#anna lightwood x reader
ladygoth · 7 months
Added Anna Lightwood to my white girl version of hey mamas lesbian thanos gauntlet
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(requests are open)
who i write for:
stranger things: eddie munson, steve harrington, robin buckley
moonknight: steven grant, marc spector, jake lockley
the shadowhunter chronicles: matthew fairchild, james herondale, anna lightwood, jem carstairs, will herondale, cordelia carstairs
the grishaverse: kaz brekker, jesper fahey, inej ghafa, nina zenik, matthias helvar, wylan van eck, aleksander morozova
tlou (game): ellie williams, dina nolastname, abby anderson
a good girl’s guide to murder: ravi singh, sal singh
marauders: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black, pandora lovegood, potentially others although i may not get their characterisation as well
bottoms: hazel callahan
the summer i turned pretty: jeremiah fisher, cam cameron
i will write any type of queer/trans representation and requests. there aren’t enough lgbt friendly x reader fics
poly!steddie (steve harrington x eddie munson x reader)
steddie x afab!reader pregnancy headcanons
steddie x afab!reader w/ a newborn headcanons
first words (steddie x afab!reader)
steve harrington x reader
genderfluid!steve x genderfluid!reader
kaz brekker x reader
kaz comforts genderfluid!reader
moonknight system x reader
hurt/comfort after reader is (slightly?) attacked
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reality-exodus · 9 months
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch2 sparkles
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Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x Fem!Herondale
I walked out on a fast pace without turning back or waiting for my brother's Parabatai. I was wearing my own coat now as I strolled down the alley to get on the bridge and find my way to the institute.
"He just worries you know" I heard, I could see Matthew walking behind me with the side of my eye, he was still holding his extravagant coat in hand. "And can you please stop rushing on my account I will get my alcohol, therefore I wish this was more scenic" Matthew joked. I admired the way he used his vocabulary always, sobber or not. I listened to his wish, my arms crossed across my torso, I was making this gesture to highlight my fury, although if I am being frank I was shivering to the freezing temperature of London.
"Didn't sincerely seemed like he was concerned about me, more like he did not have the mood to hear our father whine about his daughter to be wandering alone helpless in the streets of this horrific city, As if I am a damsel in distress." I barked, my nerves were still tense, I was too angry to concentrate on anything.
Matthew didn't reply immediately, he touched my shoulders carefully to place his coat on me, he observed my being cold. I tensed and reflexively turned to face him, shocked, not so much because of his gesture but with the fact that I felt as if I would see something. I always looked chill with my charisma therefore I was freaking out most of the time internally. "Do not worry, I know. It is not nice to watch another broken past." He assured me and I exhaled relieved lightly and placed my arms on the sleeves while he tied the belt around my waist gently.
"Its never the past that gets me unnerved. Even though I think I witness the worse of you every time you drink alcohol." I spoke and looked at him. I rarely seen his eyes so upclose. They were green, darker as if the reasons that got him drunk every day and night had shaded his eyes too.
"And what unnerves you?" He asked me. Despite the instability of his voice that seemed so familiar since he was more drunk than sober.
"When I see the future, I have only seen it a few times. Three to be honest." I spoke and looked elsewhere, I was scared to look for his comment or his eye contact, these were things I avoided speaking of, barely mentioned them to my parents. "I will get going it gets colder" I excused myself, expecting him into offering to escort me.
"I was leaving anyway, my beautiful bottle is right down this way." Matthew spoke and walked away from me. I smiled and started walking down the bridge.
The way there was peaceful and calming, I was gazing at the cloudy sky trying to make out at least a small, tiny star but the rain that started a few minutes ago was getting stronger. It felt nice, the droplets on the coat and on my hair made me colder but the feeling was refreshing as the wind blew as well. I placed my hand to the bottom of my chaotic braided bun and set it loose into the two braids and I started loosing them as well.
I was so peaceful and calm. Forgot about my fight with James, the vision of Polly, the demon splatter and the times I saw James disappear and Matthew almost lose his life. I opened the door and walked in unknown of the mess I was in. I hoped I wouldn't meet anyone. I only went inside Lucie's room, I hoped she would be awake. I knocked the door.
"Come in" her sweet voice sounded and poked my head in. "What happened to you? Where is James?" she asked, her voice sketched with concern as well as her expression, she stood up from her desk and approached me. We were the same height even though she was two years younger than me. Her hand got my wrist and pulled me inside her room. "If mama and papa see you, you'll scare them to death." She spoke.
"Nothing happened, we only killed a demon." I replied and threw my boots next to the door and walked to her mirror to witness myself the big deal. I, indeed looked horrible, my light brown hair were wet and filled with mud that made them stick together and my face had dirt as the rain spilled the light make up I wore. "James made it explode." I sighed.
"And why are you wearing Math's clothes?" she asked me. "You are shaking..." she noticed.
I smiled subconsciously as I took off the coat and let it fall on the ground. "He accompanied me up to a point on my way home and I was cold." I explained briefly as I started taking off the heavy and wet equipment. "Could I use your bathroom? I do not feel comfortable being on my own." I added with false hopes that she would not start the curiosity drill of questions.
"Why? What happened?" Lucie asked me as she assisted me, with great care to not trigger any seizure, to take off the rest of the equipment until I was with the underskirt.
"Nothing in particular." I spoke as I took her comb and started untangling the mass in my head trying to remove as much of mud as possible. I felt my sister's gaze upon my back and let out a sigh. She probably was the only person I was unable to keep secrets from. I was a pretty cold person therefore Lucie can read me, even though my pages are always blank. "Alright, I fought with James before I left. I was certainly right with my arguments. Perhaps, I was a bit harsh." I explained.
"Oh do not even worry, he won't remember it in the morning..." Lucie smiled lightly. "This is why you came here. To cover for him, so mom and dad won't know you returned alone?" her smile got bigger. She is such a sweet angel. When me and James fight she is more sad than we are. 'You are twins, you can't talk to each other like that, you are supposed to be two of a whole' she usually quotes and tries to stop our conflict which most of the time plays out into a best sarcastic comeback battle as we actually forgot what we fought about.
"You really think so?" I asked lightly and then walked into her bathroom as I started washing the mud from my face.
"Do you remember what you fought for?" asked Lucie and my smile disappeared lightly. "Well, since it is this serious, tell me about it." She encouraged me and I exhaled unwilling to so.
"Do not tell mama and papa... James started disappearing during the battle... It was a close call for me and Math, and especially for Math... After we killed it, we went at that stupid tavern they hang out... And I had a seizure with flashback. So we were kind of on edge both of us." I unriddle the events of the night as I filled the tub with water.
"I don't think you are worried that you spoke harsh to James. You are simply upset. Come on. Have your shower and I will get you some tea and then I can tell you about my book, so you take your mind off." Lucie giggled and I nodded with soft smile. I winked and nodded before she closed the door of the bathroom.
I came out of the tub and saw that my sister brought pajamas and underwear, freshly washed, they smelled vanilla and sandal wood. The clothes were mine. I wore them and walked out to the bed where I saw her laying with a book. "Feeling better?" she asked me and I nodded.
I climbed next to her on the bed and placed the book aside with a smile as she took her brush and removed the towel. Lucie began to brush my hair. I have curly and long hair, longer than hers, with the color of my father's while I had my mom's eyes, deep gray. The brush met a comb and she abruptly untangled it making me jump.
"I am careful, you know that" Lucie reassured me with a sweet smile, she knew I was anxious.
I didn't really felt when I fell asleep, I hugged Lucie's stuffed animal. Tomorrow would be a great day, the Carstairs would arrive. I was happy to see them, to see Daisy and Alastair again. I was probably the only one who found Alastair likeable but this didn't really matter, he didn't seem to care that much to converse with anyone. Us Herondales have a special place for the Carstairs family in our hearts. My father's parabatai was a Carstairs, uncle Jem became a silent brother under awful circumstances while he was on his death bed owing to a demons doings. I cannot imagine how my father was feeling back then, I do not have a parabatai like James has and like Lucie will soon have. I have a close relationship with Barbara and Anna Lightwood but none of them to a point to have such eternal and unbreakable bond.
Uncle Jem must be the only person I can talk to about the visions I see and not feel like a freak. The whole clave looks at me and my brother as if we are some kind of unexpressed danger against the Nephelim race. Even my mother and father are uncomfortable when we speak about it. Perhaps it is in my head. Uncle Jem always knows what to tell me to ease me and not make me feel... different from everyone else. Speaking of whom I had to summon him, I was obliged to report to him every single vision I had as well as the conditions it came under.
"Lina..." I heard in my sleep as I felt a soft shake. I turned around ignoring the voice and this is when the blanket was pulled violently from my figure. "Lina!"
"What!" I exclaimed disturbed and shot up.
"Get dressed we have to get breakfast the Carstairs will be here soon" Lucie spoke as she was literally jumping up and down on her mattress.
"Is James back?" I asked her.
"Yes he is." James replied and I turned my head to see our brother sitting in the arm chair on Lucies room, it was next to the pile of my dirty clothes.
"Oh Good morning" I greeted and sat up and leaned to the bedframe as I stared at him. The gash on his hand was fully healed and he looked well and rested.
"Oh Good morning to you too" He chimed therefore his expression was just like mine dead serious as we only stared at each other. I could sense Lucie darting her gaze between us.
"Now come on you two..." Lucie began when a ghost appeared in the middle of the room.
"Oh look at the two naughty Herondales following their father's footsteps once again. Stubborn as donkeys!" Jessamine floated in the room.
"Ah great, here were the commentary again." I spoke inside my teeth.
"Jealous much Lina? At least the ghost can form more ingenious sentences than you." James smiled at me. The revenge begun.
"At least the ghost has the intelligence to think before they speak nonsense." I smiled back, Lucie was saying we had the same facial features, even our teeth and expressional wrinkles were the same, everything except our eye-color. He had brown eyes, I had gray.
"At least the ghost has manners!" Jessamine whined at us. "Like father, they say..." she sighed and floated to the edge dramatically.
"Does she though?" James asked Jessamine and she turned her attention to him, her expression puzzled.
"You really do just barge in a room, that is really not lady like." I commented with a fake frown, my posture was suddenly fixed as I was remarking the good manners that my father always said were more important than anything else. She was the last Lovelace of her family name and now she was haunting my house.
"Uh Tessie really left your upbringing to Will didn't she?" Jessamine huffed in annoyance when my father opened the room.
"She indeed did, Jess. Aren't they adorably charming?" My father asked as he looked at us his eyes were smiling.
"So adorably charming that they get on my nerves almost as much as you do Herondale." Jessamine spoke up.
"Then I did a wonderful job." He smiled lightly and sat down on the bed next to me. "How did the hunt go? You must have returned late huh?" Will asked us. I could see his gaze searching for injuries or any sign that needed his attendance or an iratze.
"It went well actually. We found a Deumas demon" James spoke and then my father looked at me.
"And? What happened?" Will asked us, I could sense his enthusiasm.
"Well at first I was up the building watching Matthew and James. And they struggled a bit, so I thought I would step in." I smiled proudly and felt James' eyes on me.
"Yes, Lina stepped in and saved Math's ass..." James spoke and our mom stepped in.
"James! Language." She noticed and allowed him to keep going.
"She used the whip and injured it and lured it away from Math but then it cornered her and thankfully Thomas was there and assisted Lina." James continued and smiled at me.
"James recovered from the hit and he tried to kill it at first but then he had a gash on the hand during this attempt so me and Thomas kept it in line when my bright twin came slashed it and filled us with ichor and blood." I finished the story.
"And then we stayed at Devil's Tavern for a drink." James spoke up and looked at me.
"Or eight?" I lied with a giggle.
"Eight? Linette!" My mother exclaimed and made a move to touch my forehead and I pulled myself from the way.
"I am fine mom, I do not have temperature or something. I was only a bit dizzy and Luce offered to brew some lemon balm with anice to sooth my stomach." I exclaimed. They knew I was uncomfortable with physical contact.
"I was with her as well. And so were the boys its really not big deal, or the first time it happens" James tried to cover for me but he earned an almost infuriated gaze from our father.
"Well it isn't that bad..." Lucie intervened.
"Well I was celebrating the demon victory. And then I got entinced by the drunks around me?" I smiled and my father shook his head. "I know I am a girl and I shouldn't- ." I started off and then saw my parents exchange a look.
"Lina... It is not that. Honestly I couldn't care less what each one of those pretentious Clave members has to say about me, my wife, my children or my parabatai. Both me and your mother have been through the gossiping and it doesn't real phase us, it never did. We just want you to be safe." My father spoke and carefully took my hand I exhaled as I realized I was still wearing gloves.
"I don't see you preaching my twin about these. But anyway, I see your points and your concerns." I spoke and gave him a light smile and removed my hand. If you'll excuse me. I must get prepared for breakfast." I excused myself to go to my room. I didn't know how I felt and suddenly I wasn't in the mood of socializing either. Even if it was with the Carstairs.
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parkerslatte · 1 year
Come Back To Me
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Christopher Lightwood x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: near death experience. mentions of injury and blood.
Summary: While Christopher is close to death, Y/N is the only one who can save him.
Shadowhunter Chronicles Masterlist
Y/N watched the knife fly through the air and embed itself into Christopher’s shoulder. A scream echoed around her and Y/N didn’t realise that she had made it herself. She was running to where Christopher had collapsed on the floor, his glasses knocked on the floor beside him, the lens cracked. His face was contorted in pain as Cordelia kneeled down to him. As Y/N collapsed next to him she immediately felt the tears spring to her eyes. 
As if he could sense her next to him, Christopher opened his eyes and looked at Y/N. No matter how much he tried to hide it, Christopher was in a lot of pain, it showed clearly in his violet eyes. The knife still protruded from his shoulder.
“Y/N,” Christopher said but his eyes were focussed on Tatiana. She wore a wicked smile.
Cordelia stood up and chased after her as she ran leaving Y/N and Christopher alone. Once she was gone, Christopher reached out for her hand and gripped it with surprising strength. 
“Does it hurt?” Y/N asked. She knew it was a stupid question but she didn’t care.
Christopher couldn’t find it within himself to lie to her as he nodded and groaned at the movement. 
“What happened?” Anna asked as she fell to the ground beside her brother. 
“He jumped in front of Cordelia,” Y/N answered, her hand gripping the smallest amount. 
Anna brushed his hair out of his eyes. Christopher’s eyes jumped from Y/N to Anna before slowly scanning everyone approaching around him. Cordelia was nowhere to be seen. 
“Is Cordelia okay?” Christopher asked.
“She’s fine,” Y/N said. “She went after Tatiana.”
“Someone should go with her,” Christopher said as he tried to sit up, which only caused him to yell out in pain. 
Anna tried to sooth him while Y/N pushed him back gently to lie on the floor. “Cordelia is strong. She will be fine.”
Christopher only nodded and closed his eyes, his breathing becoming more ragged. “I’m tired,” he mumbled.
“This isn’t the place for a nap,” Anna said, trying to joke but it didn’t come out the way she intended. 
“Just give me…” Christopher said, his voice breathless. “Just give me a minute.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed. “He shouldn’t be this tired. He’s barely bleeding.”
Her and Anna shared a look as the Lightwood girl passed Y/N a knife and Y/N immediately cut away at Christopher’s shirt, exposing where the knife pointed out of his shoulder. Everyone stilled.
Black veins spiralled out from the wound and began to spider out across his chest, close to his heart. Christopher’s chest rose and fell rapidly, as if he couldn’t get enough oxygen into his body. 
“The blade was poisoned,” Y/N confirmed. “Christopher, don’t close your eyes.”
His beautiful eyes opened the smallest amount, looking directly at Y/N. “I’ll try.”
Y/N tried to give him a reassuring look but she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “My bag, I need my bag.”
“What bag?” Ariadne asked from beside Anna.
Y/N couldn’t answer, her words were stuck in her throat as she looked down at Christopher who fought to keep his eyes locked on her.
It was James who answered. “Antidotes for different poisons. That’s what’s in her bag.”
“It’s not here,” Y/N said, her tears falling freely. “I didn’t think I needed it.”
Christopher’s breaths became more laboured and few and far between. The grip he firmly had on Y/N’s hand had slackened and he was barely clutching it, his skin grew colder. 
“There is one here,” James said, as if remembering. “In my old room, you asked me to keep in in case of an emergency.”
Y/N didn’t think twice before shooting up and running through the institute. Her legs burned but she didn’t care, her pace didn’t slow for a second. If she lost Christopher, she would never get to tell him how she feels. If she lost Christopher, she would never sit by and watch his experiments explode in his face while she sat and laughed at the surprised expression that blessed his face. If she lost Christopher, Y/N would lose herself. 
Once she made it to James’s old room, she ran over to the cabinet in the corner and threw it open, it shook from the force. The bag was still in the same position she had put it years ago. Once she secured it in her tight grip, she was sprinting back through the institute.
As she made it outside, she had noticed Lucie and Jesse now standing to the side, Lucie crying freely. In the distance she saw Thomas and Alastair sprinting towards where the group crowded.
Y/N fell down on the ground next to Christopher, bashing her knee against the ground and pain shot up it but she didn’t care. Her focus was on Christopher. The black veins had spread even further across his chest, now dangerously close to his heart. 
“I need to remove the knife,” Y/N whispered. 
Christopher’s eyes were not open anymore. They were closed as if he were sleeping peacefully. His chest barely moved and his breathing was incredibly shallow. Y/N knew he didn’t have long left.
“Then do it,” Anna said, not tearing her gaze away from her brother's face.
With shaking hands, Y/N clutched the handle of the knife and removed it from his shoulder. Blood immediately flowed from the wound and across his chest. Y/N pressed her hand against it causing Christopehr to inhale sharply. Good, she thought. He was still aware.
The blood ran between her fingers as she tried to stop it as she turned to her bag and flipped it open with one hand. 
“I don’t know what poison she used,” Y/N said, pulling out different vials. 
By now Thomas and Alastair were standing just behind Y/N, Thomas collapsed next to Y/N. 
“I don’t know what poison it was,” Y/N said, her vision becoming clouded by tears as she desperately tried to find an antidote that would work. 
There were many different antidotes in the bag but she knew exactly what each of them could be used for. Christopher didn’t have the time for her to check them all. 
“I don’t know…” Y/N cried. “I don’t know how to help him.”
His blood painted her whole hand and wrist red. His chest was still. Y/N’s head snapped to him.
“No, no, no, no,” Y/N muttered. “Christopher, wake up!”
There was no response. 
Y/N screamed as everyone cried. She felt Thomas shake with sobs behind her. She couldn’t let Christopher die. She couldn’t let him.
Y/N removed her hand away from his wound and dug through the bag until she reached the bottom. There was one vial smaller than the rest, it was one she had never used and had forgotten about. It was the only chance to save Christopher. 
She pulled the cap off and poured it onto the wound and rubbed it in, smearing blood across his chest in the process. 
Y/N fell forward, rested her head on his cold chest. “Please…” she begged. Not just to Christopher, but to any force that could save him.
“Please wake up,” Y/N muttered. “If not for me than for Anna. For Thomas. For James. For Matthew. For everyone.”
Y/N closed her eyes as she silently cried upon Christopher’s chest. If he died then she would too. Nothing could move her from his body. 
If he didn’t wake up, she would never see his beautiful eyes again. She would never see his shy smile whenever she complimented one of his experiments. She would never see how his eyes would light up when he spoke about anything to do with science. She wouldn’t hear his laugh or the way he spoke when he was just with her. She wouldn’t get to hug him or kiss his cheek to make him a flustered mess. She would never get to see the person she loved more than anything again.
“Please, wake up,” Y/N croaked out. 
There was only the sound of sobs and sniffles, other than that it was silent as the world seemed to stand still. 
Time only seemed to resume when Y/N felt the smallest, shallowest movement.
“Y/N,” Thomas whispered from behind her. “Look.”
Y/N opened her eyes and lifted her head from Christopher’s chest. The black veins began to retract back to the wound in his shoulder before coming out in black bursts that trickled down his side until nothing was left. 
Thomas’s stele was in hand as he began to draw many iratzes on Christopher’s arm. Colour came back to his face and everyone watched in amazement. 
Christopher’s eyes opened the smallest amount, his eyes locking on Y/N’s. “Y/N…”
They fell closed again as he was pulled back into unconsciousness. His chest fell up and down rhythmically. He was simply just asleep. 
Belial was gone. Tatiana was gone. And Christopher lay in an infirmary bed. The blood had been cleaned from his face and body. There was a scar from where the blade dug in deep. Y/N only wished that she would rid him of it, rid himself of the memory. 
While everyone stayed in London, Y/N was the only one to go through the portal to Idris. Y/N wanted to stay and help but with her shattered kneecap, she was in no position to help. And they all felt reassured that she could explain everything that happened to Christopher. 
Y/N would never forget the look on Gabriel and Cecily’s faces as Christopher was wheeled through the portal. Despite Y/N knowing he was only in a deep sleep, he looked dead. His blood covered his chest and he was deathly pale, despite some colour returning to his face. She would never forget the tight hugs Christopher’s parents gave her when she explained the whole story. 
She sat next to his bed, her hand clutching his. Ever since he had arrived, she had barely moved only to allow the silent brothers to look over him. He still hadn’t woken up but she occasionally felt his fingers twitch in his sleep. She wondered what he dreamt about. 
It was two days before Christopher finally woke up. Y/N was still by his side reading a book aloud to him. She was in the middle of a sentence when he spoke up, his voice hoarse. 
“Can you start it again? I like this story.”
Y/N’s head snapped to look at him and found him looking at her, smiling. 
“You’re awake,” Y/N said, tears brimming her eyes. She moved to sit on the edge of his bed as he beckoned her closer. 
“You saved me,” Christopher said, clutching her hand in his. 
“I thought I lost you,” Y/N said. “There was a moment where you stopped breathing.”
“You saved me,” Christopher repeated, squeezing her hand. 
Y/N smiled. “I would stop at nothing to save you.”
Christopher sat up. The silent brother told Y/N that he would still ache for a while during the healing process so Y/N quickly helped him sit up, propping a pillow behind his back. 
When he was fully sat up, Christopher reached forward and cupped Y/N’s cheek and wiped away the tear she didn’t know had escaped. She leant into his touch.
“I am never letting you leave me again,” Y/N said. 
“Good,” Christopher said. “Because I don’t want you to leave me.”
Y/N leaned forward and rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes, savouring the moment. “When you stopped breathing, I thought I would never have this opportunity.”
“What opportunity?” Christopher questioned.
Y/N sighed. “To tell you that I am in love with you.”
Christopher smiled. “I am glad I lived to hear you say that, because I am in love with you too.”
Before Y/N had the chance to respond, Christopher pressed a kiss to her lips. Y/N kissed him back with just as much love and compassion he kissed her with. 
Y/N broke it soon after to simply wrap him in a hug, burying her head into his neck, careful to avoid where his shoulder ached the most. 
Christopher’s arms wrapped around her waist and hugged her back tightly, not caring at all about the ache in his body.
“Thank you,” he mumbled. “For saving me.”
“I would save you a million times over just for you to come back to me,” Y/N said. The sound of his heart beating was a welcome one.
“I will always come back to you,” Christopher said and the two remained together on the infirmary bed. Nothing could harm them if they were together.
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starfirette · 3 years
Shadowhunter Girls as Your Girlfriend
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✧just a little something I did before I went to sleep. I queued it for this morning!!
✧ I also wrote a boyfriend version | my masterlist has more shadowhunter content, so check it out!!!!
✧Jessamine Lovelace, my beloved ❤️ she owns my whole heart
Anna Lightwood is looking for a princess to spoil. If that sounds like you, then congratulations. Anna enjoys nights on the town, trips to the theatre, where you can glamour yourselves and make out in the back. She buys you pretty silk gloves with pearls embroidered to the tops, or parasols you'll never use. Always looking to be your partner during a mission. She works best with you.
Isabelle Lightwood is the friends-to-lovers + pining AU. She has been smitten with you since the day you two met. She hates watching you flirt and date others. She'll dwell on it, but eventually, she'll get the balls to ask you out. She's a matching pajamas, her's-and-her's kind of girlfriend. You're the first person she cooks for, be it from an ancient recipe book of another realm or an idea from Pinterest
Clary Fairchild is a cuddly girlfriend. She is probably co-dependent and always wants to be with you. You are Clary's muse! Clary likes to binge watch animes in the dark with her body tangled with yours, in a position so intricate it's incredibly comfortable; phone resting on a makeshift table, a few cans of stale sparkling water laying around, and an episode of Fullmetal Alchemist playing on a cracked screen.
Emma Carstairs is a loud mouth, friends with benefits girlfriend. At least that how it started. Emma isn't one to catch feelings so easily, but when she does? Oh boy. She loves and adores you with a passion. She's fiercely protective. She's a matching tattoos girlfriend who will not hesitate to push you into a pool of freezing water. She loves ya though!
Cecily Herondale is secretly a softie. Cecily is dramatically romantic. Grand gestures are just her forte. She's a gift giver and a giving, more dominant lover. She wants to protect you. You're the first person she checks on after a nasty mission. Cecily most definitely doodles the marriage rune on your skin with ink, saying it's practice for the future.
Jessamine Lovelace is complex and aggravated. All. The. Time. Something about you helps her open up. If you're committed to being a Shaodwhunter, Jess will quietly abide by that. She'll make an effort to be more involved with Shadowhunter politics. She agrees to carry weapons and learn to fight at your behest, because you're worried about her. She dropkicks Will with surprising ease when he makes a snide comment about Jessamine "playing dress up in Shadowhunter's clothing." Jessamine would always want to look her best around you. She would be genuinely shocked to learn that couples don't actually sleep in two separate beds. If she wants that, though, then you're more than willing to accommodate. She doesn't like to be teased. She's a little naive. She's easily drawn to whoever is showing her affection, so I'm fucking warning you right now. Don't break her heart.
Tessa Gray is a giving lover who respects your independence. She is patient and kind, understanding to the max. She likes to hear you ramble. She likes to hear about your day. Tessa values your opinion over anyone else's. As much as she respects it, however, she is not going to change her ways to please you. She will be stubborn and might always put herself in danger if she thinks it will save her loved ones. She respects your independence; she expects you to reciprocate. Tessa adores you. Everything you do is endearing to her!
Diana Wrayburn is passionate and caring. She always keeps you in mind! Little things remind her of you. She does the simplest of favors for you, to make your life easier, whether it's keeping track of your socks while doing laundry or rising early in the morning to make a pot of coffee, just the way you like it. Diana wants to be good enough for you, so please, reassure her that she's more than enough.
Seelie Queen
The Seelie Queen is mommy, okay?
The Seelie Queen rescued you, took pity on you, and took you on as her personal hand maiden. What was meant to be an assistant's position became something intense; something more. It started out physical, but leave it to the Queen to catch feelings. You're her pet. To the public, at least. She maintains the master/owner persona for her court to simply keep her life private. When you two are alone, you are her equal. Her confidant. She always appreciates your advice. She is a passionate, fiery lover with a flare for theatrics. She likes the way you two pretend to be something you're not; something darker, and, in a way, kinkier. She thinks it's funny. She likes the secret. She enjoys her true self being shared with only you. She trusts you, truly; that can't be said for anyone else.
Cristina Rosales considers you her best friend. She finds it easy to talk to you. She is always honest and never feels afraid to tell you anything. She's more than willing to do whatever she can to keep you happy. She pays attention to everything. She can tell when you're in a pissy mood or when you're anxious. She is tender and gentle and so, so loving. She's bursting with affection. Matching jewelry is so her thing. She'd be lying if she said she didn't occasionally imagine herself in a full, golden gown, walking towards you...but she's patient. She'll wait for you to ask.
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mortalfaerie · 3 years
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anna lightwood x reader aesthetic
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rinadragomir · 2 years
pov: you’re dating...
James Herondale: shy boy, be patient with him; after getting over his inicial shyness in the relationship, he acts like a puppy, asking you for attention; library dates; expect REALLY expensive fancy gifts; loves teasing you, it doesn't matter about what, really, as long as your face flushes with a lovely blush; remembers small things about you; small love notes; if you kiss him in public he goes extremely red and won't be able to function properly for the rest of the day; likes to lie on your lap while you read him his favorite stories; this boy hasn't smiled since 12, tickle him or sth
Thomas Lightwood: gets red really easily; you literally can't stop staring at his arms, can you?; he's surprisingly not that bad at flirting; gets kinda flustered when you flirt back but recovers quickly; 100% rests his chin on top of your head when hugging you; you have his undivided attention whenever you’re speaking; messy kisses; he wants to be with you all the time, he is blindly in love; always makes sure his stubbornness doesn't get the best of him; i have a feeling that he might have an anxious-ambivalent attachment, just please let him know you never gonna leave him; workouts together
Anna Lightwood: has you sitting on her lap no matter what; compliments and flirty jokes all the time, you could slip and fall off of a building and she’d make some cheesy pick up line about you falling for her after she catches you; always comes up with crazy date ideas; melts whenever you treat her like she's delicate; will NEVER admit how jealous she actually is; blows cigar smoke into your mouth during a kiss; too anxious when it comes to talking about feelings, give her some time; she’s sooo bad at comforting you omfg BUT she’ll try
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bookclarysupremacy · 3 years
kit: sneaking out to see his maybe werewolf gf
church, at the bottom of the stairs:
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oscar-wilde-the-dog · 3 years
A Daisy in a Field of Roses (Part 1)
Matthew Fairchild x Lightwood!Reader
Summary: Reader goes for a walk in Regent's Park for some alone time, only for Oscar and Matthew to show up
Word Count: 1.2k words
Growing up with an older sister like Anna Lightwood, you had never felt too pressured to fit societal norms. Your parents never forced you to either. Some days you wore pants and an elegant waistcoat, others you wore lovely dresses and a corset. Frequently, you would stay in your Shadowhunter gear after morning training, it being the most comfortable option.
Beyond your fashion choices, you had more freedom than most girls your age regarding your whereabouts as well. No one batted an eye if they spotted you at the Hell Ruelle, a faerie female around your neck, or when you snuck off at an Enclave ball with the Merry Thieves.
So it shouldn’t have been a surprise when Matthew Fairchild found you wandering around the Regent’s Park alone one evening.
You had glamoured yourself, preventing any mundane eyes from noticing your presence. It had always felt strange to you that there is an entire race of people who do not know you exist. Sometimes you preferred to remain unglamoured, allowing the gazes of strangers to pass over you. You enjoyed it occasionally, the feeling of being seen, like you fit in with the world around you.
Tonight you wished to be hidden from everyone’s sight. You had informed your parents before leaving the Lightwood residence that you were staying at your sister’s flat near Soho and wouldn’t be home for dinner. You often told your parents you were staying at Anna’s when you were in need of a long walk and some alone time. Even though they trusted you, you knew they worried. You had picked up this habit a while ago after coming home late one night from the Hell Ruelle and noticed the witchlight in your parents bedroom still on. Ever since, you do everything you can to make them worry less, even if that means lying to their faces.
You were wearing a petal pink tea gown as you walked around the park, occasionally stopping to pluck a daisy for your little bouquet you were gathering. You were squatted down grabbing another flower when a dog leapt onto you from the front causing you to fall backwards onto the soft grass, dropping your growing bouquet. Before you could even blink the dog was leaving slobbery kisses all over your face making you giggle and scrunch your nose.
“Oscar! Off! Leave the poor girl alone!” A familiar voice calls from behind you triggering a wider grin to spread across your face. You pushed yourself up into a sitting position letting Oscar fall into your lap.
“Yeah Oscar, don’t you know it’s rude to interrupt someone when they’re picking daisies?” You joke scratching behind the golden retriever’s ears, his tail thumping the grass next to you.
“Y/n?” The voice questions, confusion lacing his words as he nears you. It's not everyday your dog randomly attacks a girl with affection at the park and it turns out to be your close friend.
“Math?” You respond turning your head to look at your friend. Matthew’s face lit up into a grin when he recognized your face, his eyes moving from you to the dog in your lap. He chuckled as he reached the both of you, sitting beside you on the lush grasses of Regent’s Park. He stretched out his long legs beside you, leaning back on one hand as he reached forward with the other to pet Oscar.
Nudging you with his foot he asks, “what are you doing meandering through Regent’s Park after sundown? I thought you were more of a Kensington Gardens girl.” You roll your eyes looking down at the happy dog in your lap.
“I wanted to be alone for a while,” you respond hesitantly, weary of saying the wrong thing.
“I’m sorry Oscar ruined that for you,” Matthew teases, “we can leave if you want. I was just taking him for his evening walk, I didn’t expect to run into anyone.”
“Neither did I,” you laugh pushing your sleeve up to show him your glamour rune on your forearm. He chuckles in response. “Please don’t leave, this has been a pleasant surprise,” you shrug. “Plus I would never turn away Oscar,” you remark before he can respond, scratching behind the dog's ears and kissing him on the snout.
“I knew you loved him more than me! Oscar you must tell me your secret, how do you get y/n’s undivided attention?” Matthew jokes leaning forward and wildly rubbing the golden retriever’s fur. Oscar rolls over onto his back in response, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as his owner indulges him in belly rubs. The overstimulation is evident, but there is pure elation in Oscar's eyes as his person shows him some love.
The sight makes your heart burn with affection, not only for Oscar. Glancing up from the dog laying half on your lap and half sprawled on the grass, you let your smile fall a bit as you study the features of your friend in front of you. His green eyes shine as he looks at his four legged friend, his lush lips pulled into a wide smile. Your eyes travel a bit further until they reach his hair— oh, how badly you want to run your fingers through it. The golden strands blow softly onto his forehead due to the light breeze of the evening and it takes all your strength to not reach over and push it back into place.
"Is there something on my face?" Matthew questions pulling you out of your thoughts. He had caught you staring you realize, color beginning to rise to your cheeks.
"No, it's just your hair," you respond quickly.
"The wind has ruined it hasn't it?" He asks, raking his hands through his hair. "I apologize you have had to witness me in such a state."
"Math, I have watched you throw up in Thomas's hat, forget you threw up, and put the hat on your head. I think I have seen you look worse,” you chuckle.
“Do not remind me. I have never gotten over the waistcoat that was ruined during those drunken events,” Matthew says, dramatically clutching a hand to his heart.
“Don’t forget my dress you wrecked that night as well!” You exclaim, smiling brightly.
“It is entirely not my fault that you were in the splash zone,” he points his finger at you a gleam in his eye.
“Forgive me for wishing to comfort my friend, I’ll remember this the next time you’re wasted,” you tease.
Rolling his eyes, Matthew lays back resting his head on his arms. Watching his owner closely, Oscar moves next to his side, laying on his back. Matthew grins reaching one hand down to rub the dog’s belly.
Watching the interaction makes your heart flutter. The realization of your feelings causes your head to spin and fingers to go numb. A shiver runs through your body catching Matthew’s attention.
“Hey what’s wrong y/n/n?” He asks sitting up in concern. “Are you cold? I can make Oscar go lay on you for warmth.”
Abruptly, you push yourself up to stand. “I just realized I am late for tea at Anna’s, I must get going,” you reply quickly. Turning on your heel, you start the trek to exit the park in the direction of your older sister’s flat.
“Y/n, wait!” You hear Matthew shout, but you’re already through the gates.
Matthew Taglist: @agentsofsheilds
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cassandraclare · 6 years
Anna, Ariadne, sexuality and genderfludity in the Belle Epoque
SPOILERS (and a mass of text, much under a cut)
jonginflicted said: cassie i loved every exquisite thing so much oh god, i could almost see myself in ariadne, like a sort of refusal to fully be herself (we were born in the same place too!) and i'm wondering, does ariadne really love anna or is this just a time-pass or an experiment for her. she does say that she likes anna a lot, but her willingness to marry charles seems a little off to me (or am i seeing things) as always, thank you so much for writing for us!
-Thank you!
Ariadne is under crushing social pressure to marry a man. She does love Anna 
— she’s fallen in love with her the same way Anna has with her, with that sort of sweeping at-first-sight romantic overwhelmingness that sometimes happens, especially when it’s your first time. I really tried to avoid any suggestion this was an “experiment” or anything like that for Ariadne. She’s a lesbian and she knows she’s a lesbian. She just also believes it’s impossible for her to live an authentic life as a lesbian woman in 1901 without being cruelly punished. I don’t think you’re seeing things so much as it’s hard to understand what Ariadne is facing in 1901 (and would face in some places now):
From Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century by Graham Robb: 19th-century homosexuals lived under a cloud...Most of them suffered, not from the cruel machinery of justice, but from the creeping sense of shame, the fear of losing friends, family and reputation, the painful incompatibility of religious belief and sexual desire, the social and mental isolation, and the strain of concealment.
That’s a horrific thing to face. (Not that we live in an LGBT+ utopia now and they lived in an LGBT+ dystopia then: it’s a lot more complicated than that.) Ariadne’s parents, unlike Anna’s, are extremely conservative, and this union with Charles is the thing they want. So it wouldn’t matter much to Ariadne whether it was Charles or some other guy – it’s not going to be the thing she wants except that she doesn’t want to be isolated, to be abandoned, to be rejected by her parents and family, which are totally normal things to be terrified of. 
Everyone has layered identities. Ariadne has identities as a woman of color, as a lesbian, as an adopted child, as the daughter of conservative government officials, as a woman who wants children, and in many ways those identities are in conflict for her in ways Anna’s identities are less so. Ariadne isn’t a coward, or a cruel person. She is making the best choices she can within a set of limitations that are oppressive, and that she did not invent or ask for. 
ti-bae-rius said: Hello Cassie! Firstly, wow okay turns out I have a huge fiction crush on Anna Lightwood. Hot damn. Secondly - and slightly less flippant/lovestruck - is Anna happy with female pronouns? Is that what Anna identifies with or was it more due to conformity of the time? Basically, is Anna’s gender expression limited by temporal factors? Such a badass character who is seriously fuelling my waistcoat obsession right now. Love the new GOTSM and all the best! x
I'm so happy you enjoyed the new GOTSM and that you like (have a huge crush on) Anna! I would say that Anna is happy with female pronouns, yes, as she's happy with the gift of the necklace that her mother gave her, something she can be comfortable with as she's not with dresses. That said, temporal factors are certainly a part of that! Today Anna would consider and call herself genderfluid, but the term didn't exist at the time, and of course many genderfluid people today refer to themselves by “he” or “she” pronouns, as well as many others, according to what feels most comfortable to them. Anna is a product of her time: had she been born in a different time many things might have been different — but that is the case for every single one of the TID and TLH characters, and for all of us alive today, who express ourselves in ways which would have been extremely unconventional in the past and will likely be considered backward and oppressive in the future. :)
In 1902 (a year after the events of EET) people were academically discussing the idea of a third or “intermediate” sex, but it was a very new thing — not something Shadowhunters would know about, or the average mundane. It was also referred to as “sexual inversion” which was seen as an academic term at the time. The idea of LGBTQ+ sexuality was a taboo topic--sexuality at all was a taboo topic, with people getting arrested for indecency for publishing pamphlets about contraception--and the idea of LGBTQ+ identity was scarcely understood at all. 
Anna herself, and those who love and accept her, would find it very hard to conceptualize or articulate gender fluidity. Feelings have always existed long before there were words for them, and many words once used are not the words we use now. I wanted to be accurate and faithful to the time period, but I also wanted to be as sensitive as possible to the modern day, real life readers, and not hurt them by using terms which would have been acceptable then but are certainly not acceptable now. (A whole code for speaking about homosexuality existed at the time, ranging from the gentle “Is he musical?” or “Does she like Achilles?” to words I would just never use whether they’re historically accurate or not.) Anna, as we see, has strong feelings about not only romance with women but friendship and alliance with women, and female pronouns to her feel like another way of expressing that alliance, even while she wants to be true to herself and express her complex and beautiful identity as fully as she can. 
ariadnebridgestock said: hello cassie!! I was incredibly touched by how understanding and supportive Cecily and Gabriel were about Anna so I was wondering, will we be seeing other support that Anna receives from the rest of her family, like her brother Christopher, her aunts and uncles and her cousins and family friends like the Fairchilds etc?  thank you for taking your time to answer questions! 
archerondale said: Hi, Cassie! I was just wondering- what does the Clave think about Anna wearing man's clothes and preferring women?
EET is set two years before TLH, so in 1903 Anna's already openly living a fabulous lifestyle in her own abode in Percy Street, and her family and friends are all fully aware and supportive of her lifestyle. We will see her family support her, though not every single one of their specific reactions to her starting to dress as she prefers, as that's well in the past. Everyone responds with love, in their characteristic ways, so we see Matthew, a loving and fashionable friend, giving her his clothing: Christopher, her sweet and science-minded brother, offering to perform a saving act of science (Christopher would blow up the Tower of London to make Anna feel better, any day of the week). Everyone offers support in their own way. Lucie asks to hear about Anna's scandalous love life so she can write about romance in her novels. James reads up on people like Julie d'Aubigny, who dressed as a man, fought duels, and liberated her lady beloved from a nunnery. 
However, the Clave as a whole, and even the Enclave in London, is vaguely horrified by what Anna's up to, but Anna's helped out by the attitude that what Anna's doing can barely be true--there is a myth that Queen Victoria refused to believe in women feeling passion for other women, which reflects the prevailing attitudes of the time (which again, aren't the same as Shadowhunter attitudes, but Shadowhunter attitudes are influenced by the world) that love between women didn't happen, or if it did, didn't count (Unlike sex between men, lesbianism was not illegal in 1903). 
That said, in 1902 (after EET, before TLH) society became interested in “sexology”--examining the different kinds of sexual attractions and activities that existed, and the terms sapphic and lesbian came into more common use. Lesbian activity wasn't criminalized in the same way as gay activity (though the denial of women's sexuality is a problem in itself): Oscar Wilde's fate would not happen to a woman, though as we see with Ariadne there was still horrible pressure to conform. During this same period, Vita Sackville-West (later, Virginia Woolf's lover) and Violet Keppel, the daughter of King Edward's mistress, were involved in a schoolgirl romance, but Violet's mother urged concealment and both were to go on to marry men. You can read their love letters here:
Oh, Mitya, come away, let’s fly, Mitya darling —  let’s go away and forget the world and all its squalor — let’s forget such things as trains, and trams, and servants, and streets, and shops, and money, and cares and responsibilities. Oh god! how I hate it all — you and I, Mitya, were born 2000 years too late, or 2000 years too soon.
Anna insisting on living openly, dressing the way she wants and publicly loving who she wants, has created something of a sensation in the Enclave society. Sona's worried about Cordelia consorting with the infamous Anna: Mrs Bridgestock is appalled by the idea of Anna, now living so scandalously, approaching Ariadne. Many mothers are whisking aside their children and many proper Shadowhunters are shunning Anna. London society says Anna should be got under control, or that they should stop her from fighting because it's given her ideas: all manner of microaggressions are visited upon Anna, but Anna prefers to steadfastly ignore them (not that they don’t bother her or add up over time — this is just her particular coping strategy). Sometimes she trots off to Paris if they annoy her. But the fact she's learned to just avoid or not think about unpleasantness may become a problem for her, later, since eventually unpleasantness that she can't avoid does come and she has to face it.
Still, the constant love and support from her influential family and friends is very helpful, not just emotionally but socially: it matters that Charlotte's the Consul, that her Uncle Gideon is influential in the Clave, that her beloved Uncle Will is Head of the London Institute and loves and looks out for her. With them standing by her, the Clave has been able to mostly overlook Anna--maybe she's just going through a wild phase! Even the Consul's son Matthew is running wild, what will become of the children! They say nasty things sometimes, and Anna isn't invited to the most proper parties, and Anna DEFINITELY wouldn't be able to wield political power within the Clave or marry a really respectable Shadowhunter boy (luckily...Anna isn't at all in the market for a husband), but Anna's extremely popular with the younger set and well-supported by the older set. Which is all to say: as it has been for people like Anna in many generations and many places, one can create a society within a society where you feel comfortable. She is lucky that her own family home and the homes of her friends are places she can feel comfortable (the same is not true for Ariadne, for instance) but outside of those safe spaces, there are places where she would (and is) stared at, commented on, and subject to prejudice. 
* One of the fascinating things about LGBT+ history is the way there have always been subcultural spaces where the non-straight and non-cis were able to carve out networks of neighborhoods, bars, clubs, salons and spaces where they felt safe and were able to be open. I don’t just keep mentioning Paris randomly: neighborhoods in Paris were a lesbian and gay haven during the Belle Epoque — one of those subcultural places I was talking about, where Anna and other non-binary and LGBT+ people could feel comfortable. Fin de siecle society in Paris included bars, restaurants and cafes frequented and owned by lesbians, such as Le Hanneton and le Rat Mort, Private salons, like the one hosted by the American expatriate Nathalie Barney, drew lesbian and bisexual artists and writers of the era, including Romaine Brooks, Renee Vivien, Colette, Djuna Barnes, Gertrude Stein, and Radclyffe Hall. One of Barnes's lovers, the courtesan Liane de Pougy, published a best-selling novel based on their romance called l’Idylle Saphique (1901). Descriptions of lesbian salons, cafes and restaurants were included in tourist guides and journalism of the era, as well as mention of houses of prostitution that were uniquely for lesbians. Toulouse Lautrec created paintings of many of the lesbians he met, some of whom frequented or worked at the famed Moulin Rouge. — Wikipedia
Sounds like a great place and we’ll definitely be visiting :)
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reality-exodus · 9 months
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch.1 Better Angels
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Pair: Matthew Fairchild x reader
Words: 2k
Summary: James' twin sister, just like him and Lucie has an unexplained ability, she sees visions of the past and the future occasionally when she touches an object or a person. What happens though, when she sees herself dying?
Warning: maybe blood?
I was surveying the demon battle; I didn’t ponder much as my twin brother and his Parabatai danced with the demon. I was sitting ready to intervene in case it was necessary, I had a bad feelings and unfortunately my gut was usually not mistaken.
James disappeared once again, it used to happen a lot more than that, and it would keep happening to him. The moment he was out of sight I jumped down from the rooftop I was observing. Before I landed I heard Matt’s scream, I immediately took out my whip slapping it in the air as the electricity. I didn’t know if my brother was back and I couldn’t care less about the usual catchphrase Matt would mock me with before running into a battle “Sit back and watch how it’s done”. He is my brother’s Parabatai, namely, the same as James. I was holding Matthew’s stele at the ceremony.
“Dodge” I exclaimed as I had the demon still for some moments, I took out a dagger and threw it at the demon. Matt followed my instruction without further notice.
My plan though didn’t work out for long as the demon escaped the tie of my whip letting me fall backwards.
“Y/N/N!” Matt exclaimed and turned at me, he was actually worried.
“I won’t break Matt, where did the demon go?” I asked and stood up and stepped forward as I activated the voyance rune upon my wrist.
“Lurked back into the shadows” he spoke up confidently. Matt paced further in the dark alley and the demon hissed loudly and gripped his shoulders tightly. He screamed as the demon managed to dug its nails to his shoulders, its mouth opened up in four and he hissed to his face as I leaped on its back and stabbed it with a seraph blade but before its blade could dug through its skull its head turned 180 degrees, its stinky breath straight to my face.
Moments flashed and I saw my brother be back. Deumas roared again and pressured the blade to its chest yelling the angels name, but once he threw Matt off of him and then its attention turned to me, James was already there, he swung his arm back pulling my seraph sword out as I fell on my back in the shadows.  James looked like he was losing it.
“James!” I yelled, unaware if he heard me, the demon slapped him as he seemed to disorientate. I groaned in pressure as I prevented another hit to my brother with my daggers. Suddenly the demon was swept off his feet, three chords wrapped around its legs pulling it backwards. It was Thomas standing behind us with his bolas. Thomas was tall and had a massive physique.
“I am alright” my brother assured me and I dodged to the side retrieving my weapon and returning it on my belt. I let my whip loose again and trapped its upper body as Thomas was still holding it in place. With the corner of my eye I noticed Christopher helping Matt, before I returned to the demon that soon burst out in an explosion of ichor and demon blood that showered me and everyone else but my brother.
“Matthew, Y/N-.” My brother begun and as I was wiping the slime from my cloths.
“How- Wha-?” Christopher shuttered and I raised an eyebrow.
“Do you mean how we tracked down the last demon in London?” James asked as he carefully offered me a napkin. “Or that it is also the most disgusting thing?” I was surprised on how calm and normal his voice sounded. I knew he was innerly shaking.
“Or that James managed to make us a mess and yet stay out of it.” I commented to lighten the atmosphere as I wiped the last bit of ichor from under my chin there was a small burn mark from it there. He was the only one untouched.
I saw Thomas roll his eyes in annoyance as he was covered in ichor as Matthew sputtered the seraph blade that defused. “This is an outrage” he commented tossing the weapon aside. “Do you know how much I spent on this waistcoat?” he asked with annoyance and complaint.
“Plus no one told you to go demon hunting dressed like an extra from the Importance of being Earnest” James pointed out, he handed another napkin to his parabatai as well. He was standing between us.
Thomas spoke commenting on Matt as well. Therefore I didn’t hear him. “James, your hand…” I noticed a gash across his palm, I took out my stele and touched his at hand. He removed himself from his grip looking at me for any sign of seizure but I pointed at my gloves and smiled as I drew an iratze. It was usually Matt’s work, but it was only a gash.
Us twins had our very own gift as our parents call it trying to convince us it is not a curse,  though nor me neither my brother feel it like a gift, it is an uncontrolled ability we have, that activates randomly. James changes dimensions, he comes back though, his episodes do not last this long and there is nothing we can usually do as he physically disappears. I on the other hand, see visions, usually unclear and enigmatic concerning the object or the person I came in contact with. While I see those dreams, I am falling into a sort of seizure. This happens since I am ten, my uncle Jem though, gifted me a pair of enchanted gloves to wear and I have to admit that it has been helpful.
“Thomas! Stop scrubbing at me” Christopher said, windmilling his arms. “We should go back to the Devil and get cleaned there.”
“I agree, its starting to get chilly.” I spoke and secured my stele inside my pocket. Matt looked at me and removed his fancy waist coat and placed it around my shoulders gently.
“Care to tell me how much you spent on it?” I asked in a mocking way as everyone started walking to the Devil’s Tavern.
“Its useless now either way” Matt replied as I wrapped it better around me while we were walking there. I rarely went to the Devil, it was a hide out, a safe spot for my brother and his friends. I knew it wasn’t true but I felt as I intruded… Maybe because this is how I felt when someone invaded my atelier or music room.
“I almost didn’t recognize the lot of you when you tramped in here covered in whatever you call it…” The waitress commented and I looked at her, Polly I think it was her name. There were welcome exclamations galore, the boys were really loved around here, fairly though.
“Its been ages since we have seen a demon in London” said James
“I reckon they are all too scared to show their faces…” Polly spoke.
“Scared?” James asked confused. The rest of the boys were spread across the Tavern, Christopher and Thomas went to eat and drink some water, while I saw Matt bottoming up a whole glass of a brownish liquid which was one hundred per cent alcohol. 
“Scared of what?” I wondered and her gaze fell upon me. She wrinkled her nose, a werewolf she is, she probably smelled ichor, blood and sandalwood upon me.
“And what a beauty like you is doing in such dirty shit hole.” She spoke, obviously avoiding my question.
“You have seen me before…” I commented puzzled at the reaction of the wolf. She extended her hand and gripped my chin lightly and turned my head to the side. I felt my breath be caught upon my chest, intention was good as she dragged her finger behind my ear taking a drop of ichor.
Within seconds James gripped Polly’s wrist and threw it away from me. I turned to my twin, I knew he was there but I was not there, I could see a girl, Polly, go down an alley, she was so carefree and happy until the person next to her suddenly started to change. She would scream and shout for help but the eldest werewolf didn’t seem to be phased, he simply bit her. I squeezed my eyes, I couldn’t watch and therefore there she was, young Polly, her expression twisted in pain and agony from the lycanthropy infection. I opened my eyes again and I could see, or more like sense my brother, he was calm, it was a usual thing for me. I would be alright in about five minutes. I let out a soft cry I was surveying Polly turn into a werewolf for the first time. It felt like forever until I shot up.
I looked around, I found myself into the attic of the Merry Thieves, it was a small space with one bedroom. I was laying on the bed while I still had Matthew’s coat as a blanket over me. I took my time to make myself obvious and I caught an interesting conversation about ‘Grace’
“Her name is Grace” said James, a hint of annoyance upon his voice. I could smell the gin on him as he was sitting on the bed next to me.
“Exactly, Grace” Agreed Thomas “Aunt Tatiana’s always kept them both in splendid isolation in Idris- no visitors at all- but apparently she’s decided to move back to London, so my parents are all in a dither about it” he explained and this unlocked so many memories of our childhood times in Idris where James would secretly go to meet Grace. I did not like her that much as I got along better with Barbara Lightwood, Thomas’ eldest sister.
“Grace? To London?” James asked in complete disorientation.
“Seems Tatiana wants to bring her out in society” Thomas looked puzzled at my brother’s reaction. “I suppose you’ve met her in Idris? Your house is next to the Blackthorn manor, isn’t it?” It was true, We used to meet her every Summer.
There were moments of silence as there was no one responding so it was the time to make the fact that I returned to reality known. “And where will she stay?” I asked the thing my twin wouldn’t dare and I felt his relief wash over his figure as he turned at me.
“Hello there” James smiled at me and patted my knee as I was curled in a ball under Matt’s coat.
“Are you feeling alright? You seemed to doze off at Polly’s charms” Math’s voice sounded smooth and sweet as he joked with me.
“I will live, apparently” I smiled lightly as I felt uncomfortable to speak about Polly. “Too bad for your coat, you won’t have it back today.” I added and curled in a ball under it. It had his smell.
“No worries, it was disposable after James’ smart move” Matthew replied with a charming smile and he patted my head gently.
“Awee how sweet of you” spoke up with a sigh. I felt lightheaded as I sat up, making an effort to balance my head. James held my shoulders not attempting to touch me again, afraid that there would be another episode.
“Your hand…” I noticed as it seemed that my iratze didn’t work as needed.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Matthew asked and his slim but muscular hand slipped out his stele. I could see his veins as he was preparing his stele.
Thomas approached me with a toast and I chuckled lightly as he offered it to me. “You something bad for Polly, didn’t you?” he asked me. Math and Jame were further but I could notice that they were listening to me.
“I did, but I am actually used to seeing bad things” I explained and certainly did not deny the fact that I was hungry too much. “This is pretty good” I smiled at my cousin as he poured some water in a glass.
“I don’t mean to be the first one to leave a party” announced I, so as to get their attention “however I shall be making my way to the institute.” I spoke up and James seemed to dislike the idea.
“Perhaps you should stay for a bit and then we can return together.” My brother remarked and looked at me. I was trying to understand was it he was fearing fathers wrath or he was extremely worried about me.
“No, I’d rather not” I smiled at him “Do not concern yourself James. I will be completely fine. I promise.” I sat up taking my time to stand up from the old wooden bed of the attic. Thomas was right next to me, I am certain he was pondering where to support me if needed without jeopardizing to have another episode.
“How exactly do you expect me to do that, when you just had an episode” he remarked as he approached me once Math was done drawing an iratze rune upon his skin
“And you had an episode of your own as well and with us not knowing what was the cause of it. At least with me you saw it coming.” I spoke with my voice raising by the note. I was so disturbed by the fact that he considered the incident with me so much more important  than his even though it was considered during battle.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed.
“James!” I yelled back almost immediately, it was a reflect that took over and I could not control. I knew that I was supposed to be the delicate girl amongst the boys that were mostly friends of my brother. Nevertheless I could not stand the unfairness of the matter. I was the girl he was the boy we were in the same danger and our troubled moments were just as random and I could not fathom the fact he was being the same phallocratic male like the ones were asking for my hand were.
I started walking to the exit of the attic and Matthew got my elbow. I tried to conserve my gaze therefore I just couldn’t help and stare at him, deadly. “I am going home on my own! I am pretty capable of doing so and I do not need anyone to protect me or my honor. In case it wasn’t noticed I saved Math twice just some hours earlier when you had one hell of a random disappearance to God knows where. Perhaps papa would be interested in a more detailed version of tonight’s success.” I stated, my angry gaze met James’ who’s blood I could feel boiling.
“You wouldn’t dare.” He growled, his teeth greeted and his jaw clenched, his outfit was still well-stood unlike mine. I looked like I was in a battle indeed, my hair tucked in a messy bun with all the braids rogue and my clothes filled with stains and scratches.
“Well, I thought you wouldn’t dare to imply that I wouldn’t make it home alone… And yet here we stand.” I spoke up and threw the coat at Matthew who caught it.
“No keep it, I will come until some point, I need some quality bourbon not this, whatever it is.” Matthew spoke and walked out.
“Whatever” I shrugged my shoulders and walked out of the attic. I knew this would calm down James, just as I knew Matthew would trust me, even though he looks like he doesn’t care at all about me or anyone for that matter…
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reality-exodus · 2 months
Th Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch. 6 What May the Future Hold
Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x Herondale reader Word count Warnings: use of alchohol and drugs, mntion of blood, violence and seizures, contains sexual scene and harassment (this applies for the whole story in general not this specific chapter only)
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“Don’t worry, she bit her tongue or something” my father tried to assure the boys, my vision was clearing. I was obliged to stare up, I only saw Matthew’s scared expression upside down. It actually took me some time to recognize him.
“Math?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, I felt weak, I couldn’t turn my head to either side.
“Hey, hey you are alright.” He spoke as he moved my head to his lap.  My gaze met James’ and my father’s who pulled me in his arms. I tried to hug him but I felt I didn’t have the power to motion my arms around his figure.
“James, can you take her to her room? I have to help her change, and Will someone has to stay.” My mother spoke reason.
“I am okay” I spoke assuringly, only for my dad to hear. I felt his lips plant a kiss on my hair. “Alright” he agreed and I felt my body shifting. One hand under my knees and the other on my back. I placed my head on James’ shoulder.
“Gave us a scare Lin.” James commented and looked down at me as he was walking, I could feel his figure shake from shock.
“This is how I feel when you shadow up.” I whispered and smiled a him, I maintained my eyes closed. “I want Math to come as well, he shouldn’t be alone.” I assumed he stayed behind as I couldn’t see him.
“Who told you I wasn’t coming” I heard his voice and smiled immediately, as he walked a bit faster so I would see him.
“Set her down sweetie.” My mom spoke and I felt my brother kneel and locate me to the bed.
“Don’t leave.” I requested, I was looking at Math more than my brother.
“Who said we were? We will be right outside.” Math assured me and leaned kissing my hand before going out of the room with James so my mother would help me change into a sleepware.
“How are you feeling my love?” My mom asked me as she removed my shoes firstly and then my gloves.
“Tired… Dizzy.” I explained and held on her to sit up so she can untangle the strings on the back of my dress. She didn’t speak again as she helped me into a more comfortable dress. I laid back down as she sat next to me and with a napkin she begun removing my makeup.
“Dear, do you remember what you saw?” My mom asked me and my eyes immediately shone, I could feel the tears.
“I saw aunt Sophie crying, she was grieving… it was Barbara… I- I can hear her screams, the sorrow… I get dysphoric and—” I tried to explain before sobbing again.
“Its alright… You ought to get some sleep love. James and Matthew will be here.” She assured me as she covered me with a blanket. I closed my eyes.
Matthew Fairchild.
It was as if all the alcohol I drunk tonight evaporated within the three minutes I saw Y/N spasming on the ground. I knew what was happening to her was hurtful and a bad experience but I thought it was mostly mental, never had I pondered what the physical pain would be.
Me and James were right outside of her room while aunt Tessa was aiding her into comfort. We stood silently until the door opened. “Mom, how is Lina?” James asked, I could feel his tremors, I had those tremors as well.
“She is sleeping. I just, I do not want her to be alone James… Matthew. Stay here. I have to go and tell Will everything is fine. We will be at the ballroom in case anything happens.” Aunt Tessa spoke.
“Of course mom.” James spoke and we entered the room. I had only seen it four times and it was only for a while. It was filled with books and notes. James walked to Y/N and checked her breathing. Her lips curved into a smile.
“I am not dead, don’t get too excited.” She commented and I snorted at the joke.
“How alive are you on a scale from 1-10.?” I asked and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Well, 2.5. Maybe 3” Y/Nreplied, even tired she managed to look good half conscious.
“See practically dead.” I responded, I was trying to hide the horror for both me and James. I could feel my parabatai’s stress overflowing his energy. I was sure it was the combination of his small interdimensional trip, Barbara’s passing out and Y/N’s seizure that came on top. James was sitting at the armchair across the room and he was silent and thankfully, my amusing dialogue seem to have Y/N forget about the presence of James.
“Almost like you after a hangover.” Y/Nspoke, her voice was getting raspier, highlighting the exhaustion her organism had gone through. She was hugging her pillow. James’ eyes were pinned upon her figure, he was behind her.
“Oh having a hangover, includes the pause of alcohol for several hours… Bold of you to assume I have hangovers.” I commented and tried to gain an eyecontact with my parabatai.
“Oh, what can I say? I am bold” She giggled.
“It’s a twin thing…” I spoke trying to get James in the conversation.
“What is?” James asked and looked at me, his expression puzzled.
“Boldness” I replied. “Where does your mind wander off Jamie?” I asked.
“To his blonde platinum angel that just arrived to our humble city. Perhaps, next time you could fight your urges and not let ladies so abruptly and rudly. This could be a scandal.” Y/N threw a nail at him, I cannot say it was unfairly.
“Yes, and thank you for the rescue… I saw that Aiden came for dance.” James remarked and looked at his sister with a sigh. “At least it was for a while…” He commented.
“Yeah, then it was Alastair, it goes from bad to worse” I chuckled lightly. Alastair is unbearable and frustrating, this person really has no soul and I cannot understand how him and Cordelia were siblings, she was so different, so sweet and kind and beautiful. He was mean and an awful person, remembering the days back in the academy had my blood boil.
“I, actually, happened to like Alastair. He is pleasant…” she spoke and I gulped looking down at Y/N.
“You cannot be serious.” I exclaimed making the twins jump at the sudden outburst. I regretted my reaction instantly, nonetheless I couldn’t withstand listening to good words for the person that caused my family so much pain. I felt my heart clench as I saw James shot up wide eyed and Y/Nsat up and looked at me. I wish I had some booze. “Sorry.” I sighed.
“Its okay, are you okay though?” Y/Nasked and looked at me her grey eyes were tired, she rolled her body closer to me and touched my knee gently she was covered with a woolen blanket and I dragged the blanket slowly and covered her feet better, James seemed to be dragged back into his own world.
“I am just shaken Lina, and I sincerely dislike Alastair and I do not prefer to spend my time speaking about a subject like him” I explained and patted her back feet above the blanket in a comforting way and offered her a smile. Even at a state like she was right now she was concerned about me. “How about you? Seriously though? What happened?” I asked her.
“Matthew Fairchild, serious. James, dearest, note the date” Y/Nresponded with a chuckle.
“Will though Y/N Herondale be serious to?” James asked me and I looked at him.
“Look who decided to come to our universe.” She asked him, Lina’s gaze was trying to lighten the atmosphere and she darted from her twin to me, she realized that we were seriously wanted to speak about it. “It was an accident” she admitted.
“How can an accident cause this Y/N?” James asked. He was anxious and looked at me for some back up.
“What he means, is that you seemed fully prepared, and then you were missing a glove.” I explained what James was unable to express.
“I was waltzing with Alastair and we were speaking. And then there was the scream, he signed to me that Barbara was collapsing and it was a reflex I tried catching her and the comp on her hair I think, was caught in the lace of my glove. And then I touched her cheek. Helped Anna undo the crochet. This is when I realized what I had gotten myself into…” Her calm was indescribable, maybe it was the exhaustion she didn’t have the power to be as creeped out as we were. “Everything started blurring and thankfully I saw Thomas and you, James next to him and you knew that something was completely wrong.” She concluded her summary.
“Alright, I will be the one to shoot the one million question. What did you see?” I wondered and looked at Y/Nwhose face darkened immediately. She looked uneased but I didn’t take the question back.
“I mean, I want to know too. From what I get, the most serious the seizure the worse the vision.” James added he had stood up and moved around sitting on his sister bed next to her head, he needed to see her reactions as he supported my question.
“I think I saw the future, is this enough?” Y/Nspoke and sat up next to James so we could talk better he covered her with blanket that was dislocated owing to her movement.
“Well no it is not, because literally five minutes ago I became a shadow.” James revealed “And then Barbara collapsed and the next moment we are hurrying to get you out of the ball room which we didn’t do.” He added summarizing our side of the story.
“I had the seizure in front of everyone? Great…” Y/Ngroaned and covered her face, she was blushing from embarrassment.
“Do not be concerned we hid you behind a pillar” I spoke up and sighed “Honestly there were no people. Everyone was with Barbara. Your parents made sure to maintain the audience limited.” I assured her as she laid again this time on James’ lap he was stroking her hair carefully. “What did you see though?” I asked again bringing the hot topic again.
“I was laying at the infirmary, I was laying on a bed and the pain I felt was unbearable. It wasn’t a muscle or a stab wound. It was general, eating me from inside out. I was feeling a weigh on my torso, something that wouldn’t allow oxygen, my heart was pulsating heavily with difficulty. It felt as if time was coming by slowly and I could hear each heartbeat in my eardrums so loudly. On my side I saw aunt Sophie…” Y/Npaused, her gaze was looking blankly at the floor. She closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath and I exchanged a  glance with James who signed me to give her time.
“Aunt Sophie was weeping. I have never seen anyone crying. There was so much pain. Mental but mostly physical. My point of view started raising as If I was seeing everything hang from the ceiling. As in my visual field I saw aunt Sophie crying over Barbara. I was trying to speak to her hug her move closer to her and the more I was trying, the more I wasn’t able to breath, the more I was aching, aching so much as if a- a hand tore right through my heart and ripped my heart out in such slow pace I could feel every ounce of it--” Her voice was raising the more she was narrating her experience, her vision and it felt as if she was getting lost at her own collections, reliving it. I allowed James to handle this situation he seemed somewhat more familiar with it. But he didn’t.
“Hey hey, easy. We got the picture” James spoke and shook her abruptly to get her out of the depth of her ponders. I didn’t want to mention it but she basically predicted the death of Barbara. My head was with Thomas as I felt as if our Barbara was already gone. I didn’t speak of it, the last thing Y/N needed was to be more upset. “How about you get some sleep?” James asked.
“Alright but, promise to not leave?” Y/Nrequested and laid back on her pillow. Her gaze was first on me and then to James.
“We aren’t going anywhere Lina” James spoke and kissed her forehead. We didn’t move from our spots. 
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reality-exodus · 2 months
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch. 4 Just like a pic nic
Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x Herondale reader
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: use of drugs and alchohol, mentions of blood and seizures, violence, sexual content and harassment (these do not apply on every chapter they go for the whole story)
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I was standing at the Cornwall Gardens next to our dad while James stood on our mom’s side while Lucie was standing between them. I could feel her joy hyperventilating in enthusiasm. I on the other hand wasn’t in the best mood. I was prepared for breakfast at home and suddenly I have to change. I am aware that this is not such big deal, however, I like to dress more modestly when I am outside covering as much skin as possible. So instead of my sweet boat necked dress that came into an a line skirt I wore a long sleeved high necked dress in a mermaid ending that deleted the shape of my silhouette. My simple braided ended up being curled and twisted around my neck. To upbeat my mood my mama carefully placed her clockwork angel around my neck before we set off. I was wearing a light pink cloak that matched my mulberry colored dress.
The carriage stopped right in front of us and Sona was the first one to disembark followed by her two children. I could see Daisey scanning the lot of us, I didn’t pay much attention until Sona touched my elbow, as in a warm gesture and that snapped me and thankfully only out of my thoughts. “You must remember the age of sixteen Tessa, all dances and dresses.” I heard Sona say.
“No but I do recall attending a vampire dance and some other party where Benedict Lightwood turned into a worm due to demon pox” My mother replied and I breathed in satisfaction for no reason, it is not as if I dislike Sona.
“Mother” Lucie exclaimed scandalized.
“Well he did turn into a worm”  James added with a light grind.
“It was more of a vicious serpent…”  our father corrected them putting one his serious not face.
“It was a very important part of demon pox, scientifically speaking.” I added to lighten the atmosphere.
“Now that you mention it thank Cecily for me, for the domestic assistance.” Sona spoke as the luggage was being transferred to the house. “Cordelia this will be a mess. Why don’t you take Lucie and Y/N for a walk” she suggested.
“And James could escort you. Perhaps the Kensington Gardens.” My mother suggested. I was in no mood to follow and they knew but I would do it for Lucie. My dad rubbed my shoulders looking at me.
“Patience” He whispered in my ear before I followed the girls and my father. I had an awful mood, I disliked the change of plans and daylight for that matter. Unlike my sister who was thrilled for such activities. I am more of an night owl.
We strolled down the streets to arrive at the gardens. I had my armed tangled to my brother’s as he was escorting me as a gentleman. Truth is I heard mom and dad speaking of marriage concerning me and I honestly couldn’t be more happy that both of them agreed to not push me on the matter. Besides I had things concerned my personal life I kept secrets no one knew of them.
“I thought this would never happen, you coming here” Lucie spoke cuddling Cordelia’s side.
“Why not? Law says if you are to be parabatai you should train together.” James spoke to assure our little sister.
“Perhaps she could stay at the institute. Papa adores her” Lucie spoke, I  was so happy to see her enthusiasm unfold.
“I think your father adores any Carstairs.” Cordelia spoke and I smiled brightly at that. It was true. “Even my brother”
“I happen to actually like Alastair.”  I spoke and I saw the glare of betrayal on James’ gaze. “At least I feel like we bond over our constant whining and permanent coldness to everyone that isn’t ours.” I explained briefly and squeezed my brother’s arm discreetly. “You really have to love people like us to tolerate that.” I joked lightly.
“You are not constantly moody. I happen to find you amusing.” Cordelia spoke and smiled.
“Yes because I consider you from the people I can trust Daisy… Your people shall be my people…  that’s what the vow says. And with Matthew it is no different.” I unriddled my  thoughts to her and smiled.
“Means a lot to get that from the eldest Herondale sibling” Daisy smiled and made me laugh.
“it was fifteen minutes you know…” James groaned annoyed.
“Ohh shush little brother” I smiled at him and placed my head on his arm hugging him a bit. James turned at me but didn’t comment further only squeezing my hand.
“So how about I spent the day with my best friend…” Lucie spoke and looked at me and then at James.
“Alright, I will be ten steps behind like a train bearer. But I have to keep you within sight otherwise mother will kill me and then I will miss tomorrow’s ball and then Matthew would kill me and I would be twice as dead.” James spoke and I remained next to him. Once Luce and Daisy were far enough I looked up at him.
“I told uncle Jem about the vision. Did you talk with him?” I asked my brother.
“No but I requested a hearing.” He replied and looked down at me. “Thank you for sleeping at Lucie’s room. I know how you feel when you are not at your place with your things… Did you had any other flashnack other than the Devil’s Tavern? I mean at Lucie’s room or with the furniture and all…” He asked me as we kept our gaze to the girls that were speaking in front of us.
“No I did not. I am good. Honestly it is only my fear to not see something I cannot stand. I mean from the very first things I saw was Jessamine dying in our father’s arms, when I touched her doll house. Or aunt Ella dead when dad hugged me after that.” I explained briefly and James didn’t speak.
“You have never told me what you saw first.” He noticed and looked at me.
“Well… you know. Clockwork creatures attack at the institute, uncle Jem slowly dying, mom taken away, auntie Charlotte pregnant to Charlie trying to defend Henry and there is Jessamine and dad… He was already injured, and she took a hit for him.” I spoke up and took a breath. “I can feel the pain of the person I am seeing you know… this is why I have never touched Jem’s violin or the mom or dad.” I added and looked away for several moments.
“That is why you do not touch any of us. Right?” He asked, his voice was too quiet too heavy.
“No, I deny that because I am scared that I amy see the future and not the past. It has happened three times before…” I added before he could actually ask me. “Can we change the subject?” I asked him and looked at him. He looked at me and pulled me into a where where only the fabric of our clothes actually touched and I had to admit it was relieving.
“I haven’t asked you yet how is it going with that Bridgestock guy that has been around your tail?” James asked me and looked at me.
“Well he has been running around like Oscar and I ignore him with the absolute success although he doesn’t seem to accept ignorance for an answer. The worse that could happen is him asking my hand and me saying no.” I explained briefly. “This is why I practically danced even with Charlie at the last ball. Even he doesn’t like his fiancee’s brother.” I joked lightly. He didn’t comment further he only held my hand and squeezed it.
It was the night of the ball and I was getting ready as Anna and Barbara Lightwood were in my room, we all called each other cousins even though we were blood related only to Anna. Anna was setting Barbara’s hair steady. I came out of the folding screen wearing a gown, its decolette was queen anne styled and had the color of mahogany just like there was a layer of illusions on the skirt on the same color, the ball gown dress was maroon as the it was touching the ground. Barbara insisted that I let my hair down and she started fixing the curls and add some accessories, I was unsure which ones.
“Let’s make you shine more, shall we?”  Anna commented and opened the drawer of my makeup. I rarely used because I was too bored of that process.
“Do we really have to?” I asked her and raised my eye brows and looked at her through the mirror.
“You are too moody and glitter always fixes the mood” Barbara agreed and borrowed my brush to fix her hair. She looked prettier than anyone I ever saw. “Do you think Ollie will like the dress?” She asked us.
“Oliver would like you even if you wore the uniform of the Queens guard.” I commented as Anna told me to keep my eyelids closed. I could feel her applying something on the cup of my eye and then she was adding mascara to my eye lashes. She then returned to my eyes.
“She is not wrong Barb” Anna commented as she then added some blush on my cheeks.
“Owo, Y/N! You look breathtaking.” Barbara spoke adoringly and massaged my shoulders lightly. She was wearing gloves and I felt a shudder of relief as she did. They both knew of my issue and they were used to be attentive around my room.
I opened my eyes and I couldn’t help but smile. Glitter was indeed making everything look better and me included. “Anna, this is amazing. Thank you so much, both of you.” I smiled and got up making a turn.
“Awe your welcome kiddo” Anna spoke and tugged some hair behind my ear with storge. I looked at her. “And if anyone dares to comment anything. Oh just let me know.” She said as we started making our way to the ballroom when we heard noises from the game room.
“What if they call me ‘bohemian’? Excuse them it is not an insult.” I smiled and turned to see Matthew and James fighting over my father’s bouse.
“Bohemian?” James asked lowly. 
“What?” Math asked James “Oh Anna Have you been sent to fetch us? He then asked aagain sagging against my brother’s shoulder.
“If by fetch you mean drag you back to the ball room since I cannot really take care of all those girls?” Anna asked holding the doo, while I was on the corridor. Barbara waved at us and left to meet her fiancée and I took a step forward.
“And I am certain all those ladies are waiting for you three…”  I smiled as I leaned charmingly to the door frame. “Perhaps I could join?” I asked. I was only mocking them. I never knew a bit of glitter and some blush could cheer me up like that. Anna knows what she is doing.
“Owo… The bohemian…” Math spoke and his gaze was fixed on me, he was drunk again and I could tell.
“All prepared for the Ari’s brother I see.” My brother commented and I raised my eyebrow.
Anna looked at me and took my hand “Oh I didn’t make art on our Y/N to give her straight to him!” she exclaimed and looked at me. “I will dance with her. No one will be as pretty as my cousin” She smiled and I hugged her causing shocked expressions to the pair of parabatai.
“Speaking of art, you still have my coat.” Math commented as he carefully took my hand and we all made our way to the ball room
“I thought it was disposable.” I commented looking at him, his eyes were fixed on the glitter around my eyes.
“So you don’t have it? Shame, things touched by me are too precious.” He sighed as he was walking pretty straight for a drunk person. His fingers tangled around mine, he was only touching my glove, the only fabric less part of my body where my neck and collarbone, so I felt rather safe.
“Oh I have it. Therefore since your declaration of perish concerning the clothing I adopted it. Namely it is no longer yours Mr. Fairchild. I am incredibly sorry.”  I spoke, my tone was formal and I looked at him. My smirk was playful as I looked at him.
Math giggled lightly. “Very well miss Herondale, I am afraid you owe me the first dance of your night. It is the least you can do after kidnapping my precious coat.” He added and as soon as we got at the ball room I felt his hand on my waist pulling me against his body. His one hand gently held mine gently. I wasn’t left with many choices. I placed my arm around his neck. Despite my heels, I was still much shorter. I hadn’t realized how much taller than me he actually is. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach as I was noticing details on Matthew that I never had the years before. It was triggering an arrythmia that was oddly euphoric.
“All of a sudden you lost your voice Lina? Looks like there are more things that unnerve you. You just can’t get enough of my face” Math remarked as his voice was laced with a bizarre ounce of satisfaction. It was the moment I admitted to myself how much I like his voice spelling my name. It was true that I was never quiet around Math. I was seizing every chance that was given to him to be ironic or mock him just like I did with James.
“Don’t be flattered Matthew. I look up to you only because I am short.” I cameback with a smart reply. I had better moments than this one, I must admit.
“Oh, that’s the best answer you can come up with?” He asked me and suddenly pushed me into a small turn before pulling me back to him, once again slightly crushing to his body. I gasped.
“A little heads up the next time would be much appreciated.” I smiled at him and looked around.
“Who are you looking for?” Math asked me, he was curious and I could tell.
“They are looking at us.” I informed him, my hand twitched in his grip. I didn’t enjoy being the center of attention, even though I loved to dance. I could see freaking Rosamund commenting something to Catherine, it made my stomach twist.
“They are only looking at you.” He corrected me and I turned at him, my eyes wide in anxiety as I tried to maintain the rest of my facial expression as it was, casual. “Hey, they are looking at you because you look wonderful. And remember it is just us. You teaching me how to dance on the first ball we were allowed to attend.” He added calmly. It worked as I only had my complete attention to his lips and what he was telling me. I smiled. “There it is.” He smiled back.
We kept dancing smoothly to the music, it was indeed just me and him until I saw her… Grace Blackthorn. Soon in my optical space, I spotted my brother and tracking back to the beeline he left there was Cordelia left alone.
“Math…” I paused abruptly. “Go to her…” I spoke and gulped at the shock she felt. She was my age, I think, and she had never had the chance to attend such ball, hence she doesn’t know that this idiocy of my brother leaving her like that could turn to something scandalous.
“I can’t… I mean you-.” Math spoke and frowned.
“I wont be hearing the honey dripping from the crones for the first time, and I can handle it. You know it. It would be a shame for Cordelia…” I sighed looking at her. I was angry at James. I was to walk there as well when Aiden Bridgestock appeared in front of me.
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reality-exodus · 2 months
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch.5 The ball
Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x Herondale reader Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: mentions of seizure, violence, angst, mention of alchohol and drugs, sexual content, sexual harassment ( these do not apply on every chapter but they are sen through out the story )
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“Aiden… Good evening” I smiled at him faintly. Part of me regretted sending Matthew to Cordelia. Altruism is overrated at points like this one.
“Good evening Y/N, I saw Fairchild over your head, I thought I might come to your rescue.” He spoke up and I was so impressed at the constant delirium he was into. Thank god Ariadne was not his biological sister.
“Oh trust me there was no need” I maintained myself composed as he took my hand and brought to his lips. I smiled politely as he softly dragged me back to the dancefloor. I couldn’t deny.
“Perhaps tomorrow. You could come to meet my father, he would be delighted to meet you.” He suggested and smiled at me as we were waltzing around the ballroom.
“I am certain your father is very aware of my being. Besides, such meeting ought to be permitted by my family. And I believe they are rather busy right now. I am afraid this must be postpone.” I spoke up and kept my smile. My gaze scanned the room and I saw plenty of people speaking and dancing around me. I unexpectedly gazed Alastair Carstairs as Aiden was babbling.
“… So how do you like the Carstairs? I am sure you have heard about Elias, he is such a drunk. I am certain that he fairly is held in the Silent city.” He babbled and at the mention of the name Carstairs I tensed. “Excuse me, I just trust you so I express my thoughts rather carelessly.
“As a matter of fact us Herondales tend to adore the Carstairs and accept them as they are…” I started speaking as Aiden paused dancing.
“Ah then I am at the right place, May I still Y/N? I haven’t had the chance to catch up with her and it had been a year hasn’t it?” Alastair Carstairs commented.
“Fine by me” I spoke “We will talk later Aiden” I excused us as I changed partner for the second time. “Thank you, but how did you understand?” I asked.
“Well I saw that desperate scan to have an eyecontact. And you are also so bad at hiding boredom annoyance and such as.” Alastair explicated and looked at Aiden “I believe he was speaking to you about my father…” He spoke and I realized why he truly came and interrupted.
“Look Alastair. I know that Bridgestock isn’t only interesting at my charming smile. I do not know much about what has occurred with Elias, however even if I knew, be certain, that I would respond the same way.” I assured him. I was being wholeheartedly sincere with what I was saying. I disliked lying except if it was to prevent my parents from yelling at me or James. “I really meant that us Herondales tend to adore Carstairs.” I chimed lightly as I looked over and saw Grace and James waltzing.
“Well surly your twin has an odd way of showing.” Alastair commented and looked from James and Grace to Matthew and Cordelia. “But a Herondale saved a Carstairs yet again.” He commented.
“I like very few people of our kind that are not related to me by blood. You your mother and your sister are from those people Alastair. And despite of the Merry Thieves’ opinion I like you and frankly I can relate to many things. I am grumpy and moody all the time myself.” I added with an amused chuckle.
“Wow, that was pretty sincere indeed” Alastair spoke and a loud yell was heard as I felt a someone crush on us. I turned my head and saw Barbara collapsing right next to me, my glove caught on her earing and got off as I got her along with Oliver who carefully laid her down.
I kneeled next to her my hand automatically going to her neck to find a pulse. The feeling of my bear hand touching someone’s skin had my breath caught to my throat as I realized it late. “She- she has a pulse” I spoke and looked at Oliver. “She probably didn’t eat well” I tried to reason as I looked at him with an assuring smile.
“She needs air” Cordelia commented and looked at me. “Do you have a knife we need to cut the crochet, it is too tight.” She added and I nodded.
I stood raising my skirt to my knee, I pulled out a silver knife with a heron on its candle.
Anna arrived to the spot and looked at me and then Barbara, took the knife from my hand as I kneeled again next to her. “Let me.” She offered and brought with extreme gentleness Barbara’s body to her and gently cut off the crochet. I held Barbara’s face on the side with one hand that rested on her cheek as my other wiped the strands of hair from her face. Soon aunt Sophie was at the spot. I started feeling dysphoric as I only found out now that Barbara was awake.
“We need a stele. James?” Someone said, I think it was Thomas. I hadn’t noticed my brother’s arrival to the spot and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. I slowly turned at him. I must looked as bad as I felt. He immediately gave Thomas the stele and got my arms and pulled me up.
“Its happening” I informed him “Its going to be bad” I added and inhaled deeply as I felt that I was getting enough oxygen. There were very few times James was present when I was to have an episode. It was usually our father.
“Trust me I can see it” James informed me as his grip over me was getting tighter as I was starting to leave. All of a sudden I felt another pair of arms pulling my fully gloved arm above his shoulders. It was Math. Everything started going blank.
‘I looked to the bed next to me, it was Oliver, it was only a few moments until I saw people storming in and out. It was the infirmary of the institute and aunt Sophie was right next to me. I turned and looked at her she had tears in her eyes and stroked my face. I could see the fear and the love in her glare. She was aching more than I did at that point.
I was in pain. Stinging and penetrating pain, I needed to scream but no word would come out as suddenly my gaze froze. Aunt Sophie was crying, her woe was heartbreaking and She was screaming but I wasn’t moving, I wasn’t responding. I was trying to but I couldn’t. I started seeing her from  above, I was rising… And as it felt like I was flying almost to the ceiling I saw Barbara’s soulless body next on the bed…’
James Herondale
Matthew came to the other side of my twin hoping we would manage to get out of the ballroom before she could collapse. I was thinking plethora of stuff at that point like how we had together an episode, first me and after a few moments her. However, the dominating thought was what to do. I had been next to her when she had a heavy seizure only five times and none of them I actively assisted.
Before I could ask how she felt she collapsed, started shaking. Her arms and her legs shaking and convulsing, stretching and unstretching. Me and Matthew laid Y/N on the floor. “Hold her down, her head.” I exclaimed as I tried to stop her from injuring herself on the stone floor. I was above her body trying to hold her arms atleast
“I can’t” Matthew spoke as he moved above Y/N’s head and got her cheeks trying to  steady her. I turned to see her expression, her eyes were rolled back, her mouth was moving as if she wanted to speak, it was the vision I realized.
“Kneel and place her head between your knees it will help.” My father appeared and I couldn’t be more grateful as he got her arm. Matthew did as he was advised.
My glance was pinned on her face, it was only a few seconds later that the apples of her eyes were back, darting in terror as a groan escaped her lips as if she couldn’t breath. “Dad?” I thought for a moment it was my voice as I was seeking his reassurance as well, but it was Lucie standing above us with mother.
“Luce, its normal, can you tell me does she wear a crochet?” Our father spoke, his voice was incredibly calm as if his daughter was simply asleep next to us.
“No, she never wears” Lucie replied immediately, she was crying I didn’t need to look at her to know.
“Dad she struggles to breath” I exclaimed, I was panicking.
“She will, just keep her from injuring herself, it is almost over.” My dad spoke up “Matthew don’t be afraid keep her steadier.” He added and my gaze returned to my parabatai, he looked scared as he looked back at me. He was as terrified as me…
“She coughs blood!” Matthew exclaimed.
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reality-exodus · 2 months
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch. 3 Carstairs
Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x herondale reader Word count:1.5k
Brother Zachariah
I was invited at the London Institute once again by Will who, through out the year he was inventing the most incredible excuses to summon me here so we can spend the day together. cannot deny that it is my pleasure to spend as much time as I can here. With Will, with Tessa and the kids. I feel grateful for them but mostly when the phrase ‘Uncle Jem’ comes from Y/N, James or Lucie, I am happy that they don’t seem to be uneased or afraid by my somewhat disturbing appearance. I am a silent brother after all.
I assumed I arrived earlier than expected as I strolled down the corridor of the room. It was empty and quiet when the sound of my violin stroked my ears. It was Mozart and it came from my former music room, I used to spent endless hours there until Will would come and annoy me. It was honestly the best annoyance in the world. I knew Y/N was using that room as I gave her my violin and notes when I first witnessed her as a toddler. I taught her the notes and I am glad to hear she has gotten so far even without my teaching.
I paused outside the door and enjoyed the melody. I hadn’t heard music in so long that I simply wanted to enjoy its sound. After some moments I walked in and the girl paused. She was well dressed, even though her expression reminded me of Will when he was bothered by something and would bury himself under a pile of books before he would decide to speak with me. Y/N paused her movements and turned to the entrance, I was glad she smiled once she sensed my presence in the room.
“Uncle Jem Good morning.” She smiled, she looked grateful it was me. I don’t know if it was the fact that I was a silent brother or the common things she had with her parents that help me perceive Y/N, James and Lucie’s behavior better.
“Good morning Y/N. Please don’t stop, I haven’t heard violin… Since the last time you played.” I would smile if I could.
“Perhaps you want to play? I am using gloves either way...” She offered the instrument. She was prepared for the breakfast to welcome the Carstairs, my closest blood-related family. I could sense she was uneased and I knew she wanted to converse something with me. It was the same tone Tessa was using once she wanted to say something. I was glad my niece was trusting me with her issues more than her parents. I mean, I do know how pressuring and overprotective Will and Tessa can be first hand.
“No, my playing would be torture for close-by listeners. Could you play Mozart perhaps. Any symphony you know best.” I requested and sat at a chair.
“I know the 40th symphony. The one you have noted yourself.” She spoke before she touched the bow to the strings of my old violin and started playing. As the smooth sound of the symphony flooded the room my gaze wandered at the changes that had been done to the room I used to spent most of my time. The fireplace was lit, the small fire roaring and offering a warmth feeling inside the room. The piano was moved next to the door, there was a bookcase on the place where there was empty spots or furniture with white sheets upon them. Utterly unused. The side that was completely empty is filled with paint and canvases empty and with drawings. I saw many paintings, My gaze fell on the family portrait she copied. It was the first Christmas after me and Will had gone through our ceremony. There was Charlotte and Henry in the middle. On Henry’s side stood Jessamine, Cyrus and Sophie while on Charlotte’s side there was me and Will. Exactly six years before Tessa came into our lives.
Before I knew it the symphony ended and I clapped slowly. “Congratulations, you’ve come along way on the violin. And as I see with the painting as well. It is pretty.” I commented and she nodded as she sat down on the carpet in front of the fireplace. “Will we not join the others at the dining room?” I asked.
“Of course, I wanted to mention that I had a vision the other day… It wasn’t much. But you said I should mention when I go through it.” Said Y/N as her attention was more on the music notes than me. She was organizing them carefully.
“And what triggered it? What did you see?” I wondered.
“We went at the stupid Tavern the Merry Thieves go. And the server, she wiped some ichor from my face and I immediately realized I was being dragged out of my body. I only saw how she turned into a werewolf and how she turned her first wolf… And then casually woke up.” She summarized her recent experience with her charisma. Both twins presented to have an ability and both of them seem to dislike that and who could blame them. Tessa and Will worry and I am still studying on the mysticistic books that the City of bones hide. Y/N charisma seems to have multidimensional and controversial explanations while James’ is more difficult to gather intel about.
“Its alright, you did good to mention it. As I understand it was not that exhausting physically.” I made a regard and earnt a positive nod. “How about James? Did he have any incidents?” I asked.
“Look, I do not know if he will talk to you and on this matter I kind of trust you more on this than mama and papa… James disappeared during the battle of last night. We covered for each other to our parents. It was a close call for both of us and Math.”  Y/N spoke with uncertainty although I am sure it was because of the guilt she felt for speaking of her brother.
“Do not be concerned Y/N. I am sure James will come to me himself just like you did.” I assured her and she nodded. “Is there anything else you wish to share?” I asked her.
“No that was it.” She replied.
“Alright then I will be going. Thank you for the small concerto Y/N. See you in a while.” I greeted and left the room before I made my way to the dining table to find it empty, only cutlery and placed in perfect positions in order for the meal to be prepared. The library, I turned on my way. I opened the wide door and found them by the poetry shelves.
“Well well hello. Look who arrived early.” Will commented on my arrival. “You must have missed us.” He then added and approached me before he pulled me in a hug.
“Your invitation mentioned 8 o clock… But as a matter of fact I have missed you.” I spoke and slowly wrapped my arms around William.
“You seem skeptical. Do the Brothers treat you good or there is any issue.” Will asked and looked straight at my face. Even with my new features he could read me as could I.
“Will you needn’t worry about me. I guess I felt nostalgic. I heard Y/N play. I asked her to play something and she had my old notes.” I spoke with a heavy exhale and Tessa placed her hand on my shoulder. It was a painful feeling of nostalgia and melancholy that I never pondered of feeling again. Silent Brothers are not supposed to feel. But I do feel. I feel many things. Perhaps it because my cousin’s family. Cordelia, Shawna and Alastair are the only blood relatives I have left.
Will didn’t speak. I knew he was feeling this everyday.
“She grew to play just like you.” Tessa smiled at me, she was trying to ease the tensity, her gaze darting between me and Will.
“Indeed. I am glad my violin is being used and that the music room is filled with life” I explained and looked at them.
“Can you not say that you are needed here. In order to stay here longer. I am sure Brother Enoch wont need your assistance. James asked for you as well.” Will spoke and this got me a bit joyful.
“I could do that…” I spoke and placed my hand on Will’s shoulder when a servant walked in to bring a letter from Charlotte. With a quick glance Will read it and I saw annoyance and light anger to be sketched upon his features.
“What is it?” Tessa asked him.
 “We have to go to the Cornwall Gardens at the gathering that was arranged, Carstairs are already on their way there. Charlotte only found out, now as she said in the letter.” Will spoke up his voice rising as he threw the letter. “I am sorry Jem” He spoke.
“You don’t have to apologize. There will be time” I assured him.
“Now go tell your daughter that she will have to go outside.” Tessa smiled at Will and patted his shoulder.
“Which one?” Will asked and looked at us confused.
“Lucie will be more excited if we tell her that. Honestly William!” Tessa sighed.
“I will be leaving now. See you soon both.” I patted Will’s shoulder and left before the situation would get him angrier.
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mortalfaerie · 3 years
Better than I had Imagined (A.L.)
anna lightwood x (fem) reader
wordcount: 2563
synopsis: reader and anna have been exchanging letters for 10 months prior to you visiting the london institute for your work year with the london enclave. when you finally get to meet in person, the two of you make up for lost time. explicit smut.
You had been corresponding with Anna Lightwood for going on 10 months now. 
Being a shadowhunter native to New York, you had been able to acquaint yourself with the warlock Magnus Bane, who kept very interesting company across the world. Being a woman who enjoyed the company of other women, more than that of men, you had found the pockets of society in which these things didn’t matter as much, and you had met him there. By word of mouth, over drinks on multiple occasions, you had learned of the high warlock of London, and his partner, Hypatia Vex, who was known to hold court for one of the most scandalous salons in the eastern world, and of a particular shadowhunter who was a frequent visitor of this salon: Anna Lightwood. 
Anna Lightwood, who Magnus had made sure to mention, rather enjoyed the company of other women as well. 
After returning from London again, he had grinned as he placed a slip of paper into your hand that read in a feminine scrawl, “Flat 6, 57 Percy Street, London. Anna Lightwood.” You had gaped at Magnus, who gave a shrug. “She liked the sound of you as well.” 
You had returned to your family’s townhouse that evening and promptly written your first letter to Anna, and nervously placed it in the post at the institute the next morning.
Fortunately, mail came back and forth at a much faster pace for the nephilim than mundanes, and you had the response in your hands in less than a week. You had tucked it into your petticoats as soon as possible, and kept it close until you could return to your room and lock the door, and eagerly open it and read. 
Your face had flushed as you read. She was a bona fide flirt, and answered all your questions with questions of her own. You had read it over 3 more times before you penned your response.
Six months later, you had turned 18, and were asked to consider a work year in the clave of another city to learn. You had options- Los Angeles, Toronto, Vancouver, Edinburgh, and London. Naturally, you gravitated to the idea of London, but didn’t want to overstate your friendship with Anna, lusty as the letter you exchanged were. It was fortunate indeed that your parents were more or less supportive of you, so long as you were quiet about your preferences, because the letters you exchanged would verge on incriminating in the mundane world. Never had words that affirmed romance been exchanged, but she had relentlessly flirted with you until you timidly reciprocated, and had all but made love to you with her words. Still, you would not mistake lust for love.
In your next letter, you told her you were considering a work year, and it was possible to do so in London. With a sigh, you wrote directly that you would like very much to meet her one day, and would it be agreeable if you met in London, while you stayed there. 
To your delight and relief, she had written back not that she would like to see you in London, but she longed to see you in London. Shortly, you spoke to the head of the London Institute to arrange your travel and appointment at the London Institute. 4 months later, you had your bags in hand as you stepped through a portal to London. Magnus, who created the portal, accompanied you- he had a fondness for London, and thought it was suiting if he saw you to the person he had introduced you to all those months ago.
Anna knew you were coming. She had made a note in her datebook when you were travelling, and had written ahead that you should come by her flat later that day, after you had settled in. She checked her pocket watch for the third time that hour and glanced at the window again, this time stopping and looking again as the Institute’s carriage approached, and deposited a young woman at 57 Percy Street, with a letter in hand. 
She knew it was you. You had described yourself and, at her urging, sent a photograph. It truly didn’t do you justice- the black and white impressions never could- and without thinking, she opened the window and leaned out, calling, “Y/N!”
You stopped where you were and looked up, meeting her gaze with a smile. “Anna!” you exclaimed. 
“I’m on the second floor! Do come up!” she yelled back, and closed the window to go wait by the door. 
When you knocked, she opened and you both grinned stupidly at each other. After a moment you managed, “Hi.”
She grabbed your hand and pulled you inside. “Hello.” she said, her deep voice at once excited and sultry. 
Your hands joined, you kicked the door closed behind you and giggled. Anna’s eyes ran up and down, drinking you in. You flushed, admiring the sharpness of her cheekbones, her inky black hair, and her deep blue eyes, when they again met yours. 
“I have been waiting 10 long months to kiss you.” she said, her voice rough. “May I?”
You had only slightly nodded when her lips came down on yours, urging, needing. You gasped, fingers knotting in her hair, and arched your back into her when she ran her tongue across your lower lip, and you parted them for her. She moaned lowly, and pushed you back against the closed door. When your back hit it, she pulled away to look at you, as though to ask if you were sure about this. 
Having still lived with your family in London, you had never been with another woman, or anyone, in fact. Anna knew this, you had admitted it shyly in letters. Her eyes were hazy and when you found your voice, it sounded husky and foreign to you.
“I did not wait 10 months for you to only kiss me.” you said, heat crawling up your neck. 
“Then tell me,” she said, and used your hair braid to pull your head to the side, exposing your neck so she could kiss and suck there. “What else should I do?” she whispered by your ear, and the hair on the back of your neck stood up. She was teasing you, and ordinarily this would have annoyed you, but you were putty in her hands.
You squeaked when surprisingly, she bit the sensitive skin of your neck. “You have to use your words.” she said, and sucked at the skin she had bit, causing it to bruise.
“I- I want you to touch me.” you said, your head thrown back against the doorframe as she worked at your collarbone. 
“Oh?” She said, and drew back so she could look at you, still close enough that your noses touched. “Should I touch you here?” she asked, and moved one hand from your hip to the curve of your breast. “Please.” you murmured, and she smiled.
“How polite.” she mused, and grasped the hem of your dress. With her other hand, she pulled loose the tie that belted you simple cotton travelling dress, and fluidly pulled the garment up and over your head, leaving you in your petticoat, shift, and corset. With your own hands, you undid the ties of your petticoat, letting it fall to the ground. Anna hummed in approval, and bent to kiss you again, passionately, but surprisingly slower than before. You fumbled with your hands, pushing her suspenders off her shoulder, and undoing the buttons of her shirt. You got about 3 buttons down before she laughed, and pulled away to undo them herself. 
“It’s difficult to undo what you can’t see- at least, if you haven’t done it before.” she said, and winked at you. You would have blushed, but you felt you had exhausted that ability. All blood that could have rushed to your face was already there, making your head spin.
“There,” she said, and shrugged off the men’s shirt she wore so well. Beneath it, she wore only an undershirt, and no corset. You let out a soft noise like a sigh, and surprised yourself by pulling her back to you. As you kissed, you ran your hands up her arms- they were strong, firm, and laced with runes. She drew away slightly and said, her voice pitched low, “I’m going to pick you up now.”
You were surprised, but your voice was thick as you asked “Why?”
Her lips were grazing yours as she replied, “Because if I’m going to be your first, I’m going to take you properly, in a bed, not against a door.”
“Oh.” you said on a moan, as she bit your lower lip. As she said she would, she swept an arm under your knees and carried you, bridal-style, to her bedroom, and deposited you on the soft coverlet of her sheets before moving on top of you. She undid the hooks at the front of your corset and discarded it with ease, and you shivered underneath in a way that had nothing to do with the cold. 
With only your shift and stockings left on, you were eager to be rid of them, but not before reaching for the buttons of her breaches. Pulling away, she regarded you wryly. “You do know how this works, right?”
You narrowed your eyes in response. “Of course I do. I just think it’s a little unfair if I’m entirely naked and you’re not.” You added, lower, “I want to see more of you, Anna. I imagined it enough.” 
She obliged you, shucking off the trousers and revealing her toned legs. “By the Angel, you’re beautiful.” you said, unbidden.
Wonder of all wonders, Anna Lightwood momentarily flushed. Quickly regaining control of the situation, she gathered up your shift and pulled it over your head, leaving you lying beneath her in only your stockings, still fastened with ties above your knees. 
“I could not have imagined you better.” she said, her voice gruff, and trailed a hand from your hip up your torso, resting on your exposed breast and thumbing your nipple. 
You gasped involuntarily, and she grinned and bent to suck the other. You fisted your hand in her hair and reveled in the sensation, arching into her when she bit and sucked a bruise into the soft skin of your breast. Your hands moved to the hem of her undershirt, slipping under it and running your hands over the plain of her back, as you whimpered, “Please, Please.” 
She pulled away, an eyebrow cocked. “Please what?” she asked, teasing again.
You felt like fire was burning just below your skin as you said, “Please, Anna, I want- I want you to make love to me.”
The phrase hung in the air between you. You hadn’t ever said anything about love in your letters, and Magnus had been clear that Anna was not the committing type when he connected you two. Even still, Anna nodded slowly and said, “As you wish.”
She kissed you again, slowly and deliberately, but her right hand, marked with her voyance rune, made its way down your body and between your legs, thumb moving over your clit as you let out an unexpected moan, and she laughed briefly at your reaction. You felt the tips of your ears redden in embarrassment, but you dropped your head against the blankets below, unable to be indignant with all that you were feeling.
You felt her move under your hands, slipping down and off the bed. You looked up, concerned you had done something wrong. “What are you-” you began, and she rested her head on your lower stomach and shushed you. “I’m not going anywhere, don’t worry about that.”
You nodded, but your brow was still furrowed in confusion until she slipped below your field of vision and- oh. OH. Her fingers were replaced with the wet, hot pressure of her tongue, moving over you in ways you couldn’t decipher, and it felt like the whole world fell away. 
“Oh, oh God.” you moaned, words coming to your lips without thought, and spilling over in staggered, whimpering tones. “Oh my- oh, Anna.” You felt so good. You didn’t know it was possible to feel so much at once, and you would have marveled at it if only you were capable of thinking of anything but Anna, her actions, and how glorious it felt.
Unbidden, you laced your fingers in her hair where she was between your legs, and gasped as she slid two fingers in you. You let out a sharp cry in response, and she began to curl her fingers upwards, and you were gone. 
If you had thought you couldn’t have felt anything more intense than you had then, you were wrong. All thoughts were pushed from your head and your body shuddered. You said just as you thought, “Anna, Anna, Anna, oh, Anna!” as waves of blinding pleasure washed over you. When it receded and you loosened your grip on her hair, you were only vaguely aware of her pressing oddly gentle kisses to you thighs, before joining you on the bed. 
Your chest was heaving as you turned your head to look at her, and she had fixed you with the oddest, almost wonderstruck expression. 
“I love the sound of your voice.” she admitted. “I love hearing you cry out my name.”
You laughed despite yourself, and rolled so that you could better face her. “I will never, not ever forget that.” 
“Ah, very very good, then?” she grinned, and drew an arm around your waist. You pressed your face into the crook of her neck and inhaled the scent of her, now mixed with sweat and the lingering smell of your sex, and echoed her earlier words. “I could not have imagined this better.”
“You will have to tell me how exactly you imagined this before.” She said, and idly pulled your hair free of your braid, combing it out with her long fingers. 
You chuckled. “If you allow me to catch my breath and gather my thoughts, I’ll show you how I imagined it.” 
“Hmm. Tea first, I think. It has restorative properties, and I feel odd if I invited you for tea and never offered you any.” she said, now tracing the shape of your runes on your shoulder blade. 
You drew away and gave her an incredulous look. “You’re concerned about propriety now?” 
She raised an eyebrow. “I should think that I’ve been the height of propriety. I waited 10 whole months before bedding you.”
You laughed into her shoulder. “Was it worth the wait?” you asked. 
Her grip tightened around your waist and she nodded. “Absolutely. And, with your permission, I think I’d like to bed you again, and again, and again.”
“And what of your code?” you replied, recalling her assertion that she never seduced a woman twice. 
She brushed your hair away from your ear and whispered, “I had 10 long months to plan how I would seduce you, and now I have 12 months of you in London to exact those plans. Do not think for a moment that I will squander time.” 
You shivered in her grasp, and fisted the material of her undershirt in hand. She chuckled wryly. “But as I said, first: tea.”
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