#anti eddie x joey
cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
billy w two of his boyfriends <3
*why did dj have to choose anyway??? she could've had them both???? (no we're not gonna focus on the fact she chose steve and i made steve h. into eddie. lmao)
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
The episode ‘Sex and Violence’ is frustrating to watch. Joey acts completely unprofessional and spills cream on Sadia. Pacey tells Joey that he does not have to respect her or even like her, because she’s his secretary. And then they start making out. Am insulated to find this endearing?
One of the reasons I can’t get behind PJ is because, like Dawson, Pacey casts Joey in the role that he wants her to play in his life. In Love Bites he tells Joey: “my whole life you have been the most beautiful thing in my orbit. And my feelings for you were what proved to me that I could be great. And those feelings were stronger and were wiser and more persistent and more resilient than anything else about me.”
He is making his happiness/self-worth Joey’s responsibility. He loves an idealized version of Joey. This mindset is what led to their breakup in ‘Promicide.’ It doesn’t help that Pacey’s speech feels unearned. I’m glad that he danced with Joey instead of leaving her but I find it hard time to root for them.
Joey’s indecisiveness is really annoying as well. She tells Pacey (and Dawson) that she’s all in and then changes her mind. Joey choosing Eddie after he ditches her twice makes very little sense to me. Maybe the fact that he isn’t her high school ex bf is appealing to her.

Yeah omg I just watched this episode! I mean I'm not gonna lie, they had sexual tension when they were arguing about whether Joey is jealous or not and when they started making out it was hot. But when just like you said, Joey's behavior was unprofessional and annoying and Pacey's: "I don't have to respect you!" was just... yikes. I don't even know who I hated more in that moment.
I don't like what Pacey has become in season 6. Most people praise him for being a "feminist" and "ally to women" but he has his also moments like this one or the episode before (a great episode btw probably the highlight of the last two seasons) when he yelled at Joey that she isn't more devastated about their breakup when it was HIM who broke up with HER and went on to date other people right away as if they never even happened.
While I don't know which speech you're talking about because I haven't got that far yet, you're right that Pacey acts as if his self-worth was Joey's responsibility. It was evident from his outburst in Promicide. While I do think that Joey making him feel bad about himself is a red flag in their relationship, it's not her fault or her responsibility to make him feel good about himself. Just like you pointed out it's similar to Dawson- he aleo feels like everything bad that happens in his life is Joey's fault and she should be there for him to carress his fragile male ego no matter what.
I haven't got as far as when Joey chooses Eddie over him but I disagree with the claim that "Eddie ditched Joey twice". The first time he ditched her but the other time she TOLD him to go. Not defending Eddie or anything (ditching someone once is still one too many times) just setting the record straight
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
I don’t think Joey is a perfect girl who is too good for everyone, however, I think she’s is too good for Eddie. Eddie is the epitome of toxic masculinity. At one point he tells Joey: “I would love to get to the point where I can resent you if you only give me the chance.” He makes a habit of insulting Audrey and Joey and doesn’t really apologize. He ditches Joey several times and doesn’t do anything to gain her trust back. In fact, after leaving Joey the second time around, he comes back and expects her to sleep with him. He has the worst traits of both Dawson and Pacey but lacks positive qualities to round him out. The writers attempt to recreate P/Js dynamic with Eddie/Joey but it doesn’t work because Eddie/Joey have no chemistry and are terribly written.
Hi anon! I don't think Joey is the perfect girl either I just think that the show is trying so hard to convince us that she is in the later seasons and it's getting annoying. What happened to the complexity and relatibility of the early seasons Joey?
But yeah Eddie is not great and has his misogynistic moments (even though I haven't quite made it yet to what you're talking about) the thing though is that Joey's father doesn't KNOW that and yet he says that Eddie isn't good enough for his daughter. Why? Based on what? And who is he to judge? He's a drug dealer who's been in and out of prison for ten years and burnt down a house! And the fact that their professor also thinks that Eddie isn't good enough for Joey... based on what?? The semester has barely started he doesn't know them that well yet.
You're right the show was trying SO hard to recreate Pacey and Joey with them but failed miserably. First of all they just don't have the chemistry. Second of all people thinking Pacey isn't good enough for Joey and Pacey having an inferiority complex actually makes sense- Joey was a goody-two-shoes who had her sights set on a prestigious college while Pacey was the resident trouble maker who didn't get into any college. But with Eddie and Joey it doesn't feel as natural. The fact that they reused the storyline where Joey misses/doesn't do well on a test so her boyfriend goes to the professor to convince her to retake it pissed me off. That was a Pacey and Joey thing. Think of some new storylines. If you feel the need to recycle old ones maybe the show has been on for too long.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
Everyone compares Jess to Pacey (because they’re both rough around the edges and are smart but don’t do well in school) but Jess has more similarities with Eddie than Pacey.
Eddie/Jess are rough around the edges, they carry a giant chip on their shoulder, they are hostile to everyone but make an exception for Joey/Rory, they both love to read and connect with Joey/Rory through literature, they’re writers, both of them want Rory/Joey to take more risks, both of them leave Joey/Rory (sometimes without saying goodbye), they come back and ask Joey/Rory to run away with them, etc.
I wonder if the character of Eddie was inspired by Jess.
If anything Eddie is the dollar store version of Jess. Maybe the writers heard about Literati's popularity and tried to recreate it with Eddie and Joey but it fell flat. They don't have the chemistry and they were introduced too late for me and most fans to ship them because we had already seen Joey with Pacey. Maybe they even tried to recreate Jess's outfit with that puffy jacket from when he first arrived in Stars Hollow except on Eddie it looked like something Marty McFly would wear.
But even all those parallels you mentioned aren't really all that palpable if you consider that Eddie is 25 years old and still doesn't have his shit together. At first, I thought he did- he went to a fancy school and was well-read but later we find out he doesn't actually go to the school, he just snuck into the class for whatever reason. So he's a 25-year-old bartender stuck in a dead-end job and pretends to be a college student for fun and doesn't have the balls to follow his dreams of being an author to the point that Joey has to show his stories to some editor for him and tell him over and over again that he is good enough. Meanwhile, Jess was a scared 17-year-old kid when we first met him and by 21 he was already published and had a stable job. Rory never had to baby him the way Joey does Eddie, in fact, it worked better when Rory showed tough love to him.
Even when Eddie left Joey without saying goodbye it was different than when Jess did it. Yes, both of them ghosted their girlfriends but Eddie did it out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever and had Joey track him down and beg him to come back and be with her. When Jess left it was because he was 18 and kicked out of the house. And then later when Jess asks Rory to run away with him it isn't his best moment, but it's clear he's very emotional and desperate and grasping at straws so he can be with her. When Eddie asks Joey the same thing it's just straight-up bonkers and it doesn't make any sense. They are planning a trip to Paris and Joey tries to be sensible and says they should work a bit first to save some money and Eddie flies off the handle for no reason. He is poor so he should understand the value of money. It was a little contrived reason for them to break up but I was glad it happened and that Eddie never showed his face again.
I also compare Jess to Pacey. In addition to the reason you listed they have a similar sense of humor and are both underdogs and foils to the "Nice Guys" in Rory's/Joey's life. I have already ranted about it, feel free to check it out.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
Dawson's Creek
Otp: Pacey x Andie
Favorite canon pairing: Pandie
Worst pairing ever: it's a tie between Pacey and Tamara and Joey and her creepy professor from season 5
Guilty pleasure pairing: Dougie and Jack, I know there's unpopular but they're both so pretty! They're the prettiest couple on the show
A pairing you want to see more: Pandie, they're criminally underrated
That pairing everyone likes but you're like "lol no": Joey and Eddie, I mean not everyone likes them but I still can't believe they actually have shippers and people who wish they had ended up together
Favorite non-romantic pair: Jack x Jen
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