#anne-marie desplat-duc
adeleheu · 17 days
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i love you french novel for children <333
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tournoi-francophone · 11 months
Note: Les deux choix ayant le plus de votes seront conservés pour la suite du tournoi
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elmaxlys · 8 months
Saw an Instagram story game that was like "introduce yourself with one book, one movie, one album, one show" and I thought about it and of course overthought it... Do they mean like one of each I like the best and therefore define my taste in things or one of each that are similar to me/I relate to so that you can, like, get to know me through them?? Because for me these would be very different answers skskdjsk
Between Elantris, by Brandon Sanderson and The Last Olympian, by Rick Riordan // Un Corsaire Nommé Henriette, by Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc
Terminator 2 // Peter Pan (2003)
Feathers & Flesh, by Avatar // Fleetburner, by Fleetburner
Leverage // between Foot 2 Rue and Free!
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dontbesoevil · 3 years
tag game: get to know my interests
Queen of the tag games @faisonsunreve tagged me so here we go
fav genre?: According to my Daily Mixes on Spotify, French indie pop, Mandopop, classical music, OST, and 80s rock.
fav band?: Years and Years
fav solo artist?: Woodkid
last song you listened to?: 16 Psyche - Chelsea Wolfe (my housemate having control of the AUX cable, but also having good taste, so it’s okay)
fav decade for music?: Big fan of the 80s ngl (but love the vibes of a lot of more recent queer artists from the 2010s and 2020s)
top 3 most listened songs recently?: Beautiful Days by Venus, In This Shirt by The Irrepressibles, the broadcasting theme from the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
albums or playlists | bands or solo artists | slow or fast songs | lyrics or melody | rock or pop
fav genre?: queer fantasy, queer ya
fav book?: I don’t think I have one.
fav writer?: I think Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc, not necessarily because her books are the best (I do really like them), but because she consistently puts out books that I enjoy reading. Her and Pierre Bottero because what a master of words.
comfort book?: Ellana, l’Envol by Pierre Bottero, which I need to reread because <3
fav biography?: Marie-Antoinette by Stefan Zweig (which I really like, but is also the only biography I’ve read (or I guess They Called Us Enemy by George Takei also works as it is a memoir and it is also very good)
hardcover or paperback | standalone novels or book series | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | realism or fantasy
fav tv show/movie genre?: fantasy, period drama, queer stuff
fav movie?: Azur & Asmar and Howl’s Moving Castle
comfort movie?: see above
favourite decade for movies?: 2000s animation
fav tv show?: no clue, but if we take last year then it’s a close call between Gaya sa Pelikula and I Told Sunset About You
comfort tv show?: doctor who
5 favourite characters?: (i cannot choose between my babies, how dare. only selecting on per fandom, but you know) Nicolò di Genova (the Old Guard) (Yusuf is close behind), Jiang Cheng (CQL) (so many other people from that story are Very close behind), Spock, Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri on Ice), Fujisaki Nozomi (Cherry Magic) because not enough women in this list.
tv shows or movies | one episode a week or binging | one part or saga | horror movie or musical movie
Tagging @randomkiwibirds, @unacaritafeliz, @funyasm, and @astynomi (no obligation obvs)
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11, 18, 24 and 29.
Thank you for the ask ^^
11. What were your favorite books as a child?
Harry Potter by JK Rowling, Warriors by Erin Hunter, Les Colombes du Roi-Soleil (”The Sun King’s Doves”) by Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc, Les Orangers de Versailles (”The Orange Trees of Versailles”) by Annie Pietri, probably a lot of others I don’t have in mind right now.
18. Would any characters from one of your works go well with your others?
There Is No Map has two characters who are basically what Elysa and Adalyce from Allastra would be in that world. Also as older ladies.
24. Do you prefer first or third person?  Why? 
I like both, although I guess that since I like having multiple POVs, third person is easier to understand. (No it’s not because I struggle with finding a specific voice for each narrator, psht, how dare you assume that)
29. Which style/era of writing do you most fit in with? 
Depends on the genre, although I think the romantics would love my ten-mile sentences and paragraphs of self-realization.
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vivelareine · 5 years
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Reading Treasure: Book Thursday: 'Marie-Antoinette et ses soeurs' by Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc (February 2019) 
Introducing Book Thursday (on Reading Treasure!): a day for anything and everything books; reviews, highlights, and more.
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salutcavaouiettoi · 6 years
salut! je suis une étudiante americaine, et j'ai pris les cours de français ça fait 3 ans. Je veux lire des livres en français qui ne sont pas trop difficiles. tu peux m'en reccomande? merci beaucoup! (also could you correct this ask if you dont mind? i feel like this is really bad lol)
Salut! D'abord excuse-moi d'avoir pris autant de temps à te répondre j'étais très occupée par des examens!
So I’m a total bookworm who reads a lot in french, and currently I’m reading “Guerre et Paix” (War and Peace) by Léo Tolstoy in french, which isn’t the easiest book to read haha.
I could advise you to read some of the books I read as a child:- Any books by Daphné de Maurier that are quite good- L'étoile de Kazan by Eva Ibboston- Un sac de billes - Books by La Comtesse de Ségur: Les Malheurs de Sophie and Après la Pluie le Beau Temps for example- Books by Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc
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MBTI Book tag
Tagged by: @prossima-nebulosa thanks :D
This tag is a nightmare it’s like a music tag help
1. First things first, what is your MBTI type? I never can remember it and my friend who knows it for me is asleep, but I think I’m ENFP?
2. When did you learn to read? Idk around 5-6? Like most kids? My mom told me I learnt quickly though (at least, compared to my older brother).
3. What languages can you read in? Well I can read languages but can I understand? That is the question. I can read Russian and Greek for instance but can’t understand it. Otherwise, I can read and understand in French, English and Spanish (hrm).
4. What books are you currently reading or most recently read?
A book I picked myself: Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, but I haven’t read it in a while. I’m checking randomly a book about the Meaning of Body Language when I travel and I gotta read Le Spleen de Paris by Charles Baudelaire. 
If I’m being honest, I’m reading a Tododeku fic lately and this is a great one: Pulling the Wires, 19 chapters so far and you should totally check it out.
5. Name 3 books you never finished: Lmao that’s gonna be fun:
Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert) around 2013-2014 I tried to read this bitch’s story for 2 years and never could go over part II, can’t believe I got 19/20 on the test of knowledge of the book (thank you internet and quick online readings)
L’Enfant (Jules Valès) around 2010-2011 I studied an extract in class and Idk what happened I thought it would be interesting to read it and it was a mistake, I forced myself to read it but gave up half way the book.
Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe) 2016-2017 I believe I hated this book more than Madame Bovary and that’s saying a lot, at least I liked studying Flaubert, I couldn’t read past 30 pages of that horrible, horrible annoying and boring book (yes I’m harsh but it was such a disappointment)
6. What are your favorite books from childhood? I’m sorry what? Do you know how many books I read during my childhood??? I can’t say?????? I’m gonna give a few titles randomly but wow
The Golden Compass trilogy (Philip Pullman) 
Tara Duncan (Sophie Audouin-Mammikonian)
The Eragon trilogy (Christopher Paolini)
The Bartimaeus Trilogy (Jonathan Stroud)
Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)
Méto (Yves Grevet)
Les Colombes du Roi-Soleil (Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc)
Marie-Antoinette, les Jardins Secrets d’une Princesse (Anne-Sophie Sylvestre)
7. What are your current favorite books?
???? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME I can’t tell I read a few pages of The Three Musketeers  (Alexandre Dumas) and it was enough for me to say I love it already so I’m gonna say that for now, along with almost any of Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt’s books (closely followed by Bernard Werber but I haven’t read his works in the past six years).
Multiple Choice (bold as many as apply to you & add your own choice if you must)
8. Your favorite genres: Mystery/Sci-fi/Chick Lit/Young Adult/Horror/Nonfiction/Memoirs/Dystopias/Poetry/Self-Help/Historical Fiction/Fanfiction/Realistic Fiction/Biographies/Satire-Black Comedy/Philosophy/Fantasy
9. Your opinion on rereading books: I do it all the time/It has to be a really good book/I can’t stand it/I haven’t done it since I was a child/I only reread my favorite sections.
10. How long does it take you to read one book on average? So long. I got so slow. I’m reading like 2 books a year when I used to read 3 to 7 a month. I hate this. I can’t tell. But at least 2 months now.
11. How do you typically read? When I get on a trip, I always try to get back to books and read again! So it’s usually in transports. I tend to read fanfictions on my phone if I read something before going to bed.
12. How many books do you typically read in a year? None or 1/About 1 to 3/Maybe 4 to 10/At least more than 10/ At least 50/ Too much. I can’t keep track
13. For school assigned books, what type of student are/were you?
Before until last year: I read it in time, sometimes before. To make it perfect I made researches on the internet and Sparknotes.
Now: I’m always late, last time I worked on Illusions Perdues (Balzac) and analysed the whole part we studied without having time to finish it, this is horrible. Right now I should be working on Baudelaire but it’s so much better to be late ahah kill me Internet and essays of analyses save me.
tagging: @arosegxrden @abrokendawn @castorsbooks @dimancheetoile @saluzozette @lux-morningstar @chi-loves-keith @miss-littlegiant @petite-neko and anyone who wants to do it
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treflev-old · 6 years
- Notre-Dame- La montagne magique- Stories about trains…- The four sons of Dr. March I guess- either Narnia or HP or Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc’s books
First of all, how could you.Also I decided not to put Les mis and Dorian and books like that because… Everyone knows they’re good.
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dayofbeingwild · 6 years
1. Vie prolongée d’Arthur Rimbaud - Thierry Beinstingel
2. Une relation épistolaire
3. Le petit Prince - Antoine de St-Exupéry 
4. Vincent de l’Etoile
5. C’est un collection jeunesse, Les colombes du Roi Soleil - Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc
6. Bibliothèque personnelle
7. Le style, le style avant tout !
8. Car il parle d’Arthur Rimbaud...
9. Ana Satori
10. No. Never, I need silence. 11. No one.  12. Je lisais La synthèse du camphre - Arthur Dreyfus, le jour de mes 23 ans dans le train. D’une traite je l’ai lu. Je l’ai fini en apprenant la naissance de ma nièce. J’ai pleuré, ému par la beauté de l’Amour.
13. Ryō, le prostitué dans Call boy - Ishida Ira
14. La collection de la Pleiade
20. Hervé Guibert, himself.
21. Non, je les achète toujours.
22. Parfum d’absinthe - Achim von Borries
23. Mon père, mes soeurs.
24. Hygiène de l’assassin - Amelie Nothomb
25. Zola en général ?
26. Je suis mes préférences.
27. Librairie
28. La fin de la nouvelle mise en abime dans Hotel de Dream - Edmund White, terrible histoire que celle de ce banquier tombé amoureux d’un putain, terrible vraiment.
29. Plectrude dans Robert des noms propres - Amelie Nothomb
30. Arrete avec tes mensonges - Philippe Besson
31. Non.
32. Pour toujours Rimbaud et Verlaine
33. Dramatique !
34. Je n’ai jamais été effrayé par un livre. 
35. Je n’aime absolument pas.
36. Yourcenar c’est très pompeux.
37. Celui que je lis actuellement.
38. Parfois trop d’indulgence ?
39. Difficile, peut-être Rogue ? 
40. Oui, d’avoir été déçu, comme Sois près de moi - Andrew O’Hagan
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angelitam · 7 years
Partageons mon rendez-vous lecture #8 -2017 & critique
Partageons mon rendez-vous lecture #8 -2017 & critique
Voici ma critique littéraire de la semaine sur Livres à profusion, Leona, la fin justifie les moyens de Jenny Rogneby.
Leona la fin justifie les moyens de Jenny Rogneby
Je suis en train de me documenter avec Réussir son intégration professionnelle de Jean-Louis Galharret-Borde, on ne sais jamais.
Réussir son intégration professionnelle de Jean-Louis Galharret-Borde
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Je propose:
A comme Association, par Pierre Bottero et Erik L'Homme
Phaenomen, par Erik L'Homme
L'Autre, par Pierre Bottero
Les Colombes du Roi Soleil, par Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc
Thérèse Desqueyroux, par François Mauriac
L'élégance du hérisson, par Muriel Barbery
Ajoutés !!
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johnhaos · 6 years
treflev replied to your post “do i have any french-speaking followers who could recommend me some...”
Nothomb is great! There's also Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc.
Lots of people like Pierre Boterro too. I think he's French.
thank you so much! i haven’t heard of either of them but i’ll have a look :)
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11/11/11 Tag
I got tagged by @wilde-writing! Thank you!
1. What is your favourite genre to write?
Fantasy, of course! Gotta love being able to make up everything
2. Who is your favourite OC and why?
They’re all my baby and I love them all at least a little. But I suppose the crown has to go to Elysa here. She’s just so fun to write about.
3. Who is your least favourite OC and why?
Lecarys isn’t even in this book but I already know her and she’s fucking unbearable.
4. Do you ever find yourself self-inserting in your writing?
Nope, or at least never consciously. I mean, sometimes characters react like I would, but only if it’s in-character.
5. Are you hoping to publish your work? If so will you submit your work or self-publish?
I’d love to publish in the end, yes! And I think I’m more of a traditional publishing person. Call me old-school.
6. What is your favourite book and why?
That’s a great question. I’ve had faves and books I didn’t want to put down and books I didn’t want to finish, but I always love going back to Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc’s Les Colombes du Roi-Soleil series (The Sun King’s Doves). I’ve loved those books since I was a little kid and I always enjoy re-rereading them. They’re well-written and capture the setting pretty well, all the leads are cool girls with their own personalities... And I love me some historical fiction.
7. Do you set yourself goals in your writing? If so what is your current goal?
Yes, although I don’t always follow up on them. My current goal is to finish the first draft of The Key to Us by June 5! (And find it a new name).
8. Do you like to handwrite your drafts or type them up?
Type. I only handwrite them when I don’t have my laptop with me, I have a lovely little notebook just for that. And then I type all of it at the end of the day.
9. What do you think is the hardest thing about being a writer?
Finding the motivation to actually write!
10. Do you plan out your projects or just start writing?
Before I start writing I want a cohesive plan of the story chapter by chapter, and a plan of the chap I’m working on. I think there’s no point in starting if I don’t know where I’m going, I’d just get lost and lose my motivation.
11. Do you like to stick to one project or have multiple ones at once?
I used to work on multiple at once, and I didn’t advance at all. No when I decide to work on one I put the other on hiatus until I finish a full draft.
I’ll tag @desperatlytryingtowriteabook, @writer-jessicac and @cupcakeswriting ^^
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vivelareine · 5 years
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A new French children’s novel coming out in early 2019 from Flammarion! Marie Antoinette et ses soeurs (book 1) by Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc. [image credit: Amazon]
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Les Colombes du Roi-Soleil par Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc!
Merci ! C’est noté!
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