#angel time
fungusfairgrounds · 2 months
People are doing a screenshot of an ask box thing on twitter from tumblr for their oc x canon im just gonna do it here+skipping some i dont wanna answer. Sorry if this ends up in a tag cause i say their name or w/e idc.... enjoy the fruits🍑🍐🌺🌟🌷🌻🌷🌻🌷
Grushangel answers in blue Hydieon in pink
1. Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable
I think they both make each other blush and they both think its cute lol...but Angel has an easier time flustering Grusha.
Hydie isn't quick to fluster, so Leon probably blushes more in that sense. They're both happy blushers though and both think its cute
2. Who sings in the shower
Angel hums sometimes, I don't think Grusha sings in the shower
Both probably, really loudly
4. Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names
Angel and grusha are always calling each other pet names its not that embarrassing to them. It is probably embarrassing to their little siblings if they're there, though...#cringe. They don't really kiss in super public places, so if one kisses the other at the store or somethin it might make them a lil shy. I can see it either way
Hydieon dont caare they're PDA kings lol
5. Who curses, and who reprepends the other for it
They all curse and are responsible about who they curse in front of. Hydie might sometimes forget but hes not scolded for it. Weird ass question
6. What small quirks do they love about each other
I want to answer this one but I can't think rn I'll come back to it maybe ✌❤
7. Who makes the other laugh more
Angel and Grusha both make each other laugh a lot, its one of the initial reasons they're so fond of each other [:
Hydie probably makes Leon laugh more but Leon is always so giggly with Hydie to me so. Lala
8. Who gets jealous easier
Grusha definitely I think... not like super jealous per say but more so he just sometimes wants to hang out with Angel alone since its a rarity so when others get to hes just gr..
For Hydieon I donnt know I dont think theyre particularly jealous people. Maybe envious of some things but idk
9. How did they know they were right for each other
I got no clue how to answer this one but I do want to say I dont think there was an all knowing moment I think they are just happy together and make life joyful for the other and inspire the other to be better and grow and thats enough
10. Who brings up the subject of kids first
I think Angel always wanted a baby, but didn't know how Grusha felt so he never brought it up + they're already raising their little siblings so it felt like a tricky subject. So, he's pretty happily surprised when Grusha actually does bring up that he wants to be a dad. Also important to me cause shows a lot of healing in Grusha too...
I feel like they both kinda bring it up but in different ways ? Hydie is more subtle and points out lots of baby things in stores or mentions the families around them etc etc Leon eventually is the one to actually ask about it
11. Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable
I dont like how this question is worded i dont think any of them are adorable per say
I think if anything Angel can be a little silly tired, but he's usually just groggy and zones out a lot. Grusha seems like he would be either cranky or really sad when he's tired.
Hydie might either be a tad snappy or very spacey depending. Leon i think doesn't change much I think he is good at hiding when he is very tired minus the several yawns.
12. Who's more protective
Grusha lala... i think he gets overly worried at times. Angel cares too but I think Grusha's experiences made him prone to really worry about the safety of those he cares about.
Both Leon and Hydie are super protective of the other haha... I think they are both willing to sacrifice themselves for the other
13. How do they express their feelings
Angel and Grusha both like to make the other laugh to express their love... they tease each other a lot too. Whenever they get time for just the two of them they enjoy every moment, and even if family is there they still do little things to feel closer. They are almost always holding the others hand when they're out and about on errands lala.
At home they show care and love a lot too by taking care of each other the best they can. Grusha often has one of his pokemon go with angel when he goes off to work on art to make sure he stays safe. Angel makes sure Grusha eats well and always has a dish he likes at meals. When Grusha moves in, Angel invests in a lot of small things to make Grusha's life easier since he's disabled.
They get each other promise rings too when Grusha moves in...i dont wanna write it all out rn but felt like an important bit about how they express love.
Hydie and Leon just love to have fun together, making the other smile just makes them feel very loved I think. I wrote more but tumblr deleted it when I saved the draft and I don't want to rewrite it #sorry
14. Where would they go on a 3 am adventure
Angel and Grusha live on glaseado mountain and its always snowing so I think a 3 am adventure might be dangerous for them. If anything they might go to the convenience store, they don't want to leave home too long since their lil brothers also live there and might need them.
Hydie and Leon might go just about anywhere lmao. They might be out camping, or walking in the empty streets and looking at the stars. Maybe at the park on the swings and just laughing and playing. I think its nice for Leon to be out like that and not worry about being flooded by people...even if the two are sleepy the next day its worth it.
17. Who picks flowers for the other
Grusha would pick flowers for Angel I think if they are out and about... in general Grusha does like to buy Angel flowers a lot too.
Both ! Leon really likes getting Hydie bouquets while Hydie likes to bring home picked flowers for Leon+ cuttings from the garden for them both to enjoy
18. Which one wears the "im with stupid" shirt
19. Whos the better dancer
Angel isn't a good dancer I dont think but he probably wins by default cause Grusha only has one real leg
I think Hydieon dances silly but they do love to dance together. They dance in the kitchen a lot or in the garden, lil moments of joy
20. Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes
I think this question only fits Hydieon lmao anyways the answer is both, they love to listen to each other talk and take turns sharing their fixations
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"I was a man shaken by an earthquake, a man paralyzed by dissonance. I knew that much. I thought about that all the time, though I tried to detach it from any continuity. I tried to accept what seemed my fate. But if you don't believe in fate, well, that is not easy."
-Anne Rice, Angel Time
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dendrochronologies · 4 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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Imagine spending all your energy being cool and mysterious 24/7.
What an idiot have I mentioned I love him?
Idea came from a cool post @nouverx made about Alastor’s possible sleeping habits. 💕
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yourangle-yuordevil · 5 months
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That time in ancient Greece when Aziraphale needed a speedy horse and accidentally invented the pegasus
Whatever Crowley had going on in medieval times
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feathered-serpents · 2 months
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"Husk would be jealous of Angel's work-" Nah bro this is the vibe
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wulfhalls · 3 months
corrupted godhood. reluctant false messiah. prophecy as a creeping all consuming malady. does the oracle see the future or make the future? the horror of trapping yourself inescapably on purpose. the chains of destiny dragging you towards the path you are fighting tooth and nail to free yourself from. there never having been a chance to begin with. no other choice to make. but making that choice regardless.
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snek-eyes · 9 months
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Can we go back to this for a sec? To Aziraphale having to explain the concept of being in love to the other angels? Because I cannot imagine what a trip it has to be, falling in love with someone when that is literally not something you are supposed to be able to do. When it is something you barely understand. When the object of whatever this is isn't supposed to be able to feel this way either, except as time goes on you start to realize it's happening to him too. And neither of you can actually talk to each other about it.
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beastwhimsy · 7 months
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some pieces I've done for my exhibition! do not repost or reupload without my permission. image descriptions in alt text
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bigboobyhalo · 9 months
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the anger inside of me
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thepehbat · 9 months
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notherpuppet · 3 months
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Huskerdust 💗💗💗💗
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barb-l · 4 months
They really gave off huge Married Couple vibes in this scene for me, I can't quite explain why
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nuokis · 24 days
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sketch thing 👍
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loopyart · 29 days
Tutorial for cheering up your old grumpy cat boyfriend 🐈‍⬛✨
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blairamok · 1 month
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a comm i did a little while back for an AU. they are going on a date to the ritz 😌
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