#anti jacey
darklinaforever · 1 year
Mourning a ship by another ship, part III :
Do you also think that Joey & Rachel were meant to be together ?!
Are you looking for a couple in the same mood ?! Going from friends to final lovers on the couple who was supposed to be the iconic couple one of the series ?!
Well, you find your happiness with Joey & Pacey ! (Jacey)
Who they managed to overtake the couple who should have ended up together originally, namely obviously Joey & Dawson. Sorry, but it should have been the same with Rachel & Joey. She really should have ended up with him, instead of Ross...
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alphinias · 2 years
Different anon but I liked Dawson in season 1 not so much in season 2 I also wish we got more Jacey in a relationship seems like we barely got much of them especially in the final season.
He was tolerable for me in S1! I liked him alright but he wasn’t my fav/gave me secondhand embarrassment a lot though. I usually try to like the main characters on shows I’m watching but in late S2 on I just can’t with him lol.
Idk S4 gave us a good bit of established jacey though! A lot more than most of my ships have gotten. I didn’t even watch S5 and skipped to the good bits in S6 because I didn’t care for a lot of the plotlines though 😂
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Harley Quinn, former bad guy, anti-hero and unemployed therapist chases after Nightwing (Dick Grayson) as he tries to get away from her while on patrol.
Nightwing: Stop chasing me!
Harley: Then have a chat with me!
Nightwing: How did you find me!
Harley: Babs told me.
Nightwing stops running causing Harley to halt her running as well. He puts his index finger up and presses his communication device.
Nightwing: Babs, what the heck?
Oracle: She begged me and I can't say no when she pinpoints my mental health issues! Just let her spend some time with you.
Nightwing looks down at Harley who has a big smile on her face. He runs the other direction as Poison Ivy walks over to the group while watching 'Little Shop of Horrors' on her phone.
Ivy: He caved yet?
Harley: Not now, babes. Follow me.
Harley chasses after Nightwing. Her girlfriend casually walked behind her.
Harley: Stop running! Why are you running?!
Nightwing: Because I don't want you touching me! I am not a piece of meat!
Harley: I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you were uncomfortable with the butt smacks!
Nightwing: I was very vocal about it!
Harley: Do you think that stems with some trauma in your past?
Nightwing: Stop therapizing me!
Ivy (pausing her movie): This is the smartest approach, Harley.
Harley: Ivy, not now!
Nightwing runs around Ivy and uses her as shield, then shoves her on Harley.
Nightwing: You chasing me doesn't prove your point.
Harley (pushing Ivy off of her): Let me make amends.
Nightwing(whining): NOOOO!
Harley: I made a full bill of health at Arkham. And I may not have the diploma, but I can be your-
Nightwing (in angry romani): Me sem bahtalo tumare progresosa, numaj te aven dur mandar!
Harley: What?
Nightwing stops at a fence and turns to Harley.
Nightwing: I said, "I am happy with your progress, but stay away from me for now!" It... It will take some time. Okay?
Nightwing jumps a fence and keeps running.
Nightwing (over his shoulder): Bye!
Ivy: See ya, kid.
Harley: But... Shit!
Harley tries to climb the fence, but Ivy, best friend and girlfriend uses a vine on her hip before she jumps the fence.
Ivy: Harley, don’t do that impulsive thought.
Harley: But they need a therapist. All of them, Jacey ran from me, now Nightwing? Why can’t I catch a break?
Ivy: If I may, it has something to do with working with the joker, who killed one of them, tortures the batfamily on an annual basis... oh and you won’t take a hint to give them space.
Harley glares at her girlfriend.
Harley: It was a rhetorical question!
Ivy (chuckling dryly): Aww, Harls, you know I don’t care about that. He did say it takes time, he's saying you have a chance, but at this moment of time, no. Remember I’m not dumb either. I worked more in science for botany over what you do, but I can see when someone doesn’t want to talk or want your therapy services.
Harley groans, bending back: You’re right, I’ll give 'em space. Plus you didn't say I slept with my professor.
Ivy: Please, you wouldn't degrade yourself like that... Get with a homicidal lunatic who thinks clown makeup is scary, but you are not the type who tries to get easy A’s in school.
Harley: Damn straight!
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paran0id-screaming · 2 years
Hi I'm Jacey
Posts won't be NSFW unless it's horror or whatever
I am very gay, non binary (pronouns in bio), and AFAB.
DNI: Trump supporter, TERF, anti LGBTQ+, anti abortion, proshippers.
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hiriajuu-suffering · 2 years
Texas Midterm Elections 2022
Disclaimer: I'm Libertarian, not a Democrat. You saying I'm a snowflake liberal just shows your internalized notions of white supremacy, whether you, yourself are white-passing or not.
it's been awhile since Texas Democrats have put forward a gubernatorial candidate that could really challenge the redness of the state.
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too bad the smear campaign against him seems to be effective. Abbot, Patrick, and Paxton have too much corporate fascist money. all riding on the prosperity Rick Perry is really responsible for. the state government is growing more Islamophobic day-by-day.
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The DFW area is a little too misogynistic for a female liberal to take the helm, that's the mistake left-leaning politics made last time
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Lizzie probably represents more of what I want to see out of Texas policy than other major political race going on, but the smear campaigns and tough on crime puffing chest rhetoric are really infuriating. calling Hidalgo and her office out as enabling criminal behavior when they're using non-enforcement and nullifying status as a political tool is just disingenuous. I feel much safer in Houston than I did 4 years ago, not to mention how much I respected Lina when we were both high schoolers in Debate on how she competed in Student Congress.
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I know the gubernatorial race indicates the lieutenant and attorney general races as well. I actually have less problems with crony Abbott than the Islamophobic Patrick and Paxton, I need Collier and Garza to win to preserve my rights, personally.
The races that are really important for rights preservation in general: turn our courts bluer to show Texans aren't crazy fetus-worshiping zealots like Abbott is.
As a Libertarian, I've always supported Tom Oxford, but he's going against the better judge in his race in Erin A. Nowell
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Who else matters to me? Well, I hate Dan Crenshaw with a passion, since he represents all the concentrated racism in Montgomery County. The Nehls brothers represent everything wrong with Texas because they've tried to arrest people for exercising free speech against Republican rule. I had hope Jacey Jetton would be decent, but he's just another Republican puppet, so vote for Daniel Lee on that alone. However, my state district got rezoned to one of the few Republicans I actually agreed with, Phil Stephenson, but he got primaried by the neoNazi Stan Kitzman and won, so I'll be voting for Larry Baggett since Mike Miller has no chance of getting my district because of how anti-3rd party my local politics have gotten.
Is it so much to ask for Republican candidates that respect my 1st Amendment rights, as a non-white Muslim American? or ones that don't want to actively control women's bodies as an extension of toxic patriarchy? Beto O'Rourke stands for something, and even though I don't totally agree with his policy leanings, it's better than treating brown, black, and feminine bodies as less than. Fletcher stands for the rational Texan that I feel represents the informed political consensus of the greater Houston area. Lina Hidalgo has been unafraid to enact the right policies for Houston in spite of the predictable backlash she knew she would get for it and I trust her more than Mayor Turner at this point.
Dan Crenshaw, the Nehls brothers, and Stan Kitzman would prefer we go back to a pre-Civil Rights era Texas, with white supremacy as the law of the land. People like Jacey Jetton enable that behavior through their loyalty and worship of Republican institutionalism.
Local politics are ruled by extremists and cushy moderates, we might never achieve real directional consensus if don't hold Republicans accountable for the anti-American values they've co-opted during the Trump administration.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
- Pacey in Joey bicker in S1, but pre-S3 the bickering was not meant to indicate attraction (though their chemistry is great and they do have scenes which foreshadow their relationship). Pretty sure Pacey and Joey bickered because they found each other annoying. Also it seems like they both fought for Dawson’s attention.
- Many people say Pacey was into Joey before he was into Andie, but his crush on Joey in S1 was a plot device to redirect Dawson from Jen back to Joey. That’s why it came of nowhere and wasn’t really mentioned again. It was contrived, unlike their S3 romance (In S3 in which it took months for Pacey to realize that he had developed feelings for Joey, not one afternoon). There is even a tumblr blogger who talks about this even though they are a Pacey/Joey shipper.
- The writers used the same formulas with many of the relationships on the show. Not only did they recreate the I-love you-but-I-hate-you, good girl/bad boy dynamic for Pacey/Joey and Joey/Eddie, they tried to do it with Will/Andie (Will has daddy issues and was meant to be a guy with a heart of gold, plus Andie bickered with him). And yes, as you’ve mentioned Dawson and Joey bicker as well. Joey’s cynicism often clashes with Dawson’s idealism.
To previous anon: The problem with Pacey/Joey is that the show keeps hitting us over the head with the narrative that Joey changes men, that Joey is Pacey’s “best” relationship, that Pacey was in love with Joey his whole life and “those feelings were stronger and were wiser and more persistent and more resilient than anything else about [him].” It just feels unearned and/or narratively untrue because Pandie had their dynamic first and they were able to do it better.
Andie was the first one to tell Pacey he was intelligent and was the first one to tell him she was proud of him, she helped him get his “first A”, she called Pacey out on his savior complex, she was aware of his family situation and got his father to give him a hug, she helped forge a relationship between Pacey and Jack that lasted throughout the entirely other the series. I just don’t see how they eclipse PJ. Pandie had the same dynamic as PJ but Pandie grew while being in a relationship while PJ did not. Pacey and Andie were active agents in each others growth.
Yeah true I found it weird when Pacey kissed Joey in season 1 but then in season 3 she was surprised when he kissed her and acted as if he had never done it before and as if it came completely out of nowhere. I mean it's weird for this show that always makes such a huge deal of of kissing. That's why it's obvious that their kiss in season 1 was just a plot device to push Dawson and Joey together. However I do think that Pacey had a small crush on Joey and that's why he teased her so much which later developed into love in season 3.
But that doesn't mean we should erase importance of Andie in his life. I agree with all the reasons you listed why Pandie is better but I would also like to add that Pacey and Andie did stuff equally for each other (just like you mentioned) while when people talk about Pacey and Joey only things HE did for HER come to mind. When Andie is giving Pacey a romantic speech it's about how great he is as a person but when Joey ist giving him one she's basically just listing all the things he had done for her. I feel like there's an imbalance with Pacey and Joey- he always performs acts of service for her and he was almost always the one initiating things between them while she was never quite decided for him and would pick other guys over him or miss other guys while she was with him. Even in the finale when he tells her he loves her she says she loves Dawson.
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I’ll tell ya... no TV family makes me quite so angry as the entire Leery family and Leery in laws.
Today i’m feeling pure rage towards Aunt Gwen (Dawson’s aunt and Gail’s sister). I’ve been rewatching “Stolen Kisses” and that is a creepy psycho bitch and she needs to be separated from all children.
This is the first sniff of Aunt Gwen being more than just a harmless kooky artsy woman. She is conniving throughout this entire episode trying to force a connection between Dawson and Joey. Also it’s a bit weird to invite only a bunch of kids to your house and then proceed to single out two as them and say only you two are gonna help me shop. You three rando kids who were allowed to be in my care by your parents... ya’ll are on your own. How about you explore the crappy pool hall where God knows what kind of unsavory folks hang around? Also woman!! Why didn’t you fucking shop for food before your guests got there?
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OH MY FUCKING WORD!!! This woman needs to get a life instead poking her ugly nose into a bunch of children’s love lives. I know your husband died but maybe it’s time to find a new one cause clearly you can’t help your compulsion to live vicariously through your fucking nephew!!
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Seriously woman!! I know you live a boring life in a boring small town but maybe you should find some good activity aside from obsessing about these children’s love lives! Just a thought!
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Okay!! Now this is all starting to make sense!! Not only is Aunt Gwen a witch with a capitol B... she’s also an actual witch!!! 
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NOOOO!!!! Gwen is a fucking psycho!!! Who paints two children you know because you want them to be in a relationship!?!? Psycho Aunt Gwen does!!!! Get these children away from this woman... i’m seriously scared for their safety!! Also this is a really ugly painting!! This is an insult to the art of painting!! 🤢🤢🤢
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It wasn’t until like 20th watching of this episode that I noticed how creepily Aunt Gwen looks at Joey after she says that the Dawson and Joey picture is her favorite. She’s a bit too close to Joey, and she kinda looks at her in a suggestive way that is clearly meant to imply that she is showing Joey this picture to instill romantic feelings towards Dawson. You can kinda see it in picture form but it’s even clearer in video form and I gotta say chief... I don’t like it. I don’t like it fam... it makes me uncomfy how invested Aunt Gwen is in the love life her nephew and this girl she hardly knows.
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WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! Maybe if everyone in Dawson’s life didn’t pussy foot around his feelings maybe he wouldn’t be such a fucking spoiled man baby who goes insane whenever he doesn’t get his own way. Or gets scarred whenever he sees a woman make her own decision and not allow him to treat her like a trophy that belongs to him to be put on his mantel and brought down whenever he damn well pleases!! 👿👿
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Okay, i’m gonna need ya’ll to file what Aunt Gwen said here in the back of your mind because it’s gonna be important real soon. She told Joey that she needs to tell Dawson about her and Pacey kissing.
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This is un fucking believable!!! So she insists that Joey talk to Dawson. Right after she walks in on Joey clearly about to have an important talk with Dawson, interrupts them and then instead of insisting that Joey stay she allows Joey to leave and then fucking Aunt Gwen pulls out that creepy picture and gives it to Dawson. Knowing full well that Joey had just been kissing Pacey and had feelings for Pacey.... she is still conniving to get Dawson to act upon his feelings for Joey. What is her endgame? Her best case scenario is that Joey abandons Pacey for Dawson. How cruel is that? To see that this boy named Pacey Witter has feelings for Joey and then to connive to have Joey break his heart and her own heart in the process. Or worst case scenario for Gwen is it blows up in Dawson’s face and Joey rejects him for Pacey which ulimately happened. How is that being a good aunt? Setting your nephew up for heartbreak? Setting up some other kid for heartbreak and setting up Joey for heartbreak. Aunt Gwen you aren’t even worth a pile of shit!!! Go to hell you witch!!
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I find it funny how all throughout this episode she is trying to connive Dawson and Joey back together yet she’s continually pushing Pacey and Joey closer together. Just by her being mostly. She’s this artsy woman that Joey relates to and she was in a boring marriage that the writers are clearly comparing to Dawson and Joey. And they are comparing Pacey to Richard who is the man who “stole” Aunt Gwen from her husband and made her feel alive. And this is clearly how Joey feels... Joey is seeing Dawson as Gwen’s ex husband and Joey is seeing Pacey as the Richard figure who makes her feel alive. So Aunt Gwen is saying how Richard made her feel alive thinking that Joey is gonna realize that Dawson makes her feel alive but in reality Joey is falling more and more in love with Pacey the more Gwen talks. Isn’t it ironic in the words of Alanis Morisette.
In conclusion... the entire Leery family is trash and should be sent to their own ugly toxic island where they can’t infect the rest of the world. 
Also it’s because of this episode that I have fantasies of Aunt Gwen being forced to attend Pacey and Joey’s wedding and seeing once and for all that her conniving did not work one iota!!! True love won out in the end and Dawson got nothing.... I hope his movies will keep him warm at night cause Joey certainly won’t and I can’t imagine anyone putting up with his crap for more than a week!! 😂😂
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klausalvatores · 3 years
I don't know if you know this but Tim Federle the creator of HSMTMTS has mentioned in a interview that he is a fan of Dawson Creek. I think that is where he got some of his inspiration for HSMTMTS which would explain why Jacey and Portwell are similar in some ways.
I have heard that and it really does show in his writing.
The way Dawson is Ricky, Joey is Gina, & Pacey is EJ. Dawson never appreciated Joey and took her for granted (remind you of anyone?) and then Pacey and EJ are both so good and sweet to Joey/Gina and are the right choice.
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
Acts of sudden violence have become a grim part of American life. In cities and small towns, churches, schools and concert venues have become the settings for terrifying scenes of mayhem.
Synagogues have been even more acutely aware of threats since 2018, when an assailant armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and multiple handguns entered the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh on a Saturday morning. The man, who was shouting antisemitic slurs, killed 11 people.
“The Jewish community security world is looked at as pre-Tree of Life and post-Tree of Life,” said Stuart Frisch, a national training and exercise adviser at the Secure Community Network.
In August, Mr. Frisch provided an hourslong training session to Rabbi Cytron-Walker and several dozen congregants in the sanctuary at Congregation Beth Israel.
Jonathan Greenblatt, who leads the Anti-Defamation League, said that Jewish congregants and synagogue leaders are more actively participating. “They’ve all done active shooter drills,” he said. “They’ve all learned how to handle a hostage situation. They’ve all learned how to cope with terrorism.”
Rabbi Cytron-Walker compared the courses he took to C.P.R. training, noting that it is rarely needed, but crucial when the moment arises.
“This kind of instruction is necessary for all of us as a society,” he said. “Whether it’s synagogues or grocery stores or mosques or shopping malls, it can happen.”
 —  The Hostages Escaped. But Synagogues Ask, How Can They Be More Secure?
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ems23 · 4 years
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alphawolfice1989 · 3 years
The love triangle in himym  parallels the one in Dawson’s Creek.
I just realized how much the love triangle in How I Met Your Mother parallels the one in Dawson’s Creek. Ted and Dawson are main characters that we are supposed to root for even though they are insufferable, Robin and Joey are the main love interests that have an unhealthy relationship with the main character (even though words like “soulmate” and “meant to be” get thrown around a lot to convince us otherwise) and Barney and Pacey are the main character’s goofy best friend that fans actually prefer over the main character. It’s crazy that even the episode when Jacey and Swarkles have their first kiss is the same episode (3x17)
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sibbun · 4 years
Wanting to fuck king kong is by far the weirdest monster-like creature you can fuck.
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livethinking · 4 years
A new world: a year of pandemic
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The pandemic spread last year and occurred ‘till today has scared us, made us all victims of a shared existential vertigo, shaking the foundations of those were our convictions. In other words, it has shown us that values and norms – i.e. the culture –, which political rhetorics tried to preserve, are now problematic, that means they’re not able anymore to answer those questions future asks, to find a solution to the serious issues of the present. Pandemic has shown us, with painful cruelty, that the ways with which we were dealing with the (environmental, economical, financial, social and cultural) crisis weren’t the right ones; on the contrary, they were worsening the already fatal condition the whole world was throwing itself into. However, at the same time, the pandemic has given us time, slowing down our lives (more and more hectic due to the needs of the capitalistic system, whose first value is the consume, so that a production based on quantities), to turn our look onto what’s happening and making a deeper judgement on the events, on problems and issues of our time, and then find solutions, gather energies to make a change in history and courage to take also definitive decisions, to sacrifice our system of ideas and values we, choose which of them to save and which taking from other normative systems, if not even cultural. Like the victory of the democratic Joe Biden against the republicans Donald Trump at the 2020 elections that suggests us a more and more distancing of society from populist ideas and strengthen of minoranze in politics; like Black Lives Matter manifestations as consequences to the murder of George Floyd, an Afro American citizen, committed by two police agents, and an almost global mobilisation in supporting the now famous Movement for the defence of Black people rights and battles against structural racism, developed as emulation of the protest occurred in the US and in some Foreign nations, such as France and Italy. There were environmental actions as well, the total lockdown of the last spring demonstrated how nature can regenerate very quickly when polluting industrial productions and the extensive use of gasoline cars stop; indeed, Countries like Italy has been planning projects for a more sustainable development, such as governmental bonus for the rebuild of housing buildings in order to reduce the impact on the environment, that are also a response to a more and more unrecoverable economic crisis. Surely this is little compared to upheavals provoked by the pandemic, to the getting worse of already serious conditions, to the tragic contingencies that the whole global population is facing. In many Countries, the percentage of people on the verge of poverty increased, many people were fired and many enterprises closed down definitely. In other Countries have been coup-d’état or, like In Italy, occurred serious government crisis.
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The election of Joe Biden is due not just to the ability of the new president to grado those that are the current needs of a nation like the US, but also due to the incapacity of populism (the ideology behind Donald Trump’s politics) to read the reality and consequently to plan strategy to solve the most urgent issues, as a worsening economic crisis and improving sanitary facilities in order to deal with Covid-19 pandemic. Incapability hidden with galvanising the gut feelings, that increase the hate against minorities, which are already consider the scapegoat for problems caused actually by an inefficient politics or by issues occurring in every Western society. This hate against minorities that wasn’t prosecuted by institutions and Trump’s administration (and thus justified) brought those minority communities to ally and strengthen each other, and so influencing the election of the last Fall. The culmination of this sensation of insecurity and inadequacy perceived by minorities, especially by the black people, was the great manifestation of June 2020 as consequence to the killing of George Floyd perpetrated by a white policeman, not last, neither the first murderer of this kind; indeed this one was just another in that long list of black American citizen killed by the police. Murders that are rarely prosecuted and seldom the perpetrators are brought in a tribunal. A scary phenomenon that has increased especially during Trump, just because the former president wasn’t able to condemn these action of racist violence, and that has lead a popular indignation, since it’s clear and evident these crimes is provoked by systematic hate, and not as a tragic consequence to the necessity to protect the people. These behaviours aren’t tolerable anymore, especially after years and years of battle for black people’s and other minorities’ rights and this unacceptability leads to Black Lives Matter movement manifestations bursted in biggest cities of the US and the world. Manifestations that were threatened by Donald Trump through the idea to bring the army to stop those that were just pacific riots. Thus, if we suppose these manifestations, along with the distress lived by the other ethnic, sexual and gender minorities because of a governement whcih closed the eyes before these clearly episodes of systematic hate, brought to the victory of Joe Biden, to these we can add the battle of Jacey Abrams, who proved that were racial reasons for exclude people from voting. Her battles helped more people from a minority to vote, who preferred, as polls proved, the democratic candidate because Joe Biden, just taken office, aims to support better the minorities, with the collaboration of Kamala Harris, the first black woman as Vice President , who has always highlited his will to support to the battles for civil rights and create a more equal society during his electoral campaign.
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Black lives matter. And much.
The election was also affected by the inefficiency of the past administration to handle the spread of the virus, sharing anti-scientific beliefs and a lack of strategy for strengthening the medical and scientific field while, on the contrary, Joe Biden has already planned.
In other words, this global pandemic revealed the real face of populism, a political and ideological movement that gives voice to the most visceral feeling of the people, capable to convince through a fallacious rhetoric but actually it can’t hold the reins of a nation which is irremediably changing and such ideology doesn’t manage to read the mutation of our societies (so that’s mute and deaf to the new generation). Moreover, the tendency of populism to go against the so-called technicians provoked not few troubles: many government of this kind didn’t follow the suggestions of the scientific community to contain the contagion. A tendency that was followed by tragic consequences, as thousand of deaths and many people who got a permanent damage to lungs, and that teaches us to give more attention, even mediatic, to scientists, researchers and the research for a vaccine shows us the quick progress of medicine and science made, if institutions support them. Institutions that prefer to sacrifice the scientific research, more and more necessary, in order to meet other economic requirements in a world based on epistemological thought and that demands more technical and sanitary innovations. Next to the issue of scientific research, there is that of technology: Countries like Italy and others have noticed they need a more efficient national telecommunication system and give support so that everyone can use and get electronic devices and a good internet to follow lessions and working from home. 2020 and Covid-19 pandemic showed us Greta Thunberg was right: it’s needed to slow down and reduce the environmental impact. The strict lockdown of the last Spring proved how quickly nature can regenerate itself and so that it’s needed little to deviate our path to the irreversible process of deterioration of the planet. This time, it’s the nature itself that gave us a second chance.
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Coronavirus pandemic has been having a great impact on our lives, on our society, culture and economy. It has pushed us to reevaluate our values and believes, to reviews our strategies and ideologies. It gave us the time to slow down, give each other a look, observe the world and it’s thousands of societies, think about our era and helped us figure out what would have been dangerous for the development for a more right and equal world, our mistakes and gave a chance to remedy. These were, are and will be painful, tragic, scary moments and we are all victims of a serious existential crisis because we’re aware that we aren’t going to be same as before, that the world is different and in our future this will be evident. We are in a new world and we’re different as well.
Viviana Rizzo @livethinking
Article in Italian here
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doiwannaaknow · 3 years
tumblr just showed a post that was anti literati, anti jacey and anti stydia... all in one... like what did i ever do to you tumbeast
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
What is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
Hmm let me think. Pandie! They were overshadowed by Jacey but imo they are much healthier and better written? I wish Andie's character didn't go through such a huge assassination in season 3. I mean seriously they're so criminally underrated, I can't even find videos or edits of good quality with them while Jacey have so many it's unfair!
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The difference between Pacey and Dawson is so stark!!
Just look in “The Anti Prom,” Pacey and Joey are dancing and Joey notices Dawson come up behind them and angrily watching them dance. Joey doesn’t even have to say a word... Pacey doesn’t even have to see her face he knows by her body language that Dawson is behind them. It really shows how empathetic Pacey is and how completely tuned into Joey and her emotions he is...
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You compare that to in “True Love.” Joey and Dawson are dancing and Joey is recounting how they are going to spend the summer together and what they are gonna do and Joey is literally crying in Dawson’s arms at the very thought of spending a summer with him instead of Pacey. Dawson is straight up staring at her and acting confused about her reactions. The truth is I don’t want to give Dawson credit by saying that he didn’t realize. The truth is he’s a selfish motherfucker who knew the pain he was putting Joey through and he DID. NOT. CARE. not one bit. Joey is upset and in pain after being manipulated out of a relationship with Pacey BY DAWSON... and Dawson doesn’t care about her pain, all he cares about is that her pain and attitude is cramping his style and his ability to fantasize that they are a perfect happy couple. All Dawson cares about is what he can get from Joey.
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How can anyone be Team Dawson... it’s truly the most confusing anomaly. Freud wouldn’t be able to understand Team Dawsoners!!
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