#anime manga comparasion
vetrenar · 1 year
So... I've finally watched the new Trigun and I'm completely swept off my feet! It's so beautiful, and incredible, and I like the new character designs (though I'm a bit sad that they decided to put Milly aside. I like Roberto and I love to see his "grampy dad" dynamic with Vash and Meryl but why can't we have +1 character instead of "that one or this one") and I have SO MUCH hope for this show...
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Anyway, it made me think how different from each other all parts of the franchise are:
1. OG Trigun anime. "The First One" for many, for some of whom it's always will be The Best One.
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In comparison with other variants of Trigun, the old anime feels the most like a goofy "classic" tale, with a bit of melancholic vibes. Yeah, it still has its share of sad moments but mostly the corners are smoothed. With 60% of the story being filler, it generally has more light hearted tone than the original manga. Also, the characters of the anime are much closer to the... I wouldn't say "ideal", but more like "archetypal" versions of themselves. Rem was a downright angel, July's destruction didn't kill anyone (although people still fought and killed each other afterwards), the philosophical question about kill not to kill is answered with "put a bullet through each of his limbs until he can't move and hope for the best" (ok, it was a strange one. But I'm still baffled with what Vash's plan was afterwards). What's more important, Vash's ideals, while are hard to reach, don't feel impossible.
2. Manga.
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Oooo, I love this one. After the old anime, I totally wasn't prepared to how much more raw, brutal and unhinged the manga is. People who ask for FMA: Brotherhood treatment for the manga seemingly forget that such an anime would have to be shown only veeery late in the night, with the "for adults only" disclaimer.
At the same time, I find the raw, honest energy of the manga absolutely beautiful and love it much, much more than the old anime because of how down-to-Earth characters are there. They may not to be ideal, but they're undoubtedly, 100% human.
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Yeah, it's Rem, after her symbolic "the ticket to the future" dream.
And Knives. So much more about Knives, his motivation and determination. And unlike the anime version, where he, being the odd one from the beginning and a bit of philosophical soul, took the problem of spiders and butterflies just too far, the manga version clearly shows that it's not really about good and bad ones. It's about how, after an excessive trauma, Knives' mind went to shit and never fully returned. He was more sensitive than Vash, and more open to dialogue with humans but, when cutting wood, it's a surgical scalpel that breaks first, not a kitchen knife.
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Manga Knives doesn't just make scary faces. He sincerely asks his sisters to lend him their powers and, while the level of plant's self-conciousness is arguable, I think it's won't be so far fetched to say that they do care about him.
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Aaah, yeah, manga's nice little body horror...
Also, manga is much more merciless towards Vash's pacifism. While anime says "yeah, it's hard, but if you try enough you can reach it", the manga is more about "It's impossible and everyone, including you, know that. But it doesn't means that you should stop trying, because even it's impossible, it's still the path you chose for yourself". And I think that this message is much stronger and more important.
3. Trigun Stampede.
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Well, it's really a dark horse, isn't it? With so many controversy about changes in characters's design, story and everything. But from what I've seen so far, I can say that, while reboot doesn't try to repeat the original - original manga, not the old anime - word to word, it stays completely in tune to its main message and Vash's emotional journey, and it's the most important thing to me. And again, it's so incredibly beautiful and well made, and I really have so much hopes for it. My only fear is that there won't be a second season announcement because there is no way that they will be able to contain everything into merely 12 episodes.
Well, we'll see. Until that, Love&Peace, everyone!
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berrychanx · 2 years
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queasyghosts · 2 years
shaman king ch 14
overall this chapter was a welcoming feeling after last chapter ;o;)/
shes so pretty ;o;)/ i didnt know she was 17. tbh i thoguht she was like 20 or something in the anime.
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they all look so cute in this scene
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i know the tao family sees spirits as posessions but at the same time i feel like her feelings towards pyron vs ren and bason are so different. she does still use him like a weapon and sees him that way, but she, in my opinon, reads as more caring towards him...despite of course him literally being a “gift” to her and a “weapon”. like ren feels like there’ll always be a better spirit for him in comparassion to his sister. idk i know its not the best but it was an interesting comparasion to me.
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another scene of anna being a caring wife :,) just like the training, she doesn’t REALLY put yoh in danger. as she said, this is a training or a way to measure how far yoh has come already. i love that she said it so clearly that she can beat them if needed though and manta felt so surpirsed by it.
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manta running off and breaking yoh’s heart : (
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manta making it up to us within the next page with his true intentions. i think thats something too that i like about this manga. the characters feel so real and like real people with their own intentions and way of doing things. manta panicked and as soon as he heard a way to help yoh and anna wont, he went himself even if its dangerous or scary. yoh of course didn’t know any of his thought process or his and anna’s conversation so he’s feeling hurt. idk i just really like this arc.
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did they have devil manta and angel manta in the animes?? XD i love them lol 
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manta is so tiny here ;o;)/  hes like a keychain for the wooden sword.
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manta is truly brave to stand up against these guys, get attacked multiple times repeatively and STILL stand up to them because his friend, his dear friend, NEEDS his help ;o)/ the way they show friendships in this manga is so beautiful bro.
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jun looks really pretty in this panel 
also yoooooo manta making it barely in time!!! >: ) crying in the chat over their friendship too X0 I feel like this is one of the few scenes with yoh and manta that i REALLY feel their friendship and how caring they both can be and- SPOILER SPOILER: 
you give as good as you get.
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bruh ;o;)/ i cant this is everything
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lets goooo!!!  (cue theme song)
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about the movie, i have ... a lot of mixed feelings, and its been a very long time since i even used this blog, but i need to ramble into the void about it.
first of all, i am actually really happy that there is new material, and i cried when i knew it was on the cinemas in my country and i cried non stop for a very long time, and i was happy while watching the movie, but it was lacking, to say the least, it was a bad movie. so its a bit infuriating to see so much praise going to it, when ...
first of all, its really frustrating that after four year all we get is one movie that doesnt even reaches 90 minutes (i do not know how it went i didnt read anything about the production or whatever went backstage, and tbh i dont think i care, 4 years is a lot of time, considering that the first three seasons were released one year apart from each other, and the fourth season even though it took them 3 years there was covid and ... there were in total 24 or 25 episodes. not 86 minutes)
i know im gonna say something that has already been said, but its very odd that it was a movie and not one full season?? theres no argument that would make it make sense to me why, for the love of god, they decided to make this arc a movie. theres so much to be said about it idek where to begin
if im correct, this game goes from the chpater 249 to 322 (i did not read the manga), and i do not like being the nerd but... all the four seasons, in total, are 85 episodes, meaning they adapted 249chapters to create those 85 episodes. so the 73 (from 249 to 322) chapters couldve been adapted into a whole season of 24 episodes !! its really odd that they chose to do a movie when there was so much material that couldve, and shouldve, been adapted.
this is a game that was awaited since the first season, it was the second practice match karasuno had, and it was a goal since the beginning, to play against nakome in a national tournament. the fact that they spent the time that would be like 4 episodes on this is mind blowing. the game against shiratorizawa was 10 episodes, the game agains (the game in the first season again dateko goes on for 2 episodes!!!) THE FIRST GAME AGAINST AOBA JOHSAI STARTS SOMEWHERE ON THE 19 EPISODE AND GOES ON UNTIL 24 !!!!!!!! BE FOR REAL BE FOR REAL PLS YES IT WAS AN IMPORTANT GAME BUT THERES NO COMPARASION
the flashbacks were interesting and i was rll glad i saw them but bc everything was so rushed, it just felt like chunks that they had to put there somewhere in the middle of the game. and while throughout the series it was works wonderfully and its really fluid, in the movie every time i was about to get inti the game there was a flashback....
one of the reasons why i love haikyuu is because they dont focus just on one character or one team (one of my favorite episodes is even winners and losers, season 1, ep 16): in this anime, because its volleyball, theres no need to have a villain, the motivation is always to win, and maybe the character has a reason or maybe it doesn't, but that doesnt matter. and they could paint the other teams as villains, but that would be cheap and tbh overdone, they are not the big bad wolves trying to takee away the victory of the main character, they are just highschool students that want to play and to win to keep on playing. so the fact that they only focused on kenma, and kuroo ig, really took away some of the charm of haikyuu.
there were very few memorable moments, sure the final kenma pov was cool af, the shot of kenma and hinata with a knife was amazing, and the animation of kenma putting hinata on a cage was also cool. and i did like the way kenma looked kinda... sad?? when hinata started to be down, but ..... it just wasn't enough.
it wasn't enough to the overall quality haikyuu as as a whole, and tbh i dont even think it was a good movie
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awkwardanimeseagull · 4 years
How to write a monologue or conversation as Katsuki Bakugō from My Hero Academia.
Hello there! (General Kenobi)
In this post I’m going to talk about how to write about Bakugō from the Anime and Manga series Boku No Hero Academia, or also known as My Hero Academia. 
So, I’ve read plenty of fanfictions that includes Katsuki, more than I can count, and I always notice how people add a swear word in every. Fucking. Sentence. When he’s speaking. So I will now guide you to how to make him more canonicaly:
As most people know, Katsuki is a very aggressive character who insults people and has a pretty dirty vocabulary in general. And he is also the only character in My Hero Academia that acctually swears, what I have seen at least. The other characters tend to say “damn” or “shit” but Katsuki uses the word “fuck” in multiple sentences throughout the series. Due to his aggressive nature one tend to automatically think of him as a person who curses 24/7, but have you ever really noticed how little he actually curses in comparasion to what most people think? He swears way less than you think. He actually only swears once every other episode to summarise it all. Other than that he uses the words “shit” and “damn” like the rest of the characters, and rarely uses the word “fuck”. 
So, in conclusion, to make Katsuki more canonicaly when you’re writing, don’t add the word “fuck” in different ways between every single word. It’s not like him. Yeah, you can add curses, of course! But try to minimalize it! As I said it’s not as much as you think! Also, when one does force in swear words into sentences it sounds unnatural in general, not only for Katsuki but for anyone. 
However, he does curse when things doesn’t go his way and when he feels pain, like when you hit your toe against a table, some people would say “ouch”, some people would scream and some people would say “fuck”. He’s one of those who would swear in this scenario.
So, remember to not make him seem as if the only word he knows is “fuck”, but still include some cursing here and there, just try to keep it down a bit. You can add “damn” and “shit” to the sentences instead if you feel like you need some sort of swear word but you’ve alredy used “fuck” multiple times close to that sentence. So replace the real swear words with other words so it doesn’t sound as monotonus.
Here’s an example of what not to do
Bakugō: Ugh, I fucking hate this fucking sport...
Kirishima: Come on man, it’s not that bad! It’s also easy to play.
Bakugō: It’s fucking easy yeah, but it’s so fucking boring! The only thing you do is to kick a fucking ball to eachother and then some fucktard’s gonna try to stop you from scoring. Fucking meaningess.
Kirishima; Hahaha, damn Bakugō, if that’s how you look at it then I understand you don’t want to play.
And here’s how we can improve it
Bakugō: Ugh, I fucking hate this damn sport... (Here I changed the “fucking sport” to “damn sport” to minimalize the overuse of “fucking”)
Kirishima; Come on man, it’s not that bad! It’s also easy to play.
Bakugō: It’s easy, yeah, but it’s so boring! The only thing you do is to kick some shitty little ball to eachother and then some bastard’s gonna try to stop you from scoring. So meaningless. (Here I removed the cursing in “It’s easy, yeah, but it’s also so boring!” to make it sound more normal. I also replaced “a fucking ball” with “some shitty little ball” as well as “fucktard” and “Fucking meaningless” with “bastard” and “So meaningless.”)
Kirishima: Hahaha, damn Bakugō, if that’s how you look at it then I understand you don’t want to play.
As you can see I kept the swering to a minimum but still included some here and there.
That’s all for me! I hope you learned something from this post! See you around!
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suzarever · 5 years
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One Punch Man S02E02 manga x anime comparasion http://bit.ly/2DhvP1V
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Tokyo Mew Mew 2002
Tokyo Mew Mew New 2022
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berrychanx · 2 years
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berrychanx · 2 years
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Anime and visual novel for the win, the manga version seems weak
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Yuuki-chan transformation ends and he returns to his human form (Tsuwabuki Masaharu) shocking Sumomo To me ... the VN and the anime win this scene
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Mom saving her child
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berrychanx · 2 years
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berrychanx · 2 years
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The anime transformation in my opinion is very weak
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Sumomo tries the mahou shoujo outfit her mom did for her ... witjh yuuki-chan watching
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Sumomo having fun dressing Yuuki-chan
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