#anti walker hate
hologramcowboy · 3 months
Dear austinamy or whatever your nickname is, your imdb credentials are zero, making you a valid source for absolutely nothing.
Let me give you a few tips about your acting career:
Producers, showrunners and more love it when you PROMOTE their show not bash it with made up rumors.
Being a bitter "actor" will land you a role in nothing fast.
Ingratitude will also land you in the "No" pile fast. Genevieve Padalecki sent you a gift card for groceries when she learned you were struggling...she didn't know you, she gave from her heart. You repaid her by making up bullshit stories about the Walker set.
Loyalty is everything. Read that again, print it and eat it.
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walkergirlsposts · 29 days
They’re still talking about Walker? Obsessed much. Walker is over and done with. Jared has moved on to the next thing and so has his fans. But if they want to call the show a failure, what does that make TW and GK? Neither show even made it past the first season.
I just love how they think it's a "failure" because..........? Do they know other shows in the world cancelled too? Like NCIS: Hawaii, So Help Me Todd, All American Homecoming, Outer Range........are these all considered failures??? Or only Walker, because.......lemme guess?? Jared??? But then we know these people aren't even fans. They're only fans of drama.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Welp, now that both TW and GK are canceled, the Walker hate is back in full force. Let's hope that Radio Company announcement happens sooner rather than later! AAs and Hellers need a distraction (and their favs need jobs).
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valewritessss · 2 months
The people who say Annabeth going to Percy’s school and following him around with her cap was seriously creepy and possessive are probably not fun at parties
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RICK RIORDAN: I based Annabeth and Percy Jackson's relationship off of my wife And i's marrige :) I love Becky
Rick Riordan:
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
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Cropped the meme from the og,hope the creator dosen't mind,but this is you guys talking about how Luke's actor having black hair means he's like Percy
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miabucky · 4 months
trying to find good videos about the mcu on the hellscape known as youtube dot com is truly a herculean task. i forget that most viewers of marvel movies are not cool educated queer people and women, as tumblr led me to believe, but rather musty white boys with no media literacy and thus terrible fucking takes. why are there so many videos worshipping john walker as the “actual protagonist” and “most likeable character” and “misunderstood” as if he’s not the pinnacle of white privilege and male ego, the representation of the neocolonial violence and greed and pride of the us military, the antithesis of everything that steve rogers represented. i guess that’s why they’re praising him.
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Everyone, after seeing the MCU Thunderbolts lineup:
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supernaturalkickparty · 4 months
Anti Jared Stans- lol the way he cries in the pilot musty wail lololol
Regular fans- eh it's ok, it was a transition for him to go from Sam to Cordell. It'll get better.
And guess what, the show did get better and lasted four seasons.
The show meant so much to not just the cast but the crew too.
The show gave a boost to the Austin economy.
Everyone has spoken so highly of Jared and how the set was run from day one.
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hologramcowboy · 3 months
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And yet you are out there spreading hate and lies. Please don't call yourself an actor, an actor lives to bring hope and joy to people like Gen did for you. Jared brings joy to so many. Please don't call yourself an actor as no professional actor would behave the way you are right now. If you're wondering why there's no leeway in your career look no further than the mirror.
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walkergirlsposts · 2 months
I love how time prove they wrong
What a stupid post! No one said he was going to sing. Who did?? Lol And oh, so because jensen's been acting for 20plus years means the role has "clearly been made for him??" Huh?? Make it make sense.
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laf-outloud · 11 months
Jensen is coming on Walker??? What did I miss? Is it just a wild speculation or something else?
I actually never thought it is impose, rather knew it might happen one day. But I surely hoped they don’t come back together on-screen ever... Not because I don’t like them together ( I do, they have one of the best camaraderie ever in TV show of recent times), but because I don’t want their fans from either side to find an ammo to start the war of throwing dirt on eachother again. Also I doubt they could bring the same magic in other characters as they did as Sam and Dean.
It's just speculation from what one anon heard. I wouldn't give it too much thought.
Walker is the last show where I want to deal with toxic fans. It was bad enough when hellers/AAs were trying to cancel the show before it even started. I can only imagine their attempt to take it over entirely if Jensen were on. (Even though, according to them, he's too good for the CW.)
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sammysnaughtygirl · 2 years
for the record im a jared stan , im here to love jared padalecki/sam winchester/cordell walker always will!
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lecoindecachou · 1 year
Now that the actors appear to have broken up, can we finally admit that Harvey and Roz were the most boring pointless couple on this show or
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starryrosebud · 2 years
Something that never stops “amusing” me is how some North stans/Stark stans(look I like some starks,Jon/bran/Arya/cregan) love blaming only the Targaryen, an Essosi family,that only move to Westeros for 400-300 years, for not actually paying attention to the “northen threat”…. Like what about the starks?! The white walkers and northern tales are from their culture! Did they forget it ?? Or everyone is going to forget that just after the long night the stark were to busy warring to actually care about the nights watch?!
For real I just want the Westerosi to be extinct at this point… less house Velaryon,Celtigar,Longwaters and plumm, the rest can perish.
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wikiangela · 2 years
I've seen that a lot of people hate Trish and I get it, she was really getting on my nerves too lol
but if I'm being honest, I still enjoyed her character, even when she was just frustrating haha
and a lot of people just love Karen Page while I absolutely hate her so fucking much, to the point where I just can't even watch daredevil again (seen it twice, can't do it again bc of that bitch) or even reactions on yt (I recently got into other Netflix mcu shows reactions lol refreshing my memory for fanfics haha)
and now that I think about it, I think a big part of it are the actresses
I enjoyed Trish's actress' performance a lot, she was so good in that role, I could see all the feelings and thoughts just in her face, it was clear how she felt about everything and the signs of her feeling the way she did were there since the beginning (about wanting to be a hero and all that) - especially upon rewatching it's easy to notice those small things
but Karen's actress was awful and just so fucking annoying and I get angry just seeing her face on my screen for two seconds 😂😂 (I'm not gonna go on a tangent, I made too many posts about her as it is lol)
of course the writing is part of it too - Trish had a very clear and well-written (imo) arc, while Karen was just kinda a Mary Sue character in a way and it's so annoying lol
and unlike Trish, Karen wasn't even a villain/antagonist!!! 😂😂 unlike Trish, we were supposed to like her! and I know a lot of people do but I disliked her since like the 2nd episode of daredevil tho I was trying not to be biased but then she just got worse and worse
they were both annoying and frustrating but I honestly like Trish, I had fun watching her descent, while Karen Page is just the fucking worst ever 💁🏻‍♀️
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