#angry Futaba noises
lesbian-empress-nero · 4 months
“Ryuji, can you shut up for one minute?”
Makoto asks the question innocently enough. The group’s chatting and, to be fair, he was kinda taking over the conversation in the beginning.
Now, though? He had simply voiced one of his thoughts during Futaba and Akira’s argument after a few moments of him being silent.
And he just wouldn’t stand for that.
“Excuse me!? Did I say an effin’ thing? I was waiting for those two to stop! But oh, I open my mouth to say a single thing and suddenly I need to shut up?”
Ann snorts, and Ryuji can’t blame her. The absurdity of the situation is pretty funny.
“I was tryin’ to tell you two that what you’re arguin’ about is an effin’ hypothetical question! Tomorrow we’ll wake up, there will still be Featherman NEO, there will still be Featherman R, there will still be Featherman Rising! They’re the same damn franchise! I could wake up and watch all of them tomorrow! And you want to tell me to shut up!? Tell those two to quit arguing over something as stupid as Featherman!”
Akechi makes an offended noise. “Did you just-”
“Shut up, Pancake Boy! I’ve seen your room, you’re an effin’ Featherman fanboy!” Akira interjects, resulting in more offended noises from the recently knighted Pancake Boy.
Just a few short months ago, Ryuji was still convinced Akechi was dead and that it was his fault. Now here they all are, smiling, laughing, getting yelled at by Sojiro-san from downstairs to keep it down, laughing some more.
Eventually, Akira breaks out the game console, and all hell breaks loose as Futaba and Makoto start bickering about a controller, Ryuji passes the one he managed to score wordlessly to Haru because he knows that she’s reluctant to fight her friends over minor stuff like that even though she’s a beast against Shadows (Ryuji has vowed to never forget how terrifying that girl is in the Metaverse). Akira and Akechi agree to take turns with their controller, and Morgana curls around Ryuji’s neck like a scarf.
“Hey, ya mangy cat,” he mumbles, grinning and scratching Morgana’s ear. Morgana huffs, but lets Ryuji continue all the same.
“I am not a cat,” he argues, but it’s halfhearted, with an air of happiness to it. Ryuji almost never hears Morgana use that tone with him, but he isn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Yeah, yeah. Ya like the treats that come with bein’ one, though,” he relents, now gently rubbing a finger under Morgana’s fluffy chin.
“What? They’re good. Besides, it’s not like I’m getting fat off them,” Morgana protests, and Ryuji can almost see the grin on his face.
This is... Nice. Ryuji can’t deny that Morgana isn’t bad to talk to, when they aren’t arguing over stuff and when Morgana isn’t putting him down for making minor errors.
“You sure about that? You seem kinda tubby. Is Akira making you walk enough?” He jokes, and recieves a swat to the ear for it.
“Shut up!” Morgana says, but it isn’t angry. More... lovingly annoyed. Like Ann sometimes gets when he says something particularly stupid.
Sometimes he says particularly stupid stuff just to see her smile, to hear that tone. It’s nice, being able to make his friends smile like that.
“Alright, alright... Hey, I think Boss is making somethin’ downstairs. Want me to find out what it is?”
The others are huddled around Akira’s shitty TV, but Futaba pries her eyes away from the game long enough to give him a grin. She passes the controller to Makoto, pulls herself away from the pile.
“I’ll come too! C’mon, you two. Let’s do some detective work!” She declares happily, an easy-going smile on her face.
Akechi mutters loudly about ‘unlocking an open case’, Makoto tells him to be quiet, and more bickering ensues as the trio ventures downstairs.
Never in a million years did Ryuji see himself here, surrounded by so many people he loves, who love him back.
As he brings a tray full of hot cocoa and warm curry up to the attic with Futaba carrying Morgana and a few mugs behind him, he smiles. Back in April, he never would have imagined this. He never would have thought he’d have this, so much happiness and love around him.
But now that he does, he doesn’t think he ever wants to let it go.
the phantom thieves just having fun... augh god i love them so much. akechi's alive and they're all just happy for once. they get to be normal again. not worried about changing hearts. not worried about grief. not worried about shido. just happy as they deserve. also haru is VERY terrifying in the metaverse. lets not forget the dialogue where futaba literally calls haru a sadist. also morgana and ryuji finally getting along? morgana gives ryuji so much shit and they need to get along okay
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mugunghwc · 1 year
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unprompted ask / always accepting
@badheart​​ said: "He looks so good..." Futaba mumbled in the presence of Rei, before moving over an article about the most recent Barbie movie, including a small interview with Ryan Gosling. "Even as a blond hoe, he is just ..." She made a kissing noise. "What is it about blond men..." she grumbled, thinking about Idachi, but even Han dared to come into her mind, though she grimaced then. Somehow she seemed more angry at him than Idachi.
   it was nothing too out of the ordinary to listen to futaba gush about some male celebrity, especially during one of their movie nights, in which she basically melted over the main lead. k-dramas didn’t seem to be an option as of late, but rei had an idea as to why that could be. even if she rarely engaged, rei still liked to listen to her friend. it brought a smile to see her like this—letting down her guard & sighing wishfully over some guy in a magazine.
     rei peered over, leaning to the side until her shoulder was pressed against futaba’s bicep, staring at that particular actor whom she was more than familiar with, thanks to her friend. “i like they went for an older actor... & you’re right, he looks good.” not her type in particular, & the blond hair, as well as the fact that he was american, made her recall her experience with a man. the bridge of her nose wrinkled at the thought, but luckily for her, it was something that didn’t hold as much meaning anymore. the aftermath of it, troubled her more than his existence now.
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      knowing about her involvement with idachi, rei knew that her bitterness was because of him, but there was also han who came in mind ; giving her friend a curious side glance. “you certainly have a type, it seems.” to which she smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “i’m sure you will find your ken.”
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Common Goals | Kazuo | Trial 5 | Re: Being sappy
Everyone had been saying their final words, preparing for the potential outcome that any of them could die… Yet one thing was certain, they all had a common goal to protect Yuriko in this case. As they apologized he offered his more gentle smile to them, placing his hands in his pockets as he let out a small chuckle.
“…You got us working together, didn’t you? You don’t got anything to apologize for, kid. We all want to see you live, and we’re gonna make sure you do. We’re all determined to see you get out of here in one-piece, okay?”
As everyone spoke kind words, some of them directed at him and others toward the group as a whole, it was clear Kazuo was struggling a bit. He didn’t look angered, but was more flustered to hear anything really like that. Turning his gaze away from the group for a moment as he kept quiet.
Of course that was until the voting results came into play, hearing they were right to an extent caused his eyes to go wide, realizing that it meant no one would be executed, a hopeful look for a brief moment… Until the two assholes ruined the moment of joy, stating that there would be an execution regardless. 
Whatever smile he had on his face was instantly destroyed, a furious look as he slammed his fist into his podium, raising his voice to get their attention.
“–YOU CAN’T FUCKING CHANGE THE RULES! If Mio fucking did it and we voted for it then we were right, no one needs to fucking die, we played by your goddamn rules and won it, so sit the fuck down and let us walk the hell away.”
…But even though he was yelling, he knew it wasn’t going to work out. They didn’t care in the end who lived or died, they just wanted to entertain themselves. It pissed him off even more, but Hanji’s words rang through his mind… No words left unsaid, there was no confirmation who would die, but he wanted to get his words out before it was too late.
“…Mikazuki, I understand you’ve been angry, trust me when I say I fucking get it more than you’d think… But letting your anger and rage cloud your senses won’t do jack-shit. The assholes behind this are going to fucking pay, but, revenge isn’t going to fix shit, you need to use that anger to protect the people you care about, which, I think you’ve been doing a damn good job on. Just be mindful.”
“…Tsuneo, you’re a fucking dumbass who did something stupid, your face is punchable and honestly? Almost fucking did a few times here… But you’re also someone who’s working to better himself, how the fuck can I be mad about that? You just said it yourself, you did all those things, but you learned from it. You might be fucking stupid, but, you’re a good person. Don’t lose that side of yourself, ever, okay?" 
”…Hayato, you always kept me the fuck up every goddamn night when you were healthy, talking about stupid shit I really didn’t care about and honestly I wanted to knock some goddamn sense in you for that… But when you were almost killed, I realized how much I appreciate the noise. You’re a good roommate, and a hero to a lot of people here… Continue to be that shining light that people need through the darkness here.“ 
”…Jinpachi, as you said we didn’t know each other as well as I would have liked as well. You had interest in the past shit I dealt with, but you weren’t rude about that bullshit, you didn’t pry on and on and on about it, unless I asked you if you wanted to hear shit… I respect that more than you really think, and it added a lot of respect for you. I think of you as a friend, as much as it might not fucking seem like it from how I act.“
”…Ken, you can’t give up. No matter who’s name gets called the hell out, you have to make sure you keep moving the fuck forward, and, if it’s you? Give them hell on the way out, make sure the bastards behind this feel the full force of what you can do. If we both make it out of here let’s train together, alright? ’s nice having a friend who can throw a fucking good punch.“ 
”…Futaba, when that whole reveal of you came out I didn’t understand it, I’m shit with technology in the long run, and, was more worried I’d somehow fuck up and break you or some shit. I didn’t care that you weren't human outside of that though. At the end of the day you’re your own goddamn person, and, a fucking good one at that. I’m happy to have met you, and, if we both make it out of here let’s keep in touch, okay?“
”…Loic, if I’m going to be honest? I’m happy I got to punch your stupid fucking face, it felt good at the moment… Especially since it let out the majority of the anger I felt in the last case, our talk afterwards helped me understand. You care about the people you love so much, you will do everything to ensure that the people you love are safe. If you’re the one who gets chosen, I’ll help figure out the shit we talked about, okay? If it’s me, then at least visit my grave to tell me about the progress, okay?“
Kazuo was starting to get a little emotional now, turning his gaze further away from the group. There were two more to go, then, one final message… He could do this, but emotions were always hard, especially when the next two were this important to him.
”…Hanji, it’s… Fucking funny how we avoided talking all the time, right? Scared to talk about the past, scared to think about the shit that happened… But then when we did, and we both cried our fucking eyes out, I realized that I needed that just as much as you did. We both… Bottled up so fucking much. Yet after we had that moment, I trusted you more by the second. You’re one of the few people who’ve seen me cry my goddamn eyes out, that should say how much I respect you. Thank you for everything, you’re a goddamn good friend.
“Yuriko. I’m glad you get to live, it’s as you said, we’ve been a team since the first goddamn day we got here. I’m just… Glad I got to help protect someone I care about for once. I’ve seen so many people who I cared about die over the years, and I was reaching a breaking point. But you helped me through that, your joy and care you gave was enough to help me work past that… I know you’ve lost so much, but, keep strong, okay? And no matter who dies just remember to keep moving forward, don’t give up on that shit okay, and, if it’s me go find Ritsuka, okay? She’ll help you move forward past all of this shit.”
There was a pause, scratching behind the back of his neck as he realized another thing, something he would have to trust in everyone to do for him.
“Speaking of her, uh…Tell Ritsuka I love her, I… Really struggle to get that shit out sometimes, due to how I am.. I think she knows but, at least make it clear okay? If we’re being sappy assholes I couldn’t leave her out of that. She means the world to me and I want her to know that much.” 
Taking in a deep breath, Kazuo nodded to the group once more, a determined look on his face.
“–I’m shit at this whole sappy-shit, so, sorry if that was terrible. No matter who goes I mean what I said though, I’m glad to have met you assholes.”
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ffamranxii · 4 years
Morgana: I'm familiar with the seven deadly sins
Morgana, pointing to Yusuke: The munchies
Morgana, points to Makoto: Super pissed
Morgana, points to Ryuji: Naps
Morgana, pointing to Akiren: Thinking you’re hot shit
Morgana, pointing to Goro: Thinking your friend is hot shit and being mad about it.
Morgana, pointing to Haru: Capitalism
Morgana, pointing to Ann: And the big sexy
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cynamonowo · 4 years
daybreak + yusuke
thanks for letting me a) make this shukita and b) spread my 0 Braincells Yusuke agenda 💙
Even without the heavy scent of oil paints hanging in the air, it'd be pretty obvious Yusuke hasn't slept a wink. Wrapping the blanket around his shoulders and suppressing a yawn, a hot cup of coffee in his hand, Akira opens the spare bedroom (which has turned into a studio over the past few years) and steps inside. Sure enough, there's Yusuke, slouching over a canvas, laptop open and headphones on. Akira glances at the screen. Today it's some Netflix series, while yesterday it was snake videos and the day before it was music. The common denominator? The lack of it, because who needs consistent background noise for painting.
"Morning, babe," Akira says, stepping into Yusuke's view, who glances at him, then at the computer, clearly checking the time, and grimaces.
"Good morning," Yusuke says with a sigh as he pulls the headphones off. "My apologies. This project has captivated my attention perhaps a hair too well."
"No shit," Akira points out with a smile. He takes a sip of his coffee, but when Yusuke hungrily gazes at the cup, he shakes his head. "Nope. You must've had plenty already."
"You know me too well." That sounds way too petulant for someone who promised not to fuck up their circadian rhythm for the third time this month, but Akira lets it slide. Instead, he takes another good, considering look at the artwork which, yeah, was worth an all-nighter. It's abstract, soft washes of color surrounding a bunch of angry-looking splatters. 
And it seems done, so Akira should have little problem dragging Yusuke to bed. He extends his hand; smiling feebly, Yusuke takes it and almost trips over his feet. Fun fact, while he may seem all graceful and poised like a goddamn doe straight from a Disney movie, this asshole's clumsiness rivals Futaba's - especially when he's this close to passing out. Akira rolls his eyes fondly.
"Go take a shower," he orders, "then sleep." Yusuke makes a face.
"While I'm rather sure you know that I'd prefer to work for a few more hours," he says, tugging his hair free from the ponytail and letting it spill over his shoulders, "your idea appears acceptably reasonable." Then he yawns. And then once more, just for good measure; Akira barely manages not to catch it from him. In lieu of that, he drinks more coffee. 
"Off you pop," he requests. Yusuke frowns again, then stumbles out of the room, the pastel-blue tarp scrunching under his steps. Akira snatches a paper towel from the desk and throws it on a new puddle of paint by the easel, because if he doesn't Yusuke'll forget about it, walk into it, then walk out and trace neon pink all over their apartment. Granted, there are stains here and there, but Akira covered them with picture frames and tasteful rugs. 
There's a yelp coming from the bathroom. Akira closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and strides over there, pretty confident Yusuke almost got himself killed with a showerhead or a toothbrush. Or a comb, like that one time he got paint in his hair, tried to tease it out and ripped a huge chunk of it clean off. After that, it's been either braids, ponytails or silly clips Ann supplies them with. 
Yeah. Mornings in the Kurusu-Kitagawa households truly, to quote Futaba, do be like that. And Akira wouldn't change it for anything.
Even if, as today, Yusuke does begin his day by opening a window only to have it slam into his stupid face.
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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lastoneout · 4 years
Comfort Food
Fandom: Persona 5
Rating: PG
Akechi has a food blog, Futaba thinks that's hilarious, Akira is a good friend, and Sojiro needs a drink.
This was supposed to just be me projecting my issues on to Akechi because he's my emotional support bastard boi but somehow it turned into nearly 2500 words of tooth-rotting slice of life fluff. Whoops.
Goro learned the hard way that hiding things from Futaba was impossible.
To be fair it wasn’t like he was trying to hide his food blog, he mentioned it in passing a few times and he knew that most of his followers were his fans, but he never really expected any of the Thieves to actually read it, let alone read it out loud, in front of him...while laughing at it.
“What are you, a high school girl?” Futaba said with a snicker after she finished reading his latest post aloud, “I’ve seen little girl’s diaries with more class.”
“Oh my god.” Akira choked out from beside Futaba behind Leblanc’s bar, desperately trying to muffle his laughs as Goro floundered.
He knew he shouldn’t care. The Thieves always poked fun at each other. ‘It’s what friends do,’ Akira had said. If anything he figured he should be grateful that Futaba considered him enough of a friend to playfully mock his hobby. But Goro was never good at regulating his inner emotions, and so as much as he tried to not let it get to him, it did.
Truthfully, he never meant to get into food. For the longest time, he considered it a pointless expense. In the various foster homes that he was tossed between food was almost a luxury. And to someone who often wondered where his next meal would come from it was hard to justify the cost of a fancy dinner when the same money could get him a month's worth of instant ramen and convenience store bento lunches.
But when he got into high school and wormed his way into the police force he suddenly was financially stable enough to justify luxury spending. Nijima-san was kind enough to pull some strings to get the agency to act as a guarantor so he could move out of the foster home and into a small apartment, and after he paid his bills and rent he was left staring at the remaining sum in his bank app, trying to wrap his head around how that money was his, and he could do whatever he wanted with it.
He tried to keep a level head and decided to go to a nearby department store to pick up things to furnish his new home, but on the way there he passed a diner and was stopped dead by the incredible smells drifting out the door. His stomach growled, and he found himself trying to remember the last time he had eaten something that hadn’t come wrapped in plastic and styrofoam.
His stomach growled again, and before he had time to think about it, knowing that if he did he would decide against it, he hurried into the restaurant. He was seated quickly, and despite feeling weirdly giddy and anxious he smiled at the kind waitress who took his order. The simple latte and plate of pancakes were probably the most delicious things he had ever tasted, and he couldn’t help how his eyes watered after the first bite, the food filling some empty part of himself he hadn’t even known existed.
Looking back on that day he’s grateful that he wasn’t famous yet, as no one cared to pay attention to the skinny teenager in the booth by the wall trying not to get tears in his dinner.
After that, he ate out at least once a week. He spent little on necessities, picking up most of the things he needed at the ¥100 store and buying used clothes, saving every extra bit that didn’t go into bills for food. Eventually, he started looking up new places to eat, and after finding a few food blogs he decided on a whim to start his own. It didn’t take off until after his big break, but he didn’t mind. The simple pictures and reviews he posted weren’t really for anyone else, and on days when he felt empty and angry, he would scroll back through them and feel a little bit better. Almost happy at the little niche he had carved out for himself.
Shortly after that Akechi’s entire life quickly became a delicate web of lies. He was a double, even triple agent, under so many layers of falsehoods even he struggled to keep it straight sometimes. If anyone ever bothered to break him down to his bare parts there really wasn’t much he actually did for himself. Every single facet of his life and personality had been carefully crafted to ensure he would be able to get the revenge he so desperately craved. He hardly ever did anything just for himself. Every interest he shared in interviews or mentioned around his ‘friends’ was for show, not something he honestly cared all that much about. It was annoying sometimes, having to pretend to care for things he felt apathetic towards, but it was necessary.
But food? Food stayed safe. It helped his Detective Prince facade once he got popular, after all the only thing teenage girls seemed to like more than cute boys was trendy food. And cute boys who love trendy food? That’s a check that writes itself. It made him look soft, approachable, and normal. So he indulged. Actually enjoying sharing the one part of himself that wasn’t fake.
Maybe that’s why Futaba’s mockery stung so much. He wouldn’t care if people made fun of his fake interests, but when it was the real him? It hurt.
He tried to laugh it off, blushing and begging her to stop. He insisted it’s just for his fans, he’s not really that immature or girly, it’s just for show! But each plea seemed to only make the situation worse, so he gave up and silently begged for her to get bored soon, his face an unnatural shade of red.
Akira, ever perceptive, seemed to notice something change in his demeanor, and without a second thought, the teen reached forward and plucked Futaba's phone right out of her hands.
"Hey!" She shouted, grabbing for it.
"Alright, alright, that's enough." He chided, holding the phone just out of Futaba's reach, "We all have our hobbies. But since we're in a sharing mood how about I tell Akechi-kun all about your Featherman shipping blog?"
A chill came over the room. "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, I would." He turned to Goro with a devilish smirk, "See she loves the red and blue rangers together-"
"Akira I'll end you!" Futaba yelled, diving forward and attempting to tackle him. Akira, however, was taller, and easily deflected her blows.
"She was telling me about this doujinshi she read the other day-"
"I'll spread rumors about you on websites you've never even heard of!"
"It was so romantic-"
"I'll leak your bank info on the dark web!”
"It's by her favorite author too, she buys everything they release-"
"I'll destroy you with malware, you won't be able to BREATHE near a circuit board without getting a virus!"
"Tell me, Akechi-kun, do you know what smut is?"
"AKIRA!!!" Futaba shrieked, and it was quickly followed by the sound of clanging pots and Sojiro swearing loudly from the kitchen.
“Would you two cut it out?” He shouted, poking his head around the corner.
“Sorry Boss, just giving Futaba a lesson on being a good friend,” Akira replied with an apologetic smile.
“Well next time can you do it outside? You’re lucky I don’t have any customers in here right now.”
“You never have any customers...” Futaba mumbled.
“I heard that. And Futaba, I thought I asked you to tie up your hair when you’re behind the counter.”
“On it...” She grumbled, pulling her hair back into a lazy bun with the scrunchie on her wrist.
“We’ll keep the noise and health code violations to a minimum, Boss,” Akira said, shooting a lazy salute Sojiro’s way. The older man eyed them for another second before sighing and mumbling something about herding cats as he turned back to the curry.
With the situation defused, Akira and Futaba stared at each other, having a silent yet very animated conversation, but eventually, Akira seemed to win and Futaba sighed heavily, "Okay, okay,” She turned to Goro and gave him a bow, “I'm sorry for making fun of your blog Akechi-kun."
Goro hardly knew what to make of the display, let alone her apology, but it made him feel a bit better, so he relaxed and gave her a genuine smile, “It’s alright, Futaba-chan, I forgive you.”
“Can I have my phone back now, please?”
“You may,” Akira replied amicably, handing the hostage technology back to Futaba.
She smiled triumphantly before another dark look crossed her face. She eyed Goro, suspiciously, before blushing and tapping her fingers together “A-and Akechi-kun...you won’t tell anyone else about the...shipping thing, right?”
“To be honest...I’m not sure I fully understand what you were talking about,” He replied, “But your secret is safe with me.”
“I’m so proud of both of you,” Akira said with a fake teary-eyed sniff, “My two little introverts, making friends.”
Goro and Futaba broke out in protests, but a quick glare from Sojiro shut them both up.
“Wow, you’ve really got that ‘disappointed dad’ look down, Sojiro.” Akira quipped.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than raise hell in my cafe?”
“As much as it breaks my heart, yes.” Akira said, untying his apron and heading around the counter, “I’ve got a date with a pile of dirty dishes in Shinjuku.”
“You’re not taking Morgana?” Futaba asked as he grabbed his bag and jacket.
“Nah, he hates The Crossroads, says the alcohol smell makes his nose itch. When he wakes up from his nap just let him know where I went.”
“Roger that.”
“Thanks,” He said, “See you guys later! Oh, and try not to get into too much trouble while I’m away.”
Futaba rolled her eyes dramatically, and Goro, still feeling a bit lost, simply shrugged.
“Akira, text me when you get there! You know I don’t like you going to that part of town so late.” Sojiro called, and Goro had to suppress a smirk. Akira had faced down far worse threats than the red light district at night. But it must be nice, he figured, to have someone worry about you.
“Got it!” Akira replied, the bell jingling as the door closed behind him.
Futaba seemed to deflate in his absence, looking anxious. She had explained once that Akira was something called a ‘key item’ that gave her ‘a plus ten confidence boost’, and he assumed that just meant she was shy when he wasn’t around. Goro turned back to his discarded coffee, grimacing a bit when a sip revealed it to be lukewarm.
“Uh, I can make you another cup...it’s my fault that one went cold anyway.” She said, clearly trying to make things up to him, “Sojiro’s been teaching me. It probably won’t be as good as his though. I’m still totally stuck on tutorial mode.”
“Oh, um, that would be lovely.” He replied, “Thank you.”
She started the process, carefully measuring grounds as the kettle heated, “You know, you should write about Leblanc on your blog. You like the food here, right?”
“Absolutely not.” Sojiro interrupted, joining Futaba behind the bar to supervise the brewing.
“But Sojirooo! Akechi-kun is popular, you might actually get some business for once!”
“I don’t want that kind of business. Sorry Akechi-kun, but hundreds of fangirls in here every day ordering fancy drinks and asking when their beloved Detective Prince is coming back? I can feel my blood pressure skyrocketing just thinking about it.” He replied with a chuckle, “A man my age can only handle so many loud teenagers at once, and Akira’s band of hooligans already pushes the limit.”
“Don’t worry, Saku...uh, sorry, Boss. I understand.” Goro clarified, “There have actually been several cases of popular food writers unwittingly causing small restaurants to close due to their articles increasing interest to an unmanageable level. I wouldn’t dream of doing that to Leblanc.”
“Glad we’re on the same page then.”
Futaba finished making the coffee, grinning when Sojiro complimented her technique. She eagerly pushed a fresh cup to him, practically vibrating while she watched him take a sip. It was true that it wasn’t as amazing as her father’s, but it was still good and had its own charm.
“You did well.” He said, and he couldn’t help chuckle when she broke out in a wide smile, a warm feeling blossoming in his chest at the sight.
“Yes! I leveled up! Plus five coffee making exp!”
“We’ll make a barista of you yet.” Sojiro said fondly, “Now, it’s getting late. Akechi-kun, do you have dinner plans? I’ve got enough curry back here to feed an army, you’re welcome to stay.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose...”
“Just say yes.” Futaba whispered to him with a smirk, “Sojiro put all of his stat points into feeding wayward teens.”
“Then...yes, I’d be honored.” Akechi said, too confused to be offended by being called ‘wayward’.
“The honor is ours,” Futaba replied solemnly, giving an overly formal bow before breaking out laughing.
Sojiro wasted no time serving up three plates of curry, chatting idly with Futaba as she went to flip the open sign to closed. The two of them managed to herd Goro into a booth just as Morgana trotted downstairs, asking about Akira and demanding food. Futaba poked the poor not-cat a few times while Sojiro retrieved Morgana’s food bowl and popped open a fresh can of cat food.
“Sorry,” Sojiro said, pulling up a chair and making room on the table for Morgana’s dish, “He throws a tantrum if he doesn’t get to eat with us.”
“I do not!” Morgana shouted indignantly, “I’m just too civilized to eat on the floor.”
“Chatty cat,” Sojiro replied, giving Morgana a few chin scritches.
“Morgana is family,” Futaba said sagely, “And a family that eats together, stays together.”
‘...Family, huh...’ Goro thought to himself.
“What’s up Akechi-kun?” Futaba asked, and he blushed lightly as he realized he was staring off into space.
“Oh, I’m sorry, it’s nothing,” He deflected, “The food looks delicious, Boss. Thank you.”
“Thank you for the food!” Futaba yelled before digging into her plate, and the rest of them quickly followed suit.
As the four of them shared the meal, Goro felt the warm feeling from before grow and spread through his chest. Futaba was using her fork to flick small bits of meat at Morgana despite Sojiro’s half-hearted complaints, cheering as Morgana somehow managed to catch every single one. The smell of curry and coffee and cat food mingled in the air with laughter and shouts, giving the whole room a feeling not unlike a comforting hug.
Goro allowed himself a small smile, sure that the only reason he felt so happy was the food.
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izanyas · 4 years
Written for P5 Writers Zine in like... 2018. I forgot to post it lmao
Rating: T Words: 2,100 Warnings: some internalized lesbophobia
It isn't that Makoto can't deal. There isn't much she can't deal with, after all. Losing her father at such a young age and watching her sister grow cold and distant through the years have made the core of her stone-solid, independent, stable. The metaverse may bring out of her every chip in her armor and pour recklessness out of her loosened reserve, but even then, she is in control.
Even then she does not crack.
It is only irritation she feels when Ann insists to accompany her home. It's not as if she didn't see it coming: Ann has not stopped nagging at her since they discovered that Sae has a Palace. They've all been busy preparing for Akechi at the same time as they prepare for Makoto's sister, so Ann has not had much time to actively seek Makoto out, but Makoto knew she could only delay so long.
She tried everything, in her defense. The polite I'm tired and the snapping You should study for tomorrow and the soft and vulnerable, I don't feel like talking, which always leaves her with ants under her skin and makes a voice roar with laughter in her head.
Ann falls for none of them. Ann is tired and pissed off and obviously intends to follow Makoto home no matter what. There is much to say about the way Ryuuji and Yusuke underestimate Ann's capacity for tact; she does not make a scene in front of them or Ren, never, but her eyes on Makoto are glaring.
You're not escaping this time, they say. Futaba takes one look at them and inches closer to Ren reflexively.
Makoto, therefore, is angry.
Nothing else.
"I'm really fine," she says calmly as she pushes open her door.
She tries not very subtly to close it on Ann's face. Ann shoves her foot in before she can do it and forces her way inside, dropping a very quick, "Sorry to bother you," as if she ever feels sorry.
They both still in the entrance after that. Makoto's apartment is as neat and tidy as ever, the kind of tidiness that used to make her pull at the couch's threads till she felt a little like she could breathe again, but there is no noise anywhere. No light coming from the kitchen or the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
Sae isn't home.
Ann sighs in loud relief. She drops her bag in the entrance, kicks off her shoes, and makes herself comfortable on the couch. "You're not fine," she tells Makoto over the back of it. "I can tell."
"You're seeing things," Makoto replies, putting her bag down much more neatly. "Honestly, Ann—"
"No one could be seeing all this about their own sister and be fine, Makoto."
Makoto shivers. Despite the cold, Ann has not grown out of wearing shorts and skirts yet. Her legs are socked up to the thighs, where a thin strip of skin still somehow bears sign of a summer tan. Makoto has to blink and walk away to chase from her mind the sight of that inch of golden skin.
She's parched. Exhaustion weighs deeply on her shoulders, and her own legs feel the ache of running through the Casino even if they did not truly run. She grabs a glass from a cupboard in the kitchen and fills it in the sink, not offering Ann anything to drink.
Ann notices, of course. "You really are angry at me," she says.
"Of course I'm not angry at you," Makoto lies. "Why would I be angry at you?"
"For intruding on your brooding Makoto hours, that's why." Makoto hears her rise from the couch and tiptoe into the kitchen, the weight of her gaze heavy at Makoto's nape. "Well, I'm not leaving," Ann declares.
Makoto's fingers clench around the ice-cold glass. She gulps it down, almost relishing in the faint headache that follows. When she turns around to look at Ann once more, there is no trace of facetiousness on her. It doesn't bode well for Ann's temper or Makoto's current ability to deal with it.
"What do you want me to say?" she asks bluntly.
Ann seems surprised for a second. Before she can speak again, Makoto puts down the glass and comes closer. She's never more aware of their difference in height than when Ann towers over her like this, tall and gangly like Makoto has never been and never will be, graceless yet captivating. Ann blinks at her in confusion.
"What do you need to hear before you go?" Makoto says. "I'm tired, Ann. We've just spent five hours infiltrating a Palace. I need sleep—you need sleep—and whatever you think is wrong with me, it isn't. I'm fine."
Ann contemplates her for a silent moment. When she smiles, it isn't as bright as it usually is. "You even sound like you believe it," she replies, "but how long have I known you now? I remember how you looked when it was that yakuza scum's Palace we were investigating. I'd say you're twice as anxious now as you were then."
"Of course I'm anxious," Makoto says evenly. "There's a lot at stake here."
Her patience grows thinner and thinner; there are urges under her skin, the feel of leather and metal on her body as she punches through a Shadow's heart, the sound of Johanna's wild laughter making her breath turn to fire. She has never wanted to let go so badly outside of the metaverse.
"Makoto," Ann says gently, and the weight of her hand on Makoto's shoulder seems to make her push through the very ground. "There's no one else here. You don't have to be strong around me."
Makoto cracks.
She shoves Ann's hand away too harshly, harshly enough to hurt, but she feels no remorse for it. "What do you want me to say!" she snaps. "What do you want to hear, Ann, that I'm unhappy with this situation? That I'm glad we're all digging around my sister's heart looking for what made her so twisted!? Of course I'm unhappy!"
Ann is holding her own wrist and looking at her with wide eyes, but Makoto can't stop now. She can't apologize or regret.
"She raised me," she says, barely noticing how raw her voice sounds. "Maybe she was distant, and maybe she expects a lot of me, but she raised me. She was there for me after our parents left, she took care of me, she—" she has to breathe to stop the knot in her throat from turning into sobs. "She's the only family I have left," she goes on. "What am I supposed to do now that I know she's corrupted her own heart so much that she grew a Palace and never told me about it?"
Sae has never been one to open up. Perhaps before—before their father died, before she had to turn into a parent for the sake of Makoto, sacrifice her freedom and social life for the sake of her useless baby sister—perhaps then she was less strict. Makoto has half-buried memories of the both of them playing and laughing when Sae's workload was not so terrible, or when she was still a student with more free time. She recalls her big sister playing with dolls like a puppeteer, using weird voices for different roles, putting on a play in Makoto's small bedroom until Makoto laughed herself to tears.
There are tears in her eyes now, but not from any kind of laughter. "Akechi is going to try to kill Ren," she hiccups. She brings her hands to her face and plasters them over her eyes, hoping that the pressure will keep her cries at bay. "We have to make sure he survives—we have to make sure he—Haru's dad," and then a sob breaks her voice as the fear that keeps her awake at night finally comes into words. The anxiety that has her choking on air in her dark bedroom until she thinks she will die. "What if my sister dies too, Ann? What am I supposed to do if I kill her by trying to save her?"
None of them think of the break-ins as an act of charity for those they rob; the people whose hearts they change are scum, the worst that the world has to offer, and they deserve to face punishment. But Makoto has never once managed to think of Sae as guilty.
Ann's arms come around her, too tight and too hurried. "That wasn't our fault," she says, "you know that was Akechi."
"I can't stop thinking about it!" Makoto shouts. "I can't!"
I can't lose my sister too!
Ann's embrace turns firmer. Her face is knocking into the hands that Makoto has kept over her face, and Makoto's elbows must dig painfully into Ann's shoulders, but Ann is relentless. In this as in all things, she refuses to back down.
In the end it is simply easier to accept it. Easier to wrap her own arms around Ann's middle and dig her face into Ann's shoulder, staining her shirt with tears and snot as she shakes and sobs. Makoto has never cried quite so loudly before, she realizes. Not since she was very little. Shame rises in her in the midst of all the fear, yet Ann just shushes her, presses a kiss to her temple and runs long fingers through her hair.
They've never held each other like this before. Makoto cannot stop her heart from beating askew now any more than she could in the past when Ann laughed too brightly or moved in such a way that Makoto's eyes followed the length of her body, the dip of her collarbones, the shape of her legs. Her lips.
She's never thought so lowly of herself for it before.
"She never said anything to me," she repeats into Ann's wet shoulder. "She never told me how she felt. I'm the worst sister in the world."
Ann's voice immediately retorts with words of denial, of comfort, but Makoto does not listen. She doesn't want to be fed lies about her responsibility. If she had cared for her sister better, then Sae would never have become the Phantom Thieves' target.
She never would have become Makoto's target.
Ann doesn't pull away from the hug. As long as Makoto stays, she doesn't move. It must be uncomfortable for her; Makoto knows that at this point it is not just despair keeping her clinging, but for all that she resents herself for it, she can't let go. She doesn't want to let go and go back to ignoring her own feelings.
I'm sorry, Ann, she thinks, burrowing deeper into the girl's embrace. Please let me have this.
Ann's fingers in her hair drag shivers out of her scalp.
She does have to pull away eventually. Even here there are limits to what Makoto can allow herself; she won't pretend to be upset now that her crying has turned to soft breathing and that simple exhaustion has settled inside her languidly. It is with greater effort than ever that she leans out of Ann's arms and looks away from her, sniffling quietly.
She risks a glance in Ann's direction. Ann's eyes are bright too, a single tear track on her flushed cheek shining from eye to lip. She gives Makoto a trembling smile and says, "Your makeup is all smudged."
Makoto goes rigid when Ann's fingers touch her cheek. She stops breathing as they wipe carefully under her eyes and over her cheeks, trying to reign in her immediately blush. "Ann," she says.
But Ann is not listening. For once Makoto is the one who feels trapped under the weight of her eyes.
She doesn't move away as Ann approaches; doesn't pretend not to want it when Ann bends down and puts a kiss over the lowest part of her cheek, right at the corner of her lips. Makoto turns her head aside to meet her fully.
She can feel the hitch in Ann's breathing as if it came from her own throat. Maybe it did, she thinks light-headedly. Makoto closes her eyes and presses further into the kiss, unable to keep her eyes open for fear of Ann's reaction, taking in the softness and proximity for as long as she will be allowed.
She needn't have worried.
It is only a long moment later that they both pull away. Makoto's heart is a chaos in her ribcage, fluttering like a trapped bird, knocking and bruising. She knows her face has grown crimson; she can see, though she will not look higher than Ann's chin, that Ann looks exactly the same.
She forces her mouth open and says, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," Ann replies in the same breath. "Don't be sorry."
In her smiling eyes, Makoto finds the very opposite of disgust.
She smiles back.
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The first time they called him.(But was in the wrong time, at the worse place.)
Summary: They never called him when he arrived to Tokyo, they never did just knowing about his first day. The never did just for asking how he was with the current situation. So, why now? Why here? And why with that words?
Or, the first time the Akira's parents called him. He don't saw the phone number, and just he take the call without hesitate or thinking much about it.
Fandom: Persona 5.
Based on: That amazing Hc by @books-and-late-nights just go to that blog, and give love, they're amazing. (also, excuse me if i'm being annoying or something, i don't wanna be like that)
Words: +1200
The constant noise that was hypnotizing sounded around the place, product of the raindrops that fell and hit the ground constantly. The cold they produced was a lulling feeling for the students of the Shujin Academy, who in the early hours of the morning, were already attending classes as in a common way. The first days of August were not supposed to be with that kind of weather. However, the torrential rain that fell on Shibuya was not something to ignore at that moment. That, along with Mr. Ushimaru's boring words, will make that day more boring than it was for the students of the 2-D class. Normally for all those who had to attend the class with that teacher, would not dare to separate their eyes and take their ears off what he was teaching, it was better to avoid the consequences of being hit with pieces of chalk, or even be humiliated in front of everyone else. Yes, that was better.
Even so, despite knowing what would happen if he did not pay attention to the class, Akira could not take and hold what was happening around him even if he tried. His mind was filled with thousands of thoughts that afflicted him with every second that passed. As he looked at the foggy window full of static raindrops that were there, looking at him, he thought about the situation where they were all tangled right now ... The loneliness in his space under his study table made him feel extremely uncomfortable. So much, that his hands and his heart were numbed by the guilty feelings that attacked his heart.
Why Morgana was gone?
Why did all this happen?
Why did everyone have to argue like that?
Was it his fault because he did not stop Ryuji in time? Why did not him tell to Morgana at the time how important it was for The Phamton Thieves?
Was it his fault all this time?
Of course! If only he had acted as a current leader, nothing would be happening.
It was his fault that everyone always fought. He was to blame for not deterring him.
... He did not deserve to have such an important role. No one would want a leader who was to blame for everyone arguing. If only…
If only he- ...
The weight in his throat barely let him pretend he was breathing well. The great train of thoughts went on and on. He was so confused, so guilty, so bad at the time, but he thought he deserved it all. Everything is his fault. Everything, everything, everything.
"... K ... urus..u-San"
It was, it was, it was. He believed it was his fault.
"Is not he listening or what?"
"Of course not. He is a criminal, right? Clearly he is such a bad boy, who has no interest in anyone. Not by the class, not even by whoever is calling him on his phone ... "
"Wow, I'm not surprised ..."
"Akira ... come on, wake up"
He barely managed to separate his full attention from his thoughts at that moment, god. He felt dizzy and out of place for a second, blinked a little, and moved his eyes around the classroom. Several eyes were on him, some people murmured to him, laughing and others talking about how bad a boy he was.
"… Mr. Ushimaru will not let him escape this time. "
"Hey, do not forget to record what will happen. It will be very fun"
He directed his attention to the front, where he found the serious and angry face of the teacher, and halfway, the worried look of Ann towards him.
And now what was happening ...?
"Kurusu-Kun Is this how you pay attention to the class? Having calls and conversations with your friends, breaking into your other companions? "The murderous look with which he spoke to him was enough to make the slight fear that he felt for some time be diverted towards another goal ... One moment ...
He blinked confused again this time, and then he noticed. The slight ringtone noise he had predetermined on his cell phone was flooding the classroom. Interrupting the class and the attention of all his classmates. He had not realized at all ... Now he was in trouble.
"Well, it seems that for you, my class is boring enough to interrupt it in such a disrespectful way. It is not like this? Well, go ahead, Kurusu-kun. Do not be afraid to respond to the person who is calling you right now. Surely it is so important, that now all of us should also listen to what is so much fun for you, right? After all, it sure is fun and we can all laugh together. "With a sarcastic hand movement, the teacher gave him permission to move on.
Akira, with a doubtful face, slowly pulled his cell phone out of his pocket ... Now that he thought about it, was there any chance it was somehow, Morgana? That would be great. Maybe it's him, and some of his friends had found them. Maybe he went back to Leblanc and it was Sojiro calling him to tell him that he was back. Or maybe it was Futaba, and could not wait because she managed to locate the cat by hacking some cameras in the city.
He did not even look at the name or number of the caller. He pressed the green button without hesitation- He did not mind answering in full class at that time either. Maybe it was good news about the talking cat, and he really needed to hear about it right now. He was sure, of course it was Morgana.
Why it was not going to- ...!
"... At last you deign to answer, fuck"
Oh ...
Oh no.
That tone of voice, and that way of speaking ...
He did not have to blink at that moment to understand what was happening, he did not even have to repeat the phrase twice in his mind to process it. His stomach fell at the precise moment he heard that voice.
"Tsk. Are you there? Or are you playing with me right now, damn kid !? "The voice through the speaker had silenced the mocking murmurs in the air with his words.
"What do you think you're doing right now?" A second person spoke from far away, a female voice, but not for that, sweeter or more pleasant. "Why are you daring to call that person? It does not even deserve that you're doing that. "
"I'm only doing it because that's what the judge said, woman! Do you really think I would waste my time doing this shit? I'd rather not have to talk to him. "
"So?! The judge does not know about this, so leave it right now. That disappointment does not matter to me right now. And neither do you. That disappointment is not longer our son "
He had not realized when his hands had begun to tremble violently at that moment. And as the air was missing in his lungs as he listened to the words that his parents were addressing them.
"We would not have to worry about him if you had not failed to educate him as he should!"
"My fault?! HAHAHA! As if he had not left just like you, dear! Everything would not have happened if only you!!...
"Shut UP!!. It's not my fault.!!"
"Neither does mine! Everything would have been better if Akira had not been born-!! "
The only thing he could think of to stop the next words was to cough a little too loudly to overshadow them. It seemed to work, because the violent words of those people stopped for a moment. Noises sounded through the other line, to continue with the first voice, speaking to him.
"... It's all your fault." And they cut off the call, with the tone that sounded the only noise in the room.
Akira was fighting firmly in that instant. Nausea attacked him without warning, making him stagger a little, and the rapid heartbeat in his heart drilled into his brain without rest. Now he felt weak, small and worse.
He did not dare to look at his classmates, not even look at Mr. Ushimaru. Slowly he turned off his cell phone and put it back in his pocket. As he sat in his seat as if nothing had happened, a strange feeling had settled in the classroom, as if something had bewitched the students .
"... L-Let's go back to class, Students" his teacher's tone of surprise had sounded so far now, that he did not care. He simply placed his hands on the table, trying not to collapse at that moment now, and his gaze to the ground.
... It was all his fault. Huh? It always had been.
He wanted to pretend everything was fine, and that call had not happened. But the tremor in his shoulders, and the sobs held almost unsuccessfully on his lips, proved otherwise.
If only, he was not a nuisance. A disappointment.
If only he was not to blame.
If just, nobody had to fight because of him.
This is stupid, i'm stupid, but his parents are way worse than me
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mugunghwc · 11 months
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unprompted ask / always accepting
@badheart said: "He should be in prison," Futaba grumbled in front of the others, after speaking about Han. There seemed to be some confusion until she corrected herself. "For stealing my heart." Fang couldn't help but snort at the cheesy line, before making a soft aww noise.
it was nothing new to hear futaba express herself like that when it came to han, but at least in rei's case, she didn't know how to take it. sometimes, it was said in an angry, frustrated tone, while others... well, she was still frustrated, but longing for him nonetheless. her guess was that something must've happened between these two that she was in such a mood, which brought a small smile upon her features.
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naomi, on the other hand, let out a snort upon hearing that. for someone that looked so tough, futaba turned out to be a very soft woman deep down. a romantic even, if she was spouting such cheesy lines. her nose made a sound when she laughed, which prompted her to bring a hand to her face, as if by covering half of it now would make a difference.
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"please, you'd do every woman a favour... but will you be able to resist him while being cuffed?" somehow, she highly doubted that. rei could only chuckle at that. "fang told us you met up with him again." she confessed & seemed beyond intrigued over the stunt their friend pulled—giving her a glance.
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persona-play-q · 6 years
Introductions in Order
We begin our journey with quite the unusual scene.
Morgana: "...y" Morgana: "Hey! Wake up!"
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Morgana. Waking Joker up, rather than telling him to go to bed.
This must be some sort of elseworld or something.
Morgana: "So you're finally up. You do know class has been over for quite a while, right?"
Ren: >"What was that cinema...?" >"What was that butterfly...?"
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“W-Wait, he actually saw that butterfly? I kind of assume it was just part of the intro...”
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“Those butterflies... Whenever they appear, it means something special is about to happen.”
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“Yeah... Like a call for help...”
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“...*cough* That is... not the inherent, intended meaning of the Butterfly...”
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“...A herald of the Master above even our Master, the blue Butterfly is a symbol of human fate and its potential.”
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“So, we’re watching a flick about... potential...? Huh?”
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>Yosuke doesn’t even attempt to comprehend and just stuffs a hand of popcorn in his mouth. He’s seen too much to still be baffled.
Morgana: "Butterfly...? What are you talking about?"
Morgana: "Hey now, get a grip. Did you have a strange dream or something?"
Morgana: "Anyway, now that you're awake, let's go home. We still have to decide what you're going to do today." 
Ren: >Right, let's do that. >I'm still sleepy .
Jesus, Joker, what are you, Makoto Yuuki??
In any case, Morgana acts supportive of our exhaustion, given how this is before the Casino dungeon and he gets everything has been a bit much lately. He tells Ren that he’s got his back. D’aww~ 
In front of the school...
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Ryuji: "Finally, class is over! That sure was hell..."
Ryuji: *yawn* 
Ryuji’s animations are adorable.
Ryuji claims he hasn’t been able to sleep lately because their Phantom Thief work has kept him so excited. He says that’s probably why he keeps falling asleep in class. However, a certain cat thinks otherwise.
Morgana: "Um, haven't you ALWAYS been napping in class, Ryuji?"
Ryuji tells him to shuddup. 
Ryuji: "We still got plenty of time till our next deadline, but how about we go gather at the hideout?"
Ren: >”Let's meet up.” >”Should we, though?” >”Let's go have Ramen first.”
I really could go for some Ramen.
Ryuji: "Whoa, you sure are taking it easy... Oh, whatever! I want some Ramen too."
Morgana: "Hey, you guys, it's still too early to think about dinner. Let's go to the hideout first."
First my nighttime slots, now my food. Will Morgana ever stop taking the things I love??
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Haru: "Oh, it's you two!"
Ryuji: "Hey, nice timing! We were just talking about going to the hideout."
Haru: "Good, I happen to have some after-school time to spare today. The situation at our company has calmed considerably by now."
Ryuji sends texts for everyone to come in.Everyone replies in 2 seconds flat
Ryuji stares at his phone.
They are all going to Leblanc.
Morgana: "Alright! Then we're unanimous: Today we shall conquer another section of Mementos!"
Not if destiny has a word to put in, Mona.
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Futaba: “Roger that! I will put my all into navigating.”
After best girl appears, she gets an intro screen. Everyone does.
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FUTABA SAKURA. The adopted daughter of the owner of your current residence. Was a Hikikomori when you first met her. Has genius hacking skills. Her code name within the Phantom Thieves is “Oracle”.
It actually says “Navi”, but for the sake of consistency with the localization, I’ll go with “Oracle”.
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“Oh, we’re all getting intros? That’s convenient.”
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“Yeah, it’s really going to save time on introductions.”
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HARU OKUMURA. A 3rd year at Shujin Academy and thus your Senpai. The heiress of her father’s large company, “Okumura Food”. In some ways, she is rather naive towards the world. Her Code Name is “Noir”.
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ANN TAKAMAKI. A 2nd year and your classmate. A 1/4 American girl, with a bright, caring personality. Sometimes works part time as a magazine model. Her Code Name is Panther.
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Ann: "Hey, Makoto. I don't mind going to Mementos today, but do you think it's okay to not tackle the Palace yet...?"
Makoto: "Don't worry. Honing our skills first is important. The next one is one battle we can't lose."
It’s nice to have it referenced how important that upcoming dungeon was to Makoto.
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“...I remember that day. That was when we gathered at the Hide Out to take Akechi into Mementos for the first time.”
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“Why are we seeing that though? I don’t remember anything special happening back then. We fought some Shadows and that was it.”
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> Naoto listens up.
“Goro Akechi? You knew him...?”
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“Ah... Now, that’s gonna take some explaining...”
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“It’s gonna be easier to just let them see. I have a feeling it is coming up anyway.”
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MAKOTO NIIJIMA. A 3rd year and your Senpai. An accomplished Student Council President of high moral standards. Occasionally also shows a less restrained side.  Her Code Name is “Queen”. 
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YUSUKE KITAGAWA. A second year at Kousei High, where he studies Art. Has promising potential as an artist. Rather eccentric and emotional, he seems to live in his own little world. His Code Name is “Fox”.
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MORGANA. A mysterious cat you met in the Metaverse. Transforms from a normal cat into a bizarre mascot. Can also transform into a car. His Code Name is “Mona”.
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“... ‘Mona’.” 
> Yosuke squints. 
“Everyone got themselves badass Code Names, and you went for... Mona.”
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“J-Just so you know, I object to EVERYTHING in that description!”
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“Ah, so you CAN’T transform into a kitty-car! Geez, and bear I was confused about how that would go!”
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“...ALMOST everything!”
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“... Come to think, you guys are pretty unfazed by the fact that Mona-chan can talk...”
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“We have Teddie. We’re beyond surprising.”
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“And I’d say at this point, Teddie is only the tip of the proverbial ice berg.”
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“It’s actually kind of surprising that there’s something that similar to Morgana out there. I always kind of thought he was one of a kind.”
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“I-I AM one of a kind, Lady Ann! You should know that!”
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“Yeah! And so am I by the way, Ann-chan~!”
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“...Don’t call her that...!”
> Angry cat hissing noises.
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Ryuji: “Well, doesn’t matter if Palace or Mementos, we just gotta do it to it!”
 The model looks better from this angle. 
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RYUJI SAKAMOTO. A 2nd year. Used to be Star of the Track Team. Passionately hot-blooded and immature. His impulsiveness sometimes gets him into trouble. His Code Name is “Skull”.  
Ryuji: "By the way, where's that guy? This would be our first time taking him to Mementos, too..."
Ryuji: "I mean, it'd be a shame if we had to just 'forget' about him..."
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Akechi: Sorry to make you wait.”
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Ryuji: “Ugh.”
Futaba: “Speak of the devil.”
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“Goro Akechi. I did hear that he had infiltrated the ranks of the Phantom Thieves for a while during the mission that lead to the temporary capture of their leader.”
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“I see... I wasn’t allowed access to the files regarding the case, so I had no idea.” 
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GORO AKECHI. A third year student. A high school aged private detective. His sharp sense for deduction and reasoning, as well as his looks have earned him a lot of fame. He is also called “The second coming of the Detective Prince”. His Code Name is “Crow”.
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“Whoaaaaa! What a Bishie! He’s almost up there with me on the pretty-boy scale...!!”
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“Yeah, that is one thing he had going for him...”
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“ Mitsuru-san, if I may ask...”
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“Of course. Once we’re done here, I will give you a complete copy of the case file, Shirogane.”
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“Thank you. This is all very interesting...”
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“Infiltration, huh...? Yeah, that’s the right word for it...”
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“Not like we fell for it, of course. But we did need to play along with him for just a while. Else we wouldn’t have been able to put an end to his games.”
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“His ‘games’, huh...”
> Yosuke already doesn’t like the guy. 
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> Your Code Name is “Joker”. You are the Leader of the Phantom Thieves.
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“I thought I felt something ‘Senpai’-ish from that guy...”
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“Yeah, that guy does feel special... He may have the same power as Sensei and Ai-chan!”
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“The power of the ‘Wild Card’...”
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>Marie looks up, seemingly slightly disinterested. 
“I don’t know what you mean. Yu is Yu. There’s only one of him.”
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“That may be. But even so, it is surprising, to see that there is such a number of Persona Users who share the same powers as...”
“In any case. It will be interesting to see how this, as they say ‘plays out’.”
After this scene, the Phantom Thieves head out for Mementos. There’s a badass cutscene which shall be shared.
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amemiyashion · 5 years
A Revue of Revenge
Funny story about this fic, it actually wiggled back-and-forth between being posted quite a few times. At first, it was going to be a normal smut fic, but then I gave it my own twist and held onto it instead. Then I wanted to post it as a christmas fic, so I reworked it and tried to post it, but I was a coward again. And THEN the Maya OVA came out and confirmed that she wasn’t too amazing at dealing with intense emotions, so it almost became too good to post. I decided against it again, but I remembered I have this blog, so I’ll post it here first for safe-keeping. Maybe I’ll put it on AO3 one day.
A Revue of Revenge
Words: 3247 (about)
Relationships: Mayakuro
By now, the year had taken a hungering bite into the winter months, leaving nothing behind but the fleeting, tiring days of the winter holidays, and the glittering bauble-esque reward of Christmas, at the end of it all. Saijou Claudine couldn't say she enjoyed those days; the ever-present chill made it difficult to practice, as the act of changing into your leotard became a momentary dip into icy water, and staying in it even worse. Naturally, the only ones who had the guts to bear the cold was her, Junna Hoshimi and of course, Tendou Maya. Junna, however, had made herself sick from spending too much time in the frigid practice hall, and was now spending more than enough time wrapped up in Nana's arms to speed up her recovery.
The latter, though - Tendou Maya, the maze of a Stage Girl who'd been Claudine's girlfriend for more than half a year, now - Usually joined her in practice, but today had been absent. Claudine had paid no mind to it, practicing alone despite the soft panging loneliness in her stomach. It was always healthy to take a break, after all. And so, she was especially looking forward to returning to the dorms at lunchtime to share an hour or so with her before returning.
Claudine hummed along in her head, thinking about what she'd like for lunch. Hopefully something warm - something she could wrap her hands around and relax as the feeling returned to her numbed fingers. Maybe Nana could make a nice soup. But then again, she'd probably end up making banana soup, and Claudine could only fear what that tasted like. Considering they were leaving the honour of making Christmas Dinner to Nana, the nine of them would probably be having banana turkey and banana Christmas pudding by the end of the week, and that was enough banana for a year, in Claudine’s books.
By the time she reached the dorms, she'd spent long enough in her thick woollen coat and gloves to have warmed enough to make lunch herself, and was no longer at the mercy of whatever Nana cooked up. Regardless of what she’d have, Claudine wanted to share it with Maya.
Sharing was one of the tenets they'd built their relationship on: sharing food, sharing secrets, sharing their time together, and every so often, sharing their bodies. They supported each other this way, still always competing, and still occasionally bickering. Maya sometimes complained that they shared a bit too much - particularly Claudine, and food – but every time she did, Claudine just shut her up by sharing even more.
Claudine made it back to the dorms in record time, hurried on by the fuzzy, dreamy romantic nothings spinning about in her half-numbed head. Managing to unlock the door despite dropping the key once or twice, Claudine barrelled inside and took a deep breath of the warm, almost humid, air of the dorms. Her body trembled as it warmed, and Claudine thankfully unbuttoned her jacket and hung it on the hook besides the door, ready for when she left for the school once again. After all, her duty to practice always calls – practice, and lunch.
 Claudine dizzied halfway through the living room, on the hunt for Tendou Maya, more in her own mind than the real world. She was pulled out of her musings by a worried cry however, and looked about for the source. Claudine had been convinced she’d been alone in the room – she’d only wear the innocent, lovey-dovey expression she had on if she were – so when she found three people on the couch across from her, she was frankly shocked considering the noise they were making.
"Karen...!" Junna and Hikari were leaning over what seemed to be an incapacitated Aijou Karen. Hikari was slowly fanning Karen, a concerned look on her face, whilst Junna inspected the -- the black mark on Karen’s face. "Oh, god..." Junna's voice wavered as she tried to apply some kind of ointment from a first-aid kit.
Claudine's brow twitched in confusion, and she approached the three hesitantly. "What-- What's going on here?" She was struck as Junna turned to her, almost accusatorily.
"Oh, Claudine." Junna's attention darted between Karen and Claudine, and she could've sworn she heard her murmur 'speak of the devil’ when her back was turned. "Karen has been, umm... struck." Junna shook her head and cleared her throat, figuring the truth was better after an uncomfortable moment. "Tendou hit her."
"What?!" Claudine couldn't believe her ears. Tendou Maya, who was usually so polite and graceful, had apparently lashed out at Karen. Claudine had been planning so spend her lunchtime with the girl, but those plans were feeling less realistic by the second. "Do you know why?" Claudine looked at Karen - still washed out on the sofa - and wondered if they'd managed to get anything out of her.
“Well, I saw it all.” Figuring she’d have to explain, Junna muttered to herself. "Karen was feeling cold - as we all are," She sniffed instinctively, still not over her cold. "So, she hugged Maya, as she does..." Junna hesitated again, stuttering and shifting about on her feet. "And she called her - and I quote - 'soft and cuddly'." With the words out in the open, Junna managed to regain her composure. "I think you can assume what happened next." It certainly wasn’t hard to imagine.
"Oh..." Claudine couldn't even laugh as the picture in her mind came into focus. "Is Karen okay?" Not wanting to have to face whatever Maya was doing right now, Claudine feigned interest in Karen. Her partner had always been a strong girl, and by the looks of it, Karen had been on the receiving end of quite the punch.
"She'll live." Junna rolled her eyes. "We've all seen her in worse." After watching Hikari try to shake Karen awake again, she turned back to Claudine. "I think the person who's really in trouble is you, Claudine." She laughed facetiously. "Maya's been stomping around the dorm for almost an hour now, and I think she might be looking for you."
"How- What makes you think I have anything do to with this?" Claudine stepped back, Junna's accusation hitting home. Claudine’s shock was obviously just lip-service, and the sudden shift in Junna's expression told her she wasn't interested in dancing around the truth.
"We all know, Claudine." Was Junna's stark answer. Watching Claudine splutter her way through another excuse wasn't in her interest, and she promptly turned to pay attention to the comatose Karen, who seemed to be coming back to life. Hikari shook her one last time, and Karen putted to life like a broken engine. "Karen?"
"Hikari...? Junna?" Karen groaned, rubbing her head to find it hurt more than it usually did. Claudine didn't have time to waste with this reunion. Apparently, Tendou Maya was hunting her down, and if Karen's state was anything to go by, she wasn't about to get off easily.
 "Futaba! Futaba, open up!" Claudine battered unforgivingly on the door to Kaoruko and Futaba's shared room, her head occasionally darting up and down the corridor to check for any sign of Maya. After a few moments, a bed-headed Futaba creaked the door open.
"Kuroko?" Futaba dithered as she tried to sort out her messy pinkish locks, forcing her eyes to stay open. "Before you say anything, it's a Sunday in the middle of winter. Don't judge me."
Ignoring Futaba's excuses for spending so long in bed, Claudine tried to barge her way into the dormitory. "You owe me a favour, Futaba. Let me in." With that, the door slid open and Claudine almost fell through. She'd expected a snide comment from Kaoruko, but the girl was still asleep, buried under layers of duvets.
Taking a sweet breath of relief as she took a seat on Futaba's bed, Claudine rolled her eyes at her own overreaction. She had really taken to hiding away in her friend's room to weather the storm of her girlfriend's anger.
"I hate to ask, Kuro, but... What are you doing in my room?" Futaba flopped down in her bed next to Claudine, curling the covers over her shoulders as she felt the chill air Claudine had brought in with her. "Something wrong?"
"No, of course not. I just--" Claudine quickly realised just how futile lying would be. "I think I made Maya mad, and I'm hiding." Swallowing her shame tasted like a mouthful of salt, as it also meant accepting the fact that she was most certainly the one in the wrong.
Futaba choked a laugh. "You made Maya mad? Usually it's the other way around." She stopped and looked and Claudine more seriously. "But an angry Maya does sound pretty terrifying, doesn't it? I'd want to hide, too."
"Exactly." Claudine nodded as Futaba was just as understanding as usual. "So, I think we should switch rooms for tonight. I'll stay in here, and--"
"Wow, now. I think that'll just get me killed in my sleep." Futaba shook her head. "Maybe we could just talk to her about it? I'm sure if it's you two it's something stupid." Claudine hadn't expected Futaba to be so level-headed about it, but she was probably just still tired from having woken up.
"Honestly! As if you and Kaoruko's problems aren't stupid, too!" Claudine bit back, sure of herself that Maya's problems were more than some trivial high-schooler tip.
Futaba was about to speak up - and surely agree, considering their last argument had been over the last cookie in the jar - a scream rang out through the halls. Both of the girls leapt, and even Kaoruko woke up. Kaoruko hadn't been the one to scream, however, and once the other two realised, Futaba hopped to her feet.
"You're not coming?" Futaba looked down at Claudine, who was still glued tightly to Futaba's bed. "Come on, Kuroko. It's not like you to mope. What if someone's hurt?"
Claudine looked as if she was about to shake her head, but groaned and jumped up, finding she was incapable of being so petty. Telling herself she wasn't afraid of Tendou Maya, no matter how riled up she was, Claudine followed Futaba out of the room.
 Claudine mused on just how similar the scene they found was to the one she'd seen only a few minutes earlier. The ominous feeling in her chest grew as she gradually began to feel like a hunted animal.
"Nana, are you okay?" Junna was kneeling over Nana, cradling her in her arms as if she was actually dying. "Claudine!" This time, however, there was no pity from Junna; as soon as she spied Claudine, she shot a painfully spiteful look in her direction. "If you can't control your girlfriend, I'll have to call faculty."
Claudine shuffled up to Nana, still feeling the daggers coming from Junna. Even more than when she’d attacked the puppy-like Karen, Claudine felt like Maya had committed some reprehensible crime by taking down Nana. Sure, the girl might not be quite as innocent as most would care to know, but her motherly instincts made up for it twice over.
"I--" Nana spoke up. "I just asked her if she wanted something for lunch." Junna's expression became even worse as the motive behind the horrific act became clear. Nana pulled herself closer to Claudine. "This is your fault."
"Nana, we both know whose fault this really is." Claudine bit back. Nana’s maternal habits had gone into overdrive over the winter months. And whilst Claudine might have appreciated having someone wait her on hand-and-foot, Maya surely didn’t.
Nana fainted, if only to escape the conversation.
"Claudine, really. You've got to sort this out." Junna pressed, still clinging to Nana, fully aware she was faking her unconsciousness. "It's only getting worse."
Futaba murmured an agreement from behind Claudine, but before she could think of a retort, yet another pitched yell broke the air. This time, it was Kaoruko's - only she was capable of such a squawking, outraged howl.
 The two - and Junna as well, once she'd carefully placed Nana on the sofa to rest - found Kaoruko splayed out on the floor of her room, with a satisfied, if bedraggled, look on her face. Only as satisfied as someone could look, trying to crawl back into bed after being throttled to the floor, though; that much was evident by her ruffled pyjamas and flustered red face.
"Kaoruko, what did you do...?" Futaba knelt down next to Kaoruko, not bothering to help her up.
Kaoruko cackled, as she was prone to do, and finished scraping herself back into bed, snuggling into it like a rodent into a hole. "She came looking for Claudine," she managed to grin despite her condition as she pulled the covers over her shoulders. "And I called her fat when she walked out." Kaoruko returned to her usual snickering self in record time - Claudine was frankly shocked she'd been the only one to completely survive Maya's wrath. "Apparently I'm not worth killing." The exasperation in the room was audible - perhaps it'd have been better if Maya really had finished Kaoruko off.
Junna and Futaba looked at each other suddenly, wordlessly conspiring. "Well, Claudine, I think we all know what needs to happen next." There was a direly ominous tone to Futaba’s voice, and she approached Claudine from behind as she rolled her shoulders.
Before Claudine could even take a guess at what Futaba had meant, both of her arms were sealed. She gawked, suddenly arriving at the conclusion that Futaba and Junna had a moment ago. She struggled, but found no purchase. Claudine had expected Futaba to be strong enough to hold her down, but Junna's sudden burst of strength seemed out of nowhere - no doubt Nana was spiritually lending her her strength. "Wh-What are you two doing?! Unhand me!"
"No can do, Kuroko." Futaba sighed. "I hate to do this, but it'll be one of us next." Junna nodded in agreement, and Claudine could feel her heart sink. "Hey, Maya!" Futaba called out, and the air went dead silent. "Come and get her!"
Claudine laughed dryly. "You're both acting like you're going to sacrifice me to her." She looked over her shoulder at Futaba, but found no mercy, as a violent stomping filled the air. And when she turned back, Maya was already there.
"Thank you, Isurugi, Hoshimi. I'll be taking her, now." Was the last thing Claudine heard before she was grabbed by the collar and dragged back to her room.
 Claudine hadn't expected to still be alive, but as Maya practically threw her onto her own bed, she didn't think she'd have to worry about that for much longer. Nothing came, though, and Claudine opened her eyes to find the girl simply looking down at her, rather irritatedly. "You're not going to kill me?" She asked facetiously, but not entirely believing Maya wouldn't.
"Why would I..." Recalling that she'd just left a bloody trail through the dormitory, Maya sighed and collapsed onto the bed. "I'll need to apologise for that."
"I think Kaoruko had it coming." Thinking she could distract Maya with intimacy, Claudine set her hands on Maya's shoulders and edged closer, beginning to play with the collar of her shirt, but she was shocked when her partner rejected her touch. Maya almost shrunk in on herself, her cheeks growing the mildest red.
"She wasn't wrong, though, was she?" Maya's voice was at once accusatory and embarrassed as the source of her anger finally showed itself. Both of the girls' faces went a flushed shade of red as the words tried to come out. "You... You've..." Maya squeaked, unable to even think it, despite it being painfully obvious to the both of them. Claudine had to admit, it was difficult watching Maya unable to say what was on her mind.
  "I've made you fat." Claudine was just as afraid of saying it as Maya, but at this point her dignity, and responsibility as her girlfriend, won out. Claudine's stomach lurched at her own bluntness, and she hurried to correct herself. "I mean, not fat-- just, softer." Fearing Maya's wrath, she echoed Karen's words from earlier.
True enough, Maya had become slightly plumper over the months she'd spent as Claudine's beloved - at first, the natural exercise she did at the school made it a neutral game, but once the walls in her and Claudine's relationship had broken down, spurring the blonde onto bigger things, she'd began to gradually put on weight. Claudine had noticed, of course; the amount of time they'd spent naked in each other's presence had given her a front-row seat to Maya's growth. She'd been pussyfooting around the topic for the past few months, as she secretly enjoyed the show. She would never tell Maya that, though - it'd just be an extra burden in their relationship. Realistically, it was only a few pounds, but even that made all the difference to a Stage Girl. And considering it was the Christmas season, that number was probably only going to get worse if Nana had anything to say about it.
"Precisely." Maya had regained her composure quickly, and was now glaring at Claudine with the same intensity she'd had earlier. "I think it would be best for the both of us - myself especially - if you let me go on a diet."
Claudine's head spun a little bit at the implication that she had full control over Maya's eating habits, and that if she said no now, it would mean no. She took a breath and composed herself, reminding herself what happened the last time she let her indulgences take centre stage. "Of course. But--" Claudine cut herself off, realising how selfish even a single 'but' would be, baiting Maya into a trap with the promise of freedom.
"But--?" Maya reacted, and Claudine already regretted it. The air in the room had relaxed after the matter of the hour was settled, but Claudine wasn't feeling it. "I'm sure watching me go on a diet will be absolute torture for you." The malice in Maya's eyes had already been replaced by a kindness - and, perhaps, there was just a sliver of eroticism behind them. As ever, the girl was so quick to forgive. "Perhaps I'll let you have one favour."
Claudine looked for an escape as she found herself trapped between her embarrassment and her more earthly desires. Of course, Maya had already recognised the blush splashing across Claudine's cheeks; she was only like this when she knew she was putting her girlfriend on the spot. "I--" Claudine choked up, unable to even voice her desires, having locked them away safely for both of their sakes.
"Don't be embarrassed, Claudine." Maya's eyes shifted between a kind glow and a teasing edge. "I don't think anything you say could shock me, anymore - you've had your way with me plenty of times before." Claudine could see Maya on the verge of laughter as she squeezed Claudine between her fingers.
"Gah!" Claudine decided she'd had enough of Maya teasing her. "If you're going to insist, then..." Swallowing her embarrassment, Claudine approached Maya again - apparently, she must have had quite the menacing look on her face, seeing as Maya practically backed off as she closed in. "Take off your jumper, and turn around." Claudine demanded, watching as apprehension flashed across Maya's face.
"You have a rather unpleasant look in your eyes, Claudine." Maya tutted and she gingerly turned, stripping off her jumper and shivering slightly against the cold as it bit through her thin undershirt. And as she peeled that away too below, the roll of soft flesh around Maya's middle was revealed - it sat lazily on the hem of her pants, hungrily devouring skin that was once muscular and taut and turning it into smooth, plushy curves. At first, Maya instinctively covered it, wrapping her arms around her hips, but taking care not to touch her soft skin as if she were afraid of her own stomach and the power it could hold over her. "I do hope you aren't planning anything untowards." Even like this, though, Maya was completely irresistible.
"Shut up." Claudine cleared her throat, looming over Maya as she tensed up. As always, Maya was a sensitive mess when it came to intimacy. Watching her squirm was something Claudine would never get tired of, even if it came at the price of having Maya watch her squirm with the same glee. As she pictured how red her partner’s face must be, Claudine began wrapping her arms around her middle, easing Maya's arms out of the way before resting her chin on her shoulder.
"...!" Flinching as Claudine's cold skin brushed against her own body, Maya wished that Claudine would get whatever she was planning over with.
And Claudine happily indulged her request; with a slow breath to calm her heart, she set her hands on Maya's exposed stomach, squeezing deep into the layer of flesh. Feeling Maya twitch as Claudine exploited her insecurity, her fingers dug even deeper, feeling out the very extremity of Maya's fluffiness. Just having her girlfriend's skin bulge between her probing fingers was heavenly enough, but Claudine wasn't done yet. "This is Tendou Maya." She whispered, twisting the Top Star of Seisho's signature line into a teasing torture.
Claudine awoke a few hours later, groaning as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She took a wild guess at what had happened as she looked about, peering through the half-light of the late afternoon. She'd have laughed at Maya's touchiness if it hadn't been her on the receiving end, this time. Her eyes adjusted, and she spied a figure on her bed; Tendou Maya, her limbs splayed across the mattress, and a smattering of cookie crumbs across her cheek.
"God, she stuffs herself with cookies and falls asleep in the middle of the day. To think Tendou Maya could be such a slob..." After what the two of them privately referred to as 'The Incident', Claudine had sworn herself away from blackmail. She decided, however, as the shutter of her camera went off once, twice, and again, that having a bit of ammunition never hurt.
5 notes · View notes
mewgagotoku · 6 years
Tags/Verses Masterpost!
Figured I should probably make one of these to keep track.
Yakuza-series independent RP blog; open and welcoming to AU, multi-fandom and OCs.  Expect canon-typical violence and dark metaphor; NSFW/explicit content will always be tagged. [THIS POST IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, EXPECT UPDATES ~ posting it now before it gets any longer...]
Robz, 21+; RPed for a long damn time; friendly, but shy.  I write, draw and sing - or at least make motions to that effect. 日本語で書いてことできるんだけど恥ずかしいから英語のほうがいいんです。よろしくお願いします。Interests include: music, video games, horror.  Ask for my Discord ID, and lets plot shenanigans!
Tumblr media
[Majima Goro] [Goromi] 真島吾朗 ~ The Mad Dog of Shimano/The Lord of the Night; Sharp as a blade and stabby to boot, Majima is a yakuza through and through - unpredictable, violent and just a bit smarter than he lets on.
[Makimura Makoto] マキムラマコト ~ Not All Who Wander Are Lost; A young woman caught up in a world of darkness she could never hope to fully understand.  Makoto is determined and independent, and perhaps just a little reckless. (Somewhat canon-divergent after Yakuza 0 - rather than returning to Hogushi Kaikan, Makoto instead begins working with charities focused on helping human trafficking victims and other vulnerable members of society. She won’t sit around and wait for a hero any longer, instead, she wants to become her own.)
[Oda Jun] 尾田純 ~ Tachibana Real Estate’s Lap Dog; Unrepentant and proud, Oda knows his place in the world because he carved it for himself.  He won’t let anybody stand in his way.
[Dojima Daigo] - Testing~
[Hana] 菊川花~ Sky Finance’s Backbone; Hana sometimes wonders why she bothers coming to work in the morning, but it’s a good job she always does.
[Akamine Tenji]  赤嶺典二「天使」~ OC; a host originally from Gifu who has no idea what he’s about to get himself into. Polite, gregarious and kind, his sweetness hides an ambition for greatness that he will pursue to the end of the earth. (FC: Mizushima Hiro) Tenji now has his own blog over at @hachidorinoko​​ with both Yakuza and Persona 5 verses!
[Hayashi Bara] 林薔薇 ~ OC; daughter of Hayashi Hiroshi, Bara is something of a tearaway punk trying to find her place in the world. Rude and obnoxious, she is in truth as vulnerable as she appears, though she’ll go to any lengths to hide that. (FC: Tsuchiya Anna) Bara now has her own blog over at @splinteredthorn !
[Futaba Sakura] 佐倉双葉 ~ Persona 5. Not active on this blog, but she has her own sub-blog at @hikikohacker
Hit me up, who knows what’s next.........
Setting these up as I go along, so forgive me if they’re a bit lax...
DBAA ~ Don’t Be An Asshole; plain and simple!
No minors, please; I keep my NSFW stuff tagged, so it can be avoided if you’d rather not read it, but I will not generally place it under cuts and nor do I wish to feel as if I should.  Absolutely no smut with minors, no exceptions.
We don’t have to be mutuals to interact! We don’t even have to be from the same series/universe/whatever.  If you wanna RP, just hit me up and we’ll figure something out!
If you’re not sure about something, ASK ME! I don’t bite, and I certainly don’t want to cause confusion or frustration with anything I’ve written.  You can message me through tumblr, or ask for my Discord so we can talk things through.
I WRITE A LOT -- I like big paragraphs and I cannot lie... don’t feel like you have to keep up with me! I’d prefer a reply which is short and to the point than to feel like you’re stressing over matching my waffle.
I may unfollow RP blogs which post a lot of OOC/irrelevant content. This doesn’t mean I don’t like you or don’t want to RP with you, it just clogs up my dash and I don’t really like it. Drop me a message if you have any questions, but I can guarantee it’s nothing against you personally! Your blog, your rules -- you do you!
VERSES (in no particular order)
ALLEGORY (verse) - Oda/Tachibana; set shortly before and during Yakuza 0 (iloveoda-san)
[Colder Heavens] - In which the heating in the penthouse gives up the ghost during a snowfall. [NSFW]
[Bad Dog] - Unaware of his surroundings, Oda disrupts a very important meeting. [NSFW]
[Lacryma Christi] [2] - Oda unwittingly catches Tachibana in a vulnerable moment.
[imagining noises] [2] -~ During Tachibana’s forced exile, Oda finds himself alone and invisible.
DOG TEETH  (verse)  Kiryu/Majima; various. (fourthchairman)
[uroboros] [2] (the snake which bites its own tail) - Majima has been trying to wrench Kiryu and Makoto apart for too long - Kiryu has finally had enough. [NSFW]
[Love on the Brain] [2] ~ Majima/Kiryu - Absence makes the heart grow fonder... and more obscene. [NSFW] 
[All I Want Is You] [2] - WHOOPS. Majima makes the kind of mistake he can’t just sweep under the rug.
[Road Trip] [2] - Following on from All I Want Is You, Kiryu and Majima take a road trip down toward Okinawa... [NSFW]
A PALACE FROM RUIN (verse) - Nishikiyama and Makoto; post Yakuza 0 (iheartkiryu)
[Blossoms] [2] - Looking for flowers to brighten up her apartment, Makoto runs into an acquaintance, and finds an unexpected new friend.
[Debts Unpaid] [2] - Hunting after the one-eyed man whose name she knows not, Makoto falls afoul of the Shimano Family who don’t take kindly to curiosity.
[Hare Among Foxes] [2] - Determined to save other vulnerable girls from her own cruel fate, Makoto sets out to take on the underworld.  Caught in a little white lie, she runs into an unexpected obstacle.
[Confessions] - Nishikiyama meets with Majima on Makoto’s behalf to arrange a meeting between the two of them.
[Antidote to Heartache] - Deciding to get out of the city for a bit, Makoto and Nishikiyama take a drive out to Sunshine Orphanage.
AFTER THE RAIN (verse) - Majima/Nishikiyama; Post Yakuza 1 AU. (fishikiyama)
[IDGAF] (In Despair, Grief, And Fury) - Six months in hospital have changed more than just Nishiki’s appearance.   Still hurting from being left behind, Majima rises to the occasion.
[序盤] (joban; opener e,g in Shogi or Go) - Fortunately for Nishiki, banging a shogi board is complicated. [NSFW]
POETRY AND DEATH (verse) - Oda and Tachibana; set during the two years before Y0 (iloveoda-san)
[Poetry and Death] [2] - After a fight with a rival gang, Tachibana is shot, and Oda must fight to keep him alive.
[Marble] [2] ~ An intimate, drunken decision. [NSFW]
[Let it Burn] ~ Oda finds himself trapped inside a residential building when the Cornflowers decide to pre-rempt some revenge against his crew.
YOU KNOW BETTER (verse) Majima/Makoto; Post Yakuza 0 (italian-love-cake)
[Switches Never Flicked] - Majima and Makoto ~ A fire on Pink Street lands Makoto in unknown peril.
[Don’t Feed It, It Will Come Back] - Majima/Makoto ~ Despite his better judgement, Majima can’t bear to leave Makoto alone.
[Tastes Like Chicken] - Majima/Makoto ~ Majima meets Makoto after work to take her on a date.
WHISKY AND GIN (verse) - Majima/Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Pushing Buttons] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Eatin’ some sushi, downin’ some drinks, smashin’ some faces... the usual. [NSFW content]
[Soaked] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Majima and Nishitani raid a group of loan sharks who have been preying on hostesses. Guns are dangerous. [NSFW content] [tw: drugs]
[Penance] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Alternate ending for Soaked. The tongues of dead men sing songs. [NSFW content] [tw: drugs]
[Smokin’] [2] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Where’ve you been all my life? Or at least for the last week. [NSFW]
[Foam Party!!!] ~ Majima/Nishitani - Do not leave Majima unattended anywhere ever, under any circumstances.
[Promises] - Majima/Nishitani ~ What’s that?! A wedding proposal?! [NSFW content]
[Boa Constrictor] - Goromi/Nishitani ~ Be careful what you wish for... [NSFW]
[MyMail] - After a New Years Day spent winding one another up via text, Majima comes home to find Nishitani has made some very particular plans for their time... [NSFW]
[Amour] - Nishitani has commissioned a very special gift for Majima. Would be a shame not to make use of it. [NSFW content]
[Puppy Love] - It’s Valentines Day, and the only logical gift for the man who has everything is... a puppy??
[Til Death Do Us Part] - Nishitani gets some bad news from the hospital. They’ve clawed their way through everything so far, but could this finally tear them apart?
JUNIPER AND VANILLA (verse) - Majima/Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Anniversary of a Dead Man] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Nishitani struggles with a debt he can’t ever repay.
[Guilty Party] - Majima/Nishitani ~ When Nishitani calls him away from work, Majima understands that this is more than just a social call. [tw: suicide mentions]
[Demon Days] - Majima/Nishitani ~ After Nishitani’s death, he’s the last person Majima expects to bump into. [tw: suicide mentions]
[Modern Leper] - Some twenty-five or thirty years after Nishitani’s death, Majima wakes in the night to the unmistakable feeling that he and Saejima aren’t alone. [tw: suicide mentions]
SHE’S A MYSTERY (verse) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; various (rileysroleplayreservoir)
[睡蓮花] [2] (suirenka; water lily) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; set somewhere between 1995-2005.
[危険な水] (kikenna mizu; dangerous water) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; While searching for a golden macguffin - in this case, a watch - Majima find some interesting flotsam around the concrete edges of Tokyo Bay,
[Angry Birds] - Swooping in to pull Riley out of a fight he believes she can’t handle, Majima learns a thing or two.
[Hungry Eyes] - Fortunately for the Majima family, Riley is on hand to feed their boss before he eats them.
[Hellooo Nurse] - Halloween costume shopping.
[Smores] - Settin’ fires and eatin’ candy.
[Shoulder Rubs] - “My back’s always kinky, how about yours?”
[Petals] - Riley runs into a rather concussed Goromi. Like always, trouble sticks to the two of them like a magnet.
[Bellyaching and Babysitting] - With a broken wrist, Majima is more snappy than ever.
[Call of the Cicada] - When a former detective goes feral, somehow it falls to Majima and Riley to figure out what the hell went wrong.
[One Thought Too Many] - Too much to drink and too much to say about it.
UNCLE STABBY (verse) ~ Majima and Haruka; various (0tometal)
[Pumpkins] - Two kids (one significantly older) carving pumpkins for Halloween while Kiryu is away.
[Bonito] - Majima and Haruka ~ If uncle Majima knew anything about cooking, he’d be dangerous.  He’s dangerous enough anyway.
[Jingle Bells] - Majima enlists Haruka’s help to decorate an enormous Christmas Tree at Kamurocho Hills
[Games Night] - Looking after Haruka for a night, Majima can’t seem to understand the appeal of Katamari Damacy when he can’t find the button to punch the King of all Cosmos in his huge grey face.
[Only Revolutions] - TBA
THE TRUE FOURTH CHAIRMAN (verse) ~ 2018; AU in which Kiryu retains the mantle of the Fourth Chairman (fourthchairman)
[In Clover] - Kiryu/Tenji; Fourth Chairman AU ~ When Tenji is at the very end of his luck, a chance meeting with the Tojo Clan’s legendary Fourth Chairman stands to change his life forever.
[The Jealous Boy] - Kiryu/Tenji ~ Try as he might, Tenji just can’t help being jealous of the men to whom Kiryu so generously gifts his time.
NO MAN IS AN ISLAND (verse) ~ Majima and Saejima (eighteencounts)
[Never Forgotten] - (post-Y4) The two blood brothers try to find footing with one another after twenty-five years apart.
[It Ain't on the Surface] - Majima/Saejima - Majima plans a date night at the top of Kamurocho Hills.
[Garnet] - When Majima is jumped and badly injured, there’s only one safe place he can go.
WALK TALL (verse) ~ Majima/Nishitani (trans) (dreamoffuchsia)
[Secret] - Nishitani has a secret that Majima is about to find out... will it change them forever? [NSFW content]
[Yes Sir] - Hard at work in the Majima Family offices... or not. [NSFW]
[Shameless] - Majima brings Nishitani and Saejima together in the bedroom. Best. Birthday. Ever. [NSFW]
TWO WRONGS MAKE A FIGHT (verse) - Majima/Kiryu; so many years unrequited, and Majima can’t take a minute longer. (fourthchairman)
[Drunk In Love] - Majima slips a little something into Kiryu’s drink to finally take what he’s wanted all these years... [NSFW] [tw: dub con]
[The Abduction] - Kiryu’s revenge. [NSFW] [tw:dub con]
SHE BRINGS THE MORNING SUN (verse) - Majima and Yuki (vineqar)
[Dondondondondonki] [2] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0.  Something very strange is going on in Club Sunshine, and it’s up to the dynamic duo to resolve it before opening - or tear each other apart in the process.
[Lose the Light] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0 ~ Though seemingly unrelated, when Youda goes missing, Majima finds the weight of the world closing in around him.
[Sotenbori’s Finest Fashions] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0 ~ tba
SNAKE’S NEST (verse) - Goromi and Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Rattlesnake] - Goromi/Nishitani - Goromi is an A-List Queen strutting her stuff in the underground of Sotenbori.  Is the Viper Vixen about to meet her match? [NSFW content]
[Cobra Queen] - Goromi/Nishitani - TBA [NSFW content]
FRIENDS WITH FINANCIAL BENEFITS (verse) - Majima and Akiyama; post Yakuza 4 (criminaldelights)
[Ninety-Nine Bottles of Gold Label] Majima and Akiyama ~ Drunk as a skunk, having lost his wallet somewhere along the way, Majima hopes to get a bit of help from a friend with a bit more liquid capital.
[Bad Parenting] - Majima finds an abandoned puppy and tries to give it to Hana to look after.
[爆発] (bakuhatsu; explosion) - Majima and Akiyama; While Majima is showing Akiyama around Kamurocho Hills, an explosion threatens both of their lives.
[Mad Dog Allergy] - Majima and Akiyama
[Clingy] - Majima/Akiyama ~ Majima doesn't want Akiyama to go.
[NSFW-ish] - Majima/Akiyama
[Fugitive Motel] - Majima/Akiyama [NSFW]
[Endangered Mousse] - Majima and Akiyama
THERE IN A HEARTBEAT (verse) - Makoto and Majima; post Yakuza 0 (criminaldelights)
[Laurel Wreath] Majima/Makoto ~ Almost a year after the events surrounding the Empty Lot, Majima sets out to find Makoto and see her one last time.
[Lady and the Tramp] - Makoto/Majima ~ Majima attempts to buy Makoto a puppy to keep her company. Trouble is, they're all too cute...
[Linked] - Makoto/Majima - Majima's last day in Sotenbori with Makoto.
??? (verse) - Majima and Saejima; various. (criminaldelights)
[Lord of the Cats] - Saejima smuggles a kitten into a restaurant.
[Absolution] - Guilt, blame and forgiveness cannot be extricated from one another.
[Mad Pup and Bear Cub] (pre Y0 verse) Majima makes an important confession.. and then tries to act like he didn't.
PLAY NICE (verse) - Goromi and Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Well-Mannered] - Nishitani has been visiting Goromi for a while now at Sagawa’s request.  Despite their initial nerves around one another, the two are beginning to form a connection.
NOTICE ME, SENSEI (verse) - Majima and Saejima; Elementary School Teacher AU
[Dirty Deeds] - TBA
[City Lights] ~ Kiryu and Makoto; post Yakuza 0.
[大理石龍] [2] (dairisekiryuu; marble dragon) ~ Kiryu/Makoto.  An intimate moment. [NSFW]
[弱虫毛虫] [2] (yowamushi kemushi; cowardly caterpillar) - Nishikiyama and Majima; Yakuza Kiwami ~ In the process of recruiting, Majima falls afoul of the Nishikiyama family.
[What if...?] [2] ~ Tachibana and Makoto;  Post Yakuza 0 AU ~ What if things had turned out differently...? [here be spoilers]
[Takoyaki] [2] ~ Majima and Makoto; Yakuza 0 ~ During Makoto’s stay in Odyssey’s warehouse..
[Billion Yen Opportunity] [2] ~ Majima and Ammy Highwind; Yakuza 0 ~ A real estate agent approaches Majima while the world falls to pieces around him.  She seeks only one thing... [here be spoilers]
[King Among Fools] - Majima and Tamaki [Ouran HC]; Yakuza Kiwami ~ Majima is out to stir some trouble, and rescues a young host with such conviction, he doesn’t need rescue at all.
[石橋の仕掛け] [2] (Ishibashi no shikake; Ishibashi’s Gambit) - Majima and Tamotsu ~ Majima is given the task of delivering some documents to an unknown contact - it becomes quickly apparent that there is more to this than meets the eye.
[Beat It] [2] - Tachibana and Oda; pre Yakuza 0 AU ~ There is not a more feared officer on the beat than Tachibana...
[Skymail] [2] - drunk texts(?) from yakooziez
[Stray] - Majima/Makoto; post Yakuza 0 ~ Handing out leaflets for an animal shelter in Kamurocho, Makoto catches sight of the man she’s been searching for all this time.
[Silver and Gold] - Majima/Kiryu; Yakuza 0 ~ A Masquerade ball at The Grand
[Little Lost Rabbit] - Tachibana and Makoto, pre Yakuza 0; 6-year-old Makoto learns to deal (or not deal) with some school bullies.
[Rude Awakening] - Majima and Nishikiyama; After the supposed suicide of an important businessman, Majima grabs Nishiki to find his missing daughter, Aiko.
[Night and Day] - Makoto and Majima; Yakuza 0 ~ Whilst hiding out in a warehouse in Sotenbori, Makoto and Majima’s hiding place is stumbled upon by some unwelcome visitors.
[Vogue] - Makoto and Majima; post-Yakuza 0 ~ The girls head to an onsen to relax and find some time to chat and be themselves.
[Thorns] - Hayashi and Nishitani; Dead Souls ~ Realising her father is trapped inside the quarantine zone, Bara will stop at nothing to get inside and try to save him.
[Ten by Ten] Majima and Kiryu; Kiwami ~ Majima is far too proud of his increasingly honed ability to goad Kiryu into a fight, no matter the cost to his bones.
[Wake] Majima and Daigo ~ Attending a funeral for Mosugi of Yokohama’s Yamanobu Family, Majima uncovers hints of a plot.
[Secure] Makoto and Kiryu ~ TBA
[Emergency Contact] Majima and Tamotsu - TBA
[おしりかじり虫] (oshirikajiri mushi; bottom-biting bug) - In which Majiima is definitely not jealous of Daigo’s new friend.
[Break a Leg] - Majima and Shinada ~ Majima is tasked with keeping an eye on an injured Shinada while he recovers.
[Favours] - Majima/Daigo ~ A stolen kiss to save the chairman from a terribly dull fate.
[Asphyxiating Artist] - Majima and Tamotsu ~ Majima finds a rather handsome sketch of himself on the floor after a meeting. Somebody’s in trouble...
[Delayed Reaction] - Majima and Tamotsu ~ When a street fight goes wrong, Majima ends up more injured than he would care to admit.
[Last Wishes] Majima/Akiyama ~ Majima knows he hasn’t much longer left to live, but he has an important message to pass on, and Akiyama is the only person he can trust to do so.
[With All Your Faults And All] Majima and Makoto ~ Odyssey’s warehouse, an open door where secrets hinge.
[裏玉ご注意ほう!] (uratama gochuuihou; watch out for balls) Majima and Nishida - The tragic demise of one very greedy raccoon.
[How To Train A Hostess] - Majima and Sagawa ~ TBA
[Short Leash] - Majima and Nishida ~ TBA
[Clever Girl] - TBA
[iloveoda-san] Tachibana Tetsu @iloveoda-san
[majimaoneeyedfool] Majima Goro @majimaoneeyedfool
[fishikiyama] Nishikiyama Akira @fishikiyama
[fourthchairman] Kiryu Kazuma @fourthchairman
[iheartkiryu] Nishikiyama Akira @iheartkiryu
[vineqar] Yuki (Hostess) @vineqar
[yakuzaoflove] [kingofkamuro] Tamotsu Shimizu/Mamoru Azumi @kingofkamuro
[ammy-highwind] Ammy Highwind @ammy-highwind
[justsomedaddythings] Suoh Tamaki @justsomedaddythings
[rileysroleplayreservoir] Riley “Owl Eyes” O���Malley @rileysroleplayreservoir
[italian-love-cake] Makimura Makoto @italian-love-cake
[mmajimagoro] Majima Goro @mmajimagoro
[0tometal] Sawamura Haruka @0tometal
[dreamoffuchsia] Nishitani Homare @dreamoffuchsia
[snxkehips] Majima Goroko (genderswap) @snxkehips
[eighteencounts] Saejima Taiga @eighteencounts
[draconic-fury] Kiryu Kazuma @draconic-fury
[okunokanosei] / [criminaldelights] Akiyama Shun @criminaldelights
[criminaldelights] Majima Goro
[brassbounded] Dojima Daigo @brassbounded
[dxjima] [dojima-ryuu] Dojima Daigo @dxjima
[shofukucho] Makimura Makoto @shofukucho
[nishidawho] Nishida @nishidawho
[sagawawho] Sagawa Tsukasa @sagawawho
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[wishlist] - a list of scenarios and AUs that I would love to RP in!
[ooc] (archive)
[inbox call]
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Asks are always open!! Drop me a line with a question, a message, a plot, a prompt, a starter -- everything is welcome!
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
April 19: Role Reversal AU
“You really should go to bed,” Morgana says to Ren with a big yawn.
Ren pays the boy no mind, continuing his foray through a box full of metaverse junk. Futaba laughs from her perch on Ren’s bed and gives a little kick to Morgana’s back.
“You should just give it up, leader,” Futaba says, typing away at her laptop, “He’s been inside way too long to worry about human concepts of time!”
Morgana pouts and pushes himself up from the floor with indignation, “It’s not like you're any better! You go to school and you still don’t go to bed on time!”
Futaba snorts and rolls over so she can bop Morgana on his head, but she misses and swipes at his tummy instead. Mona squeaks and then swipes back, and then the two first-years are engaged in a brawl of tickles and tugs that lands them both on the floor.
Marion sighs heavily at their antics and tries to act like he’s not irritated, but when Morgana’s foot flies just millimeters shy of his beak, he snaps. “Stop horseplaying will you! If you two keep shouting you’ll wake up Sakura-san!” His feathers puff up so he looks like an angry ball of black.
Futaba pauses, unknowingly saving herself from banging her head on Ren’s PC, and frees a hand to fix her glasses. After a second to process Marion’s complaints, she snorts and raises an eyebrow at the angry crow. “‘Horseplay’? What are you, my teacher?”
Marion growls in response and flies up to Ren’s shoulder to glare down at the idiots. “Had I not been teaching you all this time, Isshiki would have killed you both for all the noise you would have made in his library!”
“Well, we were noobs then,” Futaba jokes, taking Morgana’s offered hand so she can stand up, “We’re much more sneaky now! Right, Ren?” She leans over Ren’s hunched form.
Engrossed in his material sorting, Ren does not answer. Marion narrows his beady eyes at Futaba’s looming face.
“...Damn, he’s really into that, huh,” Futaba observes, swirling around to the other side of Ren’s collection of boxes so she can watch his face. His eyes are pointedly aimed at his hands, and he dips his head further when he realizes Futaba’s staring at him.
“Futaba…,” Mona scolds and Futaba steps back with a muttered apology. 
The thieves had been spending the end of their summer break reacclimating Ren to existing around strangers and trusting friends. Later in the week, they planned to go to the beach--a challenge for Futaba and Ren both--but neither had allowed themselves to back down. They may have been wordlessly competing over who could ‘push down’ their agoraphobia the best, but it was clear at the end of the day that Futaba had months of near constant companionship (and multiple life and death experiences) with the other thieves and that Ren had spent most of those months contained in Sojiro’s house stewing over fears and angers. 
“Um...Ren? Will you...Will you be okay tomorrow?” Futaba asks quietly with her hands tucked together like she was a scolded child.
“...hm?” Ren looks at Futaba’s wiggling bare toes and absently brushes Marion’s head with his thumb. Futaba and Mona grin at each other. Any noise Ren makes is a sign of his acknowledgement for a conversation, even if he’s too nervous to talk.
“She asked if you would be okay when our senpai come over tomorrow,” Mona says. His smile is supposed to be gentle, but he looks more like a smug cat when he does. 
“W-We can stick around if you want!” Futaba adds hastily,” Mona’s already my key item, but I can be yours if you want! Or, like, your accessory or armor or something!”
“I’ll come with. You’ll need any protection you can get. Takamaki and Sakamoto are almost as rambunctious as these two,” Marion mutters into Ren’s ear.
“Ooi! We heard that, birdbrain!” Futaba shouts with tension-relieving anger, clearly amused at her cliche line.
“Hey! There’s NO way in hell that I’m as loud as Ryuji-senpai!” Argues the leader of the Phantom Thieves, stamping his foot like a child. Marion glares disapprovingly at Morgana as much as his avian features allow him and provides no comment. Behind Mona, Ren’s bedroom door opens and Sojiro leans inside looking haggard. 
“Oi! Quiet it down! This old man needs to sleep, alright?” Sojiro says and then pauses to take in the room that he has seen little of since Ren moved in. “I don’t know what you kids are up to, but Takemi-sensei’s lookin’ for you,” he says to an embarrassed Morgana,” and I’m sure the kid’s had a long day of you and your bird squawking around him. You two can go back to...whatever you’re doing tomorrow, yeah?”
“Sorry, Boss,” Mona says, offering an arm for Marion to land on and reaching for his bag with the other.
“You’re fine, kid, just let sensei know where you are every once and awhile. Parents get worried, y’know?” Sojiro says with a fond smile and a hand behind his neck.
“Yes, sir,” Morgana nods. Behind him, Futaba coos at Sojiro’s words.
“And, you, young lady, need to get to bed too,” Sojiro points to Futaba and puts on a strict tone to cover his embarrassment, “If you don’t fix your sleep schedule now, you’re gonna be a mess when school starts back up again.”
“Aww, Sojirooooooo…” Futaba whines, “But I live here!”
“Yes, but this is his space, so you got to let him have it. You guys have done a lot for him recently, but you know he needs some time alone just like you did, alright? Besides, it’s late and you need to take your meds.”
“...Message received,” Futaba mumbles, turning to look back at Ren, “Good night! Don’t die!”
“Bye, Ren, see you tomorrow!” Morgana says. He leaves the room with a chuckling Sojiro on his tail and a chittering Futaba by his side.
When Morgana and Marion make it to the Yongen-Jaya streetlevel, they breathe in the humid air together with contemplative silence. All the nearby shops and izakayas have long been closed for the night and few pedestrians are about on the streets. Mona can hear fewer cars from the highway above the streets than usual and he tries to take in the rare loudness of his footsteps on the pavement. He passes a baffled business man as he walks under the light of the apartment-slash-clinic building where he and Takemi live, the light illuminating the calm crow perched on his shoulder. Unperturbed by the stranger, Mona carries on to the stairs to the building elevator, more worried about the notifications he sees from Takemi on his phone. He knew he was out late, but really this late?
I’m coming up right now, He types with both hands, waiting for the slow ass elevator to come down.
He gets a ping almost right away, and he expects it to be Takemi, but he is delightfully surprised to see a message from Ren on the groupchat.
Its Joke: futaba ill be good tmrw
Its Joke: i mean how bad can a student council president and a private school kid be?
The Gay Panther: Thats the spirit!! ♪(゚▽^*)ノ⌒☆
‘Science class hazard’: you speak big little man!
Mama’s boy 101: hey its not like im stuck up or anythng!
Ass Kicker 3000: I’m glad you’re all excited but please go to sleep 
The messages continue even after Makoto’s plea, but Morgana puts his phone away and steps into the rickety elevator with a fond shake of his head.
Marion, who had been looking over Morgana’s shoulder, looks up to Morgana’s face and says, “You are all children.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Mona yawns, pushing down on Marion’s head with a teasing hand. “That’s what we have you for.”
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sweetbunpura · 7 years
Recovery Ch.2
A few days after Ryuji woke up; the others had stopped by and talked to him. Although Ryuji woul- couldn’t talk to them; he spent his time with his back turned to them, not truly caring if the others saw his scars or not. Currently Ann had stopped by to visit, but the werewolf paid the empusa no mind. His blank brown eyes stared at the ever moving wall as he felt the air shift around him from the blonde’s wings.
He clutched the pillow tighter and glared at the wall.
The werewolf refused to respond.
The blond sat up quickly and turned to glare at the hovering empusa. Ann’s arms were crossed in front of her and her tail flicked around in irritation. Her blue eyes glared deeply into brown ones.
“What has been up with you lately?” She asks.
He makes an angry gesture with his neck before crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the wall. Ann lowers down next to him and gently places her hand to his bicep.
“Ryuji,” She begins softly. “You don’t have to shoulder this alone. We’re here to help you.”
He shakes his head and moves his arm out of the empusa’s grip. Ryuji glares down at the sheets that cover his lower half; chocolate colored eyes boring holes down into the fabric.
“Ryuji, please let us help.”
Another shake as Ryuji places his head in his knees, white knuckled grip on the light colored sheets. Ann gives a sigh before moving off the bed. Ryuji expects her to leave, only to jump in surprise as he’s suddenly pulled into a warm embrace.
“Please.” The empusa softly says into the crown of his head. “You’re no longer alone. You don’t have to make this decision by yourself.”
A heavy silence befell the infirmary before Ryuji slowly and hesitantly wrapped his arms in a return hug. The werewolf’s body shook in silent trembles as he tried desperately to hold in his tears. Ann rubs his back and makes a gentle humming noise, the dam bursts and Ryuji starts crying heavily into the empusa’s chest. They stay like until Yusuke checks in to see them. The kitsune pokes his head in see Ryuji and Ann pressed up together on the bed, the empusa was filling the werewolf’s claws.
“Am I interrupting something?” The kitsune settles himself on the other end of the bed.
Ryuji shakes his head and uses his free hand to idly play with Yusuke’s white tipped tails.
“No.” Ann looks up from her work and settles her blue eyes on the fox spirit. “Yusuke, you wouldn’t happen to have any spare sheets of paper, would you?”
Ryuji looked up from messing with a smoke filled glass orb Futaba had left him as Akira quietly steps through the door. The prince’s hair is a mess and his slate colored eyes look tired. The werewolf watches patiently as the hunter settles in the chair across from him.
“I know I… haven’t seen you in a few days. It’s been hectic ever since news got out about Kaneshiro and… Kamoshida’s death.” Akira runs his fingers through his fuzzy raven hair “Shido and Madarame are calling for their murderers to be found and brought to justice. Never mind all that… how are you today?”
Ryuji quickly writes his answer before showing it to Akira.
‘I’m fine. I need to apologize.’
Akira’s eyes flicker from the paper to the werewolf. “About what?”
‘How I’ve been…’
“Ryuji, you don’t have to apologize for that-“
The blond makes an angry motion before jotting down his response.
‘Dude, I’ve been treating you like shit! Ever since I found out that I can’t speak anymore! So let me say I’m sorry so I can get it out of my head.’
The prince sighs and leans back in his chair. “Fine.”
‘I’m sorry for how I’ve been. I sorta started blaming everythin’ and everyone for what happened. I thought I was gonna be goin’ through this alone with no one to help, but Ann talked some sense into me. I’m sorry for treatin’ ya like that…’
Ryuji rubs the back of his head before he continues.
‘I never said thanks for savin’ me and stayin’ by my side until I woke up. Will you forgive me?’
Akira approaches him and slowly engulfs him into a hug. “Oh, Ryuji, I already forgave you.”
Ryuji hugs back and buries his face into hunter’s shoulder, breathing in the scent of coffee stuck to his clothes. Akira moves so that they both lay sideways in the bed, his arms never leaving the embrace. They stay like that; quietly enjoying the others missed company. Eventually Ryuji falls asleep and for the first time since the night his mother visited him, he slept peacefully.
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monguntiacum · 5 years
Person 5: The parody
Segment one:
It is the usual day in Sojiro's Leblanc cafe in the backstreets of Tokyo. The cafe is mostly empty but there are 5 people currently there. Sojiro is standing behind the counter watching TV while three people from Chrono Trigger: Marle, Lucca and Crono are at the other side of the counter. Crono is wildly munching on curry while Lucca is resting her head on her arms with empty plate aside and Marle eating her food casually. Meanwhile on the table behind them sits a woman, dressed in a star motif sparking blue clothes and a long semi-transplant blue skirt and a long puffy black hair is resting face flat on a table with her empty plate in front of her.
The TV screamed:
Newscaster: News flash! Masayoshi Shido lost election to Shinzo Abe! Shinzo's the winner!
Shinzo: *clutching his fist in excitement* Yes! Yes! I won! I WON!
Sojiro: *crosses arms and groaned* Goddamn. Even though Shido is rotten to the core, Shinzo is no better. I think the Phantom Thieves needs to change his heart quickly.
Crono, a red wild haired boy let's out a burp and raised his plate with food still in his mouth.
Crono: Urp, yo pops! Let me have some more curry!
Lucca, a purple short-haired girl wearing an yellow and dark yellow helmet and a glasses suddenly lifts her head with a shocked look.
Lucca: Crono you idiot! That's the fifth plate! Are you not even full yet!?
Crono: *Turns to Lucca* But...but I like it, they are so testy!
Marle a blonde haired girl wearing a ponytail looks towards the two and shallows before speaking.
Marle: Leave him alone Lucca, his stomach is so big, he's not gonna stop anytime soon
Lucca: *Turns to Marle while slamming the table* Marle, our tab is already going up the roof! This is Japan! Japan's currency is crazy expensive! Do you have any idea how much yen we need to spent!? And look at the size of the kitchen, don't you think we are sucking it dry right now? Yo! Pops! How much do we need to pay!?
Sojiro: *Place hands on hip* 6,000 yen.
Lucca's eyes widens and gives out an comical angry look while slamming both hands on the counter.
Lucca: 6,000 yen!!?? Crono you idiot!
Crono quickly rises both hands defensively as Lucca looms angrily over him.
Crono: Alright! Alright! I'll stop and pay! Marle are you done?
Marle crosses her arms and calmly sighed.
Marle: Yes.
Hastliy, Crono paid 6,000 yen and the three quickly left. Sojiro rubbed the bridge of his nose.
Sojiro: Boy, what an hassle. Uhm, what is that?
Sojiro heard moanings from the attic. He saw Morgana the mostly black cat with a white mouth and underbelly and a blue eyes ran down the stairs. He hopped on the counter chair and meows to Sojiro.
Morgana: Whatever you do, you do not want to go up there.
Sojiro: What is all that moaning? What is Akira and Futaba doing?!
He ignores Morgana, since he really can't understand him and walked up the stairs. When he peeked in the room, he saw clothes on the floor and saw Futaba on Akira on the bed kissing and hugging each other. The lower part of their bodies are covered by blankets and is showing signs of movements.
Sojiro suddenly squints his eyes shut and quickly ran down the stairs. He leans against the wall and smacked his face and slid down a little.
Sojiro: Goddammit.....
Morgana: *meow* Told you.
A black haired woman slowly rises her head and scratches her arms up in the air
Woman: Man, that was a fireworking food and a fireworking nap!
Sojiro removes his hand and open his eyes to see the woman and quickly walked to her.
Sojiro: Ms. Katy Perry, I need you to hurry to pay and get out of here now.
Katy Perry: Woah, fireworks! What is that noise?
Sojiro: *rises voice a little* Just hurry up and pay and stop saying "Fireworks" at every of your sentences already!
Katy Perry: But Fireworks is my best music ever! I can't help it! Fireworks!
Sojiro: Lady, the tab......*His expression becomes grim*
Katy quickly stood up.
Katy Perry: Ok, ok! You don't need to be so fireworking angry! Here's 100 yen, bye bye fireworks!
Katy gathers her belongings and rushes out. Sojiro groaned, sat on the seat she was sitting earlier and buried his face on his hands. He then heard Futaba.
Futaba: Oh, Akira.....aaaahhhhh!!!!
Sojiro clutches his hands and let's out a low growl.
After a while, the moan stops. Sojiro raises his face and signed "Thank God". Suddenly a door opened up, but saw no one coming in. Then he suddenly saw 2 small strange creatures knee high walking in his view. One creature shapes like a square and looks like a yellow sponge wearing shoes and pants and a shirt while other looks like a pink starfish wearing shorts. Both have faces.
Spongebob: We'er finally here Patrick! The best coffee shop in town!
Patrick: *Rises his arms* Whoo-Hoo! Cofveve!
The pair jumps on the chair and the top of the counter.
Spongebob: Hello? Anyone here?
Sojiro: What in the world?.......
Morgana: *Meow, looks at them confusedly* Who are you guys?
Patrick turns to Morgana.
Patrick: *Sleepily* Oh, hello cat, my name is Patrick and this is Spongebob! We are from the Bikini Bottems! Heard of it?
Morgana: Uh, no. What's that?
Spongebob: Patrick, can you understand what that cat is saying? All I hear is a meow.
Patrick: Yeah, the cat was asking who we are. Hey cat, you run this place?
Spongebob: Really Patrick?
Morgana: No *Turns to Sojiro and meows at him* He.
The pair turns to Sojiro who is sitting there staring at them with a shocked expression. He then stammered "I...I..."
Spongebob: Sir, can we have some coffee please?
Sojiro groaned, got up and walks towards the door rubbing his forehead.
Sojiro: Futaba and Akira, fireworks girl, a talking starfish and sponge, a talking cat.....ugh I need a smoke......*Walks outside*
Patrick: Hey! Where are you going? What about our coffee?
Morgana: You guys scared him. He never saw this kind of things.
Patrick: Aw man, what about our coffee?
Morgana: You'll have to wait until he comes back. After all that strange jazz it's too much for him, it'll be a long while before he comes back.
Patrick: Aw man!
On TV, a picture of Haru suddenly appears and appears to be angry with her uncharacteristically grim, cold eyes.
To be continued.
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