#anti eluc*en
mediocrebiscuit · 19 days
Oki so when Cassian says Elain looks bad in black and antis run with it and say it’s foreshadowing that she will leave the NC (even tho she verbally stated it’s her home) — that’s okay, and elriels are dumb for not taking the hint that our ship is sinking??
But when Cassian says Elain loses her newfound boldness, and shrinks into herself around Lucien — antis be like “we don’t have elains POV yet! It doesn’t mean anything bc we’re not inside her head”…so, like, Cassians opinion no longer matters??
HAHAHA idk fam, I just think it’s mighty funny how seriously antis take Cassians opinions when it suits them. 💅🏻
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athena-85 · 9 months
I think Elain will make sure
Love WILL trump a mating bond!
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shitwillnotbegiven · 16 days
The way the man in this art is supposed to be Thanatos 😭
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The original art was posted in 2012 😊
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sapaul · 7 months
I’ve read some crazy things from antis but I think the funniest one is the idea that Elain is cheating on Lucien because of Azriel.
Wouldn’t one need to be in an actual relationship for that to happen? Last time I check, a bond does not equal a relationship.
Also, why is it only one-sided? Of course Elain is the only one being accused of cheating when perfect Lucien who can do no wrong gets to live in a whole other continent with another woman, and man, but that is perfectly okay. These anti arguments are getting weaker.
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duskcowboy · 1 year
“I didn’t answer. I didn’t have one, honestly. As High Lady, I could likely offer him a position, if we survived long enough to make it home. I’d do it mostly to keep Elain from ever going to the Spring Court, but I had little doubt Lucien would be able to hold his own against my friends.”
Just a reminder that Feyre wanted to do everything in her power to keep Elain from going to the Spring Court ☝🏼☝🏼
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cassianfanclub · 1 year
People in this fandom really lack a fundamental understanding of how important context is when trying to prove that “if _ is this, then _ must be also”
Context, babe. They aren’t the same because of context.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Lucien: son of a Spell Cleaver
Vassa: spelled with an incredibly complex spell
Lucien: got ‘fire’ in his blood (and in bed)
Vassa: spell is woven into her blood
Lucien: Lord of Fire 
Vassa: Bird of fire
Lucien: willingly moves to the Human Lands and lives with Vassa
Them: but sunflowers! Elain...Sunflowers...
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spvcejams · 2 years
Elriel truly is for pretty people only, SJM told me herself.
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fuckmelifesucks · 2 years
Elain Archeron Defence Post...
The fact that elriel shippers can not search up anything related to Elain and azriel or just anything about Elain on almost any social media platforms without getting shit comments on her, just says what a toxic fandom acotar has.
I was bored and decided to search up elain on Pinterest. There are people literally degrading the character in the comments. The comments of the post related to Elain, mind you.
They call Elain disgusting names and claim that she has no personality or one that is of a wet towel or dry flour. And I'm just like...
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Of course being nice and kind and helpful in nature and being a bit softer than other females is definitely not a personality, right?
Who wants a soft sweet introverted sunshine when we can have masculine weapon weilding badass boss bitch women? (I have nothing against masculine women. Just added it for the sake of the argument)
Being snappy is a personality. Being rude and bitchy is a personality.
But being soft and gentle? Oh no no no no no. Definitely not a personality.
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Mind you these are just a few comments under elain posts.
If they claim to hate her so much then what in heaven's name are they doing on an Elain post?!
You don't like the character or the post? SCROLL PAST!! IGNORE IT!!
Stop spreading hate on a character just because you don't like her cuz she is feminine and isn't your go-to warrior boss bitch.
There are people commenting that she should literally just die. And I'm like...are you fucking listening to your?! You want a character to die because she is soft?! Do you know how many people relate to such characters?! Have you any idea as to how offensive you are being?!
And i had read a comment so abash...like what the actual fuck. It literally had someone say that Elain should get r*ped so she becomes atleast a little interesting.
And i just gaped at the comment in disbelief and horror. How can you saw something like that and not want to hurl yourself off a damn cliff???!!!
And then we have people reducing her to her ability to give baby bats.
*Exhausted sigh*
What happened to all the feminism in the fandom? Sincere question.
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Why? Just...why?
They could easily adopt if they wanted to. Im pretty sure that both won't mind adopting in the least bit. Why wouldn't they want to take in a child looking for a family? Especially when they also want a child?
The whole 'Nesta didn't change elain's uterus so she can't give az baby bats so they aren't endgame' shit is getting on my nerve.
How can you reduce a person's worth, her feelings towards someone who clearly returns them to her ability to give birth?
And the same people ship Gwyn and az because Gwyn has pliant bones and she can give az baby bats. That is also so fucking disgusting! How can you reduce even Gwyn to her ability to give birth to illyrian babies?
Is there any romantic interactions between them that are actually cannon? No.
But why not ship them? Gwyn has pliant bones she can give az baby bats.
I am not a gwynriel shipper but still that's just disgusting! And i feel bad for Gwyn when reading shit like this.
The fandom exhausts me. And i haven't even been a part of it for a long time. I feel bad for all the elriel shippers who had to endure this shit for years.
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Then we have some more comments on elriel
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*another sigh*
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Do you fantasize about your brother or sister of wanting to kiss them and do the *devil's tango* with them?
Aight...that's on you. Im not one to judge.
And the fuck u mean by 'what abt lucien'?
The guy is also clearly uncomfortable with elain. And so is elain with him. Does elain's happiness and comfort not matter. Does her consent not mean anything?
What about Lucien?
Another question...
What about Elain? What about her feelings and emotions?
I have loved Lucien from the beginning of the series but to force elain to have a relationship with him when she isn't even in the least bit comfortable around him and becomes a shell of herself is just gross and disgusting. I hope the fandom will stop criticizing elain so much for literally no reason at all.
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mediocrebiscuit · 2 years
We’ve had similar posts before, but I’d like to throw my hat (mate) into the ring. Conversations with my friend! They are a published author, so I thought I’d ask their opinion on BCs.🥹👉🏻👈🏻
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I have never put much, if any stock in bonus chapters. I have always perceived them to be a little bit of fun, or slice of life for pov or side characters.
I have never come across a bonus chapter, particularly one that was so exclusive and limited (one language/one country/one store) and seen it contain any vital information for the series/next book. I am, frankly, unnerved by how much stock people have put into it.
Irrespective of ship wars, I firmly believe it’s utterly ridiculous to assume an author, with the backing of a big publisher would be so foolish as to do anything vital or essential in one, and risk alienating and insulting their casual reader base (the bulk of any series readers.)
I am just some girl from a semi-rural town in Australia, I can’t speak on BB or SJM. So..I thought id just ask someone who would have the ability to actually speak with authority on the matter. My friend was headhunted by a publishing company, and has experience actually writing bonus chapters. The screen shots above, are what they had to say on the matter. They have not read the series, and at present have no intention to. I also tried to be as accurate and unbiased as possible, considering I’m a ultimately just a “baby fan”. 😅
(I hope I tagged this right, bc I really don’t want to engage with people outside of my nice little elriel bubble 🥲)
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elriell · 3 years
“You said your mother and father were wrong for each other; Tamlin said his own parents were wrong for each other.” I peeled off my dressing robe. “So it can’t be a perfect system of matching. What if”—I jerked my chin toward the window, to my sister and the shadowsinger in the garden—“that is what she needs? Is there no free will? What if Lucien wishes the union but she doesn’t?”
“A mating bond can be rejected,” Rhys said mildly, eyes flickering in the mirror as he drank in every inch of bare skin I had on display. “There is choice. And sometimes, yes—the bond picks poorly. Sometimes, the bond is nothing more than some … preordained guesswork at who will provide the strongest offspring. At its basest level, it’s perhaps only that. Some natural function, not an indication of true, paired souls.”
“Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it.  "What if the Cauldron was wrong?" 
“I suspected Feyre was my mate before I ever knew she was involved with Tamlin. And when I learned of it … If it made her happy, I was willing to step back. Rhysand went on before Lucien could snap a reply, “I was willing to lose my mate to another male. I was willing to let them marry, if it brought her joy. But what I was not willing to do was let her suffer. To let her fade away into a shadow. ”
“Cassian’s heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing. Elain only shrank further into herself, no trace of that newfound boldness to be seen.”
“She glowed with good health. Except … Her brown eyes were wary. Usually, that look was reserved for Lucien. The male was definitely in the family room, ”
“Elain, the wretch, had taken the seat between Feyre and Varian, about as far from Lucien as she could get. ”
“There had been some tightness in Elain’s face as she’d said it. Normally when she made such excuses, Lucien was around, but the male remained in the human lands with Jurian and Vassa.”
“Elain bit her lip and then smiled sheepishly. “It’s for the headaches everyone always gives you. Since you rub your temples so often.” Silence again. Then Azriel tipped his head back and laughed. I’d never heard such a sound, deep and joyous”
“Elain shuddered, drifting closer. So close one deep breath would brush her breasts against his chest. She looked up at him, her face so trusting and hopeful and open that he knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands far beyond their  scars.”
“I’d feel bad for the mice,” Azriel muttered. Mor and Cassian howled, earning a blush from Azriel and a grateful smile from Elain—and no shortage of scowling from Amren. But something in me eased at that laughter, at the light that returned to Elain’s eyes.”
“Elain mused, at last answering my question from moments ago as her attention drifted to the windows facing the sunny street. That smile grew, bright enough that it lit up even Azriel’s shadows across the room.”
“The ancient healer jerked her chin toward Lucien. “See what he can do. If anyone can sense if something is amiss, it’s a mate.” “How.” The word was barely more than a barked command. I braced myself to warn Nesta to be polite, but Madja said to my sister, as if she were a small child, “The mating bond. It is a bridge between souls.”
“Lucien murmured to me, eye still fixed on Elain, “Should we—does she need …?”
“She doesn’t need anything,” Azriel answered without so much as looking at Lucien. Elain was staring at the spymaster now—unblinkingly.
“We’re the ones who need …” Azriel trailed off. “A seer,” he said, more to himself than us. “The Cauldron made you a seer.”
“Elain looked up at Azriel, their eyes meeting, his hand still lingering on the hilt of the blade. I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife.”
“Tamlin looked between my sister and Cassian—his gaze lingering on Cassian’s wings, tucked in behind him. Snorted. “Seems like other preferences run in the Archeron family, too.”
“He leaned in, and the air shimmered briefly as the shield around me dropped away. His lips brushed over my cheek. “ I'd never do such a thing. You must be thinking of your other mate.”
“They’d spoken of her, her behavior, her attitude. Elain and Feyre—that was the new status of things. The bond Elain had chosen.”
IS ♥
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wingedblooms · 3 years
Rot and Bloom and Bone
My friend @rminnieola recently sent me a pin from Sarah J. Maas’s ACOTAR pinterest board of the Welsh spring goddess, Blodeuwedd, that was titled “Elain” in her notes. So, naturally, I needed to learn more. Her story connects well to the parallels I was already compiling on Elain and the Suriel. You might think it strange that I am comparing Elain to the Suriel, but I believe you may find it surprisingly fitting. I use the sacred number three (think triple goddess) to examine Elain’s journey and connection to the Welsh goddess, nocturnal predators, and the Suriel.
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The Triple Goddess
In folklore and mythology, the number three is often associated with fate, balance, and the triple goddess. It also appears repeatedly in Sarah’s ACOTAR series. Three sisters. Three Illyrian warriors. Three mountains. Three stars. Even the second half of the Book of Breathings, which is used to nullify the Cauldron, talks in threes in Chapter 57 of ACOMAF:
Life and death and rebirth, Sun and moon and dark, Rot and bloom and bones
Hello, sweet thing. Hello, lady of night, princess of decay. Hello, fanged beast and trembling fawn. Love me, touch me, sing me.
Light and dark and gray and light and dark and gray—
Others have identified specific parts (and aspects of the triple goddess) with each Archeron sister. Each sister may indeed be more associated with one aspect over another, however, I believe that the three aspects—light and dark and gray—might also describe the characterization and development of each sister. In other words, they are complex and share aspects from all three: maiden (light), mother (dark), crone (gray). They embrace, and therefore blend, their light and dark elements, to experience greater wisdom and inner peace. We may see Elain’s development follow a similar path, especially if her story is inspired by Blodeuwedd.
According to Welsh mythology, Blodeuwedd (which may mean “flower-faced”) was created from flowers by Gwydion and Math to be the mate of Lleu Llaw Gyffes, a Welsh hero. While she was made for Lleu, she falls in love with a hunter named Gronw. They conspire to kill Lleu, but he does not die; he changes into an eagle and escapes. Blodeuwedd and Gronw bask in their love while Lleu recovers. Eventually, he returns and the lovers are punished: Blodeuwedd is transformed into an owl and Gronw is killed with a spear. She begins as a spring goddess with an arranged marriage (maiden), exercises her agency and finds romantic fulfilment elsewhere (mother), and is ultimately transformed into a creature of the night connected to wisdom and death (crone).
Like Blodeuwedd, Elain is strongly associated with spring and flowers. She is bound to Lucien through a mating bond, but does not display interest in pursuing a relationship with him. Avoidance and regression. Even Lucien’s biological father is compared to an eagle, the form Boldeuwedd’s husband shifts into when he is attacked. Coincidence? Probably not. Elain does, however, seem to reciprocate Azriel’s romantic interest. Offer and permission. They form an instant connection that quietly smolders. In the next book, we may see this romantic interest bloom into a love affair as she hones her powers and carves out her role alongside her sisters. Elain’s choice to pursue the male she loves, rather than the one she is bound to, may also have grave consequences. And these challenges may prompt another aspect to emerge: in place of a trembling fawn, perhaps we’ll find a screeching predator of the night instead.
A Shadow on the Wind
And this is where we find the oddly appropriate parallels with the Suriel. Like owls, the Suriel:
Travels stealthily, like a shadow on the wind:
Like a shadow on the wind, the Suriel was off, a blast of dark that set the four naga staggering back. (ACOTAR, Ch. 15)
I was about to start bargaining with the Cauldron, with the Mother, when a creeping, familiar silence fell over the wood. (ACOMAF, Ch. 50)
When I looked back at the Suriel, it was gone. (ACOMAF, Ch. 50)
Shrieks or screeches when it is threatened:
Another enraged shriek pierced the forest, and my snares groaned as they held, and held, and held. I climbed out of the tree and went to meet the Suriel. (ACOTAR, Ch. 14)
And when a crack sounded through the forest, followed by a screech that hollowed out my ears, I nocked an arrow into my bow and set off to see the Suriel. (ACOMAF, Ch. 50)
Serves as a symbol of knowledge and death:
“A test? A foolish and useless test, for if you dared to capture me, then you must want knowledge very badly.” (ACOTAR, Ch. 14)
A face that looked like it had been crafted from dried, weatherworn bone, its skin either forgotten or discarded, a lipless mouth and too-long teeth held by blackened gums, slitted holes for nostrils, and eyes … eyes that were nothing more than swirling pits of milky white—the white of death, the white of sickness, the white of clean-picked corpses. (ACOTAR, Ch. 14)
“I am a member of no Court. I am older than the High Lords, older than Prythian, older than the bones of this world.” (ACOTAR, Ch. 14)
To realize that what sprayed in my face, landing on my tongue and tasting like soil, was black blood. (ACOWAR, Ch. 58)
May appear frightening, but is helpful to those in need:
Run, the Suriel mouthed once more, blood dribbling past its withered lips...The Suriel knew it was a possibility. It had begged me for freedom once … yet it was willing to be taken. For me to run. (ACOWAR, Ch. 59)
“And you were kind to me,” I said, not brushing away the tears that fell onto its bloodied, tattered robe. “Thank you—for helping me. When no one else would.” (ACOWAR, Ch. 60)
And as its chest rose and stopped altogether, as its breath escaped in one last sigh, I understood why the Suriel had come to help me, again and again. Not just for kindness … but because it was a dreamer. And it was the heart of a dreamer that had ceased beating inside that monstrous chest. (ACOWAR, Ch. 60)
So, where is Elain on her journey and how is she connected to the owl and the Suriel? Elain starts the series as the embodiment of the maiden: she’s perceived as innocent, kind, and compared to new life (spring, flowers, fawn). She is then changed against her will in the Cauldron and experiences the loss, or death, of her mortal life.
Her skin was so pale it looked like fresh snow in the harsh light. I realized then that the color of death, of sorrow, was white. (ACOWAR, Ch. 15)
Then beheld the hollowed-out cheeks, the bloodless lips, the brown eyes that had once been rich and warm, and now seemed utterly dull. Like grave dirt. (ACOWAR, Ch. 15)
She spends months lost to the murkiness of the dream world at a time when the hardness of the world has extinguished her light. That is, until Azriel illuminates one of her powers: Elain is a seer. Seers serve as a bridge between material (reality) and divine (dream), like the vines and flowers that Feyre painted on the edges of things in their dilapidated cottage. This awareness clears away her confusion and allows her to move forward.
“She doesn’t need anything,” Azriel answered without so much as looking at Lucien. Elain was staring at the spymaster now—unblinkingly. “We’re the ones who need …” Azriel trailed off. “A seer,” he said, more to himself than us. “The Cauldron made you a seer.” (ACOWAR, Ch. 32)
In this new reality, Elain also develops new mannerisms that help her access and interpret the information she receives through her sight. She blinks or angles her head like an owl. Owls are the only birds that blink like a human; they blink to close one of their three eyelids. Yes, owls have a translucent third eye. Those who use the third eye to obtain a higher consciousness and gain knowledge are called seers.
But Azriel nodded. “You knew,” he said to Elain. “About the young queen turning into a crone.” Elain blinked and blinked, eyes clearing again. As if the understanding, our understanding … it freed her from whatever murky realm she’d been in. (ACOTAR, Ch. 33)
“What sort of curse?” my mate asked before he’d even finished speaking to me. Elain shifted her face toward him. Another blink. “They sold her—to … to some darkness, to some … sorcerer-lord …” (ACOTAR, Ch. 33)
“I need you to find something for me,” I said, dripping water everywhere as I laid a map across her thighs. Perhaps not as gentle as I should have been, but she at least sat up at my tone. Blinked at the map of Prythian. (ACOWAR, Ch. 57)
“The sixth queen is alive?” Azriel asked, calm and steady, the voice of the High Lord’s spymaster, who had broken enemies and charmed allies. Elain cocked her head, as if listening to some inner voice. “Yes.” (ACOWAR, Ch. 33)
You know who else has information-gathering mannerisms? The Suriel. It clicks its hands together and angles its head when trying to access information.
The earth tilted beneath me. “Tamlin is—Tamlin is a High Lord?” Click, click, click. “You did not know. Interesting.” (ACOTAR, Ch. 14)
“Where do I find the cure?” The Suriel clicked its bone fingers against each other, as if the answer lay inside the sound. “In the forest.” (ACOMAF, Ch. 50)
It angled its head, as if listening. “If she is unskilled … bones will do the talking for her.” (ACOWAR, Ch. 58)
These subtle mannerisms aren’t the only changes we see in Elain that parallel the owl and Suriel. She also begins to move stealthily and uses the shadows to her advantage when she hunts her prey.
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck… (ACOWAR, Ch. 74)
Elain spoke from the doorway, having appeared so silently that they all twisted toward her, “Using me.” (ACOSF, Ch. 20)
And though she is associated with life and renewal, like the spring goddess Blodeuwedd, we will likely see another aspect of her character emerge as Rhys predicted. One that is darker and subverts the beauty she has long been known for:
“Look who decided to grow claws after all,” she crooned. “Maybe you’ll become interesting at last, Elain.” (ACOSF, Ch. 21)
Elain in black was ridiculous. Yes, she was beautiful, but the color of her long-sleeved, modest gown leeched the brightness from her face. It wore her, rather than the other way around. And he knew the cruelty of the Hewn City troubled her. But she hadn’t hesitated to come. When Feyre had offered to let her remain home, Elain had squared her shoulders and declared that she was a part of this court—and would do whatever was needed. So Elain had let her golden-brown hair down tonight, and pinned it back with twin combs of pearl. He’d never once in the two years he’d known her found Elain to be plain, but wearing black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court … It sucked the life from her. (ACOSF, Ch. 57)
This last excerpt has been used as evidence to demonstrate that Elain is at odds with darkness and the Night Court. Cassian’s perception of Elain often outweighs her own words in these analyses. He indicates that despite Elain’s loyalty and determination, black makes her appear plain and sucks the light (and life) from her. She is ordinary and dismissible in this more crone-like aspect. But we don’t know Elain’s thoughts about it. What if she finds it liberating to blend in, hide in plain sight? She was raised to believe that her beauty needed to constantly shine brightly to secure a good match. This excerpt might demonstrate that she can choose to use her appearance as a more agile weapon than we originally believed: one that she can dim or brighten at the right moment when needed.
If we learned anything from Feyre’s and Nesta’s development, it’s that characters are complex and can be many things at once. A darker aspect—one associated with wisdom and death—does not change the fact that Elain is flower-hearted at her core. She is a dreamer and helper like the owl and Suriel. She can embrace light and dark to create a powerful blend of the two, a bridge, if you will, between aspects and worlds. Her journey will come full circle, but that does not mean an end. It simply means another cycle, another beginning. And let’s hope that beginning comes with claws and feathered wings.
Read The Heart of a Dreamer for more connections between Elain and the Suriel.
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shitwillnotbegiven · 2 years
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sapaul · 11 months
So apparently Elain doesn’t actually hate L*cien (never did we say she did - she’s just not comfortable around him), she just hates herself which means they will be endgame… when she accepts who she is…. Instead of her ending up with the man that made her feel the most welcome in this new world.. Not him? Okay, got it
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offtorivendell · 3 years
In Defence of Elain Archeron 
Or, a discussion of the potential reasons why Elain hasn't rejected her mate bond with Lucien, even if she might want to. 
Please do not screenshot and share this post without permission.
Disclaimer: The following text consists of reasons that could - potentially - explain why Elain, who has not shown any interest in Lucien, has not yet rejected her bond with him. I make no claims that any of these will turn out to be canon. 
TW for mention of canon kidnapping, murder and other mature events/themes.
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One of the major issues that people have with Elain Archeron is that, after almost two years, she has made no moves - of which we're aware - to either “get to know” her Cauldron-gifted mate, Lucien Vanserra, or to reject her bond with him. 
Setting aside the very problematic notion that anyone, male or female, ever owes anyone else their time and/or consideration for romance, I thought I would attempt to list the potential reasons why Elain may have - so far - appeared to ignore her bond with Lucien. 
Elain and Lucien discovered they were mates at the end of ACOMAF, during what was likely the most traumatic point of her life, and the books since ACOWAR, which admittedly left the relationship between the two of them up in the air - I personally already preferred Elriel at that stage, but El*cien could still have happened without too much effort, and I would have enjoyed it, as I like both characters - have shown no positive progress between them, only what most would consider negative, and people are wondering why Elain hasn’t rejected their bond, after almost two years. 
Edit, because I realised that I never explicitly stated this: I personally believe that Elain’s lack of interest in her bond with Lucien, and Lucien himself is, in itself, a rejection. She should not need to do more than not give consent to any sort of relationship with Lucien to "reject" him, or their bond. The following discussion is based upon their "in-world" situation, as faeries with a mating bond that could potentially require more than just not pursuing a relationship to consider one rejected.
We haven’t yet had Elain’s book 
The first, easiest and most obvious answer is that SJM wants to tell this story from Elain’s POV - or, potentially, Lucien. We are yet to see a book that features Elain’s POV, and we only got a few pages of Lucien’s POV, courtesy of Feyre and her daemati powers, towards the beginning of ACOWAR (chapter 24). Since then, nothing. 
Besides the fact that Elain was in no shape to make a decision about her bond with Lucien at that time - in addition to recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped, forcibly turned into a faerie, and being abandoned by the man she loved, who supposedly loved her, for events over which she had no control, she spent a lot of her time lost in visions that we later found out were prophetic - I would expect anyone to take a step back and decide for themselves what such a significant bond would mean, both to and for them. 
It is the smart and responsible thing to do, otherwise she, or even Lucien, could end up like Rhys' mother, who resented his father, even though they were mates. If that means two years of an immortal lifespan spent contemplating whether she wants to let him get to know her, then so be it. 
I sighed, absently rubbing my still-flat stomach. "Let's focus on helping one sister before we start on the other." "Agreed," Rhys drawled. - ACOSF, Feyre’s bonus chapter 
And if none of the above makes sense to you, it simply hasn't happened yet because it would be such a momentous occasion - SJM hasn’t written a mating bond rejection before - that I cannot fathom why we would expect to see it from anyone other than the two people involved. My money is on Elain learning that she can Unmake the bond in ACOTAR 5, and doing so from her POV, then we will get Lucien’s POV either as a bonus chapter in ACOTAR 5, or as a flashback in ACOTAR 6, if he shares that with Vassa. 
Elain knows she can reject the bond, but she is afraid of hurting Lucien 
Women today are still taught, often subconsciously, to centre men - and how they might respond to a situation - from a young age; for example, dress codes at schools that unfairly target the female students, so that they're not a distraction. As we get older, we also tend to automatically consider a man’s potential response in how we would refuse an advance, in terms of both our personal safety and not wanting to cause emotional harm - I have done this more than once, and so have many of my friends… and we live in "safe" areas. Please understand that I am not suggesting that Lucien (or the majority of men) would be violent towards Elain (or any woman), or see her as property; he has fairly consistently respected her space for almost two years now. 
However, Elain is frequently described as sweet and kind - she was the first sister to openly state and apologise for her part in Feyre’s neglect growing up, without prompting or design; she was raised in a society that is more patriarchal than our own current western world, and by a mother who conditioned her to be a pawn on the marriage market, to boot. I would put money on the Archeron sisters all having some sort of internalised response similar to women that live in the western world today - and I am using the western world, because that is where the author lives, and what I personally know - which would mean that Elain, who doesn't like causing people pain, could feasibly know that the bond can be rejected, but is stalling because she doesn't want to hurt Lucien, either physically or emotionally, and so doesn’t know how to proceed. 
Now, obviously an ignored bond would be causing some base-level of pain, at least emotionally, but Elain is between a rock and a hard place, and I could see her not knowing how to proceed. She probably remembers the devastation that Graysen made her feel, and is reluctant to pass that on, even though we know she'd never be cruel about it. 
I glowered at Rhys. "You think Elain’s boring?" "I think she's kind, and I'll take kindness over nastiness any day. But I also think we haven't yet seen all she has to offer." - ACOSF, Feyre’s bonus chapter 
Elain knows she can reject the bond, but she is worried about her safety  
Following on from the second point, that Elain doesn’t want to reject the bond because it could hurt Lucien, either emotionally or physically, I posit a twist on the same idea; Elain is concerned about her safety, due to the backwards and sexist nature of the Autumn Court. 
“Not free rein—not in my lands. It has been illegal in our territory for a long, long time for males to do that. Even before I was born. Other courts, no. On the continent, there are territories that believe the females literally belong to their mate. But not here. Elain would have our full protection if she rejects the bond. But it will still be a bond, however weakened, that will trail her for the rest of her existence.” - ACOWAR, chapter 24 
I clenched my teeth. “If you were her lover, why didn’t you stop it?” The wrong thing to say. Utterly wrong, by the dark fury that rippled across Helion’s face. “Beron is a High Lord, and she is his wife, mother of his brood. She chose to stay. Chose. And with the protocols and rules, Lady, you will find that most situations like the one you were in do not end well for those who interfere.” - ACOWAR, chapter 47 
Once again, I highly doubt this is due to Lucien himself, but his father, Beron, is terrible - look at what he did to Lucien’s first love, Jesminda - and he knows that Elain is Lucien’s mate. We know that Rhys told Feyre that Elain would be protected, and that no bond would be forced on her, which could be hinting that it is something Beron may consider, either out of shame that his (as far as he knows) son could be rejected by his mate, or as a power play over the Night Court/the rest of Prythian. 
Aside from the fact that Elain is Lucien’s mate, she is also a Seer in her own right; she is Cauldron-Made, and likely has additional powers, if Amren is to be believed. Elain would be sought out by many Courts and Kingdoms if they knew of her, and if Beron thought he could stake a claim to such an asset, I am sure he would take her with little thought to her own wishes, or even Lucien’s. If Beron is working for Koschei, and either Koschei or he got wind of Elain’s abilities, then Elain could be in big trouble. 
And do not forget that Nesta herself—and Elain, with whatever powers she has—is here. Feyre is here. All three sisters blessed by fate and gifted with powers to match your own. - ACOSF, chapter 42
Elain knows she can reject the bond, but she is worried about political backlash 
Similar to the above situation, in which Elain fears for her own safety, I can see her also stalling in rejecting her bond with Lucien because she is worried about the safety of others; she has always loved her sisters, and has come to love the Inner Circle, and the Night Court in general and, despite her reservations towards Lucien, I highly doubt she wants to see him harmed. She certainly wouldn't want Azriel to get hurt, especially on her account. 
Rhys growled, "Allow me to make one thing very clear. You are to stay away from her." "You can't order me to do that." "Oh, I can, and I will. If Lucien finds out you're pursuing her, he has every right to defend their bond as he sees fit. Including invoking the Blood Duel." "That's an Autumn Court tradition." The battle to the death was so brutal that it was only enacted in rare cases. Despite being an outsider, Azriel had wanted to invoke it when he'd found Mor all those years ago. Had been ready to challenge both Beron and Eris to Blood Duels and kill them both. Only Mor's right to claim their heads in vengeance had kept him from doing so. "Lucien, as Beron's son, has the right to demand it of you." "I'll defeat him with little effort." Pure arrogance laced every word, but it was true. "I know." Rhys's eyes flickered. "And your doing so will rip apart any fragile peace and alliances we have, not only with the Autumn Court, but also with the Spring Court and Jurian and Vassa." Rhys bared his teeth. "So you will leave Elain alone. If you need to fuck someone, go to a pleasure hall and pay for it, but stay away from her." Azriel snarled softly. - ACOSF, Azriel’s bonus chapter 
As Rhys said in Azriel’s bonus chapter from ACOSF, if a relationship between Elain and Azriel was ever discovered, Lucien - not Azriel - could call a Blood Duel, which is still a valid custom in the Autumn Court. This would put both Azriel and Lucien at risk of injury or death, as well as disrupting the tentative alliance between (most of) the Courts of Prythian.
I personally don't think that Lucien would call Azriel out for a Blood Duel unprompted, it would most likely be due to Beron's machinations, or Beron himself. Furthermore, Lucien is better-known throughout Prythian than anyone from the Night Court; again, I doubt he would do this, but with his personal and political connections, he could do some real damage to the Night Court's reputation. 
Elain is observant - the Cauldron saw fit to make her a Seer, and her two best friends are spies, after all - so I would be very surprised if she was unaware of what was going on around her. 
Elain almost certainly knows the importance of political accord across Prythian, especially given the upcoming conflict with Koschei and/or the Autumn Court under Beron’s rule. Given she likely put herself on the marriage market, as a human, to both provide a safe place for her and Nesta, and contribute to the war effort against the faeries who were set on invading the Human Realm, this savviness tracks. Elain deciding to act in the way that is perceived as best for her Court/family would not be out of character for her.
Elain knows she can reject the bond, but has Seen a reason not to do so… yet 
Elain is a Seer - who likely has other powers - and, though we have heard her speak a few of her prophecies out loud, I am almost certain that she has Seen more than she has let on, at least to us. 
Mor let out a snort that made the Illyrians stiffen. But she shifted, revealing Elain behind her. Elain was just blinking, wide-eyed, at the camp. The army. Devlon let out a grunt at the sight of her. But Elain wrapped her own blue cloak around herself, averting her eyes from all of those towering, muscled warriors, the army camp bustling toward the horizon … She was a rose bloom in a mud field. Filled with galloping horses. - ACOWAR, chapter 51 
I have a feeling that any time Elain blinks, or tilts her head, it could be signifying her having had a vision - this is discussed further in this fantastic post. The scene above, in which she blinks at Windhaven, and averts her eyes from the warriors, is likely foreshadowing what the Cauldron did the the Illyrian army, during the battle with Hybern, or potentially something that has not yet come to pass. What has she Seen, or what does she know/suspect, that could be behind her choice to ignore her bond with Lucien? Given we know she doesn’t like causing anyone pain, it must be something huge. 
Does the Night Court need Lucien himself in some manner going forward?
Is it vital that the Night Court maintains its ties to Lucien, and therefore Queen Vassa, the firebird captive of Koschei (and Lucien’s suspected love interest)?
Will the bond between Lucien and Elain play a significant role in the near future, by one of them sensing the other in danger? Many suspect that Azriel felt something when Elain was kidnapped by the Cauldron, and then magically contained by the King of Hybern… but did Lucien also feel the bond go quiet and, if so, does it work both ways?
If Vassa and Lucien’s story is going to be based on Swan Lake, will Lucien’s declaration of love - to break Vassa’s curse - come in the form of a mate bond that has to be freshly Made? 
These are just a few ideas; there are many plot-driven points that could explain why Elain has not rejected her bond with Lucien… yet.  
Elain knows she does not have to accept the bond, but doesn’t know that it has to be officially declined
None of us actually knows what is involved with rejecting a mating bond, just that a mate bond can be declined, but not broken - and that the fae involved, especially the male, might still feel a reduced pull. 
Elain is an astute person who has embraced her new, fae life in the Night Court, but it is very possible that, while she is aware that she does not have to accept her bond with Lucien, she is unaware that it has to be rejected in an official capacity. We, the readers, don’t even know whether this is the case. 
Despite what we have seen so far in the ACOTAR series, mate bonds are supposedly rare; I would assume that rejected mate bonds are rarer still, even though there are canon reports of accepted mate bonds going sour - for example, Rhys’ parents. I wonder how many people would actually know what is involved? The priestesses, maybe, as they are involved in mating ceremonies, but I doubt that ‘how to reject an unwanted mating bond’ is common knowledge, or regular tea time conversation.
Elain knows she can reject the bond, but is (or was) undecided 
I don't personally want to see this, because it saddens me to think that Elain would value herself so little, but I could see that years of conditioning by her mother, and society in general, would have Elain thinking that she should give Lucien a chance, even if she isn’t interested. 
Elain only stared at the steaming kettle as she set it on the stone counter. “He brought you a present.” Those doe-brown eyes turned toward me. Sharper than I’d ever seen them. “And that entitles him to my time, my affections?” “No.” I blinked. “But he is a good male.” Despite our harsh words. Despite this Band of Exiles bullshit. “He cares for you.” “He doesn’t know me.” “You don’t give him the chance to even try to do so.” Her mouth tightened, the only sign of anger in her graceful countenance. “I don’t want a mate. I don’t want a male.” She wanted a human man. - ACOFAS, chapter 18 
While we know that Elain very clearly stated her opinion in ACOFAS, that she did not owe Lucien her time, she wouldn’t be the first woman (or female, in this case) to publicly state a strong opinion against a patriarchal norm, yet continue to struggle with it in private. 
As I mentioned earlier, Elain (and Lucien) are fae, with functionally immortal life spans - what is two years to them, for Elain to take the time to both know her own mind in the context of her past conditioning to become a “lady wife,” her new life as a High Fae, and her feelings for Graysen, Azriel and Lucien, and then make her decision?
Mating bonds are for life; an immortal life! Elain is neither “stringing Lucien along,” or “cheating on Lucien with Azriel,” as some of her detractors like to say; besides the fact that SHE IS NOT PROPERTY, so owes no loyalty to Lucien or their - currently unaccepted - bond, she could simply be taking the time to know her own mind. I will not fault her for that. 
Elain doesn’t know the bond can be rejected
The last option, and the one that I, personally, am least interested in seeing, is that Elain has no idea that she can decline her bond with Lucien in any way, shape or form. We saw Rhys comforting Feyre with the knowledge that Elain would be given protection in the Night Court, but we have not seen anyone pass that information on to Elain herself. 
Does Elain even know that she doesn't have to accept Lucien? All we know that she knows is that the King of Hybern was unable to sever Feyre and Rhys' mate bond.
“Not free rein—not in my lands. It has been illegal in our territory for a long, long time for males to do that. Even before I was born. Other courts, no. On the continent, there are territories that believe the females literally belong to their mate. But not here. Elain would have our full protection if she rejects the bond. But it will still be a bond, however weakened, that will trail her for the rest of her existence.” - ACOWAR, chapter 24 
In normal circumstances, I wouldn’t see this as the obvious reason as to why Elain hasn't responded to her mating bond with Lucien, as she has shown herself to be observant, proactive and wise - but she is not in "normal circumstances." So, is it a plausible basis for her having made no move to formally reject her bond with Lucien? Yes, very much so. I will also remind you that, while Elain has so far only ignored her bond with Lucien, and only given Lucien the attention she needs to, to be polite, those actions in and of themselves are a rejection, even if they are not specifically what needs to happen in the form of a mating bond, or whatever may be between them.
We cannot expect Elain to know everything about a society into which she was thrown against her wishes; she has come such a long way in under two years, with making friends and learning at least some of their customs (see: her discussion with Feyre about winter solstice in ACOFAS), but maybe she hasn't been quite ready to tackle the idea of a mating bond that she doesn't want.
I don't personally believe that it is infantilising Elain to consider the fact that Feyre and Rhys may have withheld information from her - they're currently doing the exact same thing to Lucien, after all. If anything, Feyre and Rhys would be removing her agency by choosing not to give her the information she needs to make informed decisions about her life (if this is indeed what has happened).
Whatever Elain decides to do with regards to her mating bond with Lucien, I'm sure there is a reason as to why she has not yet made her decision, and that we'll learn about it in her book. If that reason turns out to be as simple as "she wasn't ready to deal with it yet," then so be it; she deserves all the time she needs to process her change, and everything that entails.
I do hope, if it turns out that she doesn't yet know about the possibility of officially rejecting the bond - if that is indeed an option - that she requests/seeks out this information herself; it would show growth on her part, which is what we'd expect to see in her book. I can see her frustration at not being able to begin a relationship with Azriel (for the aforementioned political reasons) as being part of the impetus she needs for this.
If you can think of any other reasons why Elain might be waiting to decline - or accept - the El*cien bond, please add them in the comments!
Edit 23.05.21: to clarify my personal bias in what I want to see, versus what could actually happen.
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courtofwingsandruin · 3 years
I know that the “I can hear your heart beating through the stone” comment is a very heavily debated topic right now, and I don’t want to fan the fire, but I noticed this and I can’t NOT share.
Here is the quote in question:
She looked away—toward the windows. “I can hear your heart,” she said quietly.
He wasn’t sure how to respond, so he said nothing, and drained his tea, even as it burned his mouth.
“When I sleep,” she murmured, “I can hear your heart beating through the stone.” She angled her head, as if the city view held some answer. “Can you hear mine?”
He wasn’t sure if she truly meant to address him, but he said, “No, lady. I cannot.”
There is a lot to point out about this scene, and it’s possible significance, but I’m only going to focus on the bolded parts.
Before I explain, I need to throw in another quote. This is from later on in ACOWAR, a scene that I nearly cry just rereading for this🥲:
That thing that rose and fell with each breath. That echoed each heartbeat.
The mating bond.
It wasn’t there. It was gone.
Because his own chest ... it was not moving.
And Rhys was dead.
These quotes point out something interesting to me.
Elain’s visions were often confusing and odd. It’s why they thought she was crazy. The ravens turning out to be two Hybern soldiers is the most notable example of this. I don’t necessarily think this was a vision (though since she added it’s when she sleeps, it’s totally plausible as well), but her mind was a very jumbled place at the time because of the visions, so she may not be thinking straight—most likely isn’t, actually—and could have also meant it as more than what is actively stated.
I believe she may have actually been referencing the mating bond in this scene, NOT Lucien (or anyone’s) actual heartbeat. Just as Feyre describes the mating bond to echo each heartbeat, Elain may have mistaken it to be such, or she may have known it was the mating bond—which is why she asks Lucien this question.
However, Lucien’s response is rather telling. He didn’t lie to her—we were in his head at the time, and Feyre would’ve noticed if he was lying. He meant it. He does not feel a heartbeat—nor anything similar enough to have caught her meaning. Which is odd, considering that Feyre only didn’t feel it after Rhysand had died. (You could argue it’s because Lucien and Elain haven’t accepted the bond, but in this context, it would be ignoring the fact that Elain was hearing it but Lucien wasn’t despite both of them having felt and been aware of the bond).
So my theory for this is that the heartbeat she is hearing is a mating bond to someone else—her true mating bond, to Azriel, while the one to Lucien is more likely a spell from the Cauldron. Not real. That could be a stretch, but with the mate behavior Azriel has exhibited (others have done a post on this, and I can too if people want to see it!) I don’t think it’s unlikely.
This is just a random thing I noticed, and completely my own interpretation! This scene is definitely a very interesting one, so it makes a lot of sense that it’s such a heavily debated topic, and it could have many hidden meanings. We don’t know what the true one is until SJM herself confirms it.
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