#art issues
yahirleiva03 · 5 months
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The Art Issue
- Emma Stone by Yorgos Lanthimos-
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saltboroughs · 19 days
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Sorry this was my first thought 
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scratchyemporium · 4 months
im chewing on an imaginary steakbone because i want to draw people's metal gear ocs but im too afraid to ask because it might be a hassle for them
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marie-viola · 20 days
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I won't hide it. I have self doubts. People shouldn't pretend that everything is under control anymore. This is truthfully me. Not social media me. Even though I'm so anxious, I'll still do what I gotta do. Thanks for lending an ear.
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glitchyko · 4 months
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Well if this hasn’t been my ongoing internal struggle lately I don’t know what is
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taralen · 4 months
Something I've been thinking about...
Besides DeviantArt, I don't have many social media accounts. I know it's good to broaden my horizons, but I'm kind of um... Shy and nervous about it. I tried a few times, then I crawled back into my dumpster! Maybe with some [[encouragement]] I can try again...?
To start...
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letticus/
I know that site is great for some artists... But I don't like how it cuts everything into 4:4 squares. What are your thoughts?
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amphiptere-art · 4 months
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Hey. So question. How does this look? And on that question. Should I really waste my life doing it all over again?
I was using a speckling tool to draw this entire guy. No other brushes other than the blur brush. And I'm just wondering if the effect is good enough to do it again? This took a painful amount of time. Although I will admit it was relaxing.
But would it be useful to do this method again to get a scale-like texture? Or is the effect to strange looking?
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tildexart · 5 months
me: oh I forgot how much I love drawing! Why am I not going into illustration when drawing is so fun??
wrist pain:
me: oh :[
needless to say I will not be posting art as much :/
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ourteyeseen · 8 months
i hate being busy and also being an artist like i have plans for this big missy drawing however I have like rehearsal and school all day also i have like no time to watch classic who which makes me sad because omg there is soo much classic who this is going to take me years to finish
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Genuinely speaking, what was up with people (on Twitter, mostly) spreading around screenshots of random artists posting their art improvements and people getting upset that their art had a “downgrade” and that they actually went backwards on improvement with their art. I remember there being an underlying issue that was the cause of this sudden thing, frankly I don’t 100% remember what it was. Now I don’t know too much about the people they usually did this with, if I had to be honest. Maybe the people/screenshots they always referenced were not great people. Regardless of whatever, here’s my two cents on that action as a whole, completely disregarding whatever that original issue was, cause I’m not opposed to believing that this still happens to unassuming artists trying to mind their own business.
I guess y’all have never once considered that improvement is a versatile thing with art. Maybe people’s art styles seem to change to, what you consider as, “for the worst” because you look at it with a blind eye based on a scale of “high quality art” vs “low/lower quality art”. That’s black and white. Whatever happened to considering the art process? Maybe for some artists, the style changes you consider “downgrades” are easier on the artist to work with. More efficient for them, even. The efficiency of making the process easier for them plus having a style to correlate with the tweaking of their process is improvement on it’s own. Sure, maybe their art looks different than it did some time back, but that’s because art is ever changing for everyone.
People draw what they want however they want, and if they want to switch up the process on how they make art, that’s not for you, the person who did not draw their art, to judge. I promise you that the artist probably doesn’t actually care if you miss their old style. Maybe they don’t miss it. And maybe they don’t miss it for a number of reasons other than quality. Maybe they didn’t like a certain thing they did with their shading, or didn’t like that they were spending 5 hours on perfecting the linework (I’ve been there before, it’s tedious.). Maybe that artist wanted to add steps to their process or rid of unnecessary ones. Improvement with art is not specific just to the changes of quality of their art. Drawing is a process— it’s not easy without practice and can sometimes be stressful and strain you. Your body hurts from arching your neck so low into a sketchbook or your fingers hurt from using a pen for so long. Your eyes and head hurt from staring into a digital screen for so long, and often you forget about your own physical needs because you just have to get this one detail right first.
Everyone who doesn’t draw will digress. “Art is easy”. No. It’s. Not. It’s only easy for you because all you have to do is look at it.
You do not get to decide if or how an artist has improved or whether or not they have improved at all. You will never be able to see a piece the same way as the artist who put time and effort into their craft as if nursing their own young. It’s not your job to make comments or even critiques unless the artist has opened up to the idea, whether or not you mean it with lighthearted or helpful intentions. Your job, as the viewer of the art, is to view and to share the art. That’s literally it. You are not, and never will be, entitled to tell an artist that they have somehow not improved. You didn’t make their art. You don’t know why they made these changes. You don’t get to question that. Their art improvement does not lie just within whatever’s on the canvas. You love the art, but often forget that there is a person behind said canvas who meticulously plans every stroke of their brush, what colors to use, and like Atlas with the world on his back, they carry with them years worth of practicing how to draw eyes, hands, backgrounds, perspectives, this thing, that thing, you name it. You forget about the fact that people (the same kind that you are criticizing) are the only things that can create the things you love with their love. By insulting what you deem as “bad improvement” by your standards, you insult the entire process; not just what you see firsthand. Think whatever you want to think in your head— but you best trap it if your words could offend, lest you find yourself taking just one organism off of a food web, throwing the entire course on its side.
Honest to god, what happened to being happy for someone making a positive change for themselves that they are happy with themselves?
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lonewolfshewolf · 21 days
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One of the most relatable memes as an artist I ever saw
(tip: lock the layers, but it's been funny because sometimes I forget to unlock them and wonder why my pen isn't working on them)
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larphis · 11 months
I think not enough artists talk about the struggle of trying to repaint a face over and over again because it just doesn’t look exactly like the reference you’re using - So you end up repainting the same spots about 50 times until it looks 90% perfect but you want it to be 100% perfect so you keep going but for some reason now it looks absolutely horrible instead so you just paint the whole face over to start completely anew and, oh, what do you know? You just spent 3 hours on details that are now covered by a new, angry layer of paint.
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glitchyko · 2 months
Hey guys, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted any art or talked about ocs and such, and I feel like you guys deserve an explanation as to why.
To be frank, I’ve not been doing okay lately, I’ve been busy with things that keep piling up in my life, and I just haven’t had the time or motivation to make personal art, or to make art in general.
My motivation to make art for myself is almost nonexistent, whenever I try to make something for myself, I feel guilty, I think about how I shouldn’t be doing this, that I’m just adding more to the pile of stuff to do, how if I go through with it I have to finish this as soon as possible and post it online or else there’s no point in making it, how there’s other things I should be working on that are far more important. It feels like my creativity and passion for art is getting weaker every day, it feels like a chore sometimes rather than something that brings me happiness.
I feel like a failure for so many reasons, cause I can’t make things when and how I want to, cause I can’t make things beyond a simple sketch, how I can’t actually explore and do things that I say I want to do, that’s just the tip of the iceberg but I don’t wanna dump all of my issues here.
I don’t really know what to do, I want to be better, I want to make art and enjoy making it again, I want to be able to share what I make here without feeling like that’s the only reason I can make something, I want that fire for art inside me to burn again.
Sorry if I got too personal there, or if this doesn’t really explain anything. I just wanted to try and explain what’s been going on with me.
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abuddyforeveryseason · 3 months
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This is the Buddy for January 31st. Closing the month with a pretty sketchy one. I've mentioned before (like on May 17th and January 24th) that the closest I ever come to making "real art" is making a drawing with lots of short lines, because that's what I was taught to do with those manga-drawing books. So you can tell today's drawing is very serius and mature. Like he has his eyes closed, and there's a tree in the background.
To be honest, the best part about the drawing, in my opinion, is the tree. Drawing trees is never fun, and it doesn't help that they're the cheap go-to element to add to a drawing to make it much more childish. A guy with a tree in a field? A five year old drew it. A forest? A forty year old professional artist would have to spend days working on it.
Because the comic idea Buddy is attached to took place in the woods, I put myself in quite a difficult position. On the very first panel, I would have to have drawn a forest, and I can barely draw a single tree as it is.
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scratchyemporium · 11 months
"hey hayden why is your art a bit crusty? is it camera issues or something else??"
maybe its because i draw in 1.5 pen size in different sections of the canvas i use 🤡
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and yes some of this is fucking cringe 😍
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depresbiandairies · 1 year
I have made a discovery today- I am indeed
✨ A Gay Who Cannot Read™ ✨
On literally every single post, tag, platform, and even in my own header- I’ve been spelling “dairies” wrong.
Dairies is the plural of a milk farm.
Diaries is the book.
Welp, 15 people found me through my user from Reddit and I can’t edit my posts so I’m just going to lean in and make an inside joke of it.
Fuck it, lactose intolerant depresbians such as myself have a niche now.
Also, turns out I made my last comic on the tumblr mock-up and not my high resolution canvas, so it looks great on tumblr- but it’s low res literally everywhere else.
I made a tiktok that pretty much encapsulates my pain so I never again forget to check my canvas settings.
Rest In Peace cross-shared DD comic #2
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