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Iris Publishers - World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science (WJASS)
Ailanthus Altissima (Mill.) and Varroa Destructor (Anderson & Trueman) - Two Alien and Invasive Species with Impact on the Environment and on the “Hive System”
Authored by T Gardi
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Ailanthus altissima (Mill.), Is a genus of plants of the Simaroubaceae family, which includes seven species of trees originating in the tropical areas of Asia and Australia, which can reach heights just over 25m. The common name is ailanthus or tree of paradise.
Introduced in Italy also for ornamental purposes, it has proved over time to be a highly infesting, very aggressive plant, with a very rapid proliferation, whose roots extend in width up to thirty meters from the trunk, giving rise to colonies of new daughter plants both for root suckers than via gamic (from seed). The bad smell emanating from its leaves is known.
The stem, of very little commercial value, as it is soft and not durable wood, is generally erect and very branched with a lighter brown-gray bark on the young branches. The leaves are composed, pinnate, spiraled or opposite, and without stipules. The flowers, gathered in spike or panicle inflorescences, are generally unisexual.
The most widespread species in Italy, Ailanthus altissima (Mill.), Is dioecious, i.e. each tree of this species hosts only male or female only flowers. It produces winged dried indecent fruits (samare). It was introduced in Italy for an attempt to breed the moth Philosamia cynthia originating in the Far East for the production of silk, it is now found in the woods, on the ripe, on the greti, on arid, stony and unstable soils, along the roads and close to of the walls of buildings and in the splits of reinforced concrete pavements. Its spread goes from the plains to the mountains, becoming a very aggressive weed. It slowly replaces the existing native vegetation, forming colonies. It is also found more and more often in cities, where it is used, unexpectedly and thoughtlessly, as a quick remedy against the sun’s rays; the plant is in fact known also for the extreme rapidity of growth in height. Its weed characteristics, however, should suggest careful control of its propagation, which has long been ignored for too long. In fact, the ailanthus is spreading in an increasingly worrying way at the expense of the pre-existing indigenous vegetation, in Umbria we find it, in fact, also on the summit slopes of Subasio Mount, along the left side of the road that from the Eremo delle Carceri leads to Collepino – Spello (PG). The species is spreading so rapidly that today it is difficult to try to eliminate it as the cutting of adult plants leads to the issue of numerous shoots of radical origin even at considerable distances from the place where the adult is located. The only system to be able to contain and eliminate it from an area, respecting the environment, consists in cutting the trunks of the existing plants at about 1.5 meters in height and letting recesses form on the trunk; these must be eliminated by “crushing”, in the middle of summer, repeatedly and for several consecutive years, so as to obtain complete drying of the stump due to the weakening and rotting of the wood with a soft and centrally suber consistency. Clearly, this type of intervention can only be proposed in private properties and with still a low number of individuals settled, as it requires assiduity and availability of manpower. In all other cases, even if it is not environmentally possible, the only remedy is the use of synthetic systemic herbicides.
American studies [1] have shown that excellent results can be obtained by resorting to the use of 2 specific active synthetic ingredients: Picloram and Triclopir. These molecules are contained, respectively, in the commercial products available in Italy under the name: TORDON 22K®, a systemic herbicide with leaf and radical absorption, persistent in the soil and with a broad spectrum of action. Particularly used for weeding uncultivated areas, roads, industrial areas, etc.; in the reclamation of pastures, against ferns, romici, etc.; in maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of the nets and in any case of the fences. The product is highly phytotoxic for poplar, vines, orchards, arboreal and herbaceous crops in general. Absolutely to avoid treatments on windy days and pay attention to any neighboring crops avoiding them being affected. The second commercial product is GARLON EV®) whose active molecule, Triclopir, puts it into use as a systemic, non-residual herbicide. The synergy of the two active ingredients enhances the action on plants that are difficult to control, making it more effective than the well-known Glyphosate (Roundup®), banned in some EU countries and beyond (Malta, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Scotland, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Vietnam), for precautionary reasons as a substance believed to be at risk of procuring cancer and highly polluting for agro-ecosystems. The Triclopir molecule is quickly absorbed by plants and translocated both downwards and upwards. The product is most effective in the active growth phase. Compared to Picloram, Triclopir is rapidly degraded by soil microorganisms (2 hours). It is not volatile and can therefore be used near green areas to be protected without danger of drift damage. Its effect manifests itself after a few days. These herbicides given in succession and repeatedly during the summer (from May to September) must be applied to the green leaves and stems, including shoots and suckers, until these are completely wet, but not to the point of outflow of the mixture. The first lasting results are obtained six weeks after the treatment. Unfortunately, against this alien and invasive species, too long ignored by public institutions and private citizens, this turns out to be the only effective control method, as it is able to kill young trees born from seed and able to prevent regrowth from root suckers, as once moved to the root system, it kills the roots. In the case of isolated specimens, the fight can be conducted by directly injections with the aforementioned active ingredient, directly at the base of the trunk, thus avoiding that the molecule can reach different and neighboring plant species.
The only positive aspect attributable to ailanthus is that it is a nectariferous species from which, in certain vintages, good monoflora honey can also be obtained. In fact, contrary to the unpleasant smell emanating from the different parts of the plant (leaves and stem), given the spread of the species and its flowering that occurs in June, ailanthus honey tends to hide the flavor of many other types of honey, like acacia and linden, while adding a very pleasant note to many kinds of wildflower honey. Ailanthus honey looks like a thick product with an amber color, which tends to crystallize quickly within a few months. The aroma of this honey is generally associated with that of fresh mushrooms, with a consistent fruit note. The flavor, on the other hand, is considered as intense and enveloping and reminiscent of Muscat, managing to be easily combined with sweet dishes, fruit salads or fruit ice cream, obtaining a delicious and refreshing food for the summer.
Ailanthus honey also has the ability to harmonize and bind very different flavors: it should also be tried with aged cheeses; Furthermore, it seems that this honey also has antiseptic properties: according to traditional Chinese medicine, ailanthus and its honey can have positive effects against infections and dysentery. In reality, the leaves of the plant and the plant itself have no healing properties, they can actually be harmful to the human organism. However, the antiseptic properties of honey are definitely more plausible. It appears to be a soothing anti-cough: According to some “popular” legends it is claimed that ailanthus honey can be a good ally for fighting respiratory problems. Excellent sweetener: thanks to its intense “fruit flavor”, ailanthus honey is an excellent sweetener for herbal teas and more.
Varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman) - The Alien and Invasive Mite of the “Hive System”
Among the various pathologies affecting honeybee colonies, Varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman), is today the most dangerous parasite because if left unchecked it can lead to the collapse of colonies over the course of one or two bee seasons. Four species associated with the Apis cerana (Fabr.) Belong to the genus Varroa: Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans, Varroa underwoodi Delfinado & Aggrawaal, Varroa rindereri de Guzman & Delfinado, Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman. The latter only recently in 2000, thanks to Anderson & Trueman it was possible to distinguish it from Varroa jacobsoni; discovered, however, in 1904 by Oudemans, on the island of Java and spread exclusively in Indonesia on Apis cerana and others, but it does not reproduce on A. mellifera and has little economic importance. Hence, most of the works published in the past on Varroa jacobsoni actually refer to Varroa destructor [2]. Originally, Varroa destructor, parasitized the Apis cerana to which it does not cause particular damage, but starting from the 1940s to increase bee production, European bees were introduced to South-East Asia; from that moment the parasite was also found on A. mellifera. Subsequently, it was reported in Russia and spread, in almost all the countries of southern and south-eastern Asia and subsequently in almost all the countries of the world (Figures 1&2) [2].
Direct Damage to the Honeybee Colony
The direct damage that varroa mite causes to bees, are mainly developmental alterations as well as effects of loss of orientation and weakening.
The main effect that has been found concerns weight loss that can exceed 10%, in the case of bees infested by a single parasite; and it has been shown that this loss does not only concern a reduction of the hemolymph stolen from the bee, but also the loss of water. In addition, parasitized bees are born with a reduction in the levels of protein concentration in the head and abdomen (20%). For these conditions, the life expectancy of bees is reduced by 50% [4]. As a consequence of this, there may be reductions in the population, evident flight difficulties, problems with the queen and also the presence of tracheal mites. In the brood, an irregularity of this can be observed above all, symptoms similar to European plague, American plague or sack brood and larvae out of place in the cell or dark-colored [2].
Indirect Damage on Adult Bees and on Broods
Direct damage is not insignificant but is of secondary importance with respect to the transmission of viruses, in fact, the main cause of mortality of the infested colonies is the viral infection that occurs.
Twenty viruses have been identified in the bee [7], the most harmful being the deformed wing virus (DWV) (Figure 10) and the acute paralysis virus (Acute Paralysis Virus, APV). Varroa is able to transmit and transfer viruses between bees and this assumes that the virus is able to replicate within the parasite, a capacity that is still uncertain, except for the deformed wing virus [4]. In 50-80% of cases, the mite transfers the virus from an infected pupa to a healthy one, therefore, as the infestation increases, the risk of spreading the virus itself increases [2]. Therefore, these transmissions must be avoided or at least reduced to keep the varroe in low numbers, generally treating the removal of the honey bees in late summer, avoiding dangerous delays in the treatments because this entails the birth of winter bees infected with viruses, and there is a risk that the colony succumbs during the winter.
According to a recent study conducted by Schroeder in 2015 on the deformed wing virus, it has been observed that, in England, some apiaries have an avirulent strain of DWV (called type b), and that they are also immune to the more virulent strain (type a ) which instead causes the colonies to collapse; the presence of a third strain (type c) has also been observed, the characteristics of which are not yet certain. This new interaction could be exploited to minimize the problems caused by this virus (Schroeder, 2015). Finally, the acute paralysis virus, in severely infested colonies, can also cause a considerable mortality of uncapped brood as well as shortening the life of adult bees which, following this virosis, present tremors and weakening. To date, unfortunately, beekeepers do not have a pest eradicating care system; so much so that the methods of struggle are based on the application of biotechnics (confinement of the queen, use of heat, etc ...) that allow interventions with low chemical impact on the hive system [8-10], or through the use of chemical molecules that do not always guarantee the health of bees and consumers [11-22].
To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/wjass/fulltext/ailanthus-altissima-Mill-and-varroa.ID.000586.php
Indexing List of Iris Publishers: https://medium.com/@irispublishers/what-is-the-indexing-list-of-iris-publishers-4ace353e4eee
Iris publishers google scholar citations: https://scholar.google.co.in/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=irispublishers&btnG=
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chitrakullkarni · 3 years
Coconut Products Market Segmentation, Key Players, Competitive Strategies and Forecast, 2025
The global Coconut Products Market research report provides complete insights on industry scope, trends, regional estimates, key application, competitive landscape and financial performance of prominent players. It also offers ready data-driven answers to several industry-level questions. This study enables numerous opportunities for the market players to invest in research and development.
Market Overview:
The global coconut products market size is anticipated to reach USD 95.64 Billion by the year 2025, according to a new report by Million Insights. It is expected to grow with a CAGR of 17.8% over the forecasted period, 2019 to 2025. Rising awareness about the health benefits from the consumption of coconut and its products is expected to boost the market growth during the forecast period.
Key Players:
Vita Coco
Coca-Cola (Zico)
Eco Biscuits
Dutch Plantin
Coconut Dream
Koh Coconut
UFC Coconut Water
Taste Nirvana
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Growth Drivers:
The rise in the variety of coconut derived products is expected to have positive effect on the market growth. The increase in the usage of products like oil and milk is expected to fuel the market growth in the upcoming years. The key players in the cosmetics and food & beverage industry have started investing in the R&Ds to develop new products using the coconut extracts.
The use of coconut oil enhances the growth of hair. Thus, its demand is on the rise for food & beverage as well as the personal care industry. The milk obtained from the coconut is also gaining acceptance across the vegan population. Other products obtained for its extracts such as sugar, coconut water, cookies, and chips are also gaining popularity, thereby boosting the market growth. Owing to the rise in the number of derived products, the market is expected to boost significantly in the upcoming years.
The popularity of coconut water as an energy drink is expected to increase continuously owing to its nutritional values and hydrating properties. Other derived products like sugar, coir, chips, and cookies are also gaining popularity across the globe. For example, coir is being used for the manufacturing of geotextiles owing to its excellent absorbent characteristics and higher durability.
Product Outlook:
Milk/ Cream
Application Outlook:
Food & Beverages
In 2018, the cosmetics segment held the largest share of 65%. A variety of skincare and haircare products use coconut oil or milk as one of the major ingredients. Their antioxidant properties allow them to be used in anti-aging creams. The rising cosmetics market is expected to drive market growth for such products in the upcoming years.
Many countries especially in the Asia Pacific use these products for cooking and bakery preparations. They are becoming popular among the vegan population. However, due to higher fat content, the market growth is expected to witness a setback shortly.
Regional Outlook:
In 2018, the region of North America held the largest share of 28% in the global coconut products market. The U.S. is the major importer of these products across this region. Owing to its health benefits, these products find their application across products like energy drinks and smoothies.
The region of Europe is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR of 18.7% from 2019 to 2025 owing to an increase in the consumption of coconut milk and water. This milk is being used as an alternative to conventional dairy milk across various countries.
The regions of Asia Pacific and Central and South America also contribute to the consumption of such products. As a majority of the coconut plantations are found across countries like India, Brazil, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines these regions act as large exporters to the countries of Europe and North America.
Browse Related Category Research Reports @ https://industryanalysisandnews.wordpress.com/
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tmr123123 · 3 years
Global Ayurvedic Market Revenue, Regional & Country Share, Key Factors, Trends & Analysis, To 2030
Global Ayurvedic Marketwas value US$ 4.5Bn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 14.9Bn by 2026 at a CAGR of 16.14%.
Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine derived from Ayurvedic natural herbs & is a form of alternative medicine. Nearly 75% of people in India use some form of traditional medicine, a category that includes Ayurveda.
Some of the driving factors favouring the market growth include growing demand for natural and organic products, increasing consumer awareness and growing demand for ayurvedic cosmetics products, expanding medical tourism through the globe. Organic skincare products are achieving fast grip and the market is expected to expand even further.
Furthermore, to expanding consumer base, anti-wrinkle & anti-ageing creams are projected to fuel the market growth. However, lack of stringent regulations and optimum therapeutics, lack of a killer instinct in the ayurvedic industry are some of the key barrier or restraint which is limiting the market size. Moreover, practical developments in ayurvedic medicines will offer great investment opportunities for players in the ayurvedic market.
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Personal care products segment is leading the ayurvedic market globally due to increasing awareness of personal care products, changes in consumption patterns and lifestyles, and improved the purchasing power of women, promises moving times for the personal care industry. The Asia Pacific is estimated to dominate the global market owing to the presence of established ayurvedic manufacturing units.
Retail sales are dominating the ayurvedic market. Retail is the process of selling ayurvedic product or services to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit. Retailers satisfy demand identified over a supply chain.
Region-wise, the Asia Pacific region accounts for the largest share of the market due to their rich tradition of herbal medicines led by India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and others. India is the largest market and accounts for almost US$ 1200Mn in terms of market value. India exports of Ayurvedic drugs was estimated to be around. US$ 65Mn in 2017. The main exports of Indian Ayurveda include Senna & Psyllium.
Global ayurvedic market report includes PESTLE analysis, competitive landscape, and Porter’s five force model. Market attractive analysis wherein all the segments are benchmarked based on the market size, growth rate, and general attractiveness.
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Some of the key players operating in global ayurvedic market, Patanjali, Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited, Zandu Pharmaceuticals Works Ltd., WELEX Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, Lotus Herbals, Khadi Natural, Surya Herbal Limited.
Scope of Global Ayurvedic Market
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Mode of sales Retail Sale Online Sale
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Product Personal Care Products Hair Care & Fragrances Skin Care Oral Care Make-Up Healthcare Products Ayurvedic Medicines Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals Dietary Supplements
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Application Cancer Treatments Respiratory Disorders Mental Health Nervous System Disorders Diabetes Skin Diseases Cardiovascular Diseases Autoimmune Diseases Other Applications
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Distribution channel Supermarkets Pharmacy & Drug Stores Direct Selling Beauty Salons Specialty Stores Internet Retailing Departmental Stores Other Distribution Channels
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Region North America Europe Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa South America
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Key players operating in Ayurvedic Market Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited Zandu Pharmaceuticals Works Ltd WELEX Laboratories Pvt. Ltd Lotus Herbals Khadi Natural Surya Herbal Limited Maxcure Nutracedics Ltd. Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. AVA Products & Services Vicco Laboratories Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd. Kerala Ayurveda Ltd. Forest Essentials Dabur India Ltd. The Himalaya Drug Company Patanjali Ayurved Limited Hamdard Laboratories Emami Ltd. Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd. BACFO Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Charak Pharma Ayurvedic LifeStyles Inc.
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jacobwill176 · 4 years
COVID-19 Impact on Bank Risk Management Software MarketKey Geographies, Key Players and Target Audience forecast year 2020
A new market study, titled “  Global Ayurvedic Market Industry Analysis and Forecast (2018-2026)”been featured on WiseGuyReport…
October 31, 2020                                
Global Ayurvedic Market was value US$ 4.5Bn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 14.9Bn by 2026 at a CAGR of 16.14%.
Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine derived from ‘Ayurvedic’ natural herbs & is a form of alternative medicine. Nearly 75% of people in India use some form of traditional medicine, a category that includes Ayurveda.
Some of the driving factors favouring the market growth include growing demand for natural and organic products, increasing consumer awareness and growing demand for ayurvedic cosmetics products, expanding medical tourism through the globe. Organic skincare products are achieving fast grip and the market is expected to expand even further.
Furthermore, to expanding consumer base, anti-wrinkle & anti-ageing creams are projected to fuel the market growth. However, lack of stringent regulations and optimum therapeutics, lack of a killer instinct in the ayurvedic industry are some of the key barrier or restraint which is limiting the market size. Moreover, practical developments in ayurvedic medicines will offer great investment opportunities for players in the ayurvedic market.
Personal care products segment is leading the ayurvedic market globally due to increasing awareness of personal care products, changes in consumption patterns and lifestyles, and improved the purchasing power of women, promises moving times for the personal care industry. The Asia Pacific is estimated to dominate the global market owing to the presence of established ayurvedic manufacturing units.
Retail sales are dominating the ayurvedic market. Retail is the process of selling ayurvedic product or services to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit. Retailers satisfy demand identified over a supply chain.
Region-wise, the Asia Pacific region accounts for the largest share of the market due to their rich tradition of herbal medicines led by India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and others. India is the largest market and accounts for almost US$ 1200Mn in terms of market value. India exports of Ayurvedic drugs was estimated to be around. US$ 65Mn in 2017. The main exports of Indian Ayurveda include Senna & Psyllium.
Global ayurvedic market report includes PESTLE analysis, competitive landscape, and Porter’s five force model. Market attractive analysis wherein all the segments are benchmarked based on the market size, growth rate, and general attractiveness.
ALSO READ https://www.medgadget.com/2019/09/ayurvedic-market-global-potential-growthsharedemand-and-analysis-of-key-players-forecasts-to-2026.html
Some of the key players operating in global ayurvedic market, Patanjali, Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited, Zandu Pharmaceuticals Works Ltd., WELEX Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, Lotus Herbals, Khadi Natural, Surya Herbal Limited.
Scope of Global Ayurvedic Market
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Mode of sales
Retail Sale
Online Sale
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Product
Personal Care Products
Hair Care & Fragrances
Skin Care
Oral Care
Healthcare Products
Ayurvedic Medicines
Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals
Dietary Supplements
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Application
Cancer Treatments
Respiratory Disorders
Mental Health
Nervous System Disorders
Skin Diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases
Autoimmune Diseases
Other Applications
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Distribution channel
Pharmacy & Drug Stores
Direct Selling
Beauty Salons
Specialty Stores
Internet Retailing
Departmental Stores
Other Distribution Channels
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key players operating in Ayurvedic Market
Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited
Zandu Pharmaceuticals Works Ltd
WELEX Laboratories Pvt. Ltd
Lotus Herbals
Khadi Natural
Surya Herbal Limited
Maxcure Nutracedics Ltd.
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd.
AVA Products & Services
Vicco Laboratories
Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd.
Kerala Ayurveda Ltd.
Forest Essentials
Dabur India Ltd.
The Himalaya Drug Company
Patanjali Ayurved Limited
Hamdard Laboratories
Emami Ltd.
Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
BACFO Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Charak Pharma
Ayurvedic LifeStyles Inc.
FOR MORE DETAILS https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/3925831-global-ayurvedic-market-industry-analysis-and-forecast-2018-2026
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gaiacostella · 4 years
Organic Green Tea Production - Healthy Tea, Healthy Environment
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Is that anti-oxidant rich healthy green tea you like to drink damaging the environment? It's if it is not organic.
Green tea is renowned around the world for its health-producing benefits, both through conventional wisdom, and more recently through a huge volume of scientific study. Yet the truly health-conscious understand that health isn't only for the body, but goes out to society and the environment. 
Given the large volumes of tea grown across the world, and the amount of substances used in normal agricultural production, going organic with green tea becomes much more important--to the quality of tea, the quality of the environment it has grown in, and for the quality of life of the employees.
Although tea is grown in nearly 40 countries, the vast majority (roughly 80 percent ) comes from only five--China, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Kenya. Unfortunately, the majority of the production isn't organic and this could have some catastrophic consequences, as commercial tea manufacturing frequently uses up to 20 different chemical fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides applied multiple times during the growing season.
Tea production is labour intensive and land intensive. The plants take about ten years to grow and can then easily last for over 80 years, sometimes well over a hundred. Soil nutrition becomes very critical in that situation since there's absolutely not any crop rotation to break the land and replenish nutrients. Nutrients have to come from someplace. 
This has caused a massive dependence on chemical replacement, which further damages the soil and flows an excess of nitrogen to the water table, damaging, creeks, rivers, and marine life. There's also a possibility of pest invasions and therefore the use of insecticides and herbicides. Often workers aren't adequately protected from the effects of the harsh compound, working in the areas right after they've been sprayed, without protective clothing and frequently barefoot. The outcome? Both employees and local wildlife are harmed by these harsh chemicals.
But in each tea producing area of the planet some farmers are turning to organic procedures. China and India, as the world's biggest producers have some significant manufacturers, but the Japanese also compete in this market. Organic green tea cultivation involves natural pest control, composting for soil nutrition, occasionally employing the bio dynamics developed by Rudolph Steiner, occasionally including vermiculite (worm composting) and in Japan even chamomile is used to create a rich organic fertilizer for elite green tea.
Organic green tea manufacturing the world over is showing that organic can be more than competitive, it may be profitable for companies, for the employees and for an environment which all need to keep healthy to be sustainable over decades of tea production.
Check out GAIA COSTELLA for more information about healthy environment.
What Are Some Ways to Ensure That Your Home Has a Safe and Healthy Environment?
Considering our home should be the safest place to be, we must make sure that we have a secure environment in all aspects. We ought to use products that are secure for us, including drinking, cleaning, cooking, health and beauty, skin and hair, and whatever used for the care of babies.
Cleaning products should be made from non-toxic chemicals and they need to be biodegradable, hypoallergenic, contain no phosphates, and are pH-balanced. They ought to remove dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface without causing allergies to anybody, especially to sensitive men and women. There should be no greasy or dirty residue left after cleaning. 
Start looking for a product that's not just biodegradable and safe but one which removes grease and dirt, and may be used for many household items like appliances, barbecues, counter tops, flooring, furniture, mirrors, sealed woodwork, walls, and windows.
Some cleaning products aren't only organic but they are also concentrated. It might seem that some products cost more initially, but from a value perspective, this isn't cost effective. Concentrated products like dishwasher powder or liquid, laundry detergents, hand washing liquids, stain removers and standard household cleaners can help you save money since you can use a tiny amount or you can dilute it and get far better results than other goods.
For personal hygiene and to skin - like adults, children, and infants - use products which aren't only natural, but also hypoallergenic, clinically tested to guarantee safety in using the item, and powerful (actually accomplish what they are supposed to do). This includes shampoos, moisturizers, aging creams, hydrating cleansing cream, makeup removers, toners, eye treatments, or any other skincare products.
For clean air in the house and to prevent any air pollution, use electronic air cleaners using a hepa filter and prevent smoking in addition to second-hand smoke. This will control dust mites, dust, molds, scents, and mildew.
Drinking water from the tap may not always be secure since tap water may contain harmful chemicals or contaminants. Short term or long term use of these contaminants [should they exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL)] may potentially cause side effects, diseases, or disorders, including anemia (particularly in babies and young children), cancer, circulatory system issues, dermatitis (allergic), kidney damage, liver damage, nervous system effects in babies and young children, and polyps. Some of these contaminants and their sources (to name a couple ) are:
- arsenic - erosion of natural deposits;
- asbestos - erosion of natural deposits;
- bro mate - byproduct when water is disinfected;
- cadmium - erosion of galvanized pipes and natural deposits, removed waste products from paints and batteries;
- chloride - used as a disinfectant and to control germs;
- chlorine - byproduct when water is disinfected;
- chlorine dioxide - used to control microbes;
- chromium - (a carcinogen) expulsion from steel and pulp mills and erosion of natural deposits;
- copper - erosion of natural deposits and rust in the pipes systems;
- fluoride - although promotes strong teeth, the source is erosion of natural deposits and seepage from aluminum factories and fertilizers;
- lead - home plumbing system corrosion and erosion of natural deposits;
- radium - erosion of natural deposits;
- uranium - erosion of natural deposits;
- viruses - mosquito avoidance (from animals and people ).
To get around these contaminants, use either a reverse osmosis system or a secure filtration system that's been tested and includes a solid block of carbon to clean your water. Use clean water not only for drinking but also for cooking or anything that's consumed.
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adwaitcoherent · 4 years
From US$ 39.7 Bn in 2019 to US$ 69.2 Bn in 2027: Asia Pacific Facial Care Market showing exponential growth.
While China being the lead consumer for Asia Pacific facial care market in 2019, the Asia Pacefic market to reach US$ 69.2 billion by 2027.
Request for Sample PDF Copy: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/3911
Statistics: Asia Pacific facial care market is estimated to account for US$ 69.2 Bn in terms of value by the end of 2027.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Drivers Launch of new products is expected to propel growth of Asia Pacific facial care market over the forecast period. For instance, in May 2020, Amorepacic, a South Korea-based company, launched Sienu brand with the Time Brace line, a range of six anti-ageing skin care products.
Figure 1: Asia Pacific Facial Care Market Share (%) Value, By Region, 2019
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Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Opportunities Increasing focus on aesthetic appeal among men in East Asia is expected to offer lucrative growth opportunities for players in Asia Pacific facial care market. This can be attributed to changing cultural attitude to male beauty and increasing disposable income. For instance, according the Statistics Korea, Government of Republic of Korea, the average monthly household income in South Korea amounted to US$ 3,900 in the fourth quarter of 2019, which rose by 3.6% from the fourth quarter of 2018.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Restraints Product recalls are expected to hinder growth of the market. For instance, in January 2020, Yes To Inc. issued a voluntary recall of its Grapefruit Vitamin C Glow-Boosting Unicorn Paper Mask in response to complaints of skin irritation and redness.
Figure 2: Asia Pacific Facial Care Market Value (US$ Bn), 2016 – 2027
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Key Takeaways: Asia Pacific facial care market was valued at US$ 39.7 Bn in 2019 and is forecast to reach a value of US$ 69.2 Bn by 2027 at a CAGR of 7.2% between 2020 and 2027. Increasing focus on aesthetic appeal among population in Asia Pacific is expected to propel the market during the forecast period. Skin whitening/lightening and anti-ageing creams segment held dominant position in Asia Pacific facial care market in 2019, accounting for 39.9% share in terms of value. Increasing product launches during the forecast period is expected to drive the segment growth during the forecast period.
Market Trends: Major players in the market are focused on launching new products to expand their product portfolio. For instance, in September 2019, KOSÉ Corporation launched AQ MELIORITY, an aging car product from brand DECORTÉ in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, France, the U.K., Spain, Italy, the U.S., and Canada. Major players in the market are also focused on expanding their geographical presence to enhance their market share. For instance, in March 2020, Shiseido Company, Ltd. started selling SHISEIDO brand products in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka via its distributor Luxasia Partners Pte. Ltd.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Competitive Landscape   Major players operating in Asia Pacific facial care market include, L’Oreal S.A, Procter and Gamble Company (P&G), Estee Lauder Companies Inc., The Unilever Plc, Shiseido Co. Ltd., Johnson and Johnson Limited, Kose Corporation, and Kao Corporation.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Key Developments November 2019: Shiseido Company, Ltd. completed the construction of Nasu Factory in Ohtawara City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, as a manufacturing facility for medium-to-high-priced skincare products
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October 2019: Dove, a Unilever brand, launched new initiatives and impact figures to accelerate progress to address plastic waste in the beauty industry
Buy this Research Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/buy-now/3911
About Us: Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions. We are headquartered in India, having office at global financial capital in the U.S. Our client base includes players from across all business verticals in over 150 countries worldwide. We do offer wide range of services such as Industry analysis, Consulting services, Market Intelligence, Customized research services and much more. We have expertise in many fields such as healthcare, chemicals and materials, Automation, semiconductors, electronics, energy, food and beverage, packaging and many more. Visit our website to know more.
Contact Us: Mr. Shah Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave.  #3200  Seattle, WA 98154 Tel: +1-206-701-6702 Email: [email protected]
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shazyloren · 7 years
The Dragon Club: Chapter 46 - Gates and Doorsteps
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12018519/chapters/28942101
Daenerys was woken up from her sleep on the plane as it began its descent back into King's Landing international airport. She gathered her hand luggage and waited for her ears to do the unceremonious pop before breathing easier. Her trip was over and it was back into reality she went. She'd had such a wonderful time in Sri Lanka that she was sad to see it over, even if she was anxious to see Jon when he got back tomorrow.
She should've been home already but there was a lightening storm making her plane delayed. And just because Jon's flight came in tomorrow it did not mean she would see him straight away, he would be jet lagged and in need of sleep. At the slight mention of sleep, her mind went to a place it did not need to go while on a plane. So she pushed it back into the recesses of her mind.
Baggage claim and security was a doddle and before she knew it they could see Duty Free and the skyline of King's landing beyond that. Home. She was happy to be home. However until she stepped outside of the terminal, she was still on holiday. She also gained the signal back on her phone, meaning she'd be bombarded with messages any day now. And as if she was magic, as they left the airport she was indeed bombarded by a bunch of messages and missed calls, from her brother Rhaegar of all people. This had her really worried something bad has happened she called him back as soon as they were in the taxi on the way to the apartment on the other side of town.
It wasn't long until he answered, two rings precisely. "Hello? Daenerys? Thank god!"
"What's the matter, Rae?" Daenerys could hear the panic in his voice and the crying of Elia in the background. It wasn't good, whatever had happened. "Rae, it's okay, calm and tell me what's going on?"
"Fucking mother, that's what. She was suppose to be looking after Rani and Aggy this evening but she's got into a huge argument with Rani, over what I don't know and so Rani walked out of their house and now she won't answer her phone and I have no clue where she could be!" He sounded furious, Daenerys didn't know who with more, Rani for walking out or mother for causing her to. Probably the latter, Rani had never done something this stupid before.
"Okay, you've checked with Jeyne's mother that's she's not gone there? She lives not too far from Mum and Dad" Daenerys offered.
"She's not there that was the first place I thought of. Are you home, she might be coming to you!"
"I'm in a taxi on my way home, I just got off the plane from Sri Lanka" Daenerys say as Jorah starts logging into the security camera's surrounding the apartment from his tablet. The connection is poor so he has trouble loading.
"I thought you'd be home yesterday?" Rae was more fretful than Daenerys had ever heard him sound.
"Flight delay, there was a storm. Give us a minute, Jorah is logging into my security cameras to see if we can pick her up on them. I don't know if she will be there yet. If she is walking it could be ages before she arrives, if she'd coming to me that is" Daenerys was worried for her niece. It was when the internet finally worked and he hooked into the cameras that his phone rang. Daenerys made out the name, Daario. "Hold on, Rae, Daario's phoning he might know something"
Hello, Daario" Jorah spoke, the two phone conversations happening simultaneously. Jorah sighed, in relief. "Thank the gods"
"Where is she?" Dany demanded.
"At your, she turned up outside the door and Daario let her in. She's eating ice-cream as we speak" Daenerys felt relief wash through her body. She was a silly girl for running away, she needed to find out what was the cause of it firstly. She relayed the information back to Rhaegar.
"Tell her when you get home she's in big trouble!" She snapped down the phone.
"Rhaegar, she's a 15 year old girl going through puberty, let me speak to her. This could be the beginning of her anti-parent phase, you remember mine, don't you?" Daenerys said to try and alleviate the situation. Rhaegar grunted. "Just let me get home, I'm not far off now, let me speak to her and see what the problem is. then if she's good, I'll call you and you can come and get her"
"Daenerys she just wandered off without telling anyone where she was going!" He shouted.
"Have you met mother? That's very understandable given who she is" Daenerys shouted just as ferociously. "Let me speak to her, there's a reason she's gone to my apartment"
That was the end of the conversation, Daenerys hung up the phone and stared out of the window. Valyrian building was rising high in the clouds as she did. It was nice to be home, but had her first few minute back on home soil have to start with an interrogation of a fifteen year old? Only this family is bonkers enough where my mother has driven Rani to do this. She generally gets on with Granny Targs, which is more than Daenerys ever has. But mother had been in a strange place the last few months, he disapproval of Jon being one reason why.
Jorah was still on the phone with Daario, getting up to speed with everything that had happened. They hadn't seen the culprit anymore, which was worrying to Daenerys. What if he was waiting to strike while she was at home? While she had Rani at the apartment? She expressed these concerns to Jora but he promised everything would be sorted. He's never let her down yet so there was no reason for him to start doing now.
She breathed a little easier, welcoming her apartment which had now come into view. Knowing her niece was safe on the other side of those walls, she felt a small smile as the familiarity of it all overwhelmed her. Jorah even sighed beside her contently, he was too happy to be out of the heat and home. Before they entered her underground parking, she tweeted a small 'touch down, home sweet home!'. Feeling the time difference she was sleepy too, she was glad they arrived in the evening time meaning she could pretty much go straight to bed once he got Rani sorted.
As the taxi came to a stop in Daenerys' parking space, she climbed out of the car quickly and made to her lift straight away. Jorah paid the taxi and he left once the bags were out the boot. He joined Daenerys in the lift and they went up. "I might kill her so hold me back"
"You won't, you're cool Aunt Dany remember?" Jorah laughed.
"I try to be" She laughed. The lifts opened and they were greeted by Daario at the end of the hall in his suit. He smiled brightly when Daenerys turned up but she only nodded in return and launched the door open. "Rani? RANI!" There was a small kerfuffle and a clapping of feet on the floor as she appeared in the lobby with a sheepish expression on her face. Instantly Daenerys softened, unable to be mad at her. She crossed to where she stood and enveloped her into a large embrace. "Don't ever do that to us again"
"'m sorry, Auntie Daenerys. But Grammy Targs can be so... so... gaaaaah!" She exclaimed, pulling her hair into her fists. Daenerys nodded agreeing. She took Rani to the lounge where they sat on the sofa. Jorah was off home now as it was Daario's night shift now. Qhono was resting, it was his day off as he'd done loads of days ina  row while they'd been away. Jorah bid goodbye and left, leaving Daenerys to grill her niece.
"So i've just go home from Sri Lanka to an abundance of messages and missed calls from your father. Why did you run out of Grans house?" Daenerys asked nicely. "You can tell me anything, I'm cool Aunt remember. I'm not as strange as Uncle Viserys or as laidback as our Uncle Oberyn. Talk to me"
"There's... this dance at school" She started. Daenerys knew where this was going already. Boy trouble. She didn't say anything.
"Okay" She just nodded.
"And there's this boy I really like, Tommen Baratheon" Daenerys knew of him, he was Tyrion's nephew. Weird how her niece goes to school with him she thought. "He asked me to the dance, it's just a summer dance at the end of the school year"
"Let me guess, she said you couldn't go?" Daenerys raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, but it' not up to her. It's my choice. And Tommen is really sweet" Rani folded her arms. In the light of Daenery's living room her caramel skin glew brightly. Her eyebrows were pruned and her hair was done nicely. She was growing up, and it was that, which Daenerys thought might be the root of the problem with her mother.
"Some boys, are not as nice as they initially seem. I know that from experience" Daenerys spoke. "But they're not all bad eggs"
"She said he would disappoint me and that my tears were not worth being spilled over him"
"That's just silly. No one would ever date anyone if that were the case" Daenerys thought about how to go about her next sentence. "Do you know, that Grammy targs doesn't like Jon?"
"Is she mental?" Rani asked shocked. "Jon's so cool though!"
"He is indeed, a very good man too. They are hard to come by, but she's like this with me too. And I'm still trying to get her to see how stupid she's being. But unfortunately it's with no avail at the moment" Daenerys was getting through to her. "If you like this boy now, you go to this dance, and you dance your socks off and you celebrate finishing the school year together. If it comes to it that he is a rotten egg, which I do not know, then it's a lesson learned. But you cannot grow as a person without these experiences"
"Why does Grammy Targs not like Jon?" She was still confused on that one.
"It's a protective thing, it comes with being a mother. When I was... younger, I was with someone who hurt me. And since then, she's never let me out of her sight, until one day I had enough. And told her I was my own person to make my own mistakes. We've never seen eye to eye since. She has the Targaryen stubborn trait. She will come around eventually"
"So I should go with Tommen?" Rani asked.
"Absolutely" Daenerys chuckled. "Next time, don't run off at night"
"I won't" She laughed. "God it sounds so stupid, ran off because my grandmother doesn't want me dancing with a boy. How did I even contemplate this?"
"Rhaella will make you do crazy things"
They sat and ate some ice-cream after that and Dany texted her brother saying she was okay and everything was sorted, but that she'd be having words with mother in the morning. She also asked if Rani could stay over for the rest of the weekend as it was Friday night. Daenerys could do with the company if Jon doesn't come round. Rhaegar agreed and so Rani went to bed in the spare bedroom leaving Daenerys to collapse on her own bed, seeing Jon playing on her mind the last thing she thinks of as she falls into deep slumber.
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evannalily · 5 years
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No.7 Skincare Products
Hey everyone and welcome to todays skincare post on the newly branded BASIC by Lily blog! Todays I’m going to be running you through my newest updated skincare routine as I realised I haven’t done one of these posts in a while and have been sticking mainly to store product posts rather than personal posts so here it is my first beauty related post of 2019!
So I have slowly but surely started to get into more detailed skin care routine as before I used to just my nightly moisturiser and a scrub whenever I showered but my skin recently had a bit of an off moment so I have decided to start getting into more of a daily routine to keep it happier. I’m a believer in not using too many products on your skin on a daily basis because I feel the more you use the more your skin goes through and also gets used to a product so it starts to in a way fight back against it and also I just like giving it breathing space to get air and direct natural light etc so I don’t use too many things but I have a new haul of products to tell you about! My products are mainly Boots No.7 range (and a couple of Garnier products) because I have just found that over the years of using different brands, learning about make up etc that No.7 is just what works best for me overall and yes they are that little bit more expensive (between €9-€22 depending on the product) they are what works best for me so this post is just my opinion and not any kind of sponsored/affliliated/gifted/advert blog post.
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No.7 Micellar Water
No.7 Cleansing Lotion
No.7 Hydra-luminous Overnight Gel
So fist of all I have started removing my make up with the No.7 Micellar Water which I have avoided for a while because a lot of the other affordable brands Micellar Water I have used in the past just didn’t really do a lot for my skin and left it looking a little dry afterwards and some you had to really put effort into to remove everything but this is working really well for me. It just leaves you feeling moisturised and refreshed without having to rinse off afterwards which is really handy. You are never able to fully remove all make up with just one product even though you look bare faced and natural there is still residue left so I follow up with their Nourishing Cleansing Lotion which is just really creamy and rich and leaves a really soft and clean feeling and is almost like a moisturiser itself. This is then followed by my Hydra-luminous Gel which I’ll be honest Im not 100% on I’m more like 85% just because I think their basic night cream worked so well for me that this just doesn’t have the same result I think. It does work for me but I think overall I just prefer their basic night cream.
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No.7 Intense Pore Scrub
When I have a shower I have a slightly different routine with a couple more products because I feel that its a good time to do scrubs and that afterwards because of the hot water, steam and heat that all the pores are naturally opened so that you can get more of a deeper clean. First up I have simplified my first step from putting on a mask and waiting twenty minutes for that, then washing it all off and then showering etc by using this Lemongrass Detox Gel Wash from the new Garnier Organics range which is certified organic, vegan and all packing is made from 100% recycled materials which immediately got me interested when I spotted this. The gel wash I would recommend trying out because it does work really well. It has a fresh and fragranced scent (it states that its made from organic lemongrass grown in Sri Lanka) and it just leaves you feeling really fresh faced, clean and completely bare faced rather than having a slightly soapy after feel.
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Garnier Organics Gel Wash Detox and Lavender Serum
Then I shower so the pores get opened up and when I’m finished I go straight for the No.7 Face Scrub which I honestly cannot live without. It is just the best scrub I have ever had and I would encourage anyone to try it. It just removes any bit of left over residue, dry skin and you just feel like you have a completely new face afterwards.
Then for the final step I just use a couple drops of the Garnier Organics Lavander Oil which I don’t use that much because its actually for ageing (which isn’t stated on the packing unfortunately) and I definitely don’t need to be using anti ageing products at 23 but I do use it only after these other products I don’t use it everyday at all but thats just my own personal preference. Lavender has soothing properties so it just gives that little extra nourishment after using the gel wash and scrub. Garnier Organics have a whole range of products for different needs so I would take a look if you are interested in these two products.
I do have a good few beauty products to post about too as well as my London trip, moving house and all about the blog change too so there will be lots of content coming up soon! So stayed tuned for more BASIC content!
Ever Yours
Face First : New Skincare Routine Hey everyone and welcome to todays skincare post on the newly branded BASIC by Lily blog! Todays I'm going to be running you through my newest updated skincare routine as I realised I haven't done one of these posts in a while and have been sticking mainly to store product posts rather than personal posts so here it is my first beauty related post of 2019!
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sarashafni · 7 years
Have you heard of the brand Spa Ceylon? One of the best Ayurvedic products you’d find! I got to know about this product a couple of months ago when my sister traveled to Srilanka and got me this amazing Spa Ceylon Scalp and Hair Treatment Oil since she knew I was struggling with hair fall, and I must say this product worked wonders for me, the ingredients helped nourish, strengthen and promote hair growth.  I was in awe with this product I quickly posted a picture and talked about the benefits on Instagram which you can see here.
Right after posting the image on Instagram, I got more than 50 messages from my followers asking me where they can get this product and how much their suffering with hair fall as well. Unfortunately, the products are not sold in Dubai yet, though they have future plans
A couple of days ago, I received a DHL Box from Srilanka, was wondering could be inside, and to my surprise, it was a gift box from Spa Ceylon! Was thrilled to get this and more over excited so I could review their products and make you aware of how awesome their products are.
Just before I get into reviewing the product, I’d like you to get to know the brand and their story.
The Spa Ceylon Story
From the teardrop isle of Ceylon, an exotic paradise nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean comes natural well-being rituals drawn from holistic practices of age-old wisdom, deep-rooted in the culture of the island.
Derived from royal relaxation, rejuvenation and healing rituals of Ayurveda, practiced in the grand palaces of Ceylon, comes the range of treasured formulae and rituals from Spa Ceylon, to hydrate, treat, purify and soothe your body, mind, and soul.
Spa Ceylon combines Ayurveda wisdom, fine natural ingredients & contemporary design to bring you the ultimate in Ayurveda luxury – for health, well-being & relaxation. The range includes treatment oils, massage balms, massage and bath oils, essential oils, cleansing bars, exfoliating bars, shower gels, body scrubs, body packs, milk baths, body lotions, moisturizing balms, body mist, soothing balms, foot care and herbal compress.
The Spa Ceylon range of Ayurveda luxuries is the result of nearly 50 years of expertise in the field of natural health & beauty products from the pioneer in modern Ayurveda beauty care in Sri Lanka.
Aiming to offer our customers a lifestyle of indulgence & total natural wellness, Spa Ceylon offers the highest quality Ayurveda services through its design, innovation, professional retail staff and worldwide distributors.
Spa Ceylon products are formulated only with the finest natural ingredients, including organic essential oils from our tropical island home, organically grown sun-kissed fresh Aloe Vera, therapeutically proven pure extra virgin coconut oil, mineral rich Indian Ocean salts & fabled Ceylon spices.
Spa Ceylon promotes environmentally-friendly products, supports human rights, and is against the use of child labor and animal testing. All products are alcohol-free & contain no ingredients of animal origin.
The Virgin Coconut Home Spa Set
What I’m loving about the brand!
Paraben Free
Paraffin Free
100% Vegetarian
Silicone Free
Not tested on animals
Promotes sustainable harvesting
Supports community fair trade
Virgin Coconut Pure & Natural Organic Oil
A 100% pure Virgin Coconut Oil, naturally cold pressed at source from the finest fresh coconuts and rich in nourishing vitamins & protective anti-oxidants to help reinforce, repair & fortify skin & hair, promoting overall wellness. Hydrates, nourish, softens, smoothens & brightens for total care.
Application – Apply all over face, body and hair, Massage in long strokes and must leave for atleast an hour
Dietary – Take 1 tbsp each morning, with a balanced diet (Since this is organic it is harmless) you can use this in your coffee, your dressing.
Benefits :  
Keeps you healthy and slim you can help boost and regulate your metabolism to keep your weight under control with this wonder oil.
Support Your Immune System Organic coconut oil is jam-packed with lauric acid, the immune supporting nutrient.
Promote Heart Health Packed full of healthy fats that are good for your heart, organic coconut oil is a great addition to your daily diet.
Give You Instant Energy Organic coconut oil can help you feel less fatigued and require less sleep by stimulating your metabolism. It can also enhance athletic performance.
Support Healthy Thyroid Function Organic coconut oil helps to stimulate the activity and proper functioning of this important gland which provides energy, supports the health of your skin and metabolism, and keeps your moods in balance.
Oil pulling – Rinse mouth with 1 tbsp each morning,
Make sure to oil pull first thing in the morning right after you get out of bed before you brush your teeth or drink anything.
Gently swish 1 – 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in your mouth and between your teeth for 10-20 minutes making sure that you don’t swallow any of the oil. (Do this gently so you don’t wear out your jaw and cheeks!)
Spit out the oil in the trash (not the sink so it doesn’t clog up the plumbing…ask me how I know) and immediately rinse your mouth out with warm water (use salt water for added antimicrobial properties).
Finally, brush your teeth as normal.
Voila, easy as that!
Oil pulling works by cleaning (detoxifying) the oral cavity in a similar way that soap cleans dirty dishes. It literally sucks the dirt (toxins) out of your mouth and creates a clean, antiseptic oral environment that contributes to the proper flow of dental liquid that is needed to prevent cavities and disease.
This unbelievably effective procedure has been used for centuries as a traditional remedy to:
Cures tooth decay
Kills bad breath
Heals bleeding gums
Prevents heart disease
Reduces inflammation
Whitens teeth
Soothes throat dryness
Prevents cavities
Heals cracked lips
Boosts Immune System
Improves acne
Strengthens gums and jaw
Virgin Coconut Face & Body Soothing Serum
A 100% natural serum of pure Virgin Coconut Oil naturally cold pressed and rich in nourishing vitamins & protective anti-oxidants to help reinforce, repair & fortify skin, promoting overall wellness. Hydrates nourish, softens & smoothes face & body, evening-out skin tone & improving visible youthfulness.
Application – Apply lightly all over face, body, scalp & hair and leave for an hour, for optimum use lightly heat the serum.
Helps increase Cell Regeneration When your metabolic rate increases, your cell regeneration speeds up, too. This means that your body will more quickly replace old cells with newer, healthier cells.
Virgin Coconut Hair & Body Natural Butter
A 100% natural multi-usage ultra-nourishing butter of pure Virgin Coconut Oil  Rich in nourishing vitamins & protective anti-oxidants to help reinforce, repair & fortify skin, promoting overall wellness. Deeply hydrates , soften, protects & cares for lips, skin, elbows, feet & hair.
Application – Can be used during Day/Night/ after bath, lightly massage the butter onto lips, skin, and hair to lock in moisture
Due to the saturated fats in the butter, this helps the skin stay moisturized, with the fat preventing moisture loss through the skin’s pores. These fats give the skin a healthy, smooth and even tone.
Virgin Coconut Face & Body Scrub
A unique 100% natural complex of pure Virgin Coconut Oil & Virgin Coconut Crystals Rich in nourishing vitamins & protective antioxidants to exfoliate, refine & renew skin, promoting overall wellness. Hydrates smoothes & revitalizes face & body, revealing instantly softer, more radiant skin.
Application- Apply all over face and body, massaging into clean, use this on damp skin, using gentle circular motions, rinse off and pat dry.
Combat dry, flaky skin and dullness
Fight acne breakouts
Stimulate circulation to help reduce cellulite
Reveal smooth, glowing skin!
Ceylon Tea Ylang Luxury Soap Bar
A luxuriously creamy natural cleanser infused with a soothing blend of Green, White & Black Teas – rich in natural antioxidants & nutrients. Mystical Ylang Ylang & sensual Tuberose to help protect subtle energies & balance chakras. Virgin Coconut, Rice Bran Wheatgerm & Almond moisturize, nourish & soften skin. Pure Mango Butter & Kokum Butter help hydrate, protect & preserve natural balance, while fresh Aloe Vera helps cool & comfort.
The scent of the blended teas is extremely calming, ideal for a warm shower before going to bed.
Sandalwood Spice Intensive Hand Cream
A natural revitalizing treatment enriched with precious Mysore Sandalwood, Sweet Almond, Wheatgerm & Virgin Coconut to moisturize, nourish & care for dry & rough hands. Pure Mango Butter & Kokum Butter help hydrate, protect & preserve youthfulness. Rice Bran & Soya soften & smoothen skin for total hand care. Mysore Sandalwood comforts & beautifies skin, while earthy Vetiver, uplifting Ceylon Cinnamon & Precious Patchouli help warm & invigorate the senses, promoting sensual energies.
Spice Scent, extremely innovating and great moisture.
I must say I’m a big fan of this brand, as most of you know I just love natural products that help me connect with nature and love sustainable products, Spa Ceylon is one of the best ayurvedic brands out there, their quality of ingredients are amazing and all hand-picked from the lush tropical gardens of Ceylon.
This kit definitely gives you a luxurious spa feeling right at home, transporting you to an exotic paradise, perfect for destressing and pampering yourself.
If you’re looking for an all natural, ayurvedic product you must try Spa Ceylon, I can guarantee you the quality of the product will make you fall in love with the brand! And if you’re interested in purchasing, you can purchase them online here  or for those of you who will be traveling to Srilanka you can purchase these products from Odel.
Have any of you tried their products? Comment below and let me know what you think of their brand?
Spa Ceylon – Virgin Coconut Home Spa Set Have you heard of the brand Spa Ceylon? One of the best Ayurvedic products you'd find! I got to know about this product a couple of months ago when my sister traveled to Srilanka and got me this amazing Spa Ceylon Scalp and Hair Treatment Oil since she knew I was struggling with hair fall, and I must say this product worked wonders for me, the ingredients helped nourish, strengthen and promote hair growth. 
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cminsights-blog · 4 years
While China being the lead consumer for Asia Pacific facial care market in 2019, the Asia Pacefic market to reach US$ 69.2 billion by 2027.
Request for Sample PDF Copy:  https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/3911
Description: Statistics: Asia Pacific facial care market is estimated to account for US$ 69.2 Bn in terms of value by the end of 2027.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Drivers Launch of new products is expected to propel growth of Asia Pacific facial care market over the forecast period. For instance, in May 2020, Amorepacic, a South Korea-based company, launched Sienu brand with the Time Brace line, a range of six anti-ageing skin care products.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Opportunities Increasing focus on aesthetic appeal among men in East Asia is expected to offer lucrative growth opportunities for players in Asia Pacific facial care market. This can be attributed to changing cultural attitude to male beauty and increasing disposable income. For instance, according the Statistics Korea, Government of Republic of Korea, the average monthly household income in South Korea amounted to US$ 3,900 in the fourth quarter of 2019, which rose by 3.6% from the fourth quarter of 2018.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Restraints Product recalls are expected to hinder growth of the market. For instance, in January 2020, Yes To Inc. issued a voluntary recall of its Grapefruit Vitamin C Glow-Boosting Unicorn Paper Mask in response to complaints of skin irritation and redness.
Key Takeaways: Asia Pacific facial care market was valued at US$ 39.7 Bn in 2019 and is forecast to reach a value of US$ 69.2 Bn by 2027 at a CAGR of 7.2% between 2020 and 2027. Increasing focus on aesthetic appeal among population in Asia Pacific is expected to propel the market during the forecast period. Skin whitening/lightening and anti-ageing creams segment held dominant position in Asia Pacific facial care market in 2019, accounting for 39.9% share in terms of value. Increasing product launches during the forecast period is expected to drive the segment growth during the forecast period.
Market Trends: Major players in the market are focused on launching new products to expand their product portfolio. For instance, in September 2019, KOSÉ Corporation launched AQ MELIORITY, an aging car product from brand DECORTÉ in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, France, the U.K., Spain, Italy, the U.S., and Canada. Major players in the market are also focused on expanding their geographical presence to enhance their market share. For instance, in March 2020, Shiseido Company, Ltd. started selling SHISEIDO brand products in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka via its distributor Luxasia Partners Pte. Ltd.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Competitive Landscape   Major players operating in Asia Pacific facial care market include, L’Oreal S.A, Procter and Gamble Company (P&G), Estee Lauder Companies Inc., The Unilever Plc, Shiseido Co. Ltd., Johnson and Johnson Limited, Kose Corporation, and Kao Corporation.
Asia Pacific Facial Care Market: Key Developments November 2019: Shiseido Company, Ltd. completed the construction of Nasu Factory in Ohtawara City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, as a manufacturing facility for medium-to-high-priced skincare products
October 2019: Dove, a Unilever brand, launched new initiatives and impact figures to accelerate progress to address plastic waste in the beauty industry
Buy this Research Report:  https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/buy-now/3911
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omgpoojathings-blog · 4 years
Global Neem Extracts Market Growing Preference of Nature-based Cosmetic Fueling Demand
The global neem extracts market has a fragmented vendor landscape on account of the presence of a large number of unorganized companies across the globe, observes Transparency Market Research in a recent report. However, a large share of the total global number of leading neem extract exporters are located in India. Domicile to over 150 small- and mid-sized companies operating in the neem extract sector, India holds a strong position in the global neem extract market and is expected to remain one of the key hubs for the overall development of the global neem extracts market in the near future.
However, these companies collectively account for a nominal share of the overall market and companies with advanced equipment for operations such as de-pulping, disinfecting, drying, extraction, and storage overshadow. Some of the leading companies in the global neem extracts market are Parker India Group Pvt. Ltd., Neeming Australia Pvt Ltd., Fortune Biotech Ltd., GreeNeem, P J Margo Pvt Ltd, E.I.D Perry India Ltd., and Prithvi Exports.
In one of its recent reports, Transparency Market Research estimates that the global neem extracts market will exhibit a promising pace of expansion in the near future and rise from an opportunity of US$706 mn in 2015 to US$1,126.8 mn by 2019.
In terms of application, the chemical and fertilizers segment accounted for the dominant share in the global market, representing an opportunity of US$498.79 mn in 2015. With rising focus on the use of bio-based fertilizers and several regulations arresting the growth of synthetic fertilizers working in favor of the bio-based fertilizer sector, the segment is likely to remain the key consumer of neem extracts in the near future, representing a revenue opportunity of US$768.14 mn by 2019.
From a geographical standpoint, the market in Asia Pacific accounts for the dominant share of the overall market. The regional market overshadows other regions as the plantation of neem is majorly restricted to the South Asian region and there has been an ever-increasing demand for neem extracts in bio-based fertilizers, pesticides, and natural and herbal products across countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh in recent years.
For Sample Report:
Neem is a popular medicinal herb and is extensively used in a vast array of applications ranging from natural skin care to pest control. The increasing side effects of chemical-based skin care products has awakened the consciousness of the people towards the use of safer, milder, and nature-based ingredients. Therefore, as the preference for nature-based products penetrates deeper in the psyche of the worldwide population, the global market for neem extracts is expected to gain traction.
The demand for neem-based anti-aging and anti-acne skin care products has been rising of late. Growing geriatric population across several regions of the world has been responsible for the exploding demand for neem-based face washes, creams, gels, and lotions. Numerous soaps, hand washes, and oral care products such as toothpastes also use neem as a core ingredient. The market for neem extracts is being driven by increasing consumer base, high disposable incomes of the people, and growth of the cosmetics industry.
This review of the global neem extract market is based on a recent market research report by Transparency Market Research, titled “Neem Extracts Market (Application – Personal Care, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals and Fertilizers, and Animal Feed) – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2013–2019.”
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jacobwill176 · 4 years
Global Ayurvedic Market  Size, Share, Development and Forecast Overview forecast year 2020
A new market study, titled “ Global Ayurvedic Market Industry Analysis and Forecast (2018-2026)” has been featured on WiseGuyR…
October 06, 2020                                
Global Ayurvedic Market was value US$ 4.5Bn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 14.9Bn by 2026 at a CAGR of 16.14%.
Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine derived from ‘Ayurvedic’ natural herbs & is a form of alternative medicine. Nearly 75% of people in India use some form of traditional medicine, a category that includes Ayurveda.
Some of the driving factors favouring the market growth include growing demand for natural and organic products, increasing consumer awareness and growing demand for ayurvedic cosmetics products, expanding medical tourism through the globe. Organic skincare products are achieving fast grip and the market is expected to expand even further.
Furthermore, to expanding consumer base, anti-wrinkle & anti-ageing creams are projected to fuel the market growth. However, lack of stringent regulations and optimum therapeutics, lack of a killer instinct in the ayurvedic industry are some of the key barrier or restraint which is limiting the market size. Moreover, practical developments in ayurvedic medicines will offer great investment opportunities for players in the ayurvedic market.
Personal care products segment is leading the ayurvedic market globally due to increasing awareness of personal care products, changes in consumption patterns and lifestyles, and improved the purchasing power of women, promises moving times for the personal care industry. The Asia Pacific is estimated to dominate the global market owing to the presence of established ayurvedic manufacturing units.
Retail sales are dominating the ayurvedic market. Retail is the process of selling ayurvedic product or services to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit. Retailers satisfy demand identified over a supply chain.
Region-wise, the Asia Pacific region accounts for the largest share of the market due to their rich tradition of herbal medicines led by India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and others. India is the largest market and accounts for almost US$ 1200Mn in terms of market value. India exports of Ayurvedic drugs was estimated to be around. US$ 65Mn in 2017. The main exports of Indian Ayurveda include Senna & Psyllium.
Global ayurvedic market report includes PESTLE analysis, competitive landscape, and Porter’s five force model. Market attractive analysis wherein all the segments are benchmarked based on the market size, growth rate, and general attractiveness.
ALSO READ https://www.einpresswire.com/article/527439805/ayurvedic-market-global-industry-analysis-size-share-growth-trends-forecasts-2026
Some of the key players operating in global ayurvedic market, Patanjali, Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited, Zandu Pharmaceuticals Works Ltd., WELEX Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, Lotus Herbals, Khadi Natural, Surya Herbal Limited.
Scope of Global Ayurvedic Market
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Mode of sales
Retail Sale
Online Sale
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Product
Personal Care Products
Hair Care & Fragrances
Skin Care
Oral Care
Healthcare Products
Ayurvedic Medicines
Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals
Dietary Supplements
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Application
Cancer Treatments
Respiratory Disorders
Mental Health
Nervous System Disorders
Skin Diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases
Autoimmune Diseases
Other Applications
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Distribution channel
Pharmacy & Drug Stores
Direct Selling
Beauty Salons
Specialty Stores
Internet Retailing
Departmental Stores
Other Distribution Channels
Global Ayurvedic Market, by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key players operating in Ayurvedic Market
Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited
Zandu Pharmaceuticals Works Ltd
WELEX Laboratories Pvt. Ltd
Lotus Herbals
Khadi Natural
Surya Herbal Limited
Maxcure Nutracedics Ltd.
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd.
AVA Products & Services
Vicco Laboratories
Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd.
Kerala Ayurveda Ltd.
Forest Essentials
Dabur India Ltd.
The Himalaya Drug Company
Patanjali Ayurved Limited
Hamdard Laboratories
Emami Ltd.
Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
BACFO Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Charak Pharma
Ayurvedic LifeStyles Inc.
FOR MORE DETAILS : https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/3925831-global-ayurvedic-market-industry-analysis-and-forecast-2018-2026
Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.  
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The Role of Indigenous Products in Cosmetology from Ancient to Modern Times-Juniper Publishers
Authored by Lakmali Pathiraja KN                                                                      
People of Indian, Sri Lankan, Pakistanian and Malaysian origin belongs to the “Dark Asian” Ethnic Skin Type. Although, a large proportion of subjects belong to this category, literature is limited except for a few studies that focuses on pigmentation. However, traditional skin concerns on various ethnic groups will enhance modern treatment strategies of various skin types.
The Sri Lankan indigenous medicinal system is unique. Thousands of years of history has made it evident that this system has a treatment for any illness, including rare dermatological conditions. There is a rich collection of medicinal plants and herbal products, which have been used for ages for cutaneous treatment, skin care and aesthetic purposes [1]. As there is a lack of modern research on skin care and the treatment of this skin type, secrets of ancient skin will promote the effectiveness of current skin care and treatments for this ethnic skin type.
Keywords:  Skin; Pigmentation; Cutaneous; Treatment; Sweat glands; Epidermal water loss; Turmeric
“Ethnic skin” is the broad term given to skin types according to genetic links of specific ethnic groups. Furthermore, various environmental, cultural and social factors related to ethnicity have a great impact on skin.
 There are six major ethnic skin types; White Skin, Mediterranean Skin, Light Asian Skin, Dark Asian Skin, Africo Caribbean Skin and Mixed Skin [2]. Asians comprise about half of the world’s population today, though literature concerning their skin is lacking. However, during the past few decades, issues regarding the differences of the structure and function of Asian skin were raised in the industry of skin care products.
Asian skin is pigmented, has larger sweat glands and is smooth, and more prone to comedowns. It has a thicker dermis with large collagen bundles, and shows minimal Signs of aging, but conversely the epidermis is thinner, and has higher trans epidermal water loss [TEWL] and weaker barrier function upon chemical or mechanical challenge [2,3]. Furthermore, they hold higher risk of pigmentary side effects following procedures carried out on their skin [2]. However, the story of Asian skin is still is still not fully understood and remains a mystery due to lack of large-scale studies and overall poor economy of the countries in Asia.
Interestingly, traditional methods of skin care and treatment sometimes challenge modern dermatology. In the background of the lack of current updated knowledge, the secrets of traditional systems will greatly enhance the effectiveness of treatment of this skin type.  
Sri Lankan indigenous medicine has close affinity to Ayurveda but has its own unique properties. It has been practiced for more than 3000 years. Engravings on the rock surfaces have revealed that there was a well-expanded medical system, which had a cure for almost every illness [1]. There is fascinating historical evidence to prove that Sri Lanka was the first country which had a well-functioning hospital system [4], and their ruins are still in existence in tourist attractions such as mount Mihintale and Ritigala forest, situated in the central part of the country (Figure 1-4).  
The history also revealed that the physicians were considered noble people in society and their secret prescriptions have been passed down from generation to generation within those families in the form of manuscripts. Strengthened by the influences of Buddhism, the relationship between native medicine and royalty continues in the country and even now there are people coming from these families and there are reports of them curing untreatable conditions such as terminal malignancies.  
Sri Lanka has a rich collection of medicinal plants, including many endemic species. Although the island is small, it is one of the biodiversity hotspots in the world. Due to the great climate ranges within this small country, the collection of plant species also differs in each part of the country.  
Cosmetology seems to be one of most demanding fields from the ancient times. Queens, princesses and their maids have used various secret herbal combinations to improve their skin beauty. In Sigiriya, the rock-based kingdom of King Kassapa, there are several rock paintings revealing the beauty of royal ladies [5].
Even now, these herbal preparations being frequently used and more popular than expensive western cosmetic products (Figure 5,6).
Turmeric [Curcuma longa]
Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can counteract the aging process of the skin, hence reduce wrinkles, thickening of the skin and changes of pigmentation (Figure 7) [6]. Turmeric contains fatty acids and phytosterols that help to control excessive oil of the skin. Research has shown that turmeric reduces adverse effects of UVB exposure by inhibiting matrix metalloproteinase-2 [MMP-2] following UV radiation [7].
Venivel [Coscinium fenestratum]
Venivel (Figure 8) or tree turmeric is commonly incorporated in skin care preparations. Its inner bark is dark yellow in color and has cleansing and exfoliative properties. It is a deep cleanser which clear clogged pores and a scrub, which exfoliates dead skin and removes excess oil [8].  
Neem [ Azadirachta indica]
Neem (Figure 9) is also called the “wonder leaf” and has amazing effects on the skin. Neem has antibacterial, antifungal anti-inflammatory and properties. The paste is formed by crushed leaves and is very popular for the treatment of acne [10]. Similarly, it is used for the treatment of skin and scalp infections.
White Sandalwood [Santalum album]
 Compared to red sandalwood [Pterocarpus santalinus], (Figure 10) which has strong antibacterial properties and is commonly being used to treat skin abscesses, white sandalwood has a range of uses in cosmetology. White sandalwood paste is a good base for creams and sandalwood oil is a popular fragrance. Further, sandalwood paste is a popular remedy for the smoothing and clearing of skin. This paste with or without turmeric is a very effective for the treatment of acne as it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has cooling and astringent properties and is used to treat rashes caused by excessive sweat [10].
Aloe Vera [Aloe barbadensis]
 Aloe Vera (Figure 11) is a cactus group plant. Its leaves secrete a clear gel when broken, which is a popular treatment for sunburns. Aloe Vera act as an effective moisturizer for dry and cracked skin. It has vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E, minerals and antioxidants, hence a good ant aging remedy. Furthermore, Aloe improves collagen and reduces the visibility of stretch marks [11].
Kalanduru [Cyperus rotundus]
Young plants of Kalanduru or “Nutgrass” forms a rhizome (Figure 12) which grows upwards in the soil and form a bulb-like structure. The paste formed by crushing Kalanduru yam, mixed with bee honey is an effective treatment for the removal of black heads [12].
Veralu [Elaeocarpus serratus]
Vearlu (Figure 13) or “Ceylon olive” is a tropical fruit. Smashed Veralu leaves rubbed on scalp before bath is effective removing dandruff and to promotes hair growth.
Aralu [Terminalia chebula] and Nelli [Phyllanthus emblica]
 Both Aralu seeds (Figure 14) and Nelli (Figure 15) fruits contains tannin which can interact with proteins and is known to reduce premature hair graying [13] and excessive hair loss and to improves the thickness of hair by nourishing the scalp. The juice of the Nelli fruit is mixed with lime and can be used as an instant shampoo.
Henna [Lowsonia inermis]
Henna (Figure 16) is a natural dye for coloring of hair and temporary body tattooing. It is used as a fashion colour and for the colouring of gray hair. People are keen to achieve a range of colours can be developed by adding natural pigments such as black tea, coffee, clove or beetroot juice [14].  
 These herbs have been used perennially for centuries in Sri Lanka for the treatment of a wide range of skin conditions and occupy a central role in the system of indigenous medicine and cosmetology. Furthermore, they are used to prepare cosmetic products in Sri Lankan market and some of these products are of export standards.
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