#antonin arcelis
parabellvvm · 8 months
what would you trade the pain for? — TIMELINE
what would you trade the pain for? is supposed to mainly take place about 6 years before the events of Disco Elysium, when Dora packs her things and leaves Revachol and Harry behind, before he and Jean became partners in the RCM, and when he and Vincent officially meet.
the canon is extensive and might be chopped up into multiple fics rather than just under the what would you trade the pain for? (WYTPF ????) umbrella. im not really sure yet!
subject to change etc etc canon events = italicized fics written = purple
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YEAR '40 - The economic boom of the thirties comes to an end following a financial collapse.
YEAR '41 - 10 years ago > Vincent Travart's mother Maria Travart is killed in an unspecified accident. He is begrudgingly adopted by his uncle, Kenrick Faure, as a favor to his deceased mother. > The ficlet "Mother's Name" takes place about here.
YEAR '42 - 9 years ago > Joakim Virtaenen officially joins the RCM at 18 years old despite already serving a few years off and on as a civilian informant on local trafficking.
YEAR '43 - 8 years ago > Vincent joins the RCM at 18 years old at his uncle's insistence to prove himself man enough. Kenrick pays for his training. > Joakim is assigned to be Vincent's partner in the RCM.
YEAR '45 - 6 years ago > Joakim & Vincent find themselves in the right place and time to rescue a politician by the name of Antonin Arcelis, nearly abducted by who appear to be paid thugs. Antonin convinces Vincent to fudge his report, promising him a powerful favor. > Antonin, Vincent, & Joakim enter a dubious relationship. > Joakim breaks up with Antonin and reports his doubts in Vincent directly to Ptolemaios Pryce in an effort to gain his superiors' favor. The pair are barred from promotion and watched with a more careful eye. > Mikael Wyrzyk joins the RCM at 15 years old. > Dora Ingerlund breaks off her engagement with Harry du Bois. > The fic "what would you trade the pain for?" starts here. > Vincent encounters Harry for the first time, who is desperately looking for a way to distract himself. > Vincent breaks up with Antonin and gets into a situationship with Harry soon after.
YEAR '46 - '47 (estimate) - 5-4 years ago > Antonin disappears under mysterious circumstances, rumored to have been abducted. > Joakim is shot and killed during an investigation. Vincent believes his death to be related to Antonin's disappearance, but there is no hard evidence. > Despite the RCM's efforts, Antonin's case (and by extension, Joakim's case) goes cold.
YEAR '48 - 3 years ago > Vincent transfers to C Wing's "Major Crimes Unit" to work alongside Harry. Mikael, inspired, chooses to follow. > Mikael is assigned to be Vincent's partner in the RCM.
YEAR '49 - 2 years ago > Jean Vicquemare is assigned to be Harry's partner in the RCM (estimate). > A fire breaks out, damaging multiple old wooden houses on the edge of the Valley of Dogs. Kenrick is killed in the blaze, destroying the home and forcing Vincent to move into an apartment with very few belongings.
YEAR '51 - current > Harry, Jean, & Judit Minot begin an investigation in Martinaise after the death of a mercenary. Harry is left to complete the investigation and meet up with the Precicnt 57 contact, Kim Kitsuragi, alone. > Harry loses his memory. The game takes place within about a week. > Harry returns to working at Precinct 41. Kim requests his transfer from Precinct 57 to work alongside Harry. > Le Retour is predicted to happen in May by Shivers.
??? (at some point after Martinaise. unknown territory) > Vincent & Mikael are promoted to Sergeants, with Mack Torson & Chester McLaine transferring to another wing. > The case of Antonin's disappearance is reopened when new evidence is stumbled upon. Vincent & Mikael investigate, with the help of Harry & Kim. > Vincent is shot and nearly killed by a hired mercenary, losing an eye in the process. He is dismissed from the RCM due to the apparent disability and long recovery time. Harry & Kim resign from the RCM in turn. > Harry, Kim, & Vincent found their own investigative business.
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Harry du Bois - Year '07 // 38 years old as of '45 Kim Kitsuragi - Year '08 // 37 years old as of '45 Antonin Arcelis - Year '17, February // 28 years old as of '45 Ward - Year '21, January // 24 years old as of '45 // (estimate) Joakim Virtaenen - Year '24, June // 21 years old as of '45 Vincent Travart - Year '25, March // 20 years old as of '45 Mikael Wyrzyk - Year '30, September // 15 years old as of '45
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vvindication · 1 year
what would you trade the pain for? — 4. Solace
4.3k word count content warnings: implied homophobia, sexual harassment, canon-typical drug use
lots of themes and ideas within this chapter were inspired by @thegrimreaperisanerd's absolutely phenomenal HarryKim fics "Imprinting" and "DUCKLINGS THAT DROWN", highly recommend them to anyone who's enjoyed this one <3
Vincent Travart, diligent patrol officer of precinct 41 in the RCM, forms a bond with the infamous Lt. Du Bois when he fails to escape his own inherent need to help people — unwittingly exposing himself to the very beating heart of Revachol, a man who he will never be able to drive from his mind as it seems he's fated to shadow his every step.
read the full thing on AO3 💖
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"Am I ever going to see you again?"
Patterned sunlight filters through the windshield of the motor carriage, highlighting the pale lashes of his companion and shimmering in the strands of his hair, golden threads akin to spun honey. He smiles fondly at him from under relaxed eyelids. "Of course you will, officer." He reassures smoothly, his voice just as sweet.
Sitting forward, he slips into Vincent's space with practiced ease. The soft tips of his fingers stroke up along the ridges of his knuckles and their lips meet with the barest hint of a kiss. The officer sighs out through his nose at the contact, eyes closing. Everything about this man - his smell, his touch, his taste - radiates a certain warmth. He lingers in it, soaking it in, committing the texture of his lips to memory.
A cough from outside breaks the momentary bliss. Each of the two men quickly retract into their respective seats, one looking far more guilty than the other as he shuffles back into his place and casts his gaze at the floor.
"I've got that station call for you, Mr. Arcelis." Joakim announces himself as he steps up into the driver's side of the vehicle, fixated on the slip of paper he holds in his hand. He doesn't once look up from it, even as he addresses the man eyeing him warily in the adjacent passenger seat. "This station call obligates you to return to Precinct 41 …"
Near word for word from the days of training, the routine easily fades into meaningless speech. Instead, Vincent watches Arcelis as he reluctantly takes the form in his delicate grasp and scans over its dutifully filled out sections. Slowly, he nods in understanding, though his pale eyes shine with a certain apprehensiveness.
He keeps his silence, even after his partner has seen fit to dismiss him with a near guarantee of another eventual meeting.
"What the hell was that, Travart?" A few minutes later Joakim pulls over onto a quiet street among the sprawling network of Central Jamrock's old buildings and turns in his seat to face him, wide-eyed. He's gripping the steering lever with a tight grip, even after he's parked and the engine is cooling with inactivity.
"Was what?" He snaps back. His shoulders have been hunched and at the ready ever since they'd stopped in the first place. Tension is curling like a tightening spring in his chest, winding up further, further …
He scoffs in disbelief. "What if someone had seen you?" The other's mouth opens, yet he remains wordless. "They don't need more fuel for the mill."
"The - mill?" Even as he asks, understanding dawns on his features. "Wh - What? You're not going t-to …" Vincent struggles, producing not much more than a vague sound of confusion in his throat.
"Report you?" He guesses. As he looks back at him with a leveled gaze, a twitch in his expression suggests that he's genuinely considering the idea after speaking it into existence.
It takes some time for him to recollect from that line of thought. "I-I'd expect that, no, you're - not going to start calling - calling me slurs?" He lets out a little cynical laugh, bitter in tone, "Telling me h-how I'm -"
"The fuck you take me for?" Joakim recoils, apparently taken aback. Quickly, he resumes upholding his stern disapproval. "Sorry, excuse me. I don't want any part of that. You need to be careful."
Vincent's mouth is uncomfortably dry when he runs out of words to say, mind flickering with half-thoughts as numerous as the raindrops that begin to drum against the roof. At the sound, he pulls open the door and steps out into the empty street.
His partner calls his name with concern.
Standing under the sky, he lifts his head and lets the moisture slowly seep into his uniform. It's a welcome reprieve from the past week of heat that had soaked into the very bones of the city in much the same manner, gutters fervently drinking up the offering of succor they've finally been granted. His hair is rinsed of gel by the increasing torrent in a mere minute. The lenses of his glasses spotted with water, the cloudscape above blurs into unremarkable paint strokes of grey.
The voice shudders through him like a sudden gust of wind - the inside of his skull coming alive with overwhelming dial tones and the sound of phones ringing in their handsets, desperate to be answered. He wraps his arms around himself, ducking down into his coat, but he's stood in the rain too long. He's shivering uncontrollably, teeth chattering.
He turns back to the safety of the motor carriage only to stop dead when he glimpses the lieutenant standing a few paces away in the street. His green blazer is drenched without his issued cloak to protect him from the elements, weighing on his shoulders and dragging him down into the muck that's been swept downhill.
Vincent steps toward him, reaching out. "… Harry?"
Joakim grabs his arm, a vice-grip that floods sudden adrenaline into his veins. He's forcefully twisted away in a rush, the world around him blurring. "What do you think you're doing? You're an officer, not a socialite."
Dread comes over him, pierced into the marrow of his bones. "Let go -"
"You know you're playing with fire," he's muttering in a hushed tone now, "sneaking around with a politician, a suspect." With every word spoken he closes the distance between them, until he's pulled Vincent flush against his chest, coppery breath hot on his face.
Attempting to wrench himself free, he finds his arms too weak to fight him off. "S-Stop, stop, Joakim, th-that hurts -" he hisses out between his teeth, muscles contorting further in a wasted effort to keep any amount of distance between them.
"Be my rescue," the discordant yet familiar phrase tumbling from his mouth sends a jolt through his system - "just for tonight." The man's tongue finds his throat, trails up the line of skin, and he gasps - thrashing in place and ripping at the fabric of the other's shirt. He fights him like an animal cornered, bearing claws and fangs, until he can hardly breathe anymore. His lungs burn with exertion.
Gulping for oxygen, he chokes instead - brackish water filling up his lungs in its absence. Vincent blinks rapidly and fights for consciousness as sunlight flickers on the surface of the waves above him, so far out of reach.
Coughing like a man dragged from the Esperance itself, he wakes abruptly with the blankets thrown from his bed in fitful sleep. There's a dull ringing in the kitchen as the phone calls for his attention, another eagerly awaiting an answer on the other side, but he can't bring himself to force his aching body to act. He's still shaking, heart rapid in his chest as he adjusts back into the world of reality.
Eventually the officer slumps back onto his mattress and wipes the sweat from his forehead, then unsteadily pulls the covers over himself once more with a suppressed shiver. It's far too cold of a morning for this.
read the rest on AO3 💖
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blogdemocratesjr · 9 months
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Jeanne D'Arc by Antonin Mercié, Art Institute of Chicago
Asked what language her Voices spoke: “They speak better French than you!”
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celestialtulip · 7 months
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Final (?) drawing for a linocut based on Mercié’s Jeanne d’Arc. Might fiddle with the decorative border some more.
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essentialmoviegifs · 2 years
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The Passion of Joan of Arc / La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928, dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer)
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raymadrigal · 4 years
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A Loving Study Of Antonin Mercie's Joan
gouache and flocking powder on cold press paper
9 x 12"
©R. Madrigal
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 month
not exactly disappointed by the news that opla s2 will cap at drum island bc while im obviously terrified of the show getting cancelled before getting to alabasta it's like. that is the arc that made me (and a lot of other people i think) fall in love with the series as a whole it's one of the best shounen arcs (or tbh in all anime) ive ever seen and it needs to get it's due. like you need time to define the stakes....alabasta took the time to unpeel layer after layer of different kinds of suffering that was going on in the country like the pain of the citizens and vivi's utter desperation were so so so crazy that by the time you got to the end and they play ANTONIN DVORAK'S SYMPHONY NO 9 as crocodile is defeated and the rain starts to fall and vivi can finally stop screaming her lungs out and say "the nightmare is over" and you the viewer is like haha holy shit. the nightmare is over. so yeah im good with alabasta being an entire season 😃👍
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wht-am-i-doin · 5 months
Driver's Ranked by Year
Ok, this is going to be a long one because I don't want to spam, so everybody buckle up
Disclaimer: This is not my personal ranking of the ships, this is purely based on how I view the historical event that takes place in the year that the numbers make up. I will happily further explain any of the events, my analysis of the events with the ship, and why I ranked them that way if anybody is interested. I tried to get a variety, but I am better with western history so there is more of skew towards western history. I have used both CE and BCE years to create more variety. As with everything with RPF, I do not believe any of these drivers are together and this is all in good fun, if you don't want to view it as ships view them as teammates! All images are pulled from google.
okie dokie here we go, Hope you enjoy!!
*means that it is in the area of that time period and do not have exact date or may occur over multiple years
1. Maxiel - 31 BCE
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Jesus was crucified in 31 BCE
2. Simi - 75 BCE
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Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and demanded a higher ransom in order to be saved
3. Lestappen - 1633 CE
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Galileo was convicted of Heresy for saying the earth goes around the sun
4. Brocedes - 644 CE
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Zenkoji temple is built by Empress Kogyoku
5. Zhou + Mick - *4724 BCE
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Earliest form of photo-writing in history
6. Yukierre - ~2210 BCE
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Hale Bopp comet is seen and won't be seen again until 1997 CE, about 4,000 years later
7. Landoscar - ~814 BCE
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Homer was born
8. Fernando + Esteban - 1431 CE
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Joan of Arc is burned at the stake
9. Zhou + Valtteri - ~7724 BCE
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Tollmann's hypothetical bolide which led to global cataclysm, i.e. the great flood
10. Loscar - ~812 BCE
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Olmecs began to build their pyramids, earliest pyramids from mesoamerica
11. Lewis + Charles - 1644 CE
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one of eight years to contain each roman numeral once- MDCLXIV
12. Oscar + Zhou - ~2481 BCE
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Construction of Stonehenge
13. Esteban + Pierre - ~3110 BCE
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Narmer reigns and unifies Egypt for the first time
14. Carlos + Max - 551 BCE
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Confucius was born
15. Sewis - 544 BCE
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Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, was born
16. Esteban + Lance - 1831 CE
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Victor Hugo publishes the Hunchback of Notre Dame in Paris
17. George + Lewis - ~6344 BCE
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Great Britain and Ireland separated from the main land and became Islands
18. Oscar + Max - 181 CE
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Lake Taupo Volcano erupts in New Zealand and is seen in both China and Rome
19. Max + Lewis - 441 BCE
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Sophocles writes Antigone, one of the first greek tragedies
20. Lewis + Valtteri - ~7744 BCE
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Agriculture starts to develop in the Americas
21. Fernando + Lance - 1814 CE
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The Great Stock exchange fraud is exposed in London
22. Logan + Alex - 232 BCE
Gaius Flaminius distributes land to Plebians after the Punic Wars in the North
23. Lando + Daniel - 43 CE
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Roman conquest of Britain
24. Lando + Max - 41 BCE
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Mark Antony meets Cleopatra VII
25. Charles + Pierre - 1610 CE
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Tragedy of Macbeth's first performance
26. Nico + Kevin - ~2027 BCE
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The Epic of Gilgamesh is written
27. Galex - ~2363 BCE
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Hekla 4 eruption with a VEI 5, explosive eruptions, but nobody was hurt
28. Charles + Lando - 164 BCE
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Halley's Comet makes its appearance, occurs once every 75 years
29. Checo + Max - 111 BCE
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Spartacus was born
30. George + Lando - 634 CE
The Siege of Damascus
31. Carlando - 455 CE
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King Generic sacks Rome
32. Charles + Carlos - 1655 CE
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Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is discovered
33. Charles + Sebastian - 165 CE
Antonine plague decimated the Roman Empire and China
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kw3r1i · 16 days
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Study of Joan Arc by Antonin Mercie.
Trying to learn how to draw different materials and it's very fun until it's a rusty metal lol
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parabellvvm · 6 months
look im not going to start posting on here regularly again bc fuck this website but I just had the biggest fucking epiphany that is so obvious ANTONIN IS TRANSFEM SHE'S FEM HOW DID I NOT SEE IT SOONER. ITS IN MY OWN TEXT !!!!!
there's literally a plot where after Antonin's disappearance a woman shows up that looks uncannily like him that I was plotting might be his twin sister or someone else related. ITS HIM. ITS HER. SHE RAN AWAY AND TRANSITIONED CONGRATS GIRL WHATS YOUR NEW NAME AND PRONOUNS
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vvindication · 5 months
got this 🤏 close to changing Antonin's last name until I realized I cant have Harry make the Arse joke in my fic with it anymore if I do. sorry girl. Arcelis it is
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blogdemocratesjr · 1 month
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Jeanne d’Arc by Antonin Mercié
Touch Gallery: Joan of Arc
The sculptures in this gallery have been carefully treated with a protective wax so that visitors may touch them.
—exhibitions, the art institute of chicago
Stone soldier, it's okay now. I've removed my rings, my watch, my bracelets.
I'm allowed, brave girl, to touch you here, where the mail covers your throat, your full neck, down your shoulders to here, where raised unlatchable buckles mock-fasten your plated armor.
Nothing peels from you.
Your skin gleams like the silver earrings you do not wear.
Above you, museum windows gleam October. Above you, high gold leaves flinch in the garden,
but the flat immovable leaves entwined in your hair to crown you go through what my fingers can't. I want you to have a mind I can turn in my hands.
You have a smooth and upturned chin, cold cheeks, unbruisable eyes, and hair as grooved as fig skin.
It's October, but it's not October behind your ears, which don't hint of dark birds moving overhead, or of the blush and canary leaves
emptying themselves in slow spasms into shallow hedgerows.
Still bride of your own armor, bride of your own blind eyes, this isn't an appeal.
If I could I would let your hair down and make your ears disappear.
Your head at my shoulder, my fingers on your lips—
as if the cool of your stone curls were the cool of an evening— as if you were about to eat salt from my hand.
Mary Szybist, "Touch Gallery: Joan of Arc" from Incarnadine
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roses--and--rue · 2 years
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Jeanne d’ Arc, Antonin Mercie, 1875-1900.
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celestialtulip · 15 hours
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So remember that Joan of Arc sketch I posted like 6 months ago? I’m pleased to present the finished linocut version.
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malichev · 1 year
I believe that tomorrow, regardless of what happens, will be the way to separate who is really with the federation and who is not. I saw some posts saying that since qAntoine can shapeshift, he would be the guard who spoke to qCellbit. It's a strong possibility. But I question whether qAntoine really works for the federation. There are two cucuruchos, perhaps Osito is the one Antonine was talking about and it is possible that they both dislike Cucurucho. Cucurucho is 100% faithful to the Federation's style of control. And that's why he makes enemies even at work. We know that workers like Walter Bob are allied with the revolution, so there may be other workers in the federation who think the same. So maybe tomorrow's mission isn't simply someone trying to trick qCellbit, maybe it's actually a way to separate who is truly for the Federation and who is against it. I don't think they'll be able to kill Cucurucho, but the bear failing at something is already an achievement. Another point is that someone is mounting a revolution and is trying to know which members of the island to call to the team. This event will provide some answers. And if the mission is successful, Cucurucho may want to use qFoolish now to arrest the rebels. I just wonder how qJaiden will react to the possibility of the 2 Cucurucho hating each other. Because she wanted to protect both of them. Quackity was right when he said that tomorrow the QSMP could change completely. A new, less peaceful arc.
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ultfreakme · 7 months
your post about sokka's sexism arc is so fucking real because the way people were mad about it is crazy. that arc could work in the sense that it's clearly something specific to sokka rather than a southern water tribe thing but like. does everyone forget how dumb and over-the-top it is in the original show in a way that, like you said, doesn't even make sense? it was clearly only meant to be an obstacle for the kyoshi warriors episode, so toning it down is not that big of a problem. especially since native fans have expressed their dissatisfaction with the original show's representation of their cultures anyway. the real enemy is whatever they've done with katara's and aang's arcs lmao
Sword and Pen Reflections made a really good point about how in the cartoon, the shift from "women are only good for household chores" to wearing a women's uniform and never being sexist again in like, 3-4 hours at most was too quick. It works in a cartoon because cartoon is all about exaggeration, but when a live action is involved you immediately implement real life social rules so even if Sokka's arc was one-for-one, it'd have actually been worse because like which man in reality has ever switched that fast? And yeah lbr the OG was not good indigenous or native culture rep of any kind.
A lot of people who went to the premiere and big name youtubers like The Avatarist and Antonine Bandele have said that the one-to-one copy shots were actually doing worse in capturing the essence of the original in comparison to the modified shots.
I think, considering the pacing and the fact that it's live action, the changes that seem egregious for the og show, might actually benefit the live action. Example, I know people were freaking out over it being said that the number of times Aang enters the avatar state has been cut down. Which, fair. But in the live action, ep 1 goes through the first 3 episodes. So he's in the avatar state thrice; when he bursts out of the iceberg, fight with Zuko, the Southern Air Temple.
The specialty of the Avatar state was its rarity, and it feels more rare when it's episode by episode in the OG but doing it three whole times in one episode of the LA would just leave people confused.
A lot of the Aang and Katara changes, I think, are going to be done to take into consideration pacing and medium. I really haven't heard anything too bad wrt Katara, though I am a little miffed about a couple of Aang changes, but I don't think it's going to make character arcs crumble.
We'll know soon anyways, Feb 22nd is soon approaching and we can finally make our judgements for sure then.
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