#anne rice's immortal universe
secret-oktober · 26 days
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Just Armand and Young Daniel being fluffy and domestic for no reason at all, i'm on my period, i'm so emotional, i need some cuteness.
(I watched Talk Radio this afternoon, the urge to do something with THIS scene was too much to handle, hope you'll enjoy!)
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marishka · 2 months
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Interview with the Vampire Season 3 teaser: (x) ⛧°.⋆༺♱༻⋆.°⛧
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allegras-sunflower · 7 months
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hirikosaunders · 29 days
On a certain theory
So I am kind of annoyed at the 'Raglan James is in Daniel's body'. Okay maybe more than kind of annoyed.
First, I know people seem to have forgotten, because it seems even Anne retconned it herself, but 'The Tale of the Body Thief' literally, if I remember correctly, had the selling point that 'Lestat and David are either going to have sex or David will be turned' because at that point in the mythos vampires could not have sex, even after haven drunk from someone. In fact, in The Devil's Minion Armand makes Daniel have sex with people who end up wanting him. Actual quote, "And it was Daniel who must bed these unfortunates, if Armand could possibly arrange it, while he watched from a chair nearby, a dark-eyed cupid with a tender approving smile" So that seems to me to reinforce that vampires, at least then in the series, could not have sex.
Second, it was David Talbot, not Raglan James, and it was concerned with Lestat and all the fallout of his feelings from Akasha. So thematically it makes no sense. Also, again, this is Lestat's plotline alone. If I remember correctly Daniel and Armand are not even mentioned.
Third, yes Raglan does tell Daniel that he should be more afraid of Louis, hinting that Armand did keep tabs on Daniel and if so the Talamasca know and suspect he wouldn't kill Daniel, but they are not banking on that, even if it is true. Raglan tells him others have died, probably expecting the same of him. so why change bodies? How would it even happen here? Especially when we haven't yet been introduced to human powers to explain it? And Armand would know so if he did care for Daniel he sure as heck, in my opinion, would not save another mind in his body. He would likely go after the new body.
Fourth, 'Get out of there' 'Get out of there now' and Daniel runs to see what happened. Fear always secondary to the truth. Does that sound like something someone from the Talamasca, those who watch and are not of, would do? The body they would want someone in?
Fifth, does that interview at the end even seem like Raglan at all?? The way he talks to Louis at the end? Saying he is 'worried about him' when Raglan told him to be more afraid of Louis??? Like none of this makes sense?
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
Friendly reminder that both Jacob and Sam wants Monica Bellucci for Gabrielle de Lioncourt
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nancydrewwouldnever · 22 days
I am really trying to remember a Talamasca member this young, but then again it's been a long time since I read those books.
Wow, reading the character synopsis in that..... it really sounds almost like they're gender swapping Jesse Reeves and spinning her background a bit. But WTF would that mean for the "Great Family" storyline????
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allegra-writes · 1 year
"The Green-eyed Monster"
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"The Claim" Part VI
Armand x Daniel Molloy
Warnings: Destruction of private property as an aphrodisiac. Look, these two got issues and also are perfect for each other, alright?
It had been a stupid fucking idea. A shortsighted, imbecilic, juvenile, dumb fucking idea. But after three weeks, twenty-one whole fucking days, and nights of being holed up in one of Armand’s apartments with only his vampire lover for company, Daniel was ready to gnaw his own leg off. Surprisingly enough, there was only so long he could stay chained to Armand’s bed without starting to feel, well, trapped. So, he had asked, no, demanded to go out, to someplace with music, with people. Somewhere alive . 
Of course, looking back, he realized he could have worded his request a little better, Armand had looked positively startled by Daniel’s shouting, but the human was not about to acknowledge, let alone admit to this, not even to himself. Not after what Armand had done, was probably still doing, back in the club. 
No, Daniel very much rather freeze to death roaming the streets of some godforsaken Nordic country’s winter, cladded in just a pair of skin-tight jeans and a tank top, than to go back into the club and watch Armand get his face sucked off by some slimy businessman that liked to impress twinks by bragging about his Lamborghini. He felt nauseous just thinking about it.
Or maybe that was the booze, he had drunk a copious amount of akvavit, and while he wasn't sure of the alcohol content of the spicy drink, he could guess it was on the higher side. The cold air had managed to clear his head a little but did nothing for his blurry vision, or the acidic bile rising up his chest any time his traitorous brain flashed, in vivid technicolor, the image of the blonde asshole's hand on Armand’s knee, of his smirking face as he leaned closer to him to whisper fucks knew what in his ear. 
Wait. No, that wasn't the jealousy burning up his insides, no. He was actually about to get sick, managing only a couple more steps in the direction of the construction site he had the presence of mind to aim for, before he doubled over and, with a sudden retching, vomited all over the sidewalk. Maybe it was a good thing, after all, that Armand hadn’t followed him when he stormed out of the club, he thought as he was forced to brace on a pile of cinder blocks to push himself upright again. At least that way, he didn’t get to see how much of a pathetic mess Daniel was, shivering in his puke-stained wife beater, snot running down his nose as he cried his eyes out because of his serial murder of a… a… He didn’t even know what he was to the vampire. “Boyfriend” sounded so mundane, so unfitting for the ethereal, impossibly majestic Armand. Daniel ought to be thankful he even wanted to spend time with a disheveled, grungy brat like himself, ought to treasure every drop of attention he decided to bestow upon him, every touch, every caress. It was selfish and ungrateful of him to want more . Armand was too huge, too otherworldly for such a primitive human notion as monogamy. Wasn’t that how he had met him, after all? Literally stumbling into him as he and Louis cruised the bars for a threesome? It just hadn't occurred to him that he could be just as easily replaced. 
And wasn’t he such a jerk for it? For never even giving Louis or his pain even a second thought? So caught up in the euphoria of Armand to even consider the potential heartbreak he could be causing Louis? Granted, he had only met the other vampire once, but he had been… nice. Kind. Up until the moment he had attacked him, of course, but in hindsight he was kind of justified, Daniel was the other woman in this situation, was he not?
Fuck, what would his mother think of him if she saw him now?
Suddenly, he wasn’t as mad at Armand anymore. Daniel probably wouldn’t pick himself either. 
Oh, but that man… that sleazy rat currently holding Armand on his lap, he wasn’t all that better than himself either. After all, he had clearly seen them walking in together, had seen the possessive hand Daniel had slid into Armand’s back pocket as they stood by the bar waiting for their, well, Daniel’s, drinks. Yet he hadn’t hesitated to come and swept Armand away with tales of his luxurious new car, so modern and fast it looked more like a spaceship than a car. A Lamborghini Countach, he had said, as if that was supposed to mean anything to Armand. But it had had the intended effect, the vampire had looked infinitely more interested after that, forgetting all about Daniel as the man told him all about valves and cylinders and horsepower. A new toy to play with, the old toy lackluster and dull next to it. 
Daniel was already numb to the cold, still wallowing deep in his self-pity when a gleam at the corner of his eye caught his attention. There, a mere few yards away from him, all sharp lines and lustrous red paint, sparkling like a burning coal in the night, was a brand new sportscar. A quick look at the grilles confirmed it was the Lamborghini of discord, after all, what were the chances of two such cars parked in the vicinity of the very nightclub where some jerk was bragging about owning that very brand and model? In any case, those were chances that Daniel, whose double vision had gone as crimson as the car, was willing to take. 
He was almost regretful, as he grabbed one of the heavy cinderblocks he was leaning onto: Had the circumstances been any different, Daniel would have probably been all over the car, would have loved to take it for a joyride. But alas, things were the way they were, so he shook the thought away like an annoying insect, and continued his determined stumble towards it. With only a little difficulty, due mostly to the weight of the block of cement almost throwing him off his already precarious balance, he raised it, eye level, and sent it flying right through the glossy windshield, shattering it into a million shimmering pieces. 
A dark satisfaction washed upon Daniel, but it was short-lived, as Armand’s voice, knifelike and disapproving, cut through him,
“Daniel, what do you think you’re doing?”
For a few, seemingly eternal moments, Daniel simply stood there, petrified with his hand still up in the air. He considered lying until his alcohol-drenched brain caught up with the fact there was no use trying to deceive someone who could read his every thought as it formed. Deflated, he turned to face Armand, jumping back as he found the vampire standing just a couple of inches away from him. 
“Jeez, warn a guy next time” Daniel laughed, nervously, as his undead lover steadied him with an abnormally warm hand. 
"You are jealous" He whispered, tone almost reverent, amazed. "You destroyed the property of that man because you feel possessive of me"
Despite the cold, Daniel could feel the heat rising up his cheeks. He tried to pry his arm off Armand’s grasp, but it was unyielding. 
"Let go of me" He demanded. Armand simply smirked.
Daniel intensified his struggles. 
"Let me go!"
"Never" His lover breathed out, before grabbing Daniel’s face in both hands and crashing his mouth to his. 
Daniel hated it. He hated the way it sent shocks of electricity straight to his broken heart, instantly starting to mend it. He hated the way the taste of Armand comforted him, scratching an itch he didn’t even know he was feeling until it was finally relieved, like going hours and hours without a cigarette and suddenly finding himself with one between his lips, realizing that was what he was needing all along. He hated the way he melted into the kiss, like putty in Armand’s deft hands, reshaping him to his will. He broke the kiss, but all it did was leave Armand free to attack his neck, licking it up and down, scrapping at the long and taut column of muscle with blunt teeth, tearing an involuntary moan from Daniel.
“That- fuck!.. That’s cheating” He accused. 
“Is it?” Armand obviously didn’t care, as he flattened the palm of his hand to the curve of Daniel's ass, holding him in place as he ground their hips together. 
“You know damn well it is, you bastard!” Daniel growled, but kissed Armand again anyway, deciding to stop pretending that it wasn’t what he had been craving, what they both had been craving all night. The floor disappeared under his feet then, as Armand made use of his supernatural strength to manhandle him until his back made contact with something icy and hard. The vampire had him trapped against the side of the stupid car, firm thigh between his, rubbing against him like a cat in heat. He didn’t have to be ordered to start doing the same, giving into the feeling, the rough friction of the denim against the delicate skin of his cock. Armand always made sure to give him pants that were too tight for him to wear underwear. He enjoyed watching him squirm every time he moved, didn’t even try to hide it. 
“If you had behaved yourself, I’d be fucking you inside this car by now,” his demon lover spoke straight into his head, evil, wicked tongue busy doing something equally evil and wicked to that spot under his ear, “I guess now I shall settle for fucking you against it…”
“Wait, what?” it physically hurt to part from Armand’s warm body, but somehow, Daniel managed. “Boss, we can’t!”
“And why ever not?” Armand demanded, petulant as a schoolboy. Realizing the vampire thought Daniel was rejecting him, he made sure to soften his voice as he replied:
“Armand… I’m cold” As if on queue, a violent shiver shook Daniel’s entire frame.
“Right,” There was a faint look of surprise on his face, as if it had only now occurred to him that the sub-zero temperatures could be a nuisance for a human. Pupils blown wide and breathing hard, Armand took a step back, “Of course.”
He licked his lips, aware of the way Daniel’s eyes instantaneously zeroed in on the movement, a moth to a very dangerous flame.
“Then perhaps just the blood for now…” 
Felling the heat rise again, Daniel echoed,
“Just the blood?”
“Just a little taste” Armand confirmed, already leaning in, letting his unneeded breath nuzzle Daniel’s neck.
“Just a little- ah!” Daniel cried out at the exquisite pain of Armand’s fangs penetrating his flesh, the erotic, carnal pleasure flooding his veins as the vampire pulled his very life essence and took it for himself. 
Yes… just like that, don’t stop… More… Take it all…  
But the vampire was breaking the embrace, licking up the last droplets with the tip of his tongue, letting the wounds unhealed for once: A physical mark of ownership, a reminder that the human could fuss and run, throw as many tantrums as he pleased, he was still Armand’s . 
“If I am yours, then you are mine” Daniel murmured, resting his forehead on Armand’s warm chest as he bundled him up in his own jacket. He never noticed the way his lover’s arms froze around him, or that he had never uttered the words aloud.
“I noticed” Armand commented, casually, his nonchalant tone not giving away any sign of the turmoil his bright, exceptional boy had just stirred inside him.
“I don’t want you to make out with or fuck anyone else as long as you’re with me…”
“Then I shall not” 
Daniel stood up, looking into his… partner’s? That’s what they were, wasn’t it? Partners. Exclusive. Daniel searched his partner’s eyes for any sign of deception or resistance. He found none. 
“I don’t need anyone else’s touch, my beloved. Only yours.”
Daniel tried not to look too relieved.
“Good. that’s… good”
“Besides” Armand explained, a positively impish gleam in his citrine eyes, “I enjoy watching far more greatly…”
As always, Daniel Molloy had no idea what was coming to him.
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boomgers · 2 months
La memoria es un monstruo… “Entrevista Con El Vampiro · Temporada 2”
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La entrevista del periodista Daniel Molloy al enigmático Louis de Pointe du Lac continúa. Tras un intento de matar a Lestat, Louis y Claudia buscan a otros de su especie en Europa y encuentran en el París posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial al vampiro Armand y su aquelarre.
Fechas de estreno: 22 de julio de 2024 en Prime Video. 18 de agosto de 2024 por AMC.
Basada en la exitosa novela homónima de Anne Rice, la segunda temporada cuenta con las actuaciones de Jacob Anderson, Sam Reid, Eric Bogosian, Assad Zaman, Delainey Hayles y Ben Daniels.
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willowofoz · 1 year
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bayoubodycount · 8 days
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stella-grier · 1 month
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they are so funny 😄
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haflacky · 2 months
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Unbreakable bond
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allegras-sunflower · 1 year
Ok but just imagine if we get a glimpse of a yellow dress in the teaser? THEN WHAT???
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hirikosaunders · 1 month
Queen of the Damned
So for those who do know since we are approaching that time I just have to say that my favorite characters from the whole series are probably the twins, with Lestat not too far behind, so I am excited for their full story finally on the screen
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
I need Yetide Badaki to be Akasha
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brasilestat · 11 days
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“They could make each other laugh. It's a real relationship that has layers to it, and it's nice that you kind of get a glimpse of that at least. Sam and I have talked about how nice it would've been to have had a little mini-series where you just see Lestat and Louis just hanging out in New Orleans. And not even necessarily hunting, just like walking, sitting on a bench, chatting, really like the norm”
Jacob Anderson, 2024.
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