#angsty bnha
toughbunnyforever · 2 months
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the beginning and the end
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angel-sweets666 · 3 months
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Break up
katsuki bakugo x reader
Bakugos been distant which ends up in you two breaking up, learning to live without him was difficult
Warning: angst, break ups, arguments, mineta. (This is a mineta hate page🫶🫶) probably badly written argument but it’s more for practice
Bakugo and you used to be probably the cutest couple 1A had ever seen. He would carry your bags, help with your homework, hell he had even figured out how to threaten izuku into switching seats with you so you two could pass notes in class. You were practically best friends with Mina because of bakugo, you had a group of boys (bakugo, kirishima, Denki and sero) who would come to the rescue if you or Mina were afraid or uncomfortable of someone, usually mineta. Everything was great! Until it wasn’t
Bakugo began to grow distant, his usual warm and loving behavior towards you shifting to something colder and more indifferent. It was like a switch had been flipped, and the boy who once made you feel like the center of his world now treated you like an acquaintance, or even less. The cuddles in your dorm, which had been a nightly comfort, stopped altogether. He no longer accepted the lunches you made with such care, brushing off your efforts with a curt nod or a distracted "thanks."
He didn't wait for you or Mina when the lunch bell rang, a small but significant ritual that had always been a highlight of your day. Instead, he would storm off on his own, his mind clearly occupied by something that didn't include you. It was like he was building walls around himself, shutting you out bit by bit. The boys, Kirishima and Denki, noticed the change immediately. Their concerned glances back at you two during lunch were hard to miss. They would wave, trying to get you and Mina to join them like usual, but you felt too disheartened to follow.
Mina, always perceptive, linked her arm with yours and gave you a reassuring squeeze. "It's okay," she whispered, her eyes full of empathy. "We'll just hang out together today."
You forced a smile, grateful for her support but unable to shake the growing ache in your heart. The cafeteria felt larger and lonelier without Bakugo by your side, and the absence of his presence was like a constant, gnawing void. Mina did her best to keep the conversation light and engaging, but even her bubbly personality couldn't fully lift the cloud that hung over you.
You sighed heavily and walked into the common room, feeling the weight of a particularly rough day of training pressing down on you. It seemed like the past few weeks had been nothing but a series of bad days strung together. Inside, you found Sero hanging from the ceiling with his tape, while Denki and Kirishima were busy playing Uno. Sero, suspended above like a makeshift Spider-Man, noticed your dejected expression immediately.
"What's up with you?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. Kirishima and Denki looked up from their game to see you standing there, looking defeated.
"Nothing… just a bad day," you sighed, moving toward the kitchen area in search of some instant noodles. The prospect of a quick, comforting meal was the only thing that seemed remotely appealing.
"You've had a bad day for the past two weeks," Denki remarked, leaning back on the couch and taking a sip of his Coca-Cola. His casual observation stung because it was true; your mood had been in a steady decline for a while now.
"I know… it sucks," you grumbled in response, frustration lacing your voice as you rummaged through the cabinets.
"Is it because of Bakugo? You should talk to him!" Denki suggested, trying to offer some well-meaning advice about your relationship.
Kirishima, always quick to tease his friends, pointed out, "To be honest, man, I don't think anyone in this whole dorm wants your relationship advice when you can't even pull that green-haired chick from 1B." His comment earned a fake offended gasp from Denki, momentarily lightening the mood in the room.
The sounds of their playful banter and the ease with which they interacted only amplified your frustration. Their happiness and carefree attitudes were a stark contrast to the turmoil you were feeling inside. It wasn’t fair – why did everything have to be so hard for you?
As you prepared your noodles, you couldn't help but let your mind wander back to Bakugo. You missed him more than words could express. His absence from your daily life was like a constant, gnawing ache. You longed for the days when he would greet you with a smirk and a teasing remark, when his presence alone could make you feel like everything would be okay.
You slumped down at the kitchen counter, stirring your noodles absentmindedly. The warmth of the broth did little to soothe the cold emptiness that had settled in your chest. Sero, always perceptive, swung down from the ceiling and landed gracefully beside you.
"Hey, if you ever need to talk, we're here for you," he said softly, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Kirishima and Denki echoed his sentiment, their earlier teasing replaced by genuine concern. "Yeah, we're your friends. We care about you," Kirishima added with a supportive smile.
Denki nodded, his usual playful demeanor subdued by the seriousness of the moment. "We're here for you, no matter what."
Their words were a small comfort, but the underlying issue remained – you missed Bakugo. You missed his rough edges and his rare moments of softness, the way he could make you feel safe and cherished with just a look. The rift between you seemed to grow wider with each passing day, and you couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness.
As you finished your meal, you realized that no amount of comforting words from your friends could fill the void left by Bakugo's absence. You needed to figure out a way to reach him, to bridge the gap that had formed between you. For now, all you could do was hold on to the hope that things would get better, and lean on your friends for support as you navigated this difficult time.
“nah, it’s good advice.. I’ll talk to him. If you hear yelling from us just… I dunno come check on us, or get Mina.”
So you made your way towards the elevator and down the hall, clicking the button that had the number four in big bold writing. Bakugo and you both lived on the 4th floor of heights alliance. (I’m being fr when I say I googled this) and walked to his dorm, knocking lightly on the wooden door “katsuki? Hun?” You called out “yeah? What?” He yelled back at you, sounding annoyed. “Can we talk?” You asked softly, trying to simply be nice to him “we talk everyday!” He just sounded so annoyed. “No like.” You sighed “can we talk.” You said it in a different way so he got the idea. Bakugo huffed on the other side of the door “yeah. Sure. Whatever.” He grumbled out, unlocking his door and letting you inside.
The blonde flopped back onto his bed and rolled onto his back to look at you. “What’s up?” he asked, the once loving look in his eyes now replaced by a cold indifference.
“What’s going on, Bakugo? You keep distancing yourself from me,” you said, frustration bubbling up. “I haven’t seen you actually try to talk to me in two weeks!”
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “Nothing’s going on, I’m just tired. Still love you,” he mumbled, but you couldn't tell if he was lying.
“When you’re tired, you used to cuddle me and sleep. Now you ignore me completely—”
“I said I'm just tired, damn it!” Bakugo suddenly yelled, causing you to wince.
“What the hell, Bakugo! I’ve been nice about it, trying to understand!” you retorted, your voice rising in pitch.
“I’m just… I don’t have time for you, okay?” he snapped, his tone as harsh as ever.
“What?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, feeling a sinking sensation in your chest.
“I don’t have time for you! You distract me from being the number one hero. You're nothing but a distraction!” he screamed, picking up a small stress toy that you got him and throwing it at you, narrowly missing your head.
“What the hell, Bakugo! Who the fuck throws something at their partner?”
“Me! Because you’re being annoying! I’ll talk to you like I did before when you stop being such a distraction!” He groaned and tried to turn away from you.
“Will you? Will you really? I don’t trust you anymore!” you yelled, your voice cracking with emotion.
“If you don’t trust me, let’s break up then!” He stomped over and got right in your face, his eyes blazing with anger.
“FINE!” you shouted back, but you didn’t move.
“FINE!” he roared, his breath hot against your face.
“Why are you doing this?” you demanded, tears welling up in your eyes. “I’ve done nothing but support you, and this is how you treat me?”
“You don’t get it!” he yelled. “Every time I look at you, I see all the things I’m failing at. I can’t afford distractions, not now, not ever!”
“So I’m just a failure to you? Is that it?” you shot back, your voice trembling with hurt and rage. “I thought I was someone you cared about, someone you loved.”
“I did love you! I do! But I can’t do this right now,” he shouted, his voice breaking slightly, betraying a hint of vulnerability.
“Love isn’t something you can just turn off, Bakugo! You don’t get to use me and then throw me away when it’s convenient for you!” you screamed, tears streaming down your face.
“I’m not using you!” he yelled back, but there was a crack in his voice. “I’m trying to protect you, damn it! From me, from this life, from everything!”
“By pushing me away? By treating me like I’m nothing?” you cried. “That’s not protection, Bakugo, that’s cruelty.”
“I’m doing what I have to do to be number one!” he roared, his fists clenching at his sides.
“At what cost, Bakugo? At the cost of everyone who cares about you?” you asked, your voice softening with sadness. “If you keep this up, you’ll end up alone.”
“Maybe that’s what I need to be!” he shouted, but there was a hollow ring to his words.
“Fine. If that’s what you want, then I’m gone,” you said quietly, turning towards the door.
Bakugo stood there, breathing heavily, watching as you walked out of his dorm. “Don’t come back!” he yelled after you, but the words felt empty.
You slammed the door behind you, the sound echoing in the hallway as you walked away, each step feeling like it was ripping your heart out of your chest.
as you went down the hall towards the elevator, you saw Mina try to rush down the hall. She also lived on the 4th floor and she heard everything “*name!*” she called out “what happened? One minute the 4th floor is peaceful then I’m hearing you two yelling! I think they even called mr aizawa!” She sounded panicked “we broke up.” You muttered “huh?” The pink haired girl asked “we broke up Mina, me and bakugo. We broke up.” You reiterated to her “you’re kidding…” she looked like she felt nothing but pity for you, pulling you into a tight hug. You sobbed into her shoulder as the reality sunk in…
the next day, aizawa pulled both you and bakugo aside.
“I understand you two have broken up, however I need you two to be civil. I can’t have you two yelling at each other during class time or during school hours. Keep your relationship problems out of school” the blunt man said in his usual gloomy voice “and with that, I’m changing your seating plan so you two don’t see each other.” He handed you two a piece of paper with the same exact seating plan, except you and bakugo were on opposite sides of the room.
“Tch.. whatever” bakugo grumbled and walked Into class, you stared down at the piece of white paper “yeah this is good” you nodded and also walked into the classroom, mr aizawa following behind you.
the tension in class was sickening, everyone had heard of your breakup and nobody wanted to say anything that would set you two off
minetas ugly ass turned around and faced bakugo with a grin “I heard of your breath up, females am I right?” “Shut the fuck up you purple bitch.”
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sorrowfulrosebud · 2 years
Hi! I have a request.
Okay so 1-A bakugou end’s up to the future. Where he sees that he has a family with reader and sees what a simp he will become🫣
And how would future bakugou and reader (+ the kids) react to meeting him.
(You can choose if past bakugou knows reader or not)
I’m sorry if it’s confusing,
It was safe to say that Katsuki was beyond pissed. He was certain that at this point he was never going to fully get your attention, not with that damned Todoroki always swooping in before he can even look your way.
The cacophony of grunts from the students plundered against the walls of Gym Gamma. It was self-improvement day and Aizawa was NOT letting anyone rest.
“Keep it up class. Those who fail to break some sort of barrier today will receive double homework for a week. I’m looking at you, Kaminari,” Aizawa grinned evilly. You let out a giggle at Kaminari’s audible gulp before Aizawa shot you a glare.
Katsuki was busy increasing the flow of his AP shot; he thought that if he could increase his sweat, he could increase the speed of which the blasts sped out. The poor rock he was blasting was finally on its last legs, all before that IDIOT Kaminari accidentally bumped into him and caused a rockslide, directly above the platform that you were training on.
“Hey, watch!-” he yelled in a panic. He saw fear flash through your eyes as he willed his body to move. Thankfully for you and begrudgingly for him, a smooth glacier of ice barricaded you from being concussed with Bakugou’s debris.
Todoroki hopped his way from his platform to you and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Are you alright? You aren’t hurt are you?” Todoroki asked, examining your head for injuries. You shook him off you with a nervous smile.
“Thank you for stopping the debris Todo, but I’m fine. It was shock, I’m not hurt,” you reassured him gently. Todoroki gave you another once over before seeing where the damage came had arrived from.
“I would recommend being more careful next time, Bakugou. Someone could have gotten really hurt,” Todoroki gave him a meaningful glare as Katsuki fought every vein pop in his neck at his implications. Kaminari let out a guffaw, before he let out a squeak of terror at the animalistic look on Katsuki’s face.
“Laugh. Again. I. Freakin’. Dare. You,” he strained angrily through gritted teeth.
“O-okay Kaachan!” Kaminari speedily ran away from the threat as Katsuki stared at the back of your head. Well, now he was in a bad mood.
Katsuki was the first one in the changing room, and the first one out. He trudged his way to the UA dorms so he could shower and forget the whole day. He couldn’t stand the idea of being teased right now, not when he was so careless to the point that you nearly got concussed. Well, that never would have happened if Dunce Face watched where he was going…
Katsuki was torn from his thoughts as he barged past another student.
“Hey, watch where you’re fucking!-”
And just like that, Katsuki fell to the ground.
It took Katsuki a long time to start stirring from his sleep. It was a gradual process, but somehow he managed to tear the sleep from his body as he was poked and shaken incessantly by someone. Katsuki jumped up immediately in surprise, throwing a blast at his assailant. His assailant was no match for him though, springing back and using their quirk to restrain him.
Katsuki wiggled in his restraints like a wild animal, snapping and snarling.
“What the hell do you want with me you bastards! Let me the hell go or I’ll fucking kill you!” He snarled with purpose. A soft giggle filled his ears. A familiar giggle.
Soft (S/C) skin filtered through his still blurry vision until he saw… you.
You were at least a good 20 years older, some laughter lines he didn’t remember seeing (not that he definitely doesn’t scan you every time you’re close to him), as well as new scars.
Your eyes had aged too, the bags slightly more prominent but you were still you. You had four small children gathered around the bed gawking at the teen. The smallest was in your lap, seemingly frightened of Katsuki.
“Easy there tiger, you just woke up. I found you in the street asleep, so I took you to a hospital to see if you’re okay,” you offered an explanation that only answered some of his questions.
“Who the damned hell are you?? Why the hell am I here?? Argh, damnit! Let me out of these shitty restraints!” He demanded. Your face hardened in an instant as you glared at him.
“Hey, no fucking swearing in front of my children! If you’re going to talk and ask questions, you need to be respectful. You’re frightening my son with your endless shouts, so what’s your name and we can call your parents to come collect you.”
Katsuki let himself be still for a moment, glowering at you before relaxing his pose.
“My name is Katsuki Bakugou. I was hit by a quirk on my way to the UA’s dorms, I fell asleep I think, and the next thing I know is I’m in a hospital bed surrounded by someone who looks like a classmate of mine,” Katsuki growled. Your face grew a look of puzzlement.
“D-did you say… Katsuki Bakugou? As in, explosion quirk, super goal oriented, current number 2 hero?” You questioned him worriedly.
Katsuki gave you a strange look. How the hell would you know about that stuff??
“I’m only a high school student so I can’t be the number two hero yet, but everything else is true. Look, here’s my quirk,” he said as he let off a few sparks. The small children around the bed looked on in awe at the sight as you chewed your nails.
Katsuki looked back up to you and saw your expression.
“Why?” He asked.
You gulped.
“Because I’m married to Katsuki Bakugou.”
“Baby, I need you to come to the hospital in Kyoto, it’s an emergency! What? No, me and the kids are fine, we-. Hey, I told you we’re okay, but you have to be here as soon as you can. I’ll send you the details. I love you, see you in a bit.” You hung up the phone with an ashen face as you made your way back to your chair. Your children were bombarding Katsuki with questions, all too weird for Katsuki to answer.
“Papa, why are there two of you?”
“Daddy, why don’t you remember us? Did we do something bad?”
“Dad, why do you look so young? Where are all of your cool scars?”
“Alright kids, give the kid some space. We obviously need to get this fixed somehow. How we’re gonna do that is beyond me though,” you massaged your temples with a sigh. You glanced back up to young Katsuki.
“You’re definitely not a clone or something? Not some sort of fanboy who cosplays in his spare time?” You asked him, half joking.
Katsuki snorted.
“No, I don’t cosplay heroes. I beat them in the hero ranks to show them that I’m the best!” He exclaims.
“God, you even sound like my husband. I’m getting more and more convinced that this is some sort of weird time shift,” you stopped speaking as soon as a muscular figure pulls himself through the door. Katsuki physically stills.
It was him, but older.
At first, older Katsuki didn’t give him a look in. He scrambled over to you, kissing you deeply before checking you over for injuries.
“Where are you hurt?? Are you alright?? Speak to me??” He demanded. You carefully push him off you and rub your thumb on his cheek.
“Sweetie, I told you I’m fine. See, even the quadruplets are fine. We have a major problem though, and I don’t know how we’re going to solve it,” you gestured to younger Katsuki. Older Katsuki glares at younger Katsuki before a look for confusion befalls his face.
Katsuki looked… older. His face was more structured, yet still maintained some of his puppy fat. Scars littered his face, the most noticeable a large triangle that went from the middle of his cheek to the underside of his neck. His hair was shorter too, buzzed at the side. He towered over you easily and his pecs looked even bigger than before. Taunt muscles flexed at the threat to his wife and children.
“Can someone explain what the fuck happened?”
“Katsuki, stop fucking swearing!”
Until he was back to his current time, you had pleaded with your husband to let him stay. Older Katsuki agreed when his babies started pleading too, chubby cheeks wobbling with unshed tears at the idea of their older daddy throwing out their younger daddy.
And for the last few days, he had lived with you and his (?) children. Older Katsuki was mostly at work when he woke up, and he wouldn’t see him unless he stayed up past his bedtime (he could never compromise his sleep).
He spent some time babysitting your children, the quads. The eldest, Akira, was a total carbon copy of him, apart from his hair texture and colour. He was so bold when facing younger Katsuki, asking him questions and hiding his siblings behind him when they properly met.
The second eldest daughter, Aika, was more like you; shy and reserved but very playful all the same. She was a more balanced mixed of the two of you (?).
Your third daughter, Kokoro, was a pain in his ass. She constantly played tricks on Katsuki, taunting him and making mean jokes (all before she was shut down with your stare).
And finally, your littlest quadruplet Keiko, was honestly kinda his favourite in the strangest way; he was so different to his siblings it was unreal. He was the smallest, most sensitive of the bunch. In a way, he reminded him of Deku when they were kids, but with his colour hair.
The morning of the third day, you sat him down with your children at the breakfast table and grilled him a fry up. Each of your children were giggling happily in their high chairs, scrambled eggs and ketchup smeared around each mouth. Katsuki let out a small smile when Keiko offered him a piece of toast from his plate before denying it with a “no thanks squirt, your ma is making me some”.
“Well, good news! I found the person who you described and asked them how long the quirk should last. You should be back to your own time by next week, maybe even earlier if you’re lucky,” you smiled as you flipped the sizzling bacon in the pan.
Katsuki was scarfing the breakfast like there was no tomorrow, up until you said that he should be home sometime by next week.
That’s good, he thought. I really want to know something though, I might as well take advantage of the situation.
He looked up at you, one burning question on his mind.
“I bet you’re wondering how me and … well, I suppose you got together, huh?” You grinned at him.
“How could you tell that’s what I was thinking?” He demanded. You let out a laugh.
“Katsuki hun, I’ve been married to you, er, him for over 15 years. I know all of your little tricks and tells, so don’t even try hiding them,” you offered more bacon to him. He accepted, before you turned your attention to the kids in their high chairs.
“Let me clean up my mucky little pups up first and we’ll talk after I’ve dropped them off at daycare.”
It was a pleasant day, Katsuki noted. After dropping off the children at the daycare and added cuddles from the babies, you did as you promised and hurried Katsuki to the couch with a photo book.
“See here, this is a photo I took of us at our first date. You were so nervous, your hand kept popping and you had to keep wiping your hand,” you laughed fondly at the memory. Katsuki peered at the photos with a strange feeling lying in his tummy. Is this why he felt so nervous around younger you all of the time?
“Oh! And here, this was our trip with the class to France! I had said something about the croissants being delicious, and you took that as a challenge. I was eating the croissants you made for days,” you let out another laugh as you recounted tales of your relationship.
Katsuki stared at you for a solid 5 seconds. You stared at him back until his face hardened and he turned himself away. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Is something the matter hun?” You pried carefully. Damnit, you even knew the right nicknames to make him feel all weak inside.
“Just… why the hell would you go out with someone like me, hah? I’m loud, I’m obnoxious, I can be pretty freakin’ mean, so why? Why would you ever let me have a home with you?! Why would you ever let me grow a family with you?!? Why do you seem so happy, even though there’s a chance I may never come back?!?” He was borderline yelling at the end of his lament, tears threatening to plop onto the pages of the photo album.
You hugged Katsuki tightly, fingers playing with the baby hairs on the nape of his neck, all soft and gentle.
“Katsuki… I have no idea how far you’re into the relationship with younger me, but I’m going to let you in on a secret. I had a crush on you since our first day. I thought you were so strong and handsome, although you had some angst problems. Even after that, I always admired you from afar.
It hasn’t always been easy with you, as I’m sure you’re aware of. You can be loud and mean, and that has caused some rifts in our relationship, but,” you lifted his head up and cleared some tears.
“You’re also dedicated. You found ways to make up for your mistakes, and I always forgave you for them. I wanted a family with you because I love you, er, older Katsuki. We’re so blessed to have the quadruplets, even if they’re little pains sometimes. And yeah, there isn’t a day that goes by when I’m not panicked beyond all belief when you’re at work, but I wouldn’t stop you because it’s your dream.”
Katsuki looked at you. Your eyes held nothing but sincerity as he smoothed his breathing.
“Now come on, let’s go make some spicy noodles. My husband will be back soon.”
Katsuki helped you diligently in the kitchen, chopping vegetables with renewed vigour. Older Katsuki trudged through the door with a loud grunt, you immediately dropping the pan on the hob to give him a welcome home hug.
“Welcome back baby, how was work? It was nice that Kiri offered to cover your shift,” you rambled happily into his neck. Katsuki let out a barking laugh at your clinginess as he picked you up and kissed you, making you squeal in surprise.
Younger Katsuki stared at your display; is this how you’re going to be in the future? Allowing him to kiss your neck when he comes home from work, cooking his favourite meals, keeping your home in tact?
“Oi, quit starin at my wife you pervert,” older Katsuki barked before you slapped his chest playfully.
“Leave him be, he’s literally you, you big dumb dumb. I’ve been letting him in on some of our dates and stuff so he can seduce younger me into wanting you,” you teased. Both Katsuki’s huffed simultaneously, earning a laugh from you. You wriggled yourself out of his grip and led him to the dining room where the meal you and younger Katsuki created.
You kissed his cheek as you went to fetch him a drink, leaving both Katsuki’s by themselves.
Older Katsuki stared menacingly at his younger self before clearing his throat.
“Listen brat, we need to fuckin’ talk,” he starts, rearranging himself on the chair and nudging the other chair adjacent to him. Younger Katsuki did so with hesitation.
“I’m fuckin’ tellin’ ya now, if you do anything that wrecks what I have now, I’m gonna come back in time to kick your ass,” he growls lowly.
“I love that damned woman more than anything in this godforesaken planet, as well as my little pack of brats. I would do anything for them, and I’ll be damned if you do anything that fucks that up for me,” he glares at him. Younger Katsuki slowly put two and two together and looked pointedly at the scar on his cheek. Older Katsuki knew where he was looking immediately.
“I, we, got this scar during a villain attack. (Y/N) took the brats to the park after a stupid fucking fight we had, and a villain attacked them out of nowhere. Luckily, I was patrolling there and stopped them from hurting them, so I took the blow in her place. I would do it a million times over for her,” his voice audibly softens whilst talking about you, eyes downcast to the large scar on his cheek.
He touches it almost fondly, as if he was proud of the scare. Knowing Katsuki, he probably was. He looked back up at younger Katsuki, who had a contemplating look.
“So…. Please. Don’t hurt her younger self in any way. I wouldn’t be able to survive without her. If you argue, hold your tongue even if you’re right. Treasure her. Make her feel like she’s the most incredible woman in the damned world, cos she fuckin is,” he finished with a doleful look in his eyes.
“…okay. I’ll, I’ll try,” younger Katsuki promised. Older Katsuki nodded and cleared his throat as you walked into the room. You presented the bottle of beer with a happy grin and a kiss on the cheek and a ruffle of the hair for younger Katsuki.
Fuck, he was smitten.
“Daddies, watch me!” Aika grunted loudly as she successfully tiptoed from one end of the couch to another. Older Katsuki clapped and whooped in adoration whilst younger Katsuki looked on in pride.
“That’s my little ballerina! You’re gonna be the most graceful dancer ever, pumpkin!” Older Katsuki cheered, sweeping her up on his shoulder and making her squeal.
Kokoro looked on in jealousy with a pout on her face before a brilliant idea struck her. She toddled back to the couch and attempted the exact same feat as her sister, except on the back of the couch.
Keiko sat below her and watched her with a fearful expression.
“Papas, watch me! I can do it better than Aik-AAAAA!” She shrieked as she went to fall on the cushions of the couch, and subsequently Keiko. Keiko let out a scared cry as younger Katsuki swooped in to save him, carrying him in his left arm and catching Kokoro diligently in his right.
Keiko sobbed loudly into Katsuki’s broad shoulder, clinging to him with impressive strength. He nestled in as close as he could, passing Kokoro to his older self as he tried shushing Keiko.
“There there brat, you’re okay. Shhh, it’s okay, I’ve got you,” he murmured softly into his ear. He tried rocking him softly in his arms the same way you did and he was slowly left with a hiccuping, sleepy toddler.
“Damnit Kokoro, this is why I tell you to be careful! Every time you try to show Aika up, you end up hurting someone and yourself. Are you hurt, Keiko?” Older Katsuki asked Keiko. Keiko shook his little head into younger Katsuki’s neck.
Kokoro started tearing up at older Katsuki’s tone and looked down in shame. He visibly softened at his daughter’s tears and wiped them away with his fingers.
“Just be more careful, okay pumpkin?” He said firmly. Kokoro nodded and offered Keiko an apology.
The next time Katsuki woke up, it was in a hospital bed. Specifically, Recovery Girl’s clinic. The light filtered through the blinds, hitting Katsuki in the face and making him stir.
IV wires and tubes fed into him and made it hell to try to sit up, before he saw a sleeping figure near his knees.
It was younger you.
He nudged you with his knee in order to wake you up. You looked dreadful; massive eye bags, lips nibbled red raw, sniffly pink nose like you hadn’t stopped crying.
“Oh my god, you’re awake! I’ll go get Recovery Girl!” As you moved to get her, Katsuki grabbed your hand.
“W-what…,” his voice felt strange, like it wasn’t his.
“What the damned hell happened?” He croaked out.
Your face saddens as you looked away.
“You seemed really upset after our last training session, so I went after you to find you. You had collapsed just outside of the Height’s Alliance building and you wouldn’t wake up whatsoever,” your voice cracks. Katsuki let out an “oh”.
You gained your composure before looking at Katsuki again.
“So, how do you feel? Is anything hurt? What happened?” You interrogated him. Katsuki rolled his eyes at your pestering before a sly grin crossed his face.
“Why, were ya worried about me?” He teased and watched as your face turned a bright pink. You flapped your hands around in a panic.
“It’s just because you’re my classmate is all! You wouldn’t wake up, and I didn’t want you to stay like this for ages!” You rambled in a worried state. Katsuki let out a gruff laugh before wincing at his voice.
Well, better shoot my shot, he thought.
“Well, I’ll tell ya what. Go out with me this Saturday and I’ll tell ya everything,” he promised.
The pink in your face told him everything that he needed to know.
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doumadono · 4 months
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The war was over, but the scars it left behind were far from healed, both physical and emotional.
Bakugo lay in the hospital bed, his body covered in bandages, his mind foggy from the painkillers.
The room was quiet, the beeping of machines the only sound as you sat beside him, waiting for him to wake up. Your heart was heavy with the knowledge of the painful news you had to deliver when he woke.
Slowly, Bakugo's eyes fluttered open, confusion and disorientation clear in his gaze. “Where... where am I?" he muttered, his voice hoarse and weak.
You leaned closer, taking his hand in yours. "You're in the hospital, Katsuki.”
His eyes narrowed as he tried to sit up, wincing in pain. "What happened?"
You took a deep breath, holding his remaining hand. "Katsuki, there's something you need to know."
His eyes, still foggy, tried to focus on you. "Spit it out," he muttered, impatience tinged with a hint of fear.
"Your arm," you began, struggling to keep your voice steady. "They couldn't save it. It was too damaged."
Bakugo's gaze darted around the room, panic rising as he tried to move his right arm and found it wouldn't respond. "What the hell?" he gasped, looking down at the empty space where his arm used to be. "What... What the fuck!"
Tears filled your eyes as you squeezed his remaining hand. "I'm so sorry," you whispered, barely moving your lips, tears welling up in your eyes. "They did everything they could."
Bakugo's face contorted with a mix of disbelief and rage. "My quirk... it was in my palms. How am I supposed to be a hero now? No... no, no, no!" he shouted, struggling to sit up, only to fall back onto the bed, his body too weak to support him. "This can't be happening!"
You tried to hold him, to calm him, but he pushed you away with his remaining hand, his eyes wild with fear and anger. "Get away from me!"
"Katsuki, please," you begged, tears streaming down your face as you reached out your hand to place it on his shoulder. "I'm here for you. We can get through this together. We’ll find a way…"
Bakugo screamed, his voice breaking. "Don’t touch me! I'm useless! I'm fucking nothing! And you want to find a way?" he scoffed, his voice rising. "There is no way! I'm useless without my quirk!"
His words cut deep, but you refused to give up on him. "You're still a hero, Katsuki. You're still the strongest person I know…”
He turned his face away, tears of rage and frustration streaming down his cheeks. "Just leave me alone, woman. I want to be fucking alone. Get the fuck out!”
You left the room, your heart shattered and tears streaming down your flushed cheeks, but you vowed to yourself that you wouldn't give up on him.
Days turned into weeks, and Bakugo's anger only seemed to grow. He lashed out at everyone, pushing away those who tried to help. Bakugo's mood grew darker as he struggled to come to terms with his loss.
He spent hours in physical therapy, not to regain strength, but to punish himself for his perceived weakness.
One evening, you found him in the hospital gym, punching a bag with his remaining hand until his knuckles bled. 
"Katsuki, stop!" you gasped, covering your mouth with curled palm.
He ignored you, his breath coming in ragged gasps, tears mingling with sweat. "I can't... I can't do this," he panted.
You approached him quickly, and grabbed his arm, forcing him to look at you. "You're destroying yourself. This isn't helping."
"And what do you think you know?" he spat, his eyes wild. "You still have both your arms. You still can live and enjoy your sweet life, goddammit!”
“And I want to live it with you," you said fiercely, refusing to let go. "But you need to let me in. You need to let me help you."
His anger gave way to despair, and he sank to the floor, covering his face with his hand. "I don't know how."
You knelt beside him, wrapping your arms around him. "We'll figure it out together. You're not alone, Katsuki. Not ever."
Slowly, painfully, Bakugo began to accept your help, allowing you to be his support as he navigated this new reality.
Everyone, including you, his parents and his friends stood by his side through it all, offering support, encouragement, and love.
The therapy sessions became less about punishing himself and more about finding a way to live again.
Slowly but surely, Bakugo regained his confidence, finding new ways to use his quirk and his skills to remain a hero. He still had moments of doubt, moments where he cursed his fate and his limitations.
Those moments became less frequent, replaced by a determination to rise above his challenges.
"I love you," he said one morning, out of the blue, as you approached him in front of the classroom, bringing him bento you’ve prepared for him.
You turned to him, surprised but pleased. "I love you too, Katsuki."
He smirked, a shadow of his old self shining through as he leaned forward and placed a tiny kiss to the top of your head, accepting the box. "I know. And I'm gonna prove to you that I'm still the best damn hero around."
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "I never doubted it for a second."
Bakugo found solace in the realization that he could still be the hero he always aspired to be.
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newtscamandersbf · 18 days
saw this ss on twt and im sorry but im starting to think some of yall actually like when characters are predators cause first it was accusing afo of p3dophilia / sa (despite the fact grooming can be non-sexual) and now its this shit 😭😭
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like this is actually crazy yall we are told MULTIPLE times that toga feels safe with the league because they are the only ones who accepted her for who she was 😭😭 its not like she was the only woman or kid in the league either like at some point there were magne and mustard. the league lets anyone in regardless of background this is soo ..
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cheesecakethots · 1 year
i LIVE for the angst of a yandere initially being fucking awful to their darling after taking them, and overtime changing and becoming more loving, as well has having newfound and immense regret for what they’ve done. it is literally my fave yan scenario.
tw // pretty heavy angst, mentions of noncon
i specifically imagine it for shigaraki, going from being this disgusting manbaby who treats his darling like they’re nothing but a toy for him to use, only to later realise how much he loves them and mature in how he treats them, making his regret for the past even stronger.
him trying to coax his darling into coming out on a date with him - they can go anywhere, he doesn’t mind, darling has free reign to choose what they do. he tries to be so soft and quiet in his tone, as though not to startle them.
it’s only when tears start forming in their eyes and they mumble, “have i been bad?” that he realises how badly his past self fucked up.
the only other time he really took them out was when he’d decided they needed a punishment, and had made them stand and watch as he disintegrated the first group of people they saw out. he had then fucked them against the alleyway wall, bodies still around them both, just to really get the point across.
he wishes he could take back everything, but he can’t. as of now, he needs to take baby steps in order to bring you out of the very same hole he once caved into your mind.
(i love regretful yans urm send me some thots about them pretty please)
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bakudekublogblog · 4 months
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not to be dramatic but hori literally out did my own self indulgent wish-fulfillment fanfic with the whole “rest of our lives speech” like I knew that sounded so romantic, and it is, because I literally wrote that line for bakudeku and I intended for it to be romantic
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like hori really is just showing us bakudeku fanfic writers how it’s done
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catsoupki · 1 month
now, at twenty five, you see the ghost of your past haunting you. when you pass by the sandbox, you hear the blooming noises of explosions. you hear the stifling tears from fighting bullies and you smell the stench of nitroglycerin. the last time you had seen katsuki bakugou was this morning, when you were making breakfast in your kitchenette with the television turned on. the bleed of morning sun flutters into your studio apartment, inundating your belongings with warmth. the news channel broadcasted an accident from a previous night, in which pro hero dynamight was able to catch and arrest two villains by himself during his night patrol, but still left destruction in his wake.
it’s the collapse of scaffolding, the uprooting of walkways, with soot and burn scars scalded into the walls of concrete. it’s the name of your childhood love plastered over every single surface that exists.
the last time you had seen katsuki bakugou, you were fifteen. wearing a graduation cap too heavy for your dipped head, donning a robe too large for your then small and sickly thin body.
katsuki bakugou had looked at you with something in the guise of disgust. head held high with a kind of dignity you’re unfamiliar with, the dignity that comes with being the best at what you do, the dignity that encompasses his self-assurance. or perhaps it was betrayal, a shattering unbeknownst to you.
a dream too good to be true— two tickets that would allow you to step foot into the heroes’ world, only to have one fall short, in the name of illness.
he had never visited you during your chronic stay at the hospital. but at twenty five, perhaps now you recall the nameless cards that were littered onto your bed-side table before you had even awoken, at the glimpse of dawn.
a promise broken by betrayal— he looks at you, from a pedestal unto the commoners, he looks at you with his head tilted high and leaned back, as if he’s too afraid to get too close. maybe he is. he was never good at deceiving you.
since the day of your graduation, you see the ghost of your past everywhere. when you walk past the convenience store on the way to work, only to be greeted by the face of dynamight on the package of onigiris. and when you go shopping with friends, you'll be reminded of his face on the commercial district billboard for calvin klein.
he is everything you’re not, and likewise, vice versa. you’re everything he’s not. your contact is left to collect dust in his phone but he’s sure you would’ve forgotten him by now. it’s the doing of his teenage self, to push you and your illness away until you recover, until you move on with life, onto normalcy. you won’t ever realise the years that he had used his birthday wishes and new years fortune to pray for your recovery. for you to make it out of the hospital, alive and well, because what is there to being a hero if not for you? what is there to protect when you’re not even there?
but he also won’t ever know the times you’ve knelt in front of the television in your childhood home, when you were sixteen, bowing your head and praying to god that even if he doesn’t show you mercy, he should at least use that to keep bakugou safe, alive and well.
it’s been over a decade. the last time he saw you, you had pale cheeks and barely made it to the graduation ceremony without fainting. your body was sticks and bones, remnants of an unhealed sickness that stole your dreams away.
he sees you now in the flowers he receives. he sees you in the eyes of students in the schools that he gives talks at. a childlike wonder that never got to grow up, a kindness that was killed over and over again until you became a tinder without a fire.
he tells himself: he’s moved on. and perhaps except for izuku, no one will ever notice just how ugly the scar on his heart is. you’re no hero, you’re no villain, you’re something of the in-between, but still, you leave destruction in your wake.
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dynamightmite · 2 months
I just... can you imagine Deku for EIGHT YEARS quietly hurting because his friends have all become heroes, and it seems like they don't have time for him anymore. But it's fine! Kacchan cried and told him that he wanted to compete with Deku for the rest of their lives, but that was a long time ago. They don't have much in common anymore, now that he's quirkless. It's fine.
Only to find out that Bakugo has been actively working and getting help from their old friends to save money so they can buy Deku the possibility of being a hero again? Eight YEARS. And the whole time, Bakugo was looking for a way to get Deku back. Holy shit.
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slayfics · 4 months
As much as I love Shinso, I imagine arguments with him being catastrophic (cat pun intended). He’s so calm and blunt, that I could see him flooring you with the nastiest spiteful thing you’ve ever heard. The worst part is it comes out of his mouth so casual and cruel. His quirk works by getting others to talk back, so he is a pro at pushing buttons. And he knows you better than anyone, so his words cut straight to the bone.
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sugarlywhispers · 10 days
Laysa … your recent lavagirl and Bakugou post was so 😋
1) Bakugou is about to crash tf out THIS IS NOT A DRILL 🚨‼️🙅🏾‍♀️
2) idk what that villain thought this was but lavagirl and Bakugou DO NOT play about each other frfr .. like the villain is soo cooked it’s not even funny
3) also angstier thought about this but like Bakugou was so torn up about slightly hurting lavagirl even though it wasn’t even her. So now I’m thinking about a villain that has a puppet control quirk and like they control someone completely but the person is still aware of what’s happening yet can’t stop it. And the villain sends Bakugou after lavagirl 😣. Like… she hesitated so bad even though the villain WASNT Bakugou.. imagine if it really was him 💔
Me thinking about how heartbreaking that would be:
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(Sorry to be a Debby downer I literally just read this three part angst fic that had tears streaming down my face fr 🤕🤧)
2) It's so not funny how Dynamight –the real one– is about to shred to pieces his own image. Like, think about the symbolism for a sec… NOT EVEN HIMSELF IS ALLOWED TO HURT HIS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT WIFE. AND THAT'S A CLEAR THREAT TO EVEN HEROES. NO FUCKING ONE GETS TO TOUCH Y/N. PERIOD.
Bakugou Katsuki is freaking crying, loudly begging, and desperately pleading inside his head to any possible god existing up there in the sky to fucking please… STOP. All as he sees you recoil, genuine fear splattered in all your factions and body stance while he is forcibly ordered to walk towards you. He can feel it, his body getting ready to attack against his own will. He's going to attack you. You, the most important person of his life. The person he chose to share everything with. Gentle and soothing touches every night, laying together in the same bed, before falling asleep in each other's arms. From small pecks of ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ to deep, passionate kisses that show how in love you're with each other. Gentle words that reassure how well each of you did for the day and even healthy arguments in which you worriedly reprend each other if the other did something stupid and put their life in danger. Either way, it always ended in a forgiven strong embrace of a hug and a touch of lips that means: ‘I still love you over all’.
It's not clear to everyone watching. It's not even clear to you as he approaches, deadly looking, ready to fight you with all his might –yet eyes turned white, void of any emotion, coldly inexpensive, and obviously in a trance that no matter how hard Red Riot or Deku try while throwing stuff or even themselves at Dynamight, they can not break the spell the villain has their best friend in.
Pro Hero Dynamight just looks like he's ready to kill.
To kill you.
No one can actually see the battle he is having inside his head with himself.
He's howling inside his head, and it's no use. No matter how desperately and loud he screams in his head, he isn't in control of his body. But he can see. He sees and feels his body blowing away the stuff Izuku throws to stop him. He sees and feels when Eijirou puts himself in front of him, all turned into rock, as he punches and tries to pull Katsuki away; yet he ends up being thrown probably a kilometer away and against the bricks of a fallen building by the force of one of Katsuki's explosions.
Inside his head he grimaces at what he has done to his two best friends. They look pretty wounded, and it's all because of him. 
And Katsuki sees and feels his arm raising, cannon directed at you, who stand several meters in front of him quite unsure on what to do.
But you don't. Your lava completely retracts into your body, no longer standing in an attack nor defensive position.
His other hand raises, fingers directing at the side of the cannon that would activate the shoot of his accumulated nitroglycerin sweat that would bring hell into the world. Fuckin’ directed at you!
NO! NOOO! Please… No…
Dynamight fires.
Right at the last minute he sees Deku standing in front of you, fully ready to receive the blast. And then Red Riot in his rock form appears in front of Deku, fully receiving the blast. 
Mentally, Katsuki groans with relief. Kirishima has trained thousands of times with him, enduring his shots in his rock form. The red-head is strong enough to endure a blast like that one. However, the amount of nitroglycerin collected has been too big, even for what Dynamight himself is used to. He feels the recoil in his shoulder, he knows one more move and it will break. And he truly wishes it does if it means he won't get another chance to hurt any of you or his friends.
Yet when he focuses his attention back to the place where you were once the smoke dissipates, he freezes. Red Riot is fully knocked out, lying almost moveless on the ground if not for the slow intakes of breath. Deku is also down, a big portion of rock that exploded up from the ground over his legs that prevents him from moving it off him. Fuck, Katsuki knows if Izuku wasn't so weakened as he is at the moment he would be able to easily punch the rock away and fight him. But the villain had already taken care of tiring Deku a lot before Dynamight and Y/H/N landed on the scene.
And you… Oh, no… 
You are lying motionless on the dirty ground, torches of fire close to your body but not close enough to burn you. But the blast has been strong enough to even reach you behind two of the biggest heroes there are.
Katsuki is yelling in agony inside his head.
He still sees and feels his body move. Walking slowly but surely towards where you lay. Passing by the two completely beating up pro heroes like he doesn't care a damn thing about them.
When he stands next to you, he moves you with his boot to lay on your back. He sees your beaten and weak body barely respond as he straddles your hips, but you're looking at his eyes. And he feels his own ready to attack again.
His hand raises, palm open, getting closer to your face, heat increasing with each second that passes. He feels it coming, a big blast ready to shoot at your face. Ready to kill you.
Bakugou Katsuki is bawling inside his head, fucking desperate and metaphorically pulling the hairs of his head at how incompetent, how out of control he feels.
He's going to kill you, with his own hands, and there's nothing he can do to stop it.
And then… You smile at him. That loving and comprehensive smile you used to give him when he didn't know how to express his feelings. Filled with love and assurance.
Everything freezes again, including his body.
“I know you're in there, Katsuki,” you speak in such a gentle tone it physically makes the pit of his stomach contract in painful love. Both of your hands weakly hold the one a few centimeters away from your face.
His complete body starts to tremble, and you know that Katsuki is inside there fighting. He's battling to regain the power over his own body as hard as he can. You know your Katsuki is there.
Tears start to escape your eyes, but they still show the immense love you feel for the man above you. You know that even though he is about to kill you, it's not his fault. It's not him. Katsuki would never kill you. You trust him. You love him. And even if he does end up killing you, you would still love him.
“It's me, Katsuki. Y/N… Your Y/N,” you cry, one of your hands cups his face that holds an angry, deadly expression, his eyes still white and void of any emotion. But you can feel him trembling, droplets of sweat sliding over the skin of his temples thanks to the strength you know his mind is putting against the control the villain has over his body.
And you smile bigger, still looking at him with adoring love. Weakly directing his hand down towards your chest, right where your heart is. You press his hand against it, for him to feel the beats that jump against your chest for him. Because of him. Your beating heart that loves him. That lives for him. And that would gladly die for him too.
“All I… all I want you to know… is that… I still love you over all.”
You close your eyes, ready for the outcome that it's most surely about to happen. Ready to receive with open and welcoming arms the mutual friend every hero has: Death.
A real and loud roar escapes Dynamight's mouth. Everyone witnessing the immense struggle, the hard fight the pro hero is battling inside.
And then a snap. It feels as if someone cut something off with a katana, the typical sound the weapon makes as it slides heads off in movies.
You feel the hand over your chest leave its place forcefully, and when you open your eyes, that hand fires a blast towards the air. Katsuki's arm is raised over his head, palm open at the sky as the blast bellows in rage, just like the scream that came within his chest and out.
Katsuki eyes open as fire lightens above his head, teary ruby eyes looking down at you in deep relief and love.
You sob happily as Katsuki lets his body fall languid over you, but still putting his forearms on each side of your head to avoid completely falling with his weight over you.
“I love you,” his head is hiding in your neck as he takes rapid and deep inhales of breath, so you kiss his cheek several times while your arms surround his body.
Your Katsuki is back.
You help him turn to the side and lay on his back, body still trembling and breathing fastly. You know he's seconds away from losing consciousness, so you kiss him one more time, this time on his forehead lovingly. He relaxes and he's out.
Your eyes travel to the villain, who looks dumbfounded that your husband broke the spell and gained his control back. But when their eyes find yours, they gulp. You stand and begin to walk towards him, your lava activating with each step you give closer. Your eyes hold so much rage, your body lightening up and showing the demonic look you're known for. It's the villain's turn to recoil, unsure and afraid.
“Now, is fucking personal…”
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cryiling · 2 months
"bakudeku or rodydeku" actually i think both can and should be true
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sensei-twinkles · 25 days
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Dadmight Week Day 6: Search & Rescue
No matter how much practice you have the real thing is always different, especially if it’s someone you know…
AHAHAHHAHAHAHA ANGST!! THIS WAS MY MOMENT! And this is 100% why I was late but 2 pieces turned into 5 and I had no control over that, but I had to get the story out. So take some sad soggy bois ✨
I will be doing the final day even though it’s late so that’ll come soon!
Big thanks to @dadmightweek again! This was so much fun and was the boost I needed to actually start posting some pieces 💕
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dynachan · 18 days
Two birds on a wire...
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One says c'mon, and the other says I'm tired...
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kimbapkimbapp · 3 months
Guys what do you think will happen when Katsuki sees a video of Izuku armless (cause they were on national TV) :(
I personally think he doesn't know about that yet and that its gonna fuck him up even more
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typhea · 1 year
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﹐♡﹒featuring : multiple characters ♡
﹐♡﹒infos : toxicity, angst, heavy manipulation/brainwashing, threatening, gn!reader, heavy guilt tripping, corruption.
﹐♡﹒summary : type of toxic ex they are..
midoriya izuku, yuji itadori, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, arlelt armin, kyoka jirou, uraraka ochako, hinata shoyo.
literally brainwash you that it’s your fault and they’re hurt.
calls you every night, when they probably drunk and tells you how much they miss you.
“ y/n, you were so horrible to me. you crushed my feelings, but i’ll forgive you anything ‘cause i love you.”
will dramatise everything like, getting off social medias, staying home all day, just to get your attention.
will send people to get you to come back, he makes you look bad in front of your friends. “they are nice to you! why would you do that, just get back with them.”
faking their depression to get you back, and literally go insane when it doesn’t work.
“look what you’ve done to me.”
100% cry in front of you to coax you.
“i did really bad things to myself because of you, only you can heal me.”
lies, lies, lies. all for your attention.
bakugo katsuki, yaoyorozu momo, sero hanta, kurapika, gojo satoru, neito monoma, aizawa shota, takami keigo, kuroo tetsuro.
always up to date on your new relationships, texts you that it won’t work.
"you call that moving on? they look like me, but they’ll never be me."
so confident you will come back.
most of the time, they are the reason why your relationships don’t work. threatening your partner? yes.
you cry in their arms when one of your relationship ends, they just hug you and whisper :
“i told you baby, nobody loves you but me okay?”
will remind you your flaws and red flags, just to end their sentence with “but i still love you, isn’t that amazing?”
don’t even act like you’re their ex.
literally corrupts you, makes your brain theirs.
makes you chase them.
amajiki tamaki, midoriya izuku, chisaki kai, tsukishima kei, tendou satori, kamo choso, kasumi miwa, springer connie, kirstein jean, toga himiko.
also called crazy ex, the one that stalks you.
harass you with begging texts. you blocked them? they will get another phone.
“y/n you can’t do this to me.. please come back”
impulsive and jealous, they will beat up anyone they see you with or hack any thirsty person commenting on your insta post.
goes insane when you get a new partner.
literally screams at you in voicemails, thinks you’re theirs.
“you can’t cheat on me! y/n, i know you’re faking it just to make me mad, i’ll show you how mad i am.”
shows up at your place at random times, it’s either to cry at your feet or threaten you to come back.
literally couldn’t believe theirs ears when you broke up with them, went feral.
you’re their whole world, they are literally nothing without you, they will find a way to keep you whether you want it or not.
thanks for reading darlin! don’t forget to like and leave a comment :)
m.list | request here!
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