demonic-pokeyfruit · 5 years
Onision's patreon accounts are goooone~
And Discord will be investigating his server!!
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What is your opinion on Kai?
Oh it’s very complicated.
From first hand experiance I know how abuse can change u into smthn ugly. For example, I was friends with a girl who would encourage her friends to talk shit about eachother, punish them if they didn’t talk shit, and then create drama using all of that shit talk. Even know I still struggle when it comes to talking about someone behind their back (though I’ve gotten much much better with it).
Of course this happened to Kai on a much more extreme level. I think the constant abuse from Greg has led him to desperately seek out the comfort of others (I think it was Lane who said they doubt Kai was actually into girls at all, this suggests Kai just a wants someone to love and care for him).
I also think that Kai is stuck in the mindset of a 17 year old and has never been able to grow past that.
Also, many ppl have different wishes as teenagers. Personally I’ve wanted to get married and have kids since I remember. I’ve never rlly wanted to study abroad and I’m open to being a housewife (or a neurologist, polar opposites I know). But Kai has stated multiple times that he wanted to be a guidance counsellor so he obviously wanted more from life than what he has now.
I also fully believe that Kai would never have been a groomer if it weren’t for Greg. Smthn like 90% of pedophiles are so because of abuse. 95% never commit a crime and a high percentage of them aren’t exclusively attracted to minors (just off the top of my head, don’t quote me). I think that Kai is attracted to teenagers because that the mental state that he’s trapped in. In Kais head he’s still a 17 year old.
He runs from responsibility, can’t deal with conflict and acts with others like a teenager would, always making a big deal out of everything and causing drama out of boredom.
Because of these reasons I can’t fully hate Kai, instead I have a degree of pity -not sympathy- for him cos I know what it’s like to be in those situations.
That being said, reasons aren’t excuses. And Kai has been dealt a horrific hand in his life, he has to deal with the consequences of destroying other people’s lives.
Whenever I think of Kai I just pity the person that they could’ve -and should’ve- been. And about how much better of a person he would’ve been if he had never met Greg. And that leaves a resounding sadness in me.
(Also he does shitty makeup and that makes the inner makeup addict in me gag)
(Sorry for the long ass post holy shit)
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hell0-ki7ty · 3 years
kai is a white british boy who is a hoe but istg all the girls simped for that piece of shit. not 'a huggable sweetheart' like urban dictionary says but a neeky motha fucka.
shal’s mouth ig
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kakigri · 8 years
Did anyone think that maybe the reason why Kai is back is not because you know there was or will ever be this sort of "nonexistent" romance that is about to happen between him and bonnie. But it is a way for them to undo the whole sleeping beauty curse, and unlink Bonnie's life to Elena's so that Elena can come back, since she is supposed to be back to begin with. (Or maybe is not even Elena coming back maybe it's Katherine, you know since people can come back from hell now, maybe Kai is not the only one that escaped, but that is another discussion all together). Since he is the one who cast it to begin with he can be the one to undo it? Cause It might just be me but, at least Enzo and Bonnie had "time" to get to know each other and fall in love 🙄,I will let that pass. But Kai and bonnie? Really like there was never anything indicating that Bonnie and Kai would ever get together EVER. Even after Bonnie stabbed him and left him in the prison world, if he had really changed and had found some sort of humanity after killing and merging with his brother, he wouldn't have been petty as fuck and pull the shit that he did. Instead he would have realized that she had every reason to leave his ass there in the first place after he done stab her and left her there to die... fuck. This is the end of the series they are bringing a bunch of people, fan favorites or not back, just so fans can have some some of closer and say goodbye. Bonnie dying would be a way better ending for her character then for her to end up with Kai come the fuck on, Plec is something, but she not that much of a something. And I am not just saying this because I am a Bamon fan either, this shit ain't gonna happen.
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retconomics · 7 years
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I’ve been thinking about what anti-Kai and anti-Hunter would be like...I’ve come to the conclusion that basically:
antiKai is a huge flirt that rivals Nevra and is a huge jokester who actually puts effort into his appearance
antiHunter  basically loves El, all its weird outfits, never wants to leave, and is nice to people and not a giant piece of sarcastic garbage,,,
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tea-books-lover · 7 years
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Review: Prodigy Prince by Natasha Sapienza
My rating: 4,5 stars
17 years old Prince Nuelle is the second son of the Supreme King Nifal, the creator of the Zephoris world and all its people. Even though the king is good and just, there's evil inside people's hearts and they rebel against him. The wicked, fallen prince Antikai wants him and his sons dead, which would result in chaos and destruction. The only hope for Zephoris is prince Nuelle discovering his destiny, but for that he needs the Acumen - a powerful book, containing his father’s prophecies - and six brave sentinels who’d fight on his side and help him fulfill his mission. Antikai will do whatever it takes to stop Nuelle and soon there will be no place in all Zephoris where the Prince could feel safe. Will love, courage and loyalty overcome darkness? And at what cost?
‘Prodigy Prince’ is the first book in YA high-fantasy trilogy ‘The Seven Covenant’ by the Cuban-American author Natasha Sapienza. She created a wonderful story, full of adventure, great characters and important, universal messages, all set in a unique, complex world.
At first it was a bit difficult for me to get into the story, as English is not my first language and I needed to get used to the specific writing style, typical for high-fantasy novels. But as I kept reading, it got easier and easier, and I quickly got involved in Nuelle and his friends’ adventures.
As I mentioned before, the world created by Sapienza is very complex: there’s one giant Kingdom, consisting of six smaller ones. The people of every kingdom look different and have various attributes, distinguishing them from their neighbours. Some people have extraordinary gifts and it’s up to them whether they want to use them for good or for evil. There’s also a lot of fantastic creatures, showing how rich the author’s imagination is. The story leads us through dark caves, mystic forests, ice-cold mountains, and many other magical locations - some of them I’d like to visit, and some of them I really, really wouldn’t.
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The characters are very well-written, it would be hard not to like Prince Nuelle and his six sentinels - three boys and three girls. Each of them is a unique, gifted person, and even though they all have their flaws and insecurities, they’re brave, loyal and determined to do what’s right, no matter the cost. I loved how their relations quickly turned into true friendship, and even though Nuelle is the prince, the son of the Supreme King, he never acts like he’s better than everyone else - he truly loves the people of Zephoris and he’s willing to do whatever it takes, even to pay with his own blood, so he can save them.
The book can be read as a regular fantasy novel, but as a christian I noticed so many Biblical truths and references weaved into the story, making it more than just a fun book to read and eventually forget, but also teaching some important lessons about the world we live in and its Creator.
If you like YA fantasy books, you might want to remember this title. It’s a wonderful, fast-paced, adventure-packed story about love, friendship, sacrifice, and the eternal battle between good and evil. I enjoyed it very much and I can’t wait to read the sequel.
I got an e-copy from the author through The Book Robin Hoods service. 
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littlewxtchaa · 9 years
I really wish they had kept the scene with Kai and Jo. Cause Jo is a fucking bad ass in it. And no, Kai, they put you away for murdering your siblings. Not being the defective twin. So get off your woobie ass and own up what you did. 
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doppelutiful · 9 years
I am not sure if I messaged you before? But I think I message saying something the lines of "Your blog is so amazing". :) And I see you hate Kai and no wonder why hahaha. I only like Kai as a villain but making his character kill his own sisters twins is HORRIBLE FUCKING DISGUSTING indeed.
I don’t think you did, but that’s okay :D. Thank you, though!
Yeah, I hate Kai... I mean, I get it that’s what villains do, but that scene reminded me so much of the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones (I don’t know if you watch it) I thought I’d puke, because it was literally the worst thing he could do... If after that scene there are still people who will ship him with Bonnie I think they may want to rethink their decisions, lol.
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doppelutiful · 9 years
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