hellcab · 4 months
Pain was necessary. Blood was currency.
With his ceremonial knife, Roth carves a line to freedom on his palm. Clenching his fist, blood seeps through his tensed fingers, dripping onto the sigil. That ancient circle, of strange and eldritch words cautiously inscribed in chalk.  Here, Roth intends to defy Hell and Heaven. To escape his mistakes and to choose his fate. His bags were packed, and he was ready to leave in the midst of chaos.
The Extermination serves as the perfect smoke screen. Roth’s absence ( if even noticed ) will be attributed to the Angels.
Nervously, Roth started chanting the ancient words. A dead language, spoken once by terrifying beings now dead and gone. Every word, EVERY syllable, was like pulling teeth with rusty pliers. Yet, Roth suffered for it, as he suffered for so much.
Outside, he could hear The Angels. Screaming “banshees” showing his kind the sword, without mercy. The threat of being found loomed over his mind. He was certain, however, that he was safe for the time being. This warehouse was abandoned, nobody was here.  The Angels should move on, to join the slaughter elsewhere.
Roth’s chanting grew louder and vigorous, the blood he spilled burned. It sizzled and boiled, as the letters around him became fire. All around him, the power of unnatural magic intensified. It became a beacon to attract unwanted attention. Still Roth shouted and screamed, repeating those strange words again and again. Soon, he shall be free. He shall be home once more, away from Hell. He shall leave all his failures behind.
On the brink of freedom, someone arrived. Roth sees them and his heart crumbles.
It was an Exterminator. It was Lute.
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lettherebemonsters · 4 months
“Happy Valentine’s Day love~” Lute stood on her tippy toes to cup his face and plant a kiss on his cheek.
In private, Adam had his helmet off. He was extremely insecure over how he looked so seeing him feel safe enough to have the thing off was a treat.
He smiled as she kissed him, and he gently nudged her nose with his own.
" Happy Valentine's to you too, Danger Tits..."
Melody was growing so fast and she was already toddling about. Her tiny wings growing bigger every day until she could hover for a few seconds. Adam smiled, seeing the bump Lute had. They were already getting ready for a new egg.
" You know, you're fucking hot already. But with an egg in you? Damn girl.....you make fire look cold."
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mages-pandoras-box · 2 months
Falling Feathers
(Closed starter for @angeliclute)
Stolas was watching the skies on extermination day. He wanted to see if any of the star patterns within Hell or Earth changed during the anal purge. He's only charted a few differences, nothing too serious. As he adjusted the telescope, changing the zoom, he pointed it down and got a glance at an alleyway nearby. He stops, seeing a body barely moving within.
Despite being a Prince of Hell, Stolas was a caring soul - a father. So, when he sees the nearly unmoving figure, he drops everything and flocks (xD) to them. He needs to make sure they're alright.
He turns the corner and gasps at the sight. Ichor blood was everywhere. The prince notices exterminator armor in the trash. He carefully moves forward, his foot hits something, and he looks down. Seeing a halo, he carefully picks it up before finally noticing the fallen angel.
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"Oh, stars!" he quickly bends down to help her, uncaring of who or rather what she is, "Come here, little one, this place is not safe," he tears his cloak and wraps whatever wounds she has with the cloth before draping the cloak over her shoulders, to both warm her and to hide her.
"We must leave quickly; more of them will come. It's not over yet,"
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mothvalentino · 3 months
@angeliclute asked: “  you  look  dangerous  -�� i  like  it.   “
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ཐིཋྀ "Dangerous as in you'd enjoy killing me or dangerous as in you're into me?"
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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Discussed starter for @angeliclute - Evil Rick & Lute
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Rick was used to trouble and potentially deadly situations. They had been a constant in his life since his youngest years, no matter if he had tried to avoid them...At least for a while. By the time he had turned sixteen, he had become so jaded not to care enough to do so anymore.
That, however, didn't mean that he didn't find such occurrences extremely annoying to deal with. Even more when he had other, more important plans on the way.
That was hardly his first time in a Hell dimension. He visited them almost on a regular basis, both as an observer and as an active participant. He had even captured and dragged away a few specimens in some occasions.
That particular visit, though, should have been a swift one. He had come to recover a very interesting sort of weapon he had by chance seen used. An alien metal alloy, which seemed to have special properties, definitely worth a closer look and some experimenting.
Unfortunately, choosing a time of chaos in the city to go unnoticed had turned out to be a double-edged sword. While, on one hand, most of the residents were too busy with their petty turf wars to notice him, the few who did necessarily needed to be terminated before they went screaming that a live human being was walking around their streets.
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The demon's blood splashed on the bottom of his lab coat as he shot the latest nuisance that had step in his way in the skull, their blood joining the rest of the stains that already covered his skin and clothes. Not that he noticed. He was more than used to be covered in blood, his own and others' alike. What mattered was that he had finally reached his destination. He just had to find the right room and then he could have left to never return.
Yet, he barely had the time to cross the atrium, when he felt a presence close behind him. Rick jumped on the side, much more quickly than a human should have been capable off, avoiding the sword that had been aimed at his back.
The creature he found himself facing was more humanoid than most of the beings he had encountered so far and with less animal traits, aside from the wings on her back. Under other circumstances, those differences would have piqued his interest, but right now he was single-mindedly following his aim.
"L-Let me go." Cold, emotionless gray blue eyes locked on her weapon. "Or I'll take what I've come for off your corpse."
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ofdapperdemon · 5 months
@angeliclute from x
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❛ Oh ho, oh. Someone thinks she is cute. Look at that smile~ Didn't think an ANGEL would have such a smile. I was wrong. Hm~? ❜
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metaladam · 2 months
“Where is the paperwork that sera is asking for? She has been up my ass all day sir and not the way I like it”
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" WHAT?! If anyone is gonna be up your ass its me! The fuck is going on here? I'm your superior, why doesn't she just let me handle shit?"
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grimsinnrs · 4 months
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@angeliclute asked: ( cook ) - our muses have sex in a kitchen (For lucifer)
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" I wonder what you say to Heaven to explain your little meetings with me~. " Not that she would respond to his words. Either she was too busy being fucked into the counter of his royal kitchen he'd bent her over, something he basically had to do just so he could reach her better, or because she'd refuse to answer to save her pride.
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Even if he was busy pounding into her the way she seemed to absolutely adore. Rough, constant, and with only a slight consideration of her own pleasure. Lucifer deeply enjoyed fucking one of the greatest Excorsists Heaven had. Feeling her tightness around his cock, her wetness, hearing her moan. It made his sin of pride run wild. " After all, you can't just tell Adam and Sera you are this desperate and addicted to the Devil's cock, now can you~? "
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rockange-a · 5 months
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Valentine's Day Alphabet. | Accepting! | @angeliclute
Adam isn't someone who really shows affection. He isn't used to it himself, so he tends to do more things with actions than with actual physical touch. He'll play his guitar and sing to you, perhaps share a treat he knows you'd like. On the same token though he is very much touch starved. If you were to gently cup his cheek he'd likely melt into a puddle of goo.
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infernal-feminae · 5 months
@angeliclute liked for a starter with the Carmines!
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"It's still a little early isn't it?" Carmilla hisses, whipping out her holy gun and points at Lute's face. Her eyes narrow hatefully. "The next Extermination isn't for another few months. What the FUCK are you doing here, ángel?"
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dark-ambition · 3 months
@angeliclute (Closed Starter)
The annual Purge had come out of nowhere. It was a usual affair at this point for Sir Pentious, something that, in his usual schedule before he had joined up in the efforts of Princess Morningstar, he often long accounted for in advance, with plenty of preparations for an extended stay deep down in his bunker should at any point Heaven go rogue to their agreement and try to extend the cullings and slaughter far past their regular amount. But ever since his new arrangements with the Hotel as a proper client, his usual means of isolating himself when the Purges begun had all gone tits up, leaving him a practical sitting duck the moment that Hell’s skies opened up with the glow of Heaven’s light and the air began to be filled with the screeching cackling of thousands of blood hungry, sadistic exorcists. He knew what normal Purges tended to look like, after so many years of hiding away from them as he has, and he could tell from the glimmering view of their shining armor and the great wings of their Commander that loomed in the sky, staring down right at him, that this was no normal Purging.
And so, due to his lack of any precise weaponry in which to fend himself, Pentious found himself in quite the awkward position of having to book it directly for the hotel’s front doors, his blood having run cold and his heart thudding terribly in his ears, as the sound of angelic wings, large and terrible, swooped and flapped, chasing after him much like how a cat leaps toward a frail, helpless mouse. He burst in past the doors, heedless of the fact that whatever exorcist giving chase would follow, tearing across the lobby and up toward the stairs as fast as his coils could carry him.
His ship. He had to get to his ship. It was the only hope he had.
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cxncrie · 4 months
@angeliclute Cont. from Here.
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   Ugh, go figure. Scrolling through her phone without a care in the world, she just sort of makes a ' shoo ' motion without even bothering to look back up at the exorcist. Now that everyone knew that angels could be killed, the fear of them was starting to slowly subside. Of course, Velvette stopped being afraid the moment she found the exorcist's head.
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" Even though her crew is the reason your stupid little boy toy got killed? You're dumber than I thought, I wouldn't be stupid enough to walk into the territory of people who could kill me after they fucked someone up that's higher in power. But hey, if you wanna die to join him, keep walking around. Someone's bound to slice your head clean off your fuckin' shoulders you dumb bitch. "
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lettherebemonsters · 4 months
[ SHIELD ]: the sender catches hold of the receiver's shoulder and draws them back and away from a threat, pulling them behind them for their safety. {Because Lute is going to protect her big baby hehe}
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Things had gone to absolute shit this time. Fuck, it was like these bastards knew how to hit them right where it hurts. Bleeding, arm weakened from a bullet fired from a sinner that now lay in pieces in front of Adam, he was shocked when he felt someone literally yank him back.
It was Lute......his raging face softened immediately, his angry voice a worried one.
" Lute, get out of here! These fucks are out of control!"
He could take damage.....she couldn't. And he couldn't risk her getting hurt.....he couldn't imagine her leaving him.....
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goddamnmuses · 4 months
“Ready for another round?” {For Lucifer}
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"Are you sure that's what you want?"
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radicheart-a · 3 months
@angeliclute replied to your post “(( *chinhands; sighs dreamily* When is Alastor...”:
*squint eyes* You may be onto something here!
I think so too!
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originemesis · 5 months
@angeliclute cont. from xxx
Mid-slurp, he sucked a little too hard at the whole 'lieutenant' thing and ended up inhaling a whole tapioca pearl. With a fit of choking and pounding on his chest to cough up the slimy little glob where it could roll under some shadowy corner of Sera's desk to be accidentally grazed with a foot or a wing tip later much to the head seraphim's disgust, he swung his golden gaze around to peer perplexed up at the lead seraph in charge, the jagged ends of his teeth parted already in preparation to complain. "Sera- what?? You can't just assign randos to my squad like this! Let alone the second in command. I mean- she doesn't even look like she's on the top 100 of the Halo leaderboards!" Leave it to Miss Freaky Eyes to foist some new recruit his way and then nudge her into a rank just under him...without any sort of proof she belonged there. Made him want to dig his talons in to that ornate desk of hers and rake away his frustrations like mahogany was his own personal scratching post.
When the recruit in question piped up, Adam swung his irate gaze around to squint over at her. A moment later, the golden wings unhooked from under his armpits and flared out to allow him to give a few petulant beats her way as if he sought to push her back a step or two with the wind he produced with the gesture. "Oh? Is that so??" A moment of tension electrified the air as he stalked forward, shoulders hunched and pointing directly at her. Target acquired. With a sudden upturn of his mouth, he flashed her a jagged grin as he craned his neck to lean down and practically bump foreheads with her. "Then I guess you don't mind swearing your loyalty right here, right now?" With a flutter, he moved the edge of his wing up and stopped short of hitting her in the face, grazing with the soft ends of golden feathers instead. Real generals and emperors and kings had chicks kiss their rings all the time...well, he didn't have any rings, but his feathers would do. "Preen me. Then I'll believe you~"
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