kruk-art · 8 months
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January Day 28 - Angellis Ater
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feith-rikya · 4 months
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of Vampire The Masquerade. Feel free to ask any questions!
Rebecca, Aaron & Devon: This is the story of Rebecca, Aaron, and Devon, raised by the ancient vampire Adan, an Angellis Ater whose dark purpose was to breed heirs destined to wreak havoc upon the world and survive the impending Gehenna.
(TW: abuse)
Adan, a vampire bent on global destruction, resided in a sinister mansion in Spain. There, he adopted orphans, subjecting them to ruthless trials to groom them as his progeny.
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The children endured his sadistic games, designed to shape them into perfect instruments of chaos. He honed their skills, whether in music, art, or cruelty, ensuring they'd unleash their worst selves upon the world. Under his roof, the children were left to fend for themselves, provided with the bare necessities to survive: rooms, a playground, but also subjected to his twisted games meant to toughen them up. Whether it was instilling fear, honing their skills in music or art, or resorting to any means necessary to shape them into perfect beings, Adan spared no cruelty.
The mansion itself was a labyrinth designed as a sinister puzzle, a test to determine which of the children possessed the strength to become his heirs, to be transformed into vampires and amplify their potential for malevolence. Three children, against all odds, managed to decipher his lethal puzzles: Rebecca, Aaron, and Devon. But little did they know that their victory marked the beginning of an even darker chapter.
Rebecca: A very clever girl, was Adan's prized creation. He orchestrated her descent into darkness by forcing her to change her appearance, transforming her once-blonde hair into a fiery red, erasing traces of her former self with every tint. She emerged as Adan's favorite, a mirror to his cruelty and depravity. Post-transformation, her fixation on wealth knew no bounds; she bartered with morality, trading anything and anyone for financial gain.
Despite her initial bond with Aaron and Devon, her transformation into an angelis sater, akin to her sire, weakened these ties. Her path was paved with despicable acts, and a curse shadowed her every move. She became a prominent member of Camarilla’s Red List, knowing for using her power like a puppeteer. Completely controlling the mind of her slaves, substituting their will with her own, always making them tint their hair red.
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Aaron: Music flowed through Aaron's veins, a gentle soul with a heart tuned to melody. Yet, Adan's machinations twisted his passion into a tormenting symphony. Confined to a room devoid of sound, Aaron's senses sharpened, a cruel preparation for the role Adan envisioned: a toreador. Adan, in his pursuit of perfection, forcibly turned Aaron, seizing an ancient toreador musician, Giuseppe Tartini, to sire him against his will. Aaron's attempts to flee earned him scars, both physical and emotional.
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Post-liberation, he sought solace in drugs and hedonism, desperate for the love he was denied. He became less cruel than his brother and sister, but not less dangerous.
Devon: From his early days, Devon displayed signs of psychological instability, a seed that Adan nurtured into full bloom. His passion for painting became a twisted outlet for Adan's malevolence, as Devon's skin became the canvas for his depravity. Each stroke etched deeper into Devon's psyche, cultivating a cruelty and psychosis that would define his existence. The only thing he couldnt do was making him learn how ti tie his tie, he broke his hands every time he didn't do it right, but never really managed to make him learn. As he transitioned into a vampire, his descent into darkness reached new depths, evolving into a serial killer whose atrocities were both savage and disturbingly artistic. Despite his monstrous actions, a curious attachment to his siblings persisted, a fragile thread of humanity amidst the chaos of his mind.
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Adan's demise came when he moved to eliminate Aaron for his attempt to free his sire and escape. Devon leaped to his brother's defense but was ultimately overwhelmed by the sheer power of his sire. In a crucial moment, Rebecca, harboring a deep-seated hatred for Adan, made a decisive choice. Instead of siding with her former mentor, she turned against him, using her powers to block his advances and shield her brothers from harm. It was her intervention that provided the crucial opening for Devon to strike, driving a stake through Adan's heart. However, even as they believed victory was theirs, Adan's kept moving trying to free himself. In a final act of desperation, Devon made his siblings escape and then absorbed what he could of his sire's essence through diablerie, but it proved to be an incomplete victory. Despite his best efforts, a part of his essence remained, stubbornly refusing to fade away. Adan's influence continued to haunt him, a constant reminder of the darkness they had faced. Now, with the Gehennah on the horizon, Adan's shadow looms larger than ever. His presence threatens to resurface, more formidable and dangerous than ever before.
(this drawing are meant to represent the path of these three characters, from their childhood to the present, there are many details that i haven't mentioned but tried to convey)
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qwib · 1 year
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Ophelia, Angellis Ater
My Lasombra OC, Ophelia Domínguez. Born and raised in New Orleans until her sire took her, running from the city until they made it to Baltimore.
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life-boyer · 2 months
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shakespearenews · 2 years
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The National Trust has long described its 1730s William Hogarth picture inspired by The Tempest as “the first-known painting of a scene from Shakespeare”.
Now that claim has been overturned by the significant discovery of a 1720s picture inspired by The Merchant of Venice.
It was painted by Pieter Angellis, a Flemish artist who worked in London and whose paintings are in the National Portrait Gallery and other public collections. A London dealer found it in Holland, where it had been wrongly attributed. Traces of Angellis’s signature emerged during its restoration.
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evbobev · 1 year
coming to you with big wet eyes. perhaps.... ama and gelly IF YOURE IN THE MOOD their dynamic is just On My Mind....
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scarabteeth · 2 years
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somethin soft
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artthemasquerade · 1 year
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Ophelia Unleashing Shadowy Hell
I made this for my dear friend @qwib 's birthday, she had asked for for her oc Ophelia, a Angellis Ater https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Lasombra?so=search#Angellis_Ater (an Lasombra bloodline) getting ready to unleash hell with her shadow powers! Honestly I bet she is really scary to her foes when they watch her in action! This was a really fun piece to make and I loved working on the shadows and lighting effects for this piece. :D 
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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clay-pidgeon · 5 months
by and large id say that krillverse (as in the setting) doesnt really have many connections to our actual worlds cultures and stuff. that being said ginger is italian
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graftisms · 1 year
location :   afternoon / beanbag chairs
featuring :   @dobits​
sprawled out on the green golf grass, angel's busying himself tying his hair to the crown of his head, finds it easier to think when he isn't being suffocated by all his inches. "maybe bear," he suggests. it's supposed to be a hypothetical name for the dog he'll potentially get once he's out of here. angel's roped callie into brainstorming with him. "or, y'know, i always liked those super random names for pets. like, bones. or cowboy, how fucking cute would that be?" 
"bear could only work if your dog is, like, massive. or a pipsqueak, for the irony." imagine a chihuahua named bear? talk about cute, and callie doesn't even like kick-me kinda dogs. "okay, cowboy would be cute," she laughs. "i still don't think you can just pick a name out without seeing the vibe of the dog, though. do you at least know if you want a boy or girl, or is it just whatever deaf one you can find first?" she nudges his leg with her foot.
"a pipsqueak," angel smacks his tongue to his teeth with affection. never considered himself a chihuahua person at all, but it sounds cute as fuck. "i could do that. one of those little bug-eyed dogs, not a thought in their head." adorable. he hums thoughtfully, blindly reaching out his hand for her. "whatever comes to me, for sure. what about presley?" he suggests, lifting his head up to shoot her a grin.
"aw, nooo," she laughs, cheeks nearly hurting from smiling at the thought, shaking her head. "you'd totally lose one of those dogs in your shop. he'd take a nap under a car, not be able to hear you when you call, and then you're like, 'where's bear?'" she won't add that it sounds like the perfect size to get accidentally run over, but that's what she's basically implying anyway.  "you can't steal my dog's name! besides, isn't naming a deaf dog after a musician a little insensitive?" she asks, with a smirk to show that she's teasing. "what about priscilla?"
“nuh uh, i could totally slap an airtag on him,” angel hypothetically resolves. “or i could get one of those, like… baby sling things?” grinning, he nods slowly like it’s a genius idea. unrestrained laughter has his head thudding back flat against the ground. “it’s irony, babe! oh my god, priscilla.” hand over his heart, loves it. “you gotta come with me to pick her out. for real, or else i’m gonna leave with, like, three pits, five chihuahua’s and a terrier or two.”
"a what?" she wrinkles her nose. "like, strap your dog to your chest while you work? i feel like she'd get in the way." callie's already decided he's getting a girl. "babe," she repeats the word teasingly, trying out his american accent. not unlike every time he throws crikey back at her. "it's cute that you think i wasn't already going to go with you, c'mon. if i could get another dog just to go to the shelters and look through all the dogs, i would. but we're going to need to hold each other accountable. we're only coming out with one dog, and it's yours." she doesn't trust herself to not try to get another either, especially if she'll no longer he as strapped for cash.
“yeah, like a baby bjork.” tone reads like duh, a whole lot of conviction even though it’s definitely called baby bjorn. he’s spent way too much time around kids, but apparently still not enough. the term of endearment curled up in her attempt at a vocal fry plucks a smile on his face like his cheeks are attached to strings. “yeah, you like that?” he teases back lowly, turning it back on her. it’s not particularly surprising, they’ve already taken it upon themselves to plan and fantasize about life post-villa and for the most part it feels genuine. even now angel can feel his heart do a spin under the cage of his ribs, feels that compulsion to pick himself up and drag her close to him. it’s starting to  feel like a departing from their day-by-day agreement. “deal. only one dog and it’s mine. we can bring elvis, it’ll be tight.” there’s a pause and then he’s sitting up, propped by his palms flat on the ground, to get a look at her. “hey, i know last night was shit and we’re, like, keeping things light and chill today,” he acknowledges with a wry chuckle, “and i don’t wanna put you in a weird spot, but i gotta tell you something.”
"a baby what?" she asks, thinking it's some kind of animal she's never heard of. callie definitely has not been around children enough to know what the fuck he's talking about. she's already anticipating the smile he flashes at her, but somehow it's cuter than she had expected. if he wasn't so far away, she'd be reaching out to squeeze his cheeks, dragging his lips on top of hers. instead she just pictures it, lips pressing together to hold herself back from matching his enthusiasm. "it's better than adorable," she offers with a shrug, knowingly failing to appear coy. "wait, that's actually a good idea. elvis is a great judge of character, for humans and dogs." plus, ideally angel's new pup would get along with hers. the mention of last night makes her deflate a little, leaning back in her chair. she doesn't particularly want to harp on any of it, especially when it's been easy to forget about it when hanging out with angel, but, well...  "what's up?" she's already preparing for a mood killer.
“baby bjork,” he explains with mock exasperation. “it’s like a front backpack for a baby.” to illustrate, angel draws the form over his chest with his hands, two straps and the sling in the middle for the child or, in this case, small, deaf chihuahua. but she’s probably right and it’s not particularly feasible, so he waves the idea away with a shrug of his hands. the way callie holds her composure, grasping for restraint, only stirs up his giddiness. he’s the exact opposite end of the spectrum, all grin and quirked brows. “well, i was just thinkin’ ‘cause — i mean, shit was brutal and, like… whatever, we don’t gotta talk about that because we all know seb was just being a brat on his way out.” it’s another topic he’s waving away. “it feels kinda empty in here now, right?” which only means that there are now spots to be filled with fresh blood. “i just want you to know that i’m with you. like, whoever comes through the doors, it’s not gonna change anything for me. take all my eggs, whatever you wanna call it.” angel means it, too, despite the fact that it’s never that easy and it doesn’t cope with the very nature of love island. if anything, he’s probably accidentally daring the gods. “obviously you can do whatever you want, i’m not trying to, like… corner you in or whatever. i know you’re trying to take it easy with me, and that’s chill. but it’s just how i’m feelin’ and i wanna be clear.”
"oh, so exactly what i said." that's totally not what she was expecting him to be talking about, but his miming makes her snort anyway, shaking her head at him. she's grateful this isn't actually about last night, more than happy to wave away the mention of seb and his cuntiness. despite angel being all smiles and his usual sunny disposition, callie doesn't realize she's holding her breath until he gets to his punchline. it's funny, how she's actually expecting him to say the opposite—despite him giving her no reason to believe otherwise, which is what she more or less had said to frankie yesterday—so his admission makes her brow furrow carefully. maybe she should feel happy to hear him say that, because a week ago, she was in an extremely similar position: having known frankie less than a week, coupled with her only a few days, hoping for this kind of confidence from her. but it's from being told countless times that it's a ridiculous ask from anyone that callie pauses, feeling the weight of what he's saying. does he realize it, too? sitting up on the slippery chair, she suddenly feels like there's too much physical distance between them. she motions for him to come closer, making room on her beanbag. "okay," she says, after a few seconds pause. "i'm sorry, i really don't want you to take this the wrong way, but... like, are you sure? it's barely been a week. what if someone comes in tomorrow that's, like, your type or whatever?" has frankie gotten to him somehow, is this what he thinks she wants to hear?
a smile automatically unfurls over his lips, only slightly sardonic. angel isn’t phased by her hesitance, he expected it. when he unceremoniously sinks next to her in the chair, it’s easy to become effortlessly fused to her side. his arm slides behind her shoulders, her knee hooks onto the top of his leg. angel settles in, ready to patiently explain his reasoning, which feels pretty obvious to him. “more my type than you?” he has to point out the absurdity. “it’s not even about type, like — i dunno, i feel like we have a bond, cal. i’m just… i’m not the kinda person who’s lookin’ for greener grass. maybe if someone came in and you vibed with them, things would be different and i’d open up or whatever.” he shrugs, diplomatic. there’s a pause and then he sighs a gentle laugh, pushes a curly lock off the side of her face. “i’m not asking you to take my last name. i’m just letting you know that in here my eyes are only on you. like, i can’t imagine sharing a bed and all that with somebody else. not after everything. ‘cause yeah, sure, ’barely a week’, whatever. i’d be saying the same shit if we were on the outside. i dunno, i feel like that’s not super shocking. like, i like you, cal. i wanna stick with this.” he takes in a long breath, watching her with a small measure of amusement. “be real, how much am i freaking you out right now?”
a beanbag chair typically fits only one person comfortably, but when angel takes the seat beside her callie has no problem making herself at home, legs draped over his own until they're nearly perpendicular together. the physical touch between them already makes his admission feel a little less heavy, although there's a stirring of guilt in the bottom of her stomach. callie leans against him, letting her head rest on his chest, listening for his heart. by now the initial surprise of it has worn off, lips pursing as she feels a smile start to tug at them. "no, you're not," she counters with a short laugh, glancing up to catch his eye. without her ear against his chest, callie realizes it's her own heartbeat she hears, quick and jittery. "just kinda feels like you're tempting fate by saying that. now watch the next bombshell that comes in be some kind of... street racer or something." the smile she flashes him is light, but it's hard not to think about how much more it would sting if his head actually did get turned, after he said all this. "but no, we're on the same page," she admits, reaching for his hand so she can toy with his fingers. "i just don't want you saying all this because, like, you think it's what i’m looking for.” like frankie had thought she wanted. the sting of the knowledge that things had ended between the two of them over wanting commitment too early makes this hit a little too close to home. "and... i should probably tell you. i meant to last night, but then the dumping came up." a small pause. "i talked to frankie again yesterday afternoon. i wanted to see if i could get some closure that didn't end in fighting."
"to be fair, i didn't think this is what you wanted to hear," he admits with a wry chuckle, head sloping to the side. "i was kinda bracing myself for you to be, like... wary about it." and she's making no bones about her apprehension, understandably considering her experience in here so far, probably chock full of people promising her the same things only to breeze into the next person who laughs at their joke. "i'm saying it 'cause it's how i feel about things. like, you think a bombshell will come in that i'd be better friends with than jude?" it feels like the most succinct parallel. some people you just can't replace. the mention of frankie should be like a bucket of cold water, but angel leans into the conversation. he'd wanted to touch on it with callie since the minute he left his chat last night in the smoking area, but after the brutal dumping and it's soap operatic repercussions, he'd afforded her twelve hours of timeout. "i know," he explains, thumb of his free hand sliding up the nape of her neck. "i, uh, talked to her last night, right before bed. she said there was, like... a moment. less than friendly, more than fighting kinda thing."
the fact that he knows her so well makes her laugh a little, but there is something to be said about him telling her this anyway, even if he didn't predict to necessarily like the reaction she gives. it's funny, because he's talking about her wariness and trying to go slow between them, as if they hadn't just been picking out names for the hypothetical dog she's going to help him adopt on the outside. callie's a little past taking it easy, and she has been since their date. it's why she had talked to frankie yesterday, trying to find some semblance of closure between them, so she could fully close that chapter before starting a new one. her conversation with frankie had somehow gone exactly how she expected and yet still left her rattled, but for as much as callie doesn't want compare the two relationships, the way angel is talking to her now versus everything frankie had apparently left unsaid in their brief coupling is like night and day. talking to angel about this now feels like she's tying a nice bow on the frankie conversation before moving on from it—so when angel says that he knows, it's shock enough for callie to drop his hand. "what?" the air suddenly feels too hot and stifling, emotion pricking at her eyes like she's just been slapped. "she told you we had a moment? last night?" it's not like she hadn't been planning on telling him, but the idea of frankie talking to angel of all people about it makes her feel like her privacy's been violated. and he's just known the whole time and hadn't brought it up? god, how bad does she look right now?  "i-i didn't even know you two talked, what the hell. it wasn't... it wasn't even like that." closing her eyes, she tries to calm down the momentary panic. "did she say anything else?"
“i didn’t think it was like that,” angel assures her. “i know you woulda said something right away if anything real happened.” which is a big part of why he’s let the whole thing lie for a minute, didn’t rush into a heated chat about it in the midst of her tears last night the way production probably would’ve preferred. “it was all kinda vague. like, you were in her face asking her what she wants and it was hot and then she pushed you back against the wall. i dunno, i felt like she was tryin’ to imply that she wanted to kiss you.” he’s not looking at callie now, has his eyes drawn to their knees mostly in thought. part of angel wonders if he’s half doing frankie’s job for her when he continues, “she said basically she still has feelings for you even though she’s into miles and i got the impression that, like, she wasn’t really trying to move away from those feelings, you know?” and maybe that information will hit callie in her heart, maybe it’ll stir some of her own feelings toward the blonde. better now than later, he figures. “but i’m more interested in your perspective of the whole thing.”
"of course i would've," she sighs, touching her hand to her forehead. despite angel's rationality, her feelings have seemed to move from surprise and panic to anger, jaw tightening as he fills her in on what frankie had said. "she had no bloody right," she said, scowling, "i'm gonna kill her." seb has pissed her off last night, but this was different. as if her conversation with frankie hadn't hurt enough, she has to try to drag angel into the middle of it, when callie had been clear from the beginning that she didn't want him involved. "i wasn't in her face, crikey. i was just... standing in front of her, and yeah, she pushed me into the wall like she was going to kiss me, but she didn't." so why the fuck did frankie feel the need to share this anyway—to try to hurt him? angel's not even looking at her right now, and she can't exactly blame him. callie touches his jaw lightly, before pushing his face to meet her eye. "i'm sorry you had to hear about it from her," she says sincerely, gaze soft. "the whole conversation was stupid. if it was any less than that, i would've told you sooner. when we talked after the recoupling, i was aware i kind of steamrolled over whatever she had to say, so i was trying to give her an opportunity to say her piece. but all she did was talk circles about how we were better off breaking up, but that's not what she wanted, and how i made her feel like a bad person for accidentally trying to pressure her for commitment. she called me princess diana, i don't know." sighing, she wraps her arm around his shoulder, still leaning into him. "i told her i didn't want that, though. so she can do whatever the fuck she wants, but i'm just focused on you. regardless of who comes in here." that's what she had wanted to say from the get-go, but frankie getting thrown into the mix makes it already feel less special.
“nah, i think she just felt like she needed to tell me ‘cause, like, we’ve been chattin’ here and there, y’know? like we were chill with each other.” and it seems clear that whatever happened between callie and frankie was pretty one sided. “that’s definitely fuckin’ over though.” even angel isn’t sweetheart enough to be friends with somebody who’s trying to fuck his girl. his head nods, immediately accepting of her explanation because he can see it so clearly in his head. “did you think about it?” he can’t help but wonder. “like, kissing her.” even in the heat of the moment. frankie’s actions matter far less than what was going through callie’s head at the time. it doesn’t take much to steal his attention back, his eyes sweeping over her expression. a smile curves into the palm of her hand, jaw inclining into her touch. “princess diana?” it’s a humorous comparison, he wonders if frankie sees herself as charles. “she wants you and miles.” it feels like a revelation, one callie’s probably long since come to but it has angel chuckling dryly, head shaking. it’s a far less engaging concept than what callie wants and when she says that it’s him, he believes her. “yeah?” he muses, barely containing a wide, goofy smile. he leans in, his nose sliding against hers with a measure of teasing. “what if some smokin’ hot pro volleyball player chick comes in? and she’s like, ooh, callie, say crikey for me. what do you say back?”
the look she gives him when hearing about him and frankie will probably get screenshotted and used as a meme, chin ducked and eyebrows arched to perfect encapsulate 'are you fucking serious?' "good," she snorts. "i'm never gonna be the type of person to tell you not to talk to someone, but i don't really love the idea of you two as besties." callie's always liked how he's friendly to a fault, but it's nice to know he has limits. lips twist into a grimace at his question, shaking her head. "no, i didn't. and if she kissed me, i would've pushed her off." she means it, too. there's a bitter smile on her lips as he voices the conclusion she's already come too, nodding. "i think so," she says, "but i wish she'd just own up to it. that's what made the whole conversation so frustrating. whenever i asked what she bloody wanted, she'd be like, 'you know.' i mean, she had basically said the first night she wanted to keep getting to know us both, but, it's not like that could happen forever. i think that's why she was trying to get me to be the one to end it—which i did—but it pissed me off, like she was trying to make me the bad guy. i said as much too, and then she called me princess diana, saying how everyone loves me." how poorly that aged after last night makes her scoff. "i don't know, it's just a shitty situation. obviously my feelings for her can't shut off overnight, but all of this is making it bloody easier, i'll tell you that. we're giving each other space." but her anger melts away at his wide smile, and callie kicks a leg over his lap so she's planted on top of him, hands moving to the back of his neck. "trust me, pro sports players are so annoying," she sighs dramatically. "it could never work out. plus it's exhausting, constantly recoupling with people. having to listen to all their complaints about how i cuddle in bed. it's so rude when people do that, right?" eyebrows raise smugly up at him.
“we weren’t gonna be besties,” angel defends, his smile bashful because, yeah, there was a really good chance they were gonna become besties. they’d talked about duo tattoos. luckily for callie, though, that feels strictly like fanfic fodder now, zero chance of existing in reality. his head zips up straight all of a sudden, fresh gossip hitting him and suddenly eager to tell callie. “did you know she hasn’t told miles about it? i went to pull him for a chat to chop it up, but he had, like… no fucking clue what i was talking about.” brows are perked up high on his forehead, equal parts tickled by the gentle scandal and regretful for miles shitty end of the stick. “sucks ‘cause he’ll probably just, like, roll with it, y’know? i mean, it’s probably why she felt like she could stick it on you in the first place. ‘cause he’d let her.” he’s a sweet guy and he wants it to work and fair play to that. angel just hopes miles takes his advice and at least milks the whole thing for all it’s worth, make sure frankie doesn’t get taken over by a moment of madness again. the stretch of his smile parts a bit with manufactured scandal. “oh, you just know all about pro sports players, huh?” head cocks a bit, shtick giving way to genuine interest. “is that what your ex did?” maybe not the most drama-free topic to choose in light of the terrace situation, but angel would be lying if he said he hadn’t been turning his curiosity over in his head since they’d first broached it back in casa. flow of laughter tips his head back, squeezing her tight into him. “i’d never complain about anything you do in bed. couldn’t be me.”
callie just gives him a look, not dignifying his sheepish smile with a remark. it's a little unnerving to hear angel talk about discussing her relationship with frankie with miles; part of her is glad that he has someone who understands, but the selfish part of her wants them both to be as far away from that couple as possible. it shouldn't surprise her that frankie hadn't told miles yet, but her lips purse in annoyance anyway, shaking her head. "oh, good. so she was more concerned with telling you about it, then." the sarcasm rolls off her tongue, still just so bloody angry. "no, i know exactly what's going to happen. she's going to go back to him and tell him that she chose to be with him, as if i'm not the one who took myself out of the equation. whatever," she shakes her head, no longer wanting to get into it, "they can do what they want. i hope they're happy, really." except she's not too sure she means that right now, even as she tries to control her frustration. "i talked to miles the other night. he seems nice," she offers, to throw him a bone. "but i think i scared him off," callie adds, and this time it's her smile that's sheepish. it's not like wants to be on bad terms with miles, but until the drama with frankie subsides, being around him isn't going to let the wound heal. of course angel brings her ex into it, flashing him a rueful smile before shaking her head. "i was a competitive surfer for a few, remember? i've been around the lot enough." it's one of the reasons why she couldn't get into the vibe of trying to go pro; she liked being around people who also loved what she did, but some of them really knew how to suck the fun out of it. her laughter comes out easy, as it always does with him, leaning forward to capture his lips with hers. it's a little too easy to get carried away when they're pressed together like this, but she forces herself to pull away after a bit, with a smirk. "so, i'm totally your type, huh?" callie teases.
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readerviews · 3 months
"Your Body Is the Portal to Your Soul" by Iris Angellys
The Road to Connecting to Yourself #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Your Body Is the Portal to Your Soul Iris AngellysKind Press (2023)ISBN: 978-0645523751 Reviewed by Kassia Scotti for Reader Views (06/2024) Iris Angellys’s “Your Body Is the Portal to Your Soul” takes the reader on a personal spiritual journey into all the ways the individual may find balance, peace, self-acceptance, love, and a connection to nature and the Earth around them. It comes into…
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haedeemi · 11 months
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These are my ocs i share with my best friend. I drew this months ago and i still got another group pic to do but i doubt ima be able to finish it lmao but these are our main boys :)
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life-boyer · 2 months
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inspired-lesson-plans · 4 months
One of my favorite things to do as a sub is start the class by mispronouncing everyone's name when taking attendance. Call out the names one by one, but catch them all off guard by saying every name as wrong as possible. Like the famous Key and Peele sketch, but it works for names of every heritage.
Here's a few I did today:
Kierstyn -> Kaiersteen
Lilyana -> Li'l Yana
JayKwon -> Jake Juan
Owen -> Ohven (German pronunciation)
Angelly -> Anhelli (was actually correct and we were both surprised)
It's great because there's always kids whose names are mispronounced by every sub or new teacher and this way they aren't singled out. And the kids love it. Especially when they aren't sure if you're doing it on purpose on first and then start catching on to the joke. Especially especially the really little kids who laugh but also think you just don't know how to read names very good so they volunteer to help you.
Added bonus, they always correct you and you can get the actual pronunciation of their names without bugging them for it.
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scarabteeth · 2 years
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