#anoes au
tharrb · 11 months
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Darcy in anoes au
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dearmizumi · 2 months
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So I tried a go at drawing two of my fav panels from @signanothername 's post here!!
I actually had sm fun with this omg they're pretty sketchy and unclean since they're supposed to be doodles more than anything but AHHH I still enjoyed drawing the bb 🫶
He's so petty I love it I wanna smooch him
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Unused colored ver of the second because it didn't think it looked as good oh well :((
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signanothername · 3 months
bvsdklvnkd when i saw u say u imagine nightmare and killer's relationship as similar to megatron and starscream's, i was cackling at the image of nightmare being juuuuust slightly inconveniently incapacitated and killer instantly going "NIGHTMARE HAS FALLEN! I, KILLER, NOW AM THE LEADER OF THE GANG"
God i love them they’re so silly hcchchhc
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stonesandpeaches · 2 months
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Can't the future just wait? (this song makes me think of them so much...oh, the pmv possibilities...)
@/signanothername's dreamtale propaganda brought me back thinking of them lowkey haha. i also drew dream's outfit from memory for fun
dreamtale belongs to jokublog
a 2nd ver under the cut:
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parniathedevil · 2 months
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[the land of nothing-part 4]
Another!Sans blogs to me
Ink!Sans blog to @comyet
Guys I'm so sorry it's been late, I promise post next part soon :"D
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aus-from-undertale · 5 months
This is a story about a Sans who went through a lot of genocides over and over 😔
Trying to end this madness, he goes to the ruins and tries to stop Frisk by destroying the save points, but Frisk don't let him go unscathed and more scarred :((
Link for the comic that features Ano!Sans:
More about Ano!Sans and his backstory :
You can find more about the AU and the creator on the @parniathedevil account!
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This au was recommended to me by an ask! If you guys have anything that you made or anything that you enjoy reading and want me to put on the blog, feel free to send it! :D
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(laughed with this ask XD)
✨Thank you for the submission!!!✨
I talked about another au from this creator recently called Residenttale!!
Please check it out, it's pretty cool 💕
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anosrepasi · 1 month
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Chapter 6: English/Read from the beginning
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: The Old Guard Series: Lingua Franca Pairings: Yusuf Al Kaysani/Nicolo di Genova Tags: Drowning, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Nicky in the Iron Maiden, coda fic, there is so much drowning i cannot overstate this, repeated character death, Character Death, this fic is not the happy one out of the series, Trauma, Isolation, Prequel, dream connection
It is a long time, 400 years beneath the water.
A coda fic for Lingua Franca.
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alex4735 · 9 months
Feliz ano novo!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!
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brattysmiley · 5 months
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Trying to get back slowly into drawing lately.
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
Department of the Impossible
Warning! The following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Created by Dr. Stefansdottir back in [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] to use her powers to contain anomalies that the Foundation could not contain by any other currently possible means. However, some of you may be wondering if that is the case then why doesn't she just contain everything? Dr. Stefansdottir's power is nearly infinite in growth, but that growth takes time so she can't currently do everything right now. As such the priority of the DI is to focus ONLY on the Impossible. Is it an anomaly that's difficult to contain and keeps killing Foundation staff and MTF units? Not our problem! An anomaly that can be contained but keeps breaking out? You're out of luck! But if it's a consciousness that slowly disintegrating all of existence, the unavoidable corruption of the sun, or even the Gods themselves, then you can count on the Department of the Impossible. Because that's all we concern ourselves with, the Impossible; nothing more, nothing less.
Previous Requests:
SCP-001: The Black Moon - APPROVED - Killed it... not that hard really.
SCP-001: When Day Breaks - APPROVED - Can't kill it for obvious reasons but put a metaphysical bubble around it. Still active but can't corrupt people's bodies and souls anymore. Looking at it, you can't even tell the difference, really. But looking at it still hurts your eyes, so you know... don't do that.
SCP-001: The Factory - REJECTED - Technically it can be destroyed so not really impossible. We’re the Department of the Impossible remember? If it's not impossible we don’t deal with it. Even Gods can be killed sometimes.
SCP-001: [the] [HUMAN!] [element?] - APPROVED - Killed RED Immediately. Bashed it into pieces then erased its existence. Probably could have just erased it but this was more satisfying. Was worried about ORANGE at first, but then SCP-ANO started eating them so... Whatever, I guess.
SCP-001: The Scarlet King - APPROVED - Can’t really kill him so we just got rid of the anomalous effect where he gets stronger and closer to our reality the more people know about him and how dangerous he is. He's still plenty strong and gets stronger through chaos but I'm sure we'll be able to kill him once he finds a way to get here... Okay I know people don't like it when I say WHEN and not IF but come on! We all know he's going to enter our reality sooner or later; I doubt there's anyone that doesn't know about the prophecy of all the Groups of Interest in the world joining together to stop the Scarlet King. Stop being such babies okay! The prophecy even stated he was going to lose! ... I think.
SCP-001: The Gate Guardian - REJECTED - Why do you wanna get rid of him? Leave him alone! He hasn’t done anything wrong. Just because I’m atheist doesn’t mean I hate the guy. He’s actually a sweetheart once you get to know him. Not that he normally talks to anyone besides other gods, but you know what I mean.
SCP-682: Hard-to-Destroy Reptile - REJECTED - Read the damn Code Name. It's HARD TO DESTROY, not Impossible, HARD! Sorry, but if it's not impossible to achieve then it's not our problem.
SCP-2521: IT/STOLE/US/A-/ - APPROVED - Placed it into a box it can never get out of. So, feel free to talk about it all you want.
SCP-3632: Nibirdu - APPROVED - Turned it into a marble, sometimes we like to flick it around for fun. But yeah, it doesn't cause that Scraw thing anymore so don't worry about that.
SCP-5000: Why? - APPROVED - [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] ... So yeah... I mean it's kinda gross but honestly it could be worse. Personally, don’t see why It convinced the entire SCP Foundation from a different reality to kill everyone. But then again, our O5 decided to create Project God's Hand and Satan's Pitchfork so I guess we're not really that much better, are we?
SCP-6000: The Serpent, the Moose, and the Wanderer's Library - APPROVED - Put it in Site-GARDEN, I like to use it as a personal library. Also, as an [data expunged by order of O5 Council] which I know sounds weird but it's actually pretty comfortable.
SCP-6500: Inevitable - APPROVED - Didn't destroy it, but instead [data expunged by order of O5 Council], if nothing else it can be used as a [data expunged by order of O5 Council]. I don't know just spit balling.
SCP-AER: Why Everyone at the Foundation Hates Tomatoes - APPROVED - Fine I'll get rid of it but I'm recording it the entire time. That shit was funny!
SCP-AFA: The Gojira Plague - APPROVED - Heh, of course I'll contain it for you guys but that means I get to do any experiment I want. Hope you guys don't mind having my sloppy seconds... okay given the context that's sounds wrong, so forget I just said that.
SCP: AFC: Ms. Frizzle and her School Bus - APROVED REJECTED - *licking a lolipop* ... Yeah you guys should give up on trying to contain her.
SCP-AGG: The Black Fruit of the Black Flower - APPROVED - Ugh fuck! Ugh... I'm okay, I'm okay, just that bitch really doesn't want us fucking with her plans. She nearly fucking killed all of us just because we stop her form planting a few flowers. Hope the boss is alright, I mean she normally is but, I've never seen her bleed like that before. Oh, but side note, we uh... We couldn't really get ALL of them, so yeah there's a possibility now and in the future, there are still plenty of traitors in the Foundation. Just keep that in mind, yall.
SCP-AGK: The Witch Nanny - REJECTED - Yeah that's not happening. First, why do you want to get rid of a witch that's actively teaching bad children to be better people? Second, I probably shouldn't say this but [data expunged by order of the O5 Council], so yeah, it kinda goes without saying but, HELL NO!
SCP-AIR: Urotsuki, Guardian within the Unknown - APPROVED - ... It's done, but mark my words. You ever ask us to do something like that again I WILL RIP YOU APART ATOM BY ATOM AND ENSURE YOUR SOUL KNOWS NOTHING BUT PAIN FOR ALL ETERNITY.
SCP-ANO: THE IRIS - REJECTED - Not killing it until the O5 gives the okay. Guess they're still mad we got rid of so many SCP-001's. Wanna prove they can still do stuff without us... Bunch of babies. Though I have to say it is cruel they got everyone thinking its unbeatable monster. Well, whatever, if push comes to shove, I can just take matters into my own hands. Heh, what can they do about that anyways?
SCP-AGO: The Distortion - APPROVED - [Data Expunged by order of the O5 Council.]
SCP-AZX: Zalgo - APPROVED - Oh! Little Baby Zalgo finally decided to join the big leagues. It kinda sucks to have to break the little baby's heart but oh well. I'll be sure to keep a sample just in case I wanna do an experiment. Oh and don't worry I'll get rid of that thing where [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] when you say his name. Eugh, actually I probably would have done that anyways.
SCP: HMF - Departments and Divisions Hub
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tharrb · 2 years
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tepli-mravenci · 8 months
Pytlík je mega bard-coded, všechno dal do charisma a nemá žádné jiné vysoké staty takže musí všechno jet přes persuasion (additionally jestli je nějaká postava z Ferdy která by zkoušela něco na draka byl by to Pytlík) ale přemýšlím jaká dnd classa by byl Ferda
S jeho vynálezy možná artificer ale nevím nevím
Můj skromný názor je že Beruška by byla nějaká support classa která odmítá supportit, třeba cleric a vždycky když někdo potřebuje healnout je jakože "Neumíš se o sebe postarat sám?!?! To tady všechno musím dělat já?!?!?" a uzdraví ho až když dělá death rolls
Trumbelínek by byl fighter, páč hází ruce na počkání
Actually možná nedokážu vymyslet classu pro Ferdu protože by byl jako jediný z postav schopen DMovat
Faldík je monk z velice specifického důvodu který nebudu rozvádět
Arambula je rogue
Cvrček je actually použitelný bard
Koník (ano, Ferdův luční koník) je druid I don't make the rules
Nikdo ode mě nebude mít pokoj až se dostanu k Robin Hood epizodě istg
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signanothername · 4 months
Bad Sanses reaction to Shatter Dream?
I feel like Killer’s the only one who’d be having fun, it’s a great and rare opportunity to be the one to torment Nightmare rather than the other way around ;)
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therealmofamorus · 6 months
(Ask, Original Crossover Incest) Winter and Cinder tease Fuyumi on her brother complex. Any truth to that?
��I don’t have a brother complex no matter what Winter-san, Cinder-san said otherwise!” Fuyumi replied in very very deep in denial about her extreme bro-con behavior to Shoto whom she love in a very wholesome and very very non-sexual manner that she do not masturbated with her depraved imagination help her out.
“I find pictures of Shoto in various states of undress.” Cinder replied holding up a picture of Shoto taking off his pants.
“Her ‘novel’ is barely veiled of her and Shoto having intimate relationships.” Winter closed the novel with a flat deadpan laugh
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parniathedevil · 8 months
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[the land of nothing - Part 1]
Ano!Sans blog to me
Error!Sans blog to @loverofpiggies
Writing: At first Ano can talk (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧, I hope you like the new comic
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vanellygal · 7 months
Into the Horrorverse (characters)
Notice: Some of the characters portrayed might be a little different from on screen. After all, the whole point is to get to know them outside of the screen. You already know the characters, so descriptions will be brief. Also they're all adults, plus Laurie and Michael are not related.
Nancy Thompson: Still hates Freddy’s guts. She no longer runs from him, but sees him as an annoying house guest. Anyways, she is sociable and acquainted with most of the final people.
Freddy Krueger: Yeah, he's still Freddy, the jerk. Aside from pestering Nancy, he likes to pick on Jason from time to time. Other than that, he's mainly lonely. If Chucky wasn't so feral, I think they'd get along fairly well.
Tommy Jarvis: A troubled young man, yet he presses on with a positive attitude and goofy nature. He's close with Ginny, and together they work at the camp. He forgave Jason, but sometimes he still struggles. He yearns for another final guy to talk to, other than Ash, who isn't easy to converse with.
Ginny Field: The bright, child psychologist who loves to indulge in reading. She views Tommy as a brother, and as previously stated, they work together at the camp. Also forgave Jason, and learned to understand him more. They get along quite nicely.
Jason Voorhees: Acts like a dad of sorts, and is protective of his two survivors. His favorite person to hang out with is Michael Myers, and sometimes Bubba Sawyer.
Chucky: This guy is fully aware of the horrorverse, yet doesn't care. He'll attack anyone who dares step into his territory. Other than that, he maintains his snarky, sarcastic ways.
Andy Barclay: Unlike the other final people, he doesn't catch a break. He always has to be on his toes and keep Chucky at bay. He’s tired, this guy needs a nap.
Laurie Strode: Although she has a heart of gold, do not underestimate her. She can kick you to Timbuktu if necessary. The mom of her friend group.
Michael Myers: An artist, either in grotesque (posing bodies) or genuine ways such as paintings or sculptures. Silent, but one of the most dangerous slashers out there. After all, he is the “shape of evil”. Grew fond of Laurie. His best pal is Jason Voorhees.
The Sawyers (including Bubba): They're envious of the Halloween verse. Reason being, the Sawyers believe they “overshadowed” them in some form. Other than this, they're a hilarious bunch who bicker back and forth.
Sally Hardesty: She’s the jealous type, and isolates herself from the other survivors. Despite this, she's not the friendliest final girl, a bit rough around the edges too. Overtime she drew close to the Sawyers, and they adopted her in a sense. Yet, she'll pass on eating human meat of course.
Billy and Stu (Ghostface): Run parties and social events. Just don't get too close to them, they're not the greatest influences. Major troublemakers.
Ash Williams: A bit on the crazy side, and often will say outlandish statements. Unfortunately, he holds a strong belief that killers and final people should not mix.
Other characters exist, but these are some of the main ones for now!!!
(I also write for Severen from Near Dark 1987 and Victor Pascow from Pet Sematary 1989)
Au belongs to me.
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