#anarchist society
dailyanarchistposts · 16 days
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I am currently detained in an Israeli jail, the result of refusing to attend or cooperate with criminal charges laid against me and two others for joining Palestinian protests in the West Bank against Israel’s colonial rule. Because I am an Israeli citizen, the proceedings in the case are held in an Israeli court in Jerusalem and not at the military court, where Palestinians are tried.
It has been almost nine years since the last time I was incarcerated for more than a day or two. Much has changed since. Politically, reality does not even resemble that of a decade ago, and none of the changes were for the better.
Politically, the world seems to have lost much of its interest in the Palestinian struggle for liberation, placing Israel at one of the historical peaks of its political strength. I am in no position to discuss the profound changes within Israeli society and how even farther to the right it has drifted. Israeli liberals are much better suited for such a task, because they hold their country dear and feel a sense of belonging that I cannot feel and do not want to feel.
Personally, I am older, more tired and, mostly, not as healthy as I was. Of course, the price I have paid for my part in the struggle is a fraction of that paid by Palestinian comrades, but I cannot deny its subjective weight on me: from physical injuries, some irreversible, through sporadic despair, anxiety and sense of helplessness, to the encumbering sensation of loss and the presence of death – and the grip all these have on my day-to-day life. And yet, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Right now, just as it was back then, sitting in prison is better than any other alternative available to me.
The legal fallacies that riddle the case against us are of little significance. While it is fair to assume that had I agreed to cooperate, the trial would have ended up with an acquittal, my refusal to recognize the court’s legitimacy is based on two main grounds.
The first is that my Palestinian comrades do not enjoy the luxury of being tried in the relatively comfortable conditions of the Israeli courts. Rather, they are tried as subjects in the parody of a legal system that are Israel’s military courts. Unlike me, Palestinians do not have the option of refusing to cooperate with their captors, since the vast majority of them are tried while remanded into custody for the duration of their proceedings.
Additionally, the punishment Palestinians are faced with is significantly harsher than that specified in Israeli law. Thus, in this regard as well, despite refusing to recognize the court’s legitimacy, the price I am likely to pay is significantly lower than that paid by my comrades.
The second, more fundamental ground to refuse to cooperate is that all Israeli courts, military or otherwise, lack any legitimacy to preside over matters of resisting Israeli colonial rule, which employs a hybrid regime, ranging between a distorted and racially discriminatory democracy in its sovereign territory and a flat-out military dictatorship in the occupied territories.
Faced with the tremendous shift to the right in Israeli politics, the shrinking remnants of the Zionist left – once the country’s dominant elite group – are consumed by lamenting the decline of Israeli democracy. But what democracy is it they wish to defend? The one that has dispossessed its Palestinian citizens of their lands and their rights? The one that, at best, views these Palestinian citizens as second-class? Perhaps it is the democracy that governs the Gaza Strip through vicious siege while it reigns as a military dictatorship in the West Bank?
Despite the obvious nature of the Israeli regime, Israeli liberals are not willing to contest the fundamental premise of internal Israeli discourse and acknowledge that the State of Israel simply is not a democracy. Never was.
To join the fight to topple Israeli apartheid, the few Jewish citizens of Israel willing to do so will first have to recognize that they are overprivileged and be willing to pay the price of relinquishing that status. An open rebellion against the regime has been taking place for decades, carried out by the Palestinian resistance movement. The price paid by those involved in it is immense. Jewish citizens of Israel must cross over and walk in their footsteps.
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consuetudinari0 · 3 months
Anarcho-communism, a socio-political philosophy rooted in the belief in a stateless and classless society, represents a radical departure from traditional political ideologies. Emerging as a distinct school of thought in the 19th century, anarcho-communis
───Anarcho-Communism: A Vision of Stateless Equality Artificial Intelligence (Works 2023) Artificial Intelligence (Works 2023) Artificial Intelligence (Works 2023) Introduction:Anarcho-communism, a socio-political philosophy rooted in the belief in a stateless and classless society, represents a radical departure from traditional political ideologies. Emerging as a distinct school of thought…
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decolonize-the-left · 9 months
.....does anyone else get the vibe that the limitless expanse of the internet, media, and consequent ability to interact politically, spiritually, and apathetically with people locally and globally maybe had an influence not only on the individual's relation to the collective but also their ability to participate in it and see their significance to it?
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Can we talk about it?
Like I feel like as some who was a frontline activist and now is a disabled social activist who dabbles in radicalizing liberals... The wall I and my peers continuously keep running into is the collective feeling that someone else will do it.
"it" being whatever action.
For me it's signing a petition, protesting, donating, community organizing (both online and offline).
We get tons of interest on stuff. Interest which very rarely translates to doing more than showing a poster to the friend theyre with before trashing it, reblogging a post, or hitting "interested" or like when we post local events.
And on All these platforms posts gets to a point of "enough" responses where ppl just stop responding and sharing, too.
On Tumblr you see this a lot with donation posts and people constantly having to make new ones. Cuz they're getting notes, but not tangible assistance that will help them. And the reblogs stop because there are so many notes that ppl start assuming that the goal was met or will be met soon.
But that isn't what's happening. And like I said this isn't just with donation posts or money so the answer isn't "well ppl are broke" which would be an easy and sensible answer.
Honestly, I've been thinking that with so Many people easily accessible online with so many opinions and varying levels of popularity and followers that it's easy to lose yourself in them. Especially now when so much of life takes place online.
It's so easy to think you're just one of those many people. ....So surely nobody would notice if you were being a little facetious, right?
Gonna be real, it seems a lot to me like a lot of people are trying to hide their lack of integrity through the anonymity offered online.
And like sure maybe nobody would notice if it was just a few people being facetious about supporting something but it's SO MANY (in my experience? Upwards of a thousand once) and Everywhere. Online, offline, and apps.
And the thing that makes it weird is that every one is assuming that people are being more helpful than they are. That more people are showing up.... Even though they themselves are not showing up either. Like I said reblogs for donations stop, shares stop, and only a handful of ppl show up to events irl. You can literally compare reblogs to the signatures when a petition is being shared.
Wanting to show up isn't the same as showing up.
"People" are not coming to change or show up to the revolution. It's you. You are the people. You are the people that need to show up. Not just as a notification on my screen but actually, because you think someone else will have enough integrity to show up for you but they don't.
Your integrity matters.
You matter so much. I don't know what it is behind this mass behavior that has y'all acting otherwise but I'm telling y'all right now that YOU and the choices that YOU make matter. The events that you choose to spend your time at and how you spend your energy and protecting your rights matters!
That isn't some "im just another drop fighting an endless battle in the ocean" kind of deal.
I'm telling you from experience: there is no ocean! We are in a fucking drought and every drop matters.
Show up. Nobody else is doing it on your behalf.
.......or is it just me? Has anyone else noticed this
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perplexingly · 3 months
the most unrealistic part of Mary Shelley's writing is the part in The Last Man where, after the pandemic proves to be global and deadly, rich ppl parted with their luxuries
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She lived 200 years before covid tho so she may be excused for her mistake I think
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gingebreadbeetle · 3 months
I’ve been researching Cherri bomb to redesign her and all I’ve learned is she has a manipulative father and died in the 80’s.
Send help
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apas-95 · 1 year
Amazed that someone managed to both-sides the very basic and fundamental issue of ‘how would anarchism actually produce the necessities people need to live’, when very evidently, Marxist projects have been able to actually solve the basic issue of production, given the example of a cumulative few centuries of socialist state governance.
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Even more amazed that the opinion of people on tumblr towards ‘how would your revolution make sure I get my medicine and don’t just die within a month’ is to say ‘this is unimportant! who cares! whether what we propose would actually work is the least of our worries, what matters is that we just do it anyway!’
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aangarchy · 1 year
Say what you will but bryke making a character that's anti law enforcement into a cop after a time jump TWICE is showing a very weird agenda, no matter how progressive their shows are
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socialjusticeangel · 4 months
a lot of thievery from grocery stores has been documented lately, however at the same time grocery store profits are at an all time high.
nobody is talking about how these two are connected, why are people stealing from stores? something that could get them in jail, get them fired, potentially lose friends/their partner if they have one, keep them from getting jobs in the future just so they can eat, so their families can eat?!
people are stealing because it costs so much to get a meal these days, on top of living expenses. its becoming the only option, the only thing they can do besides starve. its literally the only option unless they wanna fucking die??? get sick??
its insane how basic necessities, not just food but water shelter medication ect is so expensive that most people cant afford it.
this is an actual nightmare if something doesnt happen soon i think society is gonna be like permanently fucked
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On May Day 2017, anarchists participated in lively demonstrations all around the United States, from the heartland to the coasts. In the Northwest, Seattle witnessed a successful block party at the site of a juvenile corrections center, while in Olympia anarchists barricaded train tracks to oppose fracking and clashed with police. Support arrestees here. Yet Portland, Oregon may take the cake for the most creative and combative May Day. Demonstrators not only defended themselves from unprovoked attacks from police who declared the march a riot—they also introduced exciting new innovations into the aesthetic of the black bloc street presence. Here, comrades from Portland explain their goals with the giant spiders they created for May Day, and offer a helpful guide for those who wish to make spiders of their own.
In an effort to bridge the gap between art and activism, giant spiders were assembled off-site and pushed up the street to the demonstration, stocked with water bottles, snacks, earplugs, and other party favors. The idea was to narrow the divide between “us” and “them” that often exists at demonstrations, and it was a complete success. We performed community outreach, engaged in cultural development, boosted morale, provided crucial supplies, and created an amazing photo opportunity in the process.
The concept is multi-dimensional: it works on many different levels. The idea began from frustrations around attendance at local demonstrations. In Portland, where the majority of citizens seem to be white, middle-class, and apolitical on account of these privileges, they don’t show up unless a demonstration concerns their interests specifically. However, Portlanders are fascinated by their own love of art and “wacky” stuff as well as the commodification of protest as “funtertainment.” We decided to embrace this love of the “weird” to test whether a hyper-localized approach to engaging people could succeed.
Our tactical art enabled us to fill a supporting role for other participants in the march, helping challenge narratives that the black bloc is an “othered” or “othering” tactic. Whether this separation is intentional or not, the fact remains that the general public is often hesitant to engage with us. Bearing that in mind—as well the tendency of the Portland Police Department to brutally shut down demonstrations—we stocked our Spiders with fliers, water, LAW (liquid, antacid, water, the eyewash with which street medics treat pepper spray), ear plugs, and snacks. We also included a few other party favors, because anarchy needs revelry!
We intentionally engaged with the folks around us. A lot of people walked up to ask what the spiders meant! It was inspiring to see so much dialogue between folks in everyday garb and folks in black bloc. We explained the ideas behind our actions as anarchists and the creations themselves: the three spiders representing Mutual Aid, Solidarity, and Direct Action.
A word about symbolism. The idea of using the spider as an icon of resistance is that spiders are always there watching, waiting, and keeping the environment free of pesky insects and other parasites that consume resources without supporting their fellow beings. While we may look scary, we’re here with you and for you. We are the spiders, and the insects are the societal ills that we fight against.
The symbolism of the black widow spider is rich with history that guides our work. We want to contribute to that rich history, adding our own interpretations. Mutual Aid, Solidarity, Direct Action are our black widow’s cruses. (Crux? Curse? Cures?)
In regards to developing our own culture, there are many barriers we face in this process. State repression is the biggest threat, of course. The specter of state repression can complicate organizing, planning, and building trust in our communities. Portland has a history of repression and slander, ruining the lives of activists and anarchists; these horror stories reverberate throughout the underground. We can’t allow ourselves to be publicly disparaged and forced into hiding by our adversaries and their culture war, so we create as a political act. Creating is intuitively human: we plan, we build, we think, we conspire, we imagine. It is also an activity in which everyone can engage to some degree while building new skills. It enables us to get to know each other, build trust, and share time and company.
More globally, seizing the Spectacle is a step towards our goals, because it allows us to dictate our own narratives. With the development of Public Relations and Social Engineering, the visage of capitalism has come to define its delusional reality. To paraphrase Guy Debord, lived experiences are now taken in as a collection of representational images. We can tell our own stories and show the general public what these three principles mean in action. We can create our own mythos, speaking out on our own terms, in our own language, with our own symbols. The state and media dictate too much of what we’re allowed to say and how it’s spun—it’s time to spin our own webs to connect and fortify our relationships.
We are building the bridges we need to move forward. The existing connections between art, activism, and anarchism are fiery and well-storied. The new wave of repression under Trump’s regime is still building steam, but it is already proving dangerous. We need to be more careful than ever. Art allows us to demonstrate and show our fangs, and we can use art to empower those around us.
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mrsblackruby · 11 months
If anyone were to allude in anyway that Hobie Brown wasn’t normal or that he’s a degenerate weirdo he’d simply take it as a complement.💀
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askkabayakibeika · 5 months
you make a good point beika. if you were in the place of deep cut, being a member of these influential clans, what would you do?
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I would end up getting kicked out for “going against the families” from what i know of my pita and how he got kicked out of home. But thinking again, I don’t know if I would ever realize how the game is rigged if it wasn’t rigged against me, so I don’t know how much of it she realizes either. She must to some degree if she is doing the things that she is doing. For me, being born as a pariah to a pariah really does a number on your belief in the fairness of the system.
Not that any of the stuff I said before would get any of them disowned. Daadaji Onaga wouldn’t disown the kid if she talked about rich getting richer and poor getting poorer on TV. Or she donated some of her own family wealth. People would listen to her just because she is her, because she is Frye Onaga. Not to mention, when you are a good musician, a really good one, people will listen to you even when you are not playing. She doesn’t open her mouth to say anything meaningful.
Must be hard being the heiress of one of the three most powerful yet willingly ineffectual families of the Splatlands, i guess!
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thatonebirdwrites · 2 months
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I sort of miss painting, but I can't say I was particularly good at it. This was one of my better pieces. This is a scene from Elivera, the setting for all of my original fiction. Yes, I specifically created Elivera to be a retinal world, because I really wanted violet plants. Also, yes, I did calculate exactly what type of sun would be best, where in the orbit Elivera would need to be to be habitable -- all so I could get violet plants. What else am I going to use my physics degree for? Actual physics? Ppppfffft. *waves hand dismissively* I'm too busy calculating how to make alien planets violet and be scientifically sound. (Also, being disabled makes it very difficult to get a job in the physics sector, but heh, whatever.)
If you also want to calculate all the parameters for your star and planet to be scientifically accurate, I made a spreadsheet for all your nerdery! (I really need to find a new home since I don't like googledrive, but that's where it's located currently.) I have instructions for how to choose which parameters, so the equations calculate the results you'll need. Because I'm a dork like that. (Nerd? Whatever). Anyway, if you wanna read more about Elivera, here's the World Anvil: Elivera. Anyway, I know this blog has mostly been about my fanfiction writings, but I do have original fiction! So this post is about that.
Also, one of my short stories, set on Elivera and features jet packs and bicycles and kilometer high trees, will debut later this year. See here for a copy of that anthology!
Feel free to ask me questions about my worldbuilding and so forth. :)
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cookthepenguin · 27 days
When I was like 14 or 15 I was obsessed with zombies. I wanted to see this society fall and I wanted to build up my own.
It took me until now to realize that I wasn’t obsessed with zombies. I just wanted to see the system fail. I was a kid and couldn’t say what I felt, but I knew, I think all of us knew, that something’s not right. Something’s not like we got told.
And when kids don’t have the waking up moment, because they always knew that the world is cruel and dark, it’s time for change. Because it can literally only be better than this.
It’s time for a revolution.
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unimatrix-420 · 2 years
the republican way of using hatred and fear to keep a populace under control could only work in a society like ours that brainwashes its citizens to believe that every day is a competition in which you earn something before it can be taken from you by foreigners and minorities
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lollytea · 1 year
YEAH THERE WAS LITERALLY NO IMPLICATION OF COPS OR CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT ON THE BOILING ISLES we never saw characters like odalia tibbles kiki the coven heads etc being in jail. We see kiki doing community service and the precinct from hunting palismen has been turned into a hospital. I'm so obsessed bc the show has always been into a restorative approach when it comes to interpersonal storylines and it's nice to see them stick to their guns at the end when world building a better boiling isles. No cops on the Boiling Isles. Only Darius and eberwolf's side eye (apparently enough to make Terra Adrien and the potions head back off. King behavior from both of them)
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gods-graveyard · 2 months
Got inspired- Percy is now an anarchist canon (no joke this solved like 10 different narrative problems I had coming up)
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