#anneliese WILL teach her no matter what
viennesewaltzes · 3 years
{ ♕ }. @dansk-dame ♥‘d this !
The sound of footsteps and loud counting echoed through the room in which the two women were currently dancing. Interrupted by a sigh, the counting stopped and so did the brunette’s body. “ I feel honored that you wish to learn how to waltz but please, keep in time.” Her tone was strict, her eyes focused on the tall woman with a serious expression.
Despite her seemingly severe reaction, Anneliese remained patient. In terms of teaching, ambition sparked in her making her determined to keep trying until perfection were achieved. However she realized that her attitude might appear discouraging if she continued her criticism. With a faint smile, she loosened up again. “ But you did not step on my foot this time. “
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renee-writer · 3 years
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Ceart-leth Arc 2 Chapter 10 Life Continues
The three days after their wedding are magical. Love is made. The future is discussed. They both continue the bond with their unborn child. While they existed in their love bubble, the Murray’s left for Beauly Castle.
Instead of leaving Wee Jamie with them, it is decided that he will go with his parents now, and new sister. He will return in the winter, after the harvest. This will give his Grandsire, the Duke and his uncle, His Lordship, plenty of time to start teaching him what he needs to know. Though the lad is but five, his education needs to start. All his family members are educated people. Claire has some issues with this but she kept her promise not to argue with her husband in public.
One night, as they lay together, Jamie rests his hand on her belly, an arrangement Anneliese had never aloud. Claire adored it and would always cuddle closer when he did. As he strokes her bump, he speaks to the baby in the soft rhythm of Gaelic.
“What are you saying?”
“Oh nothing,” he lowers his eyes as a grin appears on his face, “ I was just introducing myself and telling our child how much I love it and that I can’t wait to meet it.” He kisses her bump and then her cheek.
“Would you be  terribly upset if I gave you a daughter first?”
“Claire, a lad or lass either is fine. I just care that it is healthy.”
She cuddles closer still and falls asleep. He strokes her hair and says,” Is sibhse fuil m fhui Agus cnaimh mo chnaimh, that mi a toirt dhut mo chorp, airson gum bi an dihis againn mar Aon , thug mi mo spiorad dhut, an Reid ar beatha a dheanamh. Tha goal game ort mo chridhe a nis fois.”  He kisses her forehead and then belly again before enfolding himself around her.
“I love you Jamie Fraser.” She mumbles in her sleep. Her husband falls asleep with a smile on his face.
Brian sits in his study. He is pondering the situation with Dougal. The man was trying to start a war. One that is not needed. King George isn’t so bad. Not compared to King Edward Longshanks, Queen Elizabeth the First or, worst of all, Oliver Cromwell. That name sends a shiver through him and he crosses himself.
Something must be done. He rings a bell and Ned Gowan enters the room, with a bow. “Your Grace?”
“I need a message sent to all the Lairds of Scotland. We will meet in Inverness in a week’s time. I want this matter to end.”
“It will be done.” He pens letters to all the Lairds and riders are sent out to deliver them. The time to sort all this out, had come.
Brian pours a glass of whisky. A long night has started. He pounders bringing Jamie in.
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ginnyweaslays · 4 years
80 Books White People Need to Read
Here’s my next list! All links are now for Barnes and Noble! If you are interested in finding Black-owned bookstores in your area, check out this website: https://aalbc.com/bookstores/list.php ; I also have additional resources regarding Black-owned bookstores on my Instagram (@books_n_cats) if you are interested! As always, please continue to add books to these lists! ((please circulate this one as much as the LGBT one, these books are incredibly important)).
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
Killing Rage: Ending Racism by bell hooks
Where We Stand: Class Matters by bell hooks
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks About Race by Jesmyn Ward
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice That Restores by Dominique DuBois Gilliard
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forget by Mikki Kendall
Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces by Radley Balko
Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People by Ben Crump
The Black and the Blue: A Cop Reveals the Crime, Racism, and Injustice in America’s Law Enforcement by Matthew Horace and Ron Harris
From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America by Elizabeth Kai Hinton
Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Y. Davis
They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America’s Racial Justice Movement by Wesley Lowery
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson
A Promise And A Way of Life: White Antiracist Activism by Becky Thompson
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
Disrupting White Supremacy From Within edited by Jennifer Harvey, Karin Ac. Case and Robin Hawley Gorsline
How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race by Beverly Daniel Tatum
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice by Paul Kivel
Witnessing Whiteness by Shelly Tochluk
Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race by Derald Wing Sue
Towards the Other America: Anti-Racist Resources for White People Taking Action for Black Lives Matter by Chris Crass (be advised, this came out in 2015 and is not up to date with current events obviously)
Understanding White Privilege: Creating Pathways to Authentic Relationships Across Race by Frances Kendall
The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit from Identify Politics by George Lipsitz
Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving
How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood by Jim Grimsley
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi
White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son by Tim Wise
Benign Bigotry: The Psychology of Subtle Prejudice by Kristin J. Anderson
America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America by Jim Wallis
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We Say and Do by Jennifer L. Eberhardt
Raising White Kids by Jennifer Harvey
Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi
The Guide for White Women who Teach Black Boys by Eddie Moore Jr, Ali Michael, and Marguerite Penick-Parks
What White Children Need to Know About Race by Ali Michael
White By Law by Ian Haney Lopez
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
My Soul Is Rested: The Story of the Civil Rights Movement in the Deep South by Howell Raines
Race Matters by Cornel West
American Lynching by Ashraf H.A. Rushdy
Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-Create Race in the Twenty-First Century by Dorothy Roberts
White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism by Kevin Kruse
This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color edited by Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua
Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla F. Saad
Racism Without Racists by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit From Identity Politics by George Lipsitz
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment by Patricia Hill Collins
When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Inequality in Twentieth-Century America by Ira Katznelson
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde
Habits of Whiteness: A Pragmatist Reconstruction by Terrance MacMullan
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Brittney Cooper
Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America by Melissa V. Harris-Perry
Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown
An African American and Latinx History of the United States by Paul Ortiz
Blueprint for Black Power: A Moral, Political, and Economic Imperative for the Twenty-First Century by Amos N. Wilson
The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood by Tommy J. Curry
Freedom Is A Constant Struggle by Angela Davis
Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde
Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America by James Forman
The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism by Edward E. Baptist
The Price for Their Pound of Flesh: The Value of the Enslaved, From Womb to Grave, in the Building of a Nation by Daina Ramey Berry
Slavery by Another Name: The Re-enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II by Douglas A. Blackmon
The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America by Khalil Gibran Muhammad
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein
The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit by Thomas J. Sugrue
From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America by Ari Berman
One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying our Democracy by Carol Anderson
Antiracism: An Introduction by Alex Zamalin
The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing by Anneliese A. Singh
Chokehold: Policing Black Men by Paul Butler
Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul by Eddie S. Glaude
Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America by Michael Eric Dyson
Things That Make White People Uncomfortable by Michael Bennett
When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors
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mattchase82 · 3 years
What Lucifer said:-
"I want to conquer the earth for myself. In the meantime, I make a rich booty. I am filling up my kingdom. I take whatever I can take, I must convince you of this".
"The majority have abandoned the Nazarene. How foolish! Those still faithful are a small flock".
"I took Judas with me! He is always at my service. He is damned. He could have saved himself, but he has not followed the Nazarene".
"The enemies of the Church belong to us".
"O, if you had an idea of how things stand below! The visionary children of Fatima have seen it. If you had an idea..... you would be on your knees day and night at the tabernacle. I had to say it because the High Lady compels me to". The 'High Lady' refers to Our Lady.
Fr Renz asks Lucifer - "You are responsible for heresies, eg those of Kung!". Lucifer replies - " Yes and we have still more".
Lucifer said - "The priests should say that I exist. Or else they will all go down!"
Today, hardly anyone believes any longer in the Immaculate Conception. And the Church? At present, most believe it is only a community. The modernists are killing it evermore. We are hard at work at this, and we throw much poison into the Church, so it might be discredited. By now, those who believe in the Church and are faithful and believe in Her [teachings] are very few. The rosary? They think it is "modern". Many believe that after life, everything is finished. These are very many, and they live accordingly, because they do not pray any longer. Sins reach Heaven: but the thing will not last long. The one of 1917 [the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima] said it. But only a few have listened to her. Death, tribulations, and famine, O yes, they will surely come again!”
What Judas said:-
"I am damned for eternity! You careless people, if you could just imagine what it is to be damned for eternity! I am damned!
"I will not come out of the girl. Down there, it is too tormenting".
"If people knew what was in store for them by not going to church! It will fair them extremely bad".
"These modernists are the result of my work and they already belong to me".
"They no longer obey the Pope in Rome. It is the one in Rome who still keeps the Church going".
"Humanae Vitae is also with no result. It is useless"
"The religious in monasteries watch TV and don't pray enough, do not kneel down and they extend their paws (ie, receive Holy Communion in the hand).
What Cain said:-
"I have killed my brother. I am burning"
What Hitler said:-
"Men are so beastly stupid! They believe that after death all is finished. But life goes on, either up or down"
What Father Fleischmann said:-
"I was a priest at Ettleben. I am damned. It is horrible down there. Judas pulled me down there".
" I am damned because I fulfilled my duties very badly"
"I have killed 1 person and I had women".
"I prayed too little. I was always in a hurry to finish my sacred duties. Now, I am down there languishing for eternity".
"No priests should marry".
"If the bishops did not permit communion in the hand, this would not have happened" (this refers to consecrated hosts being sold).
What Nero said:-
"You should follow the message of Fatima!"
"Humanae Vitae is decisive, the whole Humanae Vitae!"
"The rosary should be recited, or else it is the end!"
Fr Renz asks about Bishop Lefebvre. Lucifer replies, "Ha! That one! But they don't believe in him. What a pity".
Miscellaneous things the demons said:-
"The modernists are killing the Church. We are hard at work at this".
"No one speaks any longer of us, especially the parish priests".
"The bishops are so foolish as to believe the theologians like Kung rather than the Pope."
"This is the month of the rosary but very few recite it, because the parish priests think it's not modern. They are so foolish! If they knew its importance! It is a strong weapon against Satan and against us."
Nero said, "The Dutch bishops are heretics. They have become unfaithful to the Pope!"
"Catholics have the true doctrine and they run after the Protestants like prostitutes!"
"There in the synods, they continue to deliberate. The bishops already know what they should do. There would be no need of synods if they followed the Pope. For them the Pope is foolish! They are those who let that thing (the host) be given in the hands!"
"The doctrine is falsified in the Church!"
"Many do not go to church any longer. No one kneels down to the Blessed Sacrament. And the Church is not doing well since the time it was founded. The churches are so modern! The Nazarene and His Mother are now attacking!"
"People should go to confession".
Judas says, "The giving of Communion in the hand was my work".
"Holy water should come back to houses! Also, the crucifix should return to its place in the home".
"The Holy Face should be venerated!"
"It is very important to pray to St Joseph. Rather it is most important!".
"If the message of Fatima is not given due importance and Humanae Vitae, a new punishment will come".
"It won't last much longer. The chastisement is coming".
"The contents of the audio cassette must beforehand be made public. Many will yet be saved."
"Guardian angels are day and night near you, behind you. Today people do not believe in guardian angels. Guardian angels are my enemies. I hate them."
Nero said, "Abortion is homicide"
Lucifer said, "The apparitions of San Damiano and Montechiari are true. The Church did not approve them, but this is the fruit of our work."
Judas said, "People standing during Holy Communion pleases me more than kneeling. I do everything possible that no one be on his knees."
In 1975, Judas also said, "We are very happy with the new reforms. We are most happy with these changes."
The Priest asks, Where to the Embryos go when they are not baptized? Not to Hell? NO!!!
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barnesbabee · 4 years
[this is just me letting out my feelings, you don’t need to read]
Barbie, Bratz and Monster High is so much more than people make it out to be... People always look at it as these girly cartoons and movies... It takes girls out of their stereotypical image, cause when has barbie ever needed a prince? He was there, sure, but Genevive stood up for her sisters alone. Odette saved herself alone cause the prince was too dumb to realize he wasn’t dancing with the real Odette. Anneliese got out of jail by herself and the person that helped her take down the bad guy was Erica, not the prince. There wasn’t even a relevant man in the crystal palace, it was just about friendship. Not even mentioning that in fairytopia 2 barbie saves the man and everyone else with the help of another woman. The only useful dude in all of these movies is  Bibble. Barbie shows women and little girls they can be whatever they want, that they can be strong, independent and that they can be themselves no matter what others might think. It’s not just a girly show.
Bratz taught us so many times that friendship has no boudaries. Jade is half-chinese, Chloe is white, Sasha is black and Yasmin is latinx. Bratz is one of the most inclusive children’s cartoon I have ever seen, it teaches us about our dreams, about being strong and confident and not giving up.
Monster High has the clearest message out of the three: we’re all different, and you should love that. Each student is the daughter/son of a different monster, they’re all extremely different, yet there’s no discrimination. Monster High highlights how each of us works differently, how each of us has different looks and personalities that need to be taken into account (take for example Cleo and Draculaura, they’re in the same group of friends yet you couldn’t find people with personalities as divergent as theirs). It also speaks with the differences in relationships, in instances Lagoona comes from salt water, while her boyfriend Gil comes from lake water or whatever the fuck it’s called in english. Their parents didn’t consent to their relationship, but they remained true to themselves.
It’s important to be able to see these messages, and I feel like us, as girls, were so lucky to have empowering messages like these as we grew up, yet we didn’t realise it. That’s not a bad thing however, because we were influenced by them unknowingly. How many of us haven’t dreamt of being as stylish as bratz? Did any of us ever hate any of the Bratz for having a different skin colour? Did any of us miss a prince, or a lover in a barbie movie? did we ever dislike anyone from monster high for being different? of course not, that would be silly, because they’re all different. 
We were so lucky, there are other shows like Winx that play a lot with friendship and ethnicity as well, but these were the main ones from my childhood. It’s a long post, I know, but when I say I love these, I really mean it, because they had a huge impact in me, because evevn though I might have been in the ‘cool clique’ when I was in high school, I spent a lot of time alone when I was a kid because I wasn’t exaclty the most popular one as a child....
If you’ve made it this far, thank you I hope it made sense and I hope it wasn’t boring, it’s very out of the blue ik, but still... all the love!! 💖💖
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001 Barbie! xx
As you wish! They’ll mostly be from Barbie movies but I’ll probably include other Barbie media as well
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
I guess it’s obvious, but Erika’s always been #1 in my heart. She’s brave, loyal, and on a personal level got be through a lot of rough times. But if I had to choose another, it would be a tie between Starlight (Barbie of Para-Den) and Mariposa.
Least Favorite character:
Probably Ryan from Life in the Dreamhouse. He just won’t shut up about how much Ken sucks and how cool he is and how he’ll steal Barbie away. At least most of Raquelle’s shenanigans were about proving she was better than Barbie in general, not just as a romantic partner. Plus she was way funnier and *gasp* showed remorse every once in a while. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
1. Every combo of the Princess and the Pauper OT4 (Julian x Anneliese x Erika x Dominick) because they all work so no you can’t make me choose!
2. Every combo of the Mariposa OT4 (Willa x Carlos x Mariposa x Catania) because again I ship them all so you can’t make me choose!
3. Starlight x Sal-Lee. I mean it’s a classic “tough girl lets her guard down for this one person” idea that I adore, plus through Starlight Sal-Lee ends up opening up to everyone else as well, meaning she’s taking influence from Starlight. I also think they just have a lot of good chemistry. I wish SLA had it sequel so we could see more of their interactions.
4. Tori x Keira x Liam. I think I actually like this one more than Anneliese x Erika because they get so much more time together onscreen. And omg that time together is just oozing in adorable interactions. The winks, the sly smiles, the gushing, it’s just too cute. I also just think Liam is so sweet with Keira and you can tell from the “Perfect Day” montage and the scene with Tori in the carriage that he really loves Keira’s company. I like to think that Keira ends up casually dating both of them for a while - because she’s a BICON! If you really wanted me to choose just one between them though, sorry Liam, but I’d be Troi x Keira all the way.
5. I’m including Summer x Raquelle here because like I’ve said before I love the chaotic energy they’d have. I think if they ever got together Raquelle’s ambition combined with Summer’s competitive nature would lead into hilarious schemes of proving that there's "obviously" the best couple and Summer getting all defensive if Raquelle’s goals aren’t going her way.
Character I find most attractive:/
I have to admit, I think George (Dreamhouse Adventures) is pretty handsome. I think I just have a thing for men with dark hair and glasses.
Character I would be best friends with:
Oooh, so many to choose from! Okay, if I just pick one it would probably be Marie-Alicia (Alice). We’re a lot alike in some ways, shy about our passions, softspoken but not afraid to throw down, and struggling with confidence issues. I would love to spend calm afternoons with her sitting by the windows in Millicent’s Fashion House, working on my latest videos and musical aspirations while she worked on new designs. And then maybe we’d go for dinner or coffee and treats after!
a random thought:
I’m don’t think I’ll ever be over Barbie Live! In Fairytopia and Barbie LIVE! The Musical being limited releases with no proshots (proshot just means filmed musical/play). I mean come on even BARNEY had a proshot for one of his shows, so why not Barbie too?? Not only would everyone have gotten to see it but it would’ve helped to make back money for the production as well.  
An unpopular opinion:
I love ALL Barbie movies and I don't think they "went downhill" after Three Musketeers. Sorry y'all.
My Canon OTP:
Barbie x Ken because I’m basic but I mean can you blame me??? They’re adorable in Life in the Dreamhouse, and I’m actually loving the slowburn in Dreamhouse Adventures despite how overused the trope is. They’re just so comfortable with each other and it’s clear how strong their bond is, even just as friends. Love them. 
My Non-canon OTP:
Merliah x Kylie but honestly, you can’t convince me they aren’t canon. I mean come on, Merliah has NO male love interest and Kylie and her are a classic “rivals-to-lovers” trope. They kind of remind of me of Annika and Aidan at the beginning of Magic of Pegasus actually, because those two idiots were really trying to hide any attraction with snark and it just didn’t work. That’s how I see Merliah and Kylie; they pretend to be all tough and dismissive because neither wants to admit they’re actually head over heels. Plus I mean Kylie almost DIED to protect Merliah and the whole ocean, could you really blame me for shipping them after that?? Aw man they’re one of the best f/f ships out there. 
Most Badass Character:
I’d say of all the badass characters in Barbie, I’ll choose Rosella. She learned how to provide for herself on the island, she can *parkour* (lol), and most importantly she never gave up trying to help Apollonia’s animals no matter what. Even when everything was against her, she stood up for what she knew was right. Also, she never said one bad word against Luciana. I know that may not seem like much but too many movies with love triangles pit the women against each other and I’m just not fond of that unless one of them is supposed to be really nasty or villanous.
Most Epic Villain:
I’m going with Preminger because he honestly scares me. Similar to someone like Adagio Dazzle, he’s almost always one step ahead and easily molds the situation to fit his needs. Every time a wrench is thrown into his plans, he finds a way to adapt and continue being the one in control. He’s undoubtedly clever and cunning.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
i know I’ve said this before but UGH Kara/Super Sparkle x Wes Rivers. I don’t care if he’s supposed to be her “Lois Lane”, he’s a wannabe newshound who exposed her identity without a second thought to boost traffic to his blog. That is the NUMBER ONE thing you do not do to a superhero because it can and WILL endanger not only the life of the hero herself but also anyone she knows. He’s not a journalist, he’s just a one-man papparazzi with a phone instead of a camera. Absolute worst Barbie movie love interest.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Barbie in Puppy Chase. First, she brings the puppies with them to Hawaii for no good reason. Seriously, there’s a lot of work that goes with bringing pets on a plane, so unless it was Chelsea that begged her to take the puppies, which I seriously doubt, there was no reason to waste any time/money on doing that. Secondly, she didn’t reserve a car beforehand. That’s...just common sense. Third, she completely ignored Chelsea every time she said that it was HER trip, for HER competition, and SHE wanted to go straight to the hotel. There was time to see the horses and whatever else, sure, but they should’ve done it AFTER checking in at the hotel. Not to mention, what if their room had been given to someone else because they were no-shows? This movie just made Barbie look like an insensitive idiot and I can’t forgive that.
Favourite Friendship:
One of my favorites is definitely Erika Juno and Princess Olivia. I made a longer post about it a few years ago. I really like how they teach each other and how they grow thanks to each other’s influences.
Character I most identify with:
Right now, Starlight & Erika. I’m jittery, unfocused, and at times really unconfident. At the same time, I also feel trapped inside and music is really my escape from both the world and my own sorrows.
Character I wish I could be:
When I get older, I hope to be like Aunt Millicent - the “cool” aunt that inspires her siblings’ children, like how Millicent inspired Barbie to be a strong woman. I mean I’dl ike to be inspiring to my own children as well, but I chose Aunt Millicent specifically because I’m not sure if I myself will ever be ready to have a child, so right now I’m preparing more for being the best Aunt I can whenever my little sibs have kids.
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The Tutor’s Son (ch 1)
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Fandom: Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Pairing: Anneliese x Julian
Rating: G
Summary:  Duty or love; which would you choose? •♡• Anneliese is living the life of a princess: attending important events, going to council meetings, and being trained by her mother to take the throne one day. Then a childhood friend comes back into her life and she is faced with a difficult decision: Duty or love?
(read the whole story)
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"Your mother would like to speak with you, Your Highness."
I looked from my book to see Thompson, one one the guards regularly on duty. "Thank you, Thompson," I said, putting down my book. "Do you know what it's about?" I walked towards the door.
He shook his head.
In the throne room, Mother sat on her throne with two men on her right. One was my tutor, Mr. Cobbler, and the other was a young man who looked vaguely familiar. He watched me as I approached them, seemingly recognizing me.
"Good morning, Mother," I said once I had reached them. "And good morning, Mr. Cobbler."
Mr. Cobbler smiled, but looked tired. "You remember my son, Julian."
Julian! Suddenly I realized why he looked familiar. "Of course!" I said, turning to him. "My, it has been a while, hasn't it?"
He smiled back at me, although a bit nervously. "It is nice to see you again, Your Highness."
I would have to tell him not to call me that, but not here in front of my mother.
"As you know," said Mother. "Mr. Cobbler is planning on retiring and I have deemed his son as a suitable replacement."
I turned to Julian in surprise, he wasn't that much older than me, was he?
"I just finished university, Your Highness," he said quickly. "And I realize that I will probably not be able to teach you very much more the  you know already, but I will be able to supervise and help you as you pursue your studies on your own."
I couldn't help but smile at that. Julian had always been quite wordy as a child, but now he was practically eloquent. "That sounds perfect," I said smiling and turning to Mother, who looked satisfied.
"Lovely, that's settled then." She turned to Mr. Cobbler and Julian. "Would you join us for dinner this evening?"
Mr. Cobbler bowed his head. "We wouldn't want to intrude, Your Majesty," he said quickly.
"It wouldn't be intruding at all, Mr. Cobbler," I said. "It's quite a casual affair, and you two are practically family."
"It is the least we can do after all of the years you have worked here," my mother added.
"Very well," Mr. Cobbler conceded.
"You will be coming well, Julian?" I said as they were turning to leave. "I would very much like to catch up."
He smiled nervously again. "Of course, Your Highness, I would enjoy that."
As he and Mr. Cobbler left the room, Julian glanced and I smiled.
Mother looked happy. "It will be nice to have that boy around again. You two have always gotten along and I like him very much."
I nodded in agreement but couldn't help but think that he was not really a boy anymore. The Julian I knew had grown up.
That afternoon, I had a bit of a hard time keeping my mind on my books. My mind kept straying to memories of Julian and I when we were children. We would run in the gardens and explore the castle. Once we even splashed around in the fountain, although neither of our parents were very pleased with us afterwards.
I wondered what he was like now. Clearly, he was well-educated and eloquent, but was he still the kind, loyal Julian that i remembered? The boy who loved puzzles and mysteries and always protected me, whether it was from the mud that would have surely given our capers away, or from the geese that so frightened me when I was small.
Closing my book because clearly I was not getting any reading done anyway, I redirected my gaze to the window that looked out over the garden. Two figures stood near the rose patch. As they walked nearer, I saw that the one man was Thomas, the head gardener, and the other was... why it was Julian.
They took leave of each other and while Thomas headed back to the garden, Julian stood still for a moment. He looked around, his eyes gliding over the castle. Too late I realized he would see me seemingly spying on him. We locked eyes for a moment and I quickly waved at him. He hesitated a moment, but then waved back.
Julian knew he shouldn't be so nervous around the royal family, but he did. He felt so out of place here, like he didn't quite belong. It was all well and good when he was a child, running up and down the halls like it was nothing, but now he had grown up. Now he knew about royal protocol and had responsibilities.
Normally he would have gone up to the royal library. Libraries always soothed him, but she was there and he wasn't quite sure how he felt about her yet.
So, instead, he walked the halls, reacquainting himself to the familiar castle.
Apparently she was very bright, the princess. He had heard that a lot from his father. This only served only to make him more nervous at the prospect of teaching her.
But really none of that would matter if he kept feeling so darned nervous around her!
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elysianjeonghan · 7 years
Summer Job Series (svt) -  babysitter!seungcheol
This is my first ever scenario but I hope you like it !!!
you can’t say you love babysitting
it’s not that you were bad per se, it just that you couldn’t really handle all the energy
you had younger twin brothers, who were cute and all ,,, until they steal your stuff to see if they can sell it to buy more action figures
they were eight and running everywhere, messing with everything, and it was just too much 
your parents never let you babysit them by yourself cause they knew you couldn’t handle it
and thank god cause even you can’t trust yourself with taking care of them 
but also wow I’m in college, I can’t even take care of my brothers smh
your parents were having a dinner party with the parents of the twins’ friends
so basically wine sipping adults and six year olds running around everywhere ,,, great 
it seemed fine cause all you had to do was help set up then you could stay in your room away from the mess 
your parents call you down from your room and tell you that the adults wanted to go out for karaoke ...
and you’re like no, nonononono you can’t leave me alone I cAnt evEN taKE CaRe oF mYseLf!!!! LET ALONE 5 KIDS
and your parents are like pls chill, our regular babysitter (who you were pretty good friends with) can’t make it tonight so one of the parents called one of their regulars
and you’re like ,,,, ok but this makes it harder cause idk this person gskflsj
and they’re like you’ll be fine!!! please do this for us!! the children will be up for just another two hours then they’ll go to sleep !!!! please !!! 
you give in cause you don’t really have a choice
the parents stay until the babysitter comes
the door bell rings and you hear your parents welcome them in
you look up from your phone and were genuinely surprised
there was a guy, seemingly college age as well, walks into the living room
he walks up to you as you stand up from the couch
he shakes your hand and smiles
and ,,, his hand is really big and is rough but in a nice way??? what 
and his smile, it made you melt cause it was just too cute 
“hey, my name’s Seungcheol nice to meet you,” 
he was too polite and kind it was weird
jk it was nice and adorable you couldn’t help but smile warmly and introduce yourself as politely as he did
“Seungcheol’s been our regular babysitter for the past 3 years, he’s basically a pro don’t worry y/n” said one of the parents
he blushed and was like what!! noooo
he was incredibly handsome like you have never seen someone look that good in a plain black tee and jeans
as the parents were saying goodbye to their kids, Seungcheol came and stood next to you
“umm I kinda heard that you aren’t that comfortable with kids so if you want you don’t really have to do anything”
you looked at him with the utmost surprise which made him ??? so confused
you began laughing and he’s like what’s funny?
then you told him that he’s gonna die trying to take care of this many rowdy kids, no matter how good of a babysitter he is
he smirked smugly and said let’s see really confidently
and you’re like /// woah what happened to the polite seungcheol??? I miss him now 
and now it’s his turn to laugh
now in the house its just you two with the kids
the first two minutes seemed peaceful enough ,,, then the screaming began 
three of the boys were fighting over whose action figures were better 
the two girls were watching barbie as the princess and the pauper and were fighting over who was better, anneliese or erika
you and seungcheol look at each other and just sigh
“as much as I like the barbie movies, I’m gonna go sort out the boys with the action figure fiasco”
you laugh and laugh even more when he mentions that he prefers erika over anneliese but they’re both pretty bad ass
you go to girls and try to calm them down
like hey!!! both princesses are cool !!! anneliese is really intelligent while erika is talented !!! and they’re best friends so you should like both of them
the girls were like ,,, thats true ,,,,
then the wedding scene comes and the three of you smile and sing along to the cute song
seungcheol looked and you and thought ,,, wow ,,, she’s really pretty ,,, and she sings really well ,,,
you look at seungcheol and smile at him
you’ve always found it adorable when guys are really good with kids 
this is the first time you’ve seen it in real life, only in movie and tv shows
you see him be like !!! obviously my action figure is better !!! like look at all the weapons that come with it !!!
the boys were fascinated and stopped fighting when they realized seungcheol was right ,,, his was way cooler
seeing this made your heart melt since like !!! how adorable is this !!!
it was already time for bed so you both help the kids get ready for bed 
they were in the living room, the boys already tired out from fighting, already sound asleep
you and seungcheol watched the kids ,,, standing like proud parents
until one of the girls woke up rather frantically 
she then started crying 
you and seungcheol rush to her ,, worried sick
seungcheol pet her hair while she hugged him
“what’s wrong mina?? what happened??” he said as he comforted her
seeing seungcheol being so caring for this little girl ,,, made your heart hurt from the cuteness 
“cheolie, I had a nightmare... can i have some warm milk,,,” she said feebly 
“of course, y/n and I will go get it” he said as he gave her one last squeeze before releasing from the hug 
she sniffled as you lead seungcheol to the kitchen
as much as that was sweet scene, you couldn’t miss out on this opportunity 
he blushed as you mentioned the nickname ,,, he was too cute you couldn’t stop smiling
“yeah, mina was 5 when I first babysat her and she had a hard time saying my name, so she just called me cheolie... guess it just kinda stuck”
“awww you’re just too cute” you say as you pinch his cheek
“im cute?” he looks smugly
you looked away and he just laughs
you guys get to the kitchen and heat up the milk
you have random conversation, how school’s going and all
as you guys walk back to mina with her warm milk you see her smile weakly
“are you better honey?” you say as you brush the stray hairs from her face
she nods and smiles meekly ,,,, 
“cheolie, can you braid my hair”
he smiles as he gets to work
its a comfortable silence ,, just watching him gently french braid her hair
and like he is REALLY good, like he is instagram worthy good
as he finishes he shows her how she looks through his phone
and mina just ,,, smiles like the cutest lil smile ever
she hugs him as a thank you and your heart is practically bursting cause this was the cutest thing you have ever seen
“alright mina, you really should go back to sleep now. Y/N and I will be here if you need us again” seungcheol says so warmly
mina lays down and closes her eyes, quickly falling asleep
you and seungcheol sit on the couch, the room dimly lit while all you could hear are the soft breathes of the kids sleeping
you’re siting next to each other ,,, a little too close for people that have just met ,, but it feels really nice 
“so you know how to braid hair too huh? what can’t you do” you say making him smile
“having been mina’s babysitter for three years teaches you a couple things” he says chuckling a bit
you tell him how you can’t even braid your hair half as nice as he can  
“want me to braid your hair for you?” 
you’re shocked cause ,,, like what a weird thing BUT YES PLS
he starts braiding your hair and it’s like heaven 
his big hands are surprisingly really gentle, he softly takes pieces of hair and incorporates it into your hair 
as he finished you were really giddy and really wanted to see how it looked
you saw yourself through your phone ,,, and you were genuinely surprised
its was perfect ,,, the braid being loose while also keeping its form really well
he had left pieces of hair out to frame your face and you truly felt so pretty because of it
seungcheol looked at you happily, noticing how happy and giddy you were from something he did
“you are truly amazing, you know that right” you say, beaming at him
“well it helps that you are just absolutely beautiful to begin with” he says softly as he comes closer and closer towards you
you look away at the sweet compliment but he takes you face gently into his hands ,,, and when you’re looking at him he softly tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear
and slowly ,, slowly you just gravitate towards each other
the kiss was sweet and gentle, giving you a million butterflies in your stomach 
when you guys pulled away you guys were smiling so much it would probably creep out people if they were watching
but you guys were just so !!! happy !!!
you held hands as you leaned your head on his shoulder ,,, whispering your conversation so you didn’t wake the kids
and you were just so ... comfortable ... that you just started to drift off ///
“Y/N wake up, the parents are back” he said softly, nudging you to wake you up 
seungcheol thought that you looked so adorable ,,,, all sleepy and beautiful ,,, 
you guys stretched once you got up and quietly greeted the parents when they came in
you both helped them carry their kids and their belongings back to their car 
as the parents left, your parents gave you the money to pay seungcheol then headed off to bed, tired from being up waaay too late
as you walked him to the door, you tried to give him the money but he refused
“meeting you is worth way more than any amount of money” 
as you practically melted and supported yourself on the door frame he looked at you cheekily
“although, you could pay me with one last kiss and a date”
you couldn’t even reply when he already went in for the kiss
when it ended it left you starstruck cause like wow ,,, that was a lot more passionate then the last one
“can I assume from you kissing me back that it’s a yes for the date” he asked, smirking
you smile and are like well duh captain obvious 
you guys exchange numbers and you watch him get into his car and drive off 
and you just go and flop down on your bed and think ,,, babysitting isn’t that bad after all 
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