#yandere aph spain
hetalia-angel · 10 months
Hey, I love your work! May I please request some headcanons with yandere! England, France, Italy, Russia, Romano, and Spain with a super cuddly s/o? (I'm sorry if this has already been requested.)
Yandere headcanons with a cuddly s/o
England is a strict worrying yandere. He’s one of the more intense yanderes to live with. But with a s/o that’ll willing cuddle with him constantly his darling’s leash will become a lot longer.
Arthur sees cuddling with his s/o as a bonding activity. The more cuddling and skin to skin contact the better. He views the cuddling as sign of her trust and reliance on him.
Arthur has a bad habit of infantilizing his s/o. He’s still bitter about losing his precious colonies. He’ll be tucking in his s/o and cuddling her close every night and cutting out time of his day to read with her on his lap.
France is a delusional yandere. He truly believes that his darling loves him but is still in denial. So when his darling starts cuddling up with Francis immediately believes that his suspicions have been confirmed. And that she’s totally okay with being kidnapped by him.
Francis is the most romantic yandere ever and he loves to spend long hours on the hill tops with his darling in his arms. This cuddling will no doubt gain his trust. So if you’re his darling expect to go on picnics a few times a week at least and spend all of it in his arms.
Russia sees his darling’s affection as her accepting her new place as his s/o. Ivan loves cuddling and physical touch more than anyone else. So he’ll be clinging to his darling 24/7. Ivan will be hugging her in the kitchen, bathroom, and everywhere else.
Sleeping next to the Ivan in the same bed is difficult to say the least. He’s a big guy that takes up a lot of space. But he’s insistent on cuddling his darling all night long. His darling might be cuddly but she’s got to feel smothered by the Russian giant.
Lovino is like a cat in terms of his personality. His darling will cling onto him for hours at a time and he’ll do nothing but complain and tell her that she’s being annoying. But the second she lets go Lovino will be glaring and freaking out as to why she stopped holding onto him.
Lovino will always tease his darling for clinging onto him. He secretly loves it and his darling knows too. Lovino will never admit to loving her embrace.
Feliciano will no doubt match the energy of a cuddly darling. He’ll be cuddling up with her at every chance he gets. Feli will be so ecstatic every time his s/o hugs him every time.
Feliciano like Ivan is a bedtime cuddler. He might as well get a smaller bed since he doesn’t need that much space. Feliciano just cramps next to his darling is a small space anyways.
Antonio is also like a cat but in the exact opposite way of Romano. He’s calm and sleepy constantly. He’ll relax with his darling in his arms. Iron grip
Antonio will always humor his darling’s attempts of cuddling and hugging him. While he’s cooking for the two of them he’ll often be snuggly wrapped around her waist keeping her as close as possible to him.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Reactions: having a darling that’s having more than one baby (Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)
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Twins (2): 
He does hope that they will be a boy and a boy just so they can have one of each but that isn't to say he would hate it if they were the same gender.  
   Triplets (3): 
Even better, yes, he understands it will mean more work but it will be great practice for later on. He will find a way to hold all three all at once.  
   Quadruples (4): 
Still isn't so bad to handle or so he believes. He may have to find a bigger home and another pair of hands (Romano.) but he knows that he has enough time to get everything ready for four little ones. 
   Quintuplets (5): 
Just a bit stressed having five all at once but he is still very excited about having so many children with his darling. definitely having Romano help him with this many all at once. 
   Sextuplets (6): 
He…is happy just starting to wonder how he's going to handle so many at once. Did he want a big family with his darling? Yes. Did he get that? Yes. is he going to get as many helping hands as he can get? definitely. (Is he going to want more? .... maybe.) 
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merakiui · 1 year
Omg!! I'm so late! work kept me busy 😭 but I wanted to reply to your last message! regarding hetalia and such!
Going back to the hetalia fandom it's like coming home after a while <33 and Personally my favourite female characters are Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belgium and Belarus (Belarus is low-key yandere for her brother and Unhinged omg),
Did you have or should I say do have any ships you like ? maybe with England since he is your favourite? I'm much more into rare pairs/ships which means there isn't much content of them 😭 like : England x Seychelles (because their interaction in Gakuen Hetalia was cute and funny ♡) or Iceland x Seychelles (I adore opposite-attract 🥺 💛 Iceland is more reserved while Seychelles is more outgoing and now imagine Seychelles helping Iceland coming out of his shell or Iceland cooling down Seychelles! ♡) lol can you tell I like Seychelles??
Nyo France is a charming lady ❤ I like your taste 🤌Personally I also like Nyo America (I love my tomboy princess) and nyo Italy/Romano such babes, Nyo Finland looks cute but will kick your Ass 💪❤
Also, Pirate England and Pirate Spain are Hot af 👌That's all I want to say haha (or even viking nordics 👀)
And Omg I'm actually currently obsessed with Danganronpa! 😭 In fact my profile picture is sonia nevermind bc she's one of my favourites! Which characters do you like the most?? 👀 are there any moments in the game you liked/saddened you the most ? (like favourite character dying 😭)
As for mystic messenger! did you ever notice how similar looking Saeran/Ray and Rollo look like? maybe it's the eyebags but seriously the first time I saw Rollo in twst I thought "Ray what are you doing in twst?? leave me alone, I'm not into you anymore 😭" but not only the physical Apperance both of their characters are kind of similar? I mean Ray is literally in a cult and Rollo is well you know based of an Disney villian who's religious corrupted sooooo yeah! but Saeran/ray/unknown has such yandere tendencies! and yes that one jumin ending omg! 😭 Yoosung is a cutie 💓 and well jaehee keeps us in the friendzone 💀
And Obey me! Asdfghjklöä! while writing this Obey me nightbringer came out! 🎉 I see you like Mammon 😂 seems like you like Greedy Demon and Octopus 🤌 only difference the Octopus is successful business owner and well..... the demon is constantly broke, so broke in fact the steals from his brothers 💀 I can also totally see Idia and Leviathan (maybe yoosung too??) bounding over videogames or hating the normies together 💀 (and maybe talking about having a certain crush on a certain MC 👀👀) they sure would make great frenemies 😂😂 Also Satan reminds me of APH England 💀💀 maybe its the hair colour?? the colour green?? or maybe the small same similarities personality wise?? but omg I can't unsee it now 💀 And AHEM Jade and barbatos, I don’t think I need to say anything else but yeah they also have the almost same hairstyle!!
Ooooh but can you imagine the Twst Characters as Sins?? Like Riddle = Wrath, Leona = Sloth, Azul = Greed, Jamil = Envy, Vil = lust, Idia = ??? Gluttony??, Malleus = Pride!
Oooh yes Omori is such an interesting and Deep game I would recommend you to play it 🌟
Anyway, take good care of you and drink a lot of water! I've seen that you have lots of unfinished Luna love hotel requests and different ideas/fics you want to write! take your time and don't stress yourself or burn yourself out! writing is suppose to be fun, I hope your not overdoing it 🙏
Take Care 🤟 Anon 🌸
Hello again, 🌸 anon!!! I'm also quite late to respond, but omg you have good taste in female characters! Seychelles was a sweetheart and I liked her character a lot, too!! As for ships, I didn't really have any, but I did enjoy the interactions between Germany and Italy! It's very funny and cute. <3 and aaaaaa nyo!America is also a very nice design!!! Wonderful taste once again hehe. I love her tomboy look!!! >0< and nyo!Italy and nyo!Finland are also both so pretty!!!
Pirate England and pirate Spain..... AAAAAA orz and the viking nordics omg omg!!!! The amount of fanfics I used to read with them... too many to count. I remember there was a time I read too many pirate England fics that I ended up dreaming about him LOL. I think I was a stowaway on his ship, but the entirety of that dream was essentially England and Spain fighting over who got the rights to own me????? ^^;;;; I couldn't begin to explain it if I wanted to.
Sonia!!!! I like her a lot!!!! Additionally, I also like Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, and Hagakure! I thought Aoi and Sakura's friendship was very endearing, so Sakura's death crushed me the most in the first game. It's always painful being a Danganronpa fan because your favorite character has the possibility of getting killed and that's the worst feeling. </3
AAAAAAA Mystic Messenger....... every summer, I play it just so I can get more hourglasses to finally unlock Saeran's route. I'm vaguely familiar with what happens, but even so I need to play it. T_T the same goes for Jumin's route. I want that bad ending!!!! OTL I have played Zen's route so many times in the past because he gives the most hourglasses. He's so engraved in my brain hehe. <3 I love him. And Jaehee!!!! When I played her route, I kept thinking, "Why does she keep friend-zoning us? We're so obviously in love." >:( let Jaehee love the player!!! It's what she deserves. <3 aaaa and Yoosung!! He's the cutest. :D
Mammon is my number one!!!! Something about greedy and pathetic men is just so *chef's kiss,* so it makes sense I'd inevitably simp for Mammon and Azul lol. But then Satan and Belphegor are so !!!!!! When the latter was manipulating us and planning to trick us all along when we found him in the attic. :) oooooo he's the worst. I need him. I should play Obey Me again just to see Mammon and Belphegor hehe. I have no idea what is happening in the story now, but I heard there were new characters added and I also saw a few things regarding Nightbringer! Omg but your comments on Jade and Barbatos... I need them to sit down and have tea together to see who can out-babygirl the other. >:) and if memory serves, Barbatos can see into the future or foretell all possible timelines? If that's the case, WOOOOOOO the yandere potential!!!! orz
Also, the twst characters as the seven deadly sins is such a fun thought to entertain. <3 you're giving me so much brain rot... orz
Thank you for your kind words!!! I will make sure to take care of myself and drink water! Please do the same as well! :D though there are many things I want to write, I am pacing myself and focusing on one fic at a time. ^0^
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yanxidarlings · 3 years
Uuh howdy! Can I request yandere axis that kidnaps their darlin and gets told "I'm not mad just disappointed" yeehaw or smth
• so i've been debating on how to do this for a while, i honestly love the concept of a darling that doesn't act how you would imagine being kidnapped. one that doesn't get mad or yell or demand to be let free is an interesting dynamic to explore, the axis would have mixed reactions, and hell, i think i'm gonna throw in spain just for the heck of it.
• would have similar reactions, they would be crushed, they were expecting their darling to make a huge fuss, screaming, crying, fear, they were prepared for all of that, and planned to try their best to alleviate their darlings distress and help them adjust, even just a little.
• the moment those words leave the darlings mouth, their initial reactions would be different, but the effect would be the same. lovino would have the most outward reaction, acting angry and irritated, all hope of attempting to act nice enough to make his darling comfortable thrown out the window. but he's internally freaking out.
• if his darling keeps up the disappointed and unimpressed front, lovinos insecurities will start to creep through. his darling should be wary of making the mistake of comparing him to his brother, whilst he's not a violent yandere, towards his darling at least, he doesn't always have the best self control, especially when it comes to italy.
• if his darling just makes snippy comments and avoids mentioning his brother, then i can see it becoming a banter between lovino and his darling. but seriously, pretend his brother just doesn't exist before lovino does something regretful.
• feliciano on the other hand could have fallen into the confused category, when his darling tells him how disappointed they are in him, his face is literally the visible confusion meme, but he would take his darlings words so emotionally once he comes to understand what they mean, that grouping him with romano fits better.
• seriously, the reason he would have taken a while to commit to kidnapping his darling would be because of the time it took to mentally prepare himself for their anger. he's at such a loss, he almost calls germany for advice, but after some contemplation, comes to the conclusion that his darling is just scared and showing it in a weird way.
• he actually pushes the comments aside much quicker then you would imagine, after a day or so, he'll be acting how he had originally planned, and if his darling doesn't elaborate further on their disappointment, then he'll probably just end up forgetting about it.
• but if they continue on, no matter in what way, he's going to get dejected eventually, and that's where his manipulative side will come out, he'll start crying and playing himself as the victim, and it better work, because believe me when i say his darling does not want to push him.
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• would both be so confused, again they would have understood that their darling would need some time to adjust, but this is not even on the rader of what they had predicted. they would both ask their darling to elaborate, keeping calm the entire time, but the way they handle the situation from there would differ.
• ludwig would retreat to find a book, or some sort of guide on the subject, he would try telling himself that it's to make sure his darling remains obediant. but in the back of his mind, he's been taken back to a certain time in his life when many hated, and would look down on his country.
• unlike with romano, his darling can use his sensative spot as leverage, for a small while, but it could be enough time to escape. these two are the most suseptible to this 'tactic', if that's what the darling is intending. but they'd have to act fast, because manipulating ludwig will only work for a short while before he catches on and becomes more strict.
• but if they're genuinely disappointed and don't mention his oast or use it as a way to escape, he'll simply see it as something that he'll need to work on training out of them. ludwig will have a similar reaction to romano in this circumstance, but he'll just ignore it until they realise they're not getting anywhere.
• kiku is equally disappointed in himself, in his lack of self control and selfishness, but hearing it from his darling is like being pierced in the heart. deep down he had hoped they would forgive him, or at least not be so mad, but now he's thinking that the latter would have been preferable.
• he'll withdraw for several days, many thoughts going through his mind, should he punish his darling for 'insulting' him?, should he attempt to prove them wrong?, should he just go with his original plan and pretend like they never said anything? should he just let them go?. it eats away at him for days, he forgets that his darling is just stuck in their room with no food or water, or access to a bathroom.
• he'll apologize profusely, and try to go about life normally after that minor incident, but kiku won't stop overthinking, and might find himself attempting to do things to make your opinion if him higher, whether it be trying to look more manly or just trying to come across as someone his darling wants to be close with.
• he would punish the behaviour if it continues on, not out of spite, but because he wants his darling to be respectful, even as a yandere who kidnapped them, he treats them with as much respect as someone in their situation can have, and kiku at least expects the same from his darling.
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• would have the most unique reactions, they'd almost be condescending with how light hearted they take their darlings words. antonio because he's used to this kind of thing from romano, and gilbert because he knows people tend to spout nonsense when it confusing situations.
• they could be the best if the darling gives up with the disappointed talk after a while. gilbert honestly might laugh when the words first leave their mouth, he won't believe them at first. him?, the awesome country ever?, disappointing?, there's not a chance they actually believe that, but good joke, darling!.
• he pats their head and offers them a snack, so unless his darling is adamemt on pushing this point forward, he'll probably never think about it unless his in an insecure mood and going over anything negetive said about him. however if they do choose to continue saying how disappointed they are, gilbert won't stay so light hearted for long.
• he can be pretty dangerous if his darling is not careful, of course they won't realise they're wearing down on him, but they are. eventually gilbert will snap, and will probably just end up making his darling even more disappointed in him.
• and finally, antonio will take it the best, this isn't even half as bad as chibi romano was, honestly he, like the others, was prepared for his darling to scr like a prisoner of war, so when they don't, and just make a few rude comments, antonio will actually be happy, rather then upset.
• in his mind this a success!, he might even reward them for being so docile, they'll get to leave the basement and move into their room sooner, and are granted freedoms much quicker then if they had thrown a 'tantrum'. but don't think that means they can attempt to escape, antonio's smarter then that.
• unless they openly try to escape, they won't have any issues with antonio, his darling can thank romano for antonio's resilience, and barring that this is taking place during the colonial era, time as well. he'd be much quicker to become irritated if he was a pirate when all this was going down.
• but overall, antonio will be tolerant of any sort of verbal outburst from his darling, he won't pay any mind to them being 'disappointed', aside from maybe some initial confusion, but he's the safest yandere to end up with in this situation. unless his darling is also physically aggressive, that's a different story.
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Maybe some yandere papa spain with a daughter who is willing/oblivious to his protectiveness and yandere tendencies and likes depending on him and romano/btt😁
Aph Spain
* Antonio would be more than happy, to say the least. I mean, you are his perfect angel, and he doesn't even need to kill as many people as he thought to keep you by his side! * The moment that he found you at his doorstep, he knew you would be his perfect little angel. Even if you were a human and would age and die, he would make sure you have the best life ever, by his side! * You don't need anyone else, and that is for the best. He doesn't you getting corrupted by the world.
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hetayanyan · 5 years
Hello! Your writing is so super duper good! I hope it's okay to request something xD Can I have Russia, North Italy, Canada's and Spain's reaction to a fem s/o who really wants kids. She has always wanted to be a mother but she doesn't want to give birth and instead adopt a child. What would their reaction be? Thank you so much in advance! 💕💞💕💞
Russia | Ivan Braginsky
He wants children with his darling, badly. It doesn’t have to be biological, he just wants a family. Ivan will support his darling all throughout their decision to adopt, he’s just very happy about the situation. Now, Ivan’s a pretty intimidating guy, so depending on the child’s age his darling might have to comfort Ivan once in awhile if their child is a little scared of him. He doesn’t get jealous of their child, either. Ivan knows competition when he sees it and their child isn’t even close to being a threat. If they’re clingy with his darling, he finds it very cute! Just like daddy, huh?
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N. Italy | Feliciano Vargas
He’d be delighted to have a child with his darling! He doesn’t mind adopting, either. He’d actually feel better if him and his darling adopted a child rather than having their own. I can see him being a natural with children too, Feliciano is a man-child, after all. He’s just that fun dad that everyone likes. He’s glad that his darling is willing to do something so big with him, though. There was obviously a rough patch at the beginning of their relationship, so them trusting him so much makes him very happy. He’s just so happy, all of the time.
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Canada | Matthew Williams
He won’t admit it, ever, but at first he was a little hesitant. Matthew is possessive, and he can get a little intense if he isn’t given enough attention from his darling. It had gotten so bad at one point that he was afraid they were ignoring him for his brother so he kidnapped them. That was a long time ago, sure, but it still stuck out in his mind. Over the years he’s gotten better at controlling himself so Matthew is willing to adopt a child with his darling. It isn’t as bad as he thought it was going to be and he’s happy. His behavior probably rubs off on their child though.
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Spain | Antonio Hernández Carriedo
The only one that’s going to outright say no to his darling. It’s not that he doesn’t s want children or anything, he just had his experience with Lovino and that was honestly what scared him. Like, he’s convinced that his child is going to end up acting like Lovino and it scares the life out of him. Plus, he’s pretty possessive. He wants his darling to himself, that’s why he locked them up to the point where he was the only one they ever saw. It’s not a hard no, though. He can be convinced if his darling begs enough. He has a huge soft spot for his darling and a child is something he can hold over them in the future.
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I love your blog, so I got super excited when I saw you requested something! Thank you!
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Su cautivo.
|| title translation: His captive.
APH Spain x Fem! Reader
police! AU
Sitting in his office, the young officer grumbled to himself. Paperwork in hand, he got down to work not before checking the clock on the office wall.
Ah, his shift would be over soon, how wounderful! And if he got really lucky, he could maybe catch a glimpse of his beloved at just the right time... A dreamy sigh escaped Antonio's lips as he held his warm cheeks with his gloved hands. Just the mere mention on (y/n)'s name was enough for the Spaniard to lose all control of himself but he needed to stay focused. Thanks to his position, he was able to learn a lot more about (y/n). Her job, where she lived, etc, etc. He liked to make sure that she wasn't hanging around the wrong crowd, Antonio could never forgive himself if he ever let something happen to (y/n)!
The two of them met suddenly, almost as if God himself decided that the two were made for one another!... At least, that was the case in Antonio's derranged mind that is. In his eyes, (y/n) was the sweetest little angel that could do no wrong. Yeah, she had some fire to her but the Spaniard liked that. He liked that a lot, actually. She made his dull life a lot more exciting and he found himself craving her presence each and every day. Only her smile could cure his sadness, only her touch could make him feel complete. Oh yes, Antonio was deeply in love with (y/n) but somewhere along the way his feelings started to become a lot more twisted. He really didn't want to admit it but he was a jealous and possessive man. For someone so carefree he never thought that such a horrible feeling could ever take ahold of him, but that was the kind of power (y/n) had over Antonio.
She made him do and feel certain things he had never felt before, it was almost as though he was under some sort of spell. But he was perfectly content with being under that spell, and as a matter of fact he absolutely adored it!
As much as he wanted to though, he simply couldn't do whatever he pleased. He was a man of the law, and he wanted nothing more then to protect those around him. He became a police officer to ensure the safety of others and he loved his job. In fact, if it wasn't for this job, he never would have met (y/n)! Recently she came to Spain to vacation with her friends and he had to give her a parking ticket. She was so flustered the first time they met and Antonio found it so difficult to be fair. He could tell that she really didn't know any better, but he had to still give her the ticket. Still though, he couldn't completely hold himself back, calling her a beauty and sending a cheeky little wink along her way. Ever since then, the Spaniard had watched intently, finding the girl to be utterly irrasistible. He kept track of her activities and he made sure to bump in to (y/n) a couple of times too. To his delight she wasn't bitter to him at all, instead she would greet him with the sweetest of smiles. They would talk and chat for hours and hours, and Antonio always somehow found a subject that she liked. The way her eyes gleamed with joy when she spoke about her hobbies and passions was just so precious. He could have sworn that the (h/c)ette could hear his rapidly beating heart....
He also always made sure to be nothing but charming and patient with (y/n). She was falling for him, he was sure. He was so sure in fact that he even found several ways to sabotage her little trip. He always found a way to get her in trouble and he always managed to separate her from her friends. He was always there on time to save her, and (y/n) was always oh so happy to see him. They were meant to be, he knew it, he just did!
Reaching for his back pocket, he pulled out a pair of sturdy handcuffs. They gleamed brightly under the officle lights, as if they were tempting Antonio. He could already imagine her two soft hands cuffed, him leading her away somewhere... A dark smile formed itself on Antonio's handsome face as he decided to do something he wanted to do for so long now.
Walking down the dimly lit street, Antonio made his way towards a club. There were a few calls in regards to the noisy club but this was also a great oppurtunity for Antonio to capture his sweetheart. He could already pitcure her petrified face as he took her away all for himself... He was so selfish, wasn't he? Wanting all of that beauty and glory for himself only!
Pity he didn't give a single damn.
Kicking the door down, he raised his gun up in the air shouting "Police, no one move!" In front of him were two young men who have gotten in to a fight and in between him was the person he was looking for... Talk about good luck! The entire club fell silent as Antonio examined the room quickly. Various wine bottles were shattered to pieces as several guests had small injuries on themselves. He alerted his colluges and the hospital. In the meantime, he calmed everyone down but he paid special attention to (y/n). He could see her shock from miles away and Antonio wanted nothing more then to ease her worries. He decided to take his chances as he approached (y/n) to "arrest" her. He quietly mumbled in her ear how she was an important witness and that he needed to question her at the police station. She relaxed a little, but still bearly walked along side Antonio. Her hands were cuffed at the back as the metal held on tightly on to her wrists. Antonio made sure to cuff her tightly, aftrer all he can't let her run away! She was being such a good girl now, obeying all of his rules. A scarlet blush tinted his cheeks as he and (y/n) entered the car. A goofy smile was on the brunette's face as his green eyes focused on the (h/c) beauty through the rear view mirror. He knew that he had to pay close attention to the road in front of him but he couldn't help but to steal a glance.
By now (y/n) had realized just how wrong all of this was. She hadn't done anything wrong, and no matter how much she saw she still couldn't be that important to be held up for questioning, right? Not to mention the way Antonio stared her down sent shivers down her spine. The way his eyes stared down her figure was nothing short but predatory, and being both in the same car as him really didn't help to ease her situation. The entire car ride was intense as heavy rain started to pour down, the ocassional thunder roaring loudly through the sky. (y/n) shook up a bit, the latest lightning bolt slightly scaring her.
How adorable was she?!
After a few silent minutes, the duo was now in front of the police station. The building was dark as the heavy rain tapped against the car window, making the tense atmosphere more unsettling. She could tell Antonio was planning something but she had no clue as to what that was. She tried to wiggle her hands but the metal cuffs were just far too tight. Noticing her small escape attempt, the Spaniard smirked, feeling pleased with himself. Reaching in to his front pocket he took out a small syringe. A dark glint formed itself in his forest green eyes as (y/n) stared helplessly at the mysterious liquid. She wobbled and shook in her seat, trying desperately to somehow open the car door. Salty tears pricked her eyes as Antonio grew closer, almost breathing down her neck by this point. She whimpered, cried, begged Antonio not to hurt her.
Silly girl, can't you see that he wants to protect you? Being by his side means guaranteed saftey and comfort and that was all he wanted to give to his darling. With nowhere else to go, Antonio gently pricked (y/n)'s soft neck with the syringe, a loud whimper escaping her in the process. Soon enough her vision became foggy as her heart pounded in her chest madly. A sweet and loving voice filled her ears as Antonio sung her a little song in hopes of calming her down.
She was his to take and his to keep, and now she was finally his to love as well.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Can you o Demon Spain's game please.
Me: Finally stops talking about writing and does it~
Here you go 😊
Bullet Bulls
The game is simple enough and has plenty of appeal for children to adults. It’s fun especially for Spanish youth to do his ritual in Parque Nacional de Garajonay or Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente to tempt the demon and the legitimacy of his game. Which some people have come to these forests and others to do and have never returned. Or have done so and have been traumatized for the rest of their lives. The game may only have a few simple rules but it’s also another demon game that can only be played when the sun has gone away.
When you have all the necessary items for the gameplay: a tomato, red flags, white flags, only three rosaries <Spain won’t like it if you bring with you more than that to try to repel him and win his game. You have a 75% chance of him coming at you right at the gate if you’re trying to cheat him and he’ll make a terrible entrance and depending on his mood will decide whether you’ll die or come out with some really bad scars. Sooooo choose wisely.>, and a few fake skulls.
Go to a forest or a wide open area where you’ll have plenty of room to run but to also stay hidden if need be. It’s also way better to play this game with friends and take the massive edge off that Spain has when he’s in all out gremlin goin get ya mode.
Once all of the items have been placed far apart from each other you and / or all of your friends have to recite this chant just as the sun bids goodbye to your side of the planet.
“As dusk abounds. The pieces have been laid. Carredo, who ceases the bulls and collects human souls, comes out to play until dawn breaks through the sacred seal of night, unless we meet our imminent plight.”
Once you feel a rush of cold rush past your bodies and a different amount of olives will appear in your pockets. You can use these to repel / distract Antonio for about 30 seconds if he’s hot on your tail and trying to kidnap you during the game.
A tomato will land in the middle of you signifying that the game has begun. So you’d better run, studying stationary is ill advised.
This game involves a ton of running around in the dead of night so have a flashlight but try not to look at the illusions because they will harm you if you look at them for too long. That also means if you’re less than 10ft away from the skulls….. You’re within capturing reach. So if you suddenly have burning ears and a speeding heart…you should run because you’re in immediate danger. There is a point of no return when you see a devilishly handsome Spanish man with glowing verde eyes…. Yeah it’s too late for you. You’re a goner.
His voice will sound like angels harmonies singing in your ears. The only thing that can get you out of this is if there is a white flag near you that you’re able to see while you’re trying to peel your attention away from the charming man. The flag can distract Spain for a few minutes. It reminds him of someone he has a long standing crush on / desire to marry. But doesn’t talk about it often.
The red flag is also a tool but it’s not for the faint of heart. You’d be playing the role as a matador and Spain is the enraged bull charging at you. However if you don’t make him fall on his face fast he will begin to multiply and other demons …his followers will begin to hunt you down as bulls that not only multiply each 30 seconds that you don’t make Spain topple over but they all gradually increase in speed. All of the demons helping Spain out know that he wants to watch you squirm on your ever diminishing odds. So don’t pick up a red flag unless you’re really ready to accept that consequence. Once you pick it up you CANNOT go back on that decision even if you throw it away from you that’s the only thing that can help you.
The rosary you’ll be safe for the rest of the night and if there are more than one player involved. If not then Spain will still be at a disadvantage. He won’t be able to come within 10ft of you until Sunrise. So he has to come up with elaborate traps in order to subdue you.
So have fun with this game. It’s one I’d play but I sure as hell would not pick up that red flag. XD
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kallulovesu · 3 years
Hello! I recently found your writing and am in love 😫 it’s so good. How would yan America, Spain, Romano, and England react if their darling managed to escape but they accidentally ran into each other years later? Thank you for considering my request ☺️
(A/N:) AAAAA anon thank you so much for the support!! 😭🙏
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Alfred wouldn’t believe it at first— unable to think it as anything other than a dream, or perhaps even a hallucination. Though, after a moment of just standing there and taking everything in he would slowly begin to realize that this was...actually real. That you were actually before him.
This was you, in flesh and blood.
The blond would immediately reach his hand towards you; most likely frightening you into thinking that he was going to hit you again due to his past outburst, but you instead felt yourself getting enveloped in a tight hug.
Trying his best to not cry publicly— Alfred would simply whisper about how much he had missed you, muttering other sweet nothings while inhaling your scent that he missed oh so much.
Of course, saying that he was mad was an understatement— he was furious, actually. But his anger was mostly overthrown by the relief and ecstasy he felt in that moment.
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It wouldn’t even take another glance at your form before he was already grasping your arm; his hold tight and painful, sure being enough to leave a mark for the rest of the day.
Arthur felt a bunch of emotions; anger, sorrow, relief— though of course, the first one was the most prominent feeling coursing through his mind in that moment.
How dare you try to run away from him? How dare you try to run away from your fated soulmate?
Who knows what Arthur may do in that moment. Maybe he’d feel too grumpy to mess with you, and would simply drag you back to the place he was currently residing in at the moment.
Or perhaps he would cause a scene, crying about how much he had missed you and sobbing about how painful it felt being completely abandoned with no other means of communication. Of course, those that didn’t know of your current situation would think of you as the villain. Who wouldn’t, after Arthur put such a good little performance in front of everyone? Publicly humiliating you on the spot, and reminding you of who you were dealing with.
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"Love? Is that you?"
Antonio unconsciously muttered, eyes wide and body refusing to move due to pure shock.
There were many, many things he imagined he could do once finding you again. Kissing you, hugging you...there was so much more! Yet he couldn’t bring himself to do any of that right now. Why?
After a moment of the two of you merely staring at the two of you, he managed to choke something out. A large, pleased grin creeping on his face while doing so. "I finally found you! After all these years..." his voice was soft, weak even.
Antonio gradually made his way over you, while you were still frozen due to the shock— no, the fear of it all. The fear of being in his grasp again, but you were too late. Your lover had already wrapped his arms around you before you could even start thinking of running away; a tight, firm one that didn’t allow you to get away.
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Romano was awfully silent, more so than you thought he would be if he were to ever find you...and it was frightening, knowing that there was possibly something terrible— something sinister in his mind, and you wouldn’t be able to see it coming.
The Italian simply stared at you, face emotionless while doing so. His fingers twitched at the thought of just touching you right then and there, but he decided against it for now.
Finally stepping towards you, he made sure not to take his eyes off you just in case you were planning to run away from him.
"Lets go." Was all Romano said when getting close enough, roughly pushing you forward and bringing you back to his place— or at least somewhere secluded, if he couldn’t hold his anger back for too long.
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Hi. May I ask you yandere axis and allies reaction to darling who really like playing mind games with and once after their kidnapping darling will successfully escape. If you're not okay with this request just ignore it.
Ngl, I like these kinds of asks. Perhaps it's because I like writing chaos and destruction off of an s/o who's just not afraid to tempt fate.
TW: Mentions of murder? (if there is anything triggering to you readers that I didn't put in, let me know, and I'll label it promptly.)
You are dealing with countries; immortal humans that have experience bloody wars, battles, and have lived for hundreds, thousands, of years.
Nonetheless, this may work on certain countries, but not all.
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Art credit: Pixiv Id 7153825 from zerochan
The only person I can think that this can work on is France.
He's the country of love, all love, and he's not any different with you.
Not to mention, he's the one that will spoil you the most with dresses, accessories, games - whatever you want! Simply ask, and you'll get it at the snap of your fingers.
America, maybe. I read an old headcanon somewhere that he's most vulnerable when he's asleep.
Other than that, don't mistake his cheerfulness for weakness, because this man is more on-guard than any of the other countries next to Russia.
Oh, and don't even try with Russia. If anything, he'll play those mind games right back at you.
Asian tiger dad China is straight-up impossible to mind-fuck with.
In fact, he absolutely will not tolerate it and will, without a doubt, punish you for it.
China has lived for thousands of years and counting, he knows when he's being played.
England too will not take it, and will also punish you if you tried.
That being said, if somehow you bamboozled France or escape while America is fast-asleep. The moment they find out you're gone, prepare for chaos.
There will be search teams sent out across the globe for you.
There will be investigations.
And there will be BLOOD.
All of them, all of them, will search the ends of the Earth and back to find you.
And when they do, any luxuries, trust, and privileges you have - poof - gone.
They'll amp up their security.
They'll amp up their watch on you.
And they'll amp up their punishments.
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Art Credit: Wakoku Nito from Zerochan
Obviously, Italy would be the one that allowed you to escape.
He's the most lenient and softest country out of both the Axis and the Allies, next to Romano, that it wouldn't be surprising if they find out you escaped under his watch.
Germany is a hardened leader and soldier, and will promptly shut down any of your attempts at manipulating him.
Japan is no different, but he's more apt to scold you and lecture you about it.
If you still keep it up, time for punishments.
Once they find out you escape, they will do the same thing as the Allies would do, only worse.
Germany will start investigating and tried to narrow down your location.
Japan will go the extra mile and will personally hunt you down, and try to cut off, and block, any other routes or hiding places you could've gone to.
Oh, and you bet there will be bodies left behind.
Once they get you back, same thing will happen, any freedom you had previously is swiftly taken away.
Their security, and watch is increased to the MAX.
And all their trust in you has disappeared into thin air.
Their punishments can range from being exhausting (Germany), strict (Japan), or suffocating (Italy).
Unless you wanna make life worse for you than it already is, I don't recommend doing that.
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There are more characters that I wanted to add to who are also considered a part of the Axis and Allies.
You may be able to manipulate Canada but its highly unlikely, because he might caught on to what you're trying to do.
Spain is a no-go. He will more than likely wave it off, but may make a stern and/or subtle warning under a sickly sweet smile to not try him.
It's very likely this could work on Romano. Dude has such a soft-spot for you, it's almost as bad as Italy.
DISCLAIMER: This work and any other works I do is purely fiction and fantasy. I do NOT condone any behaviors like this or other yandere behaviors in real life. If you experience something like this, I strongly advise you get help. Again, this work is purely fantasy and should not be done or supported in real life.
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lightprkdraws · 3 years
If you can and want... Could you draw Russia and Spain giving #Yandere vibes?
Thank you ❤️
yess I love yanderes~
my thought process with their poses was that ivan is more calm&collected while tony is more expressive, so yk...yeah lol
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acid-ixx · 3 years
Hiyaaa I don't know if you do platonic asks but if you do please could I request some yandere headcanons for spain as a papa (reader is his daughter) and things like who would be allowed near his daughter and how he would treat her 💓
YANDERE FATHER SPAIN ;; no, i do not do it. /nm. this blog is mostly romantic, but since you requested and i never openly stated, i'll still do it but only this. if anybody else read this, please remember this is the only platonic oneshot i would write! thx!
this is kind of short bec again, i dont write platonic, but i hope u like it!
TW: none.
Unedited ;; Female Reader
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Somewhat protective but also composed.
Spain does not seem like the type who would isolate you from your friends. Actually, he encourages you to have a social life, to an extent. Typically, he'll let you hang out with Romano (he gives Romano fare warnings to be nice to you, and since the Southern part Italy is nice to women, he unsurprisingly obeys Spain's order), France and Prussia (now here he'd set strict boundaries like no touching you and no comments about love or doing things out of the ordinary that would give you ideas that could potentially harm you).
You're allowed to have your free will, he'll even give you advice on how to be socially active or avoid socially awkward situation, and would support you during times when you're overwhelmed with, well, anything. On the outside, he's always bright and seem lighthearted to your friends, but once you start having relationships, he would secretly threaten who you choose to love, because truly, he knows intimidation and know when to use it.
And that'd be to anyone who dare do anything he deems harsh towards his daughter. He knows when to act cruel and has mastered at soullessly staring at his enemies, which is something he'll imply to anyone who dares do anything bad at you. Hell, he'll even break every bit of their bones once you feel uncomfortable with said lover and destroy their existing dignity 'til all what's left of them is a past they ought to wish to never remember.
Come home crying and he'll guarantee that he's going to throw everything that he planned out of the window to comfort you with any problems. Failed at something? Don't worry, he's there to let you cry or vent or whatever you suggest. Movie nights, late-night walks, ice cream, you name it. He's trying to be the best father, after all. Spain would sacrifice everything to make his daughter happy, and when you are feeling horrible in a particular day; would he dismiss schedules, meetings, even time with his friends, just to show you he does his efforts. You're practically living with a dream dad.
He's very adamant on doing the chores, if I were to be honest. Because of Romano constantly lazing around and only doing his chores when he wants to- Spain has been accustomed to doing the tasks at his house. He's fine with you being responsible, but you're more on to be spoiled rather than being forced to do things. Cooking, mainly, is something he'll do for multiple reasons. One of it is to show you his culture, the other is to assure you what home tastes like. Having a bad day, too, would result in tons of food in your plate to binge on. Menial tasks like picking up trash, or wiping the table, etc. is generally something he'll appreciate you doing.
But as the country of passion, he'd rather you spend your time on something you're passionate about. No need for something as small as chores! No, you do what you prefer to do and he'll be your right-hand-man in any hobby or job you're willing to do. Model? Chef? Psychiatrist? Anything? Well, he would be by your side. As long as it won't harm you, then he sees no point in stopping what you like. Though, he has some rules he'd like for you to abide, and one of it is being involved in self-threatening situations. He does not want you have any funny business with his enemies.
But overall, he's actually very normal for a yandere and would keep a mellow behavior with you. Sometimes he'd be clingy, but you could point that out and he'll give you your needed space.
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crimson-kisses · 3 years
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Yandere Hetalia x F! Reader: God au!
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Just some short headcannons about some other deities!
Ukraine: Goddess of Fertility & Agriculture.
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A very loving & loved deity by everyone. Her motherly and generous nature is known by all.
She can be pretty teary at times since she is sensitive but is very resilient and won’t give up for the sake of others.
People love honoring and gifting her to acquire her bountiful generosity, whether its for their farming or to have a family.
So if they come to know she wants you; if you are a mortal they won’t hesitate sacrificing you for her.
Many deities would help her too because massive spread of devastating famine & starvation isn’t favorable to anyone.
Is a good yandere to have since she is pretty tame & very loving towards you; she will keep you happy and her siblings will keep you well behaved uwu.
Would let you do your thing but would be very clingy and overwhelming with her emotional outbursts.
Belarus: Goddess of Winter.
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Another ruthless but fair deity.
Natalya isn’t cruel neither finds any pleasure in cruelty unless the victim deserve it.
When she’s fixated on you though she can become pretty unstable and lose control.
She will definitely stalk you and threaten anyone that would dare to harm you.
Would love your domain and visit often, all the time prying more information about and trying to make you closer.
Natalya wants you to be protected and wouldn’t care whether you want it or not, clearly you can’t ever be sure if you are safe or can trust anyone.
Probably defrosts your domains as a warning if you try to fight her too much.
Can be very demanding when she wants to be and won’t hesitate to make sure you behave.
Can’t you see? She just wants to take you away from the other curious deities.
Like I said she is fair, if you are docile she can be very protective and suffocating but won’t ever harm you but if you try to defy her, well she knows how to punish someone and make them behave.
Belgium: Goddess of Spring.
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Another sweetheart who is a deity loved by many, you both have certain attributes you both share and she will take advantage of that fact.
Emma would use her friendly nature to get close to you; offering you many sweets and being there for you if you ever need a friend.
She will use her charming aspects to lure you in a relationship and is manipulative; although she’s not the best at it, still not someone to anger though.
Will probably speak shit about others to make you more suspicious of others and makes them stay away from her. Uses your shyness to her advantage (as many other would).
Not much on the strong spectrum so uses some other methods to make you behave or asks other deities to help.
Is sweet and loving, can be controlling and very affectionate. So cuddles without your consent is on her list.
Spain: God of fire and blacksmith
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A very passionate and affectionate person; would smother you in cuddles and practically suffocate you with his presence.
He’s also liked by everyone although many are wary of him, angering Antonio is asking for destruction, he won’t hesitate burning anyone alive or have molten lead poured over them.
He’s very loving towards you, making wonderful handmade crafts from metal for you and making sure you are always happy and smiling.
He’s pretty lax towards you let’s you do whatever you want as long as he knows about it and if you are with him.
Is also obsessed with you and possessive which can be harmful towards other men.
Will burn down your domains if you do something drastic towards him and is fierce. Of course he would tend to your wounds while chatting happily as if nothing’s wrong.
Just don’t piss him off or don’t have anyone else piss him off and you are good mostly. Know his buttons and don’t push them for everyone’s sake :3
Monaco: Goddess of Autumn
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A rather mysterious deity to most but is fair to everyone and generous with her followers.
She is manipulative and would make her words honey coated, all the while twisting your words against you.
Can be merciless with her tongue if you question her toxic behavior, basically guilt tripping you and making it seem as if it’s your fault.
Is happy your both domains are somewhat connected and like Emma uses it to her advantage.
She will punish you with humiliation mostly; she’s very big on humiliation kink and is very affectionate while being cruel towards you.
Loves going to picnics with you and reading, although it’s an isolated park, because she is possessive and makes it pretty clear.
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basement-writings · 4 years
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{~ Spain x Male shy Reader ~}
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Antonio would have taken a fancy to you because of your shy persona. He would see it as his job to be your protector; protecting you from the dangers of the world that you wouldn’t even have to worry about with him.
After stalking you for a while he would have noticed how much you open up to your friends, yearning for the day you would act like that to him, but that would come in due time.
He would slowly start making appearances in your life slowly, trying his hardest to not be too pushy with trying to get you to open up to him.
He would always ask you to hang out with him, even going as far to inserting himself into your friend circle, all to try and become one of the boyz- closer to you.
Slowly but surely you would open up to him and you bet that Antonio would relish the moments he would see your true personality show around him. Your face lighting up every time you would see him, he practically ascends right then and there!
And it would be that trust that Antonio would end up abusing in order to make you his.
Him trying to isolate you from your other friends by taking up all your time and when would you even have time for your pesky friends when you would be going on all these wonderful adventures with Antonio?
Soon they are all forgotten and replaced with Antonio, him being the only one you open up too just how it aught to be!
When you eventually figure out what Antonio has been doing it’ll already be too late to turn back,
you’ll be house bound with no one around you to help, all besides Antonio himself.
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selphhelp · 4 years
I see a fair amount of discourse on Spamano--whether it’s antis saying it’s toxic or fans arguing it’s actually very wholesome, but I’m here to own my love for problematic Spamano with *it’s both*.  Antonio would kill anyone who tried to take Lovino away from him. If Lovino left him, he would kill whoever he left him for. 
Lovino might as well pee all over Antonio if he notices someone trying to make a move on him. If Antonio tried to leave him, he would kill him first. 
But because they’re so codependent and fucked up in a way that only the other can understand (they’re each aware of these murderous proclivities and respect them), they actually do enjoy a weirdly wholesome and happy relationship. They really only want to be with one another and are committed to making each other happy. 
Only those that really know them have any inkling as to how fucked up it is. 
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hetayanyan · 5 years
How Denmark, Norway, Spain would react to a laid-back but innocent S/O who is really unaware of their yandere tendencies ? Like, if they act jealous, their s/o thinks it's kinda cute, if they let slip (unintentionally or not) some hints of what they did to people who were too close of their s/o for their taste, the s/o will brush it off or just believes they are joking. If the boys want to move in together early in the relationship, the s/o just shrugs and go with it, etc.
[Denmark | Mathias Køhler]
💌This is perfect! Mathias is pretty obvious with his questionable behavior, so he finds it pretty amazing that his darling just goes along with everything. Mathias can tell that they realize how messed up it is, they just don’t care. It definitely comes in handy. He isn’t a very jealous person, but when he does get jealous it isn’t a pretty scene. It gets even worse when his darling doesn’t like it. If why find it kind of cute, he’ll be able to calm down quicker.
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[Norway | Lukas Bondevik]
💌He finds it quite weird, but it isn’t like he’s going to start complaining. His behaviors are very faint, and almost impossible to recognize, so he isn’t too sure his darling realizes what’s going on. The only time it’s very obvious that somethings wrong with their relationship is when he gets jealous. Despite what you might think, Lukas gets jealous quite easily. He doesn’t like getting jealous, he ultimately feels like he might be embarrassing his darling. If they end up telling him they think it’s cute, he’ll feel a lot better.
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[Spain | Antonio Fernández Carriedo]
💌He loves it! This is like a dream come true for Antonio, he knows his behavior is pretty obvious, but he doesn’t really try to hide it. He figures that since he’s already in a relationship with his darling he doesn’t hav etompretend to be normal anymore. As flawed as his logic may be, his darling just kind of rolls with it. When they end up telling him that they think him being jealous is hot, he literally just laughs it off. He’s pretty intimidating, even towards his darling, so he doesn’t take them very seriously unless he has proof of them actually funding it attractive.
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