#antoine has a very high alcohol tolerance
scaryscarecrows · 1 year
What are they (maybe including Jay) like drunk? Have any major secrets been spoiled that way?
Antoine: Sure, secrets have been spilled. To me, not by me.
Jimmy: I don't think he gets drunk.
Antoine: New Orleans Moonshine'll do it. Sometimes. Or that stuff from Frank's still, that worked.
Frank: I told you, boy, that was not your momma's liquor.
Antoine: It was good! But. Wow.
Jimmy: Pretty bubbly, I guess? I don't drink with people too often. It's a security risk.
Frank: Maudlin. I don't drink much these days, but I do make a nice batch. ;) Every now and again I'll get the hankerin' to be properly shitfaced.
Riley: Yeah...
Mark: He'll fight God, the Devil, and his own damn reflection.
Riley: And win!
Mark: Suuuure. I don't drink much. If I get called in, I can't be whee-oooo, so the most I have is a glass of wine or a seltzer now and again.
Trent: Sleepy. Night-night, motherfuckers.
Riley: >-) I'm not saying I glued faked butterflies on his head. I'm just saying it happened once.
Riley: They came off.
Jason: Never been drunk. Had a shot, once--I asked Dove, to be a smartass, right? My mistake--but my dad was...he wasn't too bad, when he was around and sober, but he was a dickish drunk.
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