devil like ur voice is,,,,, it suits ur occupation but ur personality is exactly like an angel felix are u sure ur a devil"
• oh and he also knew ur name before he even met u (hE WAS ASSIGNED TO U SO OBV)
• yall literally bicker aLL THE DAMN TIME
• and sometimes,,,, whenever u felt,,,, lonely u would just snuggle up to him and honestly it doesn't even surprise him
• because his hugs are so warm
• and even tho u shouldn't,,, ur making his heart warm :(((
• it was one day when felix had gone to the grocery store to buy u some snacks when he got stuck because it was all raining and shit
• so he called u to let u know that he might be late
• and normally u would pick up the call after 5 rings max
• but today u just ??? didn't ????
• and it scared him
• like it scared him so much about u that this boy rAN in the rain
• "y/n!!!"
" he opened the door to ur bedroom at once at once and his heart just dropped when he saw u
• because he had forgot one most important thing about ur fears
• with rain, thunders came along too
• and he forgot how much it scared u to the point that u would wrap urself up in a thick blanket and snuggle up to him, holding him tightly
• but today??? u were there sitting in the corner, dried tears on ur face and knees up to ur chest
• and u weren't just shivering of the cold, u were shaking because of the fear and cold
• he quickly dropped everything and hugged u so tightly like he would never let u go
• which is true
• he will never let u go no matter what
• so he pulls away from the hug and softly caresses ur face
• "don't cry now, okay? i'm here. look. ur best friend is here."
• ur voice breaks when u say ur next words
• "b-best friends?"
• he lightly nods and hugs u again as he pats ur back and says,
• "obviously. ur my first and remember, my only best friend."
• u hated trusting people
• especially ur guardian angel
• because u knew that once u are happy, their job is done, which means they have to return to where they came from, leaving u all alone
• but it didn't matter if felix was a guardian angel or devil or even the one who made the universe at this point
• because even tho u didn't trust anyone, hated to trust anyone, in fact
• u wanted to trust felix
• like this felix has saved u countless number of times
• there are times when yall are just hanging out together and be like
• "so felix when are u leaving me"
• "bitch i'm a devil i'm supposed to stick with my human for a lifetime"
• ":0000 no w a y :0000"
• and everyday yall would just ;;;;;;; fall in love with each other ;;;;;;; so mUCH
• like ever since felix realised he liked u his cheeks aLWAYS BLUSHED WHEN HE WAS AROUND WHICH IS LIKE 25/8
• so remember how i said that he would take u to McDonald's and stuff???? yeah it was one night when he was driving the car and the food was in the backseat
• like i said he was the one to drive that day so he had the keys with him
• and while he was playing with the keys and talking to u at the same time the key just fLEW to the backseat
• and u reached for it since u had to take the food from the backseat anyways
• and before u knew it, ur lips had already connected
• "y/n! wait!"
• u just stood there not doing anything
• he came running to u, panting when he stopped
• "y/n- i- i'm sorry that was not at all intentional- i just wanted the keys i swear-"
• u : couldn't hold it in anymore
• so u turn around to face him
• and spill the beANS (that sounds weird what)
• "i like u, okay? like yeah sure i know that ir supposed to be my guardian devil and stuff but i can't just be with u all the damn time knowing that i fell in love with my best friend. my guardian devil."
• he's extremely shOOK
• and it shocked him so much (in a good way) to the point where he had no words coming out of his mouth anymore
• so he did what his heart told him to do
• and pulled u close and connected ur lips again with his and u already knew his answer
• because who needs words when actions speak better than words
• and who needs guardian angels when guardian devils like felix exist already
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This angel number 0000 is a number that represents harmony and balance. If you choose to embrace the message behind this number, be sure that you will make huge changes in your life and move forward in way you never expected to happen.
Number 0000
A reoccurring sequence of the number 0000 is a reminder to you that you are one with the divine spirits and they exist in your presence. The secret spiritual meaning of the number is that an event, situation or issue in your life has finally matured. The angel number 0000 marks the beginning and the end to everything that you are going through in life.
#0000 #reset #reconect #completion #beginnings #peace #369 #sequences
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Angel Numbers & their meanings by Best Numerologist in India - Astro Arun Pandit
Top best Certified Numerologist in India Astro Arun Pandit says- The world is a strange place and with different types of people living around us, it makes things really interesting. These people have a plethora of beliefs, some believe in Vaastu, while others believe that the numbers have an impact on their lives. The pseudoscientific belief in a divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events is called Numerology.
Watch this to know more - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJwEr4F6WZI
It is quite possible that you might have, at least once in your life, encountered someone who goes all excited when they co-incidentally see 11:11 on their smartphones.
Not only this, there are people who get to see a particular number or a series of numbers everywhere be it on a car’s number plate or on a clock and most people tend to believe that this is not just a coincidence, rather it is a mystical message. These numbers which you keep on seeing again and again are often termed as ‘Angel Numbers’ and several numerologists suggest that they have an importance in one’s life.
For starters, Angel Numbers in Numerology are number sequences that contain repetition and/or patterns. These numbers might appear in the most ordinary places but somehow, they usually grab people’s attention and evokes a sense of wonder, even for a small moment.
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Numerologists across the world tend to suggest that these are not mere coincidences but have a significance in the life of the person who repetitively sees a number or a sequence. India’s top best certified numerologist Astro Arun Pandit states that when a person sees an angel number, it is a sign from the universe, a sign that the divine is working on your behalf. He further elaborates that seeing a number time and again is like your angel communicating with you, making you feel seen and heard. It’s like they are trying to grab your attention and the numbers you see do have a meaning. In short, it is just like a highway sign that is pointing towards the fact that yes, you need to travel on this path and that you are in the right direction.
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Angel Numbers are a convenient and an easy way by which people can dip their toes into some refreshing spiritual practices, which eventually will benefit you in your life. It is a gentle way of truly getting connected to the invisible divine power that surrounds us and exists everywhere. It is also a major way to be optimistic as once people feel good about anything, they generally tend to become more optimistic as they feel that positive things are on the way.
A lot of people might get confused when it comes to interpreting signs from the universe. However, once you start breaking down things, you will realise that there is a logic and coherence in those numbers that you often see. What may surprise a lot of people is that the power and significance of these repeating integers has been going on for thousands of years. Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher also believed in the fact that our reality is a physical manifestation of the energetic vibration of numbers.
The presence of Angel Numbers can feel like a warm embrace. Astro Arun Pandit believes that every number or sequence has a message. For example, if one sees 000 or 0000, that eventually means that fresh new opportunities are on the horizon as the number 0 is largely associated with new opportunities.Likewise, if one witnesses 111 or 1111, then it is believed that you are on the right path and you need to keep working.
Whether one believes it or not, but Angel Numbers are truly beneficial for people and that’s the reason why it is called ‘Angel,’ which is generally thought to bring good fortunes in one life. And one must never forget that everything in life happens for a reason.
About Best Numerologist in India- Astro Arun Pandit
Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/astroarunpandit/ Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/astroarunpandit/ Youtube:- https://www.youtube.com/c/ArunKTiwari Twitter:- https://twitter.com/astroarunpandit/ Pinterest:- https://in.pinterest.com/astroarunpandit/ Website:- https://astroarunpandit.com/
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000 Angel Number Meaning For Manifestation (and 0000) https://ift.tt/3g1ZG1w
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