#annie ‘we love the idea of being loved (or whatever she said)’ edison
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i love insane people sooooo much
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jomiddlemarch · 4 years
A local habitation and a name
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As it turned out, there was no Sebastian.
There was however a Sarah. And a Naomi. Both of whom had holiday inspired middle names (Noel and Carol) because they had arrived on Christmas Eve and Jeff cannily waited until the epidural kicked in and Annie was nearly loopy with relief. He had already agreed to bat mitzahs, so she didn’t try to kick him when her legs worked again and she wasn’t distracted by the delivery, the euphoria, and the over-achieving bliss of getting two newborns to latch. The twins were fraternal, thank God, so there was no tiny toenail to keep painted green to tell them apart; Sarah had Annie’s dark curls and Naomi was blonder than Jeff had ever been, based on the handful of faded, curved corner photographs Doreen had surrendered readily when Annie asked. They both had Annie’s eyes and Jeff had thought he was in trouble until Clare arrived. Then he knew it wasn’t going to be about trouble, as people generally anticipated being able to get out of trouble. He was vastly outnumbered, outmaneuvered and in thrall. And so, he agreed to go part-time at Greendale and full-time as Papa. Except his daughters only called him Daddy.
“Girls! I said pronto and I meant five minutes ago! Pick out your stuffies and get a move on! Mommy is meeting us there and you know Uncle Abed doesn’t like waiting!” Jeff called, shoveling finely pureed green beans into Clare’s mouth. She gave him the look it had taken him about six years, four hours a day in the gym and a student loan’s worth of Glenfiddich to master, then gobbled the mossy goop like it was a Valrhona hot fudge sundae. She had his dimples and Annie’s; she could do whatever she liked and at eight months, it was clear she’d picked up on it.
“Abed said we don’t have to say ‘uncle’ if we don’t want to,” Sarah yelled. Naomi joined in on want to. “Because we have Uncle Ant and Uncle Troy and Uncle Dean and that’s enough uncles.”
“Fine. Mommy will kill me if we’re late and I’ll be the one she blames, not you,” Jeff shouted. He had not shouted in like ten years until the twins had turned three (whatever, terrible twos, you’re fucking cliché) and now he had a whole shouting channel basically. Clare had been exposed to the volume since her conception and he had no idea what he was going to do with her. “Remember the puppy argument you were going to propose? She’ll say no, you know she will!”
“Daddy, we’re coming,” Naomi said in Annie’s most reasonable tone.
“We have Clare’s extra footie. For when she spits up the green beans,” Sarah added. She was actually on the stairs, waving her hand around, clutching the rosebud covered sleeper Annie loved best like a battle-flag.
“I’m so screwed,” Jeff muttered to himself. Clare gave him a sunny, gummy smile, then dribbled mossily down her dimpled chin.
“Daddy, you’re not s’posed to say bad words,” Sarah scolded.
“What’s bad about screws?” Jeff asked. Annie had gotten them a toy tool-bench, so he was pretty sure he was safe.
“Mommy doesn’t like it. Them,” Naomi said, double-teaming him. Former (not old) Jeff, the one with the exquisitely tailored Italian suits, an impressive collection of obscure single malt Scotch and a fake college degree, would have appreciated her approach. Britta was sure to encourage them once they arrived, an appreciation that, coupled with Troy’s unexpected affinity for babies, including and featuring Clare Hadassah Winger, would allow Jeff a good seven minutes with Annie; these would be spent In Heaven, which was likely to be Abed’s walk-in pantry full of egg noodles and jarred quince. Jeff was aware of the approaching respite-slash-encounter and felt magnanimous.
“Mommy doesn’t like that. You’re right. You too, Sarah,” Jeff said, throwing Sarah a bone for good measure. Edison women, with Winger appellations or otherwise, loved to be told they were right.
“I know,” Naomi said. Clare took a swipe at Jeff’s face and managed to daub him with green bean puree as if she were practicing contouring she’d learned from YouTube videos. The saving grace was that they were less sticky than apricots.
“Girls, watch your sister for a minute while I get cleaned up,” Jeff said. If there were going to be seven minutes alone with a totally alert Annie, or even just six, he wasn’t going to smell like steamed vegetables. And green had never been his color.
“Get a move on, Daddy!”
“Pronto means five minutes ago! Ew, Clare!”
“Clare spit up!”
“And now she’s all red and grunting! Daddy!”
They were late. Noticeably, though not unforgivably, late. Abed wasn’t bothered in the least, as Jeff expected. Annie, half a negroni under her belt, smiled as she was regaled by Sarah and Naomi and shunted them off to Britta the moment the puppy was mentioned. Clare was cuddled briefly and then Troy carried her off to the baby Dreamatorium he and Abed had reconfigured to work with a singleton.
“You missed a spot,” Annie said, her lips against the corner of Jeff’s mouth. They were on minute two and she’d found a truly miniscule smear of green bean in his beard.
“I thought I might’ve,” Jeff said. “I didn’t cave on the number of stuffies they brought or on the Irish setter puppy lobbying though.”
“Thank you. And thank you for letting me have some peace and quiet in the office to finish up the paperwork for the case,” Annie said. “I’ll make it up to you—I know three against one isn’t great odds.”
“How about making it up to me now? There are literally five other adults available to look after the girls,” Jeff said.
“Among the egg noodles?” Annie chuckled, reaching up to bring his face closer. She tasted of sweet vermouth and wife. “We only have a few minutes.”
“I’d give us four point three, so hush, milady,” he said, sighing a little as she agreed most agreeably. As it turned out, egg noodles were no impediment to romance and it was Clare’s shriek of joy that kept them from testing out the sturdiness of Abed’s custom pantry shelves, not any sense of whether it had been four minutes or forty that passed in a very thorough exploration of their mutual, eager and enthusiastic esteem.
As it turned out, Jeff didn’t miss Sebastian at all.
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from the HCs... Annie Edison and Britta Perry!
Ahh 2 of my favs! Here goes (I have A Lot of thoughts about them as you can probably guess from all the Brittannie and Annie-centric fics lol)
Annie Edison
1. I feel like in my little curated corner of Community Tumblr, it’s largely accepted that Annie is a thriving lesbian. To confirm, she’s gay as fuck. 
2. Piggybacking off 1, my HC for how she realizes is that she takes a course titled something like “Introduction to Human Sexuality and Desire in Media” as a dual social sciences and humanities course with Abed in S4 or S5 and it helps everything (“i’m comfortable being uncomfortable with my sexuality,” comphet driving her to try and get with guys Britta’s been with as a socially acceptable proxy for pursuing Britta herself, trying to kiss Britta, the elf maiden thing, etc.) click into place for her. Also, Britta’s her first girl-to-girl kiss because she wants to know what it’s like to kiss a woman before she starts trying to date one, because otherwise she’ll think/worry too much about it. 
3. Her fav. part of living with Troy and Abed, besides getting a chance to enjoy the childhood/young adulthood she never really had, is getting to make meals together. Her family dinners were usually fraught with awkward/tense silences, so she enjoys the generally upbeat dynamic in the apartment, even if the boys aren’t always the best cooks.
4. Her music taste gradually shifts from straight-up pop to being a bit of an amalgamation of the group’s.
5. She and Shirley bond over baking non-denominational cutout cookies for their winter parties.
6. She and Britta occasionally wax poetic about the joys of kissing women when they’re drunk if Jeff’s not attending whatever party they’re at. Drunk!Annie will also competitively challenge just about anyone to a rap battle. She’s actually pretty good and has a surprising knowledge of Drake and Mac Miller songs, but if someone makes her start laughing while she’s trying to rap, she’s toast.
7. She works part-time in the produce dept. of a nearby Whole Foods to earn rent money (idk where this idea came from, but I inserted it into a Trobedison fic a while ago and it’s always stuck with me).
8. The group keeps up with each other via a group chat, but Annie has special ways to stay in contact with some of them. She, Troy, and Abed send each other postcards, even when Troy’s back and settled with Abed in LA, and she and Frankie are pen pals.
9. She eventually makes peace with the fact that she can’t really reconcile with her parents.
10. She only works for the FBI for 3-4 years before realizing it’s too straight-laced for her following all the insanity of Greendale, and she doesn’t like mostly being a desk jockey. She slowly transitions into becoming a full-time private investigator a la Jessica Jones (minus the superpowers and alcoholism).
Britta Perry
1. She vacillates between being a functional bisexual and a disaster bisexual.
2. The group’s treatment of her in S3 fucked her up more than she’ll ever admit to anyone besides Jeff (more on them later) and she ended up smoking a ton of weed that year to cope.
3. Her relationship with Troy wasn’t necessarily the best (cause he was in love with Abed THE WHOLE TIME lmao what was S4) but being his first, both sexually and with serious relationships in general, kind of helped Britta realize her self-worth, in terms of being able to teach others things and having her input valued and appreciated.
4. That experience helps her realize she can use her empathy in her job/career path and she starts shifting from thinking about just being a psychologist to going into therapy as a more specific specialization. Also, we stan a sex-positive queen who’s very open about discussing consent, safe sex, etc.
5. She volunteers at a local animal shelter at least once every month, depending on her schedule, even though Suzie B. and, later, Daniel become aloof toward her after she returns home from said volunteering.
6. She and Troy watch random dance recitals on YouTube together from time to time.
7. Britta deleted Jeff’s drunk voicemail after she got to the ten minute mark because she thought listening to the rest of it would hurt too much.
8. She’s the most likely study group member to instigate snowball fights.
9. Post-Greendale, Britta eventually leaves her job at the Vatican to work in Greendale Hospital’s Dept. of Mental Health Services as a therapist. She also volunteers with the city’s local LGBTQ+ youth support group once or twice a month to offer her services there. 
10. She and Jeff eventually get their shit together in post-canon and develop their friendship into a legitimate relationship. When they eventually announce their engagement, they both swear up and down that they’re only getting married for tax purposes. No one believes them.
Thanks for the ask!
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