#anti casseurs
L’immigration comme « politique de peuplement » : Macron dit enfin les choses !
L’anecdote de Lorient doit nous faire réfléchir. Par Arnaud Florac Continue reading Untitled
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francoisege · 2 years
22 Mars 2024
Nous étions si fragiles…     Au début de cette période de régression, la privation de liberté ne semblait pas toucher tout le monde et préservait les apparences d’une société démocratique, mais en réalité déjà très autoritaire et très inégalitaire. Des vagues de mécontentement populaire déferlaient continûment sur le pays depuis les premières atteintes au Code du Travail de la loi El Khomri en…
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yenasmatik · 3 months
Re- French Elections stuff
Yo, les gens qui désespèrent de la dernière fils de puterie de l'ignoble banquier.
Alors allez googler le nom de votre ville et les horaires de la manif de votre coin, et par pitié déplacez-vous. J'ose espérer qu'ils auront la cervelle de ne pas mettre ça aux mêmes horaires que la Pride. Touchons du bois.
Je n'ai malheureusement trouvé nulle part une liste pré-faite de tous les rendez-vous. Le site de la LFI a une section "créer/rejoindre un événement" avec une carte, où une partie des événements sont indiqués. Si la grande ville proche de chez vous n'est pas indiquée, googlez [nom de votre ville] manifestation 15 juin. UPDATE: LE SITE DE LA CGT A UNE CARTE DES RENDEZ-VOUS
Rameutez les darons les daronnes les frères les sœurs les potes les collègues les mutuals tout ce que vous pouvez traîner avec vous ! Beaucoup de gens (moi la première je juge pas, ok?) n'osent pas aller en manif seuls ! Lancer le sujet en demandant qui se sent d'y aller en groupe peut leur permettre de venir ! Si vous avez un véhicule, vous pourriez être la personne qui permet à d'autres de participer ! Et comme ça vous pouvez faire un déjeuner / un café / thé / etc de célébration/réconfort en fin de manif !
- chaussures confortables, vous allez piétiner au départ et puis marcher entre 30 minutes et 1h - Vérifiez la météo. Pensez à un chapeau ou un vêtement de pluie. Dans le doute vaut mieux l'avoir pour rien. - On est en été prenez une bouteille d'eau ! même si vous avez jamais soif vous pourriez vraiment aider un pote
- Au cas où prenez un truc sucré, genre barre chocolatée ou petit paquet de gateaux. Si quelqu'un commence à faire un malaise autour, ça peut être important. - En premiers soins : des pansements à cloques, du doliprane, si vous avez une articulation fragile pensez à une bande de support (chevillère, genouillère) dans le sac au cas où. C'est de la parano jusqu'au jour où vous en avez besoin.
HANDICAP - Vous pouvez TOTALEMENT venir avec des bouchons d'oreilles et un casque anti-bruit !! (Les orgas de manifs sont des boulets sur l'inclusion niveau bruit, mais c'est pas l'école personne va vous les confisquer !) - Les manifs marchent sur la route et je n'en ai jamais vu emprunter d'escaliers. Pour nos amis en fauteuil roulant. N'hésitez pas à contacter une asso/ un collectif d'orgas pour demander le parcours de la manif. - Vous pouvez venir, marcher ce que vous pouvez et quitter le cortège quand vous êtes fatigués. Ca aide de venir même si vous ne pouvez pas être là jusqu'à la fin. Personne ne vous jugera, ni même ne vous remarquera. Pensez à prévenir le groupe avec qui vous venez que c'est une possibilité et discutez à l'avance de ce qui sera fait dans ce cas, pour vous éviter le stress ou la gêne qui empêche de dire "j'ai besoin de m'arrêter". - évitez les panneaux fatigants à porter. Vous pouvez écrire vos slogans au marqueur indélébile sur un vieux T-shirt blanc ou clair, ça marche très bien et c'est plus confortable ! Et si vous ne savez pas quoi écrire, ne vous prenez pas la tête, votre présence aide même sans panneau.
LIMITER LES RISQUES D'EMBROUILLES - Les manifs qui rassemblent des syndicats mainstream et autres institutions nombreuses et blanches sont rarement attaquées par la police, en tout cas hors Paris. Ca n'empêche pas de suivre quelques conseils de bon sens. - Niveau sécurité, évitez la tête de cortège (tout devant) et la queue de cortège (tout tout derrière). - Quand la marche est terminée, si la foule se disperse, ne restez pas sur place. - SI UN GROUPE D’EXCITÉS SE METTENT A CRIER DES INCITATIONS A CASSER DES TRUCS ET/OU BIFURQUENT HORS DU TRAJET DE LA MANIF PRINCIPALE, NE LES SUIVEZ PAS. Les pseudo-casseurs infiltrés ou aux affiliations douteuses ça existe. Restez dans le cortège principal, ne cassez rien, ne taguez pas, c'est plus sûr quand on ne connaît pas les groupes locaux.
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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The suffocating and oppressive demonstration of May Day 2019 is now behind us. However, we should not simply move forward to the next day of action without analyzing what happened in the streets that day. If the leading procession is to reinvent itself and stay unpredictable, we must reflect on the events of the day and study the strategies and decisions made on the field. Otherwise, we will remain trapped in the role assigned by authorities, as well as of our own self-satisfied and ritualized form of superficial radicalism. As there is always room for improvement, we present several thoughts that we hope will contribute to refining our strategies for actions and riots to come.
The law enforcement strategy used by authorities during May Day 2019 made quite an impression. The massive—and almost unprecedented—police presence deployed all around the course of the traditional afternoon demonstration put the most terrifying dystopian novels to shame. All day long, numerous police checkpoints, searches, patrols, frontal attacks and incursions, and gratuitously brutal arrests confirmed the ruthlessness of the new law enforcement strategy. From now on, the authorities aim to crush social movements and political unrest by any means necessary, even if this means injuring even more demonstrators than they have already. They aim to establish a state of fear through intentional police brutality and intense legal repression, including new legislation to give law enforcement a free hand during demonstrations, such as the Loi “anti-casseurs”. All this already started before the yellow vest movement. The authoritarian shift of the French government is well under way and undeniable.
The authorities are willing to crush any form of rebellion and unrest—but to do so, they have had to adapt their modus operandi in accordance with the tactics and strategies of the cortège de tête. The intensification of police checkpoints and searches before demonstrations enables them to arrest potential rioters and to seize equipment of all kinds. They hope that, if they do this, these people won’t participate in street confrontations—which, if we follow their logic, should weaken the leading procession. Another aspect of the cortège de tête that the authorities have clearly understood is that one of its major assets is its mobility and speed. Therefore, what better way to control the offensive crowd than to lead it into a trap in which every single exit is blocked by police lines? Then the authorities will know our route and our potential objectives precisely. They can decide to kettle everyone whenever they choose, then engage in hand-to-hand combat and arrest more people. And if some people succeed in escaping from the kettle to start wildcat actions—as we saw during May Day 2019—the authorities can send their motorcycle brigades to disperse everyone.
All this confirms that we need to reconsider our tactics and strategies. Willingly entering the trap set by the authorities has prevented us from opening new breaches and unleashing our destructive creativity in joyful and spontaneous actions. In the end, on May Day, we were exactly where the police wanted us to be, inside their perimeter, and this enabled them to contain and brutally repress us.
The difficulty in preparing for events like May Day in Paris is that, as they attract thousands and thousands of individuals, it is not easy to plan secretly in a way that will reach most people. Once a crowd decides to play by the rules set by authorities, it faces tremendous disadvantages. Considering that authorities are willing to injure even more demonstrators if they have to, we should take this issue seriously.
On numerous occasions, participants in the yellow vest movement have demonstrated their capacity and determination by remaining outside police perimeters. This enabled everyone to engage in intense street confrontations and property destruction, sometimes without even seeing police for minutes or hours. Obviously, with the new Police Prefect and the new strategy of repression, the situation has evolved. However, we continue to believe that a strategy of decentralization is the most efficient solution, as police can’t hope to control many wildcat demonstrations of hundreds of demonstrators if they take place at the same time in many different locations. The question is—how do we deal with the new extremely mobile police units? So far, they are the ones that threaten spontaneous marches and actions.
As in any strategy, there is a weak point. The objective now must be to find this weak point in order to thwart the government’s new strategy of repression.
If nothing else, the sheer number of people in the streets for May Day proves that Macron’s political announcements did not pacify anyone or resolve the ongoing political crisis. Far from it. Despite the massive police presence, the trap set by authorities, and the clear warnings that the government broadcast before May Day, people’s determination and rage remains unbreakable. Thousands and thousands of yellow vesters answered the invitation sent by radicals to join a leading procession that comprised considerably more than half of the entire afternoon demonstration—confirming the decline of trade unions as a tool of political pacification. The trap set by authorities didn’t stop demonstrators from engaging in impressive and courageous street confrontations with police, nor from starting wildcat actions outside of the perimeter.
In the end, despite the fierce repression, anarchists and other autonomous rebels succeeded in putting their personal touch on this May Day. The fact that the French government claimed victory on May Day even as images of massive confrontations and property destruction circulated is itself revealing. It shows how desperately the current government needs to preserve the image that it maintains hegemony, as the political context remains explosive and all efforts to construct a new social peace have utterly failed.
Alongside the indomitable solidarity participants in the cortège de tête expressed in response to the cowardly attacks of the police, all this confirms that, against the odds, we can still remain ungovernable and open up new horizons.
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serrurierparis · 25 days
Installer une protection efficace pour sa serrure de porte.
Comment protéger sa serrure des cambrioleurs ?
Le cylindre qui dépasse de la porte : cela plaît aux casseurs !
Des protections rassurantes pour vos entrées car si vous venez de faire un changement de serrure suite à un cambriolage ou tout simplement pour remplacer votre vieille serrure dans votre maison ou local professionnel mais avez vous pensé à protéger celle-ci et surtout le cylindre? En effet rien ne sert d'avoir une serrure haut de gamme si le cylindre de votre serrure dépasse, c'est tout simplement une invitation aux cambrioleurs !! Pourquoi ? Voici quelques explications :
Pourquoi les cambrioleurs les apprécient ces cylindres qui dépassent ou qui ne sont pas protégés ? Les cambriolages sont commis par des voyous qui s’attaquent la plupart du temps à des portes faibles ou affaiblies. Les barillets qui dépassent des portes sont des cibles faciles pour les cambrioleurs car le dépassement rend la porte vulnérable. Donc que faire? Les solutions existent, ne laissez pas votre cylindre dépassant à la merci des cambrioleurs. Il est possible et conseillé d'installer une rosace blindée ou une poignée de porte blindée.
D'autres solutions existent mais chez nous, nous vous proposons l'option de faire installer une poignée blindée, cela offrira un aspect esthétique indéniable et une protection sans failles de votre barillet,cylindre de serrure.
Votre poignée blindée offre les garanties suivantes :
Entraxes de fixation variable
Ensemble de sécurité blindé à modèle déposé.
3 Modèles : Palière, double-béquille, borgne.
Finitions Argent, Champagne, dorée et laiton poli PVD
Fixation par douilles en acier trempé.
Pour porte épaisseur 54 mm maximum.
5 entraxes de fixation au choix : 
230 mm : Entraxe 2 trous
212 mm : Entraxe 2 trous
195 mm : Entraxe 2 trous
175 mm : Entraxe 4 trous
170 mm : Entraxe 3 trous
Accessoire :
Contre-plaque de rattrapage d’épaisseur de cornières anti-pince.
Pastille anti-percement pour cylindre européen à entrée de clé ronde.
Ainsi les cambrioleurs ne seront pas tentés de s'attaquer à votre porte et choisirons soyez en certain une autre porte  car ceux-ci n'ont pas de temps à perdre avec une serrure bien protégée et qui résiste à un tentative d'effraction.
En faisant cela, vous augmenterez le temps que mettra l’effraction à se produire et ferez ainsi abandonner le cambrioleur.
N'oubliez pas qu'il faut moins de deux minutes à un cambrioleur averti pour ouvrir une serrure de mauvaise qualité et cinq minutes pour mettre la main sur vos objets de valeur ainsi que sur des choses qui ont une grande valeur sentimentale pour vous. Il vaut mieux donc prévenir que devoir regretter amèrement le fait de ne pas avoir fait installer sur votre porte, serrure un minimum de sécurité.
Notre équipe est disponible toute la semaine et 24/24 pour procéder à la protection de votre serrure et bien sur résoudre aussi tout autres problèmes comme par exemple ouvrir votre porte claquée ou fermée à clefs.
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yespat49 · 1 year
À Lorient, la défense des « anti-casseurs » s’organise contre les racailles
À Lorient, comme presque partout en France, la nuit de vendredi à samedi a connu son lot d’émeutes et de destructions gratuites. La cité bretonne, jadis paisible, a été à son tour la proie des violences de ce que l’on appelle pudiquement les « jeunes des quartiers », faute de pouvoir, sous peine de poursuites, leur donner leur véritable nom. Comme partout ailleurs, la prétendue « juste colère »…
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oelnet · 1 year
Casseurs dans les manifestations : "C'est un problème franco-français qu'on ne rencontre pas dans les autres pays européens", estime un syndicat de police - franceinfo
Casseurs dans les manifestations : “C’est un problème franco-français qu’on ne rencontre pas dans les autres pays européens”, estime un syndicat de police  franceinfo Violences en manifestations : le gouvernement réfléchit à une réponse aux « nouveaux usages » des casseurs  Le Monde Violences 1er-Mai : Faut-il une loi anti-casseurs ?  Europe 1 Loi “anti-casseurs” : “Je partage les doutes d’Eric…
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yannlyr · 1 year
Le monde en vrac (9). Récemment, deux déclarations analogues ont retenu mon attention. Dans le journal Paris Normandie Le Havre du 24 mars 2023, on relate la comparution d’un étudiant en lettres de 23 ans, arrêté pour avoir incendié des poubelles. Le juge, selon le journaliste, pose cette question à l’incendiaire politisé: « Pourquoi agir masqué si votre but est politique? » Dimanche 26 mars 2023, les journalistes aux ordres sur RTL reçoivent la présidente de l’Assemblée nationale dans leur émission complaisante Le grand Jury, une institution ringarde parmi d’autres. La présidente fustige les manifestants ou les casseurs, on ne sait plus: « ils manquent de courage en se masquant. » Puis, elle ajoute qu’elle a reçu des menaces de mort et qu’elle a porté plainte. Un jour, je raconterai la mésaventure d’un ami qui, ayant écrit une lettre signée à un maire d’importance, dans laquelle il s’interrogeait sur la notoriété qu’il laisserait à la France, s’est vu convoqué quelques mois plus tard à l’hôtel de police de sa commune, mis en garde à vue, en geôle, etc parce qu’on avait admis une plainte du maire contre cette personne sur la base, non pas seulement de la lettre républicaine qu’il avait envoyée, mais sur l’adjonction d’une lettre de menace de mort anonyme dont on ne connaissait pas l’auteur à la lettre qu’il avait envoyée à l’élu en remplissant un formulaire complet de contact (identité, adresse, adresse e-mail). Que penser d’un système qui admet une telle plainte contre un citoyen qui n’était justement pas masqué? Pour une fois, le juge et le politicien sont pris la main dans la main, dans ce jeu anti-démocratique: dans les médias, on fustige ceux qui manquent de courage politique, mais dans les geôles de la police on enferme les citoyens pour leurs opinions politiques. Voilà un bel exemple de dévoiement du droit. Bas les masques!
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thomas-querqy · 2 years
Flics et casseurs  - Reportage : Alain Lewkowicz et Olivier Minot - Réalisation : Eric Lancien et Jean-Christophe Francis
Les pieds sur terre France Culture - première diffusion 06/2016
Mais que fait la police ? sur les NGT 2016
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À Lorient, la défense des « anti-casseurs » s’organise contre les racailles
L’anecdote de Lorient doit nous faire réfléchir. Par Arnaud Florac Continue reading Untitled
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larueourien · 5 years
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undessinparjour · 6 years
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Élever la voix Le moins qu'on puisse dire, c'est que la loi anti-casseurs votée ces jours-ci ne fait pas l'unanimité, y compris dans les rangs de la majorité présidentielle.
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tomub · 6 years
  "Une liberté fondamentale a disparu. Il n’y aurait aucune raison d’ailleurs de ne pas étendre ce beau système, et sans doute y viendra-t-on un jour. Les digues ont sauté. Tout est désormais possible."
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mfslg · 3 years
Vous en oubliez cher ami ^^
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Macron, mandat 2017-2022 :
• La triple baisse des APL
• La hausse de la CSG pour une partie des retraités
• Donne de l'argent a des célébrités comme Rihanna
• La transformation de l'ISF – les riches investissent 70 % de moins dans les PME depuis – ainsi que de la dernière tranche de la taxe sur les salaires pour les associations
• La baisse des impôts des multinationales
• Les tensions avec l'armée et les collectivités territoriales
• L'annulation de 300 millions d'euros de dotations à ces mêmes collectivités en 2017
• La baisse considérable du budget alloué aux contrats aidés
• Le seuil de consentement à une relation se**elle fixé à 15 ans
• La suppression du suivi des salariés exposés aux produits chimiques
• L’adoption du CETA par l'Assemblée nationale
• L’accord UE-Mercosur relancé en dépit des promesses de Macron
• La redevance TV probablement étendue aux autres écrans (PC, tablettes, portables, etc.)
• Le démantèlement du code du travail
• La vente de la branche Énergie d'Alstom
• L'ouverture à la concurrence des concessions hydroélectriques
• La privatisation des entreprises publiques telle la FDJ (malgré la désapprobation de la Cour des comptes) ADP ou EDF, la concentration des pouvoirs
• Les dysfonctionnements à l'assemblée
• Le gel du point d’indice et rétablissement du jour de carence pour les fonctionnaires
• Le gel du taux d’intérêt du livret A
• La suppression de la prime d'activité pour près de 68 000 personnes handicapées et des cotisations salariales maladie et chômage
• L'économie de 3,4 milliards d'euros à prévoir sur l'assurance chômage
• La réforme des retraites
• La coupe budgétaire un peu partout (ex : près d'1 milliard en moins pour les hôpitaux hors covid)
• La baisse du budget national du logement (hormis en 2021)
• Le budget pour l'hébergement d'urgence diminué de 57 millions d'euros
• La France qui compte 500 000 pauvres de plus en 2018 (9,3 millions au total, plus de 10 millions en 2020)
• La suppression de l'Observatoire de la pauvreté
• L'Élysée qui s'immisce dans le processus de nomination du Samu social
• La baisse drastique des logements accessibles aux personnes handicapés
• La privatisation des HLM
• Les déplacements en vol à 350 000 euros ou pour une distance de 110 kilomètres
• Les malaises durant le « service national universel » coûtant près de 1,5 milliards d'euros par an
• La limitation de vitesse baissée à 80km/h
• La fermeture de sites internet soi disant diffuseurs de « fake news »
• La loi Avia contre la « cyberhaine » remettant en cause la liberté d'expression
• La loi sur le secret des affaires
• La loi asile et immigration
• La suppression partielle de l'exit flat
• Les congrès de Versailles à 270.000 €
• Le service de vaisselle à 500 000 euros
• Les dépenses de l'Assemblée qui ont explosé
• La promesse non tenue de Castaner sur l'abolition des privilèges des ex-ministres de l'Intérieur
• Les avantages princiers et dîners fastueux aux frais du contribuable de Rugy
• La directrice de cabinet de ce dernier qui garde un HLM pendant 12 ans
• Les reculs sur la loi hydrocarbures et le glyphosate
• L'accord avec Total de raser des forêts tropicales dans le cadre du projet « Montagne d'Or »
• La fermeture de l'usine d'hydroliennes à Cherbourg
• L'abandon de l'objectif de 20 % de produits bio dans les cantines
• La suppression des aides au maintien de l'agriculture bio
• L’interdiction de la vente de semences paysannes
• L'autorisation de la chasse de 18 000 tourterelles des bois
• La validation par le Conseil d'État de la pratique de la chasse des oiseaux à la glu (suspendu un an)
• La répression de manifestants écologistes et des pompiers
• La lobbyiste Catherine Tissot-Colle au cœur de la convention pour le climat
• La gestion catastrophique de l'incendie de l'usine de Rouen
• La loi « anti-casseurs »
• 9,1 milliards d'euros de vente d'armes en 2018 dont certaines ont été utilisés contre des civils au Yémen
• La commande pour 22 millions d’euros de grenades lacrymogènes
• La disparition des trains primeurs
• La commande de 40 000 grenades de désencerclement
• Les milliers de manifestants blessés
• L'expérimentation puis le déploiement progressif de la reconnaissance faciale
• La hausse du coût des études pour les étudiants non européens
• Les lycéens laissés sur le carreau à cause du système Parcoursup
• La réforme du lycée
• La loi sur l'école de la confiance
• La fermeture de 400 écoles malgré la promesse de Macron
• les fonctionnaires virés sans indemnité
• Le musellement des profs opposés à la loi Blanquer
• La loi alimentation réduisant le pouvoir d'achat des ménages
• La hausse de l'électricité pour sauver des opérateurs privés
• Le logiciel RH de l'éducation nationale abandonné après avoir englouti 320 millions d'euros
• La réforme des retraites qui oblige à travailler plus pour toucher moins
• Les dérapages verbaux contre "ceux qui ne sont rien" et "fainéants", etc.
• Le départ de nombreux conseillers et membres du gouvernement
• Une quarantaine de députés LREM qui ont quitté la majorité
• Un tiers des députés LREM ont déroché (cent étaient prêts à publier une tribune contre Macron)
• La députée LREM convoquée pour avoir critiqué Emmanuel Macron
• L'astrofurting et la radicalisation des macronistes sur les réseaux sociaux
• L'arnaque du grand débat
• L'hommage à Pétain
• La défiance des Français envers Castaner (7 sur 10 le trouvent ni rassurant ni compétent) en matière de lutte contre le terrorisme
• L'incendie de Notre-dame de Paris
• Le décès de Steve Maia Caniço suite à une intervention policière disproportionnée
• Le décès de Zineb Redouane
• Les attaques envers les Gilets jaunes
• 7 milliards d’euros pour Air France, sans contrepartie environnementale ou sociale
• Affaire Legay
• Affaire Benalla et ses multiples rebondissements
• Affaire El Guerrab
• Affaire Avia
• Affaire Schiappou
• Affaire Nyssen
• Affaire Kohler et ses rebondissements
• Affaire Darmanin
• Affaire Le Maire
• Affaire Philippe
• Affaire Leclabart
• Affaire Son Forget
• Affaire Laabid
• Affaire Flessel
• Affaire Navarro
• Affaire Melchior
• Affaire Ferrand
• Affaire Bridey
• Affaire Solère
• Affaire Josso
• Affaire Breton
• Affaire Brugnera
• Affaire Ouarouss
• Affaire Delevoye
• Affaire Pietraszewski
• Affaire Pénicaud
• Affaire Buzyn
• Affaire Véran
• Affaire Griveaux
• Affaire Dussopt
• Affaire Djebbari
• Affaire Borne
• Affaire Bennari
• Affaire Platini
• Affaire McInsey
• Affaire de l'hôpital de la Pitié-Salpetrière
• Affaire Chalençon avec porte-parole ministre impliqués (Attal et Moretti)
• etc.
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poulpichou · 4 years
Government failures and fucked-upperies in France
Ok, so I recently wrote a bit about the situation with police brutality in France, but now I would like to tell you more about WHY the government needs the police so much. A lot of my sources will be in french (and marked (F) like this) because there are a lot of cases that didn’t make it to the international press. Many sources also come from the newspaper Mediapart and require a subscription.
I’ve had a lot of people telling me “BuT It’S nOt ChInA” and let me tell you, yes I know it’s way worse in other countries (Peru, Thailand, Nigeria and so on, a lot is happening right now in the world), but where the fuck do you draw the line? The kind of things I’m gonna tell you about is unacceptable, and so hypocritical when a country calls itself a democracy and the land of human rights, and we should be angry about that and try to make it change. Here I’m talking a lot about Macron but let’s not forget that many current problems began under Holland’s presidency, who was supposed to be from the left, and even before. Alright, here we go.
President of the wealthy
Soooo let’s begin with how Macron was elected by wealthy people: half of the 16 million euro collected for his campaign was financed(F) by 1200 people, mostly living in Paris, by banks, and also by rich french people living abroad. So of course the first thing he did when he could was to reward them for his victory and he cut their taxes in december 2018. He deleted the “taxe on fortune” that was in place for 40 years (minus 3 years under Chirac first presidency) and replaced it with another that taxes way less, in the name of trickle down economy (you know, the same way Thatcher and Reagan did) saying that rich people would invest more and thus creating more jobs. Of course that didn’t happen and rich people just got way richer without any effects on poor people.
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At the same time, he cut down housing benefits for students and poor people (1/4 of people between 18 and 24 are under the poverty line) and cancelled housing helps for 50,000 people. In december 2018, he wanted to pass a law that would increase fuel prices in the name of ecology, but that would once again mainly affect working and middle classes. That’s how started the yellow vest movement, because people were becomming poorer and poorer and they felt like the government only gave to the rich and took from the poor.
In 2018, 14% of the french population was under the poverty line, and 21% suffer from food insecurity and it has only worsened since.
At the end of 2019, a student even set himself on fire at his university because he was in such financial distress he couldn’t go on anymore.
Yellow Vest movement
If you have to read one article about it, it’s this one.
In 2017, Macron said in one of his speeches about a train station that it was “a place where one encounters people who are succeeding and people who are nothing”. The yellow vest movement came from these “people who are nothing”. For the first time in decades, people who were not heard, people who didn’t have a place in the political landscape in France were on the front scene. A lot of protestors never demonstrated before, or even engaged in politics. Many of them now protested because “they had nothing else to lose” (F). People were angry from not being listened to and being used only to allow rich people to get richer, and oh boy they showed it in the street.
The first protests took the government by surprise. They were not expecting the numbers of protestors, nor their determination. The protest were also completely different from the demonstration the state was used to deal with: there were no official leaders, making it really difficult for the government to negotiate, demonstrations were often not declared beforhand in prefectures (F), and people were systematically targetting (F) banks, major brands like Apple or McDonalds and luxury shops, causing millions euro worth of damages.
On the 1st of december 2018, protestors in Paris took over the Arc de Triomphe and completely overfloaded the police.
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One policeman said afterward that on this day, “the Elysée could have fallen” (F). Police forces were not prepared, the right orders were not given at the right times and some police company were surounded by furious protestors. The same policeman said that in that moment, “they forgot about their code of ethics”, that they were just shooting rubber bullet wherever they could and “trying protect their life”. The following weeks, police put on steel fences around the Elysée and members of the government and their collaborators were asked to lock down and put away all of their documents(F) before the weekly demonstrations, in case the protestors were able to take over the buildings.
It was a turning point in the protests, and from then the orders given to the police changed completely. From then they’ve been allowed to litterally do whatever it took to keep the country in order. The government understood that the last thing between them and the furious people they betrayed was the police, and that’s precisely why they are trying to give them even more power today with the law on global security (see my last post, and probably a next one I’m gonna write soon because it would be too much for this post).
Since December 2018, a journalist, David Dusfresne, documents and keeps count on the police brutality, first on twitter and then on the online newspaper Mediapart(F) (TW for really graphic pictures of wounds and blood). For now he counted 4 deaths, 30 people who lost an eye due mainly to rubber bullets, 6 who lost a hand due to detonative grenades (France is being the only european country to use them against its own population), 346 wounded to the head (fractured skull mainly, due to the rubber bullets and baton blow) and a total of 969 documented reports on police brutality (and that’s only for 3 years).
Since then, a total of 9 police officers have been judged guilty, 7 of them being only suspended temporarily and avoiding prison, with only 2 of them ending up in prison(F) and being expelled from police forces.
People began to record the police more and more to prevent any brutality or to have proofs in case it happened, and then the police began to target journalists and anyone who had a camera.
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They began to lie to people, telling them it’s forbiden to record the police (for now it isn’t), they forced photographs to delete their photos in the middle of demonstrations. They covered their ID number on their uniform (F), they covered their licence plates.
The government also began to talk about legitimate protest, aka the peacefull one, and put the name of “casseur” (thug) on anyone who would be too angry. to their taste, saying that the latter were taking the former in hostage. Basically they were saying tht yes, protestors took aver the arc de Triomphe, but it was only hooligans who just wanted to burn things, nothing political behind that.
Here began the preventive arrests (F) before demonstrations (arresting people who had done nothing on the only presumption they will), the arrest of journalists, the arrest of people having masks and protection glasses on them. From now on the administration can ban someone from public demonstration without going through the justice system.
Between November 2018 and November 2019, around 3,000 person(F) from the yellow vest movement were senteced to community services, fees, suspended prison sentence, and for 1/3 of them prison sentences. Those numbers are underestimated because many cases have not been judged yet. Some protestors were sentenced for shouting slogans(F), for wearing protective masks(F) (F), other were sent to prison for damaging radars(F) on highways, or for filming riots while wearing a yellow vest(F). There has been a massive tendency(F) for the state to sue people for “participation to a gathering with the intent to commit violences against persons or goods”, allowing them to give fees, community services or even prison sentences to people based only on the intent they gave them. Many people found guilty of attacking police forces were judged with the only proof being the declaration of police officers, and even though a lot of them claimed to be innocent they were still sentenced because they couldn’t bring proof of their innocence.(F) Amnesty International talks about the criminalization of demonstrators(F) that’s happening in France and warns about the instrumentalisation of laws that goes against international law. (F)
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The ban on masks (they can be considered as weapons) during demonstration allows police to take protestors(F) who have some on them or in their car to the police station for a maximum of 48h for the sole purpose of making them miss the demonstration. This law is not applied nowadays because of Covid, but it still exists.
With the yellow vest movement, the part of the population who wasn’t used to the police actually began to endure what POC have been living for decades.
France is a fucked up racist country. It was born in colonisation and slavery, and still rely on its former colonies to prosper economically. Young men perceived as Black or Arab are 24 more times likely to be stopped in the streets. The overwhelming majority of people killed by the police are black or arabic(F). When the police kills POC, the judiciary system often refuses to do a full investigation, refuses to hear some of the witnesses, refuses to watch some of the video tapes from surveillance cameras (F). A lot of autopsies are proved to be ballant lies, founding heart diseases(F) or blood infections(F) when the victim was actually killed by suffocation due to ventral tackle, a police technique that got France sentenced by the European court of human rights (F).
Since the mid 90′s, France has special police forces for working-class neighborhoods, the Brigade Anti-Criminalité (BAC), that operate in suburbs (in France rich people live in the city center and poor people in the suburbs) where a majority of imigrants and people from black and arabic descent live. BAC agents are all volunteers, they act in unmarked cars and civilians clothes and can carry weapons(F).
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Their purpose is to roam the streets and to catch misdemeanor in the act, and they’ve been known (as well as regular police) to harass population by proceeding to systematic identity cheks(F) (often outside of what’s allowed by law), by insulting people(F), provoking people with racist and homophobic insults(F), by beating them(F) and charging them for “outrage” or “rebellion”(F) when they protest (charges that always give reasons to police officers when there’s no recordings of the arrest and allow them to get money for the prejudice). There have been reports of torture on adults(F), tennagers(F) and children(F), and cases where the BAC agents took victims to quiet places so they could beat them up(F). There have also been reports of agents inventing charges when their provocations didn’t push the victim to confront them(F).
They are basically above the law. There have been cases of massive corruption(F) where the agents returned to their unit(F) after the end of their suspension, and the person who leaked the info got fired.
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As they are field agents, their role is also intelligence: they gather intells in the suburbs and they also infiltrate demonstration(F) and wear the attire of “casseurs”, to gather intells on violent individuals. Since the beginning of the Yellow Vest movement, they’ve participating in containing demonstrations as well even though they don’t have any training in that field.
Police is being extremely violent against refugees, particularly in Northern France and what used to be the “Jungle” of Calais. Amnesty International reported that police had been beating refugees with baton, confiscating their clothes and tent daily during winter (it also happened in Paris(F)), urinating on their tents, spraying teargas directly in the face of sleeping men. A group of 4 associations also issued a report(F) on police harassment against volunteers who helped refugees, with as much as 646 instances of police harassment and abuse against volunteers between November 2017 and June 2018 in Calais. Human rights observers reported harrasment techniques such as body search of female volunteers by male officers, insults, pushing, threats of legal suits and threats of arrest. Volunteers who reported these behaviours were told by the police internal investigation body that the reports where defamatory and could constitute a crime.
At the beginning of the year, associations that were not approuved by the state were forbidden to distribute free meals to refugees(F).
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France has always been an islamophobic country but it has been more public and accepted since the 2015 terrorist attacks. Many laws promoting laicity are actually used to target Islam:
The ban of public display of religious items in public institutions (schools, libraries, government buildings) target mainly women wearing hijabs when many mayors keep on installing nativity scenes during Christmas(F). In 2016 some cities made wearing a burkini (full body covering bathing suit) on the beach illegal and we had some astonishing scenes of police officers asking a women (who wasn’t even wearing a burkini) to undress on the beach in the name of the law.
The law that says people have to uncover their face when being in a public space only target muslim women and is now completely useless as we have the obligation to wear a mask everywhere
The law that says street prayers have to be autorized in prefecture beforehand only target muslim community: when a muslim association organized a street prayer(F) in 2017 to protest their eviction from their place of cult in the city center they were charged 10,000€ (5,000€ from the association and 5,000€ from its president), whereas catholics students organized a street prayer(F) last month and didn’t face any charges. Legally, any autorization must be asked more than 3 days in advance and in both cases it was only asked on the day before.
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Following the killing of Samuel Paty, a teacher who was attacked mid october for showing caricatures of the prophet Mohamed in class, four 10 years old children were arrested for “terrorism apology”(F), interrogated for 10 hours and their houses checked by police forces in full gears. The minister of interior also disolved the Collective against Islamophobia in France, saying that, since it was prottesting against anti-terrorist laws (that are super islamophobic) it was promoting radical islamism and terrorism. A minute of silence was imposed in schools and the names of people who didn’t follow the procedure were given to the minister of education, who said “none of them will be left unpunished”.(F)
To sum up: the government is being super islamophobic but muslims who voice their concerns are seen as radical islamists and are associated with terrorists.  Furthermore, it’s now easier for islamophobic people in government to ban associations or to pass shady laws thanks to the state of emergency.
State emergency
Following the 2 years of state emergency (2015-2017), France passed a law against terrorism(F) that normalized a lot of the state emergency’s characteristics: it took power away from the justice system to give it to administrations, directly under the control of the government.
The government, who previously had to be accountable in front of a judiciary judge, can now do many things under the only control of an administrative judge(F). The actions of administrative judges are controled by the council of state, and the president of the said council is the prime minister or the minister of justice, named by the president.
Here is what they can now do(F):
place people under house arrest with obligation to check in police stations every day for a maximum of a year
deny or restrict access to public events to some people, or proceed to body search
make someone wear an electronic bracelet when they didn’t commit any infractions
close places of worship for a maximum of 6 months when the ideas discuted there promote hate, discrimination, violence or terrorism
require people to give their login of any account on internet to the police
investigate on civil servants using secret services files
create a national centralized file with the names of people travelling in and out of the country by plane or boat
With the autorisation of a judge of freedom and detentions, they can also search houses and seize computers or phones to inspect the contents.
If people refuse to do any of the above when they are asked to, they risk 3 years of prison and a fee that can go up to 45,000€.
The offense “terrorism apology” was used against hundreds of people, with a large proportion of them being underaged (1/3 of them in 2015), sometimes for something as unsignificant as a non-violent facebook comment, a situation pointed out by Amnesty International(F). The NGO also highlights the fact that the fear of being considered as an extremist or the fear of facing judiciary consequences sets limit to freedom of speech.
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Since 2015, the government has used the power given to them by the state of emergency to place 24 environmental activists under house arrest for the duration of the COP21(F) and to search the house of people who were protesting against the construction of an airport(F), construction potentialy linked to corruption(F), and also to close temporarly more than 30 mosques and install security cameras inside(F).
The consulting national commission on human rights pointed out a “highjack” of the state emergency, that was used to silence protestors, unions and refugees with abusive means, like unnecessary handcuffing, adults and children being aimed at with assault riffle during house searches and house being damaged during searches.
2015 was also the year of the Intelligence Act, a law that allows inteligence agencies to install scanning devices on the infrastructure of telecom operators so they can collect data on communications that are likely to reveal a terrorist threat.
Covid 19
When the epidemy started to be problematic in France in February 2020, hospital workers had been on strike for 11 months(F) and were asking for doctors and nurses jobs opening, and more beds in hospital. At the beginning of february, 600 administrative hospital workers had quit(F) so they were not “accomplices of the management of misery”. Healthcare workers had been saying for years that the deterioration of the working conditions in hospitals were gonna lead to patients death.
Since the beginning of the 2000′s, 100 000 beds have been removed(F) from hospital services and there has been a budget cut close to 12 bilions euros(F) for the health services.
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Then comes Covid 19, and the government asks health workers to always do more with less, in the name of common good. We applaud them at our windows every night, and then they don’t get the bonus(F) the government promised, the healthcare system doesn’t get any budget increase and even worse, it still has to face a 800 milions cut in the middle of the pandemic(F).
The newspaper Mediapart issued a report(F) exposing the lies of the government:
They decided to get only small quantities of masks at the beginning of january against experts opinion, they said the virus wouldn’t reach France.
Government lied about the usefullness of masks to prevent people asking for them when they didn’t have some to distribute to the whole population. They said it was useless, and even dangerous because we didn’t know how to use them, they actively encouraged people not to wear them, and they lied about mask shortage. I really want to insist on that point, the instensity of communication on the subject was incredible. Every day we had many different high-ranked person in the government telling us on TV, on the radio or in newspaper that we shouldn’t wear masks. They only made wearing masks compulsory in public spaces mid July, 6 months after the first case in France(F).
Healthcare workers didn’t have enough masks and thus faced higher risks of contamination but the government still allowed non essential big companies like Airbus to use milions of the precious FFP2 masks. The government still refuses to give the number of healthcare workers who died from Covid19(F), the only count we have is made by journalists, and it’s believed to be underestimated.
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To this day, healthcare workers are still on strike for better working conditions and better pay. I took this pic earlier this month from one of the firestations in my city, you can read written in white paint on the doors “understaffed, population in danger”, “18 months of strike and still NOTHING”, “Covid bonus ???” and “SOS”. Firefighters also write this on their trucks and their helmets, and hospitals have had banners deployed for more than a year now. All of these people are still working to ensure everyone’s access to health services but they refuse to transfer data to the state sickness insurance for example (and they are now facing administrative sanctions(F) and are threatened to not be given cancer drugs if they don’t end the strike(F)).
Regarding Covid, we are one of the only countries in europe to use self-filled certificates to be able to go outside. These certificates are controlled by the police, and like I said earlier, increased police controls harm a certain part of the population (young people and POC). Amnesty International issued a report(F) on the violences comited during french lockdown, pointing out repetitive and significant illegitimate actions from the police, such as beatings, use of tasers, illegal arrests, racists and homophobics insults and verbal threats. In April 2020, Mohamed Gabsi, a homeless person, was killed by the police after being arrested for being outside during the lockdown(F). The officers who killed him are still in service.
The covid crisis brought us in the worst recession we had since WW2, and the Secour Populaire (french association that helps poor people) had to help 45% more people than it helped in 2019(F). In my city, there are so many people coming for food distribution on certain days they had to install permanent fences in the street so people can queue in order.
Corruption and Other Stuff
In France (as in many other countries) it’s rare to have politicians who’ve never been prosecuted in any judiciary or administrative case.
Here I’m only gonna tell you who have been accused and who have been prosecuted for what in Macron’s government, and quite frankly it’s not exhaustive because one wikipedia page just brings me to 5 more.
The following tab is quite heavy so feel free to just check the left column with the legend.
(Now let me cry thinking about this Swedish minister who had to quit over a chocolate bar)
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(All my sources are from french newspapers, I can give them if you ask me but I’m not gonna put them here because there are way too many)
People who had to quit the first government were still appointed deputy governor of the Bank of France (Sylvie Goulard), president of the national assembly (Richard Ferrand) and chief of foreign affaires commission at the national assembly (Marielle de Sarnez). They are being investigated for corruption and embezzlement and they still have a successfull political career, and more important they still heavily influence the laws of our country and of Europe. Sylvie Goulard was even chosen by Macron to seat at the European Commission but european deputies decided it was fucked up and rejected her appointment (F).
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In this list I only talked about members of the government but there has been other scandals linked to people around Macron.
Benalla cases: It all began when we discovered Alexandre Benalla, chief of security and travels for the president, was participating in demonstration as a policeman (which he wasn’t) and used his position to beat up protestors and passerby. The rest of the case is filled with destruction and hiding of evidences(F), illegal sharing of public surveillance videotapes by the police, undeclared guns(F), illegal but unpunished use of data by the police(F) and the Elysée(F), breaking of the judiciary control by Benalla, illegal diplomatic passports and meeting with african’s leaders, russian contracts with an alleged mafia boss(F), office searchs for a newspaper ordered by the State, who tried to seize the proofs and the sources the newspaper had on the case(F) and so on. The case involves several members of the government and members of special forces, and some journalists who were writing on it were then auditionned for disclosure of state secret(F). The case in general highlighted the impunity members of the government and police officers have, as well as anyone who is close to the president, but also the dysfunction in the justice system and the impossibility for high ranked people to face justice. The fucker is still free, taunt people on twitter and still gives interviews to national television.
Kohler case: Alexis Kohler, general secretary of the Elysee and Macron right hand man during his campain, hid his personnal links to the sea transporters MSC and then attributed them huge state funds. He also lied in his involvement in the decision. We discovered Macron sent a letter to the national financial prosecutor's office to clear him, which they did, until an anti-corruption association relaunched legal proceedings. The guy is now being prosecuted for corruption and bribery. (F) (F)
Fuck the police, eat the rich, let’s forbid them from being elected, a next long post on the Law on Global Security the governement is trying to pass is gonna come soon if you’re interested.
Please tell me if you see any inconsistency in this post, I tried to source it as much as I could and to verify everything I wrote but like anyone else I have bias and sometimes I wrote things at 5am so I’m aware I might be incorrect  and I’m open to constructive criticism. Also sorry for my approximate english sometimes.
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stephanemortimore · 6 years
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Noyautage Emmanuel Macron connait son abécédaire de stratégie politique sur le bout des doigts, et au bout de ses doigts aujourd’hui il marionettise la France en espérant que ça ne se voit pas trop.
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