#animation issues
Part 2
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just-messing-around · 3 years
Me: It'd be kinda cool to animated something like Salad Fingers, but, ya know, have my own thing, just a similar 'type'.
Me: *Remembers how hard and time consuming animation is and that it's made me want to cry every time I've attempted to animate anything* Never mind, maybe just a comic.
Me: *Remembers that making comics is kind of a pain in the a$$, too* FFS 💢!!
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thediamondpaw · 6 years
In need of animation advice...
So, let me cut right to the chase. I make all of my art in a pretty large canvas size. While that's great for getting lots of detail, it has caused problems for me in the past.
The issue that I'm having right now is that my animation program only lets me work in a much smaller canvas size. This means that when I resize the image to fit and export the animation, I lose a lot of detail.
Anyone have any idea of how I can get around this image compression problem? Help would be greatly appreciated!
And no, this won't stop the animations from happening. It's just not the quality that I would like.
Have a good night everybody and don't forget to keep on smiling!!!
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doragonlw · 6 years
Animation is pain, especially when you don’t know if the finished animation is going to be good or not. 
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rwbycritical · 7 years
The only complaint on today's episode that comes to mind is I think the children's models of Ren and Nora could of been done better. Ren's child head looks so odd. It should of been rounded abit more. And for once I actually felt fear with the grimm sadly that was backstory reason.
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kaylonsartblog · 9 years
Plans for making a short animation has been delayed due to new features of the program itself. Literally, I need to find my friend and ask to help me out. I know most of the set up (rigging a character, animating it, etc.), but I think saving the file would be important. INSTEAD, I shall make another animatic. XD
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lithiel · 9 years
DANG Sound EFFECT disks!!!
sitting here in a heatwave on my pc, ripping sound effects for a movie, and having to systematically label EACH ONE based on tone and closest possible definition!
Can’t even listen to music while I do that or it will be caught in the recording.
It’s going to be a LOOOONG DAY.....
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ok so on my school computer i made a simple animation that i worked hard on due to having been stuck with using ms paint and a mouse and then put it all on to a movie maker file and it was really cool and then i saved it to my flash drive
so i get home and plug my flash drive into my computer and try to open the file but it says it’s not compatible like?? what??
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rad-puppeteer · 10 years
This animation has beautiful lip syncing for the horses. The character's mouths don't even move when they speak!
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krasimer · 11 years
You know what bugs me about the movie that uses the same face model thing as Rapunzel? Frozen, I think it's called?
<b>It has no plot.</b>
Seriously. We're getting all these gifs from it, all these production shots, all of these prettily drawn scenes that they say they're sticking into the movie.
But I haven't heard a word about the plot.
I looked it up on IMDB, even.
Literally, the plot summary there is this:
"Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna's sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter."
Elsa sounds, to me, a bit like a rip off of the White Queen, from Narnia. The current stills even look more than a bit like her.
All I know about Anna is that she's an optimist, and that she's apparently not afraid.
It doesn't explain who these people are. We're probably not going to go see it and get much more information on it once it's released from theaters. 
They're also using the most stereotypical names when there are literally hundreds of other choices for the era it seems to be set in.
It kind of seems like someone said "Hey, we need a new movie, but we don't have any actual ideas. Lets just recycle some vague plot points, use Rapunzel's face for both the sisters (because animating girls is hard.) and throw in a creepy snow man character as a side kick.
Because we can, that's why."
This was said about animating female characters:
“Animating female characters is extremely difficult. They have to go through a range of emotions, and having a film with two female characters and building distinguishing aspects was hard.”
Michael Lee via HEAD OF ANIMATION LINO DISALVO, on animating Frozen
Now, I don't know if that's an actual quote, and all I'm finding on it tells me that it is, but this guy is talking about girls being hard to animate.
And I imagine that's true, but I also imagine that it's about the same difficulty animating boys. I mean, sure, the hair has to follow a different amount of physics, because it's usually longer. Boys clothing probably actually makes the males harder to animate because the physics of walking have to be portrayed rather than being able to stick the character in a skirt and calling it good.
Maybe I'm being an idiot.
Maybe I'm being a bad fangirl and animation fan. 
But this kind of thing sort of ticks me off.
...And is it bad that I now want a female character that wears pants, has short hair because she got tired of it being in the way and just hacked it off, and in the end she rescues the boy because he was being too much of an idiot to get out of the way?
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rwbycritical · 7 years
why does whitley have no fucking jawline? his neck and head are conjoined. is this a model error or intentional? did you notice it?
That’s the new animation style and the fact that Whitley has the female body model type instead of the male ones, which have much more notable chin and wider shoulders- also taller.
That’s been a problem for a long time tbh, the hard shading style on the characters does that. In vol 1 the characters had a regular neck shadow that made it so that look didn’t happen, I think the switch off shadowed necks happened in vol 3, the scene where Pyrrha and Jaune are sitting together shows the huge difference in the models as well as how the shading is handled on them.
In many scenes the skin just blends together because 1) they’re so white you can’t see the definition 2) the shading is hard light and doesn’t always work and 3) the skin doesn’t have other shading on it normally- which is weird because they give the girls cheek blushes so if they put that use over the rest of the skin they could avoid that problem. I think Weiss’ model originally had more pink on the knees to easier show where they would be.
The old shading looked much better and this new maya affect isn’t working that great imo.
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lanternowl · 12 years
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rwbycritical · 8 years
omg so in the opening there was a character shown with Blake's obvious dad and i just watched the episode 5 and I assumed the character was Blake's sister and it turns out that's her mom.. Stop making Mom's look like babies jesus heck. Like they gave her itty bitty worry lines that you can only see on close ups but that's not enough i thought that was Blake's sister this whole time
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rwbycritical · 8 years
idk how to put it in an eloquent way but something about every scene with the schnee's bugs me. i don't know what it is. it HAS to be the contrast of the stark light setting with the hard shading or something. weiss looks like a corpse and her boob window makes her proportions weird. whitley looks like he has noodle arms. i've seen a few other people voice complaints about the schnee stuff so i can't be alone. it just seems like i notice things in weiss's scenes that i don't in others.
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rwbycritical · 8 years
Not a critique but, I think the reason so many people are put off by the art style are the hard shadows. There are several times where the characters are in a bright or sunny setting and the shadows are just way to dark for the time of day, it's also kind of an art rule that you should never shade with black on low opacity, it just looks ugly. Especially on orange and yellow.
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