#anneliese erika green
Harry Potter OC Masterlist
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Last Updated On: 07|01|24
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Anneliese Erika Green
Basic Information Expected by 07|01
The Easy To Hate Masterlist
Rose Lily (Potter) Lupin
Basic Information Expected by 07|01
2 notes · View notes
I’ve decided to make two separate posts for my self-indulgent barbie story. One with just the links and one with the links AND the chapters. So here we go!!
ao3 link
ffnet link
Summary:  Long time friends, Anneliese and Erika find themselves thrown into the world of magic by accident. Everything they’ve ever known is quickly turned on its head as the girls navigate their new life in Magiana. When the ancient relic Crystalias goes missing, it's up to them to capture the culprit and bring back Crystalias before the new moon arrives.
Magiana — mah (as in magic) jee - ahna. A realm filled to the brim with magical creatures and beings, mostly cut off from the non-magical realm. 
Magiana's shores were soaked in a beautiful blue, its people moving about the docks in tandem. Everything in Magiana worked in tandem. Perhaps it was the offset of magic that ran through its land that led to its almost musical rhythm or perhaps that was the way of its people. Lively chatter shot through the docks and bubbled up from beneath the water. 
Mermaids. They giggled and swam freely, careful not to get in the way of ships and their cargo. The merpeople were not seabound to their homes. In fact, nobody batted an eye as they twirled and twisted through the air, graceful as a ballet dancer. 
Fairies flew among the clouds, dipping close to the sea to meet their aquatic friends. Children standing on the edge of the docks waved and cheered at the show, while others showed off their magic for a spare coin. 
There were many fantastical beings in Magiana—mermaids, fairies, wizards, enchantresses, shapeshifters.
"Wolfie, come back!"
"Serafina! Serafina!"
Anneliese and Erika had not quite realized they were far, far away from home, their focus solely on their cats scampering about. They did not notice this until Wolfie and Serafina sat barking (and mewling) at a foreign food stand. It was there that they caught sight of the mermaids twirling in air alongside the gliding fairies. 
Anneliese stared.
Erika blinked three times.
"Where are we?" Anneliese asked, drinking in every detail.
"This is weird. Like weird-weird. I mean, mermaids? Fairies? We have to be dreaming, Anneliese."
Her friend tucked in a tuft of blond hair behind her ear. "Is it possible to have the exact same dream as another person at the same time?"
Erika shrugged her arms, her eyes landing on a merman with hazel eyes and messy brown hair. He didn't look away, instead he smiled and did a flip. She raised an eyebrow. 
“There’s no way this is real.” Erika shook her head, scooping up Wolfie in the process.
Anneliese did the same, calmed by Serafina’s incessant purring. “I thought magic was an old wives’ tale.”
“Well, as you can see, it isn’t, my dear,” a soft, husky voice said from behind the two girls. An owl, larger than both Anneliese and Erika, stood tall, her emerald green eyes gleaming with wisdom. “Welcome to Magiana. May your visit be pleasant.” Without so much as another word, the owl took flight.
“I thought owls only flew around at night.” Anneliese watched the owl go, transfixed by her soft, brown feathering.
“We see mermaids and fairies and your first question is about the talking owl?” Erika joked. 
“She said this place was called Magiana, right?”
“A bit on the nose, don’t you think?”
Anneliese laughed. “But you have to admit it’s wonderful.” She set Serafina down, making her way toward the docks. Erika followed suit. 
Erika glanced at the water, wondering where the merman with the hazel eyes had gone before she shrugged. She pulled her blue cloak closely around her as she was not yet used to the sea air on such a nice, but chilly day. The kingdom’s warmth stuck with her even now.
“Shouldn’t we get back, Anneliese?”
“It wouldn’t hurt to explore a bit.”
“You are a sheltered princess.”
Anneliese’s pink lips turned up in a smile. “And it’s not like we’ll get a second chance.”
“True. Lead the way, your highness.” Erika curtisied. “But I think,” she started, twirling around in her dress, “we should trade these in for something a little more practical. Or we could buy a map.”
“I’m not quite sure if our money works here, but it's worth a try.”
The two set off toward the vendors, Wolfie and Serafina in tow. Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched.
Donning new outfits and walkable shoes, Anneliese and Erika went about Magiana in search of a map. 
A man with gray hair, tan skin, and circular glasses waved them over to his vendor. “Hello, ladies! What brings you over here this fine afternoon?” He smiled. “My name is Ferris.”
“We need a map,” Erika said, shifting uncomfortably. 
“Of course! Of course! I have multiple. Just choose one that suits your fancy.” When Anneliese’s hand hovered over the maps sitting on the table, he quickly added, “You’ll each need to give me something in return first.”
“Money? I’m not sure our currency works here, then again, it worked once. Maybe it’ll work here too.” Anneliese patted one of her pockets. 
“Foreigners, I see. Coin is coin, nonetheless.”
Anneliese took out her pouch.
“I’ll take all of it.”
“All of it?” Her fingers wrapped around the pouch and moved it away from Ferris. “I don’t think so.”
Erika stepped in front of her friend. “You’re trying to swindle us.”
“Me? Ladies, ladies, I am simply a man of the trade.”
“One map doesn’t cost nearly as much as what’s in that pouch. We’ll take our business elsewhere.” Erika turned on her heels and marched past Ferris’ shop.
Anneliese stared at Ferris a moment longer. His greedy tendencies reminded her of Preminger. She shuddered.
“Anneliese?” Erika called out.
“Wait, wait, wait! I’ll cut you a deal.” Unfortunately for Ferris, the two were long gone.
“Parthenia, that’s where we are. Cloud Kingdom goes in the opposite direction. Then there’s Fairytopia’s Magic Meadow. Mermaidia is close by. The Enchanted Forest and three small kingdoms. Huh.”
Anneliese peered over her shoulder. “So, is Magiana a continent? Or is it just a realm?”
“Good question, but we shouldn’t go too far. We have to get back home, remember?”
“Of course.”
As twilight set in, Anneliese and Erika strolled around, and despite their better wishes to not stay in Magiana too long, they stocked up on supplies.
Erika stopped dead in her tracks. “How did we get here, anyway?”
They looked at each other, then down at Wolfie and Serafina.
“If we don’t know how we got here, then how will we get back?” As realization set in, Anneliese sat down on the cold, stone floor. “Something’s wrong. Something has to be wrong. I mean, shouldn’t we have panicked more when we got here in the first place? One minute we were in the grasslands now we’re here and what if we don’t go home? Mother must be so worried. And Julian. I can’t imagine …”
“Dominick,” Erika whispered. “Oh no. We’re in trouble, Anneliese, big trouble.”
When they tried to retrace their steps all the way back to the grasslands, the only thing the girls found was a crossroads sign with the names ‘Fairytopia’ and ‘Mermaidia’ written on it. The girls slumped down and perhaps they would have stayed that way if it weren’t for their rumbling stomachs. It would’ve been a pleasant picnic except it was near dusk and really, they should’ve found an inn and they had to be careful of what they fed Wolfie and Serafina. Overall, it was a terrible night for the two girls and their cats as they lay wrapped up in their cloaks, taking turns with nightwatch although travelers would not catch sight of them until dawn.
Soft morning light painted its way among the horizon while Anneliese sat watching over everyone. Erika woke soon after, sure that she would awaken in her bed, with the option to sleep in. Alas, it was not true.
A tinkling sound followed by beautiful glittering powder swept around Anneliese and Erika. Fairies. Or faeries, sometimes referred to as the fae, they would sound learn came to greet them. They moved about in fluttering steps as the two girls and their cats watched, mesmerized. Serafina was too dignified to try and catch the fae, but Wolfie was not.
A stern look from Erika was enough to stop his mischief. “Wolfie, no,” she scolded him.
After the fae left, the girls ate breakfast in silence before setting off toward the docks once more. On their journey they talked of their plans to get back home. It was a heavy morning, despite the beauty of Magiana.
The world looked about as fairy tale-ish as Anneliese could imagine and today was far warmer than yesterday.
“Do you think any of this is real?”
“It might be. If we haven’t woken up yet from a dream, then it might as well be.”
“What if,” Erika sputtered. “Do you think … do you think …”
Anneliese shook her head. “I don’t know, Erika. Maybe.”
It was not a long walk back to the docks, much to Anneliese and Erika’s pleasure. The docks lulled in and out of sleep. Early mornings were quiet, but once 8 o’clock arrived, the townspeople suddenly came alive, scrambling about and laughing. 
“I heard the shores would freeze over soon. Those poor merpeople.”
“I heard the fairies and the fae were preparing for The Big Frost.”
“It’s best to go to one of the three kingdoms during this time of year. Even the Enchanted Forest is better than here.”
“There’s quite a lot of knowledge hidden there, I hear.”
“Anneliese,” Erika whispered, grabbing her friend’s arm, “the Enchanted Forest, that’s it!”
“Of course.” Anneliese patted around for the map before finding it. “Aha! Here it is. How far away in the Enchanted Forest from here?”
“It’s located in one of the three kingdoms, see?” Erika pointed her finger toward the southernmost part of the map. 
“Then that’s where we’ll go.”
Just as Anneliese spoke those words, a blast of arctic air poured forth. 
“Let’s hurry before the weather gets worse.”
“Uh, Erika?”
“Yeah?” Erika’s turned to her friend.
“We need a ship to cross over.” Anneliese’s eyebrows scrunched up in worry. “And you heard them. Winter is coming.”
“We could always stow away,” Erika said, an impish smile on her face.
“I’m joking, I’m joking. We’ll find a way, Anneliese, I promise.”
Anneliese’s shoulders sank as she looked around. The citizens of Magiana seemed happy enough and living here in Magiana wouldn’t be such a terrible time, and she hated herself for thinking such a thing. Her friends and family must be worried sick.
“We’ll make it across just fine. You wanted adventure in your life, right, Anneliese?”
A wary smile found its way onto her face. “Yes.”
“Then let’s go and ask one of the sailors if we can hitch a ride over to the three kingdoms.”
There weren’t many sailors willing to cross the sea before The Big Frost, and Anneliese and Erika were at their wits end, scurrying around, asking left and right if they could ‘please board your ship. We promise to pay you good money for the voyage.’
It worked. 
“I am Captain Candy and I can assure you have a safe voyage across our seas,” the man stated, his brown skin glistening and the feather on his turban moving about in the wind.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Erika nearly wrapped arms around the man before remembering herself and gathering her composure. “Ahem. I’m Erika and this is my friend Anneliese. We’re not from around here.”
“Friends? I thought you were sisters.”
“We get that a lot,” Anneliese said.
“You two remind me of one my good friends, her name is—”
At the sound of a blowing horn,  all three of them (plus Wolfie and Serafina) turned their attention toward one of the more majestic ships.
“Captain Candy, we are nine minutes late! Nine!” A dour old man stood firm and walked briskly toward said man.
“Major Mint, I’m certain we’ll arrive—”
“On time! Pah! That’s what you always say.”
Captain Candy sighed and signaled for the girls and their pets to board his ship.
“This is my ship, is it not?” Captain Candy countered. “You are nothing but a nuisance.”
“The insolence of this generation! Why, I would never have talked to my elders in such a way.” With that, Major Mint marched away rather stiffly. It was not a march like how one would walk, but an actual march that made Anneliese and Erika giggle. 
“Don’t mind him. He’s just a grouch.”
The ship set sail six minutes later, to the dismay of Major Mint. He went about the deck fretting about this and that, not paying much mind to the passengers aboard the ship.
Anneliese went below the dock because as much as she would love to sit and watch the sea’s calm waters, but body was still tired from the night watch. Serafina followed her closely, her tail swishing back and forth before leaping onto the bed with Anneliese’s things.
“It’s far from glamorous, Serafina, but it does beat the mines, doesn’t it?” 
It didn’t take long for Anneliese to fall into slumber with Serafina curled up next to her.
“How much?”
“Huh?” Captain Candy turned to look at Erika, puzzled.
“For the voyage, I mean.”
“Oh, that. 50 coins.”
“That’s it?”
“What? You want to pay more?”
Erika lifted her hands in protest. “No, no, I’m just surprised. Usually there’s a catch for things such as this.”
Captain Candy put a hand to his chin. “You girls seemed desperate. Kindness goes a long way.”
“I see.”
Erika mulled over Captain Candy’s words as she began eating an early lunch. 
“Parthenia, huh?” She took a bite out of her sandwich. Genuine kindness was not common to Erika, especially after working at Madame Carp’s, but those days were behind her now. Far behind her.
A soft hum escaped her lips as Erika looked out toward the windy shores. Mermaids swam underneath the currents, but they weren’t doing any tricks today. Huh. And the fairies were nowhere to be found. She wondered where they were, briefly, as she chewed on a piece of her sandwich. Somehow, despite the ache in her heart, Erika felt the beauty all around her. The glistening shores, the soft pastels of the sky, everything.
Home was beautiful too, but there was something about Magiana she loved dearly. Someone might say it was the magic, but there was something more that Erika could not quite pinpoint. 
If they couldn’t go back, what would that mean for her and Anneliese? Would they end up in Magiana forever?
Then there was the mystery of how they got here and why.
There were too many unanswered questions in Erika’s opinion. 
The fae from before twirled around the ship.
“Snow Fae,” Captain Candy called out. “Oh, what a day. What a day. This doesn't look too good.”
“Snow Fae?” Erika asked.
“Yes, they’re technically fairies, but we call them the fae because of how tiny they are. Fairies here are human-sized.”
Despite the Snow Fae, no storms came about on their voyage to the three kingdoms. 
Anneliese woke later and once she caught sight of the fae, she went about drawing and recording her findings into her journal. 
“We’ll be in the three kingdoms in four days' time,” Major Mint said. “Late, I tell you. Late, late, late.” He pumped into Anneliese. “Pardon me, Clara.” He squinted his eyes as he took in Anneliese. “You’re not Clara.”
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“The resemblance is quite striking though, isn’t it, Major Mint?”
“Yes, yes,” the old man grumbled. “Very strange indeed. Being on this ship takes me back to when we crossed the Sea of Storms.”
“We weren’t on a ship, then. And don’t you dare wish that kind of luck onto my ship,” Captain Candy admonished.
Major Mint rolled his eyes. “Pah! You ruin such good memories.”
“I wouldn’t call that a good memory.”
Erika and Anneliese shared looks before shrugging their shoulders. 
They sat about the deck talking and laughing with their new friends. It didn’t matter to them whether or not the friend in question was a passenger or part of the ship’s crew. 
Anneliese’s new favorite thing was to wake early in the morning to watch the sun ascend over the horizon. What kind of magic was in Magiana’s sunrise and sunset, she didn’t know, but a warmth spread all around her when she saw either. She wondered if Erika felt the same.
Theirs was a safe voyage, thankfully. 
They arrived at the shores of the three kingdoms in the afternoon.
Anneliese and Erika waved goodbye to their new friends, their pets near their feet while they hoisted their bags over their shoulders.
“We’re here.” Anneliese breathed in the clean air. “Finally. All that we need to do now is find the Enchanted Forest.”
“But where do we start?” Erika asked, staring at the townspeople.
Their stomachs grumbled simultaneously. 
“I’m hungry for something sweet, what about you, Erika?”
“I’m up for anything.”
The southernmost kingdom was by far the warmest of the kingdoms, but Anneliese and Erika did not know any of that. It was funny, while there was magic within the kingdoms, it was not nearly as overt as Parthenia or Fairytopia or even Mermaidia. Anneliese and Erika noticed right away. 
“We should go looking for the Enchanted Forest later,” Anneliese suggested. “We should familiarize ourselves with everything here, eat, stock up on supplies, get rest.”
“You make a good point.” She twirled around. “You did mention eating something sweet.”
The two girls linked arms with each other.
When they caught sight of the nearest bakery, Anneliese and Erika were practically salivating at the mouth. While the cats whined in protest, the girls promised them they would feed them soon. Pastries and cats didn’t exactly go hand and hand. 
The baker was a lanky, but kind old man with his graying black hair pulled into a ponytail. Anneliese liked him immediately. 
“Anything you want, girls?”
“A dozen sugar cookies for me,” Erika stated as she brought out her own pouch full of coins.
The man shook his head and laughed. “Of course. And you?” he asked, looking at Anneliese.
“Danish cheese, if you don’t mind.”
While the girls waited for their food, angry shouts filled the air, causing Anneliese to huddle closer to Erika. 
“What do you think it is?” she whispered.
“I don’t know.”
The shouts grew louder and louder and soon enough, Anneliese and Erika were peering through the windows of the bakery to see a crowd forming.
Anneliese and Erika did not yet know it, but they were about to embark on an epic quest  across Magiana.
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: barbie movies as troupe plays part 1 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw
𝐚𝐧: if you think i won’t do all 36 barbie movies, you’re wrong. regardless of whether people want this or not. i have barbie brainrot 24/7. i’m just separating it into parts so it’s not too long *this isn’t meant to be that serious y’all my reasons vary from legit to just jokes
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: i won’t go in-depth with any plot differences from movie to play, or how the characters would work out... for now *chuckles in future ppt*
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: nutcracker, rapunzel, swan lake, princess and the pauper, fairytopia series, magic of pegasus, barbie diaries, island princess, three musketeers 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐: coming soon 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑: coming soon
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! spring x autumn. one of the seasonal events/scouts for A3! has a nutcracker theme, and to avoid spoilers that’s all i will say :3
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: since this is based on barbie’s take on the nutcracker, changing up the cast from what tsuzuru had in plan:
clara/sugarplum fairy: sakuya. i want to see him go through a costume & hair transformation sequence, not gonna lie. 
nutcracker/prince eric: juza. obviously he has to be the ruler of the land of sweets.
mouse king: sakyo or chikage. i want one of them to wave around a sceptre and say quotes like “i’ll reduce the Nutcracker to a pile of splinters"
pimm: taichi... pimm is a spy :O who has to do dirty work :O but the real reason is i just want taichi to follow around sakyo again or maybe even chikage this time lol
major mint & captain candy: tsuzuru and citron respectively. mint is pretty serious and awkward, candy is a lot friendlier- i just think it’ll be a good way to insert some humor in the play
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: rapunzel in this one actually is the “servant” of gothel. also, rapunzel has a magical paint brush and also there’s dragons. who are purple. 
rapunzel: kazunari. obviously. actually, kazu has a lot of similarities with her: a good artist, patient, adventurous, quick thinking, hardly ever complains- also he’d look good with long hair i think ><
penelope: kumon. a PURPLE funny and clumsy dragon- fight me, the only answer is kumon especially once you see who’s next.
hugo: juza. a PURPLE dragon who’s penelope’s dad but he’s gonna be the older bro in this one (i wonder why...) 
hobie: a passive and worrisome rabbit... Tenma.
prince stefan: he also has a couple fight scenes... ngl bc stefan has blue eyes, light brown hair + described by the wiki as “fierce”, he’s banri. 
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: winter troupe. i will stand by this forever. 
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: this is like one of the ones i’ve had figured out for a while already...
odette & odile: tsumugi. i’m just saying, tsumugi’s duality- he can do both the white and black swan because he has power. impact.
prince daniel: not tasuku bc spare him the prince roles he’s sick of it. guy. why guy? because he obviously has a good idea of how to act like a prince :3 
fairy queen: azuma. ugh just- imagining how ethereal he’d look.
erasmus: tasuku. he’s a troll that can act mean, but is genuinely kind and helpful... also, the VA of erasumus is also the VA for “unnamed burly villager” and i’m just saying-
kelly the cygnet: hisoka. there’s too many animal children, so hisoka is gonna be the baby swan. uwu. also, kelly has a quote, “I can't sleep.” and wOW THE IRONY
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: WE’RE GOING FOR THE COMEDIC ROUTE WHAT’S UP SUMMER. reason: i went “wait... no actor really looks super alike though.”
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: tafahfuoahoaf it’s my favourite barbie movie... OKAY SO THE RUNNING GAG OF THIS IS THAT THE PRINCESS & PAUPER DON’T LOOK ALIKE, BUT EVERYONE KEEPS GOING “Wow! you two look so identical!” no they don’t
anneliese: muku. first of all please look at the sprite i used in the header. anneliese = pink = muku. she’s the sweet princess archetype... but in this version she also goes on tangents about rocks and mineraLS AND HOW THE MINING INDUSTRY SUX AND THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY OF-
erika: kumon. first of all, the sprite in the header again. erika = blue like ugh this is perfect. ALSO erika has a cat who BARKS and i just imagine kumon talking to her cat like: WOOF WOOF WOOF GRRR GRRR and the dog responding and everyone in the palace going wtf
king dominick: i had such a crush on him anyway he’s tenma. rich, young, talented king who disguises himself as a page so he can find love for realsies. im just saying. he won’t be tenma’s only role tho ><
julian: kazunari. the wiki went “he’s the only bestfriend a barbie MC ever married” really shook me like ugh friendship dynamic between muku and kazu roles??? also kazu’s genuinely smart so him as the tutor was just gucci in my eyes
preminger: misumi. FIRST OF ALL PREMINGER IS ICONIC? WHEN HE SANG HOW CAN I REFUSE I WAS LIKE UGH KING. i just wanna hear misumi play an antagonist that’s also funny and do things with his voice.
madame carp: yuki. a bossy and rich woman who owns a dress emporium. pretty much it.
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: spring troupe. i wanna see them have wings uwu.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: just gonna combine the whole fairytopia series into one 
elina: itaru. first of all, pink motif. also i just like the idea of itaru being this recurring protagonist.
bibble the puffball played by kamekichi
laverna: recurring villain citron. for no reason other than i think it’s cool when he plays power hungry villains
enchantress: i just want sakuya to play a role that’s more of a “powerful character” but still really kind uwu. another recurring good guy.
azura & glee: tsuzuru. elina is azura’s apprentice, and glee is a friend who’s generally really happy... ngl, i wanna see tsuzuru play someone more energetic for funsies
nori: masumi. nori is kind of a stubborn and jealous person at first, him and elina won’t get along right away BUT DAMMIT THE ENEMIES? TO FRIENDS IS GUCCI!!! 
merman prince nalu & linden: chikage... yeah i just gave chikage the guy roles ngl... but i wanna see chikage as a handsome merman AND handsome fairy so *shrugs*
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: cross troupe. spring x winter.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: partially based on the ice-skating cards (i have yet to read the event story, unfortunately).
annika: tsuzuru. i thought it’d be fun to cast tsuzuru as a more sheltered character due to annika’s parents’ protectiveness. the contrast y’all.
shiver: sakuya. shiver is a polar bear cub sidekick who’s friendly and likes shiny things and that’s just... really cute... put bear ears on sakuya...
brietta: guy. brietta is annika’s older sister... who got transformed into a pegasus by the villain... i wonder how they’d change the pegasus thing lol
wenlock: tasuku. NOT GONNA LIE- i want tasuku to play the villain for all these wonderful one-liners: "Oh, smile! You didn't lose a daughter; you've gained a pet!", and "I thank my lucky stars I didn't marry you!"
prince aidan: masumi bc i want more roomie interaction on stage i mean their friendship keeps getting cuter and cuter.
cloud queen: azuma... that’s all. i just remembered her bc her hair has a braided crown, and i went “azuma braided hair brainrot”
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: i was gonna make it full autumn, but then the age casting felt awkward since they’re in high school...
barbie: taichi. barbie here is shy but wants to stop blending in the background! i just went “damn that do be resonating”. also i wanna hear taichi sing more y’all and barbie is a singer/guitarist here
courtney: azami. i like the idea of azami playing a spunky character who’s more of a tomboy, but still does like fashion and accessorising and... lip gloss?
tia: misumi? tenma? idk the intelligent and passionate archetype is very broad... especially in a high school setting
kevin: kazunari. just the whole best friend thing + kevin being a goofy person who loves to make ppl laugh ugh
racquelle: yuki. i know racquelle’s a bully here and say not to bullying... but sharp tongue.
todd: honestly? todd was so boring in the moving. we need someone like banri to give him CHARACTER!... yes that’s my reasoning ugh
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ro/rosella: “a 16 year old girl who can talk to animals! adventurous and brave” me: *gasps* mISUMI-
prince antonio: “prince antonio loves travelling and exploring-” okay yeah it’s kazu...
queen ariana: i just want yuki to sing to me “love is for peasants which we’re obviously not” and i’d go :O also ngl... i wanna see yuki in like darker palettes and plotting to poison all the royals
princess luciana: queen ariana’s daughter... played by muku. because i wanna hear muku counter yuki with “all the shoujo mangas books i’ve read, all the poems always said, that the heart is made to share...”
sagi the red panda & azul the peacock: honestly, just basing it off of colour matching but tenma is sagi and kumon is azul lol
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𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: AHAHAHA WHAT IS THIS CASTING? pt 2 
corrine: i keep wanting to put sakuya in these roles oops. i just... let him sword fight on stage again :>
viveca: purple musketeer, artistic, designs clothes... fights with ribbons... you know, for the sake of banri being a fAshIoNisTa... it has to be banri y’all "Don't mess with the animal print dress!"
aramina: green musketeer, fights with fans, romantic and loves ballet... pfft, for the sake of “wouldn’t it be funny-” it has to be azami. poor bby, having to swoon over romance on stage- he can’t relate
renee: chikage. purely because of that scene where she threw a feather duster (?) at a flying shard of glass and perfectly hit it. yeah.
helene: the old and strict instructor that teaches them how to be musketeers... sakyo.. duh.
philippe: the main antagonist... it has to be omi again. and since philippe has a goatee, we’re bringing back facial hair omi~
prince louis: itaru, lol. he’s like the one significant non-action oriented character in the film. he has just enough moments where itaru still looks princely, but mostly? he just wants humans to fly y’all.
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want to order again?
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sleepingdragonhq · 4 years
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Hey everyone, under the cut you will find the list of everyone’s costumes as well as lists for the couples romantic and platonic. You can find the poll for the costume contest here. We have added a few more awards this year. As always you vote for the top five in each category, five points for first place, four points for second and so on. You should be voting for individuals in every category except the couples ones. Please vote before the 31st of October as we will be announcing the winners from that point onward. If we have missed any on any of the lists please let us know !!
Aaron Hale - Frankenstein
Adabella Skeeter - Sandy (Grease)
Adeline Mulciber - Beetlejuice 
Aiden Wolffe - Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Aisha Vane - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Alastair Watson - Iron Man (Marvel)
Albus Potter - Victor Van Dort (Corpse Bride)
Alec Fray - Spiderman (Marvel)
Alexander Hawthorne - Ace Ventura (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) 
Alison Wood - Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Alice Longbottom II - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Annika Parkinson - Wonder Woman (DC)
Archer Selwyn - Peter Pan (Disney)
Ariadne McLaggen - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Ariella Belefleur - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Aryana Robins - Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries)
Ash Highmore - Pot Head
Aurora Claremont - Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
Axel Wolffe - Ghost
Benjamin Ollivander - Dr. Facilier (Disney)
Bentley Lockhart - Dorothy (Wizard of Oz)
Brett Holland - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Brigid Callaghan - Trixie Tang (Fairly Odd Parents)
Caleb Cresswell - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Camille McGonagall - Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Candice Cresswell - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Casey Abrams - Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Caspian Berrycloth - Zebra
Cassius Cresswell - Ron Swanson (Parks & Rec)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Storm (X-Men/Marvel)
Charlotte Watson - Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Chase Sayre - Simon Snow (Carry On Series)
Clara Arquette - Cinderella (Disney)
Colm McCarthy - Vampire
Cynthia Clearwater - Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tales)
Cyrus Clearwater - Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Daniel McKinnon - Jason Dean (Heathers)
Darcy Mulciber - Medusa (Mythology)
Declan Rowland - Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents)
Diana Rosier - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Dominique Weasley - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Edith De Lapin - Taylor Swift (Lover Era)
Edward Lupin - Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Eleanor Pucey - Harley Quinn (DC)
Electra Carrow - Emily (Corpse Bride)
Elena Flores - Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Elide Weasley - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Elodie De Lapin - Taylor Swift (Reputation Era)
Erin McCormack - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Evan Parkinson - Captain America (Marvel)
Evangeline Pickering - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Evelyn Carrow - Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Everett Pickering - Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Felix Hopkirk - Thor (Marvel)
Fletcher Duke - Flower Thrower (Banksy Art)
Frank Longbottom II - Nick Wilde (Zootopia)
Fred Weasley - Superman (DC)
Gabriel Larkin - Danny (Grease)
Gale MacDougal - Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Grace Turner - Wendy (Peter Pan)
Griffin Jones - Catwoman (DC)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Harper Lee Clark - Princess Anneliese (Princess and the Pauper)
Hazel MacDougal - Cher (Clueless)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Unicorn
Hunter Adams - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Jace Greengrass - t-shirt that says “costume”
James Ashcroft - Starlord (Guardians of the Galaxy)
James Potter - Mario (Super Mario Bros)
Jasper Locklear - Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)
Jaxon DuQuan - Skeleton
Jonah Finch - Joker (DC)
Josephine Flamel - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Joshua Selwyn - Spiderman (Marvel)
Juliet Highmore - Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Kristoff Flynn - Gomez Addams (The Addams Family)
Laurel Ollivander - Devil
Layla Rowle - Poison Ivy (DC)
Liam Alvarez - Miles Morales (Into the Spiderverse)
Lily Potter - Max (Stranger Things)
Levi Highmore - Ghost
Long Huojin - Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)
Lorcan Scamander - Spiderman (Marvel)
Louis Weasley - Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Lucienne Wolffe - Scary Alice
Lucy Weasley - Erika (Princess and the Pauper)
Lyra Malfoy - Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Lysander Scamander - 7 (7/11)
Mackenzie Potter - Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros)
Madeline Brown - Rachel Green (Friends)
Malachai Arquette - Prince Charming (Disney)
Manon Flamel - Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Marcus Carson - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Mason Jones - Ghost
Matthew Asprey - Niffler
Matthias Vallois - Dimitri (Anastasia)
Meredith Wayfelle - Coraline (Coraline)
Molly Weasley II - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Mortimer Claremont - White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
Natalya Dolohova - Na’vi (Avatar)
Nate Wood - Tyrannosaurus Rex (Jurassic Park)
Nesta Greenwood - Fiona (Shrek)
Nova Slughorn - Devil
Octavia Coleman - Mummy
Odette Flume - Beret Girl (An Extremely Goofy Movie)
Orlando Lockhart - Firefighter 
Peggy Carson - Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Penelope Hawthorne - Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Pepper Rosewood - Pirate
Perseus Mulciber - Khal Drogo (Game of Thrones)
Pippa Rosewood - Pirate
Poppy Zabini - Eleven (7/11)
Rayna Sayre - Rebel Spy (Star Wars)
Reid Anderson - Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Rory Goldstein - Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Scorpius Malfoy - Bas Pitch (Carry On Series)
Sebastian Nott - Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)
Seraphina Macaulay - Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo)
Seung Krum - Deadpool (Marvel)
Sofia Clarke - Wonder Woman (DC)
Tallulah Abbott - Clown 
Theodore Oliver - Hector Rivera (Coco)
Theseus McLaggen - Adam Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Thomas Goyle - The Riddler (DC)
Tobias Atwell - Wolverine (X-Men/Marvel)
Toby Anderson - Westley (The Princess Bride)
Vera McKinnon - Heather Chandler (Heathers)
Verity Nott - Gamora (Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy)
Victoire Weasley - Jessica Rabbit (Roger Rabbit)
William Ashcroft - Clark Kent / Superman (DC)
Romantic Couples
Aiden & Evan - Bucky Barnes & Captain America
Alastair & Peggy - Tony Stark/Iron Man & Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Albus & Electra - Victor & Emily (Corpse Bride)
Archer & Grace - Peter Pan & Wendy (Peter Pan)
Bentley & Everett - Dorothy & Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Chase & Scorpius - Simon & Baz (Carry On Series)
Declan & Brigid - Timmy & Trixie (Fairly Odd Parents)
Frank & Casey - Nick Wilde & Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Gabriel & Adabella - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
James & Mackenzie - Mario & Peach (Super Mario Bros)
James & Verity - Starlord & Gamora (Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy)
Jasper & Lyra - Prince Phillip & Princess Aurora (Disney)
Joshua & Seung - Spiderman & Deadpool (Marvel)
Kristoff & Elena - Gomez & Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Lysander & Poppy - 7/11
Malachai & Clara - Prince Charming & Cinderella (Disney)
Matthias & Ariella - Dmitri & Anastasia (Anastasia)
Perseus & Penelope - Khal Drogo & Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Sebastian & Ariadne - Mr. Incredible & Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Tobias & Celestina - Wolverine & Storm (Marvel/X-Men)
Toby & Charlie - Westley & Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Platonic Couples
Aurora & Seraphina - Daphne & Velma (Scooby Doo)
Axel, Levi & Mason - Ghosts
Alice & Lily - Eleven & Max (Stranger Things)
Eleanor, Griffin & Layla - Harley Quinn, Catwoman & Poison Ivy (DC)
Gale & Juliet - Tenth Doctor & Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Harper & Lucy - Princess Anneliese & Erika (Princess and the Pauper)
Nate & Alison - T-Rex & Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Pepper & Pippa - Pirates
Theseus & Camille - Adam & Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
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Chapter 13. Always Fine Your Way Back Home
I do not own Harry Potter, if I did then Snape would not have been redeemed
Second year, here we go! Newbies are Alexa and Liana Green, and Louis, Lucy, and Roxanne Weasley
So it is apparently unknown as to when the letters come in, so I’m gonna have it be anywhere between 8 and 3 weeks before the school year starts (why? because I like that idea)
I also forgot Albus had a ferret until I was rewatching the movies and was reminded so um...yeah that’s now here!
Anyways, this is also posted onto my Fanfiction.net account SomeKind0fMagic and my Wattpad somekindofmagic1 and my AO3 account s0m3kind0fmagic so you can check it out on there too!
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Albus looked up from his cereal as he heard the sound of an owl dropping in. He saw the two letters that were with the paper as his dad grabbed them. He looked back down and ate more of his breakfast before he heard his dad finally speak:
“Letters are here.”
Albus took his from his dads hand gently as James harshly grabbed his. He stayed quiet as he read through the list, not many new books for this year. Just the second edition of Standard Book of Spells, a defense against the dark arts book, as well as a new potions book. He was thankful enough that he didn’t have many books to buy, however he knew he would have more next year since he got to add two more classes onto his schedule. 
“Bloody hell, I didn’t get captain. I swore Elizabeth was gonna give me it!”
Albus spared a small glance to James before he put his letter down and went back to finishing his cereal.
“Well, it is only your fourth year, James. Not most fourth years become captain.” Albus heard their dad reason.
“Yeah, but she did! And she acted like she was gonna put me up for it all year!”
Their mum hummed, “And most people don’t switch positions after playing the same one for two years.”
“Do you know who got it?”
“No Lily, I don’t. I won’t know who the bloody captain is until we get back to Hogwarts in three weeks!”
Albus sighed and pushed his spoon around in the bowl, trying to bring up the topic of him thinking about trying out for the Quidditch team. Or even how to interrupt James being well...James. He stared at his bowl of, now soggy, cereal as it minutely angered him. But not enough to actually make him react to it. It was more of an annoyance of everything going on and how he wished it could be different, in some way.
As James continued to speak, going through the different members of the Gryffindor team, trying to figure out who could have been made captain, Albus let out a breath before just speaking: “I’m thinking about trying out for Slytherin’s Quidditch team.” He heard everyone at the table go silent and he continued to stare at his bowl of cereal that wouldn’t get eaten anymore. “I also only need three new books.”
“You’re trying out for the team?” He heard the sneer in James’ voice, “Slytherin has a Seeker, a sloppy one, but they have one.”
Slowly, Albus closed his eyes, wishing he could just disappear under the table before his mum spoke up: “I think that’s good. Going for Seeker or another position?”
He reopened his eyes to look up at his mum, who had a small smile on her face. “Seeker. We have one, but Annie says that Matt wants to replace Dominick so he might do a full team tryout.”
“How do you already know who’s captain for Slytherin?!”
He sighed, “Previous Captain chooses the new one. Annie’s brother Aiden was the old one and he said that he chose Matt. And apparently he’s been speaking about it and said that was what he was planning on doing.”
“Well...will you want to take your broom with you?”
He shook his head, “I’ll send a letter if I make the team, otherwise I’ll be bringing it for no reason and it will just be stuck under my bed all year and I’ll forget about it.”
“Well, there’s only one place where we can get all you two need, Diagon Alley.”
Albus nodded, and fiddled with his spoon once more, some sinking feeling settling in him as the thought of school starting back soon settled in him.
Albus silently stood by his dad as he searched for Albus’s defense book. Lily was with their mum, looking for James’s things, while James was off with his friends at their Uncle’s shop. He hadn’t been paying much attention until he heard the voice of someone saying his dads name. He held back an eyeroll, thinking it was someone that was a fan or who he had gone to school with. 
Albus just continued to look through the shelf trying to find the book until he felt someone punch his shoulder. He sharply looked, annoyed and about to say something when he saw it was just Scorpius. Not one of James and not one of his friends or cronies.
“I said your name like, five times dude. It was like you were in another world or something.”
“Sorry, trying to find the stupid defense book for this year.” He glanced over to his dad, seeing him talking to a man with long silvery-blonde hair, noting it was Draco Malfoy, before looking back at Scorpius. “Have you ever seen or heard of our dads talking?”
He snorted, “Nope. I knew our mums have, on occasion. My mum said that after we both had sent letters that we had made friends with each other, they ran into one another here in Diagon Alley and got talking. Mum jokes that they’re friends now and are trying to recruit Aunt Dany to join.”
Albus laughed, “So our mums found out we were friends and used that as an excuse to become friends?”
Scorpius joined in the laughter, “Yeah. I guess so.”
Albus sighed as the laughter faded, “Have you seen Annie?”
“Nah. Her family will probably come later so that they can ensure Nick will fall asleep without a fuss. Or at least that was what she told me last year when it took forever for her to join us.” Scorpius brushed his hair from his face, “By the way, did you know that her brother, Tony, works at Slug and Jiggers Apothecary?”
“No. Had no clue.”
Scorpius nodded, “Yeah, found that out the other day when my dad said something. Apparently he started not long after school got out. Surprised she didn’t tell you when you stayed over after the wedding.”
Albus shrugged, “We didn’t really talk about stuff like that.”
Scorpius nodded, “Well, anyways, the book is here--” He lifted his hand over Albus’s head and reached to grab a book over him. “Took dad and I forever to find it ourselves. Shocked you didn’t know since James already needed it.”
“Different book from two years ago, otherwise I would just use his. Assuming he didn’t write anything stu--wait, you said our moms are friends and are trying to recruit Annie’s mom; what does that mean? Are they gonna make some weird club together? Take over our friendship or some other absurd sounding thing.”
Scorpius snorted, “Yeah. Sure. I think that they’re more planning on making sure that they can all put out the same punishment whenever we get in trouble.”
Albus nodded and looked over to the side, “There she is.” He ignored the sound Scorpius made as Albus moved past him to get to Annie. As he made his way closer to the girl that was still slightly taller than him. “Keeping the hair dark?”
She turned and rolled her eyes, “Yeah.” She wrapped and adjusted her robe around herself, “Where’re your parents?” He saw her glance behind him, “And yours. My mum was actually looking for yours.”
He glanced behind him, seeing Scorpius mere meters behind him before he heavily sighed. “Why are you both taller than me? It’s so bloody unfair.”
Albus sighed as he closed Casper’s cage, his parents had agreed to allow him to take his ferret this year after saying no last year. He understood why he had to leave her, he was sure that he would have lost her at some point during the year. He ran a hand through his hair, holding back a groan as it slightly got stuck. He heard a knock at his door, pulling his hand out of his tangled hair, he turned to see his dad in his doorway. 
“We’re about to leave, you have everything? Books, wand, clothes?”
Albus held back an eye roll, albeit a playful one, but he still was not sure on how his dad would react to it. “Yes dad. I have everything.”
Harry nodded, “Good.” Albus watched as his dad tapped on the wall before he spoke again. “You know...your mum and I talked and we decided that you kids can redecorate your rooms come next summer. We can repaint these walls and put up some new posters if you’d like.”
Albus tilted his head to the side while sitting on the edge of the bed. “Why?”
His dad sighed heavily, “Well...we noticed that you took down a lot of your old banners and posters so we thought that you, as well as your siblings, could do with a change in your room. Hasn’t happened since you were younger. Lily’s room is stuck like a five year olds...not that I think she minds.” His dad added the last bit with a small laugh and Albus joined in.
“I think Lil’s likes it because she still enjoys all the pink and glitter and fairy-princessness of it all.”
“And you?”
He looked at his dad oddly, “What?”
“Do you still like your set-up? The walls are a pretty dark red, very...”
His dad trailed off but Albus knew what he meant. “Very Gryffindor? Something I’m not?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, I want you to--”
“I know dad. And I think that it would be nice to change things up, make things more me now.” He looked down for a moment before continuing, “That is if you and mum are alright if I wanted to change the color of my room.”
His dad shrugged, “I don’t mind. That is part of the point of it all. If any of you kids want to repaint the room and change it completely, then that’s alright. We’ll do it. You three are of the age where change happens. You’ll be 13 when you come back for the summer, it’s only right.”
Albus nodded, “So even if I decided to go like a dark green and hang up Slytherin banners...you wouldn’t care?”
His dad shrugged, “Not my place nor my job to do so. My job is to make sure you’re happy and healthy. Your mum and I agree that allowing you to change your room up however you want is a way to make sure that you’re happy and in the long run healthy.” He watched as his dad adjusted his glasses, “You know...your mum and I are happy for you. Happy that you made friends and are happy in your house. I know James hasn’t been the best, but--”
Albus let out a heavy sigh, “Dad...let’s not.” He let out the best smile that he could, “Let’s just get going before mom gets upset, yeah?”
His dad nodded, “Yeah...yeah okay.”
Albus held his breath as he ran through the wall, safely making it to the platform. He let out the inhaled air with a puff as he made his way over to the familiar red sea. A familiar sea that left some odd feeling in his stomach. A feeling of...of something he couldn’t tell. Something that perhaps his 12-year-old mind couldn’t comprehend just yet. Or perhaps it was a feeling that it could, but refused to. Refused because of course he was happy to see some of them. He sighed as he got closer. Some of his Uncles and Aunts and maybe even a cousin or two. But as he grew closer, as he grew nearer to James and Fred, the pair locked in a conversation and throwing looks his way, the feeling grew.
“There’s the final three Potters. Or two Potters and Weasley.” 
He looked behind him, forgetting his mum and sister had been behind him. He turned back, looking at his Aunt and Uncle, an almost forced smile on his lips as he tried not to let it slip of his nerves. “Hey Uncle George, Aunt Angelina.”
Angelina smiled. It was gentle. Not as gentle as his Aunt Audrey’s nor his own mothers whenever he was comforting him. But it was still gentle. Gentle in her own way he supposed. “You ready for this year, Albus?”
He shrugged, “I guess, I just can’t wait for Annie to drag me to study again.” He rolled his eyes, “But I’m trying out for Quidditch this year...if they’re looking for a Seeker, that is.”
“Aw, why don’t you go out to be a Beater? Sure you’d be pretty good at it. Make me, your Uncle George, proud!”
He laughed, genuinely laughed and rolled his eyes again. “Have I ever actually played as the Beater and been good? I thought we had all been in agreement that I can be a Chaser or a Seeker and that is it.” 
He looked at his Uncle, waiting for his response, smiling slightly as the older man simply nodded. “Alright...you got me there.” He watched his Uncle sigh and move to grab Albus’s trunk, “Lemme get that for you, that way your poor mother doesn’t have to get it.” 
Even without seeing his mum, he could feel the eyeroll she gave. “George, I am almost certain I could take you in a fight if I wanted.”
His Uncle scoffed as he handed the cage that held Casper to Albus. “Depends on the type. Magic I think we could go to a draw, but hand-to-hand,” He tossed the trunk into the train and turned back to Albus’s mum. “I think it would depend on the day. And since I just realized you decided to wear heels today, I will concede before my beautiful wife has to be embarrassed as she drags me out.”
Albus looked away and began to look around the platform as he heard his mum say something back to his Uncle. He let out a breath as he tried to find the dark hair of Annie or the light one of Scorpius. But he kept finding himself unlucky. He couldn’t locate the large family that belonged to one of his best friends nor could he find any older man with freakishly white-blonde hair that belonged to the father of his other friend.
He jumped as he felt someone put their arm around his shoulders, terrified for some reason that it might have been James or Fred or one of their other friends. Only relaxing as he heard the familiar voice of Scorpius. “Okay, so, Robyn already has a compartment ready for us but she said that if we don’t get there within five minutes of the train leaving and some of the older kids try to take it, she’ll let them.”
He laughed slightly and looked at his friend who was just barely taller than him. But still tall enough that he had to glance up slightly at him. “Is Annie with her or...?”
“Because you totally don’t feel the person standing behind you, do you?”
He laughed slightly as he turned, “Do I get points if I say yes?”
She snorted, “Nope.”
“Well that sucks.”
“Yeah, it does.” She smiled almost goofily, “You ready?”
“Just gotta say bye to my family then I will.”
“Then hurry up. I don’t want Rob to lose our compartment.”
As Annie smacked Scorpius’s arm, Albus turned to his mum, who had a small smile on her face. He knew how she was so he gently hugged her. That unease he had been feeling drifted momentarily as he felt her arms around him. Felt a love he hadn’t felt from her since he was a child and was hurt. Similar but also different from the hug she had given him last year. 
He felt her squeeze tightly and as she pulled away, he smiled. “I’ll see you at Christmas.”
She gently put her hand on his cheek, “I’ll miss you sweetheart. Be good and don’t get into any fights.” She kissed his temple, “Or at least don’t get caught.”
He smiled at her, “I got it mum. I will try not to get caught when I get into trouble.” 
She scrunched her nose, “Good.”
He turned to his dad, some weird tension having grown during the drive to the station, leading to a weird feeling as he looked at him. “See you later dad.”
His dad nodded, “Let us know if you make the team.”
“I will.” He looked at Lily, who still had a minor sour look on her face. He playfully punched her shoulder, “I’ll write to you everyday, telling you how amazing Hogwarts is.”
“You promise?”
“You promised last year and you didn’t.”
He sighed, “Well I will try this year, how about that?”
She glared slightly before nodding, “Fine. but you have to tell me if you make the team. I don’t wanna hear it from mum or dad or someone else. I wanna hear it from you.”
He rolled his eyes and began to walk back to his friends, “I’ll try! But if it’s between you or mum killing me, I’d rather you cause I can bribe you!”
“Can not!”
He laughed as he jumped into the train door, looking back at her and yelling out: “Can too!” Before he fully entered the train.
He quickly moved around and followed his two friends down to the compartment Robyn had apparently been saving. Barely getting there as the train jerked into motion, sending him to fall into the spot across from the twins, Annie sliding into his side.
He glanced out of the window, just as the train zipped out of the station and he could see the open green of...he actually wasn’t sure where it was meant to be. But he looked away from the window as he heard Scorpius let out a sigh:
“Man, I wish I had siblings.” 
Albus snorted Robyn and Annie busted out into laughter. He looked at his friend, seeing the look of confusion on his face and let out an almost choked back breath. “Don’t tell me you’re questioning why we’re laughing.”
“I am. I don’t see what’s wrong with wanting siblings.”
“I’d gladly trade places with you, Scor. You can take my 14 siblings and I will graciously take your parents as mine.”
“That’s not what I meant! I meant one or two. Not the 14 that you have.” Scorpius moved and leaned his back against the glass that allowed people to look in. “I just meant that it would be nice to have someone else around my age in the house. Like...sure, I hear you guys complaining about your siblings all the time, Robyn and Rohyn do it in front of one another even, but I just...I dunno, maybe I’m ridiculous.”
Albus threw his friend a small sympathetic smile. “Nah, I get it. You see us with siblings and want it, it makes sense.” He sighed before continuing, “I honestly envy you. No siblings to hate you just ‘cause of your friends and your house. Must be a blessing.”
“James still causing you issues cause you’re a Slytherin?”
He nodded, “Yeah...it wasn’t as bad as it could have been since we didn’t see each other most of the summer, but when we did...” He trailed off, not really wanting to think about it. “But Lily was excited for me to be home. She’s jealous that I get to go to Hogwarts and she still has to stay home. Plus she hates that I get to try out for the Quidditch team.”
“Dude! You’re trying out too?! Didya hear that Matt’s gonna make everyone try out so now any and everybody has a chance?”
Albus nodded, “Yeah, otherwise there would be no way I would even try.” He scratched the back of his neck, “Annie and Scorpius actually had to convince me to even try out anyways.”
“Seriously? You have like...Quidditch royalty in your blood! Your dad was literally the youngest Seeker in a century, making the team as a first year which never happens! Your mum was a world class badass Chaser for the Harpies! Half of their fans now are because of her! How could you even think of not trying out?!”
Albus shrugged, not feeling like disclosing that he didn’t want to try for Chaser and be compared to James since he was switching positions this year with Jason. Albus had heard all about it all summer. Of course, he knew that there was a chance for people to say something about him going for Seeker when that was what James used to be, but he could only hope that it would be against James. Hope that someone would say something about him switching cause he was scared to go against Albus. That was all the 12-year-old could hope for.
And sure, if it was just Annie and Scorpius, or just Annie herself, he would say that. But it wasn’t just them. It was two other people. Two people that he considered friends but not that he knew well enough to say things such as that to. To let his fears be known to them. His thoughts out to them.
Then again...he really didn’t even let Scor or Annie know so why would he even think to let Robyn and Rohyn know?
The sun was slowly being hidden by incoming clouds as Scorpius, Albus, and Rohyn talked about Quidditch tryouts and Annie sat on the floor, back to the window, reading a muggle book called Percy Jackson. Robyn was on the opposite couch from the boys, talking to Holly Goyle, who had shown up not long after the train ride had started. They all stopped what they were doing, however, when they heard the compartment door open and saw a small boy with deep blue eyes, and blonde hair similar to Scorpius. 
Albus raised a brow at his cousin, “Hey Louis, what’s up?”
The younger boy looked around the compartment almost nervously before focusing on Albus. “Can I sit with you guys? James keeps talking about how bad it would be if we weren’t in Gryffindor and it’s making me uncomfortable.”
Albus smiled, understanding the boy's uncomfortableness. “Yeah.”
Robyn scooted over, making room for him. “You can sit here, if you’d like.”
He nodded and quickly took the seat, letting out a quiet thanks, before looking back at his cousin again. “Thanks, Albus.”
Albus shrugged, “No problem. Pretty sure none of us here care about you joining us.” He looked around at the other Slytherin’s in the compartment, all of them shaking their heads, and he smiled at his cousin. “And besides, being in another house besides Gryffindor is so much more fun. You can learn stuff about a house that you didn’t know. And you can make friends that aren’t friends with someone in our family.”
Louis tried to smile, it came out awkward and almost off. “Thanks.”
Albus nodded as everyone went back to what they had been doing before. Louis even got Annie to look from her book as he had read the very same series over the past few summers. Everyone was in their own worlds, not paying attention to the people they weren’t interacting with, until they heard the sound of the old witch that pushed the trolley around.
Annie was the one who stood as the lady looked into their compartment, “Anything from the Trolly dears?”
She grabbed a sack from her bag that was wrapped around her waist before beginning to list off what they had all agreed on at the start of the ride (plus what Louis had asked for after he had gotten on). “Seven bottles of Pumpkin Juice, a box of Bertie Bott's, three Chocolate Frogs--wait no, four Chocolate Frogs, three packages of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, and six Pumpkin Pastries.”
“Will that be all?”
She nodded, “Yes ma’am.”
“That’ll be two galleons and 15 sickles dear.” She counted the amount of sickles out and handed it to the witch and she handed her the candies and drinks. 
Annie turned back and began handing everything out to everyone. She handed the beans and the gum to Albus, the Chocolate Frogs to Scorpius, the Pumpkin Pastries to Louis, Robyn, and Holly, while taking the Pumpkin Juice herself.
“Damn,” Albus cursed, “I got another one of my dads.”
“I got Rowena Ravenclaw.” Louis mumbled.
“Oooo, maybe that means you’ll be a Ravenclaw.” Holly teased.
Louis laughed, “Maybe.”
Rohyn showed Albus the card that he had gotten, “Look at that, I got your namesake Albus.”
Albus groaned, “I really wish I knew why my dad named me after him.”
Louis laughed, “I’m surprised Aunt Ginny let him.”
Albus was about to say something about how he wasn’t when he realized that he really...was. It was such a shock that he was allowed to be named Albus Severus. “Actually, I’m surprised my mum did too.”
“Maybe you should change your name! Something cool like....like Robin! Then you could say you’re named after a comic-book character!”
“You know Robin is a girl’s name, right?” Robyn retorted, “I mean...I would assume you do as we’ve been living together for the past 12 years. Heard mum and dad and everyone we’ve ever known called me that for just as long.”
“You know what--”
“No! No fighting! We had an agreement! No fighting until we get back!”
“I wasn’t going to--”
“You were, Robyn. I’ve known you as long as Scor. You were gonna fight him.”
Robyn scoffed and crossed her arms, “You guys are no fun.”
“We’re loads of fun. We just--”
Albus shook his head at his friends before looking at his younger cousin. Louis was looking out the window as the hills and trees flew past. Albus knew the look. The look of fear and nerves. Fear that everything was about to change. And assumed that it was. He hoped that Louis didn’t get in Gryffindor for the sake of the kid still being him. So that he wouldn’t become another James or a person who just defends him mindlessly.
So he didn’t become Rose. Become the person who Albus used to always be able to rely on. The person that Albus had called his best-friend for 11 years before he was placed in Slytherin. The person who seemed to be able to push him to the side so easily after he had been placed in a different house than her and his brother.
But he knew that unlike him, Louis had both of his sisters who would support him in a different house, no matter which it was. Afterall, Vic was a Hufflepuff and Dom went to a different school all together. He was sure that his Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur wouldn’t care. It never seemed as if either of them cared about Albus’s house.
Albus was sure that unlike him, Louis wouldn’t have to worry that his siblings would hate him for being himself.
They jumped off of the train as it reached Hogsmeade Station. Everyone had changed into their robes. Robyn had put her hair up and Holly had used some clips that Annie had and put them in her hair. The 12-year-olds were ready to start their second year at Hogwarts. Just as the 11-year-old boy was ready to start his first year. 
The first year started to the boats while the second years turned to make their way over to the carriages. They were about to hop in one when Robyn noticed something out in the distance. “Is that Lottie with your sister Genevieve, Anne?”
Albus and the others looked over to the carriage in front of them as Annie sighed. “Yeah. I think they became friends at Aidan and Cass’s wedding.”
“That’s so...”
“Weird? Yeah, I know. Come on, let’s go before someone else takes this carriage.”
The other five followed Annie as she climbed into the black box. When they finally settled and the carriage jerked into motion, Robyn spoke. “You guys ready for this year?”
“Yeah, I’m happy to be away from my grandfather again.” Scorpius rolled his as he mentioned him. Albus knew he had issues with the man, mostly pureblood problems, but he actually never knew how deep it went.
“Same here with my mum. She’s been so overbearing about literally everything since I started school.”
“Yeah, but your mum has always been like that though.”
Holly ran a hand through her short gingery-brown hair. “Yeah, but never this bad. It’s like I can’t do anything fun anymore.”
“My father won’t let me do shit, that’s why I always go to mum for things.”
“Aunt Danielle is the best.”
“Yeah, she is.” Annie said almost quietly and Albus shot her a questioning look and she just waved him off.
“Hey, we never asked, what was it like being surrounded by a bunch of Slytherin families, Albus?”
He laughed almost awkwardly at Rohyn’s question. “It wasn’t bad. Different from my family.” 
Definitely odd as it was different from his family. He had felt a different tension from the people there. But it was a tension that had faded as time went on. By the end of the night, outside of Annie’s one aunt, Albus had felt welcomed and comfortable around all the Slytherin families. Something in him wished that he had been able to thank Mr. Malfoy more for getting him away from Annie’s aunt. Even for saying what he said. He knew he had to be careful with Annie’s Bulgarian family. They were raised differently and thought differently than everyone he had ever known.
He knew he had to put that into context whenever he thought of how rude they were to Annie.
“Well, on to a different topic, who here has newbies?” Annie and Albus both raised their hands, “And that’s Alexa and Liana for you Anne. Anyone else other than that cousin that joined us, Albus?”
“Yeah. Molly’s younger sister Lucy. Lucy’s like Louis, quiet and reserved. And then Roxanne, she’s Fred’s younger sister and has a similar outgoing personality.”
“Question. Isn’t Fred like James's best friend?”
Albus nodded, “Yeah, but he isn’t as bad.” Because he was sure that Fred wouldn’t bully Roxanne for being in Slytherin. “And honestly, Lucy gets her personality from her mum. Molly is similar to how everyone has always explained her dad when he was her age. So focused on studies and being a good student that others sort of get pushed to the side.”
The first years had entered the hall, everyone watched as Professor McGonagall sat back down, getting done explaining what Albus was sure he would learn to hate by the time his Seventh year came out. And as Professor Longbottom began to read the names, Albus noted the nerves on nearly every first year's face. And on the faces of everyone who he knew had siblings starting this year. 
Professor Longbottom cleared his throat before announcing the first name, “Flint, Stephanie!”
A small girl with long black hair walked up to the hat. She looked similar enough to her brother. Hair same jet black and almost oily skin. And with that, it didn’t take long for it to yell out Slytherin. He saw the girl let out a breath as she quickly made her way over to her older brother. A smile on both of their faces as she sat by them. A twinge of jealousy hit him as he saw it. But he pushed it out. Pretending it didn’t exist.
More names were called, a guy with the last name Carlson was put in Gryffindor, “Green, Alexa!”
Albus watched as Alexa walked up to the hat, her blonde hair that looked so different from Annie’s was pulled back into twin braids. She pushed her glasses up as she sat on the stool, under the hat. After a few minutes of silence, the hat finally yelled out “Slytherin!”
He saw Annie let out a breath as her sister made her way over to the Slytherin table. Sitting next to Liam and Randy as Liana’s name was called. Liana looked like her twin. But she lacked the glasses. And her hair was down, not in braids. Almost messy like he had seen Liam and Antonio’s hair a lot. She had a nervous look on her face. More nervous than Alexa had been.
He watched hand gently coming to Annie’s shoulder before the hat yelled out; “Ravenclaw!” He could feel Annie tense under him. He looked and saw the look on all of her siblings' faces. Confusion with almost terror was written on all of them. The Slytherin’s clapped with confusion while the Ravenclaws cheered with enthusiasm.
Albus leaned forward, whispering in his friend's ear. “What’s wrong?”
Slowly, she looked back at him. “Our father is going to kill her.”
He tilted his head to the side. Surely he heard her wrong. “What do you mean?”
“He said how we would be disowned if we didn't get into Slytherin. That as Green’s we have to be in Slytherin.”
“Did he really?” She nodded and looked back to her sister at the Ravenclaw table before paying attention to the sorting.
Albus turned back to the sorting. Listening as Michael Thomas had been put into Hufflepuff. Other students were put in other houses by the time that Neville called out: “Weasley, Louis!”
He watched as Louis walked about. He could see how nervous he was. He wondered if this was how he looked as he walked to the hat. Wondered if everyone could tell how scared he had been to be put into a different house. Wondered if they had seen how he felt at the same moment his cousin was at. And when the hat yelled out: “Ravenclaw!” For the 11-year-old, Albus let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he had been holding in. 
Perhaps being in Ravenclaw would be easier for him than it was for Albus to be Slytherin. Afterall, James wouldn’t be able to easily or quickly find an excuse to hate him. Afterall, Ravenclaw wasn’t considered the “bad guy” house. And perhaps the tinge of jealousy that Albus could feel wouldn’t come out, but he knew that it would.
All of Albus’s emotions were going to bubble over one day.
Both Roxanne and Lucy had been sorted into Gryffindor. Alexa was sitting with Stephanie Flint, tears evident on her face. Albus sat between Annie and Scorpius while the latter traded chocolate frog cards with Rohyn. He saw Annie continuously looking over at her sister, he knew that she wanted to talk to her. But he also knew that she wouldn’t. That was a way that they were similar. Neither of them really expressed their emotions and thoughts how they should.
And truthfully, Albus knew that it wasn’t a bright thing for the two 12-year-olds to do, but he also knew that he wouldn’t be able to help it.
“I asked this question about this year, but what about next year? Does anyone have anyone that they know starting next year? Siblings, cousins, an aunt or uncle that for some reason is barely younger?” Albus held back a laugh as Robyn said that last bit.
Charlotte Montague leaned back, head hitting Scorpius’s shoulder. “My sister Megan is.”
He looked from her back to Robyn, “My sister and cousin are.”
He heard Jordan Boles let out a choked laugh, “Bloody hell Albus, how many people in your family do you have? I thought Annie was the one with the huge family!”
He chuckled before sighing, thinking about it in his head. “I have nine cousins on my mum’s side, four on my dad’s, as well as two siblings.”
“So 14 cousins and two siblings?”
“How are each of them related to you?”
He looked at Charlotte, “Well...obviously my siblings are from my parents. James being older and Lily younger. Then technically there’s Teddy who’s my dads godson, but he’s basically my brother...even though it’s weird as he’s dating Victoire. But anyways. Vic, Dominique, and Louis are all from my Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur. And then Molly and Lucy are from my Uncle Percy and Aunt Audrey. Rose and Hugo, who is the other one starting next year, are from my Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione. And then my dad’s cousin, Dudley, had four kids. But they’re all muggles so it’s not like you’d be seeing them here anytime soon.”
“Either way, what’re their names?”
He looked at Holly, “Uh...there’s Daisy who’s James’s age. Then Bryce, who I think is my age. Then Ariel and Lena are twins and are...four years younger? I’m not entirely sure honestly. I don’t see them often and dad doesn’t bring that side of the family up much.”
But Albus wished he did. He wondered if perhaps he would get along with them more than he did James and some of his other cousins nowadays. If they wouldn’t judge him cause what would they know about the wizarding world? He was sure Dudley wouldn’t have told them anything. He remembered his Great Aunt Petunia’s funeral two years ago. They had done everything in order to appear as a normal muggle family. Lied and said that James was going to a private boarding school in Scotland. That it was the same Harry had gone to.
Albus was certain that people who didn’t know him, who didn’t know the Wizarding world and didn’t know to hate Slytherin’s, would like him. 
What else could he do? Say people who don’t know him won’t like him? That would just confirm his anxiety that it wasn’t his house. That Albus was truthfully just unlikeable nowadays.
0 notes
Chapter 12. I'll Do Anything to Make You Stay
I do not own Harry Potter, if I did then Fleur wouldn’t get as much hate as she does by everyone
Alrighty, so, the Second Year will have more interactions with other Slytherins in the same year/other years, as well as other houses. Here is a link to a PDF of those families
The way that this is titled what it is because of what I have planned for the future and you guys don’t know that makes me giggle heavily.
Anyways, this is also posted onto my Fanfiction.net account SomeKind0fMagic and my Wattpad somekindofmagic1 and my AO3 account s0m3kind0fmagic so you can check it out on there too!
But anywho, hope you enjoy!
Love Z <3
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Albus stared at the robes hanging from his door. Dress robes. The epitome of wizarding formal wear. In Albus’s opinion they were itchy and stuffy and never fun to wear. And he found it overly ridiculous that he had to wear them considering that Cass’s family wasn’t from the wizarding world and would be wearing normal muggle attire. But he guessed that he understood it. Annie had said that she was told it was so that Cass’s family could see some of the wizarding world things and that he was able to change once the ceremony was over.
Although still annoyed that he had to wear them, he grabbed the robes off of the door before begrudgingly put each layer on. He wished that there was a summer version of them, perhaps then he would be able to move when in them and not feel like he was going to burn alive. Once he had all the layers on, he stared at himself in the mirror, a small look of disgust was written on his face.
He sighed deeply as he adjusted the tie part, “For Annie, I’m doing this for her.”
As he heard his mum’s laugh, he jumped. “Sorry, sorry. I just find it rather amusing that you’re doing something like this for a friend.”
Albus shrugged as he looked at her, “It’s not just for her. It’s also for Cass. She wanted all of us from the wizarding world to wear these robes for the ceremony. We can change afterwards so I have a set of muggle dressing clothes to change into.”
She smiled, similarly to a smirk. “Well, we better get going.” she grabbed his bag off of his chair and tossed it at him, “Her mother is going to drop you off in the morning, yes?” He nodded, “Alright, then let’s get going, don’t want you to be late.” She pushed open the front door of the manor and let him out. “You must dance with her at least once.”
She looked upon Albus, “Don’t ‘mother’ me, you know I despise being called that. But still, you better.”
He shot her a small glare, “Fine, I will.”
She smiled at him, holding her arm out for his. “Then let’s go.” He wrapped his arm in hers and soon felt the sickening feeling of appartating come at him. But as usually, as soon as it started, it ended and his feet were firmly on the ground. He stared as he saw a large black gate opened. His mother let go of him and he looked at her, “Remember to be respectful and behave, alright?” He nodded and she smiled before gently kissing his temple. “Now, I believe I see a girl with short dark hair running over here.”
He looked over to where his mother was posting and sure enough he saw the short black-fading brown-hair in a deep purple dress running towards him. He began to wonder if there was magic thrown or something since it seemed that as soon as he saw her she appeared directly in front of him and tackled him in a hug.
“You made it on time! I never thought that would happen!”
He let out a fake offended gasp. “Just because I’m late to 90% of classes doesn’t mean I can’t be on time or even early to something.”
She pulled away, mouth pulled into a wide smile. “I guess that’s always true.”
His mother let out a breath from behind him, “Well, I better be off. Lily needs new clothes, apparently James and Fred destroyed all of hers.”
He looked at her and nodded, “Okay,” He hugged her quickly, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.” She pulled away and tapped his shoulder, “Be safe and remember your manners.”
Albus nodded, holding back an eye roll. “Okay, mum.”
She made a small wave of her wand and left. He looked back at his friend and saw that her hand was out, “C’mon, let’s go get your stuff put up and you can meet my family before even more people arrive and things.”
He smiled and grabbed his bag that had fallen onto the ground, motioning towards the other side of the gate. “Show me the way, I guess.”
The second he took her hand, she pulled him and they both started running towards what he began to see was a manor coming up. He stared at the outside, it was similar to his own home, just...newer looking. He guessed that it was possible, renovations or them getting it more recently than the Potter’s had. 
Before she could even put her hand to push the door open, he opened for them. He looked at her, quizzically. She smiled, “Magic. Mum put a spell on all the doors so that they will open when someone approaches...well all but the one that leads to the back where the ceremony will be. But that’s really only so when Cassie comes out.” She pointed to a set of stairs in the back, “C’mon, my mum is helping my younger sisters get ready in her room, we’ll pass my room on the way so you can toss your bags in there.”
He nodded and followed her up the stairs, tossing his bag in the room that she pointed to before continuing to follow until they made it all the way to the back. He watched as she pushed the door open before she grabbed his hand and pulled him in. 
“Mum? Albus is here.”
He saw her mother turn, her blonde hair was pulled up into something that resembled a ponytail but more elegant. He stared at her dress, instead of Annie’s dark purple, which was close to a dark plum (or at least that was what he thought the color was as his Aunt Fleur had described it once), her mothers was a lilac, color similar to flower that grew in the gardens behind his house. She had a soft smile on her face as she looked at him.
“Albus.” Her voice was gentle, “Hello dear. I see Annie told you the dresscode, hopefully you’ll be better than my sons. All I have been hearing is their complaints over having to dress robes.” He watched the older woman roll her eyes before turning back to focus on the young girl with black hair. “Even as I remind them that they will be allowed to change once it is time for the reception. I do wonder where they get their brains from because clearly something went wrong with them compared to their sisters.” He watched as she finished putting flowers in the girl's hair and looked back at him. “What’s going on with your hair?”
His eyes widened and he instinctively brought his hand up to touch it, he was about to say something when Annie spoke up. “Oh trust me, this is better than normal. You should see it most days. His mum said that I got it the flattest she had ever seen last week at the World Cup.”
Her mother hummed, “Well, I suppose it will have to do.” She sighed heavily, “Annie, why don’t you introduce your sisters to Albus. I’m going to check on your brothers and see how they’re getting on, make sure everyone is being nice to Nick.” She smiled as she moved to leave the room, gently patting his shoulder on her way out.
From the corner of his eyes, he saw Annie groan and dramatically roll her eyes. “Those two right there, the blondes that look identical are Alexa and Liana. Lexa is the one with glasses.” He saw the two girls give small notions to say hello. He waved back slightly as Annie continued, “Next would be Clara, that one she’s playing with is Eden. the youngest sister.” Neither girl looked at him, both just playing around with one another. “Elina is the one with the braids and Odette is the one with black hair. And then that is all of my sisters, you already know Genevieve.”
He nodded and did a small wave to them, most just ignored him, continuing with what they were doing. Genevieve, however, smirked at him and spoke. “Surprised that you showed, Potter. Didn’t think your family would let you out and about with us Slytherin families.”
He felt him beginning to dig his nails into the skin of his palm at Genevieve’s comment. “My mum and dad don’t care. It’s really just a James thing.”
“Really? Heard Ronald Weasley wasn’t too fond of our house either.”
He looked away from her, his anger beginning to bubble up to the surface as he felt Annie grab his arm and pull him out. Deafly he heard Annie say something back to her sister before they fully exited the room. But once they were out, he heard as Annie began to angrily go on about her sister.
“--I just don’t bloody understand why she is being like this. She’s so annoying about how this all has become in the past several weeks since we came back and I just--ugh! I wish she could learn how to treat people like you should and not like trash then maybe she might actually have some friends and people who like her.”
He simply stayed quiet as she pushed the door to her room open more. He watched her practically throw herself on her bed, a heavy sigh coming out of her mouth as she pushed herself up again. “How have things been over at the Potter house?”
He shrugged, “It’s been alright. James has been out with his friends most of the time so I haven’t had to deal with him much.” 
He kept the fact of what Teddy and Vic had said a secret, what he had thought afterwards was something he still kept to himself. He didn’t want anyone to know what had happened, at least not yet. He felt like it would be a bother, him letting anyone know what he was feeling. Thought it would be better to just keep it to himself to not tell anyone a thing.
“That’s good.” She pushed hair from her face, “Mum said that once it hits 8, we can start to head up for bed. That’s when things are supposed to start dying down.” She sighed, “I dunno how true that is. If we're allowed to leave soon or later or whatever but that’s currently the idea of what’s gonna happen to us in the end.”
He nodded and smiled to himself out of slight self amusement and also embarrassment, “You know...I’ve never actually been to a wedding before. I’m the second youngest grandson, fourth overall. Everyone was married by the time I was born.”
“Oh!” She stared at him in surprise, “Really? No cousins or anything?”
He shook his head, leaning against her dresser. “My dads cousin got married before and my mum doesn’t really have any that she would have gone to.”
Annie nodded, “Well, basically, you sit through this ceremony, where they get married and say their vows and all that mushy stuff.” She adjusted herself on her bed, “After they kiss and walk back up the aisle together and do...something behind closed doors, while everyone else heads to where the reception is and then we eat and I guess sort of party and celebrate.”
“Really is just all that?”
“Yeah, but it still feels like ages though. It can be bloody miserable. But mum and dad put up some spells to get everyone cooled.”
“So how many people are gonna be out there?”
She sighed and leaned her head back, as though trying to think before saying, “For the people that you would know it’s the Malfoy’s, so that’s Scor, his parents, and his grandmother. Zabini’s which is just Lorene and her parents. Avery’s, which definitely includes Oli, Liv, Hol, and their parents. The two youngest, Amellia and Isabella may or may not, their 8 and I dunno if Aunt Stephanie wants them here. Then the Goyles, Char and the twins plus their parents, I know that Felix and Seren are being watched by Aunt Millicent’s mum and dad. The Notts, so Keely, her brother Charles, and their parents. The Boles, so Lizzie, Jordan, and their parents. Then finally the Montagues, that includes all the ones you know plus their parents plus Megan and George and Oli. The youngest two are staying back with Uncle Graham’s mum.”
He nodded, “What about the people I don’t know.”
“Well, that would be my family; aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins from both sides. You’ll easily be able to tell them apart, trust me. And there will be more people from my mum’s side than my dads. My dad was an only child but I have Great Aunts and Uncles who have kids; hence the aunts and uncles and cousins from both sides.” He nodded, picking up a small figure off of her dresser, it was covered in different colors. As if it had been painted by a child. “Then there’s Cassie’s family. Her mum and dad and sister plus I think maybe her grandparents or an aunt or uncle or two. This whole show for you boys to wear dress robes is mostly for her small amount of her family that are here.”
He looked at her curiously, “Why is most of her family not here?”
“They either don’t believe or don’t agree with her being a witch. Most of them are really old thinkers. Believe it’s satanic and all to be a witch.”
He made a face before setting the small figure back down, “Seriously?”
“Yeah, it’s bloody ridiculous if you ask me, but not much we can do about it.” She pushed hair from her face again, “That was a mermaid by the way. I painted it when I was like...3 or 4. I don’t really remember. But mum took all of us to go paint little figurines. Me being me, I naturally chose a mermaid.”
He smiled, “It looked...interesting.”
“What a nice way to say it looks horrible.”
“No. No. It doesn’t look horrible, just interesting.” He brushed his own hair out of his face, “You can definitely tell a child painted it. Which isn’t totally bad, it just is rather...interesting.”
“I hate you. I want you to know that.”
He smiled goofily, “No you don’t. You love me.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes as someone knocked on her door. The two looked over and saw her mother standing in the doorway. “The wedding is starting soon. Annie, Aidan is about to go out and if you want to be his best person without your father’s complaints, I would head down now. I can show Albus where he is meant to sit.”
Annie nodded and quickly made her way out of the room while Albus slowly made his way over to her mum. For the most part, he stayed silent as he followed her down. He didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t sure if it was even right for him to say something to her, he had only just met her and really didn’t know much about her except for what Annie had told him, and even that wouldn’t help him much.
“I’m happy Annie met you, Albus.”
He heard her mum laugh before repeating herself, “I just said that I’m happy that Annie met you. She seems happier since you came into her life.”
“Oh. I hadn't noticed.”
“Oh, it really isn’t all that noticeable, just something a mother would notice.” She stopped by a row and turned to smile at him, “You’re sitting here, next to Scorpius and his family. Annie demanded you to be with them.”
He looked over and saw the face of his other friend looking bored as ever and hadn’t even noticed him there. “Right, thank you, Mrs. Green.”
“Of course, I shall see you after the ceremony.”
He nodded before taking his seat next to his friend, he looked over and saw that his friend was still seemingly somewhere else. Albus faked an offended scoff, “And here I thought that I was your friend, Scorpius. But yet I sit down and I don’t even get a measly hello. Maybe Annie was wrong to put me by you.”
The blonde’s head snapped over to him, “You’re the worst, Al.”
“No, that’s Annie.”
Scorpius laughed slightly, “Yeah, I guess so.” He sighed and looked up for a moment, “I cannot believe we have to wear these stupid robes. Most of Cass’s family isn’t even here.”
“Scorpius, you can change after the ceremony, until then, stop complaining. It could be so much worse. Her parents could have decided to not make sure it was cool in here for us.” Albus looked over and saw a very pretty dark haired woman looking over at the two of them. He had seen her before, in the Prophet. It was Scor’s mum.
“Yes mum.”
She smiled over at Albus, holding her hand out for him to shake. “You must be Albus, I’m Astoria, Scorpius’s mum.”
Albus gently shook her hand, noting the way she wore two rings on her hand. “It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Malfoy.”
“Stop charming my mum, Albus.”
“I am not ‘charming her’, I’m simply being nice. Since when was that charming?”
“Since I said so?”
He was about to argue his logic when music started and a hush fell around them. Scorpius threw Albus a smug look while Albus just tossed him a small glare. He turned his head and watched as everyone came down the aisle, standing as he heard Astoria and Draco whisper to do so as the doors opened and revealed Cass. He watched as the older girl walked down the aisle. It was odd to him, his cousin was the same age as her and yet seemingly had no interests in getting married. He wondered if Vic did, would the dress be similar? Would she also have a dress without sleeves? Would it resemble a ball gown and have lace all on it?
He wondered if this was a normal thing to do, stare at someone and think of another person that was the same age. Wonder if they would be any similar if they did the same things. It was something he did often enough so he wondered if it was normal or if it was another thing about him that was wrong.
Albus adjusted his tie as he stood by Annie and Scorpius. He knew that one of Annie’s aunts had come over to talk to her but he grew distracted by someone he could only assume was her cousin. She had dark hair and a gentle smile, a smile similar to Annie’s but it was much more prominent. She honestly looked like what you would think Annie would if she bore any resemblance to her mother, like her sisters did.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone slap his arm. He began to rub the area that was hit as his head snapped over to them. “What?”
“My Aunt was just--”
“I was just trying to ask, how big is your family?” The lady had a thick Bulgarian accent and Albus barely understood the woman.
“Well...” He looked and saw the downward cast that Annie had, how she held her arms around herself. A look he began to know well as he had started to hold himself the same whenever he was alone. He cleared his throat before continuing, “My mother always taught me to not interrupt someone and you interrupted Annie so--”
“Albus it’s alright, just answer her question.” He saw Scorpius gently wrapping his arm around Annie and the way that her voice sounded made him want to disagree. But when he saw the look on her face, he realized that it would be better to not.
“I have 9 cousins on my mum's side that all come from her 6 brothers. And then two siblings myself.”
She nodded, “And how about that rumor about that Edward and Victiore being engaged, is that true?”
He shook his head, “Vic and Teddy aren’t engaged. They’re not even interested in getting married at this time.” He slowly began to glare at her, “And it isn’t nice to speculate and listen to rumors about people. Someone of your age should know that.”
He saw the anger flare on the woman’s face before he heard Scorpius’s dad’s voice and felt his hand on his shoulder. “Natalia.”
“Draco. Wonderful to see you here.”
“Yes...as you know I’ve known Peter for years and saw Aidan grow up.”
She gave him a face that was a mix of being nasty and a smirk. “Right...” She looked at Albus again before continuing, “I was mostly surprised to find a Potter here. Did not know that my sister’s family had any association with them.”
“Albus is Anne’s friend. He was invited so that she and my son would not drive us all crazy. Now, I need to escort Anne to her mother and my son and Albus are coming with me.” Albus looked up at Draco as he spoke, he noted the small look of anger on his face, a look similar to Albus’s own father when he got mad at his Uncle Ron back at Christmas.
The grip on Albus’s shoulder momentarily tightened before Draco began to turn him, “Come on you three.”
Albus quickly felt his feet move as Draco moved them away, briefly, he looked back to see if Annie’s aunt was still there and he saw her storming off in the opposite direction of them. He looked back around as they came to a halt. Albus looked at Annie and saw the look she previously had had was replaced by a look that was mixed with gratefulness and annoyance, he couldn’t point out which was the main emotion there.
“Thank you, Mr. Malfoy.” Her voice was soft, but also held annoyance in it.
“Of course, but I didn’t completely lie to you. Your mother does need you and I got sent. She’s over there by Cassie and Aidan.”
Annie turned and looked to where Draco pointed before she nodded and breathed out an “Okay.” And made her way over to them. 
“As for you two, especially you Albus, don’t cause any trouble. Dany’s side of the family is not the side to anger, that’s something I only know as I’ve seen her angry. Unless someone else starts it or fully insults you or your family, I beg that neither of you argue.”
“But she interrupted--” Albus started but Draco stopped him:
“I know. I know. I don’t like that either, but you need to understand this, the families here are different from the ones you grew up with. Many still practice things in the...old way, especially the Aleksandrovs. They aren’t supremacists but some of the children have interesting ideals that clash with many of us that live here.”
“So it’s like a thing of um...” He faded off, trying to remember the word, mentally cursing as he knew Annie would know it. 
“Geographical opinions. Similar to how those in lets say the Americas had no care for what was happening here with Voldemort as it didn’t affect them. The Aleksandrov’s, and many other families that send their children to Durmstrang, have strong beliefs about the war and the different families on different sides of it. It’s always just easier to avoid the conversation altogether than to encourage it. Understand?”
Albus nodded, “Yes sir.”
“No need to call me sir, I was just explaining.”
Albus nodded as he saw Anne making her way back over to them. “According to my mum, dancing is starting soon and she wants to make sure everyone has a partner.” She looked directly at him, a sheepish look on her face, “I might have told her that you agreed to be mine.” She bit her lip and played with her nails, “I’m sorry. She just asked me and your name just slipped out of my lips before I could even think and when she asked me to confirm I just dug my hole deeper by swearing you said that you would.”
He laughed slightly before shrugging, “I don’t care. I just would like to warn you before that I’m not the best dancer.”
“Neither am I, at least not with a partner. Maybe the two negatives will turn into positives?”
“Or it’ll catch on fire and burn to the ground.” The two of them looked at Scorpius, who just raised his hands in defense, “I’m just saying, best case scenario is that the two of you succeed in dancing while the worst case is you fail and fall down.”
Both of them were about to say something when Derek ran over, “Come on you two, mum is about to murder you both since you’re the only ones that haven’t made your way over. So I am now here to attempt to prevent bloodshed at our dear brother's wedding.”
Annie rolled her eyes and grabbed Albus’s hand, pulling him along and over to where he saw the whole lot of her family was gathered. He looked at who all was standing by one another, noticing that everyone who was standing there were only those who had at least started at Hogwarts, plus her sisters Liana and Alexa. The other 5 were nowhere to be seen, Albus wondered if perhaps they had been sent up to bed or perhaps they were told they couldn’t be a part of this because they were too young.
“Good, you're both here. I guess it’s time to get this party started.” Both Albus and Anneliese rolled their eyes as Aidan spoke. “Now, we have to dance for one song then we can go and do whatever, mum’s rules. Me and Cass get the first 30 seconds or so and then mum and dad join and then you kids join in whenever you think it’s right” Wrapping his arm around Cass’s waist he smiled as Mrs. Green got up and started to talk.
As the music began playing, Aidan and Cass walked on and danced, his mum and dad as well as hers soon joining them. Albus stood next to Annie, her arm looped around his, as he waited for her to make the move for them to go. He felt her grip on his arm as they started to make their way over to dance. He wasn’t used to this, Annie being scared. Everyone always says she gets scared easily, but he had never seen it before. 
He awkwardly wrapped his arms around her, looking into her face, watching her eyes darting all around them. “You okay?” He whispered out, concern laced all in his voice.
“Yeah...there’s just a lot of people watching us.”
He looked around, and sure enough, there was. He looked back at her, “You’re not used to that, are you?” She shook her head and he nodded, “Well...for me distraction always helps. Wanna try it?”
“Sure.” She breathed out.
He smiled, “School starts in a month, are you ready for it?”
She nodded, “Yeah. After a while, it gets suffocating being around my family with no escape. At least at school I’m able to hide from them and do other things.”
He nodded, “I get that. I’m hoping this year is easy, that no one causes any unnecessary drama.”
“Isn’t all drama unnecessary?” She looked him in the eyes, “Spin me.”
He was about to comment on her first part when she made her request. He tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Why?”
“Just do it.” And so he did, albeit awkwardly. And as he did, a sudden fill of relief hit him as he saw a few of the other girls getting spun.
When she came back to him, he looked at her curiously, “How did you know that was about to happen?”
“I saw my grandmother spin her finger around. At every wedding I’ve been to, that she has as well, whenever she does that, everyone spins the lady around. That is assuming they see the signal.”
He nodded, “That actually makes a lot of sense.”
“Yeah.” She sighed and smiled gently, “So what else were you going to say about drama?”
“Oh. Just that you were right. Most drama is unnecessary. So I guess I’m just hoping that no drama happens, or at least not just any that has to do with me.” He laughed.
She laughed along, “Let’s hope not, I don’t think we can handle it again.”
He laughed as the song began to end and they all came to a halt in front of everyone. Once again, she looped her arm around his as they made their way over to their friends. “Thanks for coming, by the way. It means a lot.”
He shrugged, “It’s nothing. I had nothing to do. But you just need to agree to come to every wedding in my family.”
She laughed, “Alright.” She held her hand out for him to shake and he took it, “We have a deal.”
“Oh Merlin, please tell me you aren’t making deals again.”
Albus looked at Charlotte with curiosity as Annie spoke, “Oh shut up. I have never once made a bad deal. And this one doesn’t even concern you so I don’t understand why you’re commenting on it.”
“Why is there a problem with you making a deal?”
“She used to make them all the time, always made sure that she had the good end of it while the rest of us got the bad end.”
“Not my fault you lot suck at making deals, Holly.” 
“Yeah well--”
“Ladies, why don’t we not start a fight now. I see Aunt Dany starting to get angry as she stares over at us. So unless you lot want to get yelled at later, I would suggest that you all shut it.”
As Rohyn said that everyone turned their heads to see Mrs. Green staring at the kids, her brow raised as if to dare them to do something. After a moment, they all looked back at each other and stayed silent for several seconds. That silence was only broken by everyone saying they were going to find someone else, leaving Scor, Annie, and Albus by themselves again. 
“Unfortunately, I have to make my leave too. I see my mum motioning me that it’s time to go, so I will see you two later.” The blonde boy hugged his two friends before he ran over to his mother, leaving the two dark haired kids by themselves.
Annie yawned before turning to Albus, “Wanna head up? It’s getting late anyways.” He nodded and she smiled, “Let me just go tell my mum.”
Albus silently sat on the edge of Annie’s bed as she changed in her bathroom. He looked around her room, looking at the different things around it. It looked like a typical 12 year olds room. Photos and clothes scattered all around. He noticed several books on the ground as well, noting that some were school books while others were personal; both from the muggle and wizarding world. He looked at the nightstand that sat by her bed, looking at the small box that sat on top of it. He picked it up, recognizing it as something for the muggle film Tangled. It was purple and had the princess Rapunzel on the sides of it. Gently, he flipped the clip up and opened it, hearing one of the songs from the film play from it.
“You like it?” He quickly closed it, looking at her, face red. She laughed, “I don’t mind, nothing in there really.” She smiled and sat across from him, “Have you ever seen it?”
He nodded, “Yeah. Lily was obsessed with it when it came out, but it was replaced by the next one. Whatever it was called.”
“Frozen?” He nodded and she hummed, gently taking the box from him and closing it. “I was obsessed with that one too, but my mum got me this before that one came out.” She placed it back where it went and leaned back against one of the poles on the side of her bed, “I did mean it. I am extremely grateful you were able to make it. It made the night more bearable.”
He smiled, “It was fun. I had fun.”
She smiled, “Good.”
He leaned his head back against her headboard, he really did have a good day, one of the better days of the summer. It was the first day since he had come back that he hadn’t had some type of fear inside of him. For the first time since he came back, that happiness that he always felt around her hit him, that feeling that had him terrified to ever lose her. And now knowing that her mum likes him as her friend, that small itch of fear hit him because what if she just changes her mind about him like James did?
0 notes
Chapter 11: Let The Games Begin
I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters from it. If I did, Albus would not be named Albus.
Apologies for legit disappearing again. Last time I updated I was finishing my Junior year of High School and I just graduated about 2 weeks ago! So I finally have time (and inspiration) to get back to writing again!
If Anneliese ever seems like she just...randomly gets really aggressive, don't quesiton it. Girl is going through puberty and has a lot of things going on at home that I know about but y'all don't (at least not yet).
Also, just in case anyone noticed, I did go back and rename the previous chapters because I thought of better names okay? Okay! *thumbs up*
Anyways, this is also posted onto my Fanfction.net account SomeKind0fMagic and my Wattpad somekindofmagic1 so you can check it out on there too!
Love Z <3
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Albus screamed as his covers were torn off of him and there was a yelling in his ear. Grabbing his glasses while mumbling and annoyed, "What the hell?" He looked around his room, a breath leaving his lips as he saw the red hair of his sister and his "Lily? Annie?" He saw the red hair of his sister and the short black hair of his best friend. "What're you guys doing waking me up at," He looked at the clock and groaned, "4 AM?" He looked at them again, as the sleep fogged his brain, he grew even more puzzled as to why they were fully clothed. "And what're you guys doing dressed?"
He heard Lily gasp dramatically, "Because...today's the Quidditch World Cup!" Albus ran his hand over his face, slowly waking up still, "And Mum has to get there by 6 AM so she can start to interview the two teams!" He rolled over onto his stomach, about to pull a pillow over his head with one of them grabbing it from his hand. "Mum wants you up so we can eat together. Now hurry up! We still need to get James up!"
He grumbled about being up and everything as he heard Annie sigh, "Lily, go on and wake up James. I'll make sure Albus gets up."
He heard a humph before a slight annoyance filled voice of Lily spoke again. "Fine." As he heard her fading footsteps, he felt his eyes grow heavy again and began to feel the comfort of sleep wrap around his cold body.
But before he could be rewrapped in the comfort of sleep, he felt a hand on his ankle before feeling his entire body being yanked down the bed. He screamed and turned around, finding Annie really was still there, staring at him. "Come on Albus. Told your mum I'd get you up so," She grabbed his arms and tried to pull him up. "I'm doing it." She walked over to his closet and looked inside, trying to find clothes for him to put on. "Besides, if you don't then I'm pretty sure that James will eat all the food."
He glared at her as he slowly walked over to her and grabbed a shirt hanging. "You're cold."
She shrugged and looked at him, "I have 6 older brothers, I've learned how to get you idiots up." She crossed her arms, "So are you gonna get ready now?" He grumbled as he pulled the shirt he had on, off. Just as he pulled the clean one on, he heard her continue. "And besides, I could've gotten ice cold water to pour on you." Barely, he saw her smirk, "And I still could."
His eyes widened as he began to move much quicker. "Alright. Alright. Just gimme a minute." She nodded as he looked around and grabbed a pair of pants. He was about to pull his pajama pants off when he remembered that Annie was there. He turned to her, "Can you like...turn around?" He watched as she rolled her eyes but did what he asked. Mumbling something about it not being like she'll actually see anything.
As he slipped his pajamas off and the pants on, he watched her walk out of the closet and back into his bedroom. He let out a sigh as he made his way back into his bedroom, running a hand through his hair, attempting to smooth it. But almost as soon as he stepped out, his brush hit him square in the chest, he gave Anne a look as she just laid back onto his bed.
He heard her scoff, "Please, that didn't hurt."
"It could've."
"But it didn't." She pushed herself up on her elbows and he started to try and brush out his hair. "Trust me, if my sister Elina, who is almost 6 can handle it, you, a whole 12 year old, can."
He snorted, "Whatever." He tossed his brush back onto his bed, "Let's go."
She looked at him as if he was crazy, "No. You cannot possibly think that your hair is good."
He touched his hair and looked at it through the old mirror on his wall before looking back to her, "What?"
She grabbed the brush from off his bed and pulled him back over to his bed. Sitting behind him, she began to brush through. "I would be sorry for this ending up hurting, but the fact is, this is your own creation." He mumbled something about it being okay as she ran the brush through his hair. Neither of them even noticed his mum leaning against the door. "Seriously Al, do you ever brush your hair? It's like a bird's nest here."
"I think it's genetics." He mumbled, "My mom always has complained about all of our hair. Saying that it's from our dad."
She snorted as she finished up brushing through, running her hands through his hair as she went through, a finishing part in order to get it flatter. She sighed heavily as she tossed the brush over to the other side of the bed. "I think that's the best I can get, Al. Your hair is going to be my enemy as long as we're friends."
"Should I be sorry or should I just accept fate?"
"Accept your fate and you shall die peacefully."
"That is definitely smoother than I ever have gotten it."
The two kids started laughing but both let out a small scream and jumped, both nearly falling off of his bed, as they heard his mum speak. Their laughs transferred to her as they jumped, her hands coming up with her palms out in a surrender form. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you kids, I honestly had assumed you saw me." She sighed and pushed herself off of the wall, "If either of you want to eat before we head out, I would recommend going now. We need to leave in 10 minutes. Your dad and Uncle Ron just left plus Lily and James are currently eating so you have about 5 to get down there and get food."
As his mother said those last words, Albus practically jumped off his bed before running downstairs. Annie followed after him, shaking her head in amusement as his mother looked at them with fondness.
Music and noises of all kinds surrounded everyone as they walked towards the site of the game. Just down the hill from the Portkey, the muddy old boot that they had been using since before Albus or even James had been born.
As they neared the tents and the people, Albus and Anne held onto Lily's hands tightly. Ginny had asked them to keep an eye on Lily, just in case there were any other reporters that would take photos of them, despite continuous wishes from Harry asking them to not take photos of his kids. The two of them knew that if they saw any camera pointed at them, they would start running (or smush her head into one of their chests).
But thankfully, that didn't have to happen. No one paid them any attention. All preoccupied with making sure that they were at their tent and everything was set up for them. Eyes more glued on the families of the players anyways. That was mostly who was there. Reporters, players and their families, plus a few Aurors and Hit Wizards. Those who chose to work the pregame instead of the main part so that they could enjoy the game with their families and friends.
Before they entered, Ginny looked at them all, "Alright, I should be back in an hour or two." She looked at all of them, well...mostly her kids and Anne. "Behave. Hermione is here if anything goes wrong, which nothing better happen. Understand?"
They all nodded, muttering agreements to be good. Anne even felt a small hint of joy that Ginny was being that way with her too. She was used to it from the parents of her other friends, but they had known her since she was born, Ginny hadn't. So the fact that she was treating her as she treated her own kids left her with a small sense of joy, something even Albus could see.
As she walked away, the four kids walked into the tent. James quickly made his way over to Rose and Hugo while the other three walked over to sit by Hermione. They watched in amusement as the other three began to place bets on who would win. But Albus felt a small tinge of guilt and envy as he watched them.
Guilt because Lily should be with them. She should be sitting with him and his friend. She shouldn't already be outcasting herself from their family just because they outcast him for his house. He felt as if she shouldn't be doing that. That she should be betting with them. He had seen the way that her and Hugo hadn't been as close as they always had been. Guilt ate at him, terrified that it was because of him. He knew that even at age 10, Hugo wanted nothing more than to have the acceptance of his dad. Something Albus was growing to understand.
A growing wish to be able to not disappoint his parents. But feeling like he wouldn't be able to just because of what house he was in. Something he hoped that Lily wouldn't have to feel.
And he was envious of them. Envious that they were laughing and playing with each other. He could only think about how that was him and Rose just a year ago. Laughing. Playing. Being friends. He didn't...couldn't understand why they now hated him because he was in Slytherin. Their parents, especially his and James', had raised them without that prejudice. Raised them to understand that house doesn't define a person, their actions do.
Him being friends with Scorpius Malfoy shouldn't have cost him his brother as well as his favorite cousin and best friend.
Deep down, he knew that he shouldn't be 12 years old and feeling all of these feelings. But he did and he couldn't control it. All he could do was hide it and pretend that he was okay. Because he was. Or at least he will be.
"--Yeah? Well at least Albus and Rose only have to wait 2 months before he can try out for the team! I have to wait another whole two years! It's totally unfair!"
Albus blinked his eyes a few times, trying to focus back into the moment. Not even having realized he had zoned out. "You're trying out Al?"
He shrugged, mind catching up and realizing that they were talking about Quidditch and tryouts for the house teams. "Yeah, I decided why not. I mean, there's no guarantee I'll make it. Slytherin isn't known for accepting second years plus don't we still have a Seeker?"
"Yeah? And? No one likes Dom on the team. He was just the only person that came close to being good. We've barely won a single game since he joined. Plus you have like...this whole legacy around you. Both of your parents, your dads dad, the majority of your mum's brothers! I mean seriously, if you don't make the team, Matt is literally crazy."
He rolled his eyes, "Sure. whatever." He laid his head in his hand, "So...when are you supposed to meet up with your family?"
"Probably whenever you guys head to your seats. I'll stop by and see if they're still at our tent, if they are, then I'll stay with them. If they aren't then I'll head over to our box." She snorted slightly, "We're sharing with the Malfoy's this year. Scor and I have a bet going on how long it's gonna take for Astoria to try and smack my dad."
He laughed, holding his hand over his mouth as an attempt to silence them but he couldn't. All he knew of how Scorpius's mum was with Annie's dad came from what they had told him. To his knowledge; Mrs. Malfoy hated Annie's dad. Said he was too controlling for her liking and apparently and almost threw a punch over something he had supposedly said.
Eventually, the laughter died down and Hermione spoke, "I honestly hope that the Welsh beat the States. That team isn't really good at anything, but the fact that they always choke out at the most important games."
"Sounds like the Slytherin team. We can do good until it matters. The few times we are in the running for first or second, we, well really Dom, chokes up and lose terribly and somehow end up in last place or barely making it to third. It's bloody ridiculous."
"Well that's stupid." Lily muttered and Annie nodded, laying her head on the table in front of her.
"But it's sadly true, do they still expect ya'll to play dirty?" Hermione asked softly.
Albus shrugged, "I have no clue."
But Anne nodded, "Yeah, they do." Albus glanced over at James as Annie spoke. He saw the glare in his brother's eyes. "It's ridiculously stupid, they know we won't. We can't risk it. And yet some teams try and provoke us." She crossed her arms, "I don't even care for Quidditch much but even I find that absurd.
A small layer of silence grew in the tent, not before James jumped up and declared something. Albus honestly didn't catch it as he watched the entrance to the tent. He knew Lily got up and went with James, but his attention was focused on the flaps that kept the tent closed. He wondered how the magic worked. How that if his parents hadn't given permission for a specific person to enter, they wouldn't be able to. That they would be shot back and away from the tent. He wondered how it worked. Did it work if the person was under the influence of polyjuice? Was the magic powerful enough to catch that or not?
He wondered if he hadn't asked them to, if they would have given Annie permission to enter. If they had given Scorpius. He wondered if his parents even liked his friends, he was so sure that they liked Annie, afterall, they were allowing him to stay the night and go to her brother's wedding that next week. There would be no way that they would let him do that if they didn't like her, right?
But maybe they just pretended to like her for his sake. She was one of his only friends now. Perhaps they only liked her because of that. Because at least that was someone who liked him, despite who his family was and the fact that he was becoming someone that he swore he wouldn't.
Despite the fact that he was growing and changing and slowly realizing just how different he was from the rest of his family.
Albus had been at the pitch for nearly 18 hours by the time he was barely in his seat, watching as the two seekers shot down in order to catch the ever illusive snitch. He saw the way that they were neck and neck, hands outstretched, trying to grab the small golden ball. He saw the bludger making it's way to the seekers, holding his breath as the seeker for the United States pulled up and the bludger hit the Welsh seeker.
Near silence surrounded him as it felt as though everyone there were silently holding their breath. Waiting to see if the Welsh seeker caught the snitch. And that exact moment that they all saw him hold the snitch in his non-injured hand, cheers and screams erupted from the crowd. Albus looked at Teddy, who he was sitting by before the older boy engulfed him in a hug.
A pure feeling of glee and joy filled him up. A feeling that he rarely felt nowadays. He wasn't sure if he felt it from his team winning the game or the hug from his pseudo brother. But he knew that he felt it and that he needed to feel it. And he also knew that the tears that gently fell from his eyes weren't from joy, but sadness. A sadness that he was so sure would never leave him now.
It was only 10:30 when they were finally out and back at the tent. Since they were celebrating a win, no one had to start to wind down until 12:30 so there was still another 2 hours before all of the kids had to get ready to get some sleep. But Albus was starting to realize just how hard it might be to stay up as he was still catching his breath from celebrating with Vic and Teddy and Lily, his eyes growing slightly heavy as they sat in a circle and played the muggle game Go Fish. Their Aunt Hermione had brought a few packs of muggle playing cards for them in case they were wanted.
His back was against one of the couches, zoning in and out of everything going on that he barely caught Teddy's question. "How was your first year Albus?"
He shrugged, trying to think of what to say quickly. "It was alright. I mean...it was weird not being home everyday and all that. But it was fun for the most part. I made friends easily." He tried to keep out the sleepless nights following the first several weeks. The fights and slowly growing self-hatred inside of him. Hide the fact that he rarely found solace in much outside of those in his house anymore.
Teddy nodded, "That's good. I won't lie, I was shocked when Vic sent the letter informing that you had been put into Slytherin. Afterall, no one in the family really has, unless you count my grandmother but she isn't really your family and all." Teddy laughed to himself before he continued, "But once the initial shock settled, I began to question why I, and anyone else for that matter, were surprised. Slytherin house has so many good traits that you embody that I honestly couldn't imagine you anywhere else."
He looked at him inquisitively, still playing the game. "Like what?"
"For starters, you're very cunning and resourceful. You see a problem and face it headfirst, most of the time at least. You know your way around tricky situations and you take on the leadership role whenever you have to. You set goals for yourself and you make them. Or at least you did when you were younger. Plus, you tend to weigh the pros and cons before you do something. However, that one is rarer."
"Huh." He faded for a moment, as if he was trying to understand what Teddy had just said. It made sense for him to be in Slytherin? But why? Everyone acts like it was a mistake and that he was nothing like the other Slytherin's before he had joined that house. Why was Teddy sitting acrooss from him and saying that he couldn't imagine him anywhere else?
Quickly, he cleared his voice, realizing they were waiting for him to continue his thought. "I never realized I did that."
Vic and Teddy laughed and he felt a minor tinge of embarrassment. Should he have realized that already? That everyone fits into their house, regardless if they realize it when they were sorted? Should he have noticed that by the time he had finished his first year?
"Don't panic if you didn't realize that." Vic assured, "Truly, you don't realize how much you are like your house until someone points it out." She gave him a soft and gentle smile. Something he saw her give all the younger students whenever they came to her throughout the year. "I didn't realize how many Hufflepuff traits I had for myself, besides the stereotypical niceness. For my first two or three years, I had just thought that that was all I had, because everyone said that was my best trait, and just put me in Hufflepuff. Which is ironic as I was called shallow for years but yet also nice? Never quite understood that." She drew a card since Lily didn't have the card she wanted. "But, as I went on, more people began to point out how I am apparently extremely patient with everyone and everything. I, like Slytherins and other Hufflpuffs, am very dedicated to different things that I believe in. For example, I am bloody dedicated to our family and my schooling." She smiled and pulled her hair to the side, "And I'm also dedicated to becoming a Healer since I got confirmation that I made it in to start training."
"So...will I start to fit into more Slytherin traits as I finish school?"
His fear began to raise as he thought of that. Thought of the new ways that Rose and James would start to hate him because of that. Because he was more and more Slytherin and less and less Gryffindor. Would James hate him for joining the Slytherin Quidditch team after years of them planning on playing together, James as the Chaser and Albus as the Seeker. Being the best thing to ever happen to Gryffindor's Quidditch team since their dad.
Would the disappointment grow worse as he got older?
The world was nearly silent around him as Albus laid in his bunk. All that he could hear was the occasional drunk voice of someone outside and someone inside the tent snoring. He knew that all he had to do was get up and wake Teddy up and ask to talk, but that thought scared him. What if Teddy didn't actually care and was just telling him that out of courtesy?
He turned and stared at the crimson fabric that was the wall of the tent. He wondered if Teddy was right? Did he already have a bunch of Slytherin traits? Traits that he didn't have before? Or at least that he hadn't noticed? Were these...things that made him, him. That made him Slytherin. Were these things more obvious now that he was a Slytherin? Was he really so cunning and resourceful? He didn't feel resourceful. Always having to ask Annie for help on work. Would, or more of does, he really try to make his goal, even through deception and lies? He couldn't remember ever making a goal for himself and succeeding. He wondered that when he got older, would he be so Slytherin and make his end goal through ways of anger and deceit? Would he lie in order to get what he wants?
And did he really become the leader whenever he had to? He tried to think back on a time that he did, but he couldn't remember a single time. He never was a leader, more of a follower. He had always followed James and Rose around. Always done what they did. He guessed that maybe he was the leader of his small friend group, but he would honestly rather put that to Annie than himself. She was much better at keeping everyone in line and making sure everyone did what they were supposed to.
She was the perfect example of a good and nice Slytherin. Not Albus. Albus was none of those things. He was a liar and a traitor who betrayed his family because he didn't tell the hat not Slytherin like his father had done all those years ago.
He held back a groan as he put a pillow over his ears, trying to drown them out as the seven words echoed in his head.
Cunning. Resourceful. Leadership. Goal. Achieve. Pros. Cons.
But they wouldn't go away. Those words were bouncing around in his head. Teddy's nice way of saying them turned to James' sneers. The sneers and words he had heard others say about him since he started at Hogwarts. The words got so loud that he began to think about what James had said before Annie had come over. What he had said about her coming over.
James clenched his fists, "You're such a bloody disgrace to the family! Mum and dad fight because of your bloody house and it's causing a divide throughout the entire family! Thanks to you influencing Lily to be so Slytherin and evil like you, she's fighting with Hugo more! Petty arguments turn into full scale fights, all because of your stupid influence on her! You're nothing but a coward who hides behind older students! You'll never get anywhere with that. One day, Green's siblings will be gone and there won't be anyone to protect you at Hogwarts anymore."
He held his pillow tightly and whispered to not cry. He didn't want to cry over something so stupid. Over something that if James found out, he would make fun of him for. He didn't want to cry. If he cried then he would prove James right. He would prove that it was nothing. That he would never be anything more than a coward because someone who wasn't wouldn't let someone say that to him.
But Albus did and he always would. All because he didn't want people to hate him more. All because he thought that maybe, just maybe, if he didn't fight back against James, then he wouldn't hate him anymore. That was all he had to do. Remain the same kid he was and then James will still like him
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Easy To Hate Masterlist
Masterlist for the story that my OC Anneliese Erika Green exists for.
Story is a Harry Potter Next Generation fic based around Albus Potter description below. This can aslo be read on Fanfiction.net, under the account SomeKind0fMagic and the Wattpad account somekindofmagic1
Playlist for story (technically Spoilers in it!)
Albus Severus Potter. Second child and youngest son of the famous Harry Potter. A Slytherin. Who would have thought. And who would have thought that the saying 'its easier to hate than to love' would become oh so true for him.
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First Year
Chapter 1: Welcome to Hogwarts
Chapter 2: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Chapter 3: And You Can’t Tell Me That You're Sorry
Chapter 4: It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Chapter 5: Sweet Dreams of Holly and Ribbon Mistakes Are Forgiven
Chapter 6: Everything I Need is Right Here by My Side
Chapter 7: There is Nothing I do Better Than Revenge
Chapter 8: At Least I’m Trying
Chapter 9: You Can Feel it on The Way Home
Summer Between First and Second Year
Chapter 10: Everything has Changed
Chapter 11: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 12: I'll Do Anything to Make You Stay
Chapter 13: Always Find Your Way Back Home
Chapter 14:
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Chapter 10: Everything has Changed
I do not own Harry Potter and any of the characters from it.
Someone on Fanfiction.net mentioned that I’m making Harry a “bad dad”...I’m making him realistic? And where they said it literally had him being a good dad! Like bro...he was literally defending his son? Yes, Harry will make some shitty choices as a parent. As will Ginny. And literally every single parent in this story! Parents aren’t perfect, I’m not going to make them that way. I will write that they will have mistakes made. The kids will see it and be aware of it. If you aren’t happy with that, then don’t read my story! That’s all I have to say!
Also...I kinda don’t really know what a “good dad” is? My parents got divorced when I was 6/7 and I haven’t seen my dad since I was 7 and like...my older brother didn’t let me have any good memories of him and stuff. And I kinda saw it with my grandad and my mom and aunts, but still. I am sort of unsure about the “good dad” department. But I’m trying, really hard
Anyways, this is also posted onto my Fanfction.net account SomeKind0fMagoc and my Wattpad somekindofmagic1 so you can check it out on there too!
But anywho, hope you enjoy!
Love Z <3
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Albus stared at the Maroon wall. He knew he needed to ask his parents if he could paint and change his room again. That maybe it would be a way to not have to see James. He sighed as he slipped out of his bed and walked down the stairs. Yawning as he entered the kitchen where his mum and sister were. He opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk. “Morning mum, Lily.”
Lily looked up from her book and smiled, “Morning Al!”
He smiled at Lily and looked at his mum, “Where’s dad and James?”
His mum looked up from her paper, “Your dad had to go to work early today and James left to hang out with Fred and Oliver at your Aunt and Uncle’s.” Albus nodded as he grabbed a bowl and cereal. “So can we expect any of your friends over soon? Or expect you to ask if you can go to their house?”
He shrugged, “Scorp said he just needs to double check with his mum on if she’s okay with people coming over. I think Annie just needs permission as well.” He turned to face them again, “Why?”
His mum shrugged, “I was just curious.” She looked back at her papers, “And your dad and I were talking about it, so if you’d like, you can invite them to the World Cup with us. I have to write a report on it, again.” She rolled her eyes, “We’re still going to keep Lily away from cameras as much as possible.” And before Lily could say anything their mum continued, “I was also thinking that you two could stick together. Not ideal for you or James to be pictured either, but we just know that since you two are in school, it’s harder for you to not be. So, if you are okay with it, could you stick with her? You’ve always been a fast runner and have always been able to carry her easily. And if you can’t carry her, you have permission to practically drag her. Plus, there is the fact that you pay attention to literally everything going on.”
Albus shrugged, “I guess I can mum.” He pushed some hair out of his face “Anyways, Scorp said he was probably going to the Cup. Same with Annie.”
She nodded, “Oh, well, maybe then I could meet her family. And I can talk to Astoria. I have always liked her.”
He shrugged and looked at Lily, “What’re you doing today?”
She shrugged, “Not sure, I may just stay in my room and read, but who knows.”
“Well, I’m here if you wanna do anything.”
She smiled, “Well, I may drag you to help me play quidditch.”
He laughed, “Well, I don’t care if you do. I just call dibs on the newest Wood Model in the shed.”
Before Lily could protest, their mum spoke again, “Oh! Albus, your dad and I were wanting to know if you were going to try out for the Slytherin team next year?”
“Maybe. The only two places that need to be filled are the Keeper and one of the Chasers.”
“Why don’t you go for Chaser? Would make people compare you to your dad less.”
He shrugged, “I guess, but I’ve always just preferred Seeker.”
“You’ve always been an excellent Chaser though. I remember how you, James, and Lily would be Chasers while the rest of us were in other positions.”
He shrugged again, “Yeah, but as I said, Seeker has always been more fun than Chaser. Always get more thrill from it.” 
His mum nodded, “I get that sweetheart.” She looked back at her papers, “Just let your father and I know if you do end up planning on trying out.”
Albus nodded and brushed some of his hair that was falling into his face away, “And besides, Scorp is already trying for it and I don’t wanna take away his chance. Plus I’ll be a second year, they rarely get picked for the House team. Always someone older, bigger, and more experienced.”
“I heard James talking about how Slytherin sucks so bad that it would be better for them to just replace the whole team with 2nd years and maybe then they’ll win.”
Albus scoffed, “Yeah, maybe then, but I still doubt it. We really, truly suck.”
His mum hummed, “You never know, honey. Something crazy could always happen.”
Albus shrugged, “Maybe, but I still find it unlikely.”
“And everyone thought it was unlikely for you to be in Slytherin, Al. If anyone is going to defy what previously has been suggested, it will be you.”
Albus didn’t respond to that. He wasn’t even sure how to. He knew that his mum didn’t mean it as a jab in any way, but somehow it felt that way. So he just stayed silent the rest of the time he was in the kitchen with them.
Albus closed the window as the owl flew away. He heard a knock at his door and, before he could respond, the door opened, “I could’ve been naked.”
“But you weren’t. Besides, I knew you would’ve been dressed.”
Albus snorted as he turned to his sister, “What made you know that?”
She shrugged, “The door was unlocked. It’s a rule in the house. Door locked means do not enter. Unlocked is free reign.”
He rolled his eyes, “What do you want, Lils?”
She smiled, “Wanna fly? I have nothing else to do and I’m sure you don’t.”
He crossed his arms, “And why would you just assume I’m free?”
She shrugged, “It’s you Albie. Sure you have friends, but if you were going to hang out with them, wouldn’t they already be here?”
He looked at his sister flabbergasted, “Damn, when did you become such a menace?”
She shrugged, “Always have been. You and James have always just been worse so I couldn’t shine.” She crossed her arms, “So?”
He sighed, “Sure, why not. Why not go get mum and see if she’d wanna join us?”
She nodded, “I get mum and you get the brooms?”
He nodded, “Sounds like a plan.”
Lily quickly turned and ran out of his room and Albus closed his curtains and followed out after her. But instead of making the turn left that went to the two rooms that enclosed their parents' studies, Albus made the turn right that lead to the, in his opinion, overly large backyard. As he passed the small table that contained a few keys, he grabbed the key to unlock the shed so he would be able to get the brooms. 
As he was entering the shed to grab the brooms, he heard his mums voice, “So are you wanting to play a mini-game or just fly?”
Albus shrugged as he exited the shed, three brooms in hand. “Ask Lily, this was her idea.”
The girl in question shrugged, “I don’t care, I just wanted to do something with Albie.”
Albus felt his face soften at his sister's comment. He hadn’t realized just how much he needed to hear something like that until she said something like that.
“Why not play a mini-game? You two against each other and I be the keeper?”
The two siblings agreed to their mums' idea and while she got the Quaffle out, they began to fly into the air and to the trees that had become the goalposts years ago.
The three of them played for what felt like hours to Albus, but in reality, it was only about 2 or 3. The only reason they had stopped playing was because Albus’s Aunt Hermione had come over. And now Albus was stuck in a situation. 
He was sitting on the couch as his mum and Aunt talked and Lily and their cousin Hugo played wizards chess. And he was just sitting there doing nothing. Occasionally, he would get death looks from Rose, but that was only when she chose to look up from her book. But unlike how it used to be when they were growing up, it seemed like it was every 30 seconds instead of minutes. Of course, he would be in his room but his mother had wanted him to stay and so he did. But that was mostly because he didn’t want to cause any arguments between anyone later.
So now he just sat on the couch with his head in his hand, staring out of the window in front of him that outlooked the garden that Lily was overtly proud of.
“Albus?” He looked over to his aunt when she said his name. “Are you going to try out for the Quidditch team next year?” He looked at his mum who just shrugged, “Hannah said that some teachers are already placing bets on who will. Apparently many have that you are going to try to and then succeed in getting on the team.” Albus just stared at her. Bets were being placed on whether or not he would join the team? Professors actually cared about Quidditch that much? His Aunt continued with, “I’m only asking as Rose told us she was when we got home.”
So he just shrugged, “Maybe, I’ll have to see if I have the time. I mean, Annie tends to drag me and Scorp down to the library at least once a week so we don’t fail-”
“As she has every right to.”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah, mum. Anyways, then Scorp and I tend to just hang out in the common room.” He ran a hand through his hair, “I dunno, might just see what he ends up doing. Last we talked about it, he mentioned that he was considering it. But then I would feel bad about leaving Annie up in the stands all alone.”
“She doesn’t like Quidditch?”
He shook his head at his Aunt, “Not that, she just doesn’t understand the point of it. All of her brothers are obsessed with it so she’s been surrounded by it. So it’s not that she doesn’t like it, cause she does, even if she denies it, she just doesn’t understand why everyone cheers at a ‘bloody barbaric sport’.”  He sighed, “She’s probably only going to the World Cup because her brothers are and she doesn’t want to end up home alone.”
His Aunt nodded, “She has 7 brothers, right?”
He nodded, “Yeah, her youngest, Nicholas, or Nick for short, turned 2 last year and her eldest, Aidan, just graduated. Annie is sure that he is already engaged to his girlfriend.”
“Wow, and he’s only 17?”
“He’s actually 18, most of her siblings, herself included, were born between September and June.” He stopped for a moment and thought of when she told him everyone’s ages. “Come to think of it, I think only one of them wasn’t. Aidan, Odette, and Eden were in September, then the twins Liam and Randy, herself, Clara, and Nick were in October, Alexa and Liana in November, Genevieve in December, Dominick in April, and then Tony and Derek in May.” He nodded, “Yeah, only Elina wasn’t.”
“When was she born?”
His Aunt nodded, “Well, are any of them starting next year?”
“Yeah, Alexa and Liana. They’re twins.”
“Have you met them?”
He shook his head, “No, but I have met all of her older siblings plus her younger sisters Eden and Elina. They ran up to her so it was a brief introduction.”
His mum nodded, “Was it those two blondes that went up to her at the station?”
He nodded, “Yep, the two tiny blondes who dragged her away.”
His mum smiled, “Well, it seems that she cares about them a bunch.”
He smiled softly as he thought of all the times she would praise her younger siblings. He also thought of how, even though she didn’t want to, always hyped her older brothers up, and made sure they and her sister were always happy. “Yeah, she really does. I mean, she cares about all of her siblings. Not just her younger ones. I mean, yeah, of course, she complains about her siblings all the time, but heaven forbid if anyone was to hurt one of them.”
“Sounds like someone I know when it came to family.”
“Which one?”
His mum and Aunt laughed and Albus gave them a confused look. “What’re you talking about?”
“Oh, all your uncles.” His mum adjusted how she was sitting so she was facing him more. “Let’s say this, sure, they may not have gotten along all the time, but if anyone tried to do anything to one of them, or more importantly, me, that person would have been dead before they could even say quidditch.” She smiled softly, “It just goes back to the simple rule of siblings that only siblings can make fun of their sibling. If someone else does, then they’re dead meat.”
“Wow.” Something about that hit Albus, but he couldn't pinpoint what or where it was.
“Yeah and-”
“This is why I don’t play with you!”
Everyone snapped their hands over as they heard something collide with the wall, Lily’s yell, and Hugo laughing. 
“It’s...n-not my f-fault tha-that my dad is-is the be-est.” Hugo barely made out between laughs.
“Sorry mum.”
“Sorry Aunt Hermione.”
The two kids apologized, but neither sounded truly apologetic.
“Well, it’s 5:20, I better start making dinner soon. James said he would be home by 5:30 and Harry and Ron get off at 6, so it’ll probably be ready by the time they get home.”
His mum got up and Aunt followed after her. “I’ll help.” She turned to Lily and Hugo, “You don’t you two pick this up.” They nodded and began to pick up the mess from the chess pieces. Lily mostly focused on the ones she had thrown in anger.
Once the adults were out of the room, Albus raced up to his room to grab a book of literally any kind so he wouldn’t have to find some other way to distract himself. But instead, he stopped as he saw a letter sitting on his bed. He walked over to grab it, he recognized the messy but legible writing of Annie’s. He opened it to read,
Hey Al!
So my mum said that you can come over whenever you feel like it (please come over soon) and that I can do the same (if it’s okay I will be there like, tomorrow). But apparently, she talked to your mum a few days ago, I guess it would have had to be at the graduation. And she said that it was fine for us to hang out whenever.
But! In other news, Aidan and Cassie are engaged and will be getting married in August. They said that I’m allowed to have a plus one and was wondering if you’d like to go? I would’ve invited Scor but since our families are “close” they all are already invited. But we can talk more when I see you.
Albus took the letter and book that was by it, which he still hadn’t checked the title of, and ran back downstairs and into the kitchen. “Hey, mum?”
“What is it?”
“You didn’t tell me that you spoke to Annie’s mum.”
She looked up at him, “Oh yeah, I totally forgot, it was at Graduation right?”
“I-mum, I just found out about this! Why would I know?”
His mum playfully rolled her eyes, “Well anyways, what’s the point of this?”
He placed the letter on the counter and pushed it over to her, “She said that if it was alright with you and dad that she may come over tomorrow.”
His mum glanced at the paper and nodded, “Okay, yeah, that’s absolutely fine with me. And I’m sure your dad wouldn’t mind either. But we can ask when he gets home.”
He nodded, “And her brother is engaged and is getting married in August and...” He stopped, not sure if he should add the next part.
“And?” His Aunt asked inquisitively.
He sighed as he saw his mum's questioning look. “And she’s allowed a plus one and since Scor will already be there, she asked me.”
His mum stopped stirring the food and looked at her youngest son. “Are you asking to go?”
He shrugged, “I guess.”
“Well...I’ll have to see. Louis, Percy, and I’s birthdays are all in August. I know my mum is wanting us to all get together for them all. But, Louis and I share a birthday, and Percy’s is only 11 days later, you probably could. But still, just let me know when and I’ll talk to my mum and your dad and we all will see if you can.”
She turned back to the food and took over stirring again and Albus looked at her, dumbfounded. “Wait, so, you’d let me go?”
She stopped again and looked at Albus exasperated. “Well, yes, I trust you, Albus. I know you wouldn’t do anything stupid.” For some reason that he didn’t know, he walked over and hugged his mum tight. “Oh! What’s this for?”
He shrugged and looked at her, “I don’t know. I just felt like it.”
She smiled and Albus noticed his Aunt smile to herself. “Well, I like it Albus, you should do it more.”
“I will mum, I promise.”
And Albus made a note to himself that he would never forget the promise.
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Basic Information: Harry Potter OC's
Hello everything, so here is all the basic information about my Harry Potter OC's Anneliese (Anne/Annie) and Rose. This does mention relationships so spoilers there as well as spoilers when I mention different events in their life!
I also just want to say as I am white, my characters are as well, if you wish you make them not, that is up to you. Just don't get mad whenever I describe this as white. But most of my characters have skin similar to my own, white as hell during the fall and winter months but during the spring and summer months with the sun, is more tan.
Link to my nav page here
Link to my main masterlist here
Link to my Harry Potter masterlist here
Character 1
Name: Anneliese Erika Green
Nickname(s): Anne (everyone), Annie (Albus & her mother), Al (to Albus P.), Scor(p) (to Scorpius M.), Lil(s) (to Lily P.)
Birthday (Zodiac): October 31st, 2005 (Libra)
Where she was born: Wales, UK [specifically Pontardawe, Rhos, Swansea (according to Google)]
Parent(s): Danielle Aleksandrova (mother) and Peter Green (father) and Katrina Bolish (step-mother)
Sibling(s) (born): Aidan P. Green (1999), Antonio E. Green (2001), Derek I. Green (2001), Dominick K. Green (2002), Liam A. Green (2003), Randolph L. Green (2003), Genevieve R. Green (2004), Alexa K. Green (2006), Liana L. Green (2006), Clara A. Green (2008), Odette A. Green (2009), Elina L. Green (2012), Eden S. Green (2013), Nicholas B. Green (2015), and Charles P. Green (2024)
Partner(s): Albus Potter, Rohyn Goyle, Colin Creevy, and Oliver Avery
Job: Waitress at the Leaky Cauldron and Healer
Physical Description:
House: Slytherin Blood: Pure-Blood Hair: medium brown, has a habit of dying it different colors Eyes: amber eyes (basically hazel with yellow/orange specs) Height: 177.8 cm (5’10) Glasses Freckles Tattoos: a few around her body, specifically around her hip Favorite colors: dark green (#006400), dark purple (#301934), and mint green (#98ff98)
Events in life: Is up until the end of her 7th year
Born to be the middle of 15 (7 older and 7 younger) Meets Albus Gets put in Slytherin: 11 Her mum gets sick: 14 (summer after her 3rd year) Her mum dies: 15 (summer after her 4th year) She dates Rohyn: 15-16 She breaks up with him Dad announces he is dating Katrina She gets with Albus: 16 (winter of 5th year) Her dad announces engagement to Katrina: 16 (spring of 5th year) Dad marries Katrina and she refuses to go and starts to live with her grandparents: 16 (summer after 5th year) Moves out to her own flat: 17 (winter of 6th year)
Link to playlist
Character 2
Name: Rose Lily (Potter) Lupin
Nickname(s): Ro (everyone)
Birthday (Zodiac): July 31st, 1980 Leo)
Age per film:
The Sorcerer's Stone: 10-11 The Chamber of Secrets: 12 The Prisoner of Azkaban: 13 The Goblet of Fire: 14 The Order of the Phoenix: 14-15 The Half-Blood Prince: 16 The Deathly Hallows Part 1: 16-17 The Deathly Hallows Part 2: 17 The Epilogue: 37
Where she was born: (according to Google this is where Godric's Hollow is) Godric's Hollow in the West Country of England
Parent(s): Lily J. Evans (mother) and James Fleamont Potter (father)
Sibling(s): Harry J. Potter (1980)
Partner(s): Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini
Child(ren): Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy (2006) and Estella Cissy Malfoy (2008)
Job: Travel photographer
Physical Description:
House: Slytherin Blood: Half-Blood Quidditch Position: Chaser Hair: curly dark red, dark red with black streaks/highlights/tips (15-24), and blonde (41-45) Eyes: brown Height: 173.863 cm (5’8.45) Scars: one on her left forearm and on the top of her right hand Tattoos: a few on her left forearm and one on her right hand Favorite colors: dark lime green (#104e2e), dark almost black blue (#1a2326), and light grey-violet (#896ab9)
Events in life:
Is separated from Harry once she turned a year/moved in with Remus and Sirius Is raised by Remus with the help of Andromeda and Ted Tonks: 1-17 Is aware that Voldemort killed her parents as she grew up Finds out that Harry is her brother whilst ease dropping on Andy and Remus before she started Hogwarts: 10 Is placed in Slytherin: 11 Moves into Grimmauld Place with Remus and Sirius: 13 (summer after 3rd year) Begins living with Andy and Ted more: 15 (summer after 5th year) Starts dating Blaise Zabini Gets placed into the Slug Club: 16 (fall/winter of 6th year) Continues to be at Hogwarts, attempting to help Ginny and the rest of the kids at Hogwarts: 17 Tells Harry the truth because what was the point of keeping it silent at the point of the end of the war: 18 Helps ensure everything with Teddy is settled: 17-20 Breaks up with Blaise: 20 Travels the world, selling photos to both muggle and wizarding papers/magazines: 20-24 Begins to secretly date Draco: 24-25 Gets pregnant with Scorpius and has to come out about their relationship, ruining her relationship with Harry Has Scorpius: 25 Marries Draco: 26 Has a daughter Estella: 28 Falls ill mysteriously for a year or so: 40-41
Link to playlist
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Main Masterlist
Welcome to my main masterlist, link to my nav. page is here
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OC's From Each Universe (Books Name[s])
Ashlea Elisabeth Moore: Based mostly off of comics, Smallville, headcanons, and fanon
Lydia Taylor Wayne: Based mostly off of comics, headcanons, and fanon
Rebecca Dylan Pixie Evans (The Evans Girls): Based mostly off of comics, headcanons, and fanon
Taylor Marie Williams: Based mostly off of comics, headcanons, and fanon
Harry Potter
Anneliese Erika Green (Easy To Hate): Next Gen, based mostly off of headcanons and my own mind
Rose Lily (Potter) Lupin: Golden Trio, based mostly off of headcanons and fanon for characters with canon events
House of the Dragon
Princess Alysanne Targaryen: Based off of canon 90% of the time, main divergence is relationships, siblings, and ages
Lady/Princess Haelesa Targaryen: Mix of canon and fanon, canon-divergence once the Dance starts
Princess Visenya Velaryon: Based off of canon 90% of the time, main divergence is relationships, siblings, and ages as well as a few minor things
Annabeth Harmony Nelson: Based off of the Daredevil show plus other Netflix original shows
Anora Astrid Romanoff (Formerly Lokisdottir & Peterson) (To Be Loved Like Them): Canon divergence for the most part
Resident Evil
Charlotte James Redfield: Everything that happens, still happens. No canon is changed
Evelyn Dorothea Allen: A mix of canon and canon divergence
Tiffany Erin Miller: A mix of canon and canon divergence
Star Wars
Anya Li: Canon divergence, no Empire AU
Maira Neprell: Canon divergence (to an extent), canon differences
My’Ra Beyte: Minor changes to canon
Queen/Senator Sangarré Dundiass: Borderline canon divergence
Maria Mary Peterson: Canon divergence to an extent
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