#anonymous composers
gasparodasalo · 8 months
Anonymous classical period composer - Concertante for 2 Clarinets d'amore and Orchestra in G-Major, III. Rondo. Performed by Vlad Weverbergh, clarinet d'amore & direction, Diederik Ornée, clarinet d'amore, and Terra Nova Collective on period instruments.
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canisalbus · 5 months
I'm currently learning Lacrimosa on piano but I can't take myself seriously because whenever I play it I think of your religiously traumatized dog (he haunts me /lh)
Ah, thank you! Lacrimosa is one of the most well known sad classical pieces so having my miserable dog associated with it is very flattering actually.
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bisexualamy · 7 months
I see people talk about fanfiction and novels being different mediums a lot, and while I don’t necessarily disagree, I don’t feel like I understand either. In your opinion, what makes them different mediums from each other? What decides that two things are separate mediums like in general? It’s totally cool if you don’t wanna answer this btw, I know it’s kind of a lot
No worries I think that's an interesting question! With any categories, the boundaries on this are going to be fuzzy, but the reason I believe they're different mediums is that fundamentally, on a metatextual level, the languages are different. What do I mean by this? Let's use film as an example, a medium that I'd argue is very obviously a different medium than novels, even if we may not be able to articulate all the reasons why.
What are some attributes of film that differentiate it from novels (another storytelling medium) or paintings (another visual medium)? Films and novels are both storytelling mediums, but films have visual and auditory components. They also mainly consist of storytelling through visual cues and dialogue. Exposition is given visually or in media res by characters speaking. In a novel, your omniscient narrator giving you a few paragraphs of background on your main characters is common, and so expected it probably flies over the reader's head. In a film, a narrator doing the exact same thing for all the main characters often comes off clumsy. It takes you out of the story in a film, where it doesn't in a novel.
Film is also a time-based medium. A film unfolds over time, and you cannot experience the entire film in one moment or glance. That's not true of a painting (at least traditionally). With a painting, you can view the whole painting in one look. Now, you can sit with a painting, pick out details, analyze the craft or ponder it for a long time and watch as new aspects jump out at you. Fundamentally, however, if you wanted to view a whole painting in one look, you can, and it would still make sense. You cannot do that with a film. On the other hand, a painting is typically not an auditory experience. To do so would be an experimental use of the form. In modern film-making, the exact opposite is true. Music, dialogue, and environmental sound, all of these things are essential to how a film tells a story. To not use them would be considered experimental or odd.
These are three different mediums with three different "languages" in how they interact with their audience. They may share parts of their languages, like I said above, but they don't speak the same language. What works well for one medium can come off clumsy or strange in another.
I believe fanfic and novels have sufficiently different languages that they should be considered different mediums. Both of them are short or long form written mediums telling some sort of story. But fanfic's relationship to its source material is such an inherent trait that novels do not have. The relationship doesn't have to be positive (it's often, in fact, argumentative or strained or dismissive), but the relationship exists. Even in AU fanfiction. Even in fics full of OCs.
In canon compliant and even canon divergent fics, this relationship is more obvious. These fics are both conversations with the source material as much as they are stories. They're playing in the author's sandbox, or they're wrecking their sandcastle and building something else. They're saying "I like/dislike what you did with this specific story, and I'm going to show you that by rewriting or expanding it." They take large aspects of the author's story whole cloth: the characters, the setting, the magic system, the tech, etc.
These fanfics often have little exposition at the top because they presume a familiarity with the characters, the world, or both. This alone makes them really different from novels. Creatively and seamlessly integrating exposition, immersing your audience in a new world and convincing them to stay, is a really important aspect of a novel that these fics don't have to contend with. This alone fundamentally changes how you'd structure a story.
For AU fics, both fics in AU settings and AU fics full of OCs, the above still applies. These fics are still a conversation with the source material. Something about the source material compelled an author to flip it and remix it and change it around. That conversation might be "in the source material, these characters suffered, and I don't want them to suffer any longer" or it could be "I felt the story had a vacancy that this OC fills" or it could be "if these characters had the time/awareness/ability to grow closer, they would've fallen in love." These are all direct commentaries on the original work.
An exercise that I believe illustrates this point the best is to try and adapt an AU fanfic to an original work. Try to file the serial numbers off. I've done this with some of my fic, and it just doesn't work. You don't realize how much you presume the audience knows until you have to cater to an audience who knows nothing of the source material. That hilarious joke you wrote? Turns out it's only funny because it's a nod to this character's original characterization. This awesome climatic plot point that ties the whole story together? Turns out in relies on a specific bit of lore, a quirk of the magic system, or an aspect of the character's past history or personality. Now that this is a novel, you have to back-fill all of that exposition. And you can try to do that, but watch how your story gets clunky and bloated. You will have to start viciously killing your darlings, as you realize that your favorite scene is beautiful in a fic, but sounds awkward and out of place in a novel. Soon, you're basically just rewriting the whole thing to fit a different medium.
Many fanfic writers are extremely talented. And much of that talent, that wit, that perfect line that you can't get out of your head, is integrally informed by your knowledge of the source material. The irony falls flat without having read the source books. The relationships suddenly feel shallow when you don't have seasons of backstory to deepen them. You do not realize how much of fanfic writing consists of this back and forth until you go looking for it.
And here's the thing: if your fanfic has a totally AU setting and it consists of completely original characters, I'd argue that's just a novel posted to AO3. If all you need to do is change the names to make it work, that's a novel. This is why Clueless is inspired by Jane Austen's Emma and not an AU fanfic of it. If you've never read Emma, if you went into Clueless not knowing that Emma was the inspiration for it, you'd perfectly understand the movie.
In fanfic, the source material is always present. It can be obviously present with canon compliant fic. It can be antagonistically present with canon divergent or AU fic. And it is still present, floating in the background, with totally AU fic. Ultimately, the changes a fanfic author makes to the source material are, themselves, as integral to the fanfic as the words on the page. It is a dialogue with the source material: what it did well, what it could've done better, what this author believes is the essence of the story, or the world pushed to its limit, that even though we're in space or in a coffee shop or 1920s New York, we're still, on some level talking about the source material.
This is an aspect of fanfic I love that novels do not have. Novels have a lot of other great stuff! I love novels! But while novels are often engaged in a dialogue with their present society or their predecessors in a genre, that conversation is much more nebulous than it is with fanfic. You can read Slaughterhouse-Five or Gravity's Rainbow, and while knowing their contexts helps you understand them on a deeper level, that is unnecessary to their enjoyment. They are fundamentally more standalone works than fanfic will ever be.
This is ultimately why I think comparing fanfic and novels is comparing apples to oranges. They're different mediums. They use different languages. They require different skills and they fill different artistic niches. You might as well be comparing a film to a painting just because they're both visual art.
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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i finished another comic! it's my own special blorbos minnie, davey and buck this time!!
buck is no longer allowed unsupervised access to the app store
[Full transcript under cut!]
A seven-panel color comic of Puzz's OCs Minnie (a young redheaded girl with braided pigtails), Davey (a middle-aged black man with a prosthetic arm) and Buck (a middle-aged balding redhead with a mustache). Transcript...
Minnie: (watching Davey work on his arm) Should you really be working on that while it's attached to you? Davey: Mm, probably not.
Buck: (walking in holding a cell phone) Oh, there you are. This stupid thing's asking for a password to do an update? Davey: Ah, give it here. I'll handle it.
Minnie: Geez. He makes you update his stupid phone for him? Davey: (pulling his glove off with his teeth) Oh, no, it's not like that. I put the password on there. He doesn't know it.
Minnie: ...what? Why wouldn't you give him his own password...?
(beat panel of Davey holding the phone, then a flashback of Davey trying to wrestle the phone out of Buck's hands) Buck: JUST ONE MORE ROLL Davey: GIVE ME THE PHONE BUCK I SWEAR TO GOD WE HAVE NO MORE MONEY. YOU NEED TO STOP PLAYING COOKIE RUN. BUCK
(cut back to Davey holding the phone, looking exhausted) Minnie (offscreen): ...uh. Hello? Earth to Davey?
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always-a-joyful-note · 2 months
Reading the Beyond the Period story and....when did Gaku become a composer?????? That's so cool? Good for him!!
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kylejsugarman · 1 month
happy birthday to the babyest baby that every babyed!! how do they celebrate baby’s first birthday together as a family? how does present-day baby feel about being 20? how does au squared fam celebrate baby’s third birthday once theyre disappeared to alaska? how does present-day au squared baby feel about being 16?
anon hitting ALL of the possible universes and scenarios in one question like beating me with clubs and sticks 😭 thank u for the questions and saving me from having to write an annoying, unprovoked post!! ill try to keep these brief so im not putting a gd novelization on everyone's dashes
their first birthday as a "family" is baby's seventh, where jesse's only known demi for like 5 months and doesnt know what the rules are for something like this, but hes saved from any awkward questions by demi calling him like (royal advisor going door to door to every person in the kingdom to invite them to the ball) "baby would like to see u if then if that's ok." of course its ok, but now he's gotta get her a present!! hes still getting the hang of carving and woodworking in a more professional, advanced sense and decides to practice his new skills by carving her a little dolphin that looks like the stuffed one she's always carrying around. theres no birthday party like the kind he remembers from childhood ("baby's not very. Into that kind of thing," demi says charitably later when he asks her about it. which Is true), just him and demi and mason having dinner at ihop before going back home for some gifts and a "the spongebob movie" viewing party. baby doesnt make much of a fuss but shes Very excited to open her presents and when she opens jesse's gift, she gets more excited and animated than hes ever seen her before as she describes each of the dolphin's fins to him and then (following a gentle "what do u say?" from demi) thanks him with a little hug of his arm. because of her joyful reaction, he carves her a sea creature for every birthday going forward and is now giving her a tiny wood barracuda for her collection as he and demi make the long drive up to fairbanks to visit baby at school for her twentieth birthday!! they're going to spend the weekend with her :) and though they dont say anything significant about it, they're both really happy that when they go back to their hotel this evening, baby is going to be spending time with some of her new college friends to celebrate :') shes kind of ambivalent as always about "turning" twenty and still doesnt really feel like an adult or anything close, but she does feel more comfortable and content about moving forward this birthday more so than any other beforehand. twenty feels like a big number and shes not as scared or lonely or anxious as she thought she'd be
god, au squared fam.....Au Squared Fam. this is literally the first time jesse's able to actually physically be there with baby on her birthday other than like. the Day of her birth. after missing the first two due to rehab and Being A Slave. he almost doesnt know what to do because its really just the three of them, they've made some tentative acquaintances here in alaska since arriving, but neither of them have families anymore and baby's fully three and thus doesnt Know anyone, so its almost like. what do u do?? he rarely lets baby out of his sight anyway, how's her birthday going to be any different?? demi convinces him to throw a little party in their kitchen to at least set the Tone and even though its just some streamers and balloons and a little grocery store bakery cake with some questionably accurate sesame street characters piped onto it, it really does make the occasion feel festive. they both feel like things might be ok :) baby doesnt really comprehend the Significance and freaks the fuck out when they light the "3" shaped candle (thats fire!! in the house!!), but she has a good time and is stoked to see elmo on a cake and plays "bap the air-filled balloon around the living room" with her parents for a solid 2 hours. its all so beautifully mundane, so normal and safe and quiet. jesse knows that baby doesnt really understand what birthdays mean and that he wasnt there for her first two (only that he Wasnt There in general for a while), but he can't help feeling periodically guilty and overwhelmed and just holding onto her so nothing can ever separate them again. and present day au squared baby is having a sweet sixteen!! just a tiny one (and no car, the dyspraxia still reigns in this universe) in their backyard, which is decorated, and baby and her friends are all dressed up so they can take fun pictures. demi sets out tons of flowers and jesse gets a baby shower cake that says "congratulations on the baby!" for the Bit, which baby honestly loves. she knows why hes so All In about her birthday and being a good dad in general, so she takes a second to tell him that she loves him and always will no matter what :')
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strawberry-barista · 3 months
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"What, me? Pfft... All right. I'll tell you a little. The name's Sanae Hanekoma. Born March 4, blood type A. I'm a Pisces, and one hip café barista, mista. I'm a big gambler. My favorite word: "windfall." "Natto" gets my tummy rumbling. As for my physical dimensions. . ."
★ Disclaimer: Unlike many, I do not assign specific years to TWEWY or to my own Hanekoma and his universe. Personally I feel each game is simply a representation of the time in which it was created and do not attempt to use technology or similar context clues to determine the year. Therefore, such elements are based on whatever reads best at the time, and Hanekoma's zodiac is based on his personality. ★
⚅ — TLDR — ⚅
Sanae Hanekoma is an angel that watches over Shibuya as its acting Producer. He’s laid back and doesn’t often lose his cool, but he takes his job very seriously.
⚅ — Table of Contents — ⚅
Use this to skip ahead to information you want to read.
⚀ General Information
Date of birth
Hair/Eye Color
Body Modification
⚀ Personality
Positive Traits
Negative Traits
General Mood
Greatest Joy
Greatest Fear
General Description
⚀ Habits and Hobbies
Spending Habits
⚀ Background
Young Adulthood
Death and Afterlife
⚀ Abilities
⚀ Relationships
Important individuals
⚀ Canon Events
No subcategories
⚀ Links
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
⚅ — General — ⚅
⚀ Name: Sanae Hanekoma
⚀ Nicknames: Mr. H, H-Man, Fuzzface, Coffee Man, Pops, Tito
⚀ Age: 152 (physically 36)
⚀ Date of Birth: March 4
⚀ Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Wood Horse
⚀ Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/him
⚀ Orientation: Panromantic Demisexual
⚀ Race/Species: Japanese Human-ascended Angel
⚀Hair/Eye Color: Black/Black
⚀ Height: 175 cm (5'9")
⚀ Weight: 120 lbs.
⚀ Scars/Marks/Etc: Hanekoma has very small, mostly unnoticeable scars over the majority of his body from regular bumps, scrapes, and accidents that occurred during his life. One feather on his wings is smaller than the others from where it had been pulled out many times over. He has a sizable scar on his leg from being shot by Apichisi.
⚀ Body Modifications: Hanekoma has a blue and red tribal tattoo wrapping around his upper left arm resembling his noise form. He also has regular ear piercings.
⚀ Style: Hanekoma visited a casino once and was so enamored by the uniforms there he decided to just start emulating the dress. But doing so properly was still a little too restrictive, so now he wears oversized shirts and doesn't button anything all the way. For shoes, he always wears sandals for maximum comfort. He's always got an expensive watch on his wrist, but these days he's taken to wearing earrings as well.
⚅ — Personality — ⚅
⚀ Positive Traits: Compassionate, loyal, creative, affectionate, brave, intelligent, open-minded
⚀ Negative Traits: Selfish, impulsive, impatient, stubborn, obsessive, greedy
⚀ General Mood: Relaxed, content
⚀ Greatest Joy: Creation, meeting people
⚀ Greatest Fear: Losing the city/his loved ones
⚀ Motto: "Enjoy every moment." and "The world ends with you."
⚀ General Description: Hanekoma has an easy-going personality and a generally happy disposition. It’s incredibly difficult to rile him up in any regard, and he will often simply let insulting or hurtful comments roll off of his back. He may come off as if he doesn’t take anything seriously, but in fact he is incredibly perceptive and analyzing. He has a tendency to take people under his wing, especially if he can see in them the potential for a lot of personal growth. This most often comes in the form of protecting players from shady dealings during the Reaper’s Game. He can sometimes have a parental attitude towards others, but he has no trouble at all with pushing people to their limits if it means they might reach a breakthrough in their character.
⚅ — Habits and Hobbies — ⚅
⚀ Likes: Coffee, gambling, new experiences, meeting new people, long conversations, Shibuya, art in all forms
⚀ Dislikes: Close-mindedness, extended isolation, threats to the city, a lack of personal growth
⚀ Favorites: The colors red and black, jazz and hip hop music, Haruto Abe's house blend coffee, the word windfall, natto, money, poetry
⚀ Spending habits: Excessive spender, but very careful with his money. Gambling can sometimes be the exception, but these days he leaves his cards at home to limit his gambling.
⚀ Tics: Rubbing/holding the back of his neck, rolling a pair of dice in his hand, running his fingers through his hair, tugging his chin
⚀ Hobbies: Hanekoma seems to run a café as a primary business, but in fact this is a hobby of his. He also works as a multi-talented artist that dips his hands in almost every form of art from graffiti to music to fashion design. Hanekoma takes a deep pleasure from being an active source of growth and change in his city and does so primarily through his work as CAT. More recently, Hanekoma had learned how to tattoo, and had a tattoo parlor that he runs as a hobby as well. Appointments can be made by anyone, but the business is not advertised at all.
⚅ — Background — ⚅
⚀ Childhood: Hanekoma was born and raised in Shibuya by two loving and supportive parents. His family was always lower income, though, so they never had a glamorous or fruitful existence. During summers Hanekoma would go into the country where his grandparents lived. Death was introduced early in life with the passing of his grandfather, and he was taught to accept the natural course of life. As a student, he was charismatic and did well on his work, but he would skip out unnoticed when he thought he could get away with it. He never caused a lot of trouble, but he always bent the rules as much as possible.
⚀ Adolescence: Hanekoma was a stressed teenager, but he never showed it to those around him. He began to live to please his parents and teachers, but he yearned to experience life his own way as well. Both of his grandparents now passed, he no longer took summers in the country and instead spent his free time exploring and learning Shibuya in and out. He fell in love with the city, but he also instilled in himself a wanderlust.
⚀ Young Adulthood: As a young adult, Hanekoma began to fear the retaliation from his parents for not going into a university, and so he quickly moved away from home as soon as he could. He lived by himself and spent his days living a fairly closed in life until the day his mother called him to inform him his father was dying. He rushed home immediately, and finally he made amends with them just a few days before his father's passing, learning that he'd never had any reason to fear in the first place. He lived with his mother afterwards, but she passed mere months after his father. After this he began traveling with a gaggle of friends he'd made over the years, eager to fill the void his parents left behind. It was through this venue that he was introduced to casinos, and he became addicted to gambling. He visited a casino wherever he went and lost more and more money, until he couldn't afford to travel anymore. Still obsessed with gambling, he began spending his money in pachinko parlors and illegal gambling dens.
⚀ Adulthood: Hanekoma wasted away all of his money until he could no longer support himself, and he found himself on the streets and struggling just to exist. He spent many days in alleyways and abandoned buildings. Having worked up quite a debt, he often found himself being attacked and was always on the alert, though any time he could get money he usually found himself playing street craps with it or in some other gambling den. This carried on until one particular winter he nearly died from the elements alone and was approached by an old man offering shelter. As much as he wanted to refuse, he knew he didn't have that luxury and finally gave in. The man, named Haruto Abe, took him into his home and got Hanekoma back on his feet. Therapy, a job at his own café, training in learning how to support himself, and the love and support he hadn't seen since his parents. Hanekoma did pick himself back up and went on to open his own café, Wildkat, and slowly healed into a person that loved Shibuya once again.
⚀ Death and Afterlife: Hanekoma met his end at the hands of a man he used to borrow money from. In the end his old gambling habits caught up to him anyway. Hanekoma fought to the end, but his opponent was in possession of an illicit firearm and determined not to let him get away with his life this time. Hanekoma entered his Game a little bleary, but not without help. Abe, much to Hanekoma's surprise, was able to find him right after his registration into the Game and give him pointers, with the explanation that he had a sixth sense which allowed him to see into the UG. Hanekoma followed Abe's instructions expressly and was able to win his Game, allowing him to become a reaper (per Abe's suggestion). From there Hanekoma quickly rose in rank, casually raking in more and more souls. All the while Abe kept feeding him secrets about Composerhood and the Higher Plane and angels, priming him for the position of Producer. Once Hanekoma finally reached his ascension, he was offered the position of Producer in lieu of Composer and he took it. Abe disappeared directly after this and wouldn't be seen again for many years.
⚅ — Abilities — ⚅
⚀ Angel: As an angel, Hanekoma has the ability to see and interact with the RG, UG, and HP at any given time. He also has the ability to scan living humans, players in the Reaper’s Game, and reapers. He can jump from one universe to another. Hanekoma has knowledge of taboo noise and refinery. He will not use these abilities unless pushed to extremes, however. And finally, Hanekoma has the ability to imprint on both people and players. The most common way for him to do so is through his art and tattoo work.
⚀ Noise: Hanekoma has a noise in the form of Panthera Cantus, which act as two entities with separate abilities. Leo Cantus is fast and teleports away when hit directly. Tigris Cantus can create clones of herself and can only be hit through her shadow, not her actual body.
⚀ Human: Just through his physical body, Hanekoma has considerable skill in street fighting, and he often chooses to do most of his fighting through this method (genuine quarrels, as opposed to testing an individual, in which he would use his noise form).
⚅ — Relationships — ⚅
⚀ Overview: Hanekoma makes friends easily. That being said, he also tends to keep people at arm’s length without them really realizing it. He says very little about himself while working to get to know others on a deeply personal level, earning the trust of many despite keeping himself a secret. He enjoys being social and making new friends, and he understands the power personal bonds can have on society as a whole. He actively encourages friendship, but he will never seek to deepen a bond any further than that.
⚀ Romance: Romantic relationships are, for the foreseeable future, strictly non-canon for this blog. Hanekoma is in a romantic relationship with himself, literally, as far as his canon is concerned. However, non-canon ships are available to plot and write.
⚀ Family: Hanekoma has no biological children, but he has a few canon familial ships. The first is his Composer, Joshua (@kingsmedley), whom he treats like his son. The second is a young reaper named Joel (@mundanemiseries), whom teeters back and forth from being like a nephew to being like another son. There is also Sho Minamimoto (@the-grim-heaper), whom Hanekoma considers a child of his even if he has no solid, concrete evidence that Sho feels the same way.
⚀ Important Individuals: Haruto Abe (@falseapostle) is the man that took Hanekoma in and is an angel. Hanekoma treated him as a parent in his living life and as a mentor, but after his return they grew a closer, more romantic relationship. Now that they are separated, both physically and emotionally, Hanekoma has forgiven him but doesn't interact with him at all. Raizen (@fangedstories) is Hanekoma's warden angel, an angel that checks up on him and makes sure he isn't breaking angel law. Apichisi (@catncore) and Eanas (@dandybarista) are older angel counterparts from another universe. While interactions are largely non-canon, these two have played roles in significant canon events. Similarly, their Joshua (@the-composer) has also participated in some of these events. Hope (@hopeful-hugz) is a character that is entirely non-canon for Hanekoma, however is still important to some canon events. When speaking with other characters that have non-canon relationships and interactions with Hope, they may come up in conversation. Otherwise, Hanekoma's secondary therapy works much differently.
⚅ — Canon Events — ⚅
⚀ Hanekoma and Joshua have had multiple falling outs, the last of which resulted in Joshua going to therapy and learning how their codependency was making them both unhealthy. As a result, Joshua and Hanekoma almost never come into contact anymore, for the sake of earning independence from one another. To this day, however, Hanekoma has never been so close or so attached to any other person, and even now he will put Joshua over any other person in his life.
⚀ Hanekoma met Apichisi and Eanas while traveling and refused to take no for an answer when he tried getting in their business. The intention was to help, but the push resulted in an altercation with the universe's Joshua, which then resulted in a deeply traumatizing battle with Apichisi. Shortly after this he also exchanged words with Eanas which led to his being banned from the universe altogether. Over the time of his absence he healed, and he made amends with the universe, but he still occasionally has nightmares related to the fight with Apichisi. In this altercation Hanekoma was shot with an angelic bullet that disabled his ability to heal. This is where he received the scar on his leg, a mark where the bullet once was.
⚀ Hanekoma received an arm tattoo from Apichisi during one of his visits. He imprinted on the tattoo so Hanekoma now feels his presence at all times. Apichisi then taught him how to tattoo on others as well, effectively allowing him to take up the occupation in his own universe.
⚀ Apichisi taught Hanekoma how to preen his own feathers and preen the feathers of others. Before this point Hanekoma didn't touch them at all. To this day his wings are extremely sensitive because of this, but he does preen himself regularly now.
⚀ Hanekoma developed a crush on Eanas, and it helped to cause the events of the banning situation. Canonically, he has moved past this and now remains romantically involved with himself, but non-canon threads playing on this may still occasionally pop up.
⚀ Haruto Abe reappeared in Hanekoma's life, making the excuse that he'd been unable to visit beforehand. He began manipulating Hanekoma, making him believe that he was harmless and merely misinterpreted while threatening and mistreating everyone in Hanekoma's life. Abe continued this farce with the intention of isolating Hanekoma to the point of him returning to the Higher Plane for reconditioning. But the longer he stayed in Shibuya the more attached he became to Hanekoma's loved ones. In the end, he could no longer continue the ruse and chose to end it. Hoping to make Hanekoma hate him and earn his own exorcism, Abe ripped a feather from Hanekoma's wing. Joshua attempted to exorcise him, but only succeeded in cutting him off from the Higher Plane. Abe was transferred to Shinjuku of Apichisi and Eanas's universe. For a time after this, Hanekoma attempted to pull the feather any time it tried to come in, but eventually he allowed it to heal. Ever since this, this particular feather has always grown in shorter than the others of its like.
⚀ Hanekoma began going to therapy. ★ In compatible threads, Hanekoma attends therapy at Hope's medical facility STM, where therapists have multiversal licenses that allow them to work with angels. ★ In all other threads, Hanekoma attends therapy at a regular office, and he simply avoids talking about forbidden subjects, choosing to translate them into situations he can talk about legally (e.g. explaining the feather incident as pulling out a good chunk of his hair instead of a feather).
⚅ — Links — ⚅
⚀ Headcanons
⚀ Musings
⚀ Desires
⚀ Aesthetics
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slaanxsh · 8 months
does slaanesh go into heat?
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mousewife-stash · 9 months
Hi !
your tastes in tf tropes are SO GOOD your work is SO GOOD. not to mention your souyos are the best softest ever. delicious. I really like your vision of them. thank you so much!!!!! TuT you're inspiring me to actually create an acc where I can post my own self indulgent stuff (some day) haha ! keep up the amazing work ! :D
ahhhhh thank you so much anon!! i really hope that you do, this is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart 😤 It's been a pretty long and, often, needlessly painful road for me to learn how to kick back and just entertain myself by drawing pure self-induglence, so if that's something I can encourage anyone to do for themselves and faster, I feel very strongly about it!! when I was younger I was inwardly always VERY inspired by people in creative spaces who were completely On Their Own Shit, boldly, proudly, and individually, but--as I think is often the case growing up--i felt VERY preoccupied with what i thought an imagined audience would perceive as "weird" and tried extremely hard to fill any cracks in my public vulnerability armor and do the kind of art i thought would be capital P Palatable. a lot of wasted effort and neurosis!! then as I matured and chilled, my *personal* attitude became more laissez-faire, but fandom spaces, and dare I say internet platforms as a whole, became increasingly corporatized, professionalized, de-weird-ified--Gentrified--in a way I've found crushingly damaging and counter-productive to creativity and genuine community. BUTTTTT as much as i frustratingly can't do squat about that on a structural level, i figured i'd take that as a sign that now more than ever i oughta open up and share. and I'm truly glad I did!
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sneakydraws · 1 year
incredibly dumb question (and bit nsfw) pls feel free to ignore; I've just realised reading war and peace just fried my remaining brain cells: if topping anatole just made andrey worse, do you think ever bottoming would fix him or? I was thinking it'd make him even worse but idk one should never doubt the healing powers of a prostate orgasm ig
ANON YOU *LITERALLY* HAVE NO IDEA HOW CORRECT YOU ARE IN ASKING THAT QUESTION. JOURNEY WITH ME BELOW THE CUT TO HEAR MY EXTENSIVE THOUGHTS ABOUT ANDREI BOLKONSKYS SEX LIFE (spoilers i actually go more in depth about my interpretation of andreis psychological issues than ever but you have to get through the stupid sex stuff first. Sorry. Also I'm finishing writing this at the airport at seven am after not a lot of sleep so I take no responsibility for how coherent it may or may not be)
Ok I cannot emphasise enough that. Part of my initial take on Andrei (and a partial basis for my andretole au) was LITERALLY "guy who needs to get fucked but is too full of toxic masculinity to let anyone top him". Like, it's 1805 and everyone is obsessed with ancient Greece, they probably just started unpacking ancient Greek ideas about homosexuality, someone as proud, misogynistic and self-possessed as Andrei would absolutely see bottoming as some sort of shameful dishonour, if only subconsciously. (But like, if mercury was in Gatorade and the heavens collided and Pierre actually realised one day that Andrei has the hots for him and offered to top, Andrei would agree in a heartbeat because the thirst is even stronger than the internalised homophobia)
But silly sex headcanons aside I do think there's genuine psychology going on here so let me elaborate. I think Andrei is chronically incapable of being vulnerable with people. Even when making an effort to talk openly about his emotions (like in his first one on one with Pierre), he's very distanced from them, cold and disdainful. He talks about emotions but doesn't exhibit them. And if strong emotions of any kind threaten to get the better of him, he defaults to anger - see his anger at Lise in the same scene, his anger at Pierre after his refusal by Natasha and again before borodino - probably because anger feels easier and doesn't imply weakness like other emotions - sorrow, fear, regret - might. I mean in that scene after Natasha's refusal the narration openly states that Andrei hates being pitied... So like, if he can't bear to be vulnerable with others in life, how could he possibly do so in bed, right?
(Though I suppose it's not as clear cut as that because hatefucking Anatole IS a sign of weakness and feeling ashamed of it is also a sign of weakness and anatole's refusal to be bothered by it reminds Andrei of that fact every single day. He just can't win! Can't have shit in 1805 Russia!!)
All this being said, it's equally as important to my understanding of Andrei that he does WANT and even NEED to be vulnerable with someone. He wants to be able to trust and respect someone enough to lean on them and rely on them for comfort. I think that his extreme self-reliance and internal strength belie a deep-seated desire to have someone in his life who will render those traits unnecessary. Hold on I just realised Andrei has mommy issues uhh
In all seriousness tho. This is why those relationships Andrei tries to build fail, isn't it? He doesn't approach those people as equals, he wants them to be his superiors. Natasha can't just be a girl whose company he enjoys, she has to be his angel of rejuvenation and moral redemption. Speransky can't just be a man whom he respects, he has to be this flawlessly committed and morally upstanding reformer. And when he dares act like an imperfect human being, Andrei is totally turned off. His relationship with Pierre is actually probably the healthiest precisely because of its internal contradictions - he cherishes Pierre's earnestness and artlessness, but sees his naiveté and weak will, and therefore doesn't build him up to such an impossible standard of perfection as others.
(This actually contrasts in an interesting way with Pierre's (imo) final and most important transformation - that into someone who can acknowledge people's flaws and love them, without judgement or delusion. Very Christlike of him)
So um tldr. Yes Andrei SHOULD bottom (slash not be such a dom slash be vulnerable with anyone) and it WOULD fix him but also he'd need to already BE fixed for it to ever be on the table so like. F. He'll have to make do with blowing anatole's back out and hating himself for it, and count himself lucky that my stupid au gives him that much
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istmos · 1 year
“Greensleeves to a Ground” (anonymous) by Jordi Savall from Hespèrion XXI
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gasparodasalo · 11 months
Anonymous composer (second half of the 18th century) - Adagio for Cello and Basso continuo in e-minor (from Manuscrito de Barcelona). Performed by Josetxu Obregon, cello, and La Ritirata, on period instruments.
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onlineviolence · 11 months
Does Pyrite ever experience extreme homicidal rage out of nowhere? Just like, one moment completely calm, and the next is just
definitely. pyre has a short fuse
v2 gives it space to go kill a nearby husk or something in the vicinity (they can get lunch out of it)
i think v2 and pyrite are sort of opposites in terms of anger. pyrite gets angry easily but it's fleeting and pyre gets over it just as fast.
v2 is more outwardly angry, for longer and holds grudges that last forever
they help calm eachother down which includes listening to eachothers violent ranting
many areas in hell make for good rage rooms
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byakugoseal · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: As someone new to the naruto rpc are there any blogs you would recommened following? I wanted to ask you because you seem pretty active
               Unprompted messages for the mun // ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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☆    ━━ Hi nonnie, welcome to the RPC! Yes, there are quite a few blogs I would recommend. However, let me preface by saying that I follow a lot of people and there are SO MANY blogs that I would recommend. I would love to gush about each and everyone of them but we would be here all day! I want to say that only picking a few of you guys was extremely hard because I want to scream from the rafters about all of you! Without further ado, here are a few of the blogs I would recommend (but please know I would gush about all of you if I could!!):
*Please note these are in no particular order**  There are SO MANY more of you that I would LOVE to promote and gush about your portrayals and I will do that in time! Please know that even if you were NOT mentioned here I would 100000% always recommend you!
@xmpereur​​ - So I’ve been following Dollita for a few weeks now and I absolutely love everything about their blog!! Their writing is phenomenal, eloquent, and truly beautiful! I cannot stress enough how much their world building brings Sasuke to life in a completely refreshing way. I am in awe with our current thread we have (and I do owe a reply which will be coming soon) because Dollita effortlessly breathes life into Sasuke’s character and truly captures his inner thoughts and emotions! Sasuke (in my opinion) is a complex character with a very deep and rich history that influences their motives behind every action. Dollita brings these influences and motivations to life without outwardly having to tell you why Sasuke is doing what he is doing. I cannot stress enough how much I love the aesthetic of their blog, their writing, and portrayal of Sasuke! 
@annienne​​ - Annie!! I absolutely LOVE every single one of Annie’s portrayals, she has a true knack for bringing everyone to life! I do believe that she has a true talent for writing and I can genuinely hear her characters’ voices in her dialogue. She has a wealth of muses across various fandoms and writes them all so well. Like everyone on this list, she is a very talented RP partner and has a muse for many fandoms. I absolutely love their Juvia and Hao so so much (well, I love all of their portrayals but I just want to gush about two of them for a moment). Shaman King is one of my favorite series ever and Annie does a phenomenal job adding depth to Hao’s character and brining their motivations to life in a refreshing way. Her Juvia is topnotch and I cannot stress enough how well she is written! But we are here to talk about Naruto muses so let me tell you how well written her Naruto and Tobirama are! She does these characters justice and gives them new life with every post she makes! 
@kanashimitohiai​​ - Pie where to begin? I adore every one of their portrayals. I absolutely love their take on Haku is should be a canon member of Team Seven thanks!! Pie is such a sweet person and I adore all of interactions be it in character or OOC when we are screaming about our muses together via discord! From canon characters to OCs’ I absolutely love every single one of Pie’s muses! Whilst I could write and gush about ALL their muses let me just tell you how amazing their Haku and Sasuke is!! The characters are brought to life with depth and ease on this blog and I do recommend you check them out! I will protect their Lee with everything I got, Lee is Sakura’s buddy!
@maitiest​​ - I have said once and I will say it again I ADORE Kaddy’s blog with every fiber in my being! Gosh do I love their Lee so so much! I will always stan this blog no matter what! I know I have said this statement before BUT to take a character and truly make it your own, to write them in such a way that it becomes THE CANON character I associate with when I think about their characters is no easy feet. However, Kaddy does this with ease. Sakura would protect their Lee and even Gai with her life! I absolutely love the world building they have done for Lee and Gai
@godsand​ / @fowleyes​​ - AMY!!! boy oh boy does Amy write ALL their muses PHENOMINALLY! They do every character they write justice and breathe such life into all of them. She brings all her characters voices to the forefront and brings to life each and every one of their motivations, inner feelings and morality to life. The characters she writes come to life with eloquence and raw emotion. From talking OOC to interacting in character I am always in awe with Amy, from their talent to their kindness! No matter the fandom or what blog they are on I will ALWAYS give Amy a follow and scream from the rooftops about how well written all of their blogs are!
@chidoried​ / @writelives​ / @writemuse​​ - I cannot stress enough how TALENTED Blossom is! All the muses they write and SO well written and come to life in the prose of their writing. From talking OOC about our characters to interacting in character I always love whatever interaction comes my way from this talented writer! From their canon characters to their OCs all of them are written beautifully. I am always in awe of everything they post because she truly does understand all of her characters! I love everything about ALL of their blogs and posts! While I haven’t known Blossom for too long, I am truly lucky to be mutuals with someone as talented as she is! 
@ournindos​​ - So I have known Trevor for QUITE a long time now, a few years if memory serves. Trevor is extremely talented with all the muses they write and has such refreshing ideas for every single one of his muses. He has a plethora of muses across various fandoms and each and every one of them are very well written! He truly has a good understanding on Naruto from how his childhood impacts him in adulthood to how experiences in life have shaped him into the man he has become in Boruto! 
@ofsavior​​ - While Madi may not have a Naruto muse, I cannot miss an opportunity to express my love for them and their blog! We have been following one another from pretty much my first step on to Tumblr. From their Dabi adopting my Eri to Gray and Erza sharing moments together and learning from one another to EVERY other interaction we have had over the years I am always in support and awe of everything Madi does! Madi is a very talented writer and a super kind mun, someone I consider myself lucky to be friends with! No matter what blog I am on I will ALWAYS follow Madi’s blog without hesitation. One day I will revive Erza to continue to pester Gray with her crush on him ♡
So this post is getting long and I need to stop myself before I tag all of my mutuals! Everyone here mentioned is wicked talented and bring their muse(s) to life. I will always recommend these blogs no matter what! I think you should consider checking them out. 
Now, for everyone I did not mention please note I think you are all wicked talented and I felt very bad for having to only mention a few of you. Please note that just because I did not mention you hear DOES NOT mean I do not love your blog (because I do love it)! You are wicked talented and bring you muse to life in such a remarkable way! I will, in time of course, I will gush about you. If you were not mentioned please feel free to jump into my asks so I can gush about you on the dash if you would like!
Nonnie, thank you for your question (though I do feel rather badly for having to only pick a few of my mutuals). I think that everyone I follow is so unbelievably talented that I constantly count myself as lucky for being mutuals with them!
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strawberry-barista · 8 months
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{I'm not really back yet, but go ahead and have an Espresso starter call. I still wanna use him more. This is specifically for a Composer Hanekoma for those that don't know my muses much. Just like this post and I'll write something up. Please reply with whatever muse I'm writing to if you're multi.}
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talesfromthecrypts · 6 months
My Spotify Wrapped just told me my listening style for the year was that of a Vampire. 🥹
"When it comes to your listening, you like to embrace a little... Darkness. You listen to emotional, atmospheric music more than most."
Pulling out the Bauhaus and The Cure were you anon. Maybe a secret alternate universe Spotify that has The Vampire Lestat on it.
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