haedeemi · 11 months
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These are my ocs i share with my best friend. I drew this months ago and i still got another group pic to do but i doubt ima be able to finish it lmao but these are our main boys :)
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nuest-uk · 1 year
Touring Bostons North End with Bertolli
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exclaimblog · 1 year
Touring Bostons North End with Bertolli
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lumbtr · 2 years
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#Tenderloin x #Kikkoman x #Bertolli #McCormick (at Tops Market at Robinson Srisamarn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmlmEPpJn4l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Thea Francesca Bertolli, 2022
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rodspurethoughts · 2 years
Bertolli d'Italia – which translates to "Bertolli of Italy" – is a line of red and white sauces, made in Italy, that elevate the at-home culinary experience and bring the flavors of Italy right to your home kitchen.
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ecstasydesign · 7 months
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There is nothing more amusing to Martians than watching tourists who think the Atlantic Canale is all there is to Mars.
Marvin the Martian
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allwaysfull · 1 year
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Chez Panisse Cooking | Paul Bertolli with Alice Waters
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guidetourme · 2 years
Top 10 Best Olive Oil Brands In India
Top 10 Best Olive Oil Brands In India
Top 10 Best Olive Oil Brands In India A healthy lifestyle is very important in today’s world. And healthy lifestyle does include Healthy eating which means, having food cooked in pure oil which has unsaturated fatty ingredients and is easy to consume and digest. Food is incomplete without oil, a little oil is thus needed to cook food or dress the salad and it is essential to use the kind of oil…
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reigningqueenofwords · 5 months
Writer's Block
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader Word count: 2,218
Read on AO3
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Sitting back in your computer chair, you groaned. On the screen in front of you, a blank page taunted you. That little black cursor just blinked over and over. Was it trying to drive you insane? “This is bullshit.” You muttered to yourself. Running your hand through your hair, you couldn’t decide if you wanted to cry, punch something, or just shut down your computer and walk away. None of those options sounded good enough. 
“Babe, I’m home!” Came the voice of Bucky, your boyfriend of four years. 
“In here!” You called out, feeling stuck in place. Letting your head lean back against the little pillow on your chair, you closed your eyes. Maybe he’d have a suggestion. 
Finally, you heard the tell tale sound of him making his way towards your little office. Okay, it was a walk-in closet that you’d turned into a “writing nook” when you moved in together three years prior. “There’s my girl.” He sounded so proud, even now. It made you smile slightly. “Are you trying to write via mind control? Because as cool as that sounds, it doesn’t look like it’s working.” He teased. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “If it did, you’d see a lot of foul language on that screen.” You looked over at him as he moved to stand next to you. 
“Rough day?” He rubbed his hand over your shoulders. 
“Rough last few months.” You said sadly. 
Bucky frowned. You hadn’t mentioned anything to him about it, always hoping it would pass. “How about I get you out of the house for a couple hours, and you can tell me about it?” He offered you his hand. 
You chewed on your lip for a moment, and caved when he fake pouted. “Only because you’re cute.” You took his hand and got up. “And it’ll still be more productive than me just sitting here…” You mused. “Let me go get some shoes on.” You kissed his cheek, giggling at the scruff. 
“I love that sound.” He grinned, pulling you close. “How’s Mexican sound? We can try that place that just opened up downtown.” 
You scrunched your nose. “Every time we pass it it’s really busy.” You countered. “Can we just go to Bertolli’s and get some pizza?” You batted your eyelashes at him. 
“If my girl wants pizza, pizza she gets.” He pecked the tip of your nose before turning you towards the door and giving your backside a pat. “I’ll meet you downstairs.” 
You were so thankful for Bucky. He could always cheer you up, and always supported you. It meant the world to you. He never made you feel silly for writing for your favorite shows and movies. Sure, he hadn’t really gotten it when you first told him about it, but he came around. Now he would even proofread for you sometimes, or help when you were stuck. He was perfect. 
Bucky watched you go for a minute before typing “ I love you. ” on your computer for whenever you went to write again. With a smile, he shut the light off and left the little nook. 
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“So, talk to me.” Bucky looked at you, sipping his soda. “What’s been going on the past few months?” 
Licking some sauce off your lips, you shrugged. “I really haven’t been able to write.” You told him honestly. 
“Writer's block? I mean, I can provide some inspiration.” He flirted, wiggling his eyebrows. 
You shook your head, chuckling lightly. “Not exactly. I get ideas, plenty of them. I get so excited, but then I sit down…and nothing. When I do write, I don’t finish the story. I’m lucky to finish a chapter.” You explained. “I used to be able to just write, and write, and write. I loved it, and I miss it so fucking much!” It was obvious how frustrated you were, and he remained quiet, letting you get this out. “And I loved the community, too. Ya know? But at some point, I feel that people just stopped reading. I’ll be lucky if just a couple people read, and that hurts. I put so much into my work, but why make that effort if no one cares? I know, I know ‘write for yourself’ or some shit, but all it does is remind me that no one wants to read my work anymore.” You shrugged a shoulder. “It hurts.” You said softly. 
He reached over and took your hand. “What you’re feeling is completely valid.” He assured you. “It sucks that they don’t read like they did. It’s also their loss. I love your work.” He smiled. “What do you think I read when I can’t sleep? Or I know you’re napping while I’m on my lunch break?” When your eyes went wide, he chuckled. “Surprised?” 
“I am!” You nodded. “I had no idea.” He’d never even hinted! “Do the guys at work know?!” Your cheeks felt hot at the thought of his coworkers- and friends ( your friends!)- knowing. 
“You’re fucking adorable.” Bucky beamed. “I don’t think so. I don’t hide it, though.” He shrugged. “But I doubt they’re reading over my shoulder.” 
You relaxed slightly at that. “Okay.” You took another bite of your pizza. 
“Have you thought about writing a book?” He wondered, making you raise an eyebrow at him. “You’re a really good writer, babe. I think you’d kill it. Or, ya know, your characters.” It was a running joke that you enjoyed murdering your characters a little too much. When he would proofread he would ask which was getting offed. 
“Oh, wow. No.” Shaking your head quickly, you hoped that was the end of it. “Writing for characters that already exist is easy. I just come up with scenarios.” 
“And you make whoever is reading feel so many emotions. Maybe take your work that you’ve already done, edit it, change some names, a few places, and bam! A book of short stories by a future best selling author.” He grinned, saying it like it was the best idea ever. “Think about it. You have hundreds, if not thousands, of stories to choose from. Hell, some of those stories have a lot of chapters to them. You could flesh those out a bit and have a book.” 
Swallowing, you gave him a small smile. “I never wanted my hobby to be my job.” You pointed out. “What you’re saying makes sense, and it could work, but..” 
“But? How about you think about it? Don’t try to write for a week or two. Work on other things you like, and we can take a little vacation next weekend. Either you’ll still not like the idea, you’ll love it, or maybe you’ll just miss writing so much that something will come to you.” He encouraged. “Deal?” 
After a moment, you nodded. “Deal.” You agreed. “Maybe I’m stuck because I’m trying to force it?” You mused. 
Bucky nodded. “That could be it, too.” He gave your hand a squeeze before letting go. “I hope this helps you relax, either way. Let’s enjoy the rest of this pizza, get home, and enjoy a bubble bath.” 
You snorted. “I love how you’re all tough but will always be down for a bubble bath!” You grinned. 
“Can you blame me?” He chuckled. “I get to relax with my girl.” 
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“This is the fourth shelter we’ve been to, Buck.” Steve sighed. “We have seen a lot of really cute animals I’m sure she would love.” He went on, hands on his hips, as he faced his best friend. 
Bucky shot him a look before it softened. “I just want our first pet to be perfect.” He pointed out. 
“Then why am I here, instead of her?” He teased. 
“Because our five year anniversary is coming up. I want to propose…and give her a pet.” He finally admitted. “I was gonna tie a ribbon with the ring around the furball’s neck. Or is that stupid? That’s stupid, right?” 
Steve’s eyebrows shot up at that. “Is that why you asked Nat and Wanda to take her on a girl’s day today to get ‘pampered’?” He asked. “And no. Not stupid. Kinda surprised you came up with that, honestly.” 
“Ha. Ha.” He shook his head. “And technically, I didn’t. Y/N has been writing again, and sure…she still has the violence, and angst that can even make me feel like a 13 year old girl watching the Notebook for the first time…but it’s got so much love in parts now. She wrote out this really romantic scene. Thought I’d recreate it for her. Flowers, a pet, proposing.” He ran a hand through his hair. 
“I’m happy for you.” He grinned. “I still don’t get why you won’t tell me where I can read her work, though. You always talk about how good it is.” 
He shrugged. “I think she’s worried about you guys reacting badly to it.” He slowly walked through the cages, knowing your heart would break if you were there. You’d want them all. Hell, if he was richer, he would say sure. But he wasn’t rich, sadly. “I’ll talk to her.” He promised, crouching in front of a cage with a white cat on it’s back. “Comfy?” He chuckled, putting his finger through the bars of the cage. As the white cat got up, he smiled, watching it come over to scratch itself on his finger. “I think my girl would love you.” He just felt that cat was the perfect one for them. “Let me go ask about adopting you…” He scanned the tag. “Alpine.” Standing up, he crossed his fingers that it worked out. 
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“I’m home!” You called out as you walked in the front door. “Something smells amazing in here.” You noted. Hanging up your purse, you toed off your shoes before making your way towards the kitchen. 
Bucky stepped out right before you reached it, making you stop. “Meet me in the dining room? It’s almost done, and I want to serve it to you.” 
“I think I can do that. If I can get a kiss first.” You said playfully. 
“Like I could turn that down. Hopefully more than just kissing later?” He grinned, making you laugh. 
Slapping his arm gently, you pecked his lips. “I think that can be arranged…” You flirted. 
As you headed towards the dining room, he watched, biting his lip. He was nervous, but excited. Hopefully, he’d be holding you close that night as his fiance. He rushed back into the kitchen to go to the back porch to get Alpine. It had been fun trying to get that ribbon tied, because she kept trying to play with it. Crouching, he scooped her up. “Show time, Alpine.” He scratched her, enjoying how she rubbed against his jaw, purring. 
You glanced over when you saw the door to the kitchen open. However, when you didn’t see Bucky, but a fluffy white cat, you gasped. “Hello, there.” You slid off the chair to pet her. “Aren’t you beautiful?” You pet her, missing the ring. Her fur hid it well. 
“Her name is Alpine.” Bucky told you, carrying in a glass of wine for you, and a beer for him. “She has something for you.” 
Your eyes went to the cat. “Do you?” You giggled. “What would that be?” You tilted your head, trying to figure out what it could be. That’s when it hit you, and you untied the ribbon around her neck. Finally, the ring came into view, falling into your hand. “Bucky?” You looked to your boyfriend. 
“Marry me?” He asked, hopeful. 
“Yes!” You giggled, getting up to rush over to him. “A million times yes!” 
Taking the ring from you, he slipped it on your finger. “I need to thank Stevie. He helped so much with picking the ring, and driving around to find Alpine today.” He admitted, a bit bashfully. 
You grinned, admiring your ring. “It’s gorgeous. And really, planning this off my fic?” You giggled. 
“I was hoping it would make it that much more special for you.” He wrapped his arm around your waist. 
“It really did.” You leaned into him. “I can’t wait to tell everyone I’m marrying the best guy ever!” You had no idea that he had been planning on proposing. “But, for tonight, I want to celebrate with my fiance !” 
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“Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re home!” You rushed to your fiance. 
“Where’s the fire?” He steadied himself as you all but tackled him. 
You shook your head. “A story I posted just yesterday has over ten-thousand hits, and everyone loves it!” You were all but bouncing up and down. 
“Holy shit, that’s amazing!” He hugged you. “I didn’t get a chance to read it today, clearly. Is it one that I proofread for you?”
“Nope. This was a special surprise I wrote for you.” It was your turn to be a bit nervous. “It’s a short one, so how about you read that while I go finish prepping for dinner?” You suggested. When he nodded, pulling out his phone, you kissed his cheek and rushed off. 
It wasn’t even five minutes later when you heard him. “You’re pregnant?!” He exclaimed, clearly excited. You couldn’t wait for so much new inspiration as you created your lives together.
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insimniacreations · 2 years
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Grocery Haul Feb 2023
The 2/26/23 updated version of My Grocery Shopping List mod. Please delete the old version after updating to the latest version.
The 2/26/23 updated version of the Custom Register. Please delete the old version after updating to the latest version.
Hearty Spaghetti with Lentils & Marinara Sauce (found in Rice & Pasta)
Strawberry Oatmeal Bars (found in Desserts)
OPTIONAL Custom Ingredients (Get the custom ingredients HERE) If you don't want to use ingredients, only download the recipes below.
Driscoll's Sweetest Batch Strawberries
Goya Lentils
Bertolli Traditional Marinara Sauce
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Please be respectful and do not release my early access content. They are only early access and will be free.
Please do not include my items in uploaded builds. Link back to my Patreon page for others to download separately
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Now on Early Access. Public Release: 3/22 @ 8pm EST
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adtothebone · 10 months
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Ok, even jarred, Bertolli Asiago Cheese with Artichoke pasta sauce is pretty darn good.
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lowspoonsfood · 2 years
I've recently started trying out a frozen pasta brand called Bertolli's! It a really spoonie friendly meal; all you need is a large pan and that's it. Just throw it in there and cook it for 10 minutes and bam! You got a good portion of pasta for two people. And it's really good as far as frozen meals go! It's not cheap though (I think it's $8 for a bag)
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abyssalzones · 6 months
has anyone had these shitty bertolli frozen bag meals before
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because I am convinced they are literally lying about this thing having alfredo sauce in it. there's no way there's any cheese actually involved in the process. maybe it was produced in the same factory as their jarred alfredo sauce and they met eyes like two ships passing in the night but this pasta meal has never been touched by parmesan in its life. I need answers and cold hard justice
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fatalism-and-villainy · 7 months
Top 5 favorite works of art?
I'm going to limit this to paintings, because all visual art - let alone all media - would be a hopelessly broad category. (Also, I know very little about painting on a technical level, so my appreciation is mostly vibes-based.)
A Bigger Splash by David Hockney - My parents had a book on art history on our bookshelves that I would browse from time to time, and I was absolutely fascinated by this one. The way the style is so blocky and streamlined and then the splash is the only "disruption" in that style. Fantastic.
The Child's Bath by Mary Cassatt - We had this on the wall of the bathroom in my childhood home and I've just always thought it was neat.
Anything abstract by Wassily Kandinsky, though let's give a shout-out to Composition 8
Five Bertolli Bottles by Janet Fish - I love a good still life and the colour scheme and translucence is just so good
Café Terrace at Night by Vincent Van Gogh - I have a special attachment to this one because I've seen the café in Arles that it was based on
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