#anti yukari takeba
red-jenny · 5 months
My beloved friend @lyonface is currently playing Persona 3: Reload for @teenyturtle and I. We're in August.
Everything I enjoy about Yukari's character is overshadowed immensely by the amount of cruelty and venom she shows toward Junpei. I can't imagine being treated so terribly by a friend, or even an acquaintance.
It's unfortunate, considering how much I enjoy her character otherwise.
Just a vent by someone who enjoys Junpei.
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cyberentrails · 5 months
Yukari Takeba Yakushima☀️
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Hi guys long time no see
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wyrdle · 9 days
I'm totally with you on the pre-P3 timeline. I love love love having exact dates for everything, so the lack of information is sooooo frustrating. Even worse being a Sho fan as there's barely anything, best I've got is that the experiments on him took place in 1999 (mentioned by Labrys in the P3 side as she's heading to the top of the tower), and according to the manga he was 8 when he nearly died during "combat training", so if you take the info we get in the manga as canon then he'd be the about same age as the P3 3rd year trio. Idk if it's helpful in any way, I'm just a bit insane about the guy. Sorry for coming in here and rambling.
Oooh! Interesting!!! And don't worry about being insane about the characters lol I am the same with tomato boy's horrible dad. Honestly, the bit I focus on is whether it's before or after the explosion from 10 years ago for sequence of events.
Here are some of my footnotes: Spoilers and excessive yapping ahead
Child experimentation and pursuit of inducing personas + evokers were only conceived post-Mitsuru's awakening within Tartarus. Which is post-explosion. (Source: In-game notes, Persona 3 Club Book)
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This makes a lot of sense what with the creation of Theurgy/new equipment for SEES. Not saying child experimentation didn't happen pre-explosion era, but it certainly didn't stop. These all had to be Kirijo group-sanctioned activities, Ikutsuki did not work alone and without support.
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The above implies that Sho + Strega + other child victims were only worked on post-explosion too, as the only reason they did so was to gather as many Persona users to explore Tartarus. So maybe? Late 1999, immediately after explosion? Once Tartarus exploration trapped a bunch of kids and failed though, the experiments were dropped. Strega escaped before this. Sho got into a coma before this.
The issue with timeline starts when Sho's plume of dusk scenario seems to be the key to the creation of Anti-Shadow Weapons. The existence of Minazuki inspired the researchers to trial Aigis, Labrys and their brethren needing a plume of dusk to develop their sentience. (I need a source for this though, lol.) And Aigis needs to be around pre-explosion to be able to trap Death.
Soooooo. The timeline/sequence of events is shot to hell haha. I might've mixed up "Discovering a plume of dusk contains a soul in robots so they can use personas too >>> Let's try putting this in a child so he can get a persona" reasoning timeline... but it makes less sense in this direction.
Now for my personal thoughts: I believe the game wants to frame it as being "pre-explosion" and during Koetsu Kirijo era to idk. Bundle all the evil to that time, place all possible evil on Ikutsuki, and suggest they've turned a new leaf, but are maybe burdened by the ethical issues in pursuit of it. At least, that's how I've conceived Takeharu Kirijo. "The ends justify the means, unfortunately" type beat. It matches up with how he wants to distance himself from Mitsuru, too. Still, it is his Kirijo Group covering up the incident that killed Ken's mom, his Kirijo Group that decides Eiichirou Takeba should remain slandered in public eye and for Yukari + her mom to experience the fallout. Wtf.
Forewarning for Ikutsuki yapping ahead lol.
Unfortunately, they decided Ikutsuki (as the last representative of "old-world" Kirijo group) became the easiest scapegoat for all of this heinous shit. I have opinions about their use of him as a character like this, because it's so cheap. In P3 game's story alone, his (+Strega's) role in the story is meant to be an antithesis to Protag + SEES. So what does that mean exactly? Throwing away bonds/not forming them, seeing no meaning in living after pain, finding meaning/will to live in the pursuit of death etc.
These are all extremely sympathetic points for Strega, for Sho, for literally any character that "experiences the doomerisms". But in the case of Ikutsuki, suddenly it is of no consequence. The writers hate him/don't care for him as a character, when he could be so intriguing. Why does he believe the world needs to be remade? He's the last mouthpiece for the dead Kirijo group cultists too, so!!!!
All persona games have always explored how people are complex and how causing suffering is often the result of suffering- yet Shuji, the guy who actually kills himself / seeks death so doggedly / deludes himself into a prophecy that would make living just a bit longer more bearable is. Just crazy I guess. Guy who spent 10 years like this, taking solace in the fact that Nyx is coming...
Sho's actions mirror Ikutsuki's, Strega believe in Nyx, that implies something for Ikutsuki too lol. That's lost to everyone because he's never given more reason to exist on screen besides to torment people with his puns.
TLDR: I'm so so so salty about Shuji haha. Sorry, he's my fave because he's essentially "What if unhealable mental illness in man" which is horrifyingly sad. The concept of him is so delightfully doomed. Rounding back to topic (OOPS), the timeline messiness was likely to just set up some nebulous evil to contrast next to SEES as well as give them hurdles to overcome. I just think they should've fleshed out parallels in the human condition to experience hurt and contrast of how to live with it though, haha.
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adachimoe · 4 months
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I played Aegis: The First Mission as it was released on Steam yesterday. Predictable, but cute.
Not sure if the game is supposed to "canon" or not. The plot is Aigis training on Yakushima under a guy named Aizawa who was hired by the Kirijo Group. She is assisted by three scientists at the Kirijo lab, Kimijima (Aigis's creator-mom-figure who also wears a red ribbon), Sayama (weapons / tech lady who looks like she's wearing baggy lounge pants - what a mood), and Takeba / Yukari's dad. To Kimijima, Aigis is more than just an anti-Shadow robot, which causes a conflict of interest between her and the wishes of the Kirijo Group.
It explains how Aigis got her character speech quirk as well. In Persona 3, she uses the Japanese copula であります (I believe this was localized into her saying, "...as they say" in Reload), and First Mission explains that she does this because Aizawa instructed her to. (At the end of First Mission, she gets her memories wiped due to what happens on Yakushima, but I suppose her still using the same copula in Persona 3 suggests that some things aren't just memories.)
There are some comical details like how you get around Yakushima via bus, giving the mental image of Aigis boarding a civilian bus back to the lab, equipped with a grenade launcher and finger guns.
The gameplay is kiiinda ass as you awkwardly turn Aigis around to fire at things and try to aim Palladion, but it is a port of a 2007 flip phone game. Unfortunately, the port itself is kinda buggy. The fade-to-black effect during cutscenes seems to be broken, so you will see Aigis Naruto run out a door, except her model stops there and you see it semi-fade to black. There is also supposed to be some kind of faded scanline filter effect on portraits when Aigis is talking to people via communicator that is absolutely broken and just shows horizontal, fully visible lines over people's faces--it is kinda comical. Neither of these really interfere with gameplay though.
Maybe check it out an English patch is released? Afaik, there's a group of people working on doing it already.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
Some stuff about my MnM AU that I wanted to talk about because I can't stop thinking about it lately. Because the games never talk about some of the characters' parents, this is the stuff I came up with on my own.
Yuriko and Daichi Arisato
Minato's parents who barely reached thirty. Yes, we're starting things off with the SAD.
Yuriko shares her son's witty and sarcastic traits, as well as his eye color (take note of this, as it tips off a few people as to who Minato exactly is later down the line.) Daichi is somewhat calmer than his wife, though he's more attuned to logic and reason more than emotion. Very few things can change his mind regarding his thought process. And if you harm or threaten the people they care about, they will show no mercy. This is another trait Minato also inherited.
Yuriko is Ayame's younger sister and Tsubaki's older one. That's right, she's smack dab in the middle.
AU-wise, they worked at the Kirijo Ergo Labs. Daichi originally was part of the team that worked with the Anti-Shadow Weapons, while Yuriko handled primarily Shadow research. However, following a certain incident, Daichi was transferred to his wife's department.
They had a hard time finding people to take care of Minato while they worked and who lived in the area. It didn't help that Minato was shy as a kid. So, they often brought him along to the labs. This is why he was there the night his parents were killed.
When Yuriko, Daichi and Eiichiro Takeba (Yukari's father) discovered the true goal of their work and the direction things were heading, they turned against their fellow researchers and decided to destroy everything to keep Shadows from being exploited. And ya know... stop their crazy co-workers from ending the fucking world. Of course, that is not what happened.
Daichi was killed directly by Ikutsuki after fucking things up for them. This does get brought up on 11/5.
Yuriko was the one who gave Aigis her last order prior to her brief deactivation. It was to protect her son. Due to the events of that night, Aigis can only recall this order upon reactivation on Yakushima.
Daichi's and Yuriko's last words to Minato were "i promise that everything will be okay" and "we love you" respectively. Unlike her husband, Yuriko had realized that she wasn't going to make it out alive, hence the order she gave Aigis.
Minato saw the fight that ended up killing his mother and his father's moment of death. There's a lot of trauma there that eventually lead to him repressing all those memories until his return to Iwatodai. Over the year, they gradually become clearer.
Yuriko's Arcana would've been the Priestess. Daichi's would be the Hierophant.
Shiro and Ayame Shiomi
Kotone's parents because we are not killing everyone here. Someone has to stay alive. Someone in SEES needs good alive parents who accidentally adopt the rest of the team after meeting them. Literally in Minato's case, as they become his guardians following Yuriko's and Daichi's deaths.
Ayame is Yuriko's and Tsubaki's older sister, and she is close to the both of them. Needless to say, Yuriko's death hits her HARD.
Shiro is a stay-at-home dad while Ayame is a nurse. It was actually because of her profession that they meet in the first place. Shiro used to get into a lot of fights when he was younger, resulting in his body being littered with scars. They are primarily on his hands, and especially heavy on the knuckles.
Shiro and Ayame are very protective of their kids, Shiro more than his wife. It gets to the point where he wants Minato and Kotone to stay away from people like his younger self (constantly looking for a fight and a bit of a delinquent). Unfortunately for him, the Shiomi women have a Type and it's that.
Shiro's Arcana is the Chariot. Ayame's is the Hanged Man.
Miyako and Kuro Mochizuki
I have a love-hate relationship with these two because for plot purposes, I had to turn Nyx and Erebus's characters into actual people. SO WE ACTUALLY DO HAVE SHITTY PARENTS ON THIS LIST.
Anyway, Miyako and Kuro are Ryoji's parents for this AU since he's not a Shadow in this. He was born human. Well, a witch but that's specifics.
Miyako works as Gekkoukan's school nurse, while Kuro is a member of Iwatodai's police force.
They are both flipping crazy - Miyako more so than her husband. He's just along for the ride and often lets his wife do what she pleases, even if it hurts their son. Which it often does. He lives in the dorms for this reason.
When I say Miyako is crazy, I mean it. She constantly threatens to expose magic to the world, believes humans are beneath her, etc. Since her character is built off of the game's Nyx, she also tries to bring about the Fall by any means necessary-- including using her own child as a vessel for Death, something that could very well have killed him. She knew this and did it anyway.
Prior to being the school's nurse, Miyako worked as a researcher in the Ergo Labs. This is how she got her hands on the Shadows and was able to do what she needed to. She is also the one who created Tartarus, or the Midnight Tower (it has no official name in the AU unlike in canon).
She ends up losing herself in a pursuit of power. Miyako is fucking insane, and she falls and hits the ground hard when is defeated. Kuro ends up getting arrested when it's revealed he knew about all of this and aided his wife by covering up her crimes.
So yeah, fuck these two.
Due to the inspiration for these two, it shouldn't be surprising that Miyako's Arcana is Death and Kuro's is the Fool.
Shin and Tomiko Narukami
A freelance photographer and his journalist wife. These two are obviously Yu's parents who try their best despite how busy they often can be. Sometimes that's not enough, though.
You look at them and think that because of their work, Shin is more adventurous and outgoing while Tomiko is bookish and quiet. No, it's the opposite. Tomiko primarily stands out and "wears the pants" so to speak. Shin is quiet and content to work behind the scenes. Think of it as an actor and their stage crew.
Yu is closer to his father than he is his mother, though he shares her sense of humor.
Shin was Tomiko's upperclassmen in high school. That's how they met -- she was having trouble in her classes and he helped her study. They stayed in contact after.
AU-wise, they served as informants for the Shiroganes prior to the latter's deaths. This leads to Yu and Naoto briefly being friends as kids, though by the time they meet again they can barely remember each other and have to be reminded (Yu by his mother and Naoto by their grandfather).
Speaking of which, Shin and Tomiko are busy. A lot. Their work keeps them on their toes, especially considering that they are often responsible for covering up more magical incidents for the public's eye. This is why Yu has rarely met his uncle prior to P4's events. There were no time for visits anymore. Yu didn't even know Nanako existed until he met her.
Shin and Tomiko are often involved with the high class social circles as a part of their work. Yu was often brought along to a few events when he got older. It leads to the reason about why Yu... suppresses a lot prior to coming to Inaba. Especially after one incident.
Yu had a lot of trouble controlling his abilities when he was younger. He was also not very socialbe, leading to a problem when he was in crowds. Needless to say, the incident involves him getting overwhelmed in public, emotions taking over and losing control of his abilities. It caused a lot of problems and more work for his parents, leading him to suppress how he was truly feeling (and eventually thinking) to keep that from happening again. He did what he could to take care of himself and stop doing what he thought caused nothing but problems. Which if you played P4, you realize is a bad thing. He was about ten years old when this all happened.
Neither of his parents noticed what was going on until it was too late, and weren't sure what to do. It was by luck that their son was able to make good friends who helped his true self shine through again.
After being away a year and all the stuff that happened back home (especially after the shit in November and December), they try to do better and be more involved family-wise.
Shin's Arcana is the Hermit, while Tomiko's is the Sun.
Tsubaki Amamiya and ???
I have thought about this one a LOT and that's mostly because of the implications that P5 gives us. Ren goes through a lot of tough shit; he deserves something good in his life. At least a little bit.
Tsubaki is the youngest of the three sisters (Ayame and Yuriko) and grew up close to them, despite the large age gap between them. Her sisters were also the only ones in the family who spoke her after she found out she was expecting.
Long story short, Tsubaki had Ren really young. Both she and her S/O (Ren's father) had gotten smashed one night, which resulted in not thinking before acting. Tsu was nineteen, and he was twenty.
Her parents disowned her because of this. Tsu was pretty much on her own. Luckily she had her sisters (for the most part, Yuriko was killed about a month before Ren was born) and a few good friends to help out. Ren's father had no idea about Ren until AFTER he had been born due to plot shenanigans happening behind the scenes. But still, Ren was born to two loving parents.
Like I said, Ren's parents were pretty young when he was born so family helped but eventually the pair moved to Inaba where Tsubaki became a teacher at Yasogami. She's that teacher that goes the extra mile for her students.
Honestly, Tsu cares about her students and her kid and are willing to fight for them. She doesn't take shit, especially after her own parents kicked her out. She won't stand for those who think they are above others and isn't afraid to knock them down to size. ...I think you can see where Ren got his own sense of justice from. She works hard to support her family, take care of her students and son. If she had one, Tsubaki's Arcana would be Temperance.
About his father, I have yet to figure out what he does for a living but I do know that due to his job, he does tend to travel around. As a result, he is sometimes absent from Ren's life. Growing up, Ren got used to this, despite how much he hated it. He wanted his dad to be there, but as a kid there was nothing that he really could do. This was how it was. He had his mom, and she made up for it. And that was fine.
His father's lack of presence, however, does cause one big issue with Ren's relationship with him further down the line. More specifically when Ren gets arrested. Because while Tsubaki believes in Ren's innocence, his father does not. Especially considering the circumstances surrounding it.
The whole situation causes a rift between Ren and his parents. Ren's afraid his mother hates him because of what happened (which he had explained was an accident, and Tsu believes him, but Ren had caused a lot of trouble and things might've gotten worse because of him). It's only because the other Phantom Thieves (primarily Ryuji, who had been in a similar situation before) that pushed him to actually talk about it with his mom following the events of the Madarame/Museum of Vanity arc and just before the Kaneshiro stuff.
So the rift is on the mend. And the stuff with his father is even slower. It takes until Strikers for them to have a heart-to-heart with each other and fully discuss their problems. It's during the first trip to Kyoto, and there's some ugly crying. I have a good bit planned here. (And something that's partial self-fulfillment, but we're not talking about that.)
And yes, there is a reason I haven't mentioned the name of Ren’s father. The reason for that is that he's already a named character from one of the previous Persona games. This is part of effort to try and connect P1/P2 to the modern games. You're welcome to guess who it is, but I won't reveal it until later. The post will be edited, however, once said reveal is made.
All I'll say is that his father's Arcana is The Emperor and let you guys figure it out from there.
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p5resurrection · 3 years
Character Availability as of 8/8/21
New: Chie, Elizabeth, Labrys and Mitsuru are newly available!
We could definitely use a Labrys, as we have another anti-shadow weapon, and Mitsuru as the Shadow Ops will be more involved.
The list has been organized a little differently, so it should be more readable.
Other NPCs and Confidants (e.g Hanako from P4, Maiko from P3) are available as well, but may not be listed below, so feel free to ask!
As always, OCs and crossover characters are welcome. We’re also open to new storylines, too.
Under the read more, new link is at the very bottom.
The order of the list will be: P5, P4, P3, Velvet Room, Social Links/Confidants, Antagonists.
All P1 and P2 characters are available.
Audition needed
-Persona 5-
Kasumi Yoshizawa (Keep in mind that not everyone played P5R; some things may be borrowed from it, but the base is generally P5)
Sojiro Sakura
-Persona 4-
Sho Minazuki
-Persona 3-
Mitsuru Kirijo (will need to work closely with the worldbuilders, given the Shadow stuff; there are also some things that were proposed but not realized before, so those are available as well.)
-Velvet Room-
Caroline and Justine
*If these characters go unfilled, the worldbuilding crew will share the mantles. Given that these are all plot-heavy/related characters, they'll work closely with worldbuilders.
Masayoshi Shido
Ichiryusai Madarame
Kunikazu Okumura
Junya Kaneshiro
Tohru Adachi
Auditions welcome, but not necessary
-Persona 4-
Yosuke Hanamura
Chie Satonaka
Yukiko Amagi
Rise Kujikawa
Kanji Tatsumi
Naoto Shirogane
-Persona 3-
Yukari Takeba
Junpei Iori
Ryoji Mochizuki
Akihiko Sanada
Fuuka Yamagishi
Shinjiro Aragaki (we will need to know what he's been up to!)
Ken Amada
-Social Links/ Confidants-
Munehisa Iwai
Hifumi Togo
Sadayo Kawakami
Tae Takemi
Ichiko Ohya
Chihaya Mifune
Lala Escargot
Shinya Oda
Toranosuke Yoshida
Nanako Dojima
Tada, the link!: https://discord.gg/G9vV8PGmSH
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akechicrimes · 5 years
46 + Aigis/MC or FeMC?
46. “As long as I get to hold your hand.”
femc gets nightmares sometimes and the only person she’ll admit it to is aigis.
It is sometimes the case that Minako will have unusual dreams and wake up in a cold sweat, which she will brush off with a cheerful smile and a self-deprecating joke; and it is sometimes the case that Minako will stay up all night, fiddling with her MP3 player, replaying the same songs and staring at the wall, to deny the entire event ever occurred with another cheerful smile and self-deprecating joke. Aigis does not yet have a program to hold interest in why Minako continually suffers sleepless nights and denies the phenomenon, but she has thoroughly incorporated two aspects of the situation into her operations: firstly, that Takeba, Iori, Kirijo, and Sanada would be more suspicious if she denied the incidents outright, and that Minako never does, only admits the incident and then moves the conversation right along, which all of them seem to take without much questioning; secondly, that Aigis is forbidden from bringing up the matter.
"But I am only concerned for your wellbeing," says Aigis, in the middle of Minako shoving a piece of toast into the toaster for breakfast.
"Ahh, one or two sleepless nights here and there won't do anything," says Minako, waving a hand and cracking open the fridge for the iced coffee and butter. "I promise I'm quite used to it. It happens now and then, for all sorts of reasons! Especially around finals weeks—pulling all-nighters is more common than you'd think."
"The commonality of an 'all-nighter' does not make it more healthy for you."
"No, no—I'm saying it's nothing to be worried about," says Minako soothingly, and then nearly tips over her own coffee mug.
"I do not experience worry," says Aigis, which is perhaps less than technically true considering the way Minako then proceeds to nearly drop the butter, fumble a save, and then drop the butter knife in the process. Coordination must be low. Humans really do need their sleep. "My concern is your performance in Tartarus."
"Oh! Well, that's a relief," says Minako, and laughs. "Then do me a favor? Just don't tell anyone else about it, okay? They won't understand."
"That it's nothing. My performance in Tartarus won't fall, I promise. You can count on me," she says, and beams with a little salute.
"Why is that a relief?" Aigis asks.
Minako smiles. The toaster dings and the toast pops to the surface. "I just don't want to make anyone worry," says Minako, and then finally, finally knocks over the entire jug of iced coffee with her elbow, which Aigis promptly snatches out of midair.
"Understood," says Aigis, and Minako beams, like Aigis is the only person in the world.
Therefore, because Aigis has agreed not to worry, she does not go to Minako's room the next time she wakes up from a bad nightmare out of worry. She goes to inform her that she is going to get Takeba, who will be equipped to worry in Aigis's stead.
"Don't!" says Minako sharply. She says it like a field leader order, like it's a matter of life or death, and there's an immediate threat in the vicinity. Aigis's sensors do not detect a threat in the immediate vicinity. Minako is acting irrationally as a result of emotion, but as per usual, with enough force and conviction that she can make even a robot like Aigis wonder if her sensors are mistaken.
"It will be best if someone is able to offer you emotional support—"
"No," says Minako. Her red eyes are signal flares in the dark.
"Your safety can and does override your wishes."
"I'm fine. I am fine. You said you wouldn't worry about me."
"I am not worrying about you. I am electing to get Takeba so she can worry about you."
"No, no, I—I'll be fine. I am fine! I don't need Yukari to worry about me. She has enough on her plate with her father and Mitsuru and..." Minako scrapes hair away from her face, and grimaces at the sweat that comes off. "...Aigis, just... stay with me."
"I am an anti-Shadow weapon. I am not able to offer you emotional support at this time."
"No, um... think of it like a safety thing. You have to keep me safe, right?"
"I must ensure your wellbeing, health, and safety. There is no immediate threat in the viciinity. Your wellness would be improved should someone offer you empathy."
"And I said I don't need someone to worry about me. You said you wouldn't worry about me." Minako wipes her hand clean on her shirt, then sticks it out, like an order. "I know what I'm doing, Aigis. Just stay, okay?"
"I am not able to offer you emotional support at this time."
"It's fine. Come on."
After a long moment, Aigis shoves the sentence into the command box, and takes Minako's hand. "I am not able to offer you emotional support at this time," Aigis repeats.
"Okay. Um—I don't know if you're okay with this, or—or if you can feel uncomfortable, or if you can refuse, but... can you just... stay with me for tonight?"
"I regularly stay in this room to watch you sleep," says Aigis.
Minako giggles, but it sounds... odd. Not bubbly and bright like her usual giggles. Sounds wet. Resigned. "Then maybe I'll feel safer knowing you're here," she says, and folds her fingers between Aigis'.
Minako lies back down on the pillow, her hair arrayed out around her shoulders, the open V-neck of her pajamas framing smooth moonlight skin just below Aigis' face. "You can lie down with me," says Minako, which is probably not a command but Aigis shoves into the command box again, so that they're lying face to face. Under the covers, Minako's fingers lace between Aigis', her nails scraping the soft back of Aigis's cloth synthetic skin. Aigis cannot feel Minako's hand under the hollow end-points of her gun-barrel fingers.
"Is this... enough?" Aigis asks.
"It's perfect as long as I get to hold your hand," says Minako. She looks, even sound, more content. Which is odd, because Aigis is a robot, who is neither worried about Minako nor able to offer empathy and emotional support.
"Should I be worried?" Aigis asks.
"You promised you wouldn't be. Don't."
"Understood," says Aigis. Minako closes her eyes, and breathes deep into her pillow. Her whole body sags into the mattress, a construction of flesh and blood, next to Aigis's mannequin form full of bolts and bullets. The mattress is cold on Aigis' end.
"I am not able to offer you emotional support at this time," Aigis whispers.
"Shhh," says Minako quietly, without opening her eyes. "Go to sleep."
Not a command, Aigis determines. Aigis' duties for Minako's welfare take priority. When the sun rises, Aigis is still there, watching the steady rise of Minako's chest, the tension in her eyes, measuring how, even as Minako enteres the deepest REM sleep, Minako's nails on Aigis's hand could rip a real human's skin clear through.
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vinylgomez · 5 years
the way i wear my noose like a necklace
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WARNINGS: death, ptsd, heartbreak, insecurity, loneliness, domestic abuse (verbally/emotionally & physically), car accident, self harm, mentions of suicide, intrusive thoughts, depression, anxiety, trust issues, guns (kinda), implied dissociation, sad ending, also she forgets to feed the dog
seriously, do NOT ignore the warnings if you are easily triggered
Pairings: Fuuka Yamagishi x Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki
Summary: 10 years after the events of Persona 3, Fuuka is still having trouble dealing with her trauma. She blames herself for her boyfriend Minato’s death and is still processing everything that happened with S.E.E.S but also in her home. Meanwhile everyone else, even Junpei, seem to be okay, Fuuka is on the path of self-destruction. [AU]
Word Count: 1,509
A/N: before you read, please note that this is in no way belittling abuse survivors, the only reason it might seem like that at some parts is because it’s from fuuka’s point of view and she doesn’t believe that she deserves better. this is not meant to make it seem like minato cured her either, so i’m sorry if it comes off that way!! also the writing is amateur but i’m just here to vent.
this is an alternate universe of the game persona 3 from 2006 developed and released by atlus (massive spoilers so don’t read unless you’ve finished the game!!), none of the characters are mine.
it’s been 10 years since her hero had sacrificed himself to save the world, and she was forever grateful
and fuuka actually thought she was getting better for a while
but most nights ends with her curling up in a ball sobbing silently to herself in her bed
recalling the way she was the reason for his first smile in months
and the way he used to look at her like she’s the reason the world keeps spinning
she thinks about the way she had always been insecure about their relationship
because really, who in their right mind would choose her over someone like mitsuru kirijo or yukari takeba?
but he was so patient, understanding and sweet. every time she voiced her concerns he just smiled faintly
“i will always choose you” he had whispered, resting his palm on her cheek
he was the quiet type, but whenever he did speak, it was always something important
it always made her feel better
but then he had died in another girl’s arms
and it just so happened to be the girl who always had a close connection to him
and everyone knew about it
i'm not the right match for him, i never was
doesn’t trauma cause you to lose your memory?
then why did she remember those moments so clearly?
almost as if it was the present
like when they all ran up the stairs leading to the rooftop
and the way he looked so peaceful
almost as if he was only sleeping
she remembered the sinking feeling in her stomach when she realized what was happening, her throat tightening, and the way it felt like time slowed down as she fell to the ground, wailing. this can’t be happening
at this point, she had lost count of the amount of times she had wished her evoker could be used as a real gun, just so she could put herself out of her misery.
over the years, she had slowly lost contact with her former teammates, because she kept herself isolated in her stupid room in her stupid apartment, afraid somebody would notice the scars on her wrists or the way her whole body flinched at the faintest sounds.
koromaru had stayed at her place for a while
but then yukari had visited
they were only supposed to have a cup of coffee
but really the girl came to check up on her friend
and she had noticed how thin the dog was getting, and how pale fuuka was
“fuuka-chan, are you sure you’re okay?”, her voice cracking
fuuka had tried to reassure her worried friend that she was just fine
but of course, yukari wasn’t stupid, and had seen right through her lie
weeks later, koro no longer lived with her, now he was with akihiko.
because fuuka had apparently forgotten to feed him.
but she didn’t understand it, she was sure she had filled his bowl everyday
was her mind playing tricks on her?
and to make matters more complicated, yukari kept recommending therapists
she knew she needed to talk to professionals, and she had tried. but really, how can they help? they can’t time travel, and the anti-depressants had never seemed to help her feel any better. she was a lost cause, too far gone.
yukari was the s.e.e.s member who had tried the hardest to help, but eventually she had given up as well. fuuka couldn’t say she was surprised, it’s not like she was ever going to escape the destructive lifestyle she was trapped in. she was grateful for her friends, but she stopped feeling understood a long time ago.
sometimes she felt like she was losing her mind completely. the trauma of everything that had happened when she was only 16 haunted her everyday.
why can’t I just be like the others? at least they’re functioning like normal human beings.
but minato had been the best thing that ever happened to her
and some nights, she can’t escape the guilt. the guilt of so selfishly wishing it had happened to somebody else. does that make her a terrible person? no, she tells herself. but her mind tells her otherwise. her disordered mind always makes matters worse for her.
“it’s your fault. it’ll always be your fault, you could’ve stopped him. and look at you now, it’s been a decade and you’re still crying. how pathetic. you’re a failure, fuuka.”
every time she thought of that horrible day, her head would repeat those words over and over again. isn’t grief supposed to have five stages? she knew that much, but for some reason, she seemed to be stuck in the worst one. she screams into her pillow, hoping something would make all the pain go away. but who was she kidding, this was a routine.
or a cycle, a never-ending cycle of pain that was far worse than anything she could’ve ever imagined before it had happened.
it was worse than being lost in tartarus surrounded by dangerous shadows.
it was worse than how her father would hit her and call her a disappointment when she refused to become a doctor.
and it was certainly worse than having to accept the fact that her parents didn’t look for her when she went missing for 10 days.
“why can’t you just be like other girls, fuuka? why do you have to be so special? what’s so interesting about that damn computer? you think hacking will get you anywhere in life? grow the hell up and get a proper job! think about your mother and i, and how humiliating it is for us to have a daughter like you.” her father would shout, while her mother sighed and looked the other way as he threatened their daughter, saying that he would disown her if she “didn’t get her shit together”.
those days always ended with her upper arm covered in bruises, tears streaming down her red cheeks as she fell asleep wishing she was somebody else.
she knew it was sad, tragic actually, that she would go right back into her abusive household in a heartbeat if it meant that he would come back to life.
but the thing is that at least she had a safe place back then. it was him, no, it’s not like in those cliché love stories where the boy saves the princess from all of her problems. it wasn’t like that at all, but she had him to talk to about anything, he always listened so well.
and whenever she was around him it felt like nothing was wrong with the world.
like when he first kissed her, she had never felt so safe.
pressing a shaking finger to her lips, she smiled faintly at the memory.
but it only lasted for a moment.
“he’s gone and he’s never going to come back. you’ll be alone forever, fuuka.”
now she had nowhere to go, no one would truly understand her
she had once thought that maybe junpei would understand, he had lost chidori in a similar way
and he had lost his best friend, too
but then she realized she didn’t know how to talk to him anymore
and there was no way she could tell him everything
not to mention, she wouldn’t want to upset him. he deserved better than having to deal with her shit too
all the bad memories replayed in her head. like a nightmare.
or a horror movie that constantly rewinds and plays the scariest parts over and over again
she thought about her fathers words, and she knew he was right.
but he had died in a car crash a few years back, and she no longer had contact with the woman who used to be her mother.
so she couldn’t tell them that they were right about her all along.
not that she would’ve given them the satisfaction, anyway.
maybe if he had just killed me when he wanted to, they could’ve had another daughter, or a son, who would’ve been picture perfect. and they would’ve been happy.
once she gets up and slumps towards the bathroom, she knows it’s just another messy night that proves how weak she is.
fumbling through the cabinets, she retrieves what she was looking for.
she's not crying anymore, everything feels slow and distorted, as if time had stopped passing and nothing was real.
dragging the razor blade across her skin, tears start to flow again. watching the blood drip to the floor, she can’t stop telling herself that she deserves everything bad that has ever happened to her.
she smiles.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
Atlus has released new screenshots and character profiles for Persona 5: Dancing Star Night and Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night in a new Japanese press release.
Persona 5: Dancing Star Night
Ryuji Sakamoto:
A student who is a second-year student at Shujin High School like the Persona 5 protagonist.
Originally practiced track and field, but quit due to being treated like a complete “problem child.”
His more brash and emotional behavior may seem conspicuous, but he has a strong sense of justice that is in fact his stronger personality. In this game, he’ll show off a rock dance style with his Phantom Thief friends.
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Ann Takamaki
Classmate of the Persona 5 protagonist.
Ann is a quarter-American and takes advantage of her appearance in order to do modeling work.
Ann has an innocent and more docile personality. While her appearance sometimes helped in spreading occassional rumors, these were in fact untrue. In this game, Anne will perform unexpected and sexy dance moves with the members of the Phantom Thieves.
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Makoto Niijima
A third-year at Shujin High School and president of the student council.
Makoto is clearheaded and known for her strong morals, and she has earned the trust of students and teachers alike. Her father was a police officer, and her older sister acts as a prosecutor, who also has her own strong sense of justice.
At the Phantom Thieves, with her own traits of clear-mindedness and intellect, she acts as an important member of the team. In this game, she’ll bring her own unique martial arts style dancing to the stage.
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Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night
Yukari Takeba
A classmate of the Persona 3 protagonist.
Yukari lives in the student dorm facility at Gekkoukan High School. Yukari’s popular at school due to her appearance and more upbeat personality, but she also has a more dry sense to her personality, such as her reactions to Junpei’s gags.
In this game, Yukari will have dance moves specific to sexy and cute “imadoki” girls.
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Junpei Iori
A classmate of the Persona 3 protagonist.
Known for being the moodmaker at SEES. However, while he has a more carefree demeanor, Mitsuru or Yukari can seem angered or bored by it.
In this game, Junpei will wear a stylish baseball cap faced in the opposite direction, while performing dances that showcase his comical and more powerful personality traits.
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A special anti-Shadow weapon who appears in Persona 3.
A robot girl developed by the Kirijo group for the purpose of shadow extermination. As she spends her days with the hero and her colleagues, she gradually develops a heart like a human being’s.
In this game, she will show a dance that combines the precision unique to a robot and the passion born from the hearts of people.
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idolprincessrinny · 7 years
top 5 Persona girls then?
jesus this is hard holy fuck im sure itll change in like an hour
1. Rise Kujikawa. What were you expecting. I’ve cosplayed 4 of her outfits and I still plan on doing more. Rise just is everything to me? Like, it’s hard to go into the reasonings why in a list, but honestly she just inspires me in a lot of different ways. At the same time I can really relate to her struggles. Not knowing who you are, trying to find that person in the mess that everyone expects of you, all while trying to be someone who really matters to others, who’s irreplaceable, is something I really have a hard time with. 
2. Ann Takamaki. I’m not really far in P5 yet but I really love Ann so far. She has an interesting opinion on what it means to truly help people, and I’ve already seen more sides to her in 20+ hours I’ve spent with her than most other characters. Ann is also the closest character we’ve had since Bayonetta to really own her sexuality which is so crucial to her intial arc in the story and I love thaaaaat.
3. Labrys! Gosh she has such an interesting story!!! It really adds a depth to the whole concept of the Anti-Shadow models and the shit the Kijijo group did. They are terrible people. Her backstory is tragic but at the same time it’s triumphant in the best way. I’m sad she was a main character of a side game, but at least its a freaking great side game. At the same time she’s super cute, really fun, and her design is great. 
4. Yukiko Amagi. Yukiko has really grown on me as of late. To be honest I didnt like her on my first playthrough, but upon others and her growth in the side games, I’ve really fallen for her! They’ve opened up her weirdness where it was awkward and instead I find that she’s charming and funny! 
5. Elizabeth. She’s so weird you guys i fucking love her omg. Elizabeth’s weirdness was made into something interesting and at this point it just feels like she’s in her own game off in the side. Her intro in P4A being her just holding off what seems like an apocalypse is nucking futs and that’s just super cool to me. She’s not a deep character but she’s fun that’s all you need.
Honorable mentions!
Yukari Takeba! 
Makoto Nijima!
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