#anon it’s 4pm not morning like i said but here u go
dangan-happy · 4 years
To Mikan and Teruteru: I have a bad habit of not eating in the mornings (not because I think I need to lose weight). It was going on for years and even though my stomach hurts in the morning I never actually feel hungry- I feel nausea instead. I also don't pack food with me to school (I never end up eating and I don't want to waste food) so I usually start eating at 2-4pm. I want to stop this cycle but I don't know how to start. I am embarrassed to talk about it that's why I'm sending it here.
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U-Uhm... I-I don't think you sh-should be ashamed of such a-a trivial issue! A-After all.. Y-Your body works hard a-and.. It's only normal! T-The human body is such a f-fascinating machine, d-don't you think..?
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I-In fact.. I-I will tell you a-a little bit about w-why you might feel n-nauseous during the m-morning.. I-If you're okay w-with that.. of course...
W-Well... T-The human body, as I-I've said, works r-really hard, especially while y-you're getting a good a-amount of rest; W-When you're a-asleep your digestive s-system gets r-rid of toxins and g-general unwanted foods.. S-So if you e-end up eating t-too late, o-or.. Snacking throughout t-the night, your b-body won't have e-enough time to rid of t-toxins and such-! I-I also suggest y-you stray away f-from foods high in f-fat d-during dinner..! I-I'm sure Teruteru w-will be able to be more helpful...
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There’s nothing wrong with eating around 2-4 pm, the important thing here is that you’re getting some food in you dear. While it may not be often, it’s still something instead of nothing. Breaking a cycle is never going to be easy, especially if it involves eating. I would normally suggest trying to eat something in the morning, but since you’re used to not having anything in the morning, that could upset your stomach even more.
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Ms. Mikan’s advice is great, you should be careful with what you eat. Foods in high fat are suggested to be avoided during dinner. While I know you are trying to break this cycle, maybe you could start off by eating something light in the morning. 
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Nothing too big you know, something small so you can build up to getting more used to it. 
This is nothing to be embarrassed of Anon, we all have different eating habits and struggles when it comes to it. Some of us have it easy, some of us have it difficult. As for school, having something small can also get you used to a regular routine. 
If you ever feel like it’s hurting again, I suggest maybe some medicine to help soothe your stomach, that could most certainly help. 
Please stay strong Anon, Mikan and I are here for you and we hope that we’ve helped even just a bit.
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theglorydefender · 7 years
~Ted Theodore Logan imagine ~
For anon x
 As the sun hit my eyes I slowly began to wake up, rubbing my eyes, until my mom stormed into the room. “Hurry up! We have to get there before the plane takes off!” Today was the day my family and me would start our new lives in California, San Dimas to be precise. My dad got a job offer he couldn’t refuse and to be honest, I do think we’ll have a better time in Cali than here in this old dull town. I got up and was ready in about half an hour and we headed off to the airport. The plane took off and I was ready to start a new, better life. After about two hours of flight we got to LA and went straight to our new house in San Dimas. It was located in what seemed to be a nice area to live in. A broad street with smaller houses and beautiful front yards on each side. As soon as I unpacked my dad got a call to go to this place near LA tomorrow so he could meet up with his new colleagues and we were invited to stay in the hotel with him as well. What a drag! I was so eager to explore the town but I guess it’ll have to wait until next week because this job thing will take about 6 or 7 days.
“Don’t be such a party pooper! View it as a short vacation” my mom said. “Ugh fine, I’ll go but it better be a nice place with a beach or something, I need a place for my daily walks..” Another early wake up call from my mom this morning..Thankfully, I packed my suitcase last night so I wasn’t in a hurry this time. We drove off and in about an hour arrived at this amazing place with a huge beach and an awesome hotel right across the sea. As we walked into the hotel I caught a glimpse of this tall guy who slipped on his bag because he was dragging it across the floor but I tried to hide my laughter because I didn’t want to seem rude nor make him uncomfortable.
“Come on Ted, hurry up!” a shorter man who appeared to be his father showed up and gave him the keys to his room. “Coming!..Damn it!” he said as he dropped his keys. Boy, he sure is a clumsy kid.
I got to my room, unpacked, took a quick shower and went straight to bed to take a nap. I love traveling and all but it sure makes you tired. I opened my eyes to the sound of music that could be heard from outside and looked at my watch just to see that it was 4pm already. I better get up and go for a walk to explore this place a bit. As I walked out of my room someone accidentally bumped into me while running and I dropped my backpack on the floor. “Oh my god I’m so sorry! Let me get it for u! I’m really sorry!” As I looked up in the state of shook because everything happened so fast I saw that tall guy from the hallway.
“Hey it’s ok, don’t bother..”
“I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to..I just..”
“No, really, it’s fine, it happens”
“Oh, I, I’m Ted by the way.”
“Hey Ted, nice to meet you, in this weird way I guess”
I didn’t really bother to look at him in the hallway because I was tired and really worn out but he was actually really cute. His hair was kind of longer, and he had these really sparkly brown eyes, puppy eyes. Ugh great, now I’m singing “Puppy Love” by Donny Osmond again..We were both heading towards the elevator so we got to meet each other a bit.
“Are you here on a vacation?” I asked.
“Well, not really. I’m here with my dad because of his job. You see, he’s a policeman and we come here every once in a while because he has some totally boring meetings. He’s never really here with me so I just hang out here by myself”
“So..you kinda know your way around here, ha ? Could you maybe recommend me some nice places to visit ?”
“Yeah sure! I’m actually going to one cool place now. It’s most triumphant! Wanna come ?”
I thought about his proposal for a few seconds, not knowing if I should accept. After all, we’ve just met! But..he seems like a nice guy..Oh whatever, I have nothing to do anyway, plus it would be nice to hang out with someone while I’m here.
“..Yeah, sure. Is it far ?”
“No, not really. It’ll take about 15 minutes to get there.”
We made our way to what seemed to be an abandoned hotel and a park.
“They closed this place two years ago but never really got rid of the stuff, they even have a record player there! Can’t believe no one stole it by now” Ted said, laughing and pointing to the hotel. We hung out at the park and he told me that he lives in San Dimas and will be a senior this year.
“No way! Me too! We just moved there, when summer vacation ends I’ll go to your high school as well”
“Wow that’s totally bodacious! What are the odds that we meet here..”
“Yeah I know, lucky coincidence I guess?”
“Sure is” he said while biting his lower lip in order to hide a smile.
After some time we got back to the hotel and for some reason, I couldn’t stop smiling because he was just, gosh I don’t know, but he was a really cute guy and his smile was adorable and..Wait, am I starting to have a crush on him? No way..no way.
We randomly bumped into each other the next morning in the hotel lobby and decided to visit the park again. We started hanging out every day and we would just go for walks and talk about random stuff, making each other laugh and all. There was something about the way he was looking at me, his eyes would get all big and he kept smiling shyly, like he was trying to hide a secret or something. He would tease me and awkwardly bump into me during our walks, not sure if it was on purpose or not but it sure made us both blush. It was our last night here before we headed home to San Dimas and Ted told me that morning that he’ll be at the old hotel around 8pm and that I should come. The time has come and I made my way to our secret place.
“Is that a dress?” he said the moment I walked into the hotel.
“Yes Ted, it’s a dress..” I said trying to look serious but I couldn’t help but smile at his statement.
“I can’t believe you’re actually wearing a dress, I thought you live in jeans!”
“Shut up Ted”
“What do you wanna do on our last night here?”
“Well, I don’t know..hey how about we go to that big ballroom or something, I know you’ve mentioned it before”
“I was hoping you’d say that”
This room was huge and some of the lights were still working, giving the atmosphere that romantic vibe. We were just walking around until I heard music playing from the record player. Ted found some cheesy 70′s disco tracks and we started cracking up and dancing like we were in “Grease” or something. I couldn’t help but admire his laugh and movements, he seemed so happy and was jumping around like a little boy, even though he was a 6′3 giant. After our little dance off we continued searching through the room and I found one of my favorite Fleetwood Mac records. “Dreams” started playing and it gave the whole room some sort of a magical vibe, making you leave all your worries behind and losing yourself in the slow rhythm and verses. Suddenly I felt Ted’s hand taking mine and leading me to the middle of the room.
“I never danced this slowly” he said putting his hand on my waist
“I guess there’s a first time for everything”
“I’m glad that..you’re my first time..I mean for a slow dance” he said shyly because he realized the double meaning of that sentence.
“I’m happy to be your first time”
We were moving slowly to the rhythm of the song as I was looking over the window and the beach, too embarrassed to meet his eyes. I suddenly felt him putting his hand on my jaw, turning my head around. We were facing each other, the closest we’ve ever been and I saw his lips part slowly only to meet mine a few seconds later. His lips were so soft, moving slowly as he was trying to be as gentle as possible. I don’t know how long did the kiss last but I felt his lips forming a smile after a while and our eyes meeting again.
“This was..the coolest summer ever” he said.
“It doesn’t have to end here..”
“Trust me, it won’t”
bonus gif for extra feels:
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