#answered. quix
byeolyeou · 6 months
‘ well, well, well. . . ’ the ruby-colored optics of the copper bot drank in quix, the murderous automaton almost giving a feral grin. a claw taps against his scarred core, fascinated. ‘ and who do we have hah-ha-here? ’
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emerald optics blink , core giving a soft whir ---- it's not his first interaction with a murderous variant of automaton . quix lets a soft plume of steam curl from his cheek vents , hands closing the book he'd had propped against a leg . ❝ if you're going to cause trouble , i'd have to recommend against it . ❞
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ibithesnail · 1 year
this is bad i want to read more about devotion duo
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whimsiquix · 6 months
quix! if we can, can we know what wips you are working on?
Well Anon,
There's the DevaAdhya marriage falling apart fic I'm trying not to think about.
There's Onore that I'm trying to wrangle back into shape cause it's been a good time since I sank into that world properly.
There's the ridiculous small labour union fic that is mostly just porn that I'll probably finish soon.
There's another fic which involves copious angst, depression and hate sex that is unsurprisingly going very fast. (I should have the first chapter out sometime this week)
I've got another angst fic in ideation stage but I honestly have no idea how that's going to go.
Miscellaneous little drafts that don't really fit anywhere but I wish I could publish, terribly context-less as they are.
I should probably think about penning down the Invictus sequel sometime.
There's also a time travel fic.
Hope that answers your question! Thankyou for the ask! ❤️☺️
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ghoulzencrypted · 1 year
Fable Smp characters as Fears from TMA (the Magnus archives) and why we think so.
Icarus/Sherbert Morningstar
- The spiral and or The Slaughter
In the lore, when The Quixes things start, Icarus tries to learn more correct? And they started seeing the Rave room during dreams and resets and such, when it got more prominent in season two Icarus seemed focused on learning about it, but Quixis started causing more harm than good, not answering questions in the way Icarus had hoped for, it gets worse in season three when even more things start changing, such as things on Icarus’s physical body like the gloves, and possibly their eye (?). (Another warning for spoilers btw cause of recent lore) when Icarus’s wings turn into amethyst and gold and break off, as well as the blocks changing around them reminds us of the downwards mental spiral of looking far to into things to the point you can get confused and it effects your mental and physical state, when the large Fence and obsidian wall show up it reminds us of the yellow door, basically a metaphor possibly of how Icarus has dug to far deep and the door is now closed,they can’t go back to what it could have been if they didn’t dig into Quixis information. The spiral manifests as Illusions, Hallucinations, Patterns, Spirals and fractals. Which is like when Quixis changes the color pattern of Icarus’s house, their house, the area around it, the animals and so on so forth. That is our main reasoning but we will deep dive more into it.
Rae Morningstar
Rae is the Eye, a perfect example. But in skulk arc he could also be a form of Corruption and the Lonely. As we all know Rae is a very big book person, he craves about finding knowledge but not because of that : because of how he constantly thinks he needs to know more because he knows something is beyond him, no matter what it is, if it’s a person or a god or anything like that: and there are plenty of examples of that in the fable Smp series: now for corruption and lonely. The entire skull arc/Warden arc for him. Need I explain more? But he could be the buried as well
He’s the Hunt no questions asked, the way he cares about his friends and family to the point he’s constantly willing to fight for them? Him fr
She’s the hunt, same reasons as Axx but also more about the chase part.
He is the stranger, not knowing who he was before everything happened, barely anything of his past- ALL OF THAT? STRANGER CODED
The hunt, slaughter, vast, lonely- choose your pick hes so many-
He’s the Vast we don’t make the rules- look at him and tell us he isn’t- (Rae could be vast to we’re not sure but DEFINITELY Ven) but he could also be Eye coded as well.
The Desolation or possibly lonely? Not quite sure
We’ll go into more depth later cause brain juice is gone
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captain-astors · 7 months
Do you feel like Kuki had a point in not liking Sasaki, at least from his career-oriented standpoint? Him saying "fucking Sasaki" as his Kagune goes wild revealed some resentment. I think Sasaki treated the Quinx as "playing house" like Furuta puts it; they really only progressed after he wasn't in charge of them. In my head, I don't think he ever really ends up getting along with Sasaki/Kaneki: he just tolerates him because the Quinx likes him and he ended up getting attached to the Quinx.
Answered this under the cut!
From a career-oriented standpoint oh sure, Haise isn't all that much of an effective mentor when it comes to specifically sharpening skills and he deserved criticism, he's just the golden boy's favorite little creature who got assigned to a project so they could keep him alive. However, what he is decent at is keeping up morale, and they they also all fall into various states of mental despair once he leaves, which effects their performances even if they improve physically, because their job and existences are astoundingly bleak, (remember they are literally owned by the company and can be killed without repercussion if they're deemed dangerous and what they get in return is just being a decently effective living weapon and decent pay), they're all barely adults, and really what they could probably have used would be a more proper mentor figure who still holds the capacity for compassion. Akira or someone would've done well in the role of Quix guide but, since Haise is a half-ghoul, it's easy to put him in charge of the basically-half-ghouls and use that as a reason to keep him from the chopping block. Because the Quinx's success is not the priority to the one pulling the strings.
However Kuki likes to deny he needs connection anyways so in short: yes probably, but it's less Sasaki's fault and more Arima's, as usual. That said I do think he gets somewhat attached to Sasaki by sheer factor of having no one but him and the other quinxes to grow particularly bonded to, even if he resents that and his connection is obviously more strained than the rest, ESPECIALLY after that "it's your fault your friend died not mine" talk.
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bloodhaven · 5 months
4, 5, 13, 52, 58
Hello! My name is Ezekial, I took front from Newt and will be answering these questions for myself!
4. which fictional character archetype do you think fits you best?
I took an archetype quix but I got "sage" which... I do not think fits me? I would be the "mentor", which I guess is Similar?
5. what do you think others would consider your most distinguishable physical feature(s)?
Our eyes, we're constantly told they're "such a pretty blue" and the only other distinguishable thing is our chipped front tooth, but you don't see that unless we open our mouth.
best compliment you've ever received?
Stealing a compliment Newt received, "I lean towards you during choir to hear you sing over them, you should join the choir, your voice is beautiful" back when we were able to sing,
52. Whats the best anon hate you've ever recieved?
Hmm... That's a hard one, newt used to recieve so much.... probably when @m0onlight-sonataa sent us anon hate claiming people were using us to heal. (We know it was her because she's mad we're friends with someone she hurt and is transphobic towards)
58. How many languages do you speak?
Just one, we took three years of french and studied spanish off and on for a while, but we don't have the capacity to remember languages. All Newt remembers from his years of french is "Poisson" which is french for fish, and we don't remember any spanish, which is a shame, because our wife speaks spanish at us in the grocery store and we can't understand her when she does that, which was our reason for trying to learn again recently, until duolingo announced it was using AI, so now we don't have a way to learn it :( also because her family will speak spanish around us and we can't understand them
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xrphansrevival · 1 year
Caught Red Handed
Whisper rummages through an office. The cameras that spy on the room are mysteriously dark. This was concerning to the other person that spies on the cameras.
Hue, the one that happens to use the office Whisper is rummaging through. Somebody is already throwing a wrench in his plans, and he's only just arrived recently.
The new professor unceremoniously opens his office. Whisper pops their head up over the desk. There's no where to hide, so why bother?
“You should still be in class?” Whisper half states, half questions.
“You got balls, kid. I’ll give you that.”
They put their hands up, stand… and they take a seat in Hue’s chair. “Thanks.” Whisper doesn’t take their eyes off Hue. “You don’t keep anything interesting here.”
“What’s the matter, Whisper? Cameras weren’t enough?”
Whisper pulls a small device out of their pocket. “The ones in here should be dark. I turn this on when I'm… investigating.”
It’s a big reason why they hadn’t been caught yet.
“Cameras don’t do a full search justice, you know?”
Hue gestures for Whisper to hand it over to him. “How many more of these do you have? And how are you accessing the feeds?”
Whisper tosses it over. “None on me. Three more in my room. They need to be charged, you know.” Then they pull out their dummy phone. “I’m not an expert, but hacking cameras isn’t as hard as you’d think. This place did make it a little more difficult, though.”
Hue pockets the jammer and holds out his hand for the phone. “Give me that. Your personal phone, too, if that’s an extra. The one with Whisper’s ‘transactions’ on it.”
Whisper rolls their eyes. They toss the dummy phone to Hue. “Now, why would I carry my personal phone on me in a situation like this? That’s begging to get caught.” They snort. “Not that it mattered this time. It’s also in my room.”
“Stand up, Quix. We’ll get it together, right now.”
Quix stares back, tempted to play chicken. He gives Hue a once over. Not worth it.
He stands from the throne that is Hue’s office chair. Once again, raising his hands to show he doesn’t have anything.
“Follow me, teach.”
“By the way," Hue starts, leering down at the culprit, "I’ve been recording this conversation since I walked in. You’ve answered to both Whisper and Quix, and admitted to tampering with the camera feeds, searching a professor’s office and using that information to make transactions,” Hue reaches into his back pocket and stops the recording. “So, I wouldn’t try anything funny if I were you.”
Fooled by a fucking art professor. Quix holds his neutral expression, save for a slight twitch of an eye. He didn’t bother correcting Hue since he was already caught red handed. It didn’t cross his mind that some artsy loser might pull something like this. That’s what he gets for being smug.
Quix slides his hands into his pockets, narrowing his eyes. “I see.” His hand is on a pocketknife, tempted to make a go at it. Maybe he could destroy that tape. But is this guy a fighter?
“You’re not very likable. How did you bag Obelus?” He smirks.
“Still with the attitude, huh…that’s what’s wrong with you little bastards. You all think you’re so much smarter than everyone,” Hue scoffs, giving the younger boy a once-over. He’s still got that indignant look in his eyes…interesting.
There’s no point in playing nice with brats like this.
Hue slides his phone back into his pocket, trading it for a pack of cigarettes. Before lighting up, he turns his head to the side and taps the three minuscule teardrop tattoos underneath his right eye.
“Y'know what these tattoos mean back at home? Means I killed people. One for each. Need to get em retouched, though…updated,”
Hue stares at Quix through the flame at the butt of his cigarette. With a long drag, his arms drops to his side.
That’s a threat if Quix ever heard one. He scrutinizes the tears. Is Hue serious? Would that old croon seriously bring in a killer as an art teacher?
“It’s amazing the kinda people they’ll hire to babysit you know-it-alls. Almost like they don’t give a fuck…”
Hue steps aside and nods toward the door.
“Go ahead.”
Quix decides he doesn’t want an altercation. It’s not his favorite pocketknife, so without hesitation, he pulls it from his pocket and tosses it behind him, into the trash.
“Fucking psycho,” he grumbles in Japanese, under his breath.
Back to English. “You don’t have to try so hard to be intimidating. I’m just some kid. What, trying to impress me?”
Quix intentionally bumps Hue on his way out. His hands go right back into his pockets. There’s nothing left except a stolen pen, he’s just grumpy.
Hue follows Quix to his room, whispering commands while looking ahead.
“You’re going to put all of your personal electronic devices in a bag and bring it to the art room in five minutes. You’re going to place the bag on my desk and apologize for stealing the spray paint from the art room and I’m going to tell you you’ll be mopping the floors tomorrow as punishment. I’m going to take the bag. Tomorrow, you’re going to show up and do as I said. I’m going to give you your personal phone back with the information extracted. You will continue your work as Whisper. Your access to the camera feeds will be revoked. You will be watched closely. If I need something from you, I will contact you on that phone. If you don’t do exactly as I say, I will tear your entire life apart.”
Quix is visually displeased, but how could he possibly talk back to someone he's in no position to blackmail now?
"I get it, teach. I'll round up the spray paint and return it. Stop breathing down my neck."
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vexedallay · 9 months
Mmmm I should say things I've realized
So- uh, name: Vex. Title: Quix (Qx.) Pronouns: they/ask. Identities: aroace, poly, trans, genderfluid, genderflux, cassgender? Maybe agender adjacent? Also is a system (literally the worldport in system form :/), so there's that.
Mostly fable smp and sherbverse stuff, but other fandoms sometimes :/
I write, draw, cosplay, etc. Lots of pics and cmvs
VexedAllay on ao3, discord, and youtube
That's me!! Feel free to send asks abt stuff if you want to know more ig?
Tagging system
vex.txt: all our actual posts
vex.sys: system things
vex.ask: ask answers
vex.art: original art pieces
vex.fic: fanfic related things (updates, new fics/chapters)
vex.vid: videos and video related things
vex.cos: cosplaying
the art of alchemy: textbook on minecraft alchemy
leave me behind to paint a masterpiece (also referred to as just "masterpiece"): what if icarus died during the cathedral stream?
the alchemist's curse (also just "curse"): vigilante au
wings of wax and bone ("wings"): us messing with ics wings
Fable SMP Tarot Card Series Masterpost
System member blogs maybe?
Ajax / Zephyr: @weatherboy-derogatory
Artic: @knives-on-antlers
Echo: @curses-and-queers-potionshop
Icarus / Sol: @prince-of-bad-decisions
Lux: @watching-from-on-high
Quori: @lost-in-multiversal-translation
Sherbert / Embry: @an-eternity-alone
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drblwmn · 11 months
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Vampire part 1
Thrashing winds unfolded
Water tossed in a bottomless bowl of sea
One ship in the eye of the storm
Used to the weathered seas
Its mast holds strong
The sun comes out and winding down the sea stills its waters
opens into a calm day
but started with a stormy night.
Sitting on the sky
there is promise
nothing to holdback or lose
everything has been obtained for
on the ground looking up there is hope
Beidou docked the Crux Fleet at Liyue Harbor. It was a time of essence for the captain since there was damages to the ship. The crew members hurriedly gathered tools to fix the damage at the hull. The sky was full of the clouds with a gazing sun. A contrast to the captains mood. “Captain, the hulks damage needs a professional shipwright.” “Huh, alright let me find someone on shore.” Thankfully the Tianquan of the Quixing happened to be on the ground today at the docks and passed an irritable Beidou.
Beidou paused her brusque walking and turned to face an amused Ningguang with her pipe to her mouth. She blew smoke out making small rings in the air.
They both greeted each other with smiled and set off to play a very nice game of chess.
At the jade chamber there they sat in the private chambers concerning Ningguang's space.
The game moves on there seems to be a switch in the night air.
"Hey, what's with all the moving around curtains and everything to your place.
“They're needed after a long voyage I dont expect you to remember since you were not here.”
Beidou looked concern and said,
“ay, what happened?”
Ningguang tells her what happened on September 22, 2 weeks before October 10 of today. Beidou held a steady breath as ninguang searched for the incredability of it all. She told the story of how she sent Ganyu and Kequing out to sort any misgivings of Liyue's tales of a blood sucking Fatui memeber whise been kidnapping soldiers in the woods. At first she laughed at what seemed like a children's tale until she looked at Ganyu's face, and saw how serious it was. She sent out more soldiers on nightly paroles and nothing came up.
One day she went to Juheyeon Kurst herself and was attacked it seemed by the thing herself. Both her and Kequing put up a fight and Ningguang was left with a bite mark.
One wrong move and the thing bit her and ran off.
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Kequing took Ningguaung to the infiormary. There was bouts of fever and once she turned so cold they thought her dead; however, she awoken and everybody breathed a sigh of relief. a few weeks after and you return. Ninguang ended the story.
"Beidou, I have been given iron tablets and am anemic severley."
Traveler and Paimon visited and plainly stated that my eyes are a more brighter crimson.
"I need a second opinion of something that even I fear may be a threat to Liyue. Ningguang said. There seemed to be a tension in the air as Ningguang spoke. Beidou answered before she could finish the theory.
"If there's a cure, I'll find it." But for archon's sake, Do not tell me you almost died and became a vampire. "
Ninguang laughed and said "I almost ate Kequing and she never let me live it down."
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quix-mix · 3 years
Your lineart. How
Big shape gets kinda big lines.
Smaller details get tiny lines
Larger outline around silhouette
Sometimes make a really unsaturated dark color instead of black.
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dogmotifs · 4 years
um hi hello chloe quick comment im losing my MIND over ur quiz like "i don't need properly"? "all i want is for someone to split me open and look inside and say, it’s okay we can live here." SCREAM
this just what life is like when u have brain rot, i’m sorry u had to witness it
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byeolyeou · 6 months
‘ quite almost as if someone has seen a ghost. ’ nightingale speaks in that naturally melodic and soft voice of hers from just beyond quix.
meanwhile, another walter girl chimes in. ‘ and feds might be down for the count. ’ kelly watches, doing her best to not laugh outright.
circuit huffs, almost indignantly.
mikas isn't too far off, keeping busy as he ever does.
feds stumbles, only briefly; because human versus titanium bot, doesn't really work in her favor. steam plumes, in reaction to both key and quix. and key will be hugged back, though a fond expression is tossed in his counterparts' direction.
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quix is used to at least seeing kelly and mixas around - but circuit and nightingale , as well as feds - it's been a long time since he and key have seen the automatons . with how many people have come and gone throughout his life , with what happened to brassy - it's good to see them again . steam curls from his cheek vents , and he reaches to hug nightingale since she's closest .
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key curls her arms tight around feds , mindful of his spines as she hides her face against his neck for a moment . ❝ you're not allowed to leave again . ❞
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quixotix · 5 years
📽,🦜 !! uwu
📽 what movie/TV show did you watch recently that you would recommend to someone?
Probably The Ritual, on Netflix! It's a horror film, but I found it way more interesting than the usual "big noise just happened, now be scared!" Western horror films. As for TV shows, definitely Tangled the Series, just cause it's funky and I like it.
🦜what would your dream pet be if you had unlimited time, money, resources, etc.? (it could be exotic or extinct)
A gecko!!! I just think they're neat, chunky little buds!
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whimsiquix · 6 months
quix I love the way you write esp your new fic! it's all written so well all of them like how do you it it all feels so real now my question if you there was something you wish to read about varadeva what would it be? something you want to read but not write?
Thankyou anon you’re very sweet ❤️
As for the list, that’s a painfully long, because I’m exceptionally lazy and can and will read pretty much anything you throw at me.
All the same, this is a bit tough to answer, because half of what’s exciting about fanfic is everyone sharing their own ideas; but generally, I enjoy grounded fics with good plot and characters being, well, in character. Basic, I know.
I enjoy angst, I suppose that’s fairly obvious but I also really love reading humour, so that’s always something I’m on the lookout for.
How about I just randomly share the ideas I’d like to see written over a bit? Because right now I’m incapable of thinking anything specific.
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sztefa001 · 3 years
*sides into here* you should definitely watch iron leaguer :)
Hi Quix! (or thier friend dkfhjsdk) One day I'll most likely will xD
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holykillercake · 3 years
So, I do spend a lot of time brain-dumping about the incredible world of One Piece, and I was thinking something about the Kid´s Pirates that I need to share. If I don´t do it, I´ll die.
We know that the majority of pirate crews have a theme when it comes to their names (and nicknames). Like how the Roger Pirates have the GOL D roger, SILVERs rayleigh, sCOPPER gaban thing?
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We have the Big Mom Pirates and their food-related names such as Pudding, Chiffon, Brûlée, Katakuri(ko) - which means potato starch 片栗粉 - and 81 more.
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Jumping to the Beast Pirates led by Kaidou. They have theme surrounding cards and card games! Let´s start with the cards King, Queen, Jack, and - on a certain level - Joker.
Moving on to card games, the Tobiroppo! (You don´t HAVE to read it. I just wanted to present some proof that all are card games haha)
Black Maria: Popular British card game for three to six players. The aim of Black Maria is to avoid capturing the penalty cards in tricks. The penalty cards are all the hearts, A♠, K♠, and Q♠ (Black Maria).
Who´s Who: If two players each get one Joker, they are partners and the third player is the soloist. If one player gets both Jokers, that player is the soloist and the other two are partners. Nobody may indicate whether or not they have been dealt a Joker except by their subsequent play.
Sasaki: This climbing game for four players is said to be very popular in North Korea. It is named after one of the special combinations that can be played: Sasaki (사사끼) means 44A, which is two Fours and one Ace.
Ulti: Ulti or Ultimó, is Hungary´s national trick-tacking card game for three players. It is important to note that the rules of the game are not universal, and typically every group of players will have their own set of rules that they agree upon.
Page one: Be the first to get rid of all of your cards to win this game!
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Next, Dadd- *cough cough* the Red Hair Pirates, led by Shanks! They have a theme surrounding... beverages! There is a German beer brand called Beckmann (it looks really old... any German person out there to help me out?), Bonk (Atomic) Punch, Rockstar, and Monster are energy drinks, Limejuice is lime juice. Hongo is kombucha, and I have no idea what Lucky Roo and Yassop are. But I shall discover, or my name is not Holy Killer Cake!
I think we all understood. Yonkous have thematic pirate crews. This is not what I came here to talk about, though. I came here to talk about EUSTASS FRICKING KID, as always. But before I do that, let´s talk about a certain rubber boy and Death Surgeon.
I´m going pretty simple on Luffy. Every strawhat has a big dream to fulfill. That could be becoming the greatest swordsman, discovering the truth about the world, or curing all diseases. Their names have little to nothing to do with their purposes, but I guess that´s the point, right? They are just a different breed (main characters).
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The interesting thing comes with our beloved Trafalgar D. Water Law. I was cooking stroganoff when it hit me that the Heart Pirate crew has a theme surrounding animals, mostly water animals. Come with me!
Let´s start with Bepo, who is an animal himself - unrelated to water, I should say. Next, Shachi, which means orca, and Penguin, which means Benedict Cumberbatch. (In case you didn´t get it, Penguin means penguin).
Ok, ok, we all knew about this.
Now, there are only a few more crew members who are named. Those being Jean Bart, but I don´t think this applies to him because he used to be the captain of his own pirate crew. Then Clione and Ikkaku.
If you watched Jujutsu Kaisen, you probably remember when Itadori asks the spirits what kind of creature is stronger than the council member, and the answer is a KU-RI-O-NE (or Clione, which means sea-angel). And last but not least, Ikkaku, which means narwhal or unicorn whale. How fricking cool is that?
The fact that they live in a submarine (consequently underwater) makes everything so much better.
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BONUS!! Rocinante is the name of Don Quixote de la Mancha's skinny and clumsy horse, in the universally acclaimed novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
Getting to my point, my Laugh Tale, my One Piece. The Kid Pirates. They have a punk, metal, rock... violence theme. That got me thinking about how we can narrow the possibilities for these guys' names! (the mowhak boys - circled in red)
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You know what I mean? Killer, Heat, Wire... then these fellas are, like, Hammer and Punch? FUFUFUFUFUFUF I´m kidding, I´m kidding!!! Stop throwing rocks at me!
I have no idea what their names could be (after all, there are so many things you could use to murder someone...you could hire a professional killer, burn someone to death, choke someone with wires... do you get me?). The point is... now we have a log pose.
Anyway, I needed to share this. I don´t know if someone wrote about this before but... yeah. As always, share your thoughts with meee!!
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