#another WIP to add to the collection i guess :0
iheartmoons · 1 year
jily fic but there's wolfstar, and dorlene, and fake dating, and past marylily, and pining jegulus which turns out to be nothing, and film nights, and baking together, and bickering, and bi lily, and [queer] james, and actually they're so in love with each other, and they're kids, and its all very real.
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program-800 · 4 years
Exploring D:BH Fics (Part 11)
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Disclaimer: this is more of a ‘I wanted to give this tool a try’ post than anything really revealing about fandom itself. I’m not very pleased with the outcome (probably need a lot more refining/better preprocessing), but I’m putting it up here as another WIP.
Basically, given a set of a few thousand summaries, how can I find the ones which are more similar to each other automatically? There are more than a couple of ways to tackle that, but I recently came across Word Mover’s Distance (which nicely taps onto word2vec, which I trained a few months ago!) - so, why not. View my Github page for the summary network in the GIF.
Record of process under the cut.
First off, credit for a lot of code goes to Gensim’s tutorial.
A traditional way to assess similarity between two writings is to look at their common words (bag-of-words). We run into a problem if the writings don’t use the same words even though we know they’re kind of alike/have some degree of similarity though - e.g. ‘Connor really likes dogs.’ and ‘Connor loves puppies’.
Word Mover’s Distance (WMD) improves on this by tapping on word2vec embeddings (tl;dr, words that are semantically similar/used in similar contexts, like dogs and puppies, should have more similar embeddings than those which are not, e.g. dogs and fruit). WMD calculates the distance needed to get from the embeddings of the words in one document to another. In other words, the shorter the distance needed to travel, the more similar the two documents should be. (Obviously the implication here is that the word2vec model doesn’t suck completely as well, and hm, well, not completely sure about the strength of my D:BH one.)
With that out of the way, on to the methodology:
1. Load a pre-trained word2vec model. As I mentioned, I’ve already trained one on my collection of D:BH fics.
2. Clean all the summaries. For this exploration, I dropped all not rated fics (leaving me with 12,647 fics). I removed all names and stopwords (really common words like ‘the’, ‘a’) from the summaries. Stopwords were removed because they don’t contribute much to understanding how similar two summaries are in this case.
I dropped any summary that had a length of 0 after cleaning. The mean length of a cleaned summary was 21.3, median was 16, and standard deviation was 17.5. Boxplots for cleaned summary length broken down by ratings, for the curious:
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3. Run WMD (partially). I used Gensim’s implementation of WMD. Looping over each summary, I calculated the WMD between it and every other summary, recording only those that shared a .55 or above similarity with it (note: arbitrary decision on my part for that figure). Each query takes quite a bit though, anywhere from 25 seconds to over 200 seconds - so I stopped at about ~1000 summaries (out of the total 12,647), since I just wanted to get a gauge of how this was working on my fic dataset.
4. Plot out network for marginally easier exploration. It got a bit tiring trying to scroll through the printed results, so I decided to put whatever I have into an interactive network so I can more quickly get a sense of the results. Again, I used pyvis.
Nothing fancy here, nodes are summaries (I cut them off at 150 characters, otherwise some would run on for too long) and they’re linked if they have at least .55 similarity with each other. You can hover over nodes to glimpse at the summaries, but I didn’t add any other story details/numbers, because the network would take too long to load otherwise.
I did label the nodes by rating, however, so - red nodes are Explicit, orange nodes are Mature, pink nodes are Teen & Up, and white nodes are for General Audiences.
Do I like the results? They kind of make sense, I guess, but I’m far from satisfied. The results maybe can be improved if I augmented the summary with other stuff that we see in the story blurb (author-provided tags, story title, characters involved, etc) - so, another thing to work on!
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antheas-blackberry · 5 years
Fanfic End of the Year Asks
Well @conduitstreetcat asked for more of the answers, and since I’m procrastinating on the next chapter of In the end, only kindness matters  . . . . 
Reflectionfavourite fic you wrote this year
And the shadows they burn dark - it was fun to write and I really enjoyed doing it. It also helped how popular it was!
2.    least favourite fic you wrote this year From antiquity- I wouldn’t say it was the least favourite. I would say it’s the one I would go back and write again or fix as I went one way and then abruptly took a turn and I wish I hadn’t been in such a rush to post it.
3. favourite line/scene you wrote this year The first chapter of And the shadows they burn dark
4. total number of words you wrote this year Ummm good lord. If I add up all of the new works from this year (not including the ones I wrote with @lavenderandvanilla, I get 36,435. This doesn’t include WIP’s that haven’t been posted to AO3, chapters I’ve added to WIP’s started in 2018 or before, or works I’ve written for work. Not counting work, I am sure that makes about 50k if not more
5. most popular fic this year And the shadows they burn dark.  I still can’t believe it has over 800 kudos. I never thought I’d see such a number, if I’m honest!
6. least popular fic this year That’s much easier! The little Good Omens baseball fics and the The Pomegranate Rooms
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
Forever I've Known- which is a collection of short pieces/drabbles/vignettes 
8. shortest completed fic you wrote this year
30 before 23, which is one of the little Good Omens baseball fics. It’s only 217 words!
9. longest wip of the year
See number 7
10. shortest wip of the year
The Pomegranate Rooms
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year Good Omens, obviously
12. favourite character to write about this year
13. favourite writing song/artist/album of this year
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Hearts Attach- it was meant to be something entirely different! 
15. something you learned this year
Well, I guess I learned a lot of things about myself, most of it from fan fiction- if I’m honest. I learned that I am not the person I thought I was, and that there’s quite possibly a real, actual reason I am the way that I am. That it’s not just Anthea being Anthea here, and going all in when she likes something. It looks like this is something a bit more, and I’m trying to make my peace with it.  I don’t want to go into details quite yet, as I’ve not really got my head around it all, but it does make things so much more clear for me and well, maybe if I had known this years ago I’d be a different person.  Or at least would have been able to say that there is an actual legit reason I act like this. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just desperate. 
I’ve been very angry at myself for quite a long time, and I’ve gone from long periods of time of not writing to wanting to delete everything I’ve ever authored to trying out new things. And it’s not always been great. I’ve not always had the feedback (or comments or kudos) I thought I would. And perhaps I said some things, I maybe shouldn’t have said . . . . . 
And I’ve had some things said to me as well that were not very nice. I’ve also had some very nice things said to me. It’s been tough, especially with work pressures it’s meant I’ve not been able to write as much as I would have liked, and when I have been able to, I’ve been very hesitant to post or to put my name on things that have been co-authored. 
16. fic(s) you completed this year
Hearts Attach, And the shadows they burn dark, Birthday cake, Good times never seemed so good, From antiquity, Reflection, 101 RBIs, Re-evaluate in six weeks, For the love of crêpes, 30 before 23 and In the end, only kindness matters will be done by the end of the year.
17. fics you’ll continue next year Forever I've Known, possibly One moment in time, but I might move it to Forever I’ve Known, The Pomegranate Rooms
18. current number of wips
3 that have been posted, maybe a few more that have never seen and may never see the light of day
19.  any new fics to start next year I’m sure there will be, but I’ve not thought that far ahead
20. number of comments you haven’t read
0. I read them all and do try my best to reply to them all
21. most memorable comment/review
I recently had a lovely set of comments from someone which really made my day and they encouraged me to continue on, and that was really very kind, especially as it is on a piece I’ve had to set to the side as it was taking a lot out of me emotionally. 
22. events you participated in this year
31 days of ineffable advent, Fandom trumps hate with @lavenderandvanilla and the Rupert Graves birthday celebration. I still owe @lavenderandvanilla one for the Mark Gatiss birthday drive
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t Occasionally, I might get an idea, and well if I didn’t note it, it’s lost.
24. favourite fic you read this year
Oh, good lord. <insert Aziraphale in the Bastille gif here>
Just to name a few:
The Coffee, Wine, Texbooks verse by @toby-zachary-ziegler
Four Cups of Wine by borealowl
Slow Show by mia_ugly
Secondhand Smoke by PaintedVanilla
Ink Blots and forget me nots by gutsandglitter
And oh so many more.  Check out my bookmarks, which I am slowly updating!
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Again, see my bookmarks
26. number of favourites/bookmarks you made this year
A lot! 
27. favourite fanfic author of the year
Literally impossible to say, there are so many brilliant authors out there- to say that one is better than another is really unfair IMHO
28. longest fic you read this year
Shit, I’ve no idea. 
29. shortest fic you read this year
Again, not a clue
30. favourite fandom to read fic from this year
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willag42 · 7 years
Yuri!!! On Ice Fanfic Recs with Reviews  ["A” Authors]
Note: Doing some major reformating of the YOI fanfic rec pages. The pages that include my reviews are now having the posts separated alphabetically by author (see below). I am also creating separate page(s) that allow filtering the fanfics by category. It's a work in progress, but I'm having fun with it.
This page includes my YOI fanfic recs (with reviews) for authors whose names begin with "A".
Note: For any authors whom I don't know the gender, I refer to them with they/them. If any authors wish to correct me, please do so.
AUTHORS REC PAGES: #0-9 -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z
Refer to this masterlist for all of my YOI fanfic recs.
ADreamingSongbird (@adreamingsongbird)
If you’re in the mood for some adorable, wholesome ship fics (friendship or romantic), then look no further than ADreamingSongbird’s fics. The character interactions are sure to leave you with a few extra cavities. I am particularly attached to the close friendship she paints between Yuuri and Phichit. But don’t be fooled, because she is equally crafty at twisting your heart into an agonizing, unrecognizable mess.
Rating: Gen Words: 10.6k Status: Complete Relationship: Platonic Phichit+Yuuri; (side) Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: BFFs; Detroit pre-canon; post-canon Yuuri/Victor wedding ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Detroit holds a special place in Phichit Chulanont's heart, mostly because that's where he met the boy who would become his lifelong best friend. Wait, no, scratch that - Detroit doesn't hold a special place in Phichit's heart. Yuuri Katsuki does. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: Did I mention how much I love how she writes the friendship between Yuuri and Phichit? Because I really do.
The Rules for Lovers
Rating: Mature Words: 323.3k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Fantasy AU; Historical fantasy; Magic; War; Survivor's guilt; PTSD; Falling in love ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well... That’s a long story. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: This is perhaps my favorite urban fantasy YOI fanfic, using modern technology but mixing in magic and monarchies. There's a lot of political intrigue, attempted assassinations, and murderous plots, which leads to a lot of dark, heavy angst, but the core of the story is LOVE. Warm, heartbreaking, self-sacrificing, but always present. And before all the angst started kicking in double-time, the sappy fluff was at tooth-rotting levels. Yuuri and Viktor are super soft in this story, building a fluffy, innocent relationship. The maturity rating is earned by the dark themes and twisted, manipulative plots by the antagonists rather than anything by the main protagonists. The series also contains a collection of side stories, mosaic, if you're wanting more from this universe. One of the best royalty AUs in the fandom.
Adrianna99 (@iwritebetterthanispeak)
Rating: Teen Words: 122.1k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Alternate universe; Alternate profession; Music; Violist Yuuri; Violinist Viktor; Fluff; Angst; Minor injuries ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Viktor Nikiforov is the most talented young violinist in the world, so he's understandably devastated when an injury prevents him from playing professionally for at least a year. But when his mentor suggests he take on a student to keep from getting rusty, Viktor finds new inspiration in a place he never thought he would: a violist. Viktor Nikiforov wasn't at all what Yuuri expected, and when he accepts the older man's offer to help him win the most prestigious musical competition in the world, Yuuri gets a lot more than he bargained for. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: Another fanfic that adapts the series into an alternate profession but makes several unique changes and improves upon the ending of the original series (if you've read any of my other reviews, you can probably guess exactly how it improves upon the original series' ending). That's obviously not the only reason to love this fanfic. The characters are a softer than their original counterparts, including Yuri, who I really sympathized with in the beginning when Viktor decides to take over as Yuuri's mentor. The fic places emphasis on pathos and developing the relationships between the characters. One wonderful aspect is how much presence Phichit has, since he and Yuuri continue living in an apartment together with Viktor in a separate apartment. As such, we get to see a growing friendship between Viktor and Phichit. The romance between Yuuri and Viktor blooms sooner in the story as well. Adrianna99 has written additional short side stories for this series that are also worth a look: Prodigy: Mirror Image, which approaches chapter 2 from Viktor's POV; and Prodigy: Phone Home, which is an extra from chapter 3 where Yuuri contacts his family. If you want to read a story that takes cues from the original anime, but goes its own path, definitely check this story out!
AlexWSpark (@alexwspark)
Alex has an interesting, softer (but not too soft) interpretation of the characters that I really appreciate. The original anime is a comedy, so it amplifies certain character quirks “4 teh lulz,” but Alex takes care to not over-exaggerate, which can make some characters more likeable (*cough*Yurio*cough*). But don’t worry, Victor and Yuuri are still big pining messes. Alex also takes great care to develop healthy bonds between the characters in their stories, which is always A+++!
The Katsuki/Nikiforov Collector's Edition + DLC (Series, 4 works)
On Online and Offline Love Rating: Mature -- Words: 32.8k -- Status: Complete -- Summary: Gaming/Streaming AU: In which Yuuri and Victor are gamers, head over heels for each other, and hoping to one day come face-to-face. Of course, when two whipped, adorable fluff-balls are involved, shenanigans ensue...
On Bedhead, Bullets, and Bargains Rating: Mature -- Words: 18.2k -- Status: WIP -- Summary: Yuuri (GamerLevelEros) and Victor (GAria_VNikiforov): Gamers, streamers, friends, lovers. Families will unite, love will be spread and, of course, games will be played. But, as their relationship progresses, Yuuri will discover that their time apart carries much more weight that he could've ever imagined.
Our Aim is True Rating: Mature -- Words: 6.2k -- Status: Complete -- Summary: Yuuri (GamerLevelEros) and Victor (GAria_VNikiforov) are THE streaming power couple and as they approach their one-year anniversary, Yuuri decides that it's time to add another life-changing plot twist to his collection.
Katsuki/Nikiforov DLC - A Collection of Tumblr Drabbles Rating: Mature -- Words: 13.3k -- Status: WIP -- Summary: Tumblr drabbles based on HCs/prompts from both myself and followers. ❤❤❤❤❤  Words: 70.4k Status: Work In Progress Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Gaming/Streaming AU; Video games; Mutual pining; Fluff; Dorks in love ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: An amazing gaming AU series with a wonderful light-hearted story where Yuuri and Victor are Ye Ol’ Gaming Gods on Twitch who fanboy one another and live, breathe, and think in game metaphors. Like, seriously, I am deeply impressed with all the corny yet fantastic gaming analogies. It’s like living in a gaming otaku’s head. Gaming fans will understand more of the references, but this is a wonderful series of fics that can be loved and enjoyed by all. If you are seriously a fan of Victor and Yuuri being pining dorks, then you should definitely check this one out!
Rating: Explicit Words: 65.5k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Canon divergence; Victor knows that Yuuri does not remember the banquet ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Banquet AU: In which one impulsive midnight decision leads Victor Nikiforov to Yuuri Katsuki and, of course, everything changes, a.k.a Drunk!Yuuri has no chill, a.k.a Victor experiences #allthefeels. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: One of the better canon divergence fics I’ve read. This only takes place up through the first regional competition, but it’s able to keep the characters and situation fresh by changing the order of event and have the characters be more mature and likeable. Yuuri’s anxiety still causes trouble, but he is more open to Victor’s presence and they form a friendly bond quicker; Victor is aware that Yuuri doesn’t remember the banquet and reacts with care; and Yurio is way less of an asshole. I love this spin on the story.
Across the Universe
Rating: Teen Words: 30.7k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Multiverse AU; Dimension travel; Soulmates AU ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: In an alternative universe, Yuuri has just won the GPF at Sochi — and he’s miserable. He lost everything that mattered to him several years ago when a tsunami hit Hasetsu, and after throwing himself into his skating, he’s achieved gold, but the win is hollow without others there to share it. Things change when he’s transported to another universe, where GPF champion Victor Nikiforov is about to drown himself in the Black Sea. According to legend, only those with a deep connection can draw someone from across the universe. But Yuuri and Victor have never met before in their respective worlds; perhaps someone out there knew how much they needed each other. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: I love both the premise and the execution of this fic. In Yuuri's universe, Victor and all of his family and friends from Hasetsu are dead. He's achieved a gold medal in Sochi but his life feels hollow. In Victor's universe, Yuuri was the one who died in the tsunami (though everyone else survive), and Victor is feeling hopeless. In their moment of need, Yuuri is transported across dimensions to Victor's universe, a common occurrence within that universe such that systems are already in place to help such people adapt and create a new life there if they wish or to be sent back. Victor's universe is fascinating in that it's more technologically advanced at that point, despite the year being the same, but competitive skating is trailing with quads still not being a thing. I like the take on how both Yuuri and Victor agree that this is actually a good thing since quads damage skaters' bodies and wear the joints down even more quickly. Yuuri puts on his performances that won him the GPF a few times, but decides to stick to the universe's rules so that he can focus on the performance more. There are a lot of struggles with adapting to the new world, but overall, it ends up healing everyone. As soulmates, Victor and Yuuri eventually find life and love with one another and soothe each other's broken souls.
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skzchuu-blog · 6 years
dong si cheng ➵ innocence - p.1
 "48." The student answers, getting the answer right yet again. 
    "Jin Xaoxi, that's 20:0." My friend whispers to me. I shook my head in disbelief . How is that even possible? Since the beginning of the year one specific kid had raised his hand for almost every question and got every question that he had the chance to answer correct. My best friend, Lee Jing and I have been keeping track with tallies ever since a month into school. 
    His name is Dong Si Cheng. He never spoke other than to answer a question. When he was paired for a group project he did all the work himself without saying anything. I've never seen him do anything immoral ever. He seemed overall like a nice guy. In my eyes he was innocent. 
     He answered yet another question. "21:0." Lee Jing told me, adding another tally. 
    When class ended I collected myself and my stuff, and walked to my locker. While exchanging my books out and in, with Lee Jing at my side doing the same, another one of my best friends, Yukhei made his way over to us. "Guess what~" He slurs with a bright smile. "Qian Kun is having a party and he invited us to come." Lee Jing and I make eye contact. 
     "I don't know... " Lee Jing says unsure. "I don't trust Qian Kun." She puts her books in her locker. 
     "Come on, don't be a downer." Yukhei tells us, with a hint of aegyo in his voice. 
     "I'll go." I tell him, closing my locker. Normally, I wasn't someone who would attend parties but Yukhei had always wanted to go to one and he rarely got invited to these things. So I wanted to make him at least slightly happy for once. I look at Lee Jing to see what her final answer would be. Eventually, she gave in. Yukhei ended up giving us the details for the party. It was at 9 pm at Qian Kun's place. That's really all he knew, which was sketchy but Lee Jing and I decided not to question it. 
     9 pm rolled around. Lee Jing and I were at her place, getting ready for the party while waiting for Yukhei to pick us up. "Xaoxi." I hear Lee Jing say as she finished up her make-up. "Are you sure about this?" She asks me. I couldn't really bring myself to say yes, nor could I bring myself to say no. 
     "Yukhei really wants to go." I say whatever baloney would come to my head. "Might as well let him have a good time." I finish putting light make-up on before looking over at Lee Jing. She has a skeptical look on her face but she seemed to be biting her tongue. "You know, if you really don't want to go, you really don't have to. I'll just tell Yukhei you were feeling sick. " 
     Lee Jing nods. "Would you do that for me?" I nodded in certainty, I would never be one to push my friends into something like this, especially someone as fragile as Lee Jing. Lee Jing has been my friend since he beginning of college, when we got lockers next to each other we would see each other everyday so naturally we started talking and became each others first college friends. I was thankful for her, I had no one else by my side before we met at that time. Lee Jing thanks me, giving me a tight hug before helping me get ready. Eventually, it was time for me to go. 
     When I entered Yukhei's car and told him the lie I had made up he was disappointed but seemed to understand. That was the exact reaction I expected out of him so of course it worked. He drove us to party, blasting the club music he was overly into listening to. Naturally, we got there later than the others but no one really seemed to care. When we entered through the door there was music already pumping and drinking games being played like beer pong and never have I ever. People were dancing and talking and overall having a good time. Qian Kun ended up making his way over to us. 
     "You came." He shouts over the music. Yukhei slightly froze in place awkwardly. 
     I pat his back, prepping him up. "Thanks for inviting us. I'm sure we'll have a good time." I give Qian Kun an innocent smile before he ended up walking away. Yukhei let out a breath of relief when he was out of sight. I just smile up at him, not saying anything. 
     "I'm going to go get some snacks, okay?" I tell him. "You stay safe." I ended up making my way to the kitchen, letting myself indulge in the snacks laid on the counter, eating some cheese pretzels and fruits. My eyes landed on the alcohol laid next to the fruits. There were cold beer cans, large vodka bottles, whatever you could think of. The only non-alcoholic drinks there was water bottles, which I assumed was for sobering up if needed. I felt my phone vibrate in my purse against my side. I pulled it out seeing my mother's called ID. I thought ignoring it until I made the decision that I would never ignore my mother. So I answered. 
     "Xaoxi" My mom answers the phone with. "Did you get all your homework done?" She asks immediately. 
     "Yes mom." I answer. 
    "What are you doing now? " 
    "I'm in my dorm studying." I saw while trying to find a quiet space to talk to her. 
    "Why is your music so loud? What are you actually doing?" 
    I found my way inside the bathroom, closing the door tight. " I'm studying, I just told you that." 
    "Yeah, okay. Whatever you say. I'll leave you alone now." She sounded annoyed. Then again, she always did. I got ready to hang up the phone before heading her voice again. "Hey Xaoxi. " 
    "Yes Ma?" I ask, curious to what she was going to say. 
    "Don't smoke, okay? It's bad for you. No alcohol either. And don't get pregnant. " She continued to add to list of do's and dont's until eventually I hung up on her. 
     When I walked out the bathroom and back to kitchen I saw someone who I didn't expect to see. There was group of four boys including Qian Kun and Yukhei, watching Dong Si Cheng try to down two large bottles of vodka at once. I was astounded, of all people to be doing something like that. He had the alcholic liquid running down his chin, staining his shirt, the boys hooting and hollering. 
     I went back to my snack eating until Qian Kun called me out. "Jin Xaoxi." He says, grabbing my attention. "You should try." I looked over at Yukhei who seemed to silently gesturing me not to. I thought about my mother's words and how disappointed she would be. Though, I also thought about how disappointed she already was in me. Fuck it. I agreed. 
    Qian Kun and Dong Si Cheng each got a bottle for me, opening them and putting each in my two hands. I took a deep breath, lifting my head up slightly, downing the two bottles. I felt some of the liquid oozing down until I was finished with both bottles, I place the bottles down on the counter next to me wipping off the alcohol I could. All five of us ended up doing it at the end, being the smallest and female, I was the most intoxicated. Everyone but Dong Si Cheng and I ended up leaving the room to go dance with other party goers. The two of us sat in silence for awhile, just drunken groans. 
     "Where are you going tonight?" Dong Si Cheng asked, his words slurred.
    "I don't know yet." I gave him an answer easily, what was I talking about? I was going back to Lee Jing's place. I knew that though I couldn't control my words. 
     "Do you want to fuck?" 
     What? What did he say? I asked him. 
     "Let's go to my place and fuck." He confirms what I thought he said. 
     "Oh, you're quite the whore."  I ended up telling him. 
     "Are you up to it or not?" He seemed impatient. I leaned forward drunkenly, before nodding my head. He stood taking my by the wrist dragging my behind him to his car.
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