#animaniacs (Fandom)
atiredmessstuff · 2 years
So I made an animaniacs iceberg (explanations in the reblogs!)
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sad 3am rambles. You can skip it
Yeah, I know the iceberg thing is outdated but I made it as a way to look back at the show and the fandom one last time.
I took a break from animaniacs in the wait for season 3. When I came back I realized how much I had forgotten about the show and it kinda scared me. I decided to write these facts and fandom anecdotes just to have a reminder in case some day I forget.
This is it. I don't have hopes for a season 4 or any other animaniacs media. I'll probably stay here for another week. I don't want to get into personal stuff, so I'll just say that animaniacs was the best thing that happened to me in 2020. I'm going through some rough stuff so I'm glad I got the chance to watch these characters one last time. Even though my interest in the show isn't the same as it used to be, I still hold it very close to my heart ❤️
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bestofanimaniacs · 2 years
Hellooooooooo Nurses!
I don't think anyone has yet attempted to pit the Animaniacs cast against each in a Tumblr poll yet, so I will be doing the honors. This poll is for the best character from the original (1993) Animaniacs series. (If this goes well there may be a reboot poll, but we'll cross that bridge).
You'll find below the brackets of the 28 reoccurring characters from the original series and links to the polls. I'll be leaving Round 1's polls open for a week and we'll go from there in terms of participation and interest.
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Due to the number of characters included, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and Brain will appear in Round 2, don't worry!
This is purely for fun and friendly competition is encourage. Please don't start any fights or take this too seriously, okay? It's just a silly poll. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot will report you to the "Please, please, please get a life foundation" if you take this too seriously, that's a threat.
Polls will start to post at 10am CST on March 9th and run for a week. Links for polls under read more.
Round 1:
Bracket 1 -
Runt vs Mr. Skullhead
Hello Nurse vs Mr. Director
Minerva Mink vs Chicken Boo
Bracket 2 -
Wheel of Morality vs Rita
Slappy Squirrel vs Mime
Skippy Squirrel vs Bobby
Bracket 3 -
Thaddeus Plotz vs. Colin (Randy Beaman Kid)
Pinky vs Marita Hippo
Buttons Vs Katie Ka-boom
Bracket 4 -
Ralph the Guard vs Squit
Dr. Scratchansniff vs Flavio Hippo
Mindy vs Pesto
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autistic-singer515 · 7 months
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Here’s my fanart of Pinky and the Brain eating the globe ice cream. It was based on the photo I saw of someone holding a globe ice cream on Twitter.
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angelshroud · 11 months
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cf56 · 2 years
When did we become so callous to each other? Are we really starting to let our opinions on the reboot get in the way of considering other people as like, human beings?
If you loved everything about season 3, I love that. This isn’t about that. This is in response to people who are getting outwardly upset at others in the fandom just like, expressing their genuine emotions over things? I saw a prominent blog in the fandom saying they found it funny that people were upset over the show’s ending, because Animaniacs doesn’t have continuity. Okay, but how do you think that changes anything for the people who felt truly upset about that moment? These are characters who folks have loved for years, decades in some cases. They get attached to them. And you really don’t understand how seeing them suddenly perish in a destructive blaze, to end the entire series nonetheless, might be genuinely painful for some to watch? It didn’t give me those kinds of feelings, but it isn’t hard to understand how it might do so for others, and I’m not going to invalidate it by saying they just don’t understand how the show works. Those are real feelings they experienced. They can’t help that.
I saw another prominent blog complaining about people “being pissy” in the tag over things they didn’t like in season 3. It’s like, everyone here loves Animaniacs. Every single person. We all love it in different ways, though. If there’s something that genuinely felt wrong to us emotionally, and we decide to talk about it, that’s not “being pissy”. It’s not trashing the reboot for the sake of it. It’s genuine emotions that some of us felt and talked about. That’s not a sin. How do you expect people to just disregard their own emotions, try to change them, even if you think it’s logically wrong? They’re emotions.
I think the reboot opinion divide has poisoned our minds a bit. We’ve spent so long sitting on either side of the fence, the reboot is good or the reboot is bad, that we’re starting to lose track of the real people who are expressing their opinions on things. A fan is allowed to express their disappointment with the reboot. There’s no rule saying everything has to be rainbows and unicorns when it comes to how we discuss this show we love. If you disagree with something someone says, then disagree. But why get upset that they dared to express their real thoughts at all? They’re allowed to, just as you’re allowed to express all the positive thoughts you want, too. In some cases, it’s not something they can help.
I’ve looked at everything in the tag since season 3 released. Maybe 10% of it has been negative. Probably less. If you can’t handle that, that’s on you, not anyone else who’s trying to express their real opinion on things. I may disagree with those who say everything about season 3 was great, but I don’t challenge their right to say what they think. I don’t try to frame their genuine feelings on it as something invalid. I don’t try to say they don’t understand how the show works just because they view it differently than me. People have a right to their feelings, and they have a right to their opinions. It’s sad to see it going the way it is.
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Wakko Warner
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Hello Beautiful People It’s Alice So Today I drew Wakko Warner Eating Pizza Because He loves eating food so Why not. And I hope you guys like Thank you have a blessed day. Peace :3 
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ask-pres · 2 years
Thoughts on chalky milk?
Chalky? I dont think ive had milk in it with chalk before. Infact that sounds like something a dinosaur would do..oh hey im getting fandom points for that refrence!
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whumpster-fire · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 3: Gun to Temple
Wendy Weasel has a sick sense of humor, and one night the 'joke' is at her own expense.
...and when I say I got darker and more fucked up than normal this Whumptober this is what I mean.
CW: Minor whumpee, Self-harm that looks like suicide even if it has no chance of being fatal. Exactly what the prompt says. This warning isn’t here for show, don’t click the Keep Reading if you aren’t hungry for dead doves.
Wendy Weasel’s hands shook as she loaded the round into the revolver and snapped the cylinder into place. She stared at it for a while, pulling the blanket closer to herself. What the hell was she even doing? This was stupid.
No. She deserved this. She fucking deserved it, and worse, but she didn’t have the courage to chug a bottle of rubbing alcohol so this would have to do. She’d been trying not to think about what she’d done for months now, that she’d killed people. She’d killed people, not traitors to the human race that she wasn’t even a part of and not monsters like her kind were supposed to be. She’d tried to tell herself that she couldn’t know, that she couldn’t have known, because that was all she’d ever been told, but deep down she’d felt it that night at the apartment building, and during the battle, and… the battle was one thing, all she’d really been trying to do was stay alive, and keep the people who were supposed to be the good guys alive. The good guys. Right. The guys who’d stood there and laughed while she dragged people from their homes and stunned them or tied them together and lined them up to be melted down like a snowman facing a firing squad of napalm flamethrowers. And it didn’t matter how horrible she’d felt doing what they’d told her was making the world a better place, because part of her had still enjoyed it. There wasn’t supposed to be any other part of her.
She’d kept trying to block that out when she saw ToonTown in daylight for the first time, and saw so many creatures just going about their lives that were just like her, except for the part where they weren’t mass murderers. But today she’d had to rip all those memories back out of the depths, and watch every last bit of it as she burned it onto a VCR tape so a judge could decide if she was ‘competent to stand trial’ or if she was just a brainwashed little weapon that had been forced into it. Or she guessed ‘Child Soldier’ was the word they kept using.
“You are not my child,” Herschel Wilson’s voice echoed in her head. “You are not even a child.”
Wendy snarled, and spun the cylinder. “Shut the fuck up, Herschel.” It took longer than it should have to stop spinning. Wheel of Morality, turn, turn, turn.
Forced. There was no question they would have killed her if they’d known she was conflicted about the orders they’d given her. They’d have tried anyway, and… now she knew how easily she could have stopped them, but she didn’t know if she would have tried, because that was all she knew of the world and they’d said that if she tried to run the other toons would see right through any disguise. And yet she’d stood right there in the open and people fucking asked her where her parents were and told her she should be in school. The Warners said they used to get that a lot before so many people recognized them, and they kind of missed it.
The worst part was seeing the same things through Riley’s eyes. He hadn’t needed the gas mask to hide his feelings like she had, but seeing the way he didn’t look at the toons when they died, and the way he kept looking at Wendy like he was checking on her, it was obvious. She wondered how long he’d been thinking of her as his sister before he said anything out loud. Or maybe he was just worried she was going to do something stupid. He’d probably have figured out the stupid thing she was about to do now, and tried to stop her, so part of her was glad he was still in the hospital.
Wendy’s muscles tensed. Her heart picked up speed. She brought the gun to her temple, braced herself, but then tried not to brace herself, to let it hurt her, to make it hurt her, and squeezed the trigger.
BANG! Her head jolted sideways, and the door on the other side of the bedroom lurched and blurred. Wendy gritted her teeth at the stinging, burning pain. Her ears were ringing from the gunshot. Fuck, it really was different from getting shot by someone else. That was barely even on the scale of annoyance, just enough to get the adrenaline going. This still wasn’t that bad. The ringing in her ears was fading. There was the rapid thump of her heart, and the also rapid but less rhythmic thump of -
Footsteps? Oops. Damnit damnit damnit! Wendy shoved the revolver under the covers, then remembered that wasn’t the part that would get her unwanted attention. She ran for the door, pulling a poster of a dartboard out of Hammerspace and slapping it on, then zipped back to the bed and shook the burnt powder out of her fur just in time for the door to burst open.
“Do you mind?” Yakko Warner stood slouched in the doorway wearing black-and-white pinstriped pajamas and a nightcap. “Wait, no, don’t say anything, I want to guess what your new hobby is. Is it… pyrotechnics?”
Wendy gulped. She was, technically, imprisoned somewhere in the extradimensional labryinth that the Warner Siblings had turned the studio water tower into, because there were only a few toons on the planet who had any chance of stopping her if she tried to leave. Their interior design didn’t follow normal rules of geometry, but it felt surprisingly familiar to a toon who’d spent most of her life in an underground complex. Well, she guessed she’d spent most of it here. It had been over a month now and that was longer than what she still thought of as ‘most of her life’ had been.
Wait – the gun was uncovered now, she’d disturbed the blanket. He was looking straight at the thing. “Target shooting.” She pointed at the door, and Yakko saw the dartboard. Wendy realized too late there wasn’t any hole in it.
“Huh. Well you’re no Peter Possum, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m practicing, Einstein.” Wendy slowly picked the revolver up again. “Now get out of the way, you’re blocking my target!”
“Do you have to practice at 3:30 in the morning? Some of us are trying to sleep here!”
“Not my fault you have infinite space here and didn’t soundproof it better!” Yakko raised an eyebrow. “Okaaaay, fine, I’ll stop! Can you just let me finish this round first? I’ve only got five shots left!”
The inkblot rolled his eyes. “Fine, we’re already awake anyway.” He slid out of the room and closed the door behind him. “False alarm, Sibs, she’s just using our home as a shooting gallery!”
Wendy waited for his footsteps to fade. Why were they being so goddamned nice to her? They of all toons should’ve known better than to act like she was some innocent kid, and yet they were… treating her like a cousin who’d come to stay for a while because her home life had gone wrong or something.
She didn’t deserve it. Wendy spun the cylinder again, and put the gun to her head. Five shots left. The first round she’d known what would happen when she pulled the trigger, but now there was a chance nothing would happen. Maybe it would hurt, maybe it would be nothing. She winced, and pulled the trigger.
It hurt more the second time. The stinging was turning to throbbing now. Good. She hoped her goddamn head split open. She gritted her teeth and spun the barrels again. Only four shots left. It would probably go off. She held it up, pressing the still-hot barrel against her skin.
She didn’t know if this feeling was relief or disappointment. Her hands were really shaking now. It took her a couple tries to get a good spin. She waited for the clicking to stop.
Wendy snarled under her breath. She put out her burning whisker, and dragged her left ear back to its proper place. She felt the place where the stinging was worst, and immediately recoiled, as much from the feeling of her glove getting wet as the pain. She stared at the small stain of bright scarlet ink on her finger. It smelled like smashing a magic marker to bits with a hammer.
Fuck. Fuck. She hadn’t thought it would be that easy to break the skin. It wasn’t easy to do that to a toon.
Another spin. She put the gun under her chin this time. Three shots left. It was even odds, like a coin flip. The last one it had fired. Odds weren’t supposed to work like that, but in a place where cartoon physics ruled everything, maybe the revolver would take turns.
BANG. No it didn’t. Wendy hadn’t realized she was panting, but now she’d bitten her tongue from the blow, and her throat was starting to hurt.
Another spin. She returned it to her temple. She couldn’t make herself pull the trigger at first. The burning was getting worse. Come on… come on… she deserved this. What was she, some kind of coward?
No… no… she just wanted to get it over with now. Just get it over with. Wendy fumbled with the cylinder, and pulled the trigger as soon as she felt the barrel touch raw skin.
Had she loaded them all? She resisted the temptation to open the gun again to check. She was sure she had. She’d get one of the two loaded chambers sooner or later.
Wendy stifled a yelp of pain. Stars spun around her head, and her vision blurred with tears. God damnit. God damn it. Her other hand dug into the mattress. Her shoulders were shaking now. She could feel warmth trickling down her cheek, down her neck.
One more. Now it was how humans played this game.
What was wrong with this damn thing? Wendy shook the gun before spinning it again.
She finally lost her nerve and checked. It was loaded. It was loaded, the laws of probability had just decided to torture her.
It was over. Wendy threw the empty gun in the trash and let it dissolve into the nothingness she’d pulled it from. A weapon that had outlived its usefulness, like she had and yet she was still here. Her whole head felt disgusting, her fur matted with ink and black carbon that smelled like a natural gas leak mixed with a smashed printer cartridge, but her ears were ringing and her head was spinning. If she tried to shower, she was pretty sure she was going to pass out. She crumpled into the bed, and lay there staring blankly at the lamp for a long time. She wanted to turn it off, because the light was making the headache worse, but it took all her willpower to just lift her arm, and sitting back up now felt impossible. She settled for pulling the blanket over her head.
The pillow was getting all sticky. Wendy flipped it over, only to realize too late that now there was going to be a bright red stain on both sides.
Fuck it. Who cared? Good. If they got mad at her for ruining the pillowcase, that was just one more thing she’d ruined, and she deserved it anyway. If they got mad at her for shooting herself in the head six times… why the hell did she even care what they thought, anyway? She was just a goddamn monster, right? Just a monster that sick son of a bitch had drawn to look like a kid on purpose so that people would be manipulated into sympathizing with her. He’d made her so goddamn good at it that she couldn’t stop no matter how hard she tried to convince them of the truth, and she hated it.
So why was she lying here crying into an ink-soaked pillow in an empty room, feeling guilty that they might be worried about her, because she didn’t deserve it?
A/N: Ha ha funny cartoon character self-harming because she hasn’t been taught any way of expressing her emotions other than violence and causing pain. Wendy needs help.
I’ve had the idea of Wendy playing Russian Roulette with all the chambers loaded because she can for a while, Whumptober gave me an excuse to write it.
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thetimelimit · 2 years
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You have to give him credit, at least he called Dot "OUR little sister."
I used the colors of the old version of Animaniacs for the background inside the watertower and their outfits, I thought it was a nice detail.
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atiredmessstuff · 2 years
Hey remember that time when a group of og animaniacs fans where invited to warner bros studios?
Some will probably know this, but in case you don't, Keeper (an active member of the alt.tv.animaniacs newsgroup) created a website compiling information and personal reports about the experience. You should check it out if you are interested in the "old" animaniacs fandom.
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natfoe · 2 months
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Gee Brain, what are we going to do tonight?
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autistic-singer515 · 2 years
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Warner Bros, make it happen! We need it more than ever!
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angelshroud · 1 year
OK, una cosa.
Ok, one thing.
Quise ver un capitulo en ingles y había olvidado la nota alta que solia tener yakko en su voz. Lol
I just wanted to see a chapter in english and i forgot the high note that yakko used to have in his voice. Lol
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cf56 · 2 years
This is going to be rude and blunt, but I’m afraid I don’t know how else to say it. If you miss the point this time, it won’t be on me. You keep getting hung up thinking that people just don’t like what you’re saying. That the problem for others is your opinions on Season 3. That’s not it. You are overly invested in the show as a whole, and that has taken center stage. I’m not saying this to make you change that part, but how you use that information in the context of these discussions. Being mentally ill, neurodivergent, or anything of the sort does not mean that you or your takes are exempt from criticism. Also you’re not the only one who falls under that umbrella in the fandom. And I’m sorry, but the responses I’ve seen to your posts recently do not qualify as you being marginalized. That’s not even close. It frankly makes it look like your trying to play the victim. Bottom line is, your opinions are fine, though they could stand to be under ‘Read More’s so they don’t clutter the tag. The reasoning behind them, is what keeps throwing me for a loop. I don’t mean this maliciously, but please seek therapy. From one invested fan to another, that kind of attachment is not healthy.
Well, you were right about it being rude.
I have never made the claim that my takes are exempt from criticism. In fact, I’ve clearly said the opposite many times. My replies and askbox are always open. I’ve debated with someone, maybe even you, on this topic through my asks, and I never got angry at them for speaking up against me. I don’t care about people disagreeing with me. I care about people getting upset about me expressing my thoughts at all. I have a right to do so. Everyone does. You’re not obligated to read what I say or put any value in it at all. I’m just some random schmuck on the internet. In your other ask, you asked why I was so invested in Animaniacs. I answered. Why did you assume that I meant that to be a shield from criticism? It was just the truth.
When I browse the tag, on desktop, all the long posts are partially hidden anyway under “expand” banners. If you don’t want to see my opinions on this, all relevant posts are tagged “#animaniacs episode 8”. Block that tag. Block me for all I care. For the record, there is no way to “read more” when you make a post on mobile, which is usually how I respond to asks that don’t need pictures.
It doesn’t sound to me like you think my opinions are fine. You say the reasoning behind them throws you for a loop. Okay, that’s fine. However, I have thoroughly explained the reasoning behind all my opinions. It’s not as if I’m screeching into the void with no explanation behind it. Again, I make maybe two or three posts a day. I’ve made six total self-posts that are negative about season three. If you can’t handle that, it’s on you. Only you. You claim that I’m the one who’s too invested in this show. I would say, if reading opinions you don’t agree with on Animaniacs gets you this worked up, maybe you should take a look in the mirror first.
Bottom line, I’ll be invested in this show as I damn well please. No one had a single problem with it before I started to share opinions they didn’t like.
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pinkydoggy83 · 5 months
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❤️🖊️ — Back to drawing in red pen
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stupidhany · 4 months
Posting this cause tbh this needs to be posted in here
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I'm thinking of scanning these some time soon
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