#anti-jodie fanbase
a-random-whovian7 · 1 year
I know it isn't the best regarded episode due to obvious reasons, but I kind of found a whole new appreciation for Love and Monsters. I think in the wake of all the unneeded wierd 'aNtI-sJw' hate that Jodie's Doctor got from a bunch of reactionary crybabies and their attempts to take over as the voice of the fanbase, the episode's meta look at a healthy, happy group that came together via their mutual interest in the Doctor being ruined by the one who takes it too seriously is particularly painfully relevant. I know one of RTD's aims was to create a commentary on the communities created around the show and those who take it too seriously (fun fact, the character of Victor Kennedy, a self-important snob, was partially inspired by Ian Levine), and I think in the current era of knee-jerk reactions online and a certain group of fully-grown toddlers whining about stuff being 'woke' or whatever bullshit reason they use, that particular aspect of the episode has aged really well.
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uservillanelle · 4 years
I hope I’m not the only who finds these “jodie is homophobic” jokes people (stan twitter) make are unfunny and tiresome. Like I kinda miss her on social media and then i see this stuff and i’m like jdc i’m glad she doesn’t see this. The other worse thing is brand new fans might come across them and not read the satire. Idk might just be me but yeah I was curious to know your thoughts
People joke about Jodie being homophobic? Either I really missed out on this one or the “jokes” didn’t reach my radar yet. Funny enough I just came across one of those said “jokes” here on tumblr and if I’m being completely honest... I’m not sure where they are coming from?! I mean I was really upset when I found out Jodie deleted her twitter account and I never really used twitter but then I decided to create an account just to check out the fanbase there and.. it’s HORRIBLE. Yeah, it’s a very toxic place, I’ve spend maybe 2-3 hours there and I felt so exhausted and I already had a headache from reading all of the crap people tweet about. 
I mean there people who straight up insult Jodie on her looks, whatever else, but then I’ve seen those who joke about her committing suicide and now... her being homophobic?! I’m sorry but this is like the stupidest thing I’ve heard. There is simply no way Jodie is homophobic. One ― she never said anything negative about LGBT+ community, if only, be positive about it and two ―  if she would, in any case, be against LGBT+ (which is NOT the case) she would express herself in a polite, not offensive way and so far I don’t think she said or did ANYTHING to offend her fans. She’s a sweetheart and I don’t understand what is wrong with her fanbase on twitter and even here sometimes... what did she ever do to any of them? 
Yeah, I am worried for newbies as well. Guess there isn’t much we can do about it, but for now I think the thing we CAN do is redirect our friends, who become new KE/Jodie fans to healthier social media platforms like tumblr, as I think it’s certainly not as terrible here as it is on twitter. Not sure about other platforms though. Instagram seems okay so far. 
What I HATE is that those “fans” distance Jodie from her actual fans who adore her and are interested in her professional side of life. Jodie must really feel uncomfortable/upset whenever someone will bring up her “fans” because she can immediatelly think back to those CLOWNS in twitter or god know’s what else and I don’t want her to have this kind of image of her fans in her head... and we can’t really do anything about it, but support her at all times and encourage positivity towards her because she’s one of the most talented, brilliant actresses in the world right now and she deserves more love and appreciation for the hard work she does every single day! 
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Dear Misha Collins
I don't think you know how to handle your career.  There are mistakes that you are making to your own detriment.  I am doing the decent thing here by pointing them out to you.  When you are an actor, you are the salesman and the product.  These two elements are a benefit to an actor when he manages these two things cleverly, which you have not done.  These two elements are symbiotic.  You need them both.  And the dominant element is the salesman.  If the product is good, but the salesman sucks, the product is not appreciated. 
Take Sam and Dean Winchester as a good example.  Sam is a flawed hero.  He is also, to an extent in the earlier seasons, something of an anti-hero although not a full blown villain.  Dean wasn't as flawed and his swashbuckling gung-ho nature was easier to enjoy than Sam's pensiveness.  Those who didn't know much about the BTS of the show in the early season, latched on to the lead characters.  At that time they didn't know the actors.  For many of them, Sam appeared kind of self-righteous and grumpy.  Yes, he was handsome, but so was Dean who are the more funnier, showier character, so it was easy to latch onto him.  Dean also bonds with other characters faster than Sam does. 
When the first cons were held, people were enthusiastic about meeting the actors who play Sam and Dean expecting the actors to be exactly like their characters.  When they realized that Jared is absolutely nothing like his character and was, by nature, quite a loveable and happy young man, they loved him back enthusiastically.  But they encountered Jensen's reserved nature, some thought he was shy whilst others thought he was a snob.  Because Jared was such an awesome salesman, his product [Sam] became more palatable to the audience.  Jensen realized that as a salesman, he had a little work to do.  Being construed as shy is not bad, but being seen as a snob is definitely not a good look.  So he started trying to change his public image, despite his reserved nature.
So you have to examine your audience and make necessary changes to your salesman pitch, so as to not put off your target market.  Then people started to see meaningfulness in the friendship that J2 share.  Some liked the chemistry their character's shared.  The actors acknowledged that these ideas existed but didn't shoot them down.  Jensen said that he understood it was a ''hot fantasy'', which is very accurate.  They just requested that fans not ask them questions on the subject, which makes sense, because why would you want my opinion on your fantasy.  That is ridiculous.  These two groups, Tinhat fans and wincest fans, have been around for 13 years, without making a peep.  You don't hear about them, unless you go looking for them.  And unlike a few nasty people on Twitter, the majority has since the beginning, respected J2.
Part of the credit for this goes to the actors themselves.  They didn't overindulge this subsection, because that would be an idiotic sales pitch.  I don't think you understand why.  Why is it that Sam and Dean's popularity hasn't waned?  They have shouldered the burden of a show that is now in its fourteenth season.  They are getting more popular and mass media has an eye on them, which is why they are invited on talk shows, sporadically.  You were invited on Larry King, but it was not because of your work on the show, it was for your charity project.  And your charity project is not your livelihood.  Your acting job is, and it isn't looking very good.  You weren't even a series regular last year, and most people didn't seem to mind. 
Here is where your sales pitch is going wrong.
You fragment the total viewing population of the show
You do this by your con etiquette.  The fans who buy tickets to watch your panel are a heterogeneous group of people.  The problem with having this type of audience, is that you have to curb your language around them, because children attend cons too.  You use vulgar language.  You also speak about sexually explicit things like shipping.  The parents and older siblings sitting in the audience might be offended, and that never occurred to you.  That is very baffling.  The parents who are not offended stay on and those who are, won't watch a Misha panel again with their kids.  Fragmentation.  You have broken your total con audience in two. 
When people ask you about shipping, you don't politely acknowledge it and move on.  You ''lay it on thick'' as they say.  There is a lot that is wrong with that. 
Any straight male fan who genuinely admires your character is not likely going to sit through something he doesn't care about.  Especially since you become very explicit.  He will feel kind of grossed out, as he should, not because he's homophobic but because this is not his jam.  By overdoing the shipping thing, you have forced a decision out of this fan as to whether he wants to pay good money to sit through this nonsense again.  The next time he attends con, he is going to spend his money elsewhere.  That also goes for straight female fans who don't like shipping.  Because not all women like slash.  And they will try not to attend you panel again because it didn't entertain them.  Second fragmentation.
There are other ships in the fandom.  That is the natural progression of things went one ship appears on a show or movie.  That initial pairing pulls all the other characters in.  So almost everyone of the well known actors on Supernatural have been slashed with another actor.  All except Tahmoh Penikett and Alexander Calvert, to the best of my knowledge.  I am not sure why Tahmoh is ignored but it might have something to do with his character killing Kevin.  I think Alex is not slashed because every other man is a father figure on the show, and Alex plays a baby.  You tend to indulge mostly the destiel fanbase, and destiel is discussed in almost all your panels.  What is wrong with that?  You isolate people who don't like destiel for whatever reason.  If they don't like a pairing, they are not going to sit through a panel where that pairing is sporadically discussed.  That is not what they paid for.  In a convention, where audience members have been asked not to ask shipping questions, and every other guest honors the rule except you, it makes you look unprofessional and a rule breaker.  That is not a good look for a salesman.  Third fragmentation. 
So what if you speak about destiel?  You have fans.  They love you.  How is that detrimental to your popularity?  I will explain that further down. 
You bite the hand that feeds you
If you have been employed on a show for ten years, you cant badmouth that show.  Especially when you are incorrect.  In 2013, you said that the show was 'gratuitously misogynistic', during one of your panels.  Since then, the show has been bringing in unnecessary female characters.  This is aggravating for fans who were watching the show since before you got casted.  They didn't like most of the female characters, and yes the non-approving fans were all female. Ratings were still good and the show was popular.  There were female characters whom the fans had no problem with, for example, Missouri Mosley, Ellen Harvelle, Pamela Barnes and to a certain extent even Ava. 
Ever since your statement, CW and associated twitter pages blew up with accusation from  ''concerned fans'' who were now asking for ''representation'' on a show that was already nine years old, despite managing to be misogynistic.  So now, we have characters are extremely unpopular like Claire Novak, Jody Mills, Donna Whatshername and even Mary Winchester.  The spinoff for these inadequate females bombed due to lack of ratings.  The show invested time, resources, money and effort into a spin-off that failed, because you said something stupid that made them look bad.  The day they figure it out, you will leave the show with a reputation of being problematic.  And word travels in Hollywood. 
You overestimate your knowledge
You tend to speak up for a lot of different people.  Usually I would admire that, because it is a sign of inclusiveness - not a bad trait to have.  You, however, are very heavy handed with it.  And you speak about subjects like you know them.  You have an inadequate knowledge of slash fiction and yet you speak about it and you speak wrong.  I have already done an article on that subject.  You speak about feminism and misogyny and women's rights which makes me livid, because as I previously pointed out, you say the wrong things.  And as a women, I would prefer to speak up for myself.  I don't need a voice box speaking incorrectly for me. 
You also speak about LGBT issues.  LGBT teens who make up a small part of your already small fanbase, like that.  After all, they are kids and they don't know any better.  Grown ups, are generally, getting irritated.  Because if you wanted these people to have rights, you will let them speak instead of speaking for them.  Right now, only you and your destiel fans have a voice on the subject of LGBT, and collectively, you do a lot of damage to that community.  Non-destiel fans are constantly fighting off destiel fans because of their ''deep'', stereotypical and damaging analysis of Dean's sexuality.  They are becoming dissatisfied, but because you are not a mainstream actor and a household name, you fly just under the radar.  The day GLAAD releases an official statement about you and your fans, you are not going to like it.  Neither is CW.
You don't control your termites
In the past year and a half, your destiel fans have:
verbally bashed Jensen Ackles on Twitter
sent him a death threat
threatened to burn down his house
threatened to poison his beer so his brewery will shut down
smeared J2's reputation over a harmless joke they made at Nolacon [yep, those were your fans - their profile pictures and names gave them away]
were planning to hire a plane so that they could fly the words ''Pedowitz sucks'' outside Mark Pedowitz's office
threatened to kidnap Jared's children
slandered Jared by saying that Jared abuses his wife, whilst pretending to be her number one fan on Instagram 
They only have one motivation for doing this:  YOU. 
And its not because they love you so much.  Its because you overindulged something that was essentially a harmless pastime, you have turned them into junkies and you are their only dealer.  The day you switch off their juice with finality, you will see a very ugly side of these termites, who are eating away at the foundations of Supernatural.  
Because you over spoke about destiel, these troublemakers are now the majority of your fans.  Outside of destiel, they have no interest in you.  The Misha-led con recently didn't do very well, did it?  Due to fragmentation you have lost many fans, and mishandling of your product caused you to use all the others.  How many fans do you have left?  Less that 80 000.  That is my estimation.  Those are the majority of the fans who petitioned for Wayward Daughters.  The standard audience didn't give a hoot about that stupid project.  Why did the shippers care so much?  Because Wayward Daughters was a fan-backed project.  The fans made it happen.  They assumed that if they could succeed in that, then maybe they could make destiel canon too.  For them, destiel is endgame.   
Supernatural as a total audience of 3 million.  Less that 80 000, is not an impressive number.  Unfortunately 80 000 are still inaccurate, because this was not a ''landlocked'' survey.  It was done via the Internet, which means that fans from all over the world could vote.  So they don't fall under the category of the 3 million viewers who tune into Supernatural in America, every week.  You fans are not Supernatural's core audience.  You did that to yourself.  These fans are also mostly teens.  That is why they are so loud compared to other fan subsections.  They have no mortgages to pay.  They don't have to face rush hour traffic and they can fixate on destiel without much interruption.  And since they are kids, they understand social media better than you and I.  So they know how to use their resources. 
I want to point out though, that not all destiel fans are problematic.  Some are civil and level headed.  I feel sorry for them because their reputation is tarnished due to the majority.  And an ok ship, that they enjoy, is ruined.
The only thing that is your saving grace, for many fragmented fans is your anti-Trump stance.  I hate him too, but I also hate Hillary.  She is no better than him.  However, even that is baffling because if you are brave enough to tweet and irritate Trump, who is unfortunately your President, why don't you have the courage to deal with your fans, in defense of your co-stars and the show that has employed you for ten years.  Especially when these fans are mostly children.  So you are not afraid of President Trump, but little girls scare you?  Because my vantage point, I can see that this doesn't make you look good. 
You used to be one of my favorites amongst the additional cast, until I got fragmented out of your circle.  I even liked destiel, until it turned into a vile beast.  You are now one person, that I cant write a slash story for.  Because you have made it difficult for me to like you. 
I thank you for your time, Mr Collins, and I hope some of what I said, gets through to you. 
An ex-Misha Fan
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honeybadgerradio · 7 years
Southern VS Patreon, Court Acquits Man in Rape Case - Polecat Cast 120
Join us on the Polecat Cast as we discuss the news of the week, including a millionaire who commits suicide when his wife has an affair, a court in India acquits a man in a rape case, the Lauren Southern vs Patreon story results in policy changes, and more!
Show notes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/13566355
Help save the doge! http://www.feedthebadger.com/projects
Follow us on Minds! https://www.minds.com/HoneyBadgerRadio
Libsyn: http://honeybadgerradio.libsyn.com/
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Show notes:
  Doctor Who Has a Personality Disorder... No, Seriously This Time… By Max Derrat
 When you think of the most toxic fanbases out there, what comes to mind? Steven Universe? Beliebers? Fans of Silent Hill (post number three)? In my time on the Internet, I have never seen a fanbase that is as omnipresent and crazy as the Doctor Who fanbase.
 Thankfully, I’ve been able to ignore the toxicity, as I still don’t know a single thing about Doctor Who aside from two things: a) multiple actors have played the character, and b) almost every person I have ever met that has contributed to my deteriorating mental health has been a Doctor Who fan.
 But nonetheless, it seems to me (and correct me if I’m wrong), that Doctor Who being a morphological entity is a core essential element of his character, hence why so many actors have played the role. Recently, it was announced that the world would be introduced to a female Doctor Who, that will be played by Broadchurch actress Jodie Whittaker. With the little knowledge I had of the character, it seemed to be a fun little experiment, as long as they weren’t trying to hamfist identity politics into the mix.
 But why in god’s name would I think that when I consider that a huge portion of this show’s fanbase comes from tumblr?! On top of the new Doctor Who being a woman, she is also going to be bisexual and have a lesbian affair. This is according to Michelle Gomez who plays the character of Missy in Doctor Who.
 Fellow Honey Badgers… dear viewers… please enlighten me as to why I am an ignorant slut on this issue?
Source: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz-tv/hot-tv/632867/female-dr-Doctor-Who-bisexual-lesbian-gay-affair-Jodie-Whittaker-Pearl-Mackie
   Indian High Court Judge Acknowledges Women Misuse Legal System By Andrew G.
In many countries throughout the world, people abuse the legal system for personal gain. In the U.S., the term “lawsuit happy” is often used to describe individuals who sue one another for the smallest infractions. However, India’s culture lends itself to a very different type of abuse of their legal system. Many Indian women bring forth suits against men for “raping” them. However, a large quantity of these cases are brought under false pretenses. Many involve such circumstances as a woman claiming that a man promised marriage before engaging in sexual intercourse, with that promise “unfulfilled,” a woman can cry rape. In many cases, if the woman is living with the man’s family at the time of the alleged rape, the man’s family can also be jailed.
This week in India, a Delhi High Court Judge presided over a case where a woman had appealed a lower court’s ruling acquitting a man of raping her. Before marrying the man in 2015, the woman filed a rape case. The man allegedly raped the woman after being forced to consume a sedative-laced drink. However, during an interview with police, the woman admitted that there was a “misunderstanding” between the couple, casting doubt on the rape claim. Both the man and the woman had asked for the police report to be quashed because they both wished to marry. The lower courts rejected the request, forcing the man to stand trial. During the trial, the woman decided not to provide any testimony, and being the only witness the court had no choice but to acquit the man. However, after the acquittal, the woman turned hostile and filed an appeal, which ended up in the Delhi High Court.
Delhi High Court Justice Pratibha Rani rejected the woman’s case. In a statement she made, Rani said that.
“This court has observed on a number of occasions cases where both persons, out of their own will, develop consensual physical relationship. When the relationship breaks up, the women use the law as a weapon for vengeance and personal vendetta. They tend to convert consensual acts as incidents of rape, defeating the very purpose of the provision. This requires a clear demarcation between rape and consensual sex, especially in the case where complaint is that consent had been given on promise of marriage,”
Justice Rani’s statement shows that at least one person in India’s legal system understands that women can file false rape claims against men.
Sources http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/court-acquits-man-in-rape-case-saying-some-women-term-consensual-acts-as-rape-after-break-up-326744.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rbbCqUSbs8 http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/women-term-consensual-acts-as-rape-after-break-up-delhi-high-court-1730100 
  Patreon Partakes in Partisan Politics
By Mike J.
Patreon has come under fire after the controversial banning of Canadian based, independent journalist Lauren Southern. The move seems to be related to Southern's involvement with the French based anti-illegal immigration and anti-human trafficking group Génération Identitaire. Earlier in May, Southern and members of Génération Identitaire were briefly detained by the Italian coast guard, although never arrested or charged, after attempted to halt a German NGO ship known to be ferrying illegal migrants from Libya to Sicily. According to Southern, the ship was empty at the time and was on it's way to pick up more migrants. In the letter sent to Southern by Patreon, they sum up their reasoning for the closing of her account by stating: "It appears that you are currently raising funds in order to take part in activities that are likely to cause loss of life."
Supporters of Southern were quick to point out that her banning seemed politically motivated and also hypocritical as Patreon hosts several Antifa related accounts who seem much more apt to cause loss of life than Southern herself. Patreon CEO Jack Conte took to YouTube a week later to attempt to explain the reasoning behind Southern's banning and to announce new policies aimed at making his company more transparent. In the video Conte states that Patreon will also be banning the prominent Antifa group "It’s Going Down" from their service. Conte further states that a warning system and appeals process are also in the works for user of the website. It's unclear if the appeals process, once in place, would apply to Southern but even if it did Southern has stated that she would not seek to appeal Patreon's decision and instead has opted to move to a different platform.
Source: http://bigleaguepolitics.com/patreon-changes-policies-response-backlash-banning-lauren-southern/  
  Millionaire Commits Suicide in Wake of Wife's Infidelity 
by L Kemlo
Sad story about a UK man.
Phil Smith, 52, committed suicide after suspecting his wife was having an affair after following to witness her with another man. Mr. Smith was a successful businessman and moved out of the £1.5m home he shared with his partner and their three daughters a few days before his death. Mr. Smith left delayed text messages to his children and friends before hanging himself in a rural holiday chalet. The owner of the chalet said that he had booked a couple times prior, one time paying and never showing up.
Mr. Smith had suffered a stroke in 2012 that left him with pain and depression. Mrs. Smith denies having an affair, saying that the stroke left him paranoid and that although they had talked about divorce they were working through the issues.
His daughter, Khianna, who worked with her father, said he had broken down in tears at the office on Tuesday, January 31 when he told her he had seen his wife with a man. Khianna said that he planned to see a divorce lawyer and was looking into flats to move into because the relationship was over. She said, "He loved her to bits but he couldn't see a future."
Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/millionaire-businessman-52-killed-himself-10890871
Check out the latest Honeybadgers episode.
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breakingtheglasses · 7 years
Southern VS Patreon, Court Acquits Man in Rape Case - Polecat Cast 120
Join us on the Polecat Cast as we discuss the news of the week, including a millionaire who commits suicide when his wife has an affair, a court in India acquits a man in a rape case, the Lauren Southern vs Patreon story results in policy changes, and more!
Show notes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/13566355
Help save the doge! http://www.feedthebadger.com/projects
Follow us on Minds! https://www.minds.com/HoneyBadgerRadio
Libsyn: http://honeybadgerradio.libsyn.com/
Support us monthly! http://www.patreon.com/honeybadgerradio
Support us one-time! http://www.feedthebadger.com
Show notes:
  Doctor Who Has a Personality Disorder... No, Seriously This Time… By Max Derrat
 When you think of the most toxic fanbases out there, what comes to mind? Steven Universe? Beliebers? Fans of Silent Hill (post number three)? In my time on the Internet, I have never seen a fanbase that is as omnipresent and crazy as the Doctor Who fanbase.
 Thankfully, I’ve been able to ignore the toxicity, as I still don’t know a single thing about Doctor Who aside from two things: a) multiple actors have played the character, and b) almost every person I have ever met that has contributed to my deteriorating mental health has been a Doctor Who fan.
 But nonetheless, it seems to me (and correct me if I’m wrong), that Doctor Who being a morphological entity is a core essential element of his character, hence why so many actors have played the role. Recently, it was announced that the world would be introduced to a female Doctor Who, that will be played by Broadchurch actress Jodie Whittaker. With the little knowledge I had of the character, it seemed to be a fun little experiment, as long as they weren’t trying to hamfist identity politics into the mix.
 But why in god’s name would I think that when I consider that a huge portion of this show’s fanbase comes from tumblr?! On top of the new Doctor Who being a woman, she is also going to be bisexual and have a lesbian affair. This is according to Michelle Gomez who plays the character of Missy in Doctor Who.
 Fellow Honey Badgers… dear viewers… please enlighten me as to why I am an ignorant slut on this issue?
Source: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz-tv/hot-tv/632867/female-dr-Doctor-Who-bisexual-lesbian-gay-affair-Jodie-Whittaker-Pearl-Mackie
   Indian High Court Judge Acknowledges Women Misuse Legal System By Andrew G.
In many countries throughout the world, people abuse the legal system for personal gain. In the U.S., the term “lawsuit happy” is often used to describe individuals who sue one another for the smallest infractions. However, India’s culture lends itself to a very different type of abuse of their legal system. Many Indian women bring forth suits against men for “raping” them. However, a large quantity of these cases are brought under false pretenses. Many involve such circumstances as a woman claiming that a man promised marriage before engaging in sexual intercourse, with that promise “unfulfilled,” a woman can cry rape. In many cases, if the woman is living with the man’s family at the time of the alleged rape, the man’s family can also be jailed.
This week in India, a Delhi High Court Judge presided over a case where a woman had appealed a lower court’s ruling acquitting a man of raping her. Before marrying the man in 2015, the woman filed a rape case. The man allegedly raped the woman after being forced to consume a sedative-laced drink. However, during an interview with police, the woman admitted that there was a “misunderstanding” between the couple, casting doubt on the rape claim. Both the man and the woman had asked for the police report to be quashed because they both wished to marry. The lower courts rejected the request, forcing the man to stand trial. During the trial, the woman decided not to provide any testimony, and being the only witness the court had no choice but to acquit the man. However, after the acquittal, the woman turned hostile and filed an appeal, which ended up in the Delhi High Court.
Delhi High Court Justice Pratibha Rani rejected the woman’s case. In a statement she made, Rani said that.
“This court has observed on a number of occasions cases where both persons, out of their own will, develop consensual physical relationship. When the relationship breaks up, the women use the law as a weapon for vengeance and personal vendetta. They tend to convert consensual acts as incidents of rape, defeating the very purpose of the provision. This requires a clear demarcation between rape and consensual sex, especially in the case where complaint is that consent had been given on promise of marriage,”
Justice Rani’s statement shows that at least one person in India’s legal system understands that women can file false rape claims against men.
Sources http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/court-acquits-man-in-rape-case-saying-some-women-term-consensual-acts-as-rape-after-break-up-326744.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rbbCqUSbs8 http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/women-term-consensual-acts-as-rape-after-break-up-delhi-high-court-1730100 
  Patreon Partakes in Partisan Politics
By Mike J.
Patreon has come under fire after the controversial banning of Canadian based, independent journalist Lauren Southern. The move seems to be related to Southern's involvement with the French based anti-illegal immigration and anti-human trafficking group Génération Identitaire. Earlier in May, Southern and members of Génération Identitaire were briefly detained by the Italian coast guard, although never arrested or charged, after attempted to halt a German NGO ship known to be ferrying illegal migrants from Libya to Sicily. According to Southern, the ship was empty at the time and was on it's way to pick up more migrants. In the letter sent to Southern by Patreon, they sum up their reasoning for the closing of her account by stating: "It appears that you are currently raising funds in order to take part in activities that are likely to cause loss of life."
Supporters of Southern were quick to point out that her banning seemed politically motivated and also hypocritical as Patreon hosts several Antifa related accounts who seem much more apt to cause loss of life than Southern herself. Patreon CEO Jack Conte took to YouTube a week later to attempt to explain the reasoning behind Southern's banning and to announce new policies aimed at making his company more transparent. In the video Conte states that Patreon will also be banning the prominent Antifa group "It’s Going Down" from their service. Conte further states that a warning system and appeals process are also in the works for user of the website. It's unclear if the appeals process, once in place, would apply to Southern but even if it did Southern has stated that she would not seek to appeal Patreon's decision and instead has opted to move to a different platform.
Source: http://bigleaguepolitics.com/patreon-changes-policies-response-backlash-banning-lauren-southern/  
  Millionaire Commits Suicide in Wake of Wife's Infidelity 
by L Kemlo
Sad story about a UK man.
Phil Smith, 52, committed suicide after suspecting his wife was having an affair after following to witness her with another man. Mr. Smith was a successful businessman and moved out of the £1.5m home he shared with his partner and their three daughters a few days before his death. Mr. Smith left delayed text messages to his children and friends before hanging himself in a rural holiday chalet. The owner of the chalet said that he had booked a couple times prior, one time paying and never showing up.
Mr. Smith had suffered a stroke in 2012 that left him with pain and depression. Mrs. Smith denies having an affair, saying that the stroke left him paranoid and that although they had talked about divorce they were working through the issues.
His daughter, Khianna, who worked with her father, said he had broken down in tears at the office on Tuesday, January 31 when he told her he had seen his wife with a man. Khianna said that he planned to see a divorce lawyer and was looking into flats to move into because the relationship was over. She said, "He loved her to bits but he couldn't see a future."
Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/millionaire-businessman-52-killed-himself-10890871
New Honey Badger stuff
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yeonchi · 6 years
Doctor Who Series 11 Review: Prelude
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I’ve touched on the topic of Jodie Whittaker being the Thirteenth Doctor late last year and fair to say, my views haven’t changed. I said that I would see how she does in the series before I make any judgements, and what better way to do that than with this new review series?
In this series, I hope to answer two questions for myself:
How does Jodie Whittaker’s performance set the bar for other Doctors after her, male or female?
Will the so-called “SJW/feminist/diversity agenda” affect the way I see and think about Doctor Who?
Given the fact that I don’t post or reblog a lot of Doctor Who stuff (since I only follow their official Tumblr and not a lot of their posts come up on my feed), this will probably be a first for some of my current followers. Those of you who know me by reputation will probably think that I would make a rant series either supporting or opposing the Doctor being female. Unfortunately, I don’t feel passionate enough about this series or this topic to justify making such a series - besides, there are more than enough people talking about this already.
Here’s how this series is going to go. Every week, I’ll be posting my thoughts on each episode of Series 11 and rating them on a scale out of 10 with half-points if necessary. I’ll also be doing this with the 2018 Christmas Special and later the rest of the Thirteenth Doctor’s run if I think each series is good enough to warrant a continuation of my reviews. Please note that each review will have spoilers, so the content will be hidden behind a cut - you will have to enter the post to continue. After the break, I’ll be stating the background behind this whole thing and giving a few thoughts about the trailers. Please feel free to follow me if you wish to follow this review series.
The casting of Jodie Whittaker has been an unprecedented and controversial experiment for Doctor Who. While I do feel some concern for the show and the fanbase, I actually don’t mind having a woman as the Doctor, particularly since we have seen cross-gender regenerations in the show. However, I think that there should only be a female Doctor after at least three or four male Doctors (so, based on an average of 4 years per Doctor, then every 12-16 years) - I’m a bit “meh” when it comes to every second Doctor, but if they do two female Doctors in a row, that’s when I know that the “feminist agenda” has probably corrupted the show, particularly given that Jodie Whittaker has identified as a feminist in an interview. Call me sexist if you must (though I would say that your assumed judgement is misguided), but I think that the Doctor’s predominant gender (that is, the gender for most of his incarnations) is male, and I quote this line from the General in Hell Bent as a basis for my belief:
“Oh, back to normal, am I? The only time I've been a man, that last body. Dear Lord, how do you cope with all that ego?”
Yes, I’ve heard from some commentators that this line has some misandric connotations, but I haven’t really thought much of it since it’s just a throwaway line to me. Basically, I’m trying to see both sides of the debate so I can understand why some people feel a certain way about the casting of the Thirteenth Doctor.
Up to this point, I’ve tried to steer away from any leaked material or sneak peeks relating to the new series - though I have watched a trailer or two and read a few news articles - so that I can do this review series on a clean slate with minimal bias as possible. I haven’t watched any shows or movies featuring Jodie Whittaker, including Chris Chibnall’s other drama Broadchurch. However, I have been concerned at the way Jodie Whittaker has been lauded for her role before the series was even broadcast. I get it, she’s the first female actor to play the Doctor, but can’t we just wait and see how she does? The gap between the announcement of her casting and the premiere of the series has only served to promote division and toxicity within the fanbase. The same goes for those on the other side of the debate.
Now, over the course of the build-up to the series, a lot of people have said some shit, including people working on the production team, people working in the media, fans who support a female Doctor and fans who are against it. One reason for why I’m writing this series is because I’ve seen some critics in the final category comment on the “SJW agenda” in Doctor Who. With this review series, I want to see for myself (to the best of my ability) if this agenda has really affected Doctor Who in the way that these critics have claimed. 
In the past couple of years, I’ve tried enlightening myself to the criticisms of political correctness and the social justice warrior (SJW) culture so I can understand why people opposing these concepts have their views. At face value, it may look like some people are opposing feminism, diversity or religion when in actuality, they have a deeper and more complicated reason for doing so. However, because I’ve been mostly unaware of a lot of these things before then, chances are that I won’t be that well-versed in those topics. We shouldn’t have to care or worry about these things, but the current social and political climate is making these issues hard to ignore.
From observation, people are okay with diversity, it’s just the way that they are going about it; filling quotas instead of hiring/casting based on talent and ability, pointing out the character’s identity every episode or using their identity to define them instead of giving them individual personalities. Like I said, I’m a bit dense in that regard, so it can be hard for me to pick up where diversity is actually being forced. Therefore, I would appreciate if people on both sides of the SJW debacle (toxicity will not be tolerated) pick up on anything I may have missed if they happen to stumble upon this series.
At this stage, I’m being carefully neutral towards everything that’s been going on, but if it becomes clear to me that the show is pushing an anti-male/pro-minority agenda, then my opinion on the series will probably change.
First thoughts on the cast
The first time I heard Jodie Whittaker, I thought she sounded like a deeper version of Jane Horrocks; think of her character, Fifi Forget-me-not from Fifi and the Flowertots, but 25 years older. I thought I wouldn’t be able to get that comparison out of my head, but after a few months, I managed to convince myself that their voices weren’t that similar.
Bradley Walsh is better known as the host of the ITV game show The Chase, which is broadcast daily on Channel 7 in Australia in addition to a local version on top of it. Even though I watch the show sometimes and like the format of it, I would never have thought that Bradley Walsh was an actor until I heard that he was cast as one for the new companions on the series.
Mandip Gill and Tosin Cole are new names to me, but they have been in a few other UK dramas. Given the diversity of the new cast, I have heard complaints that their casting (alongside Jodie Whittaker’s) was part of a “forced diversity agenda”. At this time, I don’t think that it’s a problem for me, but I’ll be watching to see how they do.
Looking at the trailers
Up to this point, I haven’t seen much of the Thirteenth Doctor to justify me giving a verdict on her yet. Heck, even her first scene in Twice Upon a Time was just her saying “Oh, brilliant!” then the TARDIS just starts exploding, causing the Doctor to fall out of it just as it disappears.
The trailers still aren’t enough for me either, but I’ll quickly run through them and state a couple of thoughts about them. Trailers are just scenes and lines taken out of context, so judging something based on that is probably jumping the gun. Regardless, here goes...
Series 11 Teaser, 15 July 2018
In wisps of light, we see the Doctor (Whittaker) taking a fish finger from Ryan Sinclair’s (Cole) plate and dipping it in his poached egg, giving Yasmin Khan (Gill) a pizza and replacing Graham O’Brien’s (Walsh) newspaper with a copy of The Beano from 1981.
Then we see some text - “The universe is calling”. Calling for who, I wonder?
And then the Doctor materialises for a brief moment before the trailer ends.
I’m hearing a few Northern voices in the teaser, so no doubt it’ll be set around that region. Okay, according to this article, the first episode will be based in Sheffield, so I’m a few months late to raise that mystery. Still, this is a divergence from the series’ usual setting in London.
Series 11 Trailer, 19 July 2018
The Doctor: “All of this is new to me. New faces, new worlds, new times. So if I asked, really, really nicely, would you be my new best friends?”
“Best friends...” Not sure if they’re phasing out the word “companion” because they think it’s outdated, because when I think about the two, I realise that the word’s getting a bit old as well. Then again, the companions that the Doctor has had over the years have been his friends, and some of them have been his best friends, which can be seen from the way he reacts to losing them or when he is about to lose them. Take a look at the Tenth Doctor with Rose or Donna, the Eleventh Doctor with Amy and Rory, and the Twelfth Doctor with Clara for reference. Sorry if I hurt your feels with the videos in the links, but you can’t say that I didn’t warn you about the spoilers. Is it just me, or have the companion parting scenes been done in two stages?
Once again, this is a trailer, so I can’t infer much from it. Regardless, it looks okay; it’s nothing that special for me (I’ll probably be saying this a lot throughout these reviews).
Release Date Trailer, 7 September 2018
A pop song in a Doctor Who trailer? Now that’s an unprecedented move to appeal to the kids. Nah, I’m not much a fan of that idea. The breaking windows and glass ceiling? Part of me thinks this is a metaphor for the Chinese/Japanese word for “unprecedented” (破天荒), while another part of me thinks that it is a metaphor for the “glasshearted” (玻璃心) fans who are against a female Doctor. The Doctor’s reaction and smug smirk kind of backs this up as a jab to those fans. Boy, don’t look in the comment section of that video.
Series 11 Trailer #2, 20 September 2018
The Doctor: “I’m the Doctor. When people need help, I never refuse.”
That’s nice.
Man: “Why are you asking her?” Ryan: “‘Cause she’s in charge, bro.” Man: “Says who?” All: “Says us.”
I’ve been hearing some complaints about the “feminism” in this scene, but if we take the Doctor’s gender away from the equation, then we have seen in the series that the Doctor takes charge when he has to, or if he is not available, gets his companion(s) to do it for him. At this point, I think these complaints are based on a scene taken out of context, so I might come back to that one when I’m doing the review for that episode.
The same song from the previous trailer is reused in this one - the song is “Glorious” by Macklemore featuring Skylar Grey, by the way. Disregarding the song and aside from the one scene I pointed out, there doesn’t seem to be any other problematic elements. Given everything I’ve learned, however, I’ll be treading into this series with caution.
Anyway, that is it for the introduction. Next week will be the review for the first episode of Series 11, The Woman Who Fell to Earth.
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uservillanelle · 4 years
Diff anon here - to me, the worse thing I've ever read about Jodie and that really pissed me off was that she had a incestuous relationship with her brother. Like why would you write something like that about someone? It baffles me how people are able to write shit like this (even as a "joke"). While it saddens me that I never got to see Jodie be more active on social media (I only joined the fandom last year), I can't say I blame her for wanting to keep her distance from these horrible people
Oh, right... I forgot about that one. I mean, the list keeps expanding in this case and I'm speechless. Like, this is OUTRAGEOUS. Is there something they haven't "joked" about? Everything is pretty much covered already. I, myself, joined the fandom almost a year ago and yeah I haven't seen any of such terrible instances for a while until recently few months back.
I wish someone explained to me why they are doing and saying such things about her. People shouldn't say things like that about ANYONE, let alone Jodie. I'm really sad for them and I'm seriously concerned about their mental state.
I also wish Jodie was more active but really, like you said, if I was in her shoes, I'd probably would leave social media as well. No one needs to see such terrible things being said about them for NO REASON. And this only encourages me to support her more and spread the love I have for her and hopefully meet even more people who love her and genuinely are interested in her as a person ans as an actress. Let's not let them take over the fandom and ruin it completely. We also have a voice. Remember that.
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uservillanelle · 4 years
I honestly really started to dislike the fandom because of twitter :( I really love the show and want to talk about it but people are just really damn mean to Jodie for no reason at all and that really frustrates me. I just want to follow the show and support the actresses without them being bullied and basically harassed. I just can’t take that toxic shit anymore
Yeah, they are really ruining it without even realizing just how much they are affecting the entire fandom AND the way the cast views us. Please stay out of twitter, you don’t need any more of the toxic stuff they tweet about. 
Just so you know, my inbox is always open if you’d like to talk about the show, Jodie or literally anything else! There are still MANY fans who adore the show and love Jodie and Sandra and are respectful. I think it’s important to remember that! 
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