#another chapter of these cute goobers
shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 6 months
Undead Unluck Week, Day 1: Favorite Negator
Hello, Undead Unluck fandom!! 😆 If I'm gonna be honest, I pretty much love every Negator that we've met so far (except for Ruin), but there are some that are my absolute favorites...!! 😁 Of course I love Andy and Fuuko, and Anno Un is MY BOY / THE GOAT; but if there's one Negator that I'd pick above the rest, it would have to be...:
Shen Xiang (Untruth)
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(I originally wanted to put my fanart of Shen here, but I'm still working on it...! 😅 Hopefully I'll finish it before the week is over!! 😁)
I remember when I first saw Shen in chapter 2, I was like: "Who is this goofball?" 🤔
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And as I continued to read, I was like: "I kinda like this goofball...!!" 😄 I mean, look how goofy this man gets!!:
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I also love fact that one minute, Shen looks like his normal adorable baby face on a bodybuilder's body in a fight, and then he'll look like THIS: 😵
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Speaking of Shen and fighting, one of things that we learn about Shen is that his dream is to be the strongest in all of creation...:
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I'm usually not a huge fan of characters who only care about constantly getting stronger because almost every time, if they lose a fight, they'll get upset about it and start to think that they are weak, so they train nonstop to become "stronger..." Though Shen does seem to have that similar mentality to "keep getting stronger", this was the moment that he felt different from a lot of those other characters in my opinion:
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He was smiling after he lost the fight and called the Union to come help in fighting / stopping Victor...!! 👀 I know that not every character that craves strength is a sore loser, but almost all of them have TOO MUCH PRIDE to let others help them in a fight!! 😤 So the fact that Shen had the Union come help was honestly really refreshing to me and it made me like him even more...!! 😄
One of Shen's standout moments has to be during the Summer Arc, where get to see his backstory and learn about why he wants to be the strongest in all of creation in the first place...!
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I'm not gonna get into too much as to why I love this arc SOOO MUCH (that'll be for another day 😉), but if it wasn't obvious, it's because Shen is the main focus of it!! 😍
One of the last things that I wanna talk about Shen is his relationship with Mui...!! 🤗 (Though, I'm probably gonna keep short so that I can bring it up another day...!! 😉)
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I just love how adorable their relationship is, especially whenever he calls her "Mui, my dear", IT'S JUST TOO CUTE!! 💗😍💗
Anyway, I think that all that I wanted to say about my boy Shen!! 😄 Sorry if this was a little bit too ramble-y, but I just love Shen a lot (and it doesn't help that I have a big stupid crush on this goober as well! 💗😌💗)
I'm gonna do my best to try and participate in all of UU Week 2024, so stay tuned!! 😊
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chartreuseian · 3 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter ❤️❤️❤️
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. Top five by kudos
Mr & Mrs - 127 (aka train fic)
Love Don't Die - 46 (bad future fic that got away from me)
Sturdy - 30 (aka desk fic)
With Interest - 30 (I honestly have no idea why I wrote this one!?)
When Will Failed the Perception Test - 19 (Will is a goober)
All, shockingly, Helen/Nikola.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Sometimes I'm slow, but I try to respond to them all.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I wrote one once where Helen was dying? It's pretty sad.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lololol all of them?
I mean, as a general rule, I'm going to go for happy endings over sad. Train fic is turning out to be the fluffiest/happiest (just you wait for that last chapter!!!).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Back in the Olden Days and in a different fandom, but not in our happy little family these days 🥰
9. Do you write smut?
Yes. Almost exclusively these days. Though I am working on a non-smut story!
10. Craziest crossover?
Cross overs aren't really my vibe, soz.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Hmmm... No? I don't think so. I mean, I've written tags or additions to other people's stories, and other people have written additions to mine, but not proper co-writing.
14. All time favorite ship?
Helen/Nikola but I don't think that's shocking to anyone.
I am getting more and more invested in Helen/James though...
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Ha (looks awkwardly at the eight year hiatus...)
I'm going to try and finish everything I start, but my dreams of redoing She Had Him At Hello dwindle every now and then just because it'd be such a huge workload.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Description. And perspective. I think I'm very consistent and clear and I've gotten out of the head jumping habit. Also punctuating direct speech. I never used to be great at it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Knowing when to stop! I keep writing stupidly long scenes that have no business being that long.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I work had to find work arounds. Sometimes I'll include one or two words, but for longer pieces I spend a lot of time consider whose perspective we're in. If it's the person who is speaking the other language, then I'll just put it in English and say that they've said it in another language in the speech tags. If it's from someone else's perspective, I'll just say that they spoke in the other language (because that person doesn't understand it anyway).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ooof. Private Practice.
20. Favorite fic you've written so far?
Lessons series maybe? I'm fickle though - my favourite is mostly what I'm working on at any given time. So right now my modern AU and all the cute smooshy feels its giving me.
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nono-uwu · 9 months
Chapter 133 is officials out now so time for some coherent thoughst
Spoilers ahead (duh)
- I'm still so happy shinoa squad is back
- and to top it of, they're written decently!! Truly a new years gift from Kagami
- long awaited mitsunoa bonding moment :) they're so cute adsnfksml. Unfortunately this is Kagami's writig so we have the obligatory boob joke but this time Mitsuba actually retaliates and Shinoa drops it! Progress! Minimal but I'll take what I can with this series
- however the whole "we'll just battle for Yuu's heart when he's back" is so stupid like. Are they just dumb or that much in denial? Or is Kagami afraid/incapable of writing girls/women who can live fulfilling lives without a man? Probably the latter yeah
- major hopium (and copium bc this is Kagami) that Shinoa (and Mitsu to some extent) realise that she can get the validation and love she desires without Yuu. Like Yuu is just the trigger that made her realise. Wouldn't that be great :,) (also Yoi and Kimizuki are right there. They care too. Shinoa snap out of it you can expirience non romatnic love too. The world won't end bc the guy you like is gay and clearly not in love with you)
- it actually bothers me so much that Yuu is still the only reason for Shinoa to keep going when he obviously doesn't care about her any more than the rest of the squad. My problem isn't the crush itself per se, it's just that the only thing that gets focus. Shinoa obviously cares a lot about Mitsu (she literally says she loves her) and I assume Kimi and Yoi too so she should maybe get another reason to live, like yk most people have more than one person they care about.
- ok be postive. Seeing them just fool around a bit is nice! "But you were mad when Mikayuu were fooling around!" Yes because I'm tired of them. It wouldn't even be that bad if mikayuu's tomfoolery(lol) was something other than "oh boy I sure am hungry!" or "we will die together wether you want it or not." (Am I biased? Yes.) And since it's literally been over a year since shinoa squads last appearance they are a major breath of fresh air
- And silly goober Shinoa is also back :) I needed her to be just a little bit of a weirdo again. The silly
- And badass Shinoa too?? Shikama's in for a though one lol (he looks so ugly btw)
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I'll take this as a Crowley mention (Kagami plsplsplsplspslsplspslslpslspslpsplsplsplslp show him again idk how much longer I can keep it together)
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 104 - Sweet Moments (and Potato)
Let's kick this new day off with a maternity photoshoot!
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When they get home, Xander seems a little nervous.
Xander: So, uh, don't be mad, but I made an impulse purchase and it looks like it just got dropped off.
Ophelia: Xander, what did you do?
Xander: I got you a push present! You'll like him, I promise.
Ophelia: Uh, him?
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The man of the hour strolls through the front door.
Xander: Meet Sweet Potato!
Ophelia: Oh. My. Watcher!
She immediately picks him up and loves on him.
Ophelia: Oh, he's perfect!
Xander: You'd say that about any cat.
Ophelia: Still. Thank you, sweetie!
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Xander focuses on some yardwork while keeping an eye on Gemma and Marshmallow so Ophelia can bond with their new pet.
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As Ophelia takes a late day nap, she officially hits her third trimester. One day closer to meeting her little one.
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Ophelia wakes up right before it's time to put Gemma to bed.
Ophelia: Good night, sweetie. Maybe your baby sister will be here tomorrow. Isn't that exciting?
Gemma: 😴
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Later, Xander realizes something.
Xander: We still don't have a name.
Ophelia: Oh yeah. Well, I came up with Gemma's name. I think it's only fair you get the honors this time.
Xander: Really? Well, I was looking at some names earlier…
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Xander: The name Lucia stuck out to me.
Ophelia: Lucia… That's pretty. We can call her Lucy for short.
Xander: Or Lulu.
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Ophelia: XANDER! We are not calling this child Lulu Lemon!
Xander: Why not?
Ophelia: That's TOO silly!
Xander: I think it's cute!
Ophelia: That doesn't mean it isn't also silly!
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Xander: Admit it, you like it.
Ophelia: No I don't!
Xander: Then why are you laughing?
Ophelia: Because you're ridiculous!
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Xander goes to talk to Ophelia's belly. He rubs gently as he questions the growing life as if it can answer him.
Xander: YOU like it, don't you, baby girl?
Ophelia: Hey! Don't turn her against me! She kind of needs me.
Xander: Don't listen to Mommy, Lulu, she's being silly.
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The baby kicks and Xander beams.
Xander: She kicked! That means she likes it!
Ophelia: No it doesn't! She kicks every twenty minutes. You just got lucky.
Xander: Nope, Lulu has spoken!
Ophelia: I like Lucia, but we are not calling her Lulu!
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Xander crouches down so he can talk to the baby on a more personal level.
Xander: Don't worry, Lulu, Mommy will come around.
Ophelia: No she won't!
Xander: Just know no matter what you're called, we love you so, so much, okay?
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Ophelia smiles as Xander places a gentle kiss onto her baby bump. He may be a goober, but he's an amazing dad to Gemma, and she knows he'll be just as amazing with Lulu- I mean Lucia.
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Sweet Potato and Marshmallow are ambivalent to each other, so that's probably the best outcome we could have gotten. They've both got the lazy trait, so I think hating each other would take too much effort.
They still sleep in different cat trees that night though.
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It's a new day and Ophelia's ready to pop! Gemma still needs breakfast though, so she spends the morning with her little girl while she's still an only child.
I've tried all the baby food with her but she's so unsure about almost everything. At least applesauce is a winner!
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Xander: We're going to need to get a second high chair for Lulu.
Ophelia: I think we can wait until Lul- LUCIA can sit up.
Xander: Ah, you said Lulu! You heard that, right Gemmy?
Gemma: 😗
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Ophelia's feeling inspired, so she works on writing another song for the band. She's about to have her hands full in a few days, so she wants to work while the creativity is flowing and she doesn't have two little ones on her hands.
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Xander uses that time to bond with Gemma. They're going to be busy with the new baby and he doesn't want her to feel neglected.
Gemma definitely enjoys babbling at Daddy. He's a great listener!
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Xander brings Gemma inside to work on standing when he hears a guitar slam to the ground.
Xander: You okay Lemon Cake?
Ophelia stumbles into the room, moaning and groaning.
Ophelia: Xander, call Hilary and tell her we're dropping Gemma off. The baby's coming!
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tervaneula · 1 year
It's 1.4k but why did i felt it's longer? It's beautiful and oh my stars am in love with those smitten goofy goobers💙🤍
I don't blame leo for begin in love with Usagi's touch, i believe a rabbit fur is itself heaven's touch! So for him to put Usagi on his lap (best place btw) is understandable 💙
But poor little mikey is what am feeling him, you don't miss with a hungry person ask me - the hungry person begin me - and he had to wait for like.. 30 minutes? Bruh if i were him i'd order and leave those 2 doing god knows what (hint; cuddles, cuddles and much more cuddles).
Usagi getting shocked to see the turtles retract to their shells was actually funny, imagine this happened when they watch horror movie, Usagi will not be able to sleep for a while. (May i say how much i love how he says " oh my stars "? I actually love it).
Finally after cuddle show ended, they can go grab food and when mikey took the sword i was surprised " wait i thought leo can teleport only " but he failed miserably, obviously LOL.
I must say i didn't except this type of chapter but didn't thought i NEEDED it oh my lord thank you so much for blessing me with it 🩷🩷🩷
I think my favorite was their noses touching each other because i see it as a cute couple move 💙🤍
I might have been projecting because my cat has super soft fur which I love sm and cuddling him reminds me of the fur of a french lop I had years and years ago so obviously Leonardo loves it too lmao......
And yes omg Mikey was at the end of his rope there, he definitely had to wait for longer than just thirty minutes and I feel so bad for him but the comedy demanded it ahjasgdhj
I'M SO GLAD YOU THOUGHT YUICHI GETTING SPOOKED BY THAT WAS FUNNY I was almost cackling out loud while writing that part :D Yuichi got lucky to witness it before any horror movie nights that's for sure lmao (and I love to make him say oh my stars THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPYYYY IT'S SO CUTE)
Since Splinter is able to use Leo's sword and make working portals, I thought that the rest of the family would like to try their hands at it too but unfortunately Mikey isn't very good at it yet XD
BUT GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I'm incredibly glad you enjoyed this little extempore story and left another amazing comment srsly I love these I love YOU and the nose touch is my fave too ;_; These peepaws can fit so much adorableness in them
(i'll make a proper post for it later but the fic is also on ao3 now)
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When It's Over Chapter 15: Get You
Chris had just finished a workout in his home gym. He was disappointed to see Anna hadn’t texted him yet.
She went out with friends tonight,, she even asked him to join them, he just felt uncomfortable tagging along.
“I don’t want to be the ball and chain, go have fun with your friends.”
“Are you sure, Chris? They’d be so happy to see you.”
The truth is, he felt out of place in Anna’s world. She was surrounded by interesting people, people who were gregarious, who would be horrified by the things Chris had done in his career.
Chris sat down on the couch with a beer, the house feeling empty. He looked down as his phone buzzed.
Anna was dressed in tight ripped jeans shorts and a pink bandana top. Her friends had brought her to a “Cowboys vs Aliens” burlesque show. She decided to rep Cowboys. She had put on a cheesy fake tan and a platinum blonde wig and cowboy hat to seal the look.
Her friends were so happy to see her coming out and dressing up again.
“When I was applying the fake tan, I even added a playboy bunny sticker, remember from back in the day?” Anna pulled down her jean shorts to show her friends the iconic bunny’s outline on her hip bone.
“Bambi! Girl you took this trashy cowgirl thing seriously, you look amazing!” Jordie, a bartender, said to her obsessing over her dedication to a theme.
“Does your boyfriend know you’re out here dressed like this?” Lavish laughed at her friend. “I bet he would flip his shit.”
Anna thought for a minute. “Maybe we should take a group picture.” Anna smiled. “That might convince him to come out.”
Lavish and Jordie smiled wickedly. “Let’s get Jack in the picture.” Lavish said wickedly.
Anna damn near passed out. Jack was a hot burlesque performer; he had a nice body, but he had an even nicer personality. He wasn’t into girls but she knew what lavish was doing when she suggested Jack get in the picture.
It was too late for Anna to protest as her friends all posed together, they forced Jack and Anna together as they were the only “cowboys” in the picture. Jack was shirtless and wrapped his arms around Anna flirtatiously.
Lavish thanked the photographer and immediately grabbed Anna’s phone and sent the picture to her boyfriend.
Anna didn’t protest, she figured he’d find the picture cute. She didn’t think Chris was the jealous type.
Was she wrong to assume.
Chris looked down at the picture, his girlfriend, with the least amount of clothes on he had EVER seen her in, with another man’s arm around her shoulder.
Chris immediately grabbed his jacket and thought to make an appearance.
Anna was on the dance floor after the show, having had a couple of drinks was dancing freely. She loved to dance and LOVED dancing with others.
Usually the older men in the club were open dancing with her, Anna loved it. She knew being in a club that was mostly LGBT, they were dancing with her because they enjoyed it, not because they were trying to feel her up.
When the next song ended she felt a pair of familiar strong hands wrap around her bare waist.
She turned around clumsily due to the alcohol, “baby!” She slurred.
Chris smiled down at her. He couldn’t deny she looked hot when she dressed trashy like this. “I like how much glitter you have on, I didn’t know you got this tan.” He said rubbing her shoulder, her body glitter transferring to his hand.
“It’s fake tan.” She slurred out and smiled. “I don’t get this tan naturally I’d burn alive.”
“Really?” He said, raising an eyebrow. She was completely drunk. He was thankful he came.
Lavish and Jordie came up to Chris.
“Look who made it to save the day, it’s Chris!” Lavish smiled and hugged the man.
“Hey, it’s good to see you.” Chris said warmly.
Jordie pushed herself to the front. “I’m Jordie, I don’t think we’ve met.”
Anna gestured to Jordie. “Jordie is so nice, she’s so pretty, I love you Jordie.”
“I love you too baby.” Jordie giggled. “Are you taking goober here home?” Jordie asked Chris.
Chris hadn’t realized just how intoxicated his girlfriend was. “I guess I am now, thanks for taking care of her.” Smiling at them. “And Jordie, it's very nice to meet you.” Chris smiled.
Jordie smiled back, showing a gold crown on her right canine. “The pleasure’s all mine.”
Chris gently wrapped his arm around Anna’s waist as she was dancing to the music. “Let’s go home sweetheart.”
Anna whined. “Pleassseeeeee,” she whined. “Can we stay for this next song? They’re about to play Watermelon Moonshine and it’s my favorite song PLEASEEEE,” she begged.
“Alright,” he laughed. “One last song.” He went to stand off to the side when Anna grabbed his hand.
“Dance with me.” She demanded. She never was this serious.
“Anna, I have two left feet.” Chris tried reasoning with her.
“I don’t care.” She leaned her head on his chest. “We can just sway like this, I can show you a couple of steps or two.”
Chris reluctantly agreed and followed Anna’s lead. None of his other girlfriends could get him to dance, but Anna had him wrapped around her finger.
Maybe age was softening him.
The song ended and Anna let out a sigh. “Okay, I’ll keep my promise since you danced with me.” She wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him deeply.
Chris felt his body get warm. “Come on sweetheart.”
On the way home, Anna couldn’t keep her hands off of him. Chris had to be firm with her. “Anna, not while you’re drunk.”
“But Chris,” she whined. “I want you so bad.”
When they got back to his home he picked her up and took her to the bedroom. “You need to take your makeup off, you hate sleeping in it.” Chris said to Anna firmly.
Anna instead let her hands wander all over Chris kissing him sloppily. She had never attempted to sleep with him when she was drunk and she was very aggressive.
She immediately got on her knees and unbuttoned Chris’ pants. Chris moaned, he knew he shouldn’t let her do this but it felt so good.
Anna began to take him into her mouth. She began to take him deeper into her throat, Anna was so drunk, it didn’t even bother her that he was gagging her.
Chris snapped out of his thoughts and lust, he tapped on her shoulder to stop her.
“Baby, we should continue when you’re sober, I’m serious.” Chris said to her and kissed her forehead.
“Did you not enjoy it?” Anna looked up at him, her makeup smeared.
“I liked it too much Anna, but you’re not in the right state of mind, baby. I’m not taking advantage of you.”
Anna began kissing his neck. “It’s not taking advantage, I want it, please, it’s not like we haven’t had sex before.” She whined.
Chris gently picked up Anna and put her on the bed kissing her gently. He took off her jean shorts and revealed she was wearing a thong. He cocked his eyebrow. His hands traced over the outline of the playboy bunny.
“You do this for me?” He smirked.
“I always want to look sexy for you baby.” She giggled.
Chris removed the thong and began to tease at her folds with his tongue. She moaned. “Chris,” she moaned, grabbing at his hair.
She was less timid with Chris pleasuring her at least, Chris couldn’t get enough of her, her crying out and moaning making his cock rock hard.
He entered two fingers into her tight entrance, massaging her. “I can tell how much you want me, you’re such a good little slut for me.”
She squealed and giggled when he talked so dirty to her.
He looked up smirking. “I know you’re ready for my cock, but I want you to beg for it.”
“Chris please, I need it, I need you.” She haphazardly sat up and grabbed his face. She gave him an open mouth kiss.
Fuck this bold side of her was driving him crazy.
Chris manhandled her and flipped her on her belly. He lifted her bottom up and pressed it into him.
“Oh no, you’re not in control, Bambi,” Chris growled.
Chris lifted Anna up where her back was on his chest. He supported her legs under her knees. He entered her roughly as he began to bounce her on his cock.
Anna wasn’t quiet. She cursed and screamed. He loved how much she was unraveling. He thrusted into her at a back breaking pace. Her cries became more desperate, he reached his hand down the front of her belly and began playing with her clit.
“Cum for me sweet girl, show me how dirty you really are.” He breathed in her ear, biting her neck.
That was enough to send her over the edge, the muscles in her lower abdomen contracted and she felt a warm gush of liquid leak from her.
She began to shake, it was so intense. Chris was still thrusting into her and playing with her clit.
“Chris, please it’s too much.”
“Oh no sweetheart, not until I cum, maybe you could give me one more orgasm though.”
He used her like a ragdoll, pushing her back on her knees, her chest on the mattress. He held her arm behind her back and thrusted deeply into her.
Anna felt relief when she felt his thrusts slow down and she felt him fill her with his cum. She didn’t realize she had tears rolling down her cheeks. She turned her face on her side to catch her breath. Chris stayed inside of her for a little bit.
He rubbed her sides lovingly. He noticed the tears. He pulled out and laid next to her, brushing the hair out of her face.
“Are you okay sweetheart? Was I too rough?”
“No Chris, it was amazing.” She smiled, “but I don’t think I can move.”
Chris smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. “You’re beautiful, you’re so beautiful.” He kissed her gently.
She exhaled deeply, something on her mind.
“What’s the matter honey?” He looked at her with concern.
“I had a lot on my mind tonight.” She said silently.
“Yeah? Is there anything you want to talk about?” He said, stroking her arm.
“No, I think I just need some sleep.” She smiled tiredly, her makeup smeared from the rough sex. “I’m gonna go take my makeup off now.”
Chris smacked her bottom, “Alright, gorgeous.” He said, smiling from the bed.
As she left he wondered what was on her mind, he didn’t want to pressure her, but he felt extremely connected to the young woman and would do whatever it took to make her smile.
The next morning Anna awoke before Chris. She went downstairs and decided to make him breakfast. She felt butterflies in her stomach thinking about a domestic life with Chris.
She knew it probably wouldn’t be in the cards for them, she could dream. She probably wouldn’t be able to have a normal life, because of the virus that lay dormant in her body, she would always be tied to the BSAA.
She tried not to think of it.
When she broke the news to Lavish she was moving out, Lavish was disappointed, but happy for her.
“Will you still visit me though? We’ll stay in touch?” Lavish asked through tears.
“Of course Lavish, we came here together, I’d never leave your life, even if you begged me to.” Anna giggled.
Their mutual friend Jordie, agreed to move in with Lavish, which made Anna feel much better that they wouldn’t be alone.
Anna brought the warm food up to Chris in bed. She sat on the bed and kissed his cheek, he woke up immediately.
He looked confused at first but his gaze softened when he saw who it was.
“Breakfast in bed? What did I do to deserve this?” He kissed her jaw.
“I just thought you deserved it.”
Chris sat up and took a sip of the coffee Anna brought him. “I still don’t understand how you make coffee so well. Makes me want to keep ya’ around Bambi.”
She punched him playfully. “That can’t be the only reason.”
“Of course not.” They ate in silence. He knew Anna too well to know she was acting normally. He leaned in and cradled her.
“Baby, if you tell me what’s wrong I’ll take you shopping today, isn’t that what girls like?”
Anna laughed hard, when they were alone together Chris was goofy. She liked his sense of humor, it reminded her a lot of her late husband.
“It’s just that…” she gripped the ceramic mug she held in her hands. “I’m going to move into my own place, I’m leaving the apartment.”
Chris looked shocked. “You’re not going to be living with Lavish anymore? What happened?” He immediately realized the weight of his words.
Anna shifted uncomfortably. “Anna,” he said softly, holding her close. “What happened to Bunny wasn’t your fault, baby. Please, you have to let it go.” He knew it was easier said than done. He had gone through the same guilt with Jill.
Anna began to cry, it was a genuine, weak cry of sorrow. It broke his heart. He held her close, cradling her in his large arms.
“I don’t want it to happen to anyone else, I’m infected, what if a leak happens and the connections find out? There are days I want to talk with Lavish but I can’t.” She sobbed out. “I carry so much, but I have no one to talk to.”
“Anna, honey. You can always talk to me.” He felt awful. “I want to have a real relationship with you, you can tell me anything.” He lifted up her chin. “But I know there’s nothing like having your best friend.” He looked at her, his blue eyes were softened significantly.
She hugged his neck and nuzzled into him. “I’ve never had to hide anything from them. This hurts so much, I can’t look at them everyday, knowing they don’t know a major thing about me.”
Chris put his large hand on the small of her back. “I know, baby.” He felt guilty, he had asked her to be a part of Hound Wolf. He felt somewhat responsible the incident with Walden.
“Why don’t you move in with me?” He asked lightly.
Anna felt the air catch in her throat. “Chris, really?”
Chris sat Anna in his lap. “Yes, I’d love it if you lived with me. I was thinking…maybe making our relationship official to everyone.”
“Everyone, like officially to the BSAA everyone?” She said skeptically. It was only recently they mutually agreed to let *her* friends know.
“Yes, I want to be official, but you know that you’ll have to step down from Hound Wolf,” he stroked her cheek with his thumb.
Anna nodded. “I understand, I’ll put in the request on Monday.”
“It’ll be safer for you that way, you know? We don’t know what The Connections will do if they find out you were infected and survived.” Chris' eyes darkened.
She honestly hadn’t thought of how her life could be in danger. Chris made her feel like she had nothing to be scared of.
“I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.” She pouted. She didn’t want to tell him she’d be scared without him. She was trained in combat and firearms, but she always felt safer when Chris was around. The only reason she made it out of the Abercrombie mines was because he was babysitting her ass.
Chris rubbed her back. “I wish I could read your mind. You have a terrible poker face.”
“I’m just feeling insecure, I really haven’t processed how my life has changed.” She kept fidgeting with her hands. “I don’t know what I’m going to do when you leave, I’m scared.”
“You’re still the same, don’t let them make you feel different.” He said softly. “You’re still human, what Walden did to you was awful. He took away your sense of security. I won’t let anyone hurt you again.”
“Oh Chris.” Tears rolled down her face. Chris was her protector, she didn’t even know she needed saving.
“I love you Anna.” He breathed.
Anna’s eyes went wide. “You…what?” She squealed like a high school girl. “You said it first! I thought I would!” She giggled.
Chris’ heart fluttered. He loved seeing Anna like this. He wanted to make her happy for the rest of her life.
“Chris, I love you too. I love you so much.” She littered his face with kisses.
“Then it’s settled, this is your new home.”
Travis hated bars. He never enjoyed nightlife, because he was never invited by others to go out.
He walked into the bar where he saw a tan girl with a black pixie cut and a gold nose ring. Tattoos covered her body.
He walked up to the bar. “Hey there, are you lost?” She asked.
Travis was taken aback that she acknowledged he didn’t belong there.
“I’m looking to see if a girl named Anna works here?” He said shakily.
The woman cocked her eyebrow. “Oh you mean Bambi, are you a fan of hers?” The woman smiled, her gold canine showing.
“Something like that.” He mumbled. “Are you close with her? Do you know when she’ll be working?” He asked enthusiastically.
Jordie raised her eyebrow. “ You seem awfully fond of her, you know she has a boyfriend right?”
Travis felt like he had been stabbed in the heart. Boyfriend?
She smiled as she saw his face fall, he must have not known. “Anna only works as a bartender sometimes, but she’s a close friend of mine. I can pass on a message.” She smirked. “For a price.”
Travis smirked. This woman wasn’t above taking cash for favors.
He put 500$ in cash on the bar. “I’ll give you this if you can tell me what her boyfriend's name is.”
She looked down at the cash. This dude was serious. “Chris, some buff army dude, he’s older than Anna. I don’t know his last name.” She said taking the money.
Travis clenched his fists. Chris fucking Redfield. “I have more cash if you can do me a favor.”
Jordie raised an eyebrow. This dude was obsessed with her “friend,” But if he kept handing her cash for information she didn’t care. Jordie would never admit she was jealous of Anna.
She thought Anna had it so easy; men basically fell head over heels for her “nice girl” act. She wasn’t particularly prettier or smarter than other girls in the bar either, she was just nice, and straight men ate that shit up; in Jordie’s eyes she was setting women back centuries by perpetuating the nice girl stereotype.
Travis looked around and handed her a small black case. “These are cameras, if you can place them in her bedroom and maybe a bathroom, I will pay you 5,000$.”
Jordie couldn’t believe it. 5,000$ for accomplishing such an easy task? Anna had texted her and Lavish earlier in the day, that she was moving to her boyfriend’s place. She could move into the apartment when Anna moved her things out, Anna even offered to pay for the extra month of rent, so Jordie of course offered to help Anna move.
It would be the perfect opportunity to place the cameras. They were tiny enough, and Anna would never find them. She also had a big tough boyfriend who would probably kick this guy’s ass if he tried to cause her any real harm. He just wanted a personal peep show that was all.
“I’ll do it.” Jordie said.
Travis gave her the 2,500$ up front. “I’ll give you the other half when you place the cameras.”
It was move out day, Anna was nervous to be moving in with Chris. Sure, they had been through a lot together, but this was a major commitment.
Anna was thankful her friends were helping her out, they had spent all week packing her things and putting them neatly in boxes. She decided to leave her furniture behind for Jordie to use, and what she didn’t want, Anna figured they could give away.
Chris was into spoiling Anna, he enjoyed being able to provide for her. He hired someone to reorganize the closet space in their now shared bedroom and even made one of the guest bedrooms into a dedicated workspace for her.
Jordie and Lavish entered Chris’ home. They were in awe how nice it was.
“Anna you’re so fucking lucky.” Jordie said entering the workspace Chris made for her. She put her hands on the antique vanity Chris had picked out for his girlfriend.
“I really am, I don’t deserve him.” Anna blushed.
Chris scoffed. “Anna, don’t say that.”
Jordie went into the bedroom area, she scoped it out while Anna, Lavish and Chris were talking downstairs about how they were going to set up the closet.
Jordie positioned the small camera on top of a bookshelf in the bedroom and positioned the other camera on top of the shower head in the bathroom.
“I better get more for this.” She thought. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but this guy probably only wanted to see her naked, it’s not like he stood a chance of ever breaking into this house and hurting her; not with a guard dog like Chris.
“Jordie? Where’d ya go girl?” Anna asked, coming up the stairs.
“I was just checking out your new closet.” She said, motioning towards the large space.
“I know it’s crazy, it’s literally the size of my childhood bedroom I think.” She said blushing.
“You are lucky, Chris loves you. Thank god for you he likes em’ young apparently.” Jordie smiled devilishly.
“Oh my god.” Anna rolled her eyes. “Its not like I’m 21 anymore.”
“I’m still confused how you guys met.” Jordie asked, digging for more info. Maybe if she got extra information Anna’s little admirer would give her a tip.
“Umm,” Anna shifted. “You can’t tell anybody, but Chris is kind of my superior.”
“Superior?! You fuck your boss!”
“Jordie! Be quiet!” Anna tried to shush her.
“What? I’m not supposed to know? I don’t work with you guys.” Jordie made a face of irritation.
“It’s just that, we’re going to make it official at work. I'm transferring out of the unit, but we’re still waiting on the approval. I haven’t told anyone.”
“Don’t worry your secret's safe with me.” She said and walked downstairs.
Something about Jordie’s change in demeanor made Anna uncomfortable. She chose to ignore it. She assumed her friends were just tired of her keeping her relationships so secretive.
They had finally moved all of Anna’s things into Chris’ home.
She didn’t have much, it was mostly just clothes and personal effects. She didn’t have much in her apartment to begin with.
When she sold the home she shared with her husband, she sold most of her belongings too. She was able to pay off her student loans and pay the rent on their apartment in New York for a couple of months.
Chris was surprised she didn’t have more. Chris looked at their shared closet.
“I’m surprised you didn’t have more clothes or shoes,” he said, crossing his arms in the doorway of the chic closet he had rearranged for her.
“Michael used to take me shopping all the time when we were dating, I just don’t like to go shopping anymore.” She turned around. “It’s crazy, my body is the best it’s ever looked but It just makes me sad when I go shopping alone.”
Chris wrapped his hands on her waist, letting his hands roam her body and began kissing her neck.
“You’ve always been beautiful,” he squeezed her breasts and it made her laugh. “I’d love to take you shopping, I want to be bored in a mall, watching you try on clothes and tell you how beautiful you are.”
She smiled and looked up at him. “You’re silly.”
“I mean it, you deserve it. Let’s go tomorrow, please, it would make me feel normal.” Chris looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
“You know I can’t resist you when you make that face.” She kissed his cheek.
She went over to a box on the floor in the closet. It was the picture from her wedding to Michael. She sighed and put it in the box. Chris shouldn’t have to be reminded he was her second love.
The next morning Anna awoke to an empty bed, she heard him stirring around. She saw in the main hallway Chris had put up the photos of Anna’s family, including those of her late husband.
She walked in on Chris putting together her new desk in the spare bedroom. “Hey sweetie.”
“Hey, gorgeous, I didn’t wake you up did I?”
She sat on the floor next to him. “You didn’t have to put up the photos of Michael,”
“He was an important part of your life Anna, I know you kept them in the box because you didn’t want to hurt my feelings.” He stopped fiddling with the furniture.
“Chris I love you, I want to respect your space.”
“It’s your space too now.”
“Chris, you won’t even let me pay a bill.” She laughed.
“You shouldn’t have to, let me be the man.” He winked at her.
She rolled her eyes. “If you say so.”
Chris pushed the hair out of her face. “Why don’t you get dressed and we go shopping? We need to get you a dress for the work event.”
Xxxxxxxxxxxx Anna wasn’t anticipating to go to one of the fanciest department stores in New York.
She cursed at herself for dressing too casual. Chris had apparently premeditated this, he led Anna to what she assumed was a VIP section. The well dressed man greeted the two of them at the check in desk.
“Hello Mr. Redfield, it’s nice to finally meet you.” He reached out to shake the man’s hand. “Mr. Kennedy informed us that you needed your partner fitted for an evening gown.” He turned to Anna.
“Hello, ma’am, My name is James Sims and my team will be assisting you today.”
Anna shook his hand. She looked at Chris, what the hell did he get her into?
A group of women helped Anna into a room where she changed into a robe, Chris sat down on a comfortable couch. The room was set up with a rack of gowns and a private mirror to see every angle.
Anna timidly walked out in the first dress, it was a revealing Tom Ford number.
“How do you like it?”’ Anna asked Chris nervously.
“Anna you’re just beautiful, but how do you feel?”
“I think it’s too much skin, I think it gives off the wrong idea.”
The shop assistant agreed. “My dear, you’re well endowed, unfortunately certain brands don’t accommodate an effeminate figure.”
Anna blushed at the comment.
The next dress Anna adored, it was an opal colored Gaurav Gupta dress. It accentuated her semi tanned skin and chocolate brown hair. Anna couldn’t stop looking at herself.
“I think this one is it, Anna.” Chris said getting up and admiring his girlfriend. She looked like a goddess.
“You think so?” Anna did the wrong thing and took a look at the tag. She gasped. “Chris, this dress is more expensive than my wedding dress.” She suddenly felt constricted. “I can’t possibly get it.”
Chris rolled his eyes and told the shop assistant. “We’re taking it and any other things she may need as well.”
The assistant smiled. “Will do.”
The assistant brought out shoes that would go with the dress, Anna ended up picking out a pair of Christian Louboutin heels and a pair of diamond earrings.
At the end of the appointment, Anna had to walk away, she didn’t even want to see how much Chris was spending on her.
When they got back into his car and he drove her home she was speechless.
“Chris, are you sure we should have done that?”
“Anna, I’ve been working this job a long time, I’ve also been single for a long time. Just know you will never have to worry about anything ever again.”
“Chris, whatever you want I’ll give it to you. Seriously.”
“Just be yourself Anna. Just continue loving me like you already do.” He smiled and placed his hand on her thigh.
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needle-noggins · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Oh hi hi!
Bluebells, my Trimax post-canon Vashmeryl long fic. This fic is my baby, my magnum opus, my beloved. Next chapter is coming out soon and it's gonna rock. I'm gonna get sooo hate for it (positive) :3
Freaks of Nurture, my dead dove vivisection fic. The prose is kinda wild in this one and I had a ton of fun writing it. I'm still so very proud of how it came out!
Silent Night, an epistolary fic about Rem's time on the SEEDs expedition up to when the twins are born. Sci fi and grief and loneliness galore.
Fresh Cut, another dead dove for body horror week - but this time it's explicit Millionsummers. I still can't believe I wrote this, it's.... it sure is something. Don't try this at home.
Meet in the Middle (Like Pistols at Dawn), a very cute, short Vashmeryl one shot that's very silly and sweet. I love these goobers and this fic always cheers me up.
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1-aussiedollar · 1 year
i hate to say this but goofy anon has a point skull emoji
we dont talk about that one mario & luigi spinoff game btw.
as much as i love the name gabriel i will probably forget to use it in my asks bc i am a silly goober and forget things very easily LMAO
anyway OOOO?? filler chapter tell me more about the homosexuals hehehe
I’m fucking SOBBING 💀
Wait Bowser’s INSIDE story is LITERAL?!
Teehee that’s okay if u forget to use it I’m probs gonna switch between!!!
I feel like having a chapter that is JUST story telling works well for Kid Icarus, considering how it’s very story based!
It would probably start in Skyworld. Gabriel is training in the testing range. He’s messing around with some weapons, thinking of the best way to take down Octavio.
Rider finds him in the range struggling to wield Rider’s Staff (I love the Dark Pit Staff teehee). Rider comes up behind Gogs and is helping him out, like holding his arms in the optimal position for the weapon, and it gets kinda intimate… (not NSFW(/srs)… just like, they’re both blushing and talking in hushed tones to one another)
Rider steps back to let Gabriel have a try without guidance, and he fires a perfect shot. Rider claps and Gabriel smiles proudly. Rider then asks: “Hey… I’ve been having some issues with certain weapons… could you help me out?”
Then if it were the game, ur using the bottom screen to help Rider aim and stuffs (just so the player has something to do) and like it’s super cute and stuff.
They break to get some food from the temple, and the cliche “you have food on your cheek” happens. Gabriel wipes off Rider’s cheek before kissing it quickly.
R: “What the heck was that?!”
G: “Sorry was that not the vibe?”
R: “No, that was DEFINITELY the vibe! Just unexpected…”
And like teehee gay confession I’m too lazy to write and there’s a whole thing about “the gods made us to be on different sides, but I think fate intended for us to be a team” and stuff because partners bound by destiny my beloveds. Then Marie comes in and sees them looking lovingly into each other’s eyes, then she’s like “aight okay” and walks out and they both get embarrassed.
Then a small timeskip and stuff and they’re discussing plans and stuff with Pearl and then the subject of Cuttlefish comes up and then like the chapter ends and stuff but during the meeting Goggles and Rider are holding hands and stuff
I need to hurry up and write this whole thing as a fanfic…
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punkrockmads · 3 years
Found Family
Abby x F! Reader Mini Series
Warnings: Mentions of rape, extreme fluff, brief hints at "mommy kink" and sexual notions
Chapter Five; Big Brother
A sweet, relaxing song plays from the record player. Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe. My absolute favorite. I sing along with the lyrics, swaying side to side slowly as I fold laundry. Abby's downstairs washing dishes, the two of us working on our early morning chores while Lev sleeps in. It's nice that the three of us get weekends off. It gives us a break and time to spend with each other.
My stomach has grown quite a bit, making my pregnancy harder to hide and my clothes harder to fit into. I've stolen many of Abby's shirts these past couple of months. Abby and I plan on telling Lev about the baby when he wakes up, especially since tomorrow is the day we finally get to know the gender of the baby.
'You didn't have to smile at me
Your grin's the sweetest
That I've ever seen
But you did
Yes you did'
As I sing along, lost in thought, I don't even notice Abby sneak into the bedroom, tip toeing up behind me.
"Gotcha!" She yells, grabbing my waist. I scream, nearly jumping out of my skin as I drop the shirt I was folding. Abby laughs, tickling my sides.
"Asshole!" I laugh, putting my hands over hers. "You coulda given me a heart attack!"
"Oh, well we wouldn't want that, huh?" Abby teases, peppering my neck and jaw with kisses. "Didn't know you could sing." She mumbles against my cheek, swaying side to side with me.
"Eh." I shrug. "I'm not great at it."
"Well I think you have the voice of an angel." Abby says, turning me around to face her. I drape my arms over her shoulders, the laundry long forgotten as I get lost in Abby's smile.
"Sap." I smile.
She laughs, kissing me softly. "You ready to tell Lev?"
"Mhm." I nod, turning back around to finish folding the laundry. That's when the baby shifts around a little in my stomach. "Woah!" I put my hand on my stomach, rubbing circles to try to calm the baby. It's always so active in the morning. I wish Abby could feel it but the doctor said only a couple more months and she'll be able to feel it kicking.
"You okay?" Abby asks, standing next to me and looking at me with worried eyes.
"Oh, yeah." I smile. "Our baby just decided now's the time to do a little boogie."
Abby chuckles, kneeling in between me and the bed and holding my stomach. She lifts my shirt a little, sliding her hands underneath. "Hey, you little goober." She says to the little being. She kisses right above my navel. "It's too early to be squirmin' around in there, you're distracting mommy!"
I smile at the new title. "Mommy, huh?" I run my fingers through Abby's hair, messing up her braid a little. She looks up at me with a smile.
"C'mon." She chuckles. "We both know I'm gonna be momma." I pretend to think it over, putting a finger to my chin.
"Hmm. I could get used to that." I laugh, gently cupping Abby's face and guiding her back up. She hums, kissing my lips. "But say it again just in case." I mumble against her lips.
"What- which one?" Abby laughs. I laugh with her, reaching back and grabbing her ass. I pull her closer to me, our bodies pressed against each other.
"Both of them." I laugh. She puts her hands on my hips, fingers pressing into the skin gently.
"Well..." Abby pauses, a hint of excitement in her eyes. I have no doubt mine look the same. "You would be..." She pauses again, kissing me. "Mommy." I laugh a little as she beams down at me. "And I..." Another kiss. "would be..." I hum into the third kiss. "Momma." Her grip on my waist has tightened a little.
"Oh yeah." I laugh. "I can get used to this."
Abby grins, a fire growing in her hazel eyes. "Good." She chuckles.
A loud thud from across the hall tears us out of our thoughts. Lev's room! The two of us immediately run into his room, seeing him sitting on the floor rubbing the back of his head. "Ouch." He groans.
"Lev, are you okay?" I ask, a hand over my frantically beating heart.
"Yeah. Sorry." Lev says, standing up. "Fell out of bed." He sighs. Abby and I look at each other, holding back laughs. "Don't you dare laugh!" Lev points at us, holding back his own laughter.
"We're not laughing!" Abby snorts. "Just... it's a little funny." She bites her lip, a wide grin on her face.
"Shut up." Lev says, trying unsuccessfully to hide his smile. I decide it's finally time we tell him about the baby.
"Hey, Lev?" I pause as he looks at me. "Come on downstairs and eat breakfast. Abby and I gotta tell you somethin'." I make it seem as casual as possible, trying to pass it off as some kind of patrol orders or something.
"Okay." Lev nods. "I'll be down in a second." Abby and I head downstairs, a little worried about how Lev will react. The two of us sit in the living room, watching some random movie while we wait for Lev. After a few minutes, he walks in with a bowl of cereal, sitting next to me on the couch, putting me in between two of my three favorite people. "So, what did you wanna tell me?" Lev asks, taking a bite of his cereal.
I take a deep breath, picking at my nails as I will myself to tell Lev what I should've told him months ago. "Lev, I'm pregnant." It comes out clear and calm, my voice hiding how nervous I am. Lev puts his spoon down, looking between Abby and I with a confused frown.
"But..." He pauses. "I thought girls can't get each other pregnant unless one of them has a-"
"They can't." Abby cuts him off, speaking gently. She gets up, moving to kneel in front of him. "Lev, do you remember when I told you that the Rattlers hurt Y/N really bad?" Lev nods. "They did... inappropriate things to her without her consent." Abby tenses up, looking at me for approval to keep going. I place a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly to let her know it's okay. "Do you remember what that's called?" Lev nods, scared to say the actual word in front of me. I don't blame him, I'm scared to use the word myself.
"Lev, honey." He looks at me with the most sincere and pitiful eyes. "What happened to me was... it was awful. But this baby... it's not. Abby and I wanna keep it and we... we want you to be it's big brother. If you want to, of course."
Lev's eyes light up with joy. "You mean I get a little sister?!" Abby and I laugh at his enthusiasm.
"We don't know if it's a girl or boy yet, goober." Abby stands up, ruffling Lev's hair before sitting back down beside me. "But yes, in a few months, you'll have a little sibling. Y/N's already four months along now."
"Holy shit." Lev whispers. "Can... can I see?" He asks, referring to my stomach. I nod, lifting my (Abby's) shirt past my stomach to let him see the bump that was getting harder and harder to conceal. "There's a baby in there?!" Lev asks, looking up at me in amazement. I nod, smiling at him.
Lev reaches to put a hand on my stomach, hesitating for a moment. "Go ahead." I say. "It's okay." He puts his hand on my stomach, moving it along the curve.
"Woah!" Lev laughs. "Wait... is this why I haven't been allowed in the guest room?" He glares up at Abby and she smiles.
"Yeah." Abby shrugs. "We've been turning it into the baby's room. Wanted it to be a surprise." The baby moves, causing me to flinch a little out of shock.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Lev asks, taking his hand off my stomach.
"Nono it's okay." I assure him, guiding his hand back to the bump. "The baby's moving around in there."
"Really?!" Lev moves to press his ear to my stomach.
"Yeah." I chuckle. "I think it can sense your touch. It's saying 'Hi, big brother!'" Lev laughs, trying to see if he can hear the baby moving.
"In about a month, we'll be able to feel it kick." Abby says. "And we might even be able to see it moving." She remembers the last bit from one of the dozens of pregnancy books and articles she's started bringing home. She's read each one at least twice in order to know everything she can about the baby and pregnancy. It's cute that she's trying to be so prepared. As Abby starts listing off a few more facts she read, the baby shifts in a way that almost feels like it's doing a backflip in my stomach, causing me to let out an involuntary gasp. "Y/N?!" Abby puts a hand on my back, her and Lev looking at me cautiously.
"Jesus." I let out a breathy laugh. "Little bean's groovin' in there." Abby and Lev laugh at my description of the baby moving. It moves again. "Is it trying to do the Cupid Shuffle?!" The three of us laugh harder.
"I think it's saying 'Mommy, you need to eat! We're starving!'" Abby grins, rubbing my back.
"Alriiight." I sigh. "Guess I do need to eat." Abby, Lev and I spend the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch, watching movies and talking about the baby as well as telling stories from our adventures. Lev tells me about the time Abby tried to teach him Backgammon and Abby tells me about her encounter with the Rat King. I rest my head on Abby's shoulder, feeling perfectly content sitting beside my family.
The next morning, the three of us head to the infirmary to find out the gender of the baby. After another ultrasound, the doctor comes in with a clipboard. "The baby's in perfect health, Mrs. Anderson!" He says. At first, I think he's talking to Abby, but he's looking directly at me. I glance at Abby and she winks with a playful smile. Ah, of course. She's the one who put 'Y/N Anderson' in my file. Honestly... I can't complain. It fits perfectly; shows that Abby and I are together. I'm hers, she's mine. "It looks like you're about nineteen and a half weeks along. The baby is right where it should be in the development stages."
"And the gender?" I ask, grabbing Lev and Abby's hands.
"Mrs. and Mrs. Anderson..." He pauses for dramatic effect, smiling at us. I feel my breath hitch in my throat, so extremely excited. "In just a few months, you will be bringing a beautiful baby girl into the world!" Abby immediately pulls me into a hug, squeezing me carefully as I hug back. The two of us cry, absolutely overjoyed.
Lev stands up on his chair, raising his fists in the air. "I knew it! I fucking knew it!"
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garbagevanfleet · 3 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: THIS CHAPTER IS 18+! Explicit sexual content Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place.
Notes: ahh, sweet resolution. Writing this chapter made me euphorically happy. Thank you for reading! Extra thank you for liking, reblogging, or replying to this fic. I’m so happy people like it as much as I do. 
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taglist: @valleyd0ll​ @satingrass-maidensfair​ @guitarfingers​ @thebohemianpenguin​ @peaceisouranthem​ @oblvions​ @hansonobsessed​ @myownparadise96​ @anditsmywholeheart​ @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies​ @bigblack-catattack​
The final week before the play was an oddly enjoyable hell. Every second felt like it flew by and dragged on for eternity simultaneously. 
You had skipped class on Thursday, just to make sure you had every costume just the way you wanted it. Your very favorite one to work on had been Alice’s dress - you put more work into it than most of your classes for the past couple of weeks, but by the time it was done, it could have been in a storybook. 
As it hung from your closet door, you took a moment to be proud of yourself, admiring the lace and the neat trimmings. 
Kate showed up around 5, and somehow you knew she would, even though she never mentioned a thing when you told her you were staying home. 
“Hi, you,” she greeted, letting herself in as she slipped past you. “Did you get it all done?”
“Well, if I had another week, I’m sure I could find more that I could work on with them, but they’re pretty great,” you agreed. “You want a glass of wine?” 
She shook her head at you. “Actually, I’m taking you shopping tonight.”
“Yeah, have you thought about what you’re going to wear to the play?” she inquired, sounding smug like she knew you really hadn’t.
You frowned at her, unsure. “I was thinking probably something simple.”
She rolled her eyes. “No, it should be something classy, pretty,” she said. 
“And warm,” you reminded, thinking of the snow outside. 
“Sure, sure, yeah. So, are you coming?”
You gave her a sweet smile. “Let me get my coat.”
“I don’t think I can wear this,” you said through a grimace as you turned this way and then that in the mirror. Kate had let herself right into the dressing room with you, her long legs taking up more space than you could afford in such a small room. “My whole vagina would freeze.”
“It’s not that short,” she giggled.
“Yeah, but it’s just an open dress. My legs are exposed!” 
“True, maybe you could wear leggings under it,” she suggested. 
“If I were going to wear leggings, I’d want a longer dress I think. Maybe something mid-calf. Then I could wear booties.”
She looked like she was considering it for a moment before nodding. “Yes, that seems like it would be super cute. What about your hair?”
“How about we find the dress first and go from there,” you teased. 
Once you were dressed again and had everything hung back on the “reject” rack, you ventured out into the store again, weaving through mannequins and lines of garments. You went to grab a hanger when you snapped your hand back in pain. 
“Damn,” you hissed. She turned to give you a concerned look. “My fingers are so sore from sewing. I’m kind of thinking they might never recover.”
You were joking, but she gave you a sympathetic look anyway. “You know this play is just as much yours as it is his, right?” 
You huffed a laugh. “Oh my god, that’s so dramatic.”
“Well, pretty damn close,” she objected, pulling a dress from the rack in front of her and laying it over her forearm. “His ass would have been grass without you.”
“We can thank Rachel for that,” you quipped, chronically annoyed by the thought of her. 
She paused what she was doing and met your eyes. “Did you figure out why she quit?”
You gave her a confused frown. Now that you were thinking about it, Josh never did tell you why. You shook your head. “Why?”
“Well, it sounds like she kinda had a thing for Josh. Like a big thing. And that’s why she signed up to work with him in the first place.”
You nodded for her to continue, your stomach feeling tight. 
“And I guess it went okay for a little while - he seemed receptive to it apparently, but she found out he had a female roommate and saw you guys eating lunch together all of the time, you know?” Kate continued carefully. 
You hummed, trying to seem casual, but you felt a little like you’d just been sucker-punched. 
“How did you hear about this?” 
“Grapevine,” she replied with a smile. “What do you think of this one?” 
She was stroking her fingers down a long dress, black with flowers in muted colors. “That would go really well with my coat actually. We have to accept the reality that I’m going to have to wear a coat the whole time.”
She smiled at you in an oddly genuine way for her. “I know you didn’t ask for my advice, but you should go for it.”
You gave her a confused look. “I have to try it on first.”
She put a hand flat on your chest. “Not the dress, you goober. Josh.”
You stared blankly at the ground until you were sure of what you wanted to say. “I don’t want to fuck this up. I can’t lose him as a friend - I’d be devastated.” 
“Why would you think you’d fuck it up? I don’t know that you could, to be honest.” You watched as she grabbed a pair of earrings, dangling off of their cardboard hanger. She started back off toward the dressing room, and you followed close behind.  
“We’ll have to wait and see what happens.”
You helped Josh get all of the costumes to the school on Friday, hanging them up on racks backstage. You took the time to make them all tags, writing the kid’s names in fancy, flowing script. 
Josh was working on getting the first set perfectly into place, so everything was ready to go for showtime the next day. Despite how clearly nervous he was, you could hear him handing out compliments and words of encouragement to the stagehands - even his constructive advice was said in a way that felt like every person in that room was his best friend. 
He had left you mostly alone to get the wardrobe ready, but when he popped back into your area, he crouched down next to where you were sat on the floor. 
“I probably won’t be home until late again tonight,” he informed with a half-frown. “There’s a lot I still have to get into place.”
You gave him an understanding smile. “Don’t worry about me, worry about you. You need a good night’s sleep for tomorrow.”
“I know,” he replied, looking thankful. “Show me some of these costumes.”
You had been oddly flattered that he had trusted you enough to have them done - and done well - by the time of the play; he hadn’t asked to see them even once until right then. 
“You can look through them, but they won’t look right until they’re on a child.”
His face lit up like that was the best news of the day. “That’s perfect because the kids should be here for dress rehearsal in about ten minutes.”
You smiled at him as he stood and helped you up with two outstretched hands. 
He ran his hands over the rack, pausing on the one you knew he would. With a perplexed look, he pulled the door mouse costume and held it up. 
“This is-” he started, but you cut him off. 
“I know, I really hope it’s okay, but I found a sheet in your room with some rough designs on it, and I really liked a lot of them,” you admitted sheepishly. 
“You were going through my stuff?” he asked with a grin.
You shook your head. “Just that. And it was when I went in to get Penny.”
His fingers slid down the tail of the costume, made from a string of peach-hued rope - just like his draft had called for. His brown eyes flicked up at you, looking like melted chocolate under the warm-colored lights. “I literally don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you for this.”
You could feel a blush rising on your cheeks, the sensation of flower petals brushing your stomach lining. “Let’s make it through the show without them falling to pieces first.” Your tone had been a teasing one, but he looked completely unaffected. 
The intensity of the moment was slowly creeping up on you - you weren’t sure if he was going to kiss you or cry. In the end, he did neither. 
“Do you want to stick around to see the kids in their outfits?” he offered, but you shook your head. 
“I’m actually really excited to see it all for the first time tomorrow,” you replied with a smile that was immediately matched by his. 
“Alright, I like that idea.” He paused a moment before speaking again. “Don’t wait up for me, okay?”
You chuckled at him, pulling your jacket on to leave. “No promises.”
That evening you spent a long time in the bathtub with a bottle of wine. You had homework to do - and you tried for a couple of hours, but you just couldn’t be fucked with it, so you turned the water up as hot as it would go and rested your head on a rolled-up towel.
You felt silly about it now, but you were scared that once this was over, you would feel lost without the costumes to worry about. That moment never came for you - at least not with the costumes. 
You definitely couldn’t stop thinking about Josh.
There was this terrible feeling in the pit of your gut - a guilt, heavy like you swallowed a pile of gravel.
When you got out, you haphazardly dried off and left the wet towel on the bathroom floor. You got changed into a long-sleeved shirt and your pajama shorts and then grabbed what was left of your wine and made your way to Josh’s room. After you laid out on his bed, you rolled over onto your side and stared into the fish tank, pressing your fingers against the glass. 
Penny had been snoozing in her log decoration, but when she spotted you, she hurried out to greet your hand.
“I fucked up, Penny,” you whispered. You imagined she was making an angry face at you, but in reality, she was just floating there, probably wondering where her dinner was.
You glanced at the time on your phone. 
8:32 pm
You grabbed the little jar of flakes off of his bedside table and strained to drop a couple into the water. She gobbled them up excitedly, her safety-orange colored fins waving in the water. 
You had no idea when it happened, but you woke up to the dresser drawer by your head opening. You sat up, irregular heartbeat making you feel jittery.  
Josh turned to look at you, a warm smile on his lips, the sun illuminating his tan face. “Hey,” he greeted. 
“Oh my god, it’s light outside. What time is it?” you asked groggily.
“About 8:30. I got home at midnight and you were passed out in here, so I covered you up,” he informed, making your face run warm.
You pushed your messy hair away from your face. “I’m sorry, I was laying in here with Penny and I must have fallen asleep.” You glanced around in confusion. “I didn’t even feel you get out of bed.”
“Oh, I slept on the couch,” he replied, picking a pair of pants from his top drawer. 
You frowned, casting your eyes down to the bedsheets. He thought you didn’t want to sleep next to him, and instead of waking you up to move you, he slept out on the couch. The idea made you want to cry.
“Will you sit with me a moment?” you asked, patting the spot next to you. 
He gave you an apologetic smile. “I really want to, but I need to be over to the school in twenty minutes. I am planning on being back here around 4 to eat something quick and then get ready.”
“Okay.” You clambered out of bed as he pulled his shirt off and changed into a new one. “I think I’ll probably already be at Kate’s, but if you want to take my car you can.”
He shot you a smirk. “Really? You’re going to let me drive?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, putting on your best mom voice. “Yes, but only if you promise to be very safe.”
He put his hand over his heart. “I promise.”
“I’ll see you after the show,” you said, maybe a little too sweetly, and brushed a curl out of his eyes. It was well worth it to see the tops of his cheeks turn pink. 
As Kate took you both to the theater, you couldn’t kick the nervous butterflies. She looked beautiful - you’d never seen her in anything but mom jeans, but she was dressed in a plaid skirt, tights, and a black turtleneck sweater. She had insisted on doing your makeup - sitting you down at her vanity and pulling a barstool close enough she could reach you. You had known better than to complain about the amount of time she took - besides, you had gotten over to her house so early, you had nothing but time. When she was done, you barely recognized yourself. Somehow she had made your eyes look bigger, your lashes longer and darker, and your face sharper. You were used to wearing foundation and concealer, but your face felt almost a little heavy under all she’d put on you. 
She had laid out a few extra things for you - a pair of boots and a set of green gem earrings and you gave her a thankful smile as you donned them. The truly hard part was resisting hugging her very affectionate polar bear - which was actually a dog, she informed you. You had tried once, but she scolded you, reminding you that white fur didn’t look good on black fabric.
You had whispered a promise to him that you would be back soon to give him all the love he could handle.
When she pulled up to the school, she had you get out at the doors and grab the tickets while she went to park, and to your pleasant surprise, Jake was waiting for you. He helped you out of the car with an outstretched hand. You weren’t sure what you were expecting him to wear, but it definitely wasn’t a button-up shirt with the top few buttons undone and nothing underneath. 
“You’re literally making me cold just looking at you,” you teased, wrapping your arms comfortingly around your frame. You had earned a grin from him.
“I’m wearing a coat,” he reasoned, holding up the hem of a light peacoat to prove his point.
You rolled your eyes at him. “C’mon, let’s get our tickets.”
He pulled two tickets out of said coat’s pocket and handed them to you. “You mean these?”
“Did you buy these?” you asked through a frown.
“One of them. I bought mine and Kate’s, and I think you can guess who got yours,” he responded with a genuine smile. 
You took one of the tickets wordlessly, but you couldn’t suppress a smile. 
As soon as Kate had joined you in the foyer, you took your seats. Despite it being only a college production, you were shocked at how many people had come to the opening night. There were only a handful of open spots left when they flashed the lights, and you could just imagine Josh giving the kids a pep talk backstage. 
The show started with a fun, bouncy opening music number and you leaned against Kate as you looked on at all the set pieces you’d both worked so hard on. You had thought your job was hard, but Kate had to round up a bunch of art students to help her work on the hundreds of different props.
Leave it to Josh to treat a children’s musical like a broadway show. 
The first half of the show went pretty much perfectly - everyone seemed to remember their lines, and if they didn’t, you didn’t notice. You couldn’t help but smile in pride as you watched all of your costumes appear on stage, one by one. 
During intermission, your head snapped over when you heard a soda tab opening and you shot Kate a disapproving look - you’re pretty sure you’d read a “no outside food and drink” sign at the front entrance. She gave you an unapologetic smile as she took a long sip and then handed the can over to Jake. He laughed under his breath.
The time went by too fast, and the closer it got to the closing act, the more anxious you got. The final scene was a triumphant number, exciting and big. You could tell that a lot of the audience was family members because when the curtain fell, they all began to stand. Hooting and hollering filled the huge room, and you almost cried when the curtain rose again to reveal some of the kids wearing smiles that spread all the way to their ears. It started with the minor characters - the cards, the flowers, and then the Cheshire Cat, the Hatter, the Caterpillar, the White Rabbit. Then finally, The Queen of Hearts, followed by a grinning Alice. 
They waved excitedly at the crowd, eating up the standing ovation like it was candy. You saw Kate with her hand pressed over her mouth and the biggest eyes you’d ever seen her wear - she was absolutely in love with them, as was the entire rest of the room. 
A moment or two later, Josh stepped out onto the stage. You recalled back when you had first met him and had told him you couldn’t imagine him in business casual because he was wearing a dark blue suit, a pair of black dress shoes, and a proud grin. As the kids made a spot for him in the line, he crouched down in between them and gave a couple of them a pat on the back. You saw him speak something at the girl playing Alice, and it must have been praise because she gave him a toothy smile in return. 
When the cast members had returned backstage, you had told Kate and Jake to leave when they were ready - you were going to wait for Josh. Both of them had given you knowing smiles that you brushed off easily enough, but they left all the same with a parting word of “text me” from Kate. 
You gave it enough time that most of the audience had left - all the kids joining their parents with promises of ice cream and treats - before you made your way backstage. 
After looking for him for a moment, you spotted Josh chatting with an older man excitedly by the back exit. When the older man (his professor, you assumed) laid eyes on you, he gestured toward you with a, “Please head home, we’ll see you tomorrow. You’ve done a great job.”
Josh turned to look at you and the smile melted from his lips as he nodded a haphazard acknowledgment to his professor. 
“Hey,” you greeted, only needing to speak above a whisper in the quiet area. Viewing him on stage was fine - it felt impersonal, but up close it felt like looking into the sun. “You look so handsome.”
His cheeks turned red under the tan skin as he rubbed at the back of his neck, embarrassed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said through a weak laugh, and a moment later said, “The costumes were incredible.”
“Not bad for someone who didn’t know how to sew a month ago, right?” you teased. You stared into his eyes for a long moment before crossing the room and taking his hand. “Are you ready to go?” you asked, then teasingly added, “Provided my car is still intact.”
He chuckled at you before taking a long breath. “Yeah, let’s go home.” 
The car ride home was tense, but not uncomfortable. You could sense the electricity running through him as you chatted about the production - the pride radiating from him was palpable. 
When you pulled into the apartment parking lot, it had just begun snowing, and neither of you made any moves to exit the car once it was turned off. 
After a long moment of silence, you spoke again. “We have a lot to talk about.”
He gave you a nervous look, one eyebrow quirked. “We do?”
You breathed a laugh, half-turning towards him in your seat. After a moment of collecting your thoughts, you said, “I want you to lay it all out for me. I know we haven’t been talking about it because it’s scary but I need to know exactly how you feel about me.”
He stared into your eyes for a long time, seemingly trying to predict whether this was a good idea or not. Just for assurance, you laid your hand on top of his where it rested on his knee - his fidgeting fingers pausing under your touch. 
“You know, I think I felt it for you the moment I first met you,” he admitted, casting his eyes anywhere but on yours. “I was nervous up until semi-recently that I just felt that way because I was lonely, you know? When my ex and I parted ways last spring and my roommate dropped out and moved away, I felt like I lost everyone all at once.
“I stopped going to parties and seeing my friends until I had none left. And I didn’t want to see my family - I think I had become accustomed to being alone, but you moved in and you were so kind. I’m not sure exactly when it happened - probably kind of a little bit at a time - with every interaction, you know? But I feel it for you. For real.”
He met your eyes again with a surprised frown. You watched his other hand come up, his thumb swiping under your eye, leaving a cool spot behind. “I’m sorry, don’t cry.”
You laughed weakly. “I didn’t know I was. I’m going to ruin all the makeup Kate spent an hour working on.” Before he could speak again, you took the moment. You leaned in and tugged him closer to you by the lapels of his suit jacket, pressing your lips to his. He melted into it for only a moment before pulling away with a sad smile. 
“I don’t want you to do this just because you feel bad for me,” he explained, voice uncharacteristically flat. 
You gave him a frown, taking his chin between your fingers and forcing him to look at you. “I’m not,” you promised, but he looked unconvinced. So you tried again.
“Josh, I’m so sorry about the way I’ve treated you. I fucked up. You have got to be the absolute sweetest person I’ve ever met - definitely the sweetest man - and it was fucked of me to sleep with you and then make you feel like you were wrong for wanting affection.”
He gave you a questioning look.
“It’s never going to happen again. Because - if you’ll have me - I want to give you all the affection you can handle. No weed-induced hook up’s this time.”
He was silent for a long moment, and you huffed a laugh as you visualized his brain working. 
“Oh,” he breathed as a smile started to tilt his lips up at the corners. “Well. That’s not how I expected this to go. Are we gonna fuck here - in the car?”
An abrupt laugh ripped through your chest. “I would prefer if we didn’t, this is cloth upholstery. But we could go inside?”
He nodded at you, and opening the door and stepping out, he came around to your side and gave you his hand to make sure you didn’t fall in the new snowfall. 
Inside, he toed off his dress shoes, and you bent to undo the buckles on your boots, your fingers shaking slightly in anticipation. The second you were stood again, he had you pressed back against the door with just enough force to knock the breath from your lungs. 
When he leaned in and connected your mouths, you wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers lacing into his hair. 
He kissed a trail down your jaw and to the base of your throat, the feeling of teeth dragging across your skin giving you goosebumps. He hummed into your neck as his hands snaked around your body, his fingers tugging up the hem of your dress.
You slipped your coat off with his help once he realized what you were trying to do. As soon as it fell to the floor, you were walking him back blindly through the apartment, neither of you caring when you bumped into this or that. He turned you around when you reached his bedroom, laying you out over the covers. 
You watched as he unbuttoned his suit jacket, then the cuffs of his dress shirt. 
“You look so beautiful tonight,” he mumbled, making you blush lightly as he gestured to your form. “Did you do this for me?”
Through a smile, you replied, “Of course.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he stated confidently as he worked to open his button-down shirt. You decided that you weren’t going to let him do that alone, so you sat up, replacing his fingers with yours. 
You huffed. “Don’t say that.” The second the fabric was undone, you pressed your lips to his warm stomach, feeling the skin twitch under the touch. “You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met - candy sweet.” It was his turn to flush pink across his face, but you weren’t done yet. “I find myself thinking about you constantly.” You nipped into the trail of hair below his navel as you tugged his shirt from his dress pants. He hummed low at the slight pain. “I actually got some condoms in case you wanted to use them. Probably not all of them tonight - it’s a big pack, but you know. Over the next couple of weeks.” Your tone was teasing, forcing a breathy laugh from him. 
“Where are they?” he asked, voice a little gravelly. 
“My bedside stand.” 
As he exited the room to retrieve them, you pushed yourself up onto the bed until your head hit his pillows. You could hear him rummaging in the next room until the noise stalled for a beat as you worked off your leggings. You listened to him pad back across the hall, wearing just a smile and his dress pants when he returned. 
He crawled up the bed over you, pressing his face into your cheek as his hand lifted the hem of your dress. 
“What’s this?” he asked into your ear, pressing something cold against your thigh. You knew what it was instantly, making you suck in a surprised breath. 
You laughed, but even to your ears, it sounded nervous. He held it up so you could see.
“That would be a vibrator.”
It wasn’t anything special - just a slim, blue plastic piece, but it was the only one you’d ever had, and it had been a very good friend to you. He hovered his lips over yours as he ran the toy up your leg until the tip of it brushed your panties. 
“Is this okay?” he asked, but he sounded smug like he already knew the answer. You squirmed in anticipation and nodded. 
When he brushed it across your mound, you jolted, your fingers pressing tightly into his shoulder. He applied a little pressure to it, pressing it into the folds over the fabric. The feeling made you whine in the back of your throat.
He sat up, slipping his legs under yours, pulling your ass into his lap. Your face felt hot, so you covered your eyes with your fingers, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth. This was a lot different than hooking up with him while high. 
He played the toy over your panties until you were wet enough to have left a damp spot in the fabric. Then he hooked his fingers under them and tugged them down enough to give him full access, though the position restricted him from removing them completely. 
When the plastic pressed against your bare skin, you had to suppress a moan. You couldn’t see, so you didn’t expect it when the toy flicked to life against you, and he ran it across you lightly, just teasing. 
You stared up at the ceiling through your fingers, your mouth agape as he brushed it over your clit in circles, making your hips buck into the touch.
“Fuck,” you breathed, taking one of your hands from your eyes and running your fingers through your hair. If you tugged on the locks lightly, no one had to know but you. 
A little rougher, he deliberately pressed just the tip of it into your clit, forcing a shocked whine from the back of your throat. You made the mistake of sitting up on your elbows to watch, but instead, all you could look at was the form of his hard cock straining against his tight pants. 
You couldn’t have stopped yourself if you tried - you reached out and ran your fingers down the length of it. It twitched under your touch, but he didn’t stop what he was doing. You made a mental note to congratulate him on his dedication. Instead, he grabbed your wrist with a firm grip and laid you back down, all without taking his eyes off of his task. 
You could feel it starting to build in you as you rocked your hips into the feeling of the toy against your most sensitive part. You were positive that you looked absolutely pathetic, but when you met his eyes, he looked so entranced that it made you blush deeper - if that was even possible. 
Your fingers were flexing into his sheets as you came, a high whine ripping through your chest. When he pulled the toy away, a thread of your come was still connected to it, shimmering in the dim light of his lamp. He brought it to his lips and pressed a kiss against it, leaving his lips shiny. 
It took you a moment to collect yourself - your breathing was ragged and not at all appealing, if you had to guess. 
He gently placed your vibrator on his side table, and you watched as his fingers worked open the button on his pants, and then the zipper. When he pulled down the elastic band of his underwear, his cock popped out - rock hard. He pushed all the fabric down to his thighs and then tugged you further into his lap until your parts were flush together. 
“Did you want the condom?” you asked with a fucked-out smile. 
“Fuck it,” he replied with a grin as he rubbed his cock through your slit, making your over-sensitive skin pulse.  
You breathed a little “ah” sound as your whole lower half felt like it was hooked up to a live wire. “Are you telling me that you went all the way over there and forgot the condom?”
“First of all,” he started with a sinister laugh. “It’s just across the hall. Second of all, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
You had opened your mouth to respond but before you could, he pushed into you, his thumb holding his cock into place. 
“Fuck,” you rasped, throwing your head back into the pillow. You could feel how wet you were just by his movements. Your hands reached out until you could dig your fingernails into his forearms, his hands tight on your hips as he bottomed out in you. 
You looked up just in time to catch his tongue swipe out over his lips, his eyes half-lidded. 
He started rocking in and out of you like a tide drawn to the beach, sending little shockwaves through your core and up into your tight stomach.
To give your fingers something to do, they worked at the buttons on your dress. They only went down to the bottom of your ribcage, but it was far enough to expose your chest. He didn’t waste even a second before he moved one of his hands to your tit, squeezing it until it spilled out through his fingers. 
You were focused on that until he brushed something inside of you that made your jaw drop open. You went to moan but no sound would come out, so you sat up on your hands and pushed back against him, forcing him in deeper. His teeth were clenched as his hands found your hips again, holding you in the position you needed to be in to work yourself on him. He hummed, eyes fluttering as he met you halfway, thumbs pushed into the thin skin across your hip bones. You briefly wondered if he’d leave you little oval-shaped bruises.
He was staring into your eyes as best he could while his eyelids fluttered, so you knew when he was getting close to the edge. He pulled you up to him so you were riding his lap, his forehead against yours, the new angle putting his cock perfectly against your sweet spot as the length of him slid into you. 
You kissed him deeply as you worked yourself onto him, his breath hitching and his fingers lacing into your hair as he came. You were shockingly close behind, so when he drove you down on him harder to ride out his orgasm, you lost it too. 
You gasped into his mouth as it washed over you, leaving your senses as if you were swallowed by a wave. 
Neither of you moved for a few moments until you pulled back just far enough to look into his eyes. 
“You’re going to have come on your dress pants,” you whispered teasingly. He smirked back at you as he laid you out onto the bed. 
“Yeah, I’ll have to wash them before tomorrow night’s show,” he agreed, and the idea made your cheeks go pink. 
You were both silent as you cleaned up, and when you returned to him from the bathroom, he was already tucked under the covers in his bed. He smiled at you and held the comforter up for you as you crawled in next to him. You knew you were going to fall asleep almost instantly once you got completely situated, so it was lucky that he spoke before that happened. 
“I want you to come home with me for Christmas,” he stated, voice just above a whisper. 
You blinked over at him, a little stunned. 
“I don’t want you to be here alone - you deserve to be with a loving family,” he explained further when he saw the look on your face. 
You gave him a smile, feeling oddly sentimental post-orgasm. You could feel tears pricking at your eyes, so you buried your face in his neck. 
“I’d like that.”
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crimson-cring-art · 2 years
A Flower in the Emperor’s Palace
Chapter 33
Commission by @dannydarzuski
Before Hangi was prepared he felt the soft arms of his empress around his shoulders. He didn’t expect such things seeing as she was a royal and most royals didn’t care much for their servants. Yet here she was hugging him tightly, tears running down her face. Soft words of worry, and caring for him. At first it was just a soft smile that he gave her and running his thumbs over her cheek. He would have offered a handkerchief if he had one. But all his thumb did was cause small patches of dirt to run over her gray fur.
As he watched her go from person to person hugging them softly to her, checking over their wounds. Even spotting the new addition patched solidly onto her fathers chest.
“And who’s this?” Ming Yue asked leaning down to look into the bright brown orbs that belonged to Bengs offspring.
Beng puffed out his chest and smiled proudly.
“This is our daughter LiXue.” He smiled down at his daughter. “She was born while I was away so I’m trying to make up for it. Because of this effort…she won’t let go.” He said rubbing the infant's back. She curled tighter and chirped. Ming Yue practically melted and giggled at the cuteness.
Wukong couldn’t help but look on at his bride and imagine a tiny bundle against her chest just about that size. He didn’t mind what gender it was, it just mattered that the baby was happy and healthy. He wanted to put that smile on both of their faces.
“You're not imagining her with one are you, sire?” Ma asked his own son on his shoulders. Wukong growled and turned away from him.
“Yup, he is.” Weiss said.
“Oh come now. There will be time for things like that once this whole trouble is all over with.” Meer said as she walked over to one of the seats near the wall. A wolf growled for a moment only to get socked in the jaw by her cane. He whimpered and curled into a ball. “Treat older people with respect, pup.” Meer warned. The wolf rubbed his nose and snorted.
Ming Yue stopped what she was doing as she got closer to the moon king and motioned to the others.
“This is the moon King. Alaric, he’s my grandfather.”
Everyone stopped talking and looked at them in awe. The wolf king scoffed and turned around. He was not something they could just stare at.
“Now if you please…we have plans to make. I’m afraid there is a lantern to procure.” The wolf king started back toward the meeting room.
Weiss caught up with Wukong. Meer upon his back, seeing as the hallways were large and long.
“Hey…have you thought of it? Since you are the high emperor, if you wed Ming Yue…you’ll be the higher emperor…” Weiss giggled only to get popped.
“This isn’t about furthering your territory, you goober.” Weiss looked up at another wolf that seemed to be a female that motioned to the close family members to follow them. They had rooms for them. At least they would be safe there. Ming Yue looked up at Hangi who looked at her almost like he wanted to follow.
“No…no you go with your wife and take care of her. You both need to work up your strength. When this is all over we’re all going on vacation.” She reached out, touching Hangi’s arm. “Rest. Don’t worry.”
“Thats…Thats not it…” Hangi took her arm and looked up at Wukong who stood at her shoulder. “That lantern. The one that moon wolf said. It's still within the palace. They didn’t take it to the mountain like previously thought.” He looked up at the wolf. “It still sits there like the room is its throne. There are even soft whispers that come from it.”
His wife nodded as she took his hand.
“It's eerily spooky and I hated it.” She told them shivering cuddling closer to her husband who patted her shoulder.
“Come now love. We have to rest. It was ordered that way.” She nodded and yawned, she needed the rest…and perhaps something to eat.” She sighed as she continued to walk slowly following the female wolf who stopped every so often to allow for the monkeys to catch up.
Ming Yue watched as the other generals walked into the meeting room and looked up at the large chairs. Each one seemed to climb up with ease. Wukong held out his hand to her. Ma helped hoist her up. She was glad for the help, climbing up was beginning to hurt her arm.
Sitting back down at the table once again she picked up the tea cup and filled it again. She wished she could make a cloud like Wukong. It would make traveling so much easier. Wukong looked around at the wolf.
“So shall we take it from the top then?” Wukong asked the Wolf King who snorted
“Do I look like a circus clown?” The king looked at Ming Yue as she stood up so the others could see she was going to talk.
The generals hushed and gave her their attention. Which was odd, she was so used to them goofing off or playing around. This was them being serious and it was kind of scary.
It took her a moment to realize she was just standing there staring at them before she felt a tail tap her foot. She looked at Wukong and took a deep breath.
“Still doesn’t do well with crowds.” He told the wolf king who rolled his eyes.
“Must have gotten that from your father. Your mother was always outspoken.” He swished his tail back and forth before listening to his granddaughter speak
“It would seem Macaque came into possession of a relic my grandfather had stashed away. It's a lantern that holds the shadows of some pretty nasty monsters.” She sighed. “We think it's these monsters that have been influencing him.” She finished. The king sighed as he stood up pulling on something near the wall.
“We’re going to need to procure it so we can rid him of this…possession. If we can’t…I’m afraid this Macaque fellow will be lost to you all forever.” The King told them. This had Ming Yue’s heart clamp down hard.
She didn’t like the way she was treated by him, but this wasn’t him. This was those monsters telling him to do these things. It was horrible to think of it.
“I can go through the mirror and get the lantern back. I’m small and quiet. They’ll never suspect a thing.” Ming Yue told them. Wukong stood up and shook his head.
“Absolutely not. Macaque is a strong soldier and wouldn’t fall so easily. I’m sorry Ming Yue, but this fight is just us. You stay here and you lead our people…if I don’t come back to you.” He took her hand and kissed it.
“I’m afraid you baby her too much.” The moon king leaned down sniffing Ming Yue. She couldn’t help but giggle and push his nose away.
“I can fight just as good as mother did. I’ll be fine Wukong.” Ming Yue smiled at him as she was picked up and placed onto the floor.
“Give her some lighter clothing. These robes stink like that monkey.” Ming Yue looked down at her dress. It was torn, and muddy from the jungle. Oh how she wished she could have a bath too. But there was no time.
“You had better know what you’re doing, old wolf. If she gets hurt it's on your hyde.” Wukong growled out.
“For both of our sakes. I hope so too…”
Ming Yue jumped through the mirror and lightly padded down the hallway. She needed a way to get his attention. Well the only way she could think of was the best excuse she could think of.
Raid the kitchen
It was less likely to get noticed. She opened the cabinet and made as much noise as she possibly could, stuffing some of the truffles into her mouth. She liked the truffles.
“What are you doing?” The guard held a torch over his head and glared down at the female monkey who tried not to smile.
‘Well I got their attention…now will they bring me to Macaque?’ She thought as she was pulled along down the hallway into the throne room. Macaque glared down at her.
Macaque motioned with his hands for the guards to be dismissed. They bowed and left the room pulling the large golden doors shut.
“It's been a long time, Macaque.” Ming Yue narrowed her eyes at the ash-colored monkey.
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abbystanaccount · 3 years
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Uber Goober fans consider a reread of this story because another chapter is coming soon 🙏 i’ve been struggling to write a slow burn because I just wanna write cute little cuddly stuff with them but they’re not together yet 🤨 so I have a bunch of just random paragraphs of parts that’ll happen in the future, but I finally managed to almost write out the next section :3
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Top 20 2021
My Favorites (updated)
Hello my readers, it’s been a while since I just posted something not related to a headcanon and I am doing one right now. I just wanted to take a bit of a break to just get SOMETHING on here on my days off work. Plus I’m just trying to find my groove when it comes to writing again so hopefully this helps me just get back into the mood of making a post more often lol. I wanted to revisit this topic for a while just because we’ve had a lot more events and a lot more alts in the game were added. And I know for a fact LifeWonders reads these posts in some capacity because I have meme’d an AR into the game with my top picks from the last list I did for Christmas 2019. No I didn’t. I’m just joking around and I know LifeWonders doesn’t read this.
Anyways rather than just make up a list on the spot like last year I decided to use the Housamo Sortmaker (Link: https://club.housamo.xyz/sortmaker/ ) to try and make a list that’s more revealing to what I was thinking at the time. Since I talked about 20 characters ish last time I’m just gonna read from my 20th place to my 1st place spots and try to justify whatever I was thinking at the time. Anyways-
20: Marchosias and Susan: This one was a surprise for me if I’m being honest but I’m just gonna blame the fact on Shukou’s recent involvement with LifeWonders in the form of Live A Hero and how Ryekie and Mokdai live in my headspace rent free whenever I think about the characters in that game. Maybe we can see about getting some LAH headcanons since that’s a LifeWonders property too). So out of all the characters Shukou drew for Housamo why did I pick Marchosias? Easy, it’s been 4 years and this poor man has yet to receive a proper alt or any kind of skin for that matter and I think that it’s a crime. Sure he’s not my favorite but he’s definitely grown on me because he’s just a gentle dad kind of character and his design has grown on me over the years. I just hope he doesn’t get left behind since he has a lot of really interesting and potential things to look forward to in the future given how the main story has unfolded.
19: Shiva/Algernon: The helmet heads are together because DAI XT quickly became my favorite artist for Fire Emblem Heroes and I really just like their designs. DAI XT just knows how to draw robots, armor and muscles well. Also Chapter 11 with Shiva you can read into some interesting perspectives. I don’t want to spoil any of the untranslated content for anyone who’s waiting for the official english translation. But if you are curious Roureem has a blogspot where he posts summaries of the newly released events.
Link: https://housamosummaries.blogspot.com/
18: Cthugha: I love this goober so much. He’d constantly try to act super sentai just trying say good morning everyday. He may not be very bright but that just adds to his charm and honestly I enjoy how he always tries to play the hero in a lot of scenarios because it’s refreshing when they implement him after a bunch of heavy hitting story stuff. I’m not gonna spoil too much about it but I will say he’s more than welcome after everything Chapter 10 and 11 put the reader through.
17: Mineaki: I’ve made a post about him being one of my least favorites way back when I first started this blog and let me just say how times have changed and I’ve learned the value of not judging a book by it’s cover. I still think there’s something a bit off about Kowmei’s style for his characters, but Mineaki has definitely grown on me. He’s a caring instructor who does watch out for his students even if it’s not always in the most direct way possible. Not to get into too many spoilers he’s got a lot of intrigue around him as well and I am curious to see his role get expanded down the line.
16: Ded: Housamo is the reason I really like christmas. The Christmas stories despite following a similar structure to each other do tend to be my favorite stories. Ded himself is also just another good dad character. He’s also two guys for the price of one, so I mean… you know… you’ve got the forever ask your other dad situation. There wasn’t much thought put into this choice I just like santa as a concept because I think the outfits are cute, it’s always nice to get something for people you care about on Christmas and Ded is the perfect embodiment of both sides to Christmas.
15: Shinya: Everyone we need to manifest buff Shinya for 2021, this is not a drill. This is legitimate. We must make Taromati’s and my wish come true. To be more serious again he’s just a sweet and gentle character. He’s also drawn by my favorite Housamo artist. Their characters always just look so naturally good. I’m just surprised he hasn’t gotten much of an alt given he’s perfect material for Valentine’s day. He’s just a soft boy and I would love for him to be in more things because I just enjoy seeing him.
14: Jacob: I have to be honest Jacob is on here because every time I look at him he just gets more handsome to me. I wasn’t all that impressed with his introduction and we don’t know much about his background but I’ve just been drawn to him more and more. Maybe it’s just because he’s drawn by GomTang? I just like looking at him and I can’t help it. To speak a bit less crass he’s another gentleman kind of guy and those are always nice.
13: Shennong: Yeah I like the doc a lot. Firstly, I’m a huge sucker for big bulls and Shennong fits the bill. The white fur really adds to his appeal visually and the purple horns give off a bit of an unnatural appearance. Shen feels like someone who’s been touch starved and alone for a long time given how he acts as a character and when we actually hug him I just lost it. He always has others well being on his mind so he’s not afraid to jump in and help, or give a much needed lecture about when you need to take better care of yourself. He just comes across as very well balanced overall.
12: Heracles: I won’t lie- at first he didn’t interest me much. He looked incredibly plain when among the rest of the cast and he seemed like the typical “bait” character since the banner had Echo, Barguest, Gyumao and Snow. But after reading the translation for Valentine Time Slip I was taken aback at how much of a gentle giant he turned out to be and I just really liked his interactions with the others in that event. And honestly his special quest from that year was one of the more unique ones given the slower pace and more romantic vibe it had. After the event warmed my heart I did a complete 180 and I just knew I really liked him.
11. Yasuyori: Before I start praising him I feel I have to justify why he didn’t quite make top 10 and it will have some mild Chapter 10 spoilers. To be as vague as possible his resolution just didn’t vibe with me at the end of Chapter 10. Like it wasn’t a bad resolution and it was the right choice to make but in my opinion there really wasn’t a moment I felt was clear where he made a choice for himself. Everything just sort of happened around him and it felt like he didn’t really do much to improve his situation. To an extent I kind of see that being the idea given his origins and the story he’s based on and there is some semblance of him coming to terms with himself alongside his isolation being portrayed pretty well, but I just wasn’t satisfied with it as much as I would like to be. With that out of the way, oh my god I just want this boy to never stop smiling and I just want to give him hugs constantly please he just deserves to be happy!!! Yasuyori is a character who’s got a lot of baggage and he’s just trying to find ways to properly cope with his trauma and not repeat past mistakes and I just really like that idea. His role in Xmas 2020 (sorry I just forgot the name of that event, but its when he gets his alt) was a much better representation for his character in my eyes. I’m not gonna spoil anything like I keep saying but he isn’t one to disappoint in future appearances and I just hope this lovable lug keeps getting the support he deserves.
10: Hephaestus: A spicy way to start the latter half of the list. I just want to give this lad a hug and tell him he is worthy of love. But at the same time he is a little shit… and I love that. I can’t fully explain why I grow a paternal instinct in me seeing this grown man sob about his mother but I just do. I want to keep him safe and give him all the affection he wants. Though I am aware a lot of Hephaestus’s interest in his parental figure is… questionable. I am just gonna say I would accept his love for what it is and he just wants approval.
9. Shuten: I’ll be honest I have no proper reason for why I like Shuten so much. He’s just a cool and reliable guy. He just seems like a go with the flow kind of person most of the time and he’s a bit more direct than most of the characters which I always appreciate. Plus I have an unspoken bias for naop guys in Housamo.
8. Durga: While not number 1 on this list, I still really like Durga. She’s quirky but not to an annoying degree, she’s determined and definitely very confident in her own abilities. Her growing to be more sociable throughout her events is something I enjoy seeing because it really creates this sense of growth.
7. Kyuma: I get a lot of people don’t like Kowmei’s art but I really think we should look past it because Kyuma is one of the sweeter picks. He’s someone who just wants to prove himself for his own worth and not what David can provide, but David is part of him and it just creates the potential for a good arc. Plus this boy is unintentionally smooth and will just take your heart when possible. I honestly want to see Kyuma more in events because he’s honestly the jock that carries 3 of the 4 brain cells. He’s also the last one without an alt so I’m just hoping he gets one in 2021 because he really deserves one in my opinion. (Also fan art makes him really cute).
6. Tomte: Tomte is relatively new but honestly his event in 2019 really endeared me to him. I’m trying to be spoiler free because the best way to enjoy these stories is for yourselves but let me just say his arc in the event was really endearing to me and much more than I was expecting. His fan service is also incredibly hammy and I love it. Visually Tomte is one of my favorites, I love his multi colored hair and starlit pupils cuz it makes his otherwise more generic look have some flare. I knew I liked him out the box and when I read about him in the summaries and can’t wait to read the official translation for him. I was just very endeared.
5. Tetsuya: Tetsuya fucks. Moving on…
Jokes aside this one’s a bit simple. I have no shame in admitting I think he’s attractive and his whole resistance towards wanting a relationship is cute in a weird roundabout way. When he says no I just want it MORE. I just really like duo haired tsunderes.
4. Kengo: Kengo 3rd alt 2021. Please LifeWonders I need my favorite Summoner. He’s a bro and that’s what counts. Kengo has got your back, not afraid to rely on you, a very fun and dynamic guy. Sure he’s not that bright when it comes to making plans or any book smart, but there are times where he’s the best at being able to read the room or just understand what someone needs to hear even if it isn’t always what someone wants to hear. His bullheaded nature is actually one of his redeeming qualities because it’s nice to just not overcomplicate things and just understand what’s actually going on. Yes the early story didn’t do many favors for him but to me the events, especially the later ones, do much more work for his character. To me, at least.
3. Ashigara: Ashigara is best bear, and I will defend that stance in 2021. The main thing that draws me to Ashigara is that I can see a bit of myself in him. He gets very emotional when he gets left alone, he’s very loud when with his friends, has a tendency of speaking his mind- just someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. I also appreciate that in spite of the negative he isn’t someone who backs down when the going gets tough and in a few instances he’s able to hold his ground physically at least.
2. Wakan Tanka: Love at first sight. This ray of sunshine still persists as the number 1 husband, but number 2 character. Firstly I am a huge fan of the partial beast aesthetic. The buffalo ears and the horns  are absolutely adorable. Secondly he’s a perfect body type; he’s not too muscular but not exactly flabby. Third he is just so positive and I love that. He’s someone I admire and wanna hug.
1. Taurus Mask: The more things change the more they stay the same. I’m still a big Taurus Mask fan for all the same reasons as last time. I just… relate to this boy. He is an incredibly shy boy who uses his public persona for confidence. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it’s like we’re soul bros!
So yeah, my tastes haven’t changed in a year and a half.
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Lamia Drama Part 8
WELL THAT GOT LONGER THAN I INTENDED. But I guess that’s what happens when you have a majority of the people in one place XD
I hope this chapter went well... It felt kinda rambly, but it was fun seeing people play off each other. It was hard to get the same level of depth with characters as previous chapters with so many, but hey, interactions are fun too! Hope you guys enjoy.
As always, the species of lamia in this fic belong to @vex-bittys
           Keith and the rest found Alex pretty easily. And a few other lamia that were either allowed free roam or had just slipped out. She didn’t seem to notice the onlookers, more caught up in petting Oozy… who wasn’t technically in his hammock. Maybe it’s best he didn’t make that bet with Hux earlier. Sure, Oozy’s close to the hammock, but Hux would absolutely rules lawyer him and demand snacks because he’s not in the hammock. Hux was a rule stickler… when and only when it helped him in some way. Eh, Keith could roll with it though (even if his dice sometimes couldn’t, but that’s what a DM screen is for).
           Keith was hesitant to break up the cute moment between the two – Oozy was apparently having the time of his life, and Alex seemed pretty wrapped up in it herself, humming some tune or another while stroking him. Keith listened, trying to place it, but…
           She was repeating it, huh? Was that the only part of the song she knew? Then again, it seemed like the good part, whatever it was. Easy enough to pick up too. Keith started humming along.
Hux rolled his eyes, mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like “great, two of them” and slithered over, “Yo. Girl person. Ya coming or what?”
Alex looked up, “I mean, yeah, I think? Coming where?”
“nooooooooo…” Oozy said, taking her hand and putting it back on his head. “Sorry guys. I’m stealing her. She’s my personal petter now. That’s the rules.”
“Since when?!” Hux said.
Oozy looked a moment, then licked her hand. “I licked her, she’s mine.”
Keith stared at him in shock, not sure whether to laugh or slap him. “Dude.”
Nikolai gave a heavy sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “Don’t lick party members. Or people in general.”
           “How does that work anyways? You’re a skeleton,” Alex said.
           “Maaaagic,” Keith said, wiggling his fingers in emphasis. “In other words, uh… Monster biology is weird. Or half monster biology. Whatever the fuck we are.”
           Nikolai nodded, “More or less, yes. I can explain it in more detail later, if you’d prefer.” He started coming forward and Alex inched away. Keith hissed before he could catch himself, but Nikolai didn’t seem offended. Instead, he lowered himself in a bow, “And I’d like to apologize for how I acted earlier… I’ll admit I, erm… Overreacted. But we’ve had issues in the past of people coming in to steal babies or eggs, one of the fools tried to snag a mamba egg and got himself killed. I just get a bit jumpy about strangers around them.”
           Alex nodded, relaxing a little, but still staring off at a clock instead of Nikolai. Her hand continued to run across Oozy as she said, “I get it. They’re just little dudes, too freaking small. And some are venomous. Not like you knew me.”
           “Still, I should’ve given you more of a chance or at least asked you politely to leave before turning to threat displays,” Nikolai said.
           “Eh… It was my fault,” Keith said. “I should’ve warned ya I was bringing someone in. Anyways, let’s try this again. Alex, this is Nikolai. He could probably fuck you up, but he’s everyone’s mom.”
           Nikolai made no move to deny it.
           “Hux here is the grumpy snake. He’ll warm up to ya.”
           “No I won’t.”
           Keith rolled his eyes, “He’s just a grump.”
           Hux mumbled to himself.
           “I think you’ve met Oozy pretty well by now.”
           “Sup,” Oozy said, making absolutely zero movement.
           “And, erm… Nikolai, you’ve got Trousle, right.”
           “Hello human! I’m Trousle! Please let me say hi.” Said Trousle’s little speaker. He was poking out from Nikolai’s sleeve, apparently wrapped around his arm.
           “He’s mute, but he’s pretty fast at typing. Got his own phone and everything,” Keith said, watching this girl intently. Apparent soulmate or not, if she was dick about Trousle, she was out of here. She might’ve earned Oozy’s enthusiastic (well… enthusiastic by his standards, dude looked like a kid in a candy store, but the world’s laziest kid) approval, but he wasn’t going to let an asshole mess with the little dude. Hux would warm up, that was more him being a bit of an ass than her, but he’d get over it… probably.
           “Oh that’s cool! Do you have a phone number? Honestly I think my fingers work better than my mouth sometimes, but I guess talking out loud doesn’t really have a backspace key? But yeah! C’mere… Wait, I can hold him, right? Snakes are just, like, noodle puppies.” She paused, looking at everyone in the room. “I’d offer to hold you guys, but I am literally the second smallest person in here. I mean, guess we can try, but I don’t think it’ll go well?”
           Keith snorted. Gosh, she was something, huh? A little awkward, but who wouldn’t be super awkward in this situation?
           Nikolai brought Trousle over and she draped him around her neck. He nuzzled her cheek, giving her little scratches behind the ear.
           … should someone tell him that she’s not a dog?
           Naaaaaaaaaah. She didn’t seem to mind anyways,
           Hux made a fake-gagging gesture at the two and Keith rolled his eyes, whispering at them, “Oh let’em have this. It’s cute.”
           “I’m getting diabetes. Like, right now. They’re just beaming diabetes across the room.”
           “Be nice,” Nikolai said, “It’s not going to kill you to have to actually smile at a human once in a while.”
           “Yes it will. It’s, like, a terminal thing. If I smile at a human, I will instantly turn to dust.”
           No such condition had ever existed and likely never would.
           Keith’s first instinct was to back up Nikolai, but it was almost an in-joke that he’d at least try to defend Hux no matter how clearly in the wrong the guy was. Admittedly, it was as often as not either due to boredom or just feeling bad for the guy…
           It’s not like Hux didn’t have a point – a point that he had iterated in frustrated, sometimes tear-filled tirades at least a few dozen times. He didn’t want to be treated like a pet, he’s allowed to not want to be a pet. Sure, not every adopter is like that. Some might’ve been looking for pets, yeah, but just as many want a kid or a friend, especially with full sized lamia. It could be more or less just like adopting any other monster, save for needing a good deal more raw meat. But Hux didn’t see it that way… Not that Keith ever blamed him. There wasn’t a huge market for full-sized Corals, their reputation as being stubborn, a bit lazy, and tsundere as hell was cute in something you could pick up and snuggle as it chirped indignantly and secretly enjoyed it – like an extra intelligent, reptilian cat – but less so when it was just as big as you and probably stronger. Everyone wanted a housecat, no one wanted a mountain lion. Or those that did need something to growl and hiss would probably pick Kings or Mambas.
           Nikolai gave a long-suffering sigh, “You will not turn to dust if you’re forced to be nice every now and then.”
           “Yeah I will. It’ll, like, strangle my soul or some shit. Keith, back me up here. Tell ‘im.”
           Nikolai had the distinct impression of a haggard mom trying to reason with an unruly kid. He just looked so done. Dude could handle customers, angry mamba moms, being a jungle gym for babies, and training employees who may or may not have believed he knew he what he was doing, but Hux was his breaking point.
           Keith stifled a chuckle, stuffing his hands in his pockets as his mind worked over what to do… He didn’t want to just abandon Hux – Nikolai would know it was just him being a loyal bro – but Alex wouldn’t. She might not’ve been looking at them, but he caught the way she kept glancing over…
           “Welp, ya heard him. He’s sick. I prescribe ten CC’s of coffee with extra sugar and bribery with shiny objects.”
           Hux’s head popped up, body at attention. “I’m listening… How many shiny objects are we talking.”
           “… we’re not bribing him.”
           “I’ve got extra dice?” Alex said hesitantly. Trousle was looking at her in concern, patting her face. She said, “I mean, I kinda like having all my dice, but I guess I don’t need seven sets… I’m keeping the black ones though, they’re good for fight scenes. And the orange ones, they were my first set ever and are not for sale. Also, the green and purple ones are just a fae vibe, I’m keeping them. They’re just average, but I like them.” Pause. “And the lesbian dice are mine. They won’t like you anyways, you’re a boy.”
           All of them nodded understandingly. You could only play DnD so long and not get irrationally attached to the colorful little click clack rocks of fate.
           “That counts as one shiny object,” Hux said.
           “There are seven in each set!” Pause. “Well, more or less. I’ve lost some over the years.”
           “You’ve got a point… More dice for the dice dragon! Mwahahahah!” Hux said, hamming it up.
           Keith’s mouth twitched into a grin as he shook his head at the goof. How was he this cute? Just… goober. His friend is a total goof sometimes.
           “Can I try the lesbian dice?” Trousle asked, holding himself at an awkward position to type.
           “I… I guess? Just give them back after…” Alex said. She ran a finger across Trousle’s head, smiling as he let out little breathy attempts to “Nyeh.”
           “Why are they lesbians anyways? Do they only work for girls?” Nikolai said.
           “Here, lemme show you.” She unzipped one of the pouches on her bag and brought out a baggy full of dice that were lesbian flag colored. “My friend got them for me for Christmas.”
           “That’s amazing. I want twelve,” Keith said.
           “You’re not a lesbian… or a girl! I think… I mean, if there’s something you want to tell us, that’s fine, but I was under the impression you weren’t even interested in relationships,” Nikolai said.
           “Maybe I could get, like… Dice that are for people who are just no.”
           “Ace and aro. Probably,” Alex said.
           “Oh cool. Words for it. Nice!”
           “Give me words for friends with everyone! I want a flag too!”
           “I… I don’t know if there’s a flag for that? Maybe we could put a dog on a flag? It’d be hard to make dice with dogs on them though,” Alex said.
           “Ya could put a little dog face on every side and interpret the roll based on how much they’re a Good Boy,” Keith said.
           “That would only roll Nat 20’s,” Alex said, deadpan.
           “… good point. It could be the luckiest dice,” Keith said, grinning.
           “I AM THE GOODEST BOY. Give me dog dice.” Trousle said, tucking the phone away to throw his little fists in the air, a gleam in his eye as he sat on Alex’s head.
           Keith laughed. “Oh my gosh. I mean, that sounds adorable, but, uh… I think that miiiiight be a little too game breaking, even for me.”
           “Give me dog dice.” He slithered back down to around Alex’s neck, holding himself out towards Keith the best he could and giving some mix between a glare and a pout.
           “Trousle no.”
           “Trousle YES,” Alex said.
           Troulse nodded enthusiastically, bouncing in place so hard that he fell off and Alex yelped as she caught him.
“Are you alright?!”
           Trousle gave a thumbs up, coiling around her arm.
           Oozy had apparently fallen asleep on the floor, so Hux poked him with a stick, making Oozy whine. “Soooooo… Are we gonna get Glitterass, or are we just shadow banning him from this? I mean, I wouldn’t say no if we are…”
           “We should probably go get him, yeah,” Keith said. “Ya ready Alex? Liam’s a mamba, and one of his eyes don’t work. Try to stay on his good side, literally. Metaphorically too if you want, but he doesn’t like having people where he can’t see or hear them well.” Not that anyone would like that, just courtesy really, but maybe not something you’d think of immediately.
           Alex nodded, “Alright, let’s go!”
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carrisarune · 4 years
In Your Eyes
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Note: Continuing on the train and seeing where this goes. Just churning these out as soon as I finish and will edit as I go along
Tags: @jamespotterthefirst @schnitzelbutterfingers
The minute Rai saw that his shift had ended, he wanted to cry in relief. He quickly went over to the atrium to meet with Sienna and finds her dressed in her casual clothes and waiting. She smiles upon seeing him, “Hey! You survived! Ready to hit the bar?” she asked. “More than ready” Rai enthused, “Great outfit by the way” admiring the denim jacket and red shirt ensemble she had on. When Sienna asked him if he had anything to wear at the bar, and even mentioned Dr. Ramsey frequented there, Rai felt his cheeks flush. He still felt a tad embarrassed that he nearly blew his top at the man, but a drink would be real nice at the moment. 
As he heard Jackie call for them and Bryce declaring the first round was on him, Rai made a dash to change clothes. Looking through what he had in his locker, he changed into a sleeveless emerald hoodie and form fitting black pants. A quick tie of his combat boots had him ready and stepping out to meet the others once more. At the sight of him, Sienna gives a wolf whistle, “I hope you’re single, because you are going to clean up tonight!” causing Rai to flush.
“Well, if you happen to find anyone interested in a gay doctor, you might have to give me a shove” he joked. Seeing Bryce about to speak up, he pointed at the man, “Sorry there Fabio, but incorrigible flirts ain’t my type, so might as well mosey on” his words causing the girls to snort. Hand on his chest in mock pain, Bryce cried, “You wound me Rai! I thought we had a moment earlier.” 
In response, Rai gave a laugh and went over to Bryce to swing an arm around his shoulders. “You’ll recover, in the best case scenario, we’ll be each other’s wingman, now come on, I’ve been craving a cocktail all day” he urged. With the group leaving in laughter, they soon reached the bar. 
Donahue’s was exactly as Rai expected a bar frequented by medical help to be; dark, dingy, and completely packed. Thankfully, Sienna seemed to know her way through the crowd and led them to where Landry and Elijah had commandeered a booth. Landry looked anxious as he cried, “Come on! There’s still… sixty seven seconds left in happy hour!” to which Elijah waved the worry away by stating they were all in debt anyway. 
“I’ll toast to that!” Jackie declared, “And relax, Landry, I put in quite a few orders before the buzzer” pointing out a waitress bringing in a tray packed to the brim with tequila shots. 
Rai blinked at the sight while Sienna exclaimed, “You want to start with tequila?” Jackie shrugged, “Start, finish, and everything in between” she responded. Everyone grabbed a shot glass and after toasting to finishing their first shift, took it. For a lack of a better word, the stuff was strong. When the next toast was to new friends, Rai grinned and gave Elijah a fist bump then Sienna a side hug. 
He started when he was asked to make a toast and paused to think. Then, giving a grin he declared, “To becoming amazing doctors and a bright future!” and everyone gave a cheer before taking the shot. 
Elijah then announces a need to dance and moved to the jukebox while Sienna and Rai stepped out of the booth to let Jackie out. Landry on the other hand, had stated a need for a water break much to Jackie’s teasing. Rai had taken a seat once more to order a cocktail when he noticed Landry staring at the bar. Following his gaze, he spots a pretty girl at the end. “She’s cute! You should go talk to her” Rai encouraged, but Landry shot the suggestion down, saying how he wasn’t good with flirting. 
Even with Rai offering to be a wingman, Landry turned it down. Shrugging at his reluctance and offering one last encouragement, Rai stepped out of the booth. Just as he did, he felt a sharp pain in his ribs as a sneering frat guy forces his way to the bar. Sienna, who spotted the encounter, yelled, “Hey! You just ran over my friend!” in indignance. If possible, the guy’s sneer deepened, “So?” he asked with a raised brow. 
This only made Sienna angrier as she exclaimed, “So apologize! Or were you raised somewhere where they don’t teach manners?” Seeing Sienna riled up and the guy not willing to back down, Rai quickly stepped up. He turned to the man, and suddenly, it was as if the room’s temperature dropped. A sharp smile had painted over Rai as he unknowingly gazed at the man with the same icy gaze he did Dr. Ramsey earlier. “It’s alright, it was just a misunderstanding and I’m sure you’ll be careful next time, right?” while his words were pleasant, the look in Rai’s eyes were anything but. 
The man gave a gulp as a shiver ran through him. He quickly nodded, then with a gruff apology, scurried away. Sienna gazed at Rai with wide eyes, “Woah, you gotta teach me that; you made being nice so scary” she enthused and Rai gave a laugh. He was about to speak up when a Marvin Gaye slow jam plays from the jukebox. “Now we’re talking! To everyone in the bar, you’re welcome” Elijah called with a grin. 
Jackie turned to Rai and invited him to dance. He was about to accept when he hears Bryce call him over for a game of darts with a crew of rowdy surgical interns. As he gave a wave, he spotted Dr. Ramsey peacefully drinking in a secluded corner of the bar. When he looked up and their eyes met, Rai could feel the back of his neck turn warm. Deciding to dance off his nervous energy, he joins Jackie on the dance floor where she is moving gracefully. 
“Damn Jackie, should I get a stick to ward off anyone feeling grabby?” Rai joked before laughing as Jackie shoved him and told him to shut up. She then pulled him in to join her and he began swaying to the music. As they danced to the music, Jackie asked, “So, we’re cool over what happened today right?” and Rai titled his head at her in confusion. He shuffled his feet to the beat, “”What’s there to be upset about? I was the one who panicked like a goober, and the important thing is that Annie is okay and will live a long and healthy life” Rai responded with a shrug. 
The two stared at each other for a moment before Jackie stated, “Oh god, I knew I wasn’t going to like you” her words causing Rai to pause and blink in confusion. Jackie rolled her eyes as he saw the male’s confusion.
“You’re a do-gooder. Add that to what I already know…”
“Wait what”
“Which is?”
“You’re smart… you’re actually good under pressure… and you’re basically a puppy”
Stepping close to him, she smooshed his cheeks in her hands, “A. puppy'' she intoned, “All yappy and peppy, basically the worst! I just don’t know what to do with you” she sighed before giving his cheeks one last smoosh then ruffling his hair. “Sorry?” Rai offered in confusion and Jackie gave an amused huff before urging him to dance once more. Rai danced to one more song before grabbing the cocktail he ordered and heading over to Bryce and the group of surgeons. 
The surgical intern grinned as he spotted him coming over. When he introduced Rai to the others as the only good medical intern, Rai gave a mock gasp, “Bryce how dare you forget the delights that are Sienna and Elijah!” His words caused Bryce to laugh before he asked if Rai was thinking of switching teams. In response Rai simply raised his pointer fingers to make an X and playfully stuck out his tongue. 
Once again, Bryce donned a mock look of pain, “Is it your goal to constantly hurt me Hayashi? Cause it’s working” he dramatically mourned. “Oh please, we all know my words are pokes at best” Rai retorted before escaping an attempted noogie from the male. Bryce huffed before a cheshire grin crossed his face, “Well, since you’re here to play, why not make things interesting?” he offered. Rai gave an answering smirk, “Winner buys the other’s team round?” he wagered. 
The two shook on it and upon announcing the wager, the two groups cheered. It was a close game and soon the two were tied. Both were on the last dart and as Rai was taking aim, Bryce was clearly trying to distract him by whispering goads. Rolling his eyes, Rai ignored him and managed to make a good shot. The surgical interns groaned at the sight of it while Bryce commended him. As Bryce was setting up for his shot, an idea popped in Rai’s head and he gave a mischievous grin. 
Moving close to his ear, Rai softly cleared his throat then, “Better be careful friend, those darts are mighty sharp” he stated in his Kermit the Frog voice. “W-what the fuck” Bryce spluttered in laughter as he made his shot. The dart flew through the air before haphazardly sticking to the outer rim of the board. While the surgical interns groaned at Bryce’s loss, the man turned to Rai, still spluttering in laughter. 
Grasping Rai’s shoulder he slowly stopped laughing and asked, “Was that what I think he was?” taking a breath as he did. Rai grinned then, tilting his head slightly, spoke, “Meega, nala kweesta!” in Stitch’s voice, even going as far as adding the famous laugh. At that, Bryce went  into another laughing fit, spluttering how surprising Rai could be. “Don’t you owe me and my friends a round?” Rai reminded as Bryce caught his breath once more. Once Bryce calmed down, he called for drinks for Rai and his friends and the group enjoyed a round. 
While taking a sip of his drink, Rai finds his eyes straying to where Dr. Ramsey was. For what felt like forever, he internally debated with himself. Then, resolving himself, he took a deep gulp of liquid courage before placing down his glass. He whispered to Sienna, “Wish me luck” and only managed to hear a soft gasp before he was determinedly walking to the bar. He emtally chanted to be calm before taking a seat beside Dr. Ramsey. 
An unreadable look was on the man’s face and Rai could only shyly ask, “Is something wrong Dr. Ramsey?” the man’s gaze making him feel warm and his wrist tingle. “Just noticing how… different you look out in the real word” he stated. Rai tried to fight his blush down when the bartender approached and asked for his order. Taking a glance at Dr. Ramsey’s empty glass, Rai confidently ordered, “Two scotches, neat.” The bartender was quick in serving the drinks and Rai slid one to Dr. Ramsey.
The moment the attending took the drink with a smile of approval, Rai had to fight down a grin. 
After giving the drink a sniff, Dr. Ramsey asked, “Why neat instead of on the rocks” though Rai could hear a subtle challenge in his tone. “The ice changes the flavor” Rai answered before taking a sip to hide his smile when Dr. Ramsey confirmed his answer. But when he continued with, “You know I can’t be bribed into favoring you, right?”, Rai placed down the cup and looked at in embarrassment.
“Actually… this is more of an apology for nearly losing my temper with you earlier” Rai admitted, “I understood what you were doing but I… got emotional, I am grateful that you pushed me to do better today” flush spreading throughout his face. A beat of silence passed between the two before Dr. Ramsey signalled the bartender and order for ‘two specials’, surprising Rai when he called the bartender by name. Looking from the bartender to Dr. Ramsey, Rai asked, “You two old friends?” 
Dr. Ramsey raised a brow in surprise, “What makes you say that?” he asked. Rai gave a shrug, “Only way bartenders allow you to call them by name is if you’re old friends, an overly frequent customer, or both” he stated matter-of-factly. The two’s eyes met, then, Dr. Ramsey revealed, “It’s both” and Rai hums. Before he could stop himself, Rai found himself asking if there was anyone waiting for Dr. Ramsey at home. As Rai mentally smacked himself with a cartoon hammer, Dr. Ramsey seemed to hesitate answering. 
“I’ll come here even when I do. I need some buffer between the hospital and the world. An airlock” his intense blue eyes pierced into Rai as he solemnly stated, “Don’t take the job home with you, Rai.” Pinching himself to remind himself to breathe, Rai found himself blurting, “I’ll keep that in mind… but you didn’t answer my question” then mentally questioned HOW drunk he was. The moment Dr. Ramsey responded with a negative though, Rai quickly squashed any… untoward thoughts brought about from his drunkenness. 
It was almost a relief when the two specials arrived. Rai quickly took a sip at Dr. Ramsey’s suggestion and licked his lips in delight. If he had a tail, it would be wagging as he exclaimed, “That’s amazing!” to Dr. Ramsey’s amusement. “Either you’re sucking up to me, or you’ve got surprisingly refined taste for an intern” he stated. Rai gave a grin and shrugged, “I’m full of surprises” he said and Dr. Ramsey countered, “You’ll have to prove that.” 
Then, he holds up his glass and toasts, “To your intern year. In the hopes you don’t completely blow everything you worked your whole life for.’ This causes Rai to snort in laughter before he clinks their glasses together and finishes the drink. After thanking Dr. Ramsey for his time, he rejoined his friends for the next few hours. The group drank late into the night before they decided they had enough. With a round of water to help them in going home, Rai made a toast of gratitude to the new friends he met. 
Though Jackie teased him by declaring him the sappy drunk of the group and Landry told him he could thank him by getting Dr. Ramsey to know his name, he felt a happy warmth. That is until they all stepped out and shared their living arrangement woes, especially when they had a shift in a few hours. Suddenly, Sienna gave the bright idea of them getting an apartment together. Rai was more than on board with the idea and the group agreed to make more plans tomorrow. 
Just as Rai was heading home, he happened to glance down at his bracelet. Without warning, his mind decided to flash back to all the moments he had with Dr. Ramsey throughout the day. The moment he recalled his gaze in the bar and the warmth felt from sharing a drink with the man, Rai froze. “(Oh. Oh NO)” he cried in his mind, before scrambling off his stop and rushing home. Once inside his room he quickly opened up his chat with his best friend. 
IPourtheTea: SOS o(*´д`*)o
ImTHATB: o.O did u stab someone?
IPourtheTea: ಠ_ಠ
IPourtheTea: What? No!
ImTHATB: Yea I thought it was too early, so is this high alert SOS or gay panic SOS?
ImTHATB: FINALLY! Tell mama all the deets bae OwO
IPourtheTea: One, not my mom. Two, I think Im into my boss
ImTHATB: Ooohh! New kink, congrats bby
IPourtheTea: Hannah this is serious! Im not supposed to be into my boss! HES MY BOSS. Not to mention one of the top and strictest attendings in the hospital. HED MURDER ME ヽ ( ꒪д꒪ )ノ
ImTHATB: Nice, hot boss with BDE. Ive taught u well
IPourtheTea: Hannah!!! ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻ Just because he has intense blue eyes and a killer jawline plus a voice that could melt me ajfbjasbfkjs
ImTHATB has changed IPourtheTea’s name to BabyDoesGayPanic
BabyDoesGayPanic: NOT.HELPING!
BabyDoesGayPanic: ajfbhjkasfhjkds
BabyDoesGayPanic has logged off
Groaning in frustration, Rai buried his face in his pillow and prayed things would calm down for him tomorrow
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girlontheinternet12 · 3 years
Out of the Spotlight
Today, I am posting another story. This ones a sequel to my story In the Spotlight. Blake and Noah take over as the performers for the rest of Brenna’s tour, so they go all over Europe. After Brenna reads an interview with Blake and Noah in a magazine, she gets concerned that fame is going to Blake’s head. 
Chapter  1
We went to London to do some recording after Paris, but after that we went back to New York for the Holidays. Blake and Noah had been signed to my label. Blake and I were at what was now our loft. He had Christmas music playing. We were drinking wine. “I can’t wait for the Christmas party.” Blake said. Our record label was having a Christmas party. “Me too, I can’t wait to spend our first Christmas together.” I said. He leaned in closer to me. His dark eyes looking back into mine. His lips lingering before he kisses me. My phone buzzed interrupting the moment. “It’s just Joan reminding me about my photo shoot tomorrow.” I said. Joan had booked me a photoshoot in Times Square. After, Blake was going to take me to the Tenth Bar where he and Noah previously worked. Buttercup and Peanut were sleeping next to each other next to the record player. I was also going to meet The new keyboardist for the backup band. “Why don’t we end the night like we always do.” he said, taking my hand. We started dancing. Noah still thinks we are bad dancers. The next day, when I woke up I put my earbuds in and played Starman by David Bowie as I started getting ready. Blake was still asleep. For makeup, I didn’t need to wear any, since I’ll be getting my makeup done at the photo shoot. All I needed to do for my skin was to wash my face. The makeup artist will handle everything else. I put my hair up in a messy bun. I wore a nice outfit, since I was going to the bar afterward. “G’morning.” Blake said as I walked into the kitchen. “You’re up.” I said. “Yup, want a pancake?” he asked. “Sure.” I said. I sat at the bar and ate breakfast with Blake. “Okay, I have to go now.” I said. “You can’t stay for another?” asked Blake jokingly. “If I do, I’ll be late.” I said, kissing him. My hand was touching his curly brown locks. “Okay, but you know I’ll miss you.” he said, jokingly. I walked to the elevator. “I already miss you.” I said in a fake sweet voice. Blake laughed. “Bye.” I said as I got on the elevator. I got outside the building and Gary was there waiting for me. “Hey Gary.” I said hugging him. “Good to see you again.” he said. “It’s good to see you too.” I said. I put my earbuds on again as I got in the car. I put the song You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall and Oates on. I smiled as I thought about Blake. He makes my dreams come true. We arrived in Times Square quickly. I got into hair and makeup. Joan was there. Gary walked in and accidentally bumped into Joan. “Oh, Sorry Joan didn’t see you there.” Gary said. “Oh, it’s okay Gary.” she said. I could feel that it was something more than just an accidental bump, it was their meet cute. A meet cute, is the part of the story or film where the couple meets for the first time. The shoot was for a magazine. I had already done the interview. “Great Brenna.” the photographer said as I posed in Marilyn Monroe- like white dress. The shoot took a few hours. I changed into my nice outfit I had on earlier.“Before you leave, let me introduce you to Crystal, the backup band’s backup band’s new keyboardist.” Joan said. Crystal had dark skin, a half shaved head, and dark eyes. The half that wasn’t shaved was dyed blue and braided. “Hey Crystal, I’m Brenna.” I said. “Hey, nice to meet you.” she said. Blake met me at Times Square. “Blake, this is Crystal, the new keyboardist.” I said. “Nice to meet you, Crystal.” said Blake as she shook her hand. Crystal smiled. “Ready?” he asked me. “Yep.” I said as he took my hand. We walked over to the Tenth Bar. Noah was already there. “Hey.” he said. “Hey man.” said Blake as he fist bumped Noah. “Hey.” I said. The bar was nicer than I imagined. It was actually pretty high class. The stage where the band performed was huge. My eyes were caught on a face across the room. A guy with short dark red hair up in a quiff, pale skin and blue eyes. I walked over to him. “Harrison Ackridge, is that you? I said. He turned to me and took a second to recognize me. “Oh my gosh, Brenna Young. I haven’t seen you since freshman year in high school in Florida.” he said. Before I moved to California, I lived in Tampa, Florida. Harrison was my best friend. We had been since we were 4. We were inseparable, that is until I moved to Los Angeles. We hugged. “How are you doing? How did you get to New York?” I asked. “I’m doing great! I actually work for Vogue.” Harrison said. “That’s awesome. I assume you know what I’ve been up to.” I said. “Of course, I’m your biggest fan. I’m sorry about your parents.” he said. He looked toward Blake and Noah who were watching us. “Oh my gosh, is that Blake Edwards?” asked Harrison. Since Blake signed to my record and started putting videos on YouTube, his fame has skyrocketed. “Yep.” I said. “You are so lucky that he is your boyfriend. I mean he’s gorgeous.” Harrison said. “I know right.” I said. “Here let me give you my phone number.” said Harrison. “How’s your love life?” I asked as we traded phone numbers. “Not great, I seem to attract crazy guys.” said Harrison. Harrison came out to me before I left Florida. Blake and Noah had walked over. “So are you going to introduce me?” Blake said, putting his arm around me. I laughed. “Blake, this is Harrison, we were best friends before I moved to California.” I said. “Nice to meet you.” said Blake. “You guys seemed to have rekindled the friendship.” said Noah. I smiled. “I’m glad I found another friend besides these goobers.” I said. “I thought we were more than friends.” Blake said, jokingly as he kissed my cheek. “Of course we are.” I said returning the kiss. “Me too.” Harrison said as he hugged me. “I have missed you so much.” he said when Blake and Noah were out of earshot. “Let’s perform again for old time sake.” Blake said to Noah. “Yeah.” Noah said, already heading towards the stage. They went on the stage, while I stayed and sat with Harrison. They performed Just Like Heaven by The Cure. After they finished performing Blake walked to me. “Brenna, you should perform.” he said. “No.” I said. “I want to see you perform.” said Harrison. Blake went on stage. “Ok, who would like to see my friend Brenna Young perform?” he said to the audience. The audience cheered.   Then after Blake, they started chanting my name. Noah banged his symbol with the beat of the chant. “Ok, fine.” I said walking on stage. “What do you want me to perform?” I asked. “How about Blondie’s One way or Another?” asked Blake. “Sure.” I said. As I started singing Blake smiled at me. I hadn’t had that much fun on stage in a while. When I walked off stage Harrison ran up to me. “That was great.” he said, excitedly. After a few drinks and songs later, Blake and I went back to our loft. We were a little drunk. Okay, we were very drunk. We were very giggly. We were at the point where you’re so drunk that everything is hilarious. When we got back to our loft, Blake put on Cradle of Love by Billy Idol. He walked to me and put his hands on my waist and kissed my neck. He started unbuttoning my shirt. I pulled his shirt off. We took our pants off and kissed each other again and again. Before we knew it, we were naked on the couch having sex. “Let’s move this to the bedroom.” Blake said. He grabbed my hand and led me to our bedroom. I don’t remember anything after that. 
Chapter 2 
The next day, Blake and I both woke up with horrible hangovers. I spend most of the morning with my head in the toilet. I walked back into the kitchen. “Here, you’ll want some water.” Blake said. “Thanks.” I said. We spent the day in our loft. We put the Christmas tree up as well as other decorations. Later that night, Noah came over. “I’m surprised you guys aren’t more hungover.” Noah said. “You should have seen us earlier.” Blake said, turning the fireplace on. My phone rang. I looked at it. It was Crystal. “Hey.” I said. “Oh no, yes, you can stay at Blake and I’s loft.”  I said. “Okay, see ya.” I said. “Crystal’s flight back to L.A was cancelled because of the snow. I told her she could stay here, is that okay?” I said. “Of course.” Blake said. “Who’s Crystal?” asked Noah. “Crystal is the new keyboardist for the backup band.” I said. I heard the buzz of the doorbell. “Can I come up?” Crystal asked. “Yep, I’ll buzz you in.” I said. I pressed the button to let the elevator know she can come up. The elevator opened and she walked in with her bags. “Hey.” she said, hugging me. ‘Hi.” I said. “You remember Blake and this is Noah.” I said. “Hey.” said Blake. Noah was speechless. “We don't have an extra bed, but you're welcome to sleep on the couch.” Blake said. “Trust me, it’s a really comfy couch.” I said. “I’ll take your word for it. Thanks, by the way.” she said. “No problem.” Blake and I said at the same time. “Jinx.” I said. Then, Blake kissed me. “There’s one thing we like to do before bed to end the night on a good note.” Blake said. “Please don’t dance.” Noah said. Blake went over to the record player and put on We Didn’t Start The Fire by Billy Joel. Blake and I started dancing. “Are you going to join us?” I asked Crystal. “Hell Yeah.” Crystal said. Noah started leaving. “Come on, join in the fun.” Crystal said. For once, Noah danced with us. “I think someone is developing a crush.” said Blake when Noah was out earshot. I laughed. Noah decided to stay night at our loft. He slept on the couch with Crystal. The next morning, Blake made pancakes. “These are delicious, Blake.” said Crystal. “Thanks.” said Blake. “Pancakes are about the only thing he can make.” I said. “Hey.” said Blake in mock offense. Crystal and Noah laughed. After breakfast, Blake and I took a walk in Central Park. Central Park looks pretty in the snow. At lunch we had a meeting with Joan to talk about the next half of the tour next year. So after our walk, we went to meet Joan at her office. Gary was waiting for us outside the building of our loft. “Ready?” he asked. “Yep.” I said. Blake nodded. In the limo, Blake played Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede and we sang along all the way to the office. Noah was already there when we got there. “Hey.” Noah said. “So, tell me, what’s this crush you have on Crystal?” I asked. “What? I don’t have a crush on Crystal.” he said, not doing a good job hiding his feelings. “Dude it’s obvious you like her.” Blake said. We walked into Joan’s office. “Hey Joan.” said Gary, awkwardly. “Oh, hello Gary.” said Joan, blushing. “Looks like someone else also has a crush.” I said, looking at Gary and Joan. Blake laughed. “Okay, so what are we going to do about the next half of the tour?” asked Joan. “I was thinking maybe Blake and Noah could take over my tour, They could perform some of their cover songs.” I said. “I’m up for it.” Blake said. “Me too.” said Noah. “Okay, I guess that 
Chapter 3
 A few weeks later, it was time for the company Christmas party. Which was a big deal, there many stars and big record producers there. Crystal’s flight was going to be a while, so she just decided to spend the holidays in NYC. Noah let her stay at his place, so she wouldn’t have to sleep on a couch anymore. Blake and I were waiting for Hair, Makeup, and Wardrobe to come and help us get ready for the Christmas party. They finally came. “Your hair is amazing.” Blake’s hair stylist, Ashley, said. “Hey, don’t flirt with my boyfriend.” I said in mock offense. “Sorry, you're so lucky you get to be with him.” she said. Blake laughed. I wore a long, white sleeveless dress with a silver wrap. I had a nude brown, sparkly eyeshadow on with a pinkish-nude lipstick. I wore my dark hair straight. Blake wore a black tuxedo with a black bowtie. “Wow.” Blake said. “Wow yourself.” I said. “M’lady.” Blake said with his arm out. I took his arm and we left the loft. Gary was waiting by a stretch limo outside the building. He wore a suit. “Looking good Gary.” I said. “Thanks, you two look great.” he said. “Thanks.” Blake and I said. “Jinx.” Blake said. I laughed and kissed his cheek. Gary opened the limo door when we got to the party. We got out and saw cameras flashing everywhere. There was a lot of screaming. We walked the red carpet and let the paparazzi take photos of us. Noah and Crystal were ahead of us. Crystal looked amazing in her red sleeveless dress with a black wrap. Noah looked great in his tuxedo identical to Blake’s. We even got a picture of all of us. Joan was already in there when got in the building. Her red hair which was normally up was down and she wasn’t wearing her glasses which made her eyes pop. She wore a light blue long sleeved dress. She looked amazing. “Joan, you look amazing.” I said. “Thanks.” she said. Gary came in and his jaw practically dropped when he saw Joan. Blake, Noah, Crystal, and I went around and talked to different producers. Joan had said to do that. After the Christmas Party, Blake and I went back to the loft and watched It’s a Wonderful Life. We ended up falling asleep on the couch. The next day, I met up with Harrison to catch up with him. We met at a cute cafe. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that’s how you and Blake met.” Harrison said, as he sipped his coffee. “I know.”  I said. We went back to Harrison’s apartment. His apartment was small, but it was adorable. It was one bedroom and one bathroom. His apartment building was right next to mine and Blake’s. “I’m so glad we found eachother again.” Harrison said. “Me too.” I said. I told him everything that happened with me and Blake over the last few weeks. “Wow, I can’t believe you  almost died.” Harrison said. “I know.” I said. I continued telling him about Blake. “You said his dad died of cancer, what about his mom?” asked Harrison. “He said his mom became depressed after his dad died. She also started hallucinating stuff. Blake just couldn’t help her, so he checked her into a mental hospital.” I said. “He still sees her pretty often, although with his career just getting started he may not see her as often as he’s like.” I said. “So what’s happening when tour continues?” asked Harrison. “Blake and Noah are going to take my place, but I will still be doing my meet and greets.” I said 
Chapter 4 
We celebrated Christmas with Crystal, Noah, and Harrison at our loft. We sat on the couch and exchanged gifts. “Harrison, I love this shirt.” I said. “I knew you would, these aren’t even in stores yet, but I got special access thanks to my friends at Vogue.” he said. I hugged him. I handed Harrison a gift. “Sorry mine is not as good as yours. You are hard to shop for and it was last minute.” I said. “It’s fine, darling.” he said. “Oh my gosh, I thought you would have forgotten my handbag obsession.” He said. I laughed. “How could I forget.” I said. He looked at the brand of the bag. “Ooh Prada.” Harrison said. “You’re not the only one with friends in high places.” I said. We all laughed. “It’s my turn.” Blake said, handing me a gift. I opened it to find a beautiful silver heart locket with a ruby in the middle. It also had “Blake and Brenna” inscribed on it. “It’s beautiful.” I said, looking at the necklace in awe. Blake kissed my head. “Merry Christmas.” he said. He helped me put the necklace on. I got Blake a vinyl record that he had been wanting. After we finished opening presents, Blake got up and put on some music. I stood by the floor to ceiling windows and watched the snow fall. Blake stood next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. “Merry Christmas.” I said. “Merry Christmas.” He said. Noah jumped on the couch behind us and held up mistletoe. “MISTLETOE.” he said, dangling it between Blake and I. We looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and kissed. Everyone else laughed. Then we watched as New Your City got covered in a blanket of snow. We didn't do much between Christmas and New Years. On New Years Eve we went to Times Square, except we weren’t in the large crowds, we were in a V.I.P area. We were not performing, but we were talking with important people. People who can help make our music known. We also talked with reporters. We went back to our spot as we prepared to watch the count down. “10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… HAPPY NEW YEAR!” we said. Blake and I kissed. Noah and Crystal looked like they wanted to kiss, but they didn’t. “We don’t need to kiss do we?” Noah asked. “Not unless you want to.” asked Crystal. “I mean if you want to.” said Noah. “It’s fine, we don’t have to.” Crystal said. They both blushed and turned away.  The next day, Crystal flew back to L.A. She was going to meet us at the next tour stop: Berlin, Germany. We were leaving for Berlin in a few days. We were hanging out at our loft with Noah. He looked blue. “I think Noah misses Crystal.” I whispered to Blake. “Cheer up, dude, you’ll see Crystal in a few days.” Blake said. “What makes you think I miss Crystal?” he said. I rolled my eyes. Blake sighed. “Dude, your crush on Crystal is so obvious.” Blake said. Noah's shoulders slumped. “Ok, Ok, I like Crystal.” he said. “Tell her how you feel.” said Blake. “Well, do you think she likes me?” asked Noah. “Well, you did both want to kiss on New Year’s.” I said. “Yeah, but that was New Year’s, does she really like me?” Noah asked. “The way to find out is to ask her out.” I said. Blake nodded. “Fine, I will ask her out in Berlin.” said Noah. The next day, Blake and I went to New Jersey to see Blake’s mother. This was the first time I was going to meet her. We arrived at the hospital and went to the front desk. A young girl in nurse’s scrubs with brown hair and brown eyes greeted us. “Hey Blake, here to see your mom?” she asked. “Yes, Kaitlyn. Sorry it’s been a while, my music career is finally taking off and I leave for Berlin tomorrow and I wanted to see mom again before I left.” Blake said. “I get it. Hey Anna, can you check if Madge is in her room?” said Kaitlyn. “Madge? I thought your mom’s name is Margaret.” I said to Blake. “It is, but she goes by Madge.” Blake said. I nodded. “Madge is in her room, you can go in.” said Kaitlyn. “Thanks, Kaitlyn.” said Blake. We walked to Blake’s Mother’s room. “Hey mom.” Blake said, opening the door. “Blake, it’s good to see you again.” she said, hugging him. “Mom, this is my girlfriend, Brenna. Brenna, this is my mom.” Blake said. “It’s nice to meet you.” I said. “I’m sorry about your husband.” I said. “Don’t be. I see him everyday.” she said. I looked at Blake. “She hallucinates him.” Blake whispered to me. Blake and I sat down on the chairs by the desk in Blake’s mom’s room. “So I leave for Berlin tomorrow for tour.” Blake said. “I’m so proud.” his mom said. “Thanks-” Blake said. “Sing for me.” his mom said. “Okay, Brenna, sing with me?” Blake asked. I nodded. I sang backup vocals for him as he sang George Harrison’s Dark Sweet Lady. Blake’s mother closed her eyes and immersed herself in the music. “Thank you.” she said as she held Blake’s hand. “I love you, mom.” Blake said. “I love you too.” she said. “I have to go, we have an early flight tomorrow.” Blake said. He looked at her concerned. “I’ll be fine.” his mother said. “Ok, I’ll see you in a  few months.” said Blake, hugging her. “Why Dark Sweet Lady, of all songs? I mean, not that it’s a bad song.” I said after we left the institute. “Dad sang that to her when they were dating. He even sang it at their wedding.” he said. 
Chapter 5 
The next day, we woke up at 5:00 am to get to the airport at 6:00 am and get on our flight which takes off at 8:00 am. We met up with Noah at the John F. Kennedy Airport. “So are you going to tell Crystal how you feel when you see her?” asked Blake, as he took a sip of his coffee. We stopped by the Starbucks in the airport. “Yes.” Noah said, also sipping his coffee. I wore one of Blake’s sweatshirts over a vintage ACDC t-shirt with a pair of black leggings. My hair was up in a messy bun and I didn’t have a stitch of make-up on. Blake also wore a sweatshirt over a Knicks t-shirt with jeans and a beanie. Noah wore a white t-shirt with black jeans. “How do I tell Crystal that I like her?” asked Noah. “It’s not hard, just say “I like you, do you wanna hang out sometime?”” said Blake. A girl in a red sweater with short brown hair and brown eyes came up to us. She looked about 16. “Oh my gosh, your Brenna Young and you’re Blake Edwards and Noah Pently! I love your music. Can I get a picture with you?” she asked. “Sure. What’s your name?” asked Blake as stood up. “My name is Hannah.” the girl said, grabbing her phone. Hannah handed Blake her phone and we stood together as Blake took the picture. “Flight 33 leaving for Berlin is now boarding.” said the airport intercom. “That’s our flight. Nice to meet you Hannah.” said Blake. Hannah blushed with excitement. After Hannah left us, we boarded the plane to Berlin. After 10 hours we landed in Berlin. We had to go to the concert venue immediately for sound check. Since I wasn’t performing, I stayed backstage to watch. They performed Your Love by The Outfield. They sounded great. I went to hair and make-up afterward to get ready for my meet and greets. “You look fantastic!” said Joan. “Thanks.” I said. “You always look fantastic.” said Blake. “And you smell.” I said. “Wash up.” Joan said to Blake. “You get ready for your meet and greet.” said Joan. I nodded. “Are you going to be okay?” asked Blake. “I’ll be fine.” I said, as I kissed him. I went over to the meet and greet area. “Hi Gary.” I said. “You ready?” he asked. “Yes.” I said. “If it gets too crazy, I’m right here.” Gary said. “I know, let’em in.” I said. The fans came in herds. It was a lot, but I handled it. I was finishing up with the last few fans when Blake came in. The fans went crazy. “Woah, woah.” Blake said. Gary went over and pulled the fans away and led them out. “Well, that was crazy.” Blake said. “I know.” I said. “The show starts in half an hour.” he said. “Are you guys ready?” I asked. “Yep.” Blake said. “Blake, you have an interview after the show.” Joan said. “Okay.” Blake said. Blake and I walked over to where Noah and Crystal were sitting. “So, Crystal-” said Noah as he looked at Blake. Blake mouthed “Tell her.” to him. “Crystal, I really like you, would you want to go out with me?” asked Noah. “You want me to be your girlfriend?” as Crystal. “If you want to be.” Noah said. “Does this answer your question?” asked Crystal. Then she kissed him. “So that’s a yes?” Noah said. “Yes, you dummy.” said Crystal. Blake and I applauded jokingly. Crystal and Noah laughed. “Get on stage, 5 minutes til showtime.” said Joan. We all stood up. I turned towards Blake. “Good luck.” I said. Then I kissed him. “Thanks, I’ll see you after the show, I love you.” he said. “I love you too.” I said. I went over to the edge of the stage and stood next to Joan. “What’s up, Berlin?” said Blake to the audience. “Let’s get the party started!” he said. The first song they performed was Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones. The audience loved the performance and so did I. The audience was on their feet the entire show. “Goodnight Berlin! We love you!” said Blake. Then he ran off stage and kissed me. “Blake, you have an interview.” said Joan. “I know, I’ll be there in a second.” he said. “I’ll see you on the tour bus then.” I said. “Okay, see you later, love you.” he said, kissing me on the cheek. I went back to the tour bus with Crystal. “So, you and Noah.” I said. “Yep, he’s my boyfriend now.” Crystal said. I laughed. “I’m happy for you both.” I said. “What’s the next stop?” asked Crystal. “I think we are going to Rome.” I said. I looked out the window and saw Noah and Blake coming to the tour bus. Gary was in front of them. Noah sat next to Crystal. Blake sat next to me. “I’m excited to go to Rome tomorrow.” Blake said. “Stay seated, we are leaving now.” said Gary. “You were amazing tonight, Blake.” I said. “Thanks.” he said. “It makes me kinda miss performing.” I said. “If you want to perform on stage with us, I’d be cool with that.” he said. He looked at Noah. Noah nodded. “It’s fine, I don’t want to confuse my fans.” I said. “How was the interview?” I asked. “ It was great.” said Blake. We  talked for a few more hours then we fell asleep. Before we knew it we were in Rome. “Wow.” I said. “I know, Rome is so pretty.” said Blake. We looked out the windows in awe. Once we arrived at the concert venue, Blake, Noah, and Crystal went to sound check. I went to see some sights in Rome. Gary came with me. After visiting the colosseum, I went to the local mall to get something to eat. I noticed a magazine in one of the kiosks and it had Blake and Noah’s interview. So I bought one and read their interview. I could not believe some of the things they said Blake said. “This does not sound like the Blake I know.” I said. “Are we sure he actually said that? Maybe they twisted his words?” said Gary. “I really hope that’s the case.” I said. Gary and I went back to the concert venue. We decided not to say anything about the interview. Blake, Crystal, and Noah were getting ready to go on stage. “Good luck, I love you.” I said. Blake kissed me and went on stage. He didn’t say “I love you too”. Which made me more concerned about the interview. The first song they performed was Second Hand News by Fleetwood Mac. After a few more songs, Blake went to play some more songs on his acoustic guitar. So Noah and Crystal went backstage. Crystal sat on the couch while Noah used the bathroom. I sat next to Crystal. “Hey Crystal, while I was out sightseeing I found a copy of the magazine with Blake and Noah’s interview and well you have to read it yourself.” I said, handing Crystal the magazine. “That does not sound like them.” said Crystal. “I know, but I don’t know if they actually said that.” I said. “Although, based on how Blake acted tonight, I’m concerned they did say that. I mean he didn’t even say “I love you too.” he always says “I love you too.”” I said. “Let’s not jump to conclusions, anyways I’ve got to get back on stage.” said Crystal. “Ok, But let me know if they are acting weird on stage.” I said. Crystal nodded. The last song they performed was Jump by Van Halen. After that, Blake and Noah met Crystal and I on the tour bus. We were going to the airport for a quick flight over to Barcelona. I sat anxiously waiting for Blake and Noah. “Hey- are you alright.” Blake said, confusedly as he sat down and put his water bottle down. “Yeah, it’s just I found A copy of the magazine with your interview and did you actually say these things.” I asked, showing him the magazine. I looked at Crystal nervously. She looked at Noah. He moved next to Blake and read the magazine over his shoulder. “By the way you said it, I thought they had really twisted our words, but they really didn’t.” Blake said. Noah nodded. “So you did say that stuff?” I asked. Blake and Noah nodded. “Pretty much.” said Blake. I looked at Crystal. “I need to be by myself for a moment.” I said. “What’s wrong?” asked Blake. “Nothing.” I said. I went to the bedroom at the back of the bus. I grabbed my computer and video chatted with Harrison. I showed him the magazine with the interview. “Oh my gosh, he  actually confirmed he said that?” asked Harrison. “Yes.” I said. “What do I do?” I asked. “Talk to him.” Harrison said. “You're right, but it’s late. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” I said. “Good Luck.” said Harrison. “Thanks, talk to you soon. Good night.” I said. “Good night.” said Harrison, as we hung up. 
Chapter 6 
We arrived at the concert venue in Barcelona at 8:00am. We slept on the tour bus for a few hours. After, we went to the concert venue for sound check. “Good job, Get some rest and be ready for the show by 6:00pm.” said Joan. I went to the dressing room and texted Harrison. Blake came in. “Hey are you OK? you seemed anxious last night.” Blake said. I sighed. “We need to talk.” I said. Blake sat down next to me. “Why did you say those things in that interview? I mean that doesn’t sound like you at all.” I said. “Why do you care about what I said in that interview?” asked Blake. “Because you sound like a jerk and I don’t want fame going to your head.” I said. “Oh so now that I’m famous, you can’t be happy for me?” said Blake, standing up. “No I-” I said. “You're just jealous because everyone has already forgotten you.” Blake said. I stood up too. “I’m not jealous, I just don’t want you to forget who you are. I don't know what happened to the Blake I love, but you are not him.” I said. I left the dressing room as Blake just stood there. I sat down on the couch backstage. Crystal walked towards me. She sat down next to me. “Did you talk to him?” asked Crystal. “Yes, but it did not go well.” I said. “It ended up with arguing?” asked Crystal. I nodded. “I’m sorry things didn’t go well.” said Crystal. “10 minutes til showtime.” said Joan. “I gotta go.” said Crystal. “Go, I’ll be fine.” I said. I stood next Joan at the edge of the stage. “What’s up Barcelona?” said Blake. The audience cheered loudly. “The first song we are going to perform is You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi.” said Blake. “That wasn’t on the setlist.” said Joan. My heart sank as Blake looked at me as he played the first chords. “Shot through the heart and you're to blame, you give love a bad name.” Blake sang. I could feel my heart rate rising. I began to sweat. And my hands began to shake. I looked at Crystal who looked at me. “Are you okay?” asked Joan. “No.” I said panting. I ran with Gary following behind me. I ran to the tour bus and locked myself in the back room of the bus. Gary knocked on the door. “Brenna, I’m right out here if you need me.” he said. “Thanks Gary.” I said panting. I grabbed my computer quickly and video chatted with Harrison. “Are you okay?” asked Harrison. “No.” I said. “You’re having an anxiety attack, aren’t you?” asked Harrison. I nodded. “Just breathe, tell me everything that happened.” he said. I took a few deep breaths and told Harrison everything that happened today. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe he did that.” Harrison said. “Harrison, I just want to go home.” I said. “Don’t, I have an idea. Go to the airport tomorrow and wait by the baggage claim, text me when you're there. I will give you further instructions.” said Harrison. “Okay.” I said. “Until then, I’ll see if Gary can take me to a hotel to sleep in tonight, I just want to get as far away as I can from Blake tonight.” I said. “Okay, be careful, see you soon.” said Harrison. “Thanks, Harrison, bye.” I said. I closed my computer and grabbed my bags. I unlocked the door and approached Gary. “Gary, can you take me to a hotel nearby?” I asked. “Yes, is everything okay?” he asked. “Yeah, for now.” I said. “Okay, I’ll tell Joan we’re  not going with them to Portugal.” said Gary. “I just need you to take me to a hotel, I can take care of myself.” I said. “Are you sure?” asked Gary. I walked towards Gary. I put my hands on his shoulders. “You don’t have to worry about me, Gary and they need you here.” I said. “Fine, let’s go.” he said. An hour later, we got to the hotel. Gary helped me carry my stuff up to my room. “Are you sure, you don’t want me to stay with you?” Gary asked. “Yes, I’ll be fine Gary. I love you.” I said, hugging him. After Gary left. I ran myself a bath. My phone rang, when I saw that it was Blake, I turned it off. I had already posted to my fans in Portugal that I didn’t feel good and was not going to be able to do my meet and greets. After my bath, I went to bed. The next morning I got up at 7:00 am. I checked my phone and I looked at my texts from Crystal. She said that she was sorry about what happened and would talk to them about it. I didn’t reply. I turned my phone off again. I decided that the only person I would text would be Harrison and I would avoid the internet at all costs. I got a taxi and went to the airport. I walked to the baggage claim and texted Harrison. He said to go to baggage claim number 5. When I got there I saw Harrison standing there with two suitcases and he even had Peanut and Buttercup. “Harrison, I can’t believe you actually came here and you brought my dogs.” I said. I hugged him and pet my dogs. “I figured you needed me in person.” said Harrison. “Come on, let’s go explore Spain.” he said. I smiled at him and I turned my phone off. We stopped by my hotel room so Harrison could drop his stuff off. We explored all around Barcelona. We even went to the beach. We ended up at a mall doing some shopping. We walked past a group of girls. The girls turned and chased after us because they recognized me. We ended up losing them when we ran into the bathrooms. “Whew, that was close.” I said. “Seriously, we could have been maimed.” said Harrison. “We have to find a way to get around without me getting recognized.” I said. Harrisoned smiled at me. “It sounds like you need a makeover.” he said. He gave me a hat and sunglasses to wear for the time being. He took me to a hair salon. We turned my hair from long dark brown wavy hair to straight medium length blonde hair with a streak of lilac. After that we went and got my eyebrows done and we bought some color contacts. My brown eyes turned Grey. Then Harrison bought me some new clothes that were different from my usual style. I looked completely different. We were both confident that no one would recognize me. “You look amazing.” said Harrison. After that we went to a Karaoke bar. “Do you think anyone would recognize me by my singing?” I asked. “I highly doubt it.” said Harrison. “Great.” I said. “What song are you going to sing?” Harrison asked. “I was thinking of revenge.” I said. “What do you mean?” asked Harrison. “You’ll see.” I said, standing up. I walked to the DJ and told him what song I wanted to sing. I decided to sing I Hate Myself For Loving You by Joan Jett and The Blackhearts. I watched the door open and Crystal, Noah, and  Blake walked in as I sang. Blake looked at me in shock. I looked at Harrison, who looked at me in shock too. Blake left after a few minutes. Noah went with him. Crystal sat down next to Harrison. After I finished performing, I sat down next to Harrison. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked Crystal. “I talked to Blake and Noah. Blake wanted to come talk to you, but I guess that’s not happening now.” said Crystal. “By the way, you look great.” she said. “Thanks, I thought you were supposed to be doing a show in Portugal.” I said. “We were, but Joan delayed the show, because she’s worried about you and she doesn’t want Blake doing something stupid like he did yesterday.” said Crystal. “I hate the way Blake and I left things, as much as I’m angry at him.” I said. “So you want to fix things.” said Crystal. I nodded. “Well we’re performing our show in Portugal tomorrow.” She said. “And Blake is planning on playing Sweet Child O’ Mine as their opener.” said Crystal. “I think I have a plan.” I said. “Crystal take us to Joan, I need to talk to her.” I said. “What about me?” asked Harrison. “I want you to come too, after all I did say “Take us””. I said  
Chapter 7 
A few hours later, we arrived in Portugal. “Let’s get inside.” I said, when we got to the venue. “Woah, woah.” said Gary. “Gary, it’s me, Brenna.” I said. “Oh, I didn’t recognize you.” said Gary. “It’s okay, I need to talk to Joan.” I said. He opened the door for us and we went inside. Since it didn’t matter if people recognized me, I stopped by the bathroom and removed my contact lenses. “Joan, how much longer till showtime?” I asked. “Brenna, what are you doing back?” asked Joan. “I want to make things right with Blake.” I said. “There’s 10 minutes left till showtime.” she said. I told Joan my plan. Harrison followed me to the dressing rooms, along the way we ran into the bassist for the backup band, Rocky. Rocky wasn’t able to link up with us on tour until the show in Portugal. Up til tonight, Crystal had been playing his parts on the keyboard. “Hey, Rocky.” I said. He and Harrison instantly made eye contact. Rocky had black hair that was pointed in a quiff. He also had dark eyes, a goatee, and pale skin. “Rocky, this is my best friend Harrison.” I said. He and Harrison shook hands. “Nice to meet you.” Rocky said. Harrison was speechless. After Rocky had gone to the stage, Harrison turned to me. “Who was that?” he asked. “That was my bassist, Rocky.” I said. “He’s hot, do you know if he is straight or not?” asked Harrison. I shrugged my shoulders. Once we got to the dressing room, I gave Harrison some tickets to the V.I.P lounge and a backstage pass, so he could watch the show. I hid in the dressing room til Blake and Noah went on stage. Then I blended in with some stage hands. I heard the first few chords of Sweet Child O’ Mine. Then I jumped in on the first verse. Blake looked shocked, but he couldn’t stop. “Brenna, what are you doing?” asked Blake between one of the breaks in the song. “I want to make things right. We’ll talk more after the song” I said, before going into the second verse. After the song ended, Blake put his guitar down and walked towards me. “So?” he asked. “I’m sorry if I haven’t been clear, but after I read your interview I was scared that you were letting fame go to your head. I just don’t want to lose the Blake I fell in love with.” I said. The audience awed when I said that. “I’m sorry too, I thought about what happened, and what I said during the interview wasn’t right. I just said things I thought people would want me to say.” said Blake. “Don’t let people decide who you want to be, just be yourself.” I said. Blake smiled. “I love you, Brenna. Thanks for looking out for me.” Blake said. I smiled too, then we kissed. “One last question though, will I ever get to sing Sweet Child O’ Mine or are you going to keep interrupting me?” he asked. Everyone laughed. “We’ll have to see.” I said, flirtatiously. “Do you want to sing on stage with us?” Blake asked. “Can I always sing on stage with you guys?” I asked. “You mean form a band?” Blake asked. “Yes, I finally realized what I want to do with music, I want to perform with my friends and boyfriend.” I said. “Good, I was worried you were calling me just your friend.” Blake said. Everyone laughed. “What song do we sing next?” I asked. “Whatever you want.” Blake said. “How about I Love Rock and Roll by Joan Jett?” I said. “Sounds good.” Blake said. We ended the show that night with Surrender by Cheap Trick. “That was great.” Joan said, when we walked backstage. “Is there any way to publicly apologize for that interview?” Blake asked. “You just leave that to me.” said Joan. “Okay.” Blake said. I turned towards Crystal and Noah. “Are you guys okay?” I asked. “Yeah, we worked things out.” said Crystal. “Honestly, during the interview, I was just following Blake’s lead. I didn’t expect him to say that stuff either.” said Noah. “Yeah, I’m sorry, we should have talked about what we wanted to say before the interview.” Blake said. “It’s cool.” said Noah. Harrison came backstage. “I’m glad everything worked out.” He said. “Me too.” I said. Harrison got up to use the bathroom. Rocky walked past us. “Hey Rocky, I have a question.” I said. “Shoot.” he said. “I have a friend who is interested in you, so are you straight or gay?” I asked. “I like men.” He said. “Then my friend will be very happy.” I said. Rocky pulled a chair up and sat backwards on it. “Can I have your friend’s number?” he asked. “Sure.” I said. Rocky left by the time Harrison came back from the bathroom. “I have something for you.” I said to Harrison as he sat down. I handed him the paper with Rocky’s number on it. “No way, you got his number for me.” Harrison said, excitedly. “Not only that, but I gave him your number.” I said. Harrison was so excited he could barely speak. That night, we all went back to the airport. We were going back to New York for a few days before going to Japan for the Asian leg of the tour. Our flight took off at midnight. We arrived in New York at about 8:00 in the morning. Blake and I got back to our apartment. “Do you want to listen to some music?” Blake asked. “Sure.” I said. Putting my bags down. He put on Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. We danced the whole morning. 
The End
 The next day, I felt a little nauseous. I had also skipped a period. So I decided to take a pregnancy test. Blake was not home; he went to do an interview on Good Morning America. I watched his interview while I waited on the test. Buttercup and Peanut were resting next to me. I pet them anxiously. After the show ended, I walked back to the bathroom. I looked at the test results. My heart rate sped up. I thought about the drunken night after we went to the Tenth Bar. My hands shook as I looked at the pregnancy test in shock. “Brenna, are you okay?” Blake asked as he came into the loft. I looked at the pregnancy test and wrapped it in toilet paper and threw it in the garbage. I walked out of the bathroom. “I’m fine.” I said.    
To find out more read The Return to the Spotlight (coming soon).
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