#antonio fernandez carrierdo
doueverwonder · 2 years
I have 99 problems and Canon names is all of them. 
As the title suggests, I don't like most canon names haha. So I use a bunch of different ones, some are the same, (the US, Canada, China, Russia, for a few) but most are different from Canon/Usual names. So I figured, dump them all in a list right here.
Australia: Jack Wilson Austria: Roderick Edelstein. Belarus: Natalya Misilevič Belgium: Emma Maes Canada: Matthieu Williams China: Yoa Wang Cuba: Carlos Pérez-Amaral Cyprus: Neoklis "Niko" Constantinou Czechia: Adéla Černy Denmark: Harald Hansen Egypt: Omari Amhad Finland: Kasper Väinämöinen France: François Martin Germany: Friedrich L. Schmidt Greece: Heracles Pantasiz Hungary: Erzsébet Erdős Iceland: Ari Sigurdson Ireland: Molly O'Donnelly Italy Veneziano: Feliciano Vesta Japan: Kiku Honda Kugelmugel: Franz Edelstein-Erdős Latvia: Raivis Ozola Liechtenstein: Liesl Vogel (Formerly, Edelstein-Erdős) Lithuania: Tolys Žukauskas Ladonia: Arvid Gustavson Luxembourg: Henri Majerus Mexico: Rosa Gómez-Figuero Moldova: Aurel Popa Monaco: Lucilla Martin Mongolia: Batu Netherlands: Eitel Van Dijk New Zealand: William "Liam" Robinson Norway: Sigurd Karlsen Poland: Feliks Lewandowski Portugal: Dionísio Acosta-Silvia-Quintal Prussia: Gilbert Von Beilschmidt Romania: Lucian Popa Italy Romano: Lorenzo Vesta Russia: Ivan Fedorov Sealand: Peter Kirkland Seychelles: Angelique Vidot Slovakia: Evžen Novák Spain: Antonio Fernandez-Carrierdo Sweden: Björn Gustavson Switzerland: Aldrich Zimmerman Ukraine: Kateryna Alekseev England: William Kirkland Scotland: Angus Kirkland Wales: Dylan Kirkland N. Ireland: Fiachra Kirkland USA: Alfred F. Jones Wy: Holly Wilson This is missing some I'm aware, but the rest are mostly oc's/ancients that can just be named as we go along
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Su cautivo.
|| title translation: His captive.
APH Spain x Fem! Reader
police! AU
Sitting in his office, the young officer grumbled to himself. Paperwork in hand, he got down to work not before checking the clock on the office wall.
Ah, his shift would be over soon, how wounderful! And if he got really lucky, he could maybe catch a glimpse of his beloved at just the right time... A dreamy sigh escaped Antonio's lips as he held his warm cheeks with his gloved hands. Just the mere mention on (y/n)'s name was enough for the Spaniard to lose all control of himself but he needed to stay focused. Thanks to his position, he was able to learn a lot more about (y/n). Her job, where she lived, etc, etc. He liked to make sure that she wasn't hanging around the wrong crowd, Antonio could never forgive himself if he ever let something happen to (y/n)!
The two of them met suddenly, almost as if God himself decided that the two were made for one another!... At least, that was the case in Antonio's derranged mind that is. In his eyes, (y/n) was the sweetest little angel that could do no wrong. Yeah, she had some fire to her but the Spaniard liked that. He liked that a lot, actually. She made his dull life a lot more exciting and he found himself craving her presence each and every day. Only her smile could cure his sadness, only her touch could make him feel complete. Oh yes, Antonio was deeply in love with (y/n) but somewhere along the way his feelings started to become a lot more twisted. He really didn't want to admit it but he was a jealous and possessive man. For someone so carefree he never thought that such a horrible feeling could ever take ahold of him, but that was the kind of power (y/n) had over Antonio.
She made him do and feel certain things he had never felt before, it was almost as though he was under some sort of spell. But he was perfectly content with being under that spell, and as a matter of fact he absolutely adored it!
As much as he wanted to though, he simply couldn't do whatever he pleased. He was a man of the law, and he wanted nothing more then to protect those around him. He became a police officer to ensure the safety of others and he loved his job. In fact, if it wasn't for this job, he never would have met (y/n)! Recently she came to Spain to vacation with her friends and he had to give her a parking ticket. She was so flustered the first time they met and Antonio found it so difficult to be fair. He could tell that she really didn't know any better, but he had to still give her the ticket. Still though, he couldn't completely hold himself back, calling her a beauty and sending a cheeky little wink along her way. Ever since then, the Spaniard had watched intently, finding the girl to be utterly irrasistible. He kept track of her activities and he made sure to bump in to (y/n) a couple of times too. To his delight she wasn't bitter to him at all, instead she would greet him with the sweetest of smiles. They would talk and chat for hours and hours, and Antonio always somehow found a subject that she liked. The way her eyes gleamed with joy when she spoke about her hobbies and passions was just so precious. He could have sworn that the (h/c)ette could hear his rapidly beating heart....
He also always made sure to be nothing but charming and patient with (y/n). She was falling for him, he was sure. He was so sure in fact that he even found several ways to sabotage her little trip. He always found a way to get her in trouble and he always managed to separate her from her friends. He was always there on time to save her, and (y/n) was always oh so happy to see him. They were meant to be, he knew it, he just did!
Reaching for his back pocket, he pulled out a pair of sturdy handcuffs. They gleamed brightly under the officle lights, as if they were tempting Antonio. He could already imagine her two soft hands cuffed, him leading her away somewhere... A dark smile formed itself on Antonio's handsome face as he decided to do something he wanted to do for so long now.
Walking down the dimly lit street, Antonio made his way towards a club. There were a few calls in regards to the noisy club but this was also a great oppurtunity for Antonio to capture his sweetheart. He could already pitcure her petrified face as he took her away all for himself... He was so selfish, wasn't he? Wanting all of that beauty and glory for himself only!
Pity he didn't give a single damn.
Kicking the door down, he raised his gun up in the air shouting "Police, no one move!" In front of him were two young men who have gotten in to a fight and in between him was the person he was looking for... Talk about good luck! The entire club fell silent as Antonio examined the room quickly. Various wine bottles were shattered to pieces as several guests had small injuries on themselves. He alerted his colluges and the hospital. In the meantime, he calmed everyone down but he paid special attention to (y/n). He could see her shock from miles away and Antonio wanted nothing more then to ease her worries. He decided to take his chances as he approached (y/n) to "arrest" her. He quietly mumbled in her ear how she was an important witness and that he needed to question her at the police station. She relaxed a little, but still bearly walked along side Antonio. Her hands were cuffed at the back as the metal held on tightly on to her wrists. Antonio made sure to cuff her tightly, aftrer all he can't let her run away! She was being such a good girl now, obeying all of his rules. A scarlet blush tinted his cheeks as he and (y/n) entered the car. A goofy smile was on the brunette's face as his green eyes focused on the (h/c) beauty through the rear view mirror. He knew that he had to pay close attention to the road in front of him but he couldn't help but to steal a glance.
By now (y/n) had realized just how wrong all of this was. She hadn't done anything wrong, and no matter how much she saw she still couldn't be that important to be held up for questioning, right? Not to mention the way Antonio stared her down sent shivers down her spine. The way his eyes stared down her figure was nothing short but predatory, and being both in the same car as him really didn't help to ease her situation. The entire car ride was intense as heavy rain started to pour down, the ocassional thunder roaring loudly through the sky. (y/n) shook up a bit, the latest lightning bolt slightly scaring her.
How adorable was she?!
After a few silent minutes, the duo was now in front of the police station. The building was dark as the heavy rain tapped against the car window, making the tense atmosphere more unsettling. She could tell Antonio was planning something but she had no clue as to what that was. She tried to wiggle her hands but the metal cuffs were just far too tight. Noticing her small escape attempt, the Spaniard smirked, feeling pleased with himself. Reaching in to his front pocket he took out a small syringe. A dark glint formed itself in his forest green eyes as (y/n) stared helplessly at the mysterious liquid. She wobbled and shook in her seat, trying desperately to somehow open the car door. Salty tears pricked her eyes as Antonio grew closer, almost breathing down her neck by this point. She whimpered, cried, begged Antonio not to hurt her.
Silly girl, can't you see that he wants to protect you? Being by his side means guaranteed saftey and comfort and that was all he wanted to give to his darling. With nowhere else to go, Antonio gently pricked (y/n)'s soft neck with the syringe, a loud whimper escaping her in the process. Soon enough her vision became foggy as her heart pounded in her chest madly. A sweet and loving voice filled her ears as Antonio sung her a little song in hopes of calming her down.
She was his to take and his to keep, and now she was finally his to love as well.
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Flames of passion.
Pirate! AU
Yandere! APH Spain.
The salty air of the sea was almost entierly blocked thanks to the disgusting smell of smoke. The once clear blue sky was now filled with terrible smoke, and the usually merry townsfolk were now all running and screaming for their lives. Wicked laughter and cries of terror ran through the thick air as the (h/c)ette ran from her house, her family. She cried and cried, feeling so angry at herself for leaving her own mother in the fire. Even now, the voice of her mother rang through her mind as she screamed at her to run, to run far, far away and to never come back.
"They are pirates (y/n), they show no mercy! I beg of you, just go! Live out your life my darling!!"
A loud sob left her mouth as she continued to run, all the while looking at the place she used to call home. Her friends and neighbours were all being slaughtered and there was nothing that she could do. The once wounderful and colourful shops that stood by the end of her street were nothing more but mere ashes now. Her mind was in a daze, she just couldn't believe that this was happening. What did these pirates want?! This town had nothing to offer! Almost no nobles lived here, and the town wasn't very rich either. The pirates just appeared out of thin air, swords and guns ready. "Find the treasure!" they shouted.
"Find the most beautiful treasure in all of the seven seas!!"
The young maiden had no clue about what treasure they were talking about. These pirates were clearly delusional-! She continued to run as fast as her legs would carry her, but before she knew she had collided on to a firm back. Her vision was blurry due to the tears that ran down her cheeks, but the only thing she was able to make out was red.
The man in front of her turned his back, and the moment his green gaze had landed on (y/n), he shouted at his men to stop. With his hand raised high in the air, the men stopped whatever they were doing and stared at their captain, eagerly waiting for his next order. His gaze softened when he saw that the (h/c) beauty was shaking beneath him. A small but hungry smile framed his sun kissed skin as he lowered himself down to her level. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, he had finally found her! His sweet love, she was right in front of him! Oh this was so perfect, he felt as though he was in a dream. He lost count of how many sleepless nights he had because of his angel but he knew that it would all be worth it in the end. He could hardly contain himself as he gingerly took a lock of her soft (h/c) hair. Antonio lightly traced it with his gloved fingers, completely ingulfed in his own little fantasy. He didn't even notice that (y/n)'s eyes were now open and they contained nothing more then pure and utter rage.
Almost by instinct, the girl screamed at him, sharply bitting his hand in the process. Antonio pulled away quickly, slightly taken by surprise. His men grew wary as they approached the enraged girl, all of their weapons in hand. Antonio took off his black leather glove off his fingers, lightly tracing the fresh wound. Crimson blood stained his smooth skin, but his reaction wasn't the one she expected it to be. She thought that the pirate captain would be furious with her, that he was just going to just shoot her in the head and be done with it. Instead, he slightly tilted his chin upwards and he started to laugh.
His entire crew was dumbfounded, (y/n) even more so. Her eyes never once broke eye contact with his though, but by now she was beyond terrified.
What was this man going to do with her...?
Still laughing, his bloody fingers traced small circles against her soft cheeks, almost as he was toying with her. His green gaze shone with determination, hunger. The wolfish grin on his face was too much for (y/n) to handle, all she wanted to do was to run, scream, anything! But no matter how badly she wanted to, she couldn't. She was frozen in her tracks, stuck in the embrace of this pirate. He moved closer to her, his lips now brushing against her ear. He blew right beside it, sending shivers down her spine. She kept on shaking as the pirate spoke:
"Mi corazón, do you know what I am searching for right at this very moment...?"
His voice was soft, too soft to belong to a benevolent pirate like him. Furrowing her brow, (y/n) simply answered "Treasure." He let out a half hearted laugh, amused by her answer.
"Not all that glimmers is gold my dear..."
...what on Earth was he talking about? This man was clearly out of his mind! The pirate's grip tightened around the girl, his lips locking on to hers in to a deep, needy kiss. She could sense the raw passion the Spaniard was putting in to the kiss, so much so that it was completely suffocating. She closed her eyes in a vain attempt to wake up from his hellish nightmare. She cried and prayed the the mighty Lord to just end this torture already. But alas, her prayers went unheard as she was still in the Spaniards embrace. He had the look of an obsessed, lovestruck fool that was far too gone in his own desires. He kissed her once more, gently licking a single tear on her left cheek in the process.
"(y/n), you are the treasure I was seeking! You have enchanted me the moment we met and ever since that day I could never forget you. My mind and heart would not allow me to rest, not until we were reunited once again. I kept calling you my treasure and it somehow turned in to a fullblown rumour! Even that British bastard is looking for my treasure now, completely unaware that my treasure is a person and not a mere object...!"
The flames around the pair seemed to intensify with each passing second, but those were the least of (y/n)'s worries now. Her mind was a mess and she had no idea what to even think of this situation. At the moment, the temptation of throwing herself in to the fire was pretty high, but she was most likely just going to drown in the flames of his own passion anyway...
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