#antiform sora
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From an art stream I did a few weeks ago, and the only thing of value I felt I did was this Anti Sora doodle.
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midnite-enjoyer · 1 year
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hello Kingdom Hearts fandom
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transpanda-1 · 2 years
Proshippers: "Antis don't interact!!!"
Anti-form Sora:
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mystigaron · 1 year
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anti form rage form antisora or whatever you wanna call him. very good #awesome stress reliever to draw
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dreamsy990 · 9 months
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the shadow you cast
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tharkflark1 · 2 years
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A first meeting :3c
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kingarmorking · 1 year
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and now that i have this. i can draw a certain scene from batb with him and riku 👀👀👀
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vitalitypopkat · 1 year
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recusant-s-sigil · 11 months
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He’s just hanging out
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localcryptideli · 11 months
I am not saying Riku is probably a direct descendant of Ephemer but I am just saying the ML girl we are all thinking is also a direct descendant inherited the silver hair+teal eyes (and in her case wavy hair although less curly than Ephemer) combo, and of all other silver haired characters only Ephemer, her, and Riki share that one.
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mythicalartistx · 11 months
Why Mickey is not to blame for leaving Aqua in the realm of darkness — He was busy
All the time I see people say how it's Mickey's fault for leaving her there for ten years— No doubt Anti-Aqua says that and makes him feel bad.
But the thing is he actually only left her there for 1.5 years if you want to say he left her there.
Cause he didn't know where she was for ten years. Ven was hidden and his heart has been lost, but nobody knew where he was except for Aqua. Aqua and Terra went missing and there was no sign of them.
Nobody was that close to Terra that realized Oh he and that person with no memory look oddly similar except he has silver hair.
Mickey didn't know Terra, he only knew Aqua and Ven. The closest people who would know his appearance well were dead, missing, or wouldn't help cause they're antagonists.
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So for several years they probably searched and had no clues also around that time Maleficent was cause chaos with the start of gathering the first few princesses of light' hearts. So Mickey probably had to deal with that.
Then when he realized what was going on and worlds being disappearing he took an opportunity to go to a world that's heart been lost and jump into the door of darkness to find the key that will help close the door
That's when he first finds Aqua and it's been ten years.
She sacrifices herself for Riku and then Mickey and Riku go through the realm of darkness until they get separated somehow. Riku reaches castle oblivion and then Mickey soon helps him and officially becomes his dad.
Then while Sora is asleep, Riku protects Sora and does everything he can to try and help him wake up.
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During this part Mickey and Riku separate for a bit. Mickey probably went to Yen Sid and was like Aqua is actually in the realm of darkness we need to save her.
And Yen Sid probably was like we don't have the capabilities or strength to do that, it's way too dangerous.
He probably also told Mickey about Organization 13 and how they're dangerous and needs to be stopped.
Once Sora wakes up he must make pathways to the other worlds and stop organization 13. Mickey also is trying to find Ansem the wise. So after all that happens they finally go back to the islands and Mickey is probably going to try to see what can be done about Aqua.
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But then wait Jiminy Cricket runs in and tells him about his journal. So they spend time doing that.
After all the journal stuff is over, Mickey informs Master Yen Sid and sends a letter to the destiny Trio that explained what happened.
Master Yen Sid then tells Mickey because of the stuff they discovered through the data in the journal that Riku and Sora must take the M.O.M. Exam because they fear of darkness uprising.
Then while they are taking the Exam, Mickey goes back to his castle cause Maleficent and Pete captured Minnie. Lea/Axel appears saves the day and then saves Sora from being turned to Darkness. And they realized what Xehanort is planning. They finally have the abilities to find Aqua now. Mickey is now free.
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It's only probably been a year and a half since. 1-2 is a year. The events of 2 probably took like a few months, coded probably took 1 month, DDD probably took 1-2 months. And 3 probably took about a few months too.
Reminder that Sora is in 15 for KH2 and KH3.
But they realize they need 7 lights and it's now their mission to find Aqua have Sora get the power awakening to wake up lost friends like Roxas.
Mickey and Riku goes to find Aqua.
And Aqua at the beach, she has trauma being there so long but when she sees ANSEM she says I'm staying here they'll come for me.
And the words she speaks to Mickey in her antiform are only half right. She was possessed by darkness of course she going to say the worse things. Like I don't think she really blames anyone.
It's kinda like people trying to blame one of the trio members in BBS— you can't.
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But it wasn't Mickey's fault.
He was busy and they did it as soon as they could which was about a year afterwards.
She has trauma but she was in there for about a decade. Nobody knew where she was for 10 of those years and then the remaining few years they tried at the best time to get her out
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When I first saw things relating I was like that's kinda plot hole, they didn't mention them before and was now just added but more I think about it. It kinda makes sense.
I feel like they could have gotten her out when Riku and Sora went to kh2 but she probably was at a deeper part of the dark world. But the point is they were all busy dealing with other things.
Yen Sid probably didn't want Mickey going alone. And Riku was literally using darkness and his form was Ansem, who knows what that would do to him if he went there and if he would ever get it back.
So after passing the exam, Riku went with Mickey where Sora eventually helped them out too
And It wasn't Mickey's fault.
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dualdeixis · 2 years
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[Image description: Two digital drawings. The first shows Roxas, Xion, Vanitas, and Ventus in a pink, simplistic, upside-down house on a yellow background. They are separated from each other as though by the panes of a window, and their combined silhouettes vaguely form an X-shape. The “roof” of the house has a heart drawn in it. Roxas holds one hand to his head with a bewildered expression as lightning bolts strike him. Xion sits with her knees to her chest and clutches at her head as a shooting star, resembling Kairi’s paopu fruit drawing, soars behind her. Vanitas is surrounded by flames and holds out his right hand to the viewer. Ventus sits on the throne in the Chamber of Waking with his eyes closed and hands folded over his chest. The text around them reads, in all caps: “I was struck by lightning walking down the street / I was hit by something last night in my sleep / It’s a dead man’s party, who could ask for more? / Everybody’s coming, leave your body at the door.” The text becomes big and blocky: “Leave your body and soul / At the door!”
The second drawing has a black background and shows Sora’s Heartless standing at the top; at the bottom, Sora in Antiform clambers forward and releases tendrils of darkness. The forms of Vanitas, Ventus, Roxas, and Xion emanate from behind him, with their faces drawn as dark silhouettes. Respectively, they each hold up a hand with one, two, three, and four fingers raised. The text around them reads, in all caps: “Don’t run away / It’s only / ‘Me.’” End image description.]
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Every step forward: Entry 22
Summary: In a canon divergent mini-series that will probably never end; Sabrina’s Nobody is told by Xemnas to keep watch on Antiform Sora in the days leading up to the Keyblade War. Through journal entries, the nihilistic Nobody relates how Antiform struggles to be between light and darkness, how they dodge the remaining members of the Guardians of Light, and how weirdly attached the two get over the course of several months. First | Previous | Next
AO3 link: here
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XXII: Self Projection
Vanitas gave us a little visit today. He said it was to check in on the beast’s progress- he and I both knew better the moment he actually looked at the cursed creature. Vanitas had gone deathly silent as he looked the beast over. He never brought down his helmet to show the growing hurt and hatred he had. The Unversed did that for him- a whole army appearing around us in moments time.
Then he spat at it. Declared the creature a failure, a broken heart. I wonder how much he was self projecting. The face Vanitas claims was that of Sora’s before all of this. I’ll spare details as they will be repeated elsewhere. Not that I can’t see the frustration. This heart was supposed to be strong enough to heal another. This heart gave Vanitas an identity when he was nothing more than a faceless puppet for Xehanort. Now it is a creature of darkness. Now it is a beast that acts only on instinct. It could be rather disheartening if you cared enough.
And I do not.
Some time after, we exchanged a few words of meaningless flattery with each other. My Other and the missing half of Vanitas had a certain level of chemistry. As Vanitas can feel what his Half has felt, a measure of adoration has been kept alive. I could care less about that connection either way. Vanitas gets a good ego stroke if I indulge him. Hearing his pleased smirk is an absent joy.
When I asked if he would grace us with his presence again, he immediately looked to the creature. He never gave an answer.
But we all know what he would have said.
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mystigaron · 2 years
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going to try and start posting here more often since i kind of want to branch out more. starting off by first reposting some of my twitter oldies
here's some anti/rage form sora drawings i've made since i do unfortunately suffer from stage 4 kingdom hearts brainworms
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asleepinawell · 15 days
i'm in some sort of Mood about finishing the kh series (for a given value of finished) since I've been playing it since kh1 on ps2 a million years ago but instead of dealing with that i'm going to write my mini retrospective of the titles based on my replay
rest below the line
story - 7/10. it wasn't the most interesting but it was the first and laid the groundwork for the series. maleficent had a lot of screentime which is always a big plus. love her evil ass. it's also the start of the 'kairi never gets to do anything ever and gets kidnapped every time she tries' persisting problem in the whole series
gameplay - 6/10. feels a bit clunky now in comparison to some of the newer ones. it was harder than some later ones, but mostly because of wonky control issues and not great boss fights. but it's very playable and fun still. mushrooms do a little dance and shake their butt at you. i will never not feel nostalgic about traverse town music. THANK GOD YOU CAN SKIP THE PRE FIGHT CUTSCENES ON RETRIES NOW OH MY GOD YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE ONE BEFORE THE DARK RIKU FIGHT WAS LIKE TEN MINUTES AND BACK IN THE DAY YOU HAD TO REWATCH IT EVERY TIME AAHHHHJHHH *i am tranquilized and removed from the room*
re: chain of memories
story - 8/10. i love the focus on the organization 13 internal drama. bitches are running around bad mouthing and killing each other. larxene is a constant joy. marluxia is pretty and goes swish swish and makes flowers. axel was an instant fave. zexion is a shitty twink and i do so love shitty twinks. there was some disney stuff too i guess
gameplay - 2/10. the first time i played it my brother was crashing at my apartment and watching me play and got very into making cool deck combos. so i had him do that for me and i did the combat and the fun sibling shenanigans got me through it. this time i quit after thirty minutes and watched the cutscenes on youtube. it's just so repetitive and meh
358/2 days
story - 7/10. that's too many soras! put some back! story was a bit slow at times but i did enjoy seeing the daily life of the organization and axel/saïx handling their divorce so so well. needed more demyx
gameplay - it's packaged as a movie now so i did not replay the game and can't fairly rate it. i remember it being not the best combat but not terrible for a ds game
story - 8/10. it would get higher but the fact the beginning is incomprehensible if you haven't played com and 358 loses it some points....i had not played com when i got kh2 and boy howdy. it made more sense on the replay of course and yeah it's a good story. obsessed with how maleficent remains one of the main recurring characters in this series and just Does Shit from time to time because why not. god forbid women do anything etc. also the gay divorce continues to go terribly. saïx is handling this so well i say as he goes into berserk mode again. needed more riku screentime tho
gameplay - 9/10. huge upgrade from previous titles. it was very fun and fluid. the form shifts were a great addition. there were a lot of options but it didn't feel overwhelming or like it disrupted combat. my only real complaint was it felt a bit too on rails at some parts... like cutscene, battle, walk three steps repeat. oh and i hated the gummi missions but i am a gummi hater in general. oh also antiform was amazing. sora can turn into a feral creature... as a treat
birth by sleep
story - 10/10. fuck i love birth by sleep. aqua my beloved daughter who is the most terrifying keyblade master ever. terra my troubled son who got fucked over by shitty adults on an hourly basis. ven the thousand year old little kid who has never caught a break once. also hey it's xehanort and he also has ex husband drama. only note is that aqua should get to say fuck
gameplay - 10/10. the command deck was right up my alley and command forms were the best form gameplay they've done. i loved how all three kids had a unique style and abilities. i loved melding cards and gems to make new cards. i enjoyed playing monopoly. i thought it was the best game in the series when i first played it and that remains true
story - 6/10. it was okay? it was largely a rehash but did add a few things. my friend and i kept saying welcome back alvis whenever data riku used a computer so that was fun
gameplay - this was also presented as a movie in the bundle so i won't score it. i don't even remember how it was from way back when i played it
dream drop distance
story- 9/10. the games that switch between multiple perspectives seem to be my favorites and i think it's partly that it makes the story more interesting. the time traveling norts were a bit wtf but that's just an inescapable part of the series. inspired me to get twewy which i will be playing next. MEOW WOW!!!!!
gameplay - 9/10. flowmotion was really neat and fit the style well. i loved the pokemon aspect so much you have no idea. i was a little sad you couldn't meld command cards but it would have been Too Much with all the other stuff going on. a few fights near the end had some really dumb mechanics (the type where when you look up a guide it just says good luck) but there were also some excellent ones. i do think it lost a little something in the port because the stylus on 3ds was important. however there is nothing is quite as satisfying as seeing meow wow hit xehanort with giant bouncy orbs so I'm willing to forgive it a lot
union x/back cover/dark road
story - 9/10. i was shocked how much i enjoyed the story of these. i got very invested and i was only watching the cutscenes, not playing. really interesting world building and the master of masters was an instant fave. one of the only kh titles that passes (barely) the bechdel somehow. also could be retitled as kh: dead kids, because boy did a lot of kids die! extra points for maleficent managing to set major events in motion twice and being very eh whatever about it. love her for that. and the backstory of the xehanort/eraqus divorce, of course. i love a good divorce
gameplay - didn't play this one, just watched ELEVEN HOURS of cutscenes. no longer available which is hilarious considering how much important lore is in it that is referenced in kh3. hopefully they make it into a single player offline game someday with better gameplay
fragmentary passage
story - 8/10. very short but filled in some gaps. i love aqua so i was predisposed to love this one
gameplay - 8/10. it felt like a rough draft for kh3 and that meant it didn't have all the annoying extra crap kh3 added in and played pretty smoothly. i liked the little puzzles. it was a unique game and i enjoyed it more than i expected
story - 6/10. the fact i had to sit through entire disney movies worth of cutscenes brings the score way down. we did not need to see 3 musical numbers in frozen. if i wanted that I'd watch the movie. i just wanted to play the damn game. the majority of the game is sora got benched and has to get his groove back which was very disappointing for the climatic finale to the series. once i got into the end game though it was much better (i would rate the later game stuff way above a 6 which just makes my frustration with earlier stuff worse). re:mind added in the bits i felt were missing and i came away satisfied overall with the wrap up. axel/saïx had divorce arc three and then got back together finally 🏳️‍🌈🥂🎉. xehanort/eraqus also got back together as they fucked off to be gay in the afterlife. finally we are free of the norts (OR ARE WE???) and the master and the foretellers are slated to come back next from the looks of things. maleficent continues to hang out in the wings waiting for opportunities to #girlboss and I'm excited too see what cataclysmic events she sets off next
so that's it. i did watch the brief melody of a memory scenes but there wasn't too much new there. i may watch the cs from the missing link beta at some point. otherwise it's back to my life long journey of waiting for the next title to drop
gameplay - 5/10. ugh. i bought the game when it came out but between the full length disney movies and the over saturated gameplay gimmicks i didn't get far. this time i powered through and by the end i was enjoying it for the most part because I'd figured out what things to ignore and how to avoid them. attractions were the worst addition to gameplay ever. everything was too flashy. way too many instances of being locked in a "cool" transition animation instead of actually doing combat which broke up the flow of things. i missed the command deck and how much it let you customize your play style. i didn't like the keys being locked to command forms as much as the bbs forms since it meant if you had a keyblade with better stats but hated the special on it you were kinda fucked. this became less of a problem as the game went but was still annoying. overall felt like a step back from the others. they tried to do too much. oh also why were there ten thousand instances of having to learn new controls for some new mini game in every area??? just let me hit things i am begging you. it really felt like they went for cool spectacles over satisfying gameplay
general notes on all of them: i enjoyed the story much more this time due to being able to play them in order. the fact they all released on different platforms originally made the complicated story even more confusing since i couldn't afford to buy a new system every time a new one came out. i really hope they veer away from that practice in the future but i kinda doubt it especially since they've got another mobile game lined up already. while the disney stories were fun early on it felt like the story outgrew them (except for the characters who were in the main story as well like mickey and maleficent) and they were kinda a drag by 3. i doubt they can move away from those since they're the whole gimmick of the series but it would be better imo. deeply worried they'll start bringing in newer disney acquisitions.
one of my biggest complaints about the series has always been how few female characters there are and how little many of them are used. it got slightly better later in the series but overall was still not great, especially for kairi. i kept wondering if they added stuff for her in re:mind due to complaints about this.... the dlc felt like an apology for several things tbh. aqua was great but she shouldn't be the only one and even she got upstaged in kh3 when she's supposed to be the third most powerful keyblade master. weirdly enough maleficent was probably the best written female character. really wild how much she wove into the plot and affected events so much without even trying to (especially in union x). she should fire pete though (i think she should hire demyx)
I'd like to see them let you play as characters other than sora more often since that was always really neat (he's had a billion games to himself now). I'd love a kairi and aqua game but i can imagine square and disney both clutching their pearls over female protagonists
something i noticed was that playing them when i was older i liked sora much better. when i started the series as a teenager i found him annoying. as an adult i have more sympathy and tolerance for teenaged boys who are Going Through It. growth or something
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thehandwixard · 1 month
its about freedom. mostly. luffy has the power to lighten a scenario just by being there and gear 5 takes that to its most extreme conclusion and i simply think kh desperately needs a shakeup like that atp. antiform will get sora there
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