#anti jess mariano
kissandships · 4 months
So far, I am not seeing why people love Jess. Yeah he has his funny moments and good scenes (loved the Paris, Rory, Jess pig out scene), but he’s so… rude and manipulative. He’s manipulating Rory, make no mistake, just like Emily does to Lorelai.
He’s lied to Rory, actively trying to sabotage her relationship with Dean. He’s disrespectful to everyone around him, especially to poor Luke, who didn’t want him in the first place. He is absolutely horrible to Lorelai, who is rightfully concerned about her daughter. He’s just… ugh 🤬
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lecoindecachou · 1 year
Paris and Jess had exactly one(1) scene together and it did more to make me like Jess than his entire time on the show
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society if anyone* cared about or admired or had interest in or emotional generosity toward ANY of the other characters on gilmore girls even a fraction as much as jess mariano:
(insert that futuristic utopia picture here)
*except me, god dammit
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megumiifushiiguro · 10 months
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why did you drop out of high school
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hitchell-mope · 2 months
Luke should’ve offered the prick up as a human sacrifice.
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feralgodmothers · 5 months
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nikkiruncks · 4 months
If you had to choose...Jay or Nate? Nikki or Gwen? Donna or Jackie? Eric or Hyde? Blair or Serena? Lorelai or Rory? Jess or Logan? And feel free to add why you chose each one if you want to. Have fun!
1. Jay. I love Nate, but Jay is just my blorbo husband who I will protect at all costs. He is just so gr8.
2. Both. Sorry but I cannot choose between them. Maybe Nikki, but idk. Both make my heart.
3. Honestly idk anymore. On one hand, Jackie is starting to take Donna’s place as being my fave female character. But I’d also rather have someone like Donna in my real life than Jackie.
4. Eric. I love Hyde, but he pisses me off quite a bit.
5. Neither tbh. At least when I think about it from an irl perspective, I just don’t want either of them as friends irl. But I guess I’ll pick Serena (sorry Tessa!), because I’m very sensitive and cannot handle Blair’s insults.
6. I love both, but maybe Rory because I feel like I am her (except that I’m not rich nor white haha). I’m a coffee addict, I love writing, and I am very loved.
7. Logan. Jess is not exactly my fave for some reasons.
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jakeperalta · 2 years
bestie what r ur opinions on literati? and basically all of rory's other love interests?
ok so first off dean: honestly I really enjoyed him and rory in season one I thought they were sweet and it was a shame that some of his better traits (e.g. how he'd share and discuss books with rory) were dismissed later on. into s2-3 obviously it went downhill, I did feel a bit bad for him since rory was very blatantly stringing him along for months but still he just became so annoying and they clearly weren't right for each other. then I briefly had hope in s4 when he and rory started a bit of a friendship, I thought that could be a nice route for their dynamic, until the cheating happened which was just... yikes :/
honorable mention to tristan: I think his relationship with rory could've been fun to explore, although I don't have strong feelings either way
jess: I am not remotely a fan of this relationship :/ I honestly just didn't like him pretty much as soon as he showed up and felt like for the duration of their relationship he never proved me wrong, I don't think he treated rory well at all and as much as he did go on to have (off screen) character development I'm glad she never took him back
quick shoutout to marty djfkdnwnf he was just kinda there BUT his character is important for the fact that matt czuchry initially auditioned for marty so if there was no marty character then there might not be matt as logan so that's a win for me personally <3
then logan is self explanatory of course 🥰
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The way Jess/Literati stans will read a post that basically calls them out for being the bullies of the fandom and then proceed to act smug and hone in on the Jess/Rory incest issue instead is… interesting, to say the least
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kissandships · 4 months
Dean’s jealousy is hated, but Jess’ jealousy is cute and misunderstood
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lecoindecachou · 2 months
I'll preface this by saying that I hate Jess and I've always hated Jess, but honestly the thing that annoys me the most about him is that all of his supposed wonderful character development happens off-screen. Like, I'm sorry but the last thing we see Jess do as a series regular is pressure his gf into sex and then get mad at her when she says no, and that to me is the real Jess. Anything after that is completely meaningless, like you can tell me he's in a better place and has magically resolved all of his anger issues off-screen, but if you're not actually going to show me how the hell that happened I'm simply not going to believe you.
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fakemonalisa28 · 7 months
I god I tried to search some Sam Winchester content on Instagram and I got a video of Dean Forester from Gilmore Girls… who clearly isn’t Sam? Like just because their played by the same actor doesn’t mean that their the same person…
Worst of all that video was trying to make Jess Marino seem like a good boyfriend who has no issue. Like I don’t like Gilmore Girls Dean esp after season 4, but Jess tried to SA the main character among other things…
I just want some Sam Winchester positivity :/
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megumiifushiiguro · 1 year
it's jess mariano hating hours😌
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hitchell-mope · 6 months
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feralgodmothers · 2 years
I only managed to not vent for a day lol 😆😣
But idk how people can seriously stand by the statement that Dean is a violent guy when he only got into a fight with Jess ONE TIME.  After two whole seasons of being provoked/having his girlfriend stolen and never once trying to lay a hand on Jess, and by the time he finally DOES fight Jess, it’s not even for himself.  Body language strongly suggested that Jess had tried to take advantage of Rory at a party (which…. is a little bit what happened, but that’s not the conversation I’m here for).  I’d say that’s a stellar reason to go ahead and punch a guy.
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Contrast that with one of Jess and Dean’s first encounters when Dean tries to help him:
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(And he didn’t stop at the one attempted punch either) 
Jess full-on attacks Dean for his heinous crime of being Rory’s boyfriend. 🙄😒  And you want to talk about violent?  Give me a break.
I’m not saying this is a reason to hate Jess. They are both kids with different issues. But don’t start throwing stones in glass houses. If you want to hate Dean for being “violent”, welp… you might want to rethink your partiality to Jess then.
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mqrianos · 1 year
jess mariano and rory gilmore are literally the SAME people at their core, just in opposite fonts. they MIRROR each other and are each other's TWIN FLAMES. that's exactly why they understand each other better than everyone else (asp herself said so). both are raised by teen moms and have deadbeat dads. yet, one is nurtured with love and care with a mom like lorelai. and the other is abandoned & ignored by a flaky mom like liz. both develop an immense love for reading regardless of whether it became kind of a coping mechanism. both exceed normal expectations of intelligence required for their age. hence, one goes above and beyond, strives for perfection with it, and craves validation while the other could not care less what people think and says "fuck it. rules don't matter anymore for me. i know stuff". one becomes stars hollow's princess, held onto a pedestal by everyone around her. the other becomes stars hollow's pariah, hated by every person he meets. both are under intense scrutiny by people where one is held to exceptionally high standards and the other is seen as "good for nothing". both of them break out of those respective moulds as soon as they become young adults. and both play a pivotal role in helping each other break out of those moulds and still be true to their inner selfs. I COULD WRITE AN ENTIRE TEN-PAGE ESSAY ON THE PARALLELS BETWEEN THEM....I REALLY COULD!
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