#anti mishas cult
hippychick006 · 6 months
That dumb poll and other actors praising Misha’s terrible acting is doing him absolutely no favours. He’s not going to bother trying to become a better actor, he’ll just continue to get praised for constipated faces and bad accents.
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stelladess · 5 months
So I said I was gonna write something about an aspect of Amiya as a character that really hooked me when I saw the anime and made me go play the game.... So, I really like paragons. Superman, Adora, paladins in DnD, etc. So naturally I was already liking Amiya as a fairly paragon hero from the get go. A hero fighting for her ideals and with a strong moral compass. (Also big jacket is just great design) So, the moment I knew Arknights had its hooks in me... Lets talk about episode 7 and 8 of the anime. Skullshatterer, someone who essentially represents the very people Amiya wishes to save, tries to murder the doctor to save his sister (I actually got some very cult like vibes from Reunion in the early chapters as a group preying on people with very real problems and directing them into blind loyalty towards the group and their doctrine and hatred of those not in the group, this is of course moved away from in later chapters. I think the more morally gray anti-hero portrayal Reunion moves into over time works better overall, but I did find the kinda cult vibe fascinating too). It is of course a classic scenario to have a situation where the easy out is for a paragon to compromise on their morals but they still will not.... Except Amiya does. She kills Skullshatterer out of desperation to protect the doctor. And this horrifies her. The realisation that she is willing to compromise on her own morals because of her own fears and hangups makes her feel like a huge failure. Amiya is essentially a person *trying* to be a paragon, but her own flaws and situation often gets in the way of that.
This had me really intrigued, and it helps that the anime version portrays how badly shaken up by this Amiya is *really well* and the fallout with what Misha ends up doing in chapter 8 and such is also handled pretty well in the anime. I do think that the anime making Amiya more easily rattled by horrifying things then she is in the game has the potential to maybe undermine that scene in chapter 8 where Amiya breaks down crying once the mission is done, but it really improves the Skullshatterer and Misha arc. Amiya of course grows a lot from here, and we learn a lot more about *why* she sees it as such a personal failure to not be able to be a savior but it was a very interesting starting point to me and the thing that made me decide to check the game out. I wanted to know where Amiya´s arc would go from there and know why she was the way she was, why does a teenager believe it is her duty to save everyone? What drives her to be so dedicated to her ideals and where will she go from here? Will she gradually have her idealism crushed out of her (like what we eventually learn happened to Talulah) or will she persevere and manage to actually grow into the hero she feels she should be? Something entirely different?
My taste in media tends to lean... dark but hopeful. I like seeing characters plunged into the pits of despair manage to climb their way out and grow and become better then before, they may never be what they wanted to become, but they can still grow to be better.
Amiya has grown to be one of my all time favorite characters in anything.
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periwinklefox13 · 4 months
Hello, welcome to my blog!
Im Periwinkle13 but you can call me Periwinkle, Peri, Wink, or any nicknames you can try and make up!
My pronouns are she/they, but I don't mind which one you use, if you don't know which set I feel comfortable with you can always ask!
The fandoms I'm in are Doctor Who, Torchwood, Broadchurch, Good Omens, SJA, Hazbin hotel, Helluva Boss, TADC, LSOH, and Ride the Cyclone!
My DMs are open, no NSFW stuff though. I also won't accept commissions (goes both ways).
Emoji anons/nonnies || 🦈
DNI list:
- - - - - - - - -
I have a Fanfiction blog for cringy fanfic: @winkcats-world
I also have an Ask blog for Torchwood : @ask-torchwood-13
I'm also secretary of the State of the Zolarian Cult
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I ship:
Janto (Jack x Ianto from Torchwood)
Towen (Toshiko x Owen from Torchwood)
Thasmin (Thirteen x Yaz from Doctor Who)
/P The ponds (Rory x Amy from Doctor Who)
Tenrose (Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler)
Ninerose (Ninth Doctor x Rose Tyler)
Yowzah/twiver (Eleventh x River/Twelve x River)
Space wives (River x Thirteen)
Twissy ( Twelve x Missy)
Thrissy/missteen (Thirteen x Missy)
Tenjack/ninejack (Ten x Jack/Nine x Jack)
Doctorjackrose (Doctor x Jack x Rose)
Thoschei (Doctor x Master)
The lesbians of Doctor who (Bill x Heather and Vastra x Jenny)
Dndoctor/timerogue (fifteenth Doctor x Rogue)
Roguekiss (Rogue x Jack)
Roguecoffee (I CAME UP WITH THIS ONE) (Rogue x Jack)
Roguecoffeekiss (I CAME UP WITH THIS ONE) (Rogue x Ianto x Jack)
Chaggie (Charlie x Vaggie)
Huskerdust (Husk x Angel)
Cherrisnake (Cherri bomb x Pentinous)
EX Fallen wings ( ex girlfriend Lute x Vaggie)
Guitarspear (Adam x Lute)
/P Radiorose ( platonic Alastor x Rosie)
Stolitz (Stolas x Blitz)
Fizzmodeus (Fizzarolli x Asmodeus)
M&M (Millie x Moxie)
Ride the Cyclone:
Nischa (Noel x Misha)
Perfectsugar (Ocean x Constance)
Flowerrap (Taila x Misha)
Spacedolls (Ricky x Jane Doe)
My favorite songs:
P.U.N.K girl (Heavenly)
Rodeo town and Superpowerless (The Kills)
Trapdoor (twenty one pilots)
One of us, Gimme gimme gimme, Angel Eyes, Winner Takes it all (ABBA)
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deaneverafter · 8 months
Literally cannot with so-called "Jensen fans" who will spend all day, every day, obsessing over "the coven", a dozen people who while vile, ultimately have zero reach and can really do nothing to affect Jensen, while ignoring (or worse, defending and befriending) heller cult, who say the same exact toxic things, but more often than that, much worse things, about Jensen. But haha, it's okay because they said they love him, so it makes it okay, doesn't it? Call him ugly, this phobic, that phobic, but end it all with "but I love him, haha", "I say this hateful manifesto with the utmost love, because I want to FIX him", but it's all fine, them saying THE worst things about him. All thousands and thousands of them, and their multiple accounts, spamming every account and post, showing up for every project he does to cause drama, embarrass him. But a handful of bullies that only get any traction when someone else is obsessing over them, now that is the real threat 🙄 That, and apparently, if you hate Jared, it's fine, you can do whatever you want, say whatever gross, damaging things about Jensen, and it's all okay, because "they're on our side" (spoiler alert, they very much are not). And lastly, it's the whole "I haven't seen them say anything bad about Danneel, so they're good in my books". That seems to really set off some "fans". Because when tinhatters or antis say Danneel treats Jensen like garbage, they call that bad behaviour. But when the hellers say the same exact things, Danneel has him worshipping at her feet, Danneel thinks he's nothing, Danneel loves Misha more than she loves him, Danneel's main priority is deathstiel, Danneel wants to force Jensen to bang Misha, they act as if it's all good stuff, yass, Queen. Even though, if true, it would actually be incredibly toxic and downright abusive. But they praise it, and I suppose, that's good enough? As long as you hate Jared, love Danneel and use her to put Jensen down, you can say whatever you want about Jensen, attack him in any way, without any repercussions. Such "Jensen fans" will have your back! Do also notice that every drama, every "controversy" that has come Jensen's way these past couple of years, it came from heller fam and Misha, it wasn't the haters who admit they're haters (despite their best efforts to damage Jensen and his career, they just don't have it), it was the snakes in the grass. Even a huge portion of the things those antis accuse him of, criticize him for, those "social justice issues" come from hellers (for example, their tantrums about the con photographers, calling him a predator, thief, etc. That was hellers who started that, the haters, "the coven" just saw the opportunity and continued it). If you were actually a Jensen fan, that should be the most important thing to think about, protecting him, not about fighting Jared stans, not about backing up "supernatural fam" (wtf even is that, other than a bunch of opportunists leeching off Jensen?). Of course, at the end of the day, everyone's allowed to care about what they want. All I wish is for people to not be hypocrites and put their money where their mouth is. Like, absolutely call out the weirdo haters and tinhatters, etc. But if you actually care about Jensen, have the same energy with hellers and Misha stans being disgusting as well
The priority shouldn't be whether "spn fam" is being overhyped, their importance to the Supernatural story or the show's legacy being overstated. Especially when they've shown they really don't care about Jensen, they don't see him as a friend or even a coworker they respect, Misha and the rest only see him as a way to gain clout, habitually use him to get attention for themselves, to make themselves less irrelevant for just a bit. The priority shouldn't just be is Danneel being worshipped blindly or "respected" (because let's be real, the things hellers say don't exactly paint a pretty picture. Hellers only think they're singing praises, because anything they can use to mock or demean Jensen is a good thing in their books), while Jensen gets treated like a leper, a loser, no biggie. The priority should be, at the very least, is Jensen being treated like a person, being afforded basic human respect. The priority should be, what can I do so people who enjoy mocking him, insulting him, spreading gross rumours about him, don't feel welcome to stick around, so they're not hurting him and his career. It shouldn't be let's defend and befriend them
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laf-outloud · 9 months
OMG how is that post proof of ANYTHING Jared related??? All Kim's post proves is that KIM is not selling strong enough to make cons want to invite her, apparently even CE where she has been a staple for years. You cannot say that one actor not getting invited because they don't appear to be worth the money for the con (basically her words, not mine) means that any actor not attending 100% of cons was also not invited to them. That is beyond a false equivalency. It is an argument that lacks not even just critical thinking, but just basic logic (although I don't know what else I would expect from those antis).
But hey, if anon wants to go with false equivalencies that are drawn from nothing but their desire for it to be true then I can make stuff up too!! Some con regulars don't really work and attend cons as their main source of income. Therefore Jensen attending all cons must mean he is also relying on them as his income. I know that will piss off anon since they are clearly part of the "Jensen is king and also god's gift to acting and is the most in demand actor to ever exist" cult lol. But see here's the thing, dear anon, I don't actually believe that and I know you don't either. But I can absolutely state that using your logic, see how that works?? Not so fun when people take information that is separate and tries to force a connection just to fit a narrative.
Now run back to your circle jerk of Jared antis, I'm sure frost has another 50 Jared hate tweets for you to salivate over.
That anon wouldn't even know what false equivalency means. Every time they try and prove their favs are better than Jared, all they do is prove that Jensen and Misha have some of the most idiotic fans.
(Though there could be some merit to the idea that Jensen attending all cons means he is relying on them for income... though I would use his lack of projects as more proof.)
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incarnateirony · 2 years
What's the strategy behind being so secretive about Misha and Cas appearing and the direction of The Winchesters with respect to Deancas? Just because to me it seems like that would be crazy good for ratings if people knew! But maybe that's why I'm not in television lol.
I'm curious what part is "vague" or "secretive." -- is it the socials launching premiere night with the rainbow shooting out of Dean's head, or is it the twitter account retweeting Destiel flagging clowns with rainbow afros, literally. Maybe the whole night they met promo method with Castiel included? Which is IMPOSSIBLE to be a mistake even if idiots want to think it can be? The A Supernatural Love Story About A Bond That Is Supernatural And Saved The Whole World?
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Yeah wow man they're being sooooooooooooooo secretive
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it's not that you idiots are addicted to your noise and have a completely displaced center of conversation or general understanding of the universe or the show or how the audience is reacting to it. This is some real rocket science shit for some people apparently.
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not everyone is as willfully obtuse as 2po's anti cult. And the general audience is oblivious to their turkey clucking. The oblivious factor isn't some magical shoeless GA. The GA are the motherfuckers catching dean shitting rainbows and destiel clowns right now, not idiots arguing on how to butcher what jensen says to ignore the fact he never answered what his new take is.
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This is literally just fandom nonsense. There's no reason to answer why they're being secretive because they're fucking not, you guys are being fucking knuckleheads.
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apriyy · 3 years
hellers challenge to tagg your ugly posts right
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To my fellow wincest shippers and Jared stans on Instagram. @/babydolljared has been spreading lies about Jared and Walker. (From their insta)
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PLEASE! if you are EVER going to make allegations or statements about someone make sure you have your facts striaght. Make sure you have proof to prove your statement as well. Spreading lies and untrue facts is so misleading!! There are comments under this post saying "thank you for telling me about this" ITS NOT TRUE! none of it!!
Walker isn't a propaganda show, it isn't a homophobic show either! Them saying walkers only rep is a man in a pink tee is wrong! They clearly have not been watching the show.
Dislike an actor or a show all you want but to spread misleading facts that are untrue about both actor and show is disgusting. Especially when you move on to support someone like m*sha.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
What the hell is up with the Cockles/Destiel “fans” who dislike Jared? Actually writing out how you want him to die on the set of Walker when Jensen is directing and thinking no one would care? Like seriously what the hell is wrong with you people? You hate him yet all you do is talk about him. I have grown to dislike Misha do to his fans and his own actions and words and I don’t talk or think about him and I certainly don’t wish him dead or write out detailed death threats. It is time for you Jared haters to log off SM and seek help because you are getting very close to crossing a line that you can’t uncross. You are becoming a danger to everyone around you. 
Get help, I beg you. 
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hippychick006 · 3 years
Just completely done with Misha Collins trash fans now targeting out youth for accepting money from a “homophobe” and saying they don’t feel safe. Fuck off you repulsive [redacted]!!!!
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eisforeidolon · 3 years
How are some supernatural fans not a little bit skeptical of Misha Collins pulling multiple destiel retcon stunts (several months post finale) in the week leading up to his book being released.
Forgive me for the American politics example, but it's the most obvious illustration that comes to mind: the same way Trump could say two different things out of opposite sides of his mouth and his followers weren't skeptical. You see, only the things they agree with are the things he really means. The rest of it is all show for outsiders for yadda yadda reasons. He's their dedicated advocate on the inside fighting for their cause, he's one of them!
At the end of the day it's not about what the truth is, nor even what Misha says it is at any given moment. It's that they've convinced themselves he's on their side working towards their goals against the evil homophobic CW conspiracy. They don't want to acknowledge he's manipulating and taking advantage of them, so they refuse to see it and make up excuses for his contradictions instead - ironclad magical NDAs, being forced by the network, trying to play peacekeeper, et cetera.
They can be sure he's only really serious when he gives them justifications for how D/C is real and that scene made it reciprocal canon, because that's The Unshakeable Truth they already know. Suspicious timing, what suspicious timing? They sure don't know.
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spnasylum · 4 years
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Misha talking shit about female superhero’s today.
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Probably stuff like this is why he pulls his delete and deny routine when he doesn’t get enough Minion cultists sucking his butthole in the comments.
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laf-outloud · 3 years
Misha's cult really have been lobotomized. Smdh. That man could literally garrote their grandmother, send them a bill for it, and they'd happily write a check. They're so beyond help it's not even funny.
It's true. A lot of them also have the personalities that are drawn to cult leaders. They're young, insecure, and very gullible. It doesn't take much for a seemingly charismatic person to prey on those types of people and basically indoctrinate them. Hopefully, more of them will fall away as they get older and either gain confidence in themselves, and/or experience more of life out in the real world.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
It’s kinda funny that you literally revealed yourself to be the one to send the Winchester pitch to Misha and yet pat and all the antis are “lalala I can’t read suddenly” “I forgot what was said months ago, lalala” 😂.
They're opting not to believe it, and I'm opting to avoid reposting it on main because they'll just send the attack dogs. What's true is true and what's done is done. But now Pat's getting more and more cornered. How did I know the script was real when he sent half the fandom and wiki as a source at me. because I had the old arenas. How did I have the old drafts and arenas. Gee brain I don't fuckin know, but I sure the fuck was right with those arenas. He's been trying to dig to find anywhere I've been wrong, or just project what he imagines I've said in the past to imagine I was wrong there, or faking. Because if everything else is being proven true, that shit with Shatner that even tagged kripke, berens, jensen and others right before Mark P started getting dropped by cons, and none of the tagged creatives engaging it, looks real fuckin' awkward.
I'll post this one tentatively as food for thought for a few others, even if I've kept it off the dash since the last shitstorm they sent that made Mark P's contracts and events blow up. Hopefully they realize better than to repeat it this time. I mean worst case Angry Old Man Shatner Yells At Cloud On Twitter I guess. I just don't want the drama, because like. it was never about that, or we would have taken different avenues that would have earned attention from actors and shit and been way louder about it way sooner.
Like gee. 2po just wiped out trying to imply I said it was purgatory, because we acknowledged the clothing set and lighting as similar to purgatory, even though I've been spamming my heaven meta that coinkidinkily is incredibly relevant years later and involves key words and phrases turning up in this show loudly and even frequently. Gee wizz.
So whatever. On that front people can believe what they want but that's why the dude has been coming at me so hard. At first he just casually fucked around and spread misinfo for a few years like, on and off every few months, but it's been an obsessive daily lie shift to try to redirect his manner of ignorantly attacking the show concepts or what I've said about them since before Deadline ever said shit lmfao. So whatever. Figure out whatever magical method you imagine I knew all the shape of it and dean's letting go and moving on and learning from his parents and the monster within and finding your own path and saying you love them while you can and-- maybe I'm just psychic. He does like to say I'm a witch running a cult. We'll just go with that. Maybe I mind controlled Robbie and beamed my meta and chart into his head to draw Jensen during the pilot oOoOOoOOooooo
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meowmeowmessi · 4 years
A person who happens to ship wincest: Global warming is a serious issue rn and I really think it should be properly addressed-
Hellers/minions: Shut up incest shipper!!!!!!! No one cares about your opinion u Sweet Home Alabama freak!!!!!!!! Go fuck your sibling!!!!!!!
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M*sha C*llins: So I killed a man.
Hellers/minions: Awwww that's okay Mushi poo!!!! You're our favorite white POC after all!!!!!!! U do soooooo much charity work!!!!!! We love your dArK sense of humor haha!!!!!!
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holding-out-for-hea · 2 years
Ugh. I come on because I found a cool new show to maybe discuss…
…. And I see a gish post that exposes how Jim Jones Misha really is… really creepy, unbelievably uncomfortable stuff..
…. And then I see Jared hate….
…. And then I see Jensen hate….
…. Tumblr really wanted to get my blood pressure up on this fine Saturday evening, eh?
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