#another Patreon sketch request
minacoleta · 1 year
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flame-shadow · 9 months
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Hey did you know? You can have a monthly art request by giving me a little money on patreon! I get to draw fun things, you get a character drawing each month, and i use what i earn to support others on patreon in turn.
$5 for a monochrome single character sketch $10 for a colored single character; or two character monochrome
What's cooler is that there's an optional monthly theme if you're running low on ideas. (May's theme was rain, for example, while August's was beach)
Check it out here if you're interested!
[Note: how detailed the requests are depends on how I'm feeling each month. There's a minimum amount of effort that I aim for, and usually I exceed that, but I give myself the space to take it easy when I need to.]
I've been doing these monthly requests consistently for a few years now, and I keep forgetting to advertise myself. Oops! I might consider offering this via Kofi as well, but I need to look into organizing my kofi better first. Oh, and do be aware that my patreon is still partially themed after a pokemon comic that I ended prematurely. I just haven't made a new banner yet. Maybe now that I've made a public post about this, I'll get that banner done haha
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dreaminginpencil · 1 year
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Another sketch request on Patreon, a bit of fun 🎶🎸
Patreon is here if you wanna join ❤️
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hachiibun · 3 months
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Patreon Request Stream Sketches!
I held a test stream for patrons last weekend, and got to draw these guys!
My undebuted OC Noboru and Hei/zou for @rachwavs, and two of @mochindayo's snz otome boys, Yami and Jacque! Thanks for stopping by!
I plan on having another request stream this month, so do check out my Patreon if you're interested!
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider commissioning me, pledging to my Patreon, or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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emry-stars-art · 1 month
EDIT: PENCIL HAS BEEN REPLACED AND IT SEEMS TO BE WORKING AGAIN!! Thank you to those who donated, you have my ENTIRE heart for now and always
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Hiii I’m back to bother you all again with technical difficulties. Long story short, if I have diagnosed the problem properly, I need a new Apple Pencil! And if I’m wrong I’ll need to replace both my pencil and the iPad itself!! But (and I am sure this will surprise no one that’s read this far) - I have no money 🥲
This isn’t quite a 100% necessary expense. I still have a handful of job applications sent out that are still waiting on replies, and hopefully I’ll have some more income sooner rather than later - but since comms and art have been one of my main sources of income this year, this is gonna be a decent problem for a little bit 😅 in the meantime I’m going to reach into the void and boost some stuff and offer additional ways that maybe I can earn some money for the month!
So if you do happen to have extra cash, some ways that would help a ton: my patreon (this month’s star tier sticker is going to be an aftg mermay design of some sort or another), my etsy, my kofi shop, or plain old kofi donations. But I also wanna be able to sweeten the pot a little, so there’s more!
I’m selling a couple original pieces over on kofi as well, including Raven Kevin, the Jean & Jeremy piece, and the og mermay comic from last year 👀
I’m taking low-stakes sketch commissions, also on kofi! For 15usd you can drop an aftg/tsc sketch request, and if you want to be tagged when I post it, leave your url as well! Additional characters for a little extra, and you can drop specific reqs - give me thoughts, ideas, meme redraws, outfits, or ask for a specific scene or specific au of mine (sure is a good month for mermaids 👀). I’d also take requests of my own ocs, but unfortunately for these kinds of sketch requests I won’t be taking others ocs.
All that being said, of course I understand if donating isn’t possible for you rn, so I’m not trying to make you feel guilty about scrolling past lol. If you’d like something free to do you can also just leave a nice comment or tag on something I’ve drawn to get my mind off the issues 😅 thank you so much to all you lovely people who support me in every way, it’s literally my livelihood and makes me so happy every day to make you happy, so! I hope you all have a wonderful time zone, and I hope you’re as excited for more merms as I am 😌💕
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snowzapped · 2 months
So... The 10yr old Grandpa PC is now bootlooping. Probably turning senile and yelling at the cloud if it could.
Our guess is the graphics card finally giving up. I still have to take it to the shop tomorrow since it's a holiday today. That being said, I may need to build a new pc. I'll salvage what I can from the old one (ssd, hdd, probably the psu) but I need to get a new graphics card, motherboard and processor since mine is 10yrs old and the new stuff aren't that great paired with older tech and if I'm getting a better gpu, might as well get good processing power. Hopefully, it will last another 10yrs.
But I don't have enough money. So if anyone wants to commission me, now would be the time. As long as you're willing to wait a bit. If anyone wants to buy the SteveTony coloring book, send tips on kofi, I would be very grateful. And if you want to consider supporting me on patreon, I thank you so very much. Lowest tier is $1. You get everything the highest tier has.
I am stuck right now. I'm a freelancer and the pc is my only source of income. I will make pencil sketches for $5 dollars. Send me a kofi and your request. I will be very happy.
I can't copy paste all the stuff on mobile but here's the commission link. And the rest of the links are also at the bottom of that post. Coloring book is pinned on my tumblr.
Thanks so much and wish me luck! 😄
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ejoym · 3 months
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Hello! My name is Elise (she/her, 29-years-old). I mostly post my Baldur’s Gate 3 fanart here or reblog others. My art is a mix of silly, spicy, and spooky subjects! My monster-loving Durge features heavily in my fan comics with Astarion. Find more at my art tag.
Mature Content Warning throughout this blog (blood, language, horror, suggestive and outright horny themes, NSFT, MDNI, etc.) My links: PATREON Finished art + NSFW / mature versions of my comics for folks who become Free Members. I post work-in-progress updates + NSFW / mature sketches for Paid Members. 🖤 KOFI | YOUTUBE | WEBSITE Q & A under read more
Q & A: Do you do commissions? Yup! I’m open to commission inquiries contingent on whatever my current deadline status. It never hurts to ask! Simply message me with your inquiry and a short description of your request. I'll get back to you with an update of my timeline and/or price estimate. Are you on any other social media? Nope! I don’t do most other social media besides what's listed above because most platforms make me sad. Can I repost your art on another platform? If you do, please just credit my user/name and link to either my tumblr, patreon, youtube, or website.
Thanks for your interest in my work!
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Older graphite drawing of Devlin's BG3 model pictured above!
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
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another year another ART SUMMARY!!!!
this year has kept me super busy, but that's what's given me the drive and confidence to make a lot of fun, crazy art to vent all that stress and exercise the non-academic side of my brain. and i'm so delighted to be able to say that this year, i finally made it onto the tumblr radar!! that's been a dream of mine for over a decade now and i can't thank y'all enough for making that magic happen.
here's the links to each featured artwork:
january - february - march - april
may - june - july - august
september - october - november - december
if you've enjoyed my art this year and you'd like to see more from me in 2024, please consider supporting me! my commissions are open, and my patreon is just $3 a month for sketch requests and fun exclusives on my patron discord.
thanks so much for joining me on this colorful journey, whether you've been here for years or just showed up this month. and here's to another year of creating!! STAY MINTY!!!
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elbdot · 10 months
Out of all the outfits dusk has worn over the years, (in your series or just as fun art ideas) which one is your favorite?
I personally like his sailor moon outfit so I drew some fanart of it! :D
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DRAWING THIS, this made my evening :DDD You NAILED the pose and the entire outfit, I LOVE IT
Hard to say which one is my fav because the Sailor Moon outfit is definitely a favorite of mine as well :D And there's a lot of outfits I DIDN'T post yet because they started out as Patreon requests - it had become a running gag on my Patreon server to draw Dusk in new outfits, where I then posted all the sketches first and then forgot to share them on tumblr too 😂
But I THINK another fav of mine would be Dusk in the VIRGIN KILLER SWEATER, which he can only wear LIKE THIS:
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cleverclovers · 5 months
I'm Parker, Shady, Clover, Teej, whatever you wish to call me. I'm a queer disabled artist on social security because stress makes my brain shut down like a computer trying to run windows 7 in this day and age--I have a seizure disorder previously thought to be epilepsy but currently under evaluation for another seizure disorder diagnosis, I'm autistic, I have hearing loss and mobility difficulties due to nerve connection issues relating to previously stated seizure disorder being untreated for most of my life.
I'm without a roommate, in an apartment I can barely afford, with no options to move to a cheaper place, and no way I can negotiate a lower rate. I previously had a roommate, this an easier time with life, only occasionally struggling, or wanting to reach beyond my means for a little comfort.
My entire check goes into rent and bills, it's not a big check by any means, the govt doesn't really want disabled people to live on their own, it seems like, and I wind up relying on what's left of my patreon after bills to try to make ends meet. Those ends include my three cats. One is elderly, the other two are comparatively very young. I cannot afford them right now, but rehoming or surrendering them is not an option. I know someone will come into my dm's or ask box and say that to me, so let me get this out of the way: the only way I can manage to get up every morning and find it in myself to work on art is those three cats.
As such, I'm willing to pick up as many commissions, over load myself with obligations, to make those boys lives as comfortable as possible. Right now I need to buy dry food, litter, and a new litterbox because one of the ones I have currently is difficult to clean and change. I also need help with people food, because I have medical dietary restrictions, and that's not cheap. I'm out of food stamps for the month and don't get more until the 8th. I can't just go to a food bank for that. I will continue to need assistance with their care until I can manage to get a housing voucher for section 8. That can take months.
My art rates are ridiculously low, my turn around rate without deadlines is less than stellar, I'm doing my best to keep my patreon up to date with my personal pieces, done to keep myself from hating my commission pieces and starting over on them all. However, if you have a specific deadline you need to meet, say Valentine's, or a special occasion, please let me know ahead of time. I do keep in touch throughout the process, sharing wips of the piece in the works so my clients can tell me if I need to make changes.
As for prices, right now:
10 usd for sketches (commission for LivingRadio used with permission)
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20 USD for inks
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50 usd for simple colors
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90 for full color with a background (commission done for Ocarinaruler used with permission)
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I take pa yp al ([email protected]) , v3nmo or ca$happ (Rosesinclover) and have pa tr eon and ko-fi (also Rosesinclover) if you want to help long term and see the projects that almost never reach fruition, though I use ko-fi the least
These are the boys who help me live my life and cut down on my seizures. The orange one is Jerry (one and a half years old), the tuxedo is Loki (a nickname, his true name is very long. He's 7) and the brown tabby is Bean (17, a good sleepy boy in early renal failure--his kidneys are starting to go. There's nothing I can do about it that won't cost hundreds, so I'm just making sure he's comfortable until it's time)
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This is my cat specific Amazon wishlist
Thank you for your time and consideration. I'd appreciate reblogs to increase the reach, and will consider price increases if enough people request it.
Sincerely, a very stressed out pet parent
Change log: put an updated full color image reference, noted which pieces were commissions and for whom they were done. Added kitty wishlist. Feb 16, 2024 Lowered simple color and colored pryces. Mar 10, 2024
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minacoleta · 7 months
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They are talking about how they need to get pink cowboy hats
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Another sketch request from a subscriber finished! Sebastian Vael from Dragon Age 2 in a style of old portraits. Себастіан Ваель для підписника. Дуже приємно малювати в цій землистій палітрі, імітуючи ренесансні полотна!
Subscribe to my Patreon if you'd like to support me and take part in monthly sketch request live streams!
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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Adult Steven and Connie kissing meanwhile their kid(s) is/are in the background gagging. [June patreon request by Connversin]
            I have an alternative connverse timeline where they'd have four/five kids instead of one, and this request could be applicable in it. They would never starve their children of course. The kids just got some drama queen blood.     Also, another case of me struggling with characters showing their age. 😅 Steven and Connie are suppose to be in their 40's in this. 😅😅😅😓
[[To clear misunderstandings, I only take sketch/doodle requests on specific days at my Patreon page as part of the supporter perk.]]
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
Update Time!
The end of the month is coming up, and I'm here to deliver some updates.
Where am I with the writing?
While I will be finishing my first draft of my book, I will be working primarily on Bloody Bug outside of Overture (the working title for the book). I will hopefully get back to the other AUs, but for the time, I'm enjoying Bloody Bug and just rewriting of canon until I get to the season 2 shit.
Any other changes?
Outside of my focus on writing, I have a few other changes I want to announce for transparency.
So, this comes in terms of the content that I'll be posting here. I will still be posting doodles, Miraculous content, and other shit, but I won't be posting anymore sketches and shit like that.
Furthermore, and I want to really stress this: I will not be accepting requests on this platform.
The reason for this is the migration of those to Patreon. I am in the process of populating my Patreon page and have decided to post my WIPs, story outlines, sketches, etc there and will have the tiers on there for the request options.
That will be another thing. I will still post doodles, writings, and (when I get to that part) designs for the other heroes in Bloody Bug. However, I will also be working on exclusive content that will be only on my Patreon. Figured I'd give a heads up in case any content on here feels like it tanks.
This is largely due to me trying to establish as many different cash flows as I can as the job market is ass. There are jobs available, but getting a job in my field is proving rough. In the past two months, I've had one interview and that was it. So, yeah, trying different options here is all.
In that same vein, commissions are still open. I may be adding a shaded option coming up. Through the creation of some of the exclusive patreon content, I've pinpointed a shading style that I like and feels coherent with my style. So, that may become available.
But, all said, that is all for now.
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amysnotdeadyet · 4 months
May 2023 Patreon Sketches
May 2023 Patreon Sketches
Another small batch of monthly sketches, for those Patreon supporters who dropped me a prompt! Got ’em done under the wire! As you can see, the requests were full of kitties, which seems predictable given everything. XD Amy B asked for a kitty monkey-climbing, and got this orange sketchy boy going up a shelf like it’s his job. (sold) SaraBeth Ray asked for kitty heaven, and so we have this…
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badmooncomic · 4 months
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It's time for another sketch request thread!
This is we're asking patrons to vote on their favorite Sexy Situation. What will the intrepid Hero fall victim to?
Vote now on our Patreon <3
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