#yandere aph spain x reader
midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Reactions: having a darling that’s having more than one baby (Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)
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Twins (2): 
He does hope that they will be a boy and a boy just so they can have one of each but that isn't to say he would hate it if they were the same gender.  
   Triplets (3): 
Even better, yes, he understands it will mean more work but it will be great practice for later on. He will find a way to hold all three all at once.  
   Quadruples (4): 
Still isn't so bad to handle or so he believes. He may have to find a bigger home and another pair of hands (Romano.) but he knows that he has enough time to get everything ready for four little ones. 
   Quintuplets (5): 
Just a bit stressed having five all at once but he is still very excited about having so many children with his darling. definitely having Romano help him with this many all at once. 
   Sextuplets (6): 
He…is happy just starting to wonder how he's going to handle so many at once. Did he want a big family with his darling? Yes. Did he get that? Yes. is he going to get as many helping hands as he can get? definitely. (Is he going to want more? .... maybe.) 
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Can you o Demon Spain's game please.
Me: Finally stops talking about writing and does it~
Here you go 😊
Bullet Bulls
The game is simple enough and has plenty of appeal for children to adults. It’s fun especially for Spanish youth to do his ritual in Parque Nacional de Garajonay or Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente to tempt the demon and the legitimacy of his game. Which some people have come to these forests and others to do and have never returned. Or have done so and have been traumatized for the rest of their lives. The game may only have a few simple rules but it’s also another demon game that can only be played when the sun has gone away.
When you have all the necessary items for the gameplay: a tomato, red flags, white flags, only three rosaries <Spain won’t like it if you bring with you more than that to try to repel him and win his game. You have a 75% chance of him coming at you right at the gate if you’re trying to cheat him and he’ll make a terrible entrance and depending on his mood will decide whether you’ll die or come out with some really bad scars. Sooooo choose wisely.>, and a few fake skulls.
Go to a forest or a wide open area where you’ll have plenty of room to run but to also stay hidden if need be. It’s also way better to play this game with friends and take the massive edge off that Spain has when he’s in all out gremlin goin get ya mode.
Once all of the items have been placed far apart from each other you and / or all of your friends have to recite this chant just as the sun bids goodbye to your side of the planet.
“As dusk abounds. The pieces have been laid. Carredo, who ceases the bulls and collects human souls, comes out to play until dawn breaks through the sacred seal of night, unless we meet our imminent plight.”
Once you feel a rush of cold rush past your bodies and a different amount of olives will appear in your pockets. You can use these to repel / distract Antonio for about 30 seconds if he’s hot on your tail and trying to kidnap you during the game.
A tomato will land in the middle of you signifying that the game has begun. So you’d better run, studying stationary is ill advised.
This game involves a ton of running around in the dead of night so have a flashlight but try not to look at the illusions because they will harm you if you look at them for too long. That also means if you’re less than 10ft away from the skulls….. You’re within capturing reach. So if you suddenly have burning ears and a speeding heart…you should run because you’re in immediate danger. There is a point of no return when you see a devilishly handsome Spanish man with glowing verde eyes…. Yeah it’s too late for you. You’re a goner.
His voice will sound like angels harmonies singing in your ears. The only thing that can get you out of this is if there is a white flag near you that you’re able to see while you’re trying to peel your attention away from the charming man. The flag can distract Spain for a few minutes. It reminds him of someone he has a long standing crush on / desire to marry. But doesn’t talk about it often.
The red flag is also a tool but it’s not for the faint of heart. You’d be playing the role as a matador and Spain is the enraged bull charging at you. However if you don’t make him fall on his face fast he will begin to multiply and other demons …his followers will begin to hunt you down as bulls that not only multiply each 30 seconds that you don’t make Spain topple over but they all gradually increase in speed. All of the demons helping Spain out know that he wants to watch you squirm on your ever diminishing odds. So don’t pick up a red flag unless you’re really ready to accept that consequence. Once you pick it up you CANNOT go back on that decision even if you throw it away from you that’s the only thing that can help you.
The rosary you’ll be safe for the rest of the night and if there are more than one player involved. If not then Spain will still be at a disadvantage. He won’t be able to come within 10ft of you until Sunrise. So he has to come up with elaborate traps in order to subdue you.
So have fun with this game. It’s one I’d play but I sure as hell would not pick up that red flag. XD
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kallulovesu · 3 years
Hello! I recently found your writing and am in love 😫 it’s so good. How would yan America, Spain, Romano, and England react if their darling managed to escape but they accidentally ran into each other years later? Thank you for considering my request ☺️
(A/N:) AAAAA anon thank you so much for the support!! 😭🙏
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Alfred wouldn’t believe it at first— unable to think it as anything other than a dream, or perhaps even a hallucination. Though, after a moment of just standing there and taking everything in he would slowly begin to realize that this was...actually real. That you were actually before him.
This was you, in flesh and blood.
The blond would immediately reach his hand towards you; most likely frightening you into thinking that he was going to hit you again due to his past outburst, but you instead felt yourself getting enveloped in a tight hug.
Trying his best to not cry publicly— Alfred would simply whisper about how much he had missed you, muttering other sweet nothings while inhaling your scent that he missed oh so much.
Of course, saying that he was mad was an understatement— he was furious, actually. But his anger was mostly overthrown by the relief and ecstasy he felt in that moment.
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It wouldn’t even take another glance at your form before he was already grasping your arm; his hold tight and painful, sure being enough to leave a mark for the rest of the day.
Arthur felt a bunch of emotions; anger, sorrow, relief— though of course, the first one was the most prominent feeling coursing through his mind in that moment.
How dare you try to run away from him? How dare you try to run away from your fated soulmate?
Who knows what Arthur may do in that moment. Maybe he’d feel too grumpy to mess with you, and would simply drag you back to the place he was currently residing in at the moment.
Or perhaps he would cause a scene, crying about how much he had missed you and sobbing about how painful it felt being completely abandoned with no other means of communication. Of course, those that didn’t know of your current situation would think of you as the villain. Who wouldn’t, after Arthur put such a good little performance in front of everyone? Publicly humiliating you on the spot, and reminding you of who you were dealing with.
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"Love? Is that you?"
Antonio unconsciously muttered, eyes wide and body refusing to move due to pure shock.
There were many, many things he imagined he could do once finding you again. Kissing you, hugging you...there was so much more! Yet he couldn’t bring himself to do any of that right now. Why?
After a moment of the two of you merely staring at the two of you, he managed to choke something out. A large, pleased grin creeping on his face while doing so. "I finally found you! After all these years..." his voice was soft, weak even.
Antonio gradually made his way over you, while you were still frozen due to the shock— no, the fear of it all. The fear of being in his grasp again, but you were too late. Your lover had already wrapped his arms around you before you could even start thinking of running away; a tight, firm one that didn’t allow you to get away.
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Romano was awfully silent, more so than you thought he would be if he were to ever find you...and it was frightening, knowing that there was possibly something terrible— something sinister in his mind, and you wouldn’t be able to see it coming.
The Italian simply stared at you, face emotionless while doing so. His fingers twitched at the thought of just touching you right then and there, but he decided against it for now.
Finally stepping towards you, he made sure not to take his eyes off you just in case you were planning to run away from him.
"Lets go." Was all Romano said when getting close enough, roughly pushing you forward and bringing you back to his place— or at least somewhere secluded, if he couldn’t hold his anger back for too long.
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acid-ixx · 3 years
Hiyaaa I don't know if you do platonic asks but if you do please could I request some yandere headcanons for spain as a papa (reader is his daughter) and things like who would be allowed near his daughter and how he would treat her 💓
YANDERE FATHER SPAIN ;; no, i do not do it. /nm. this blog is mostly romantic, but since you requested and i never openly stated, i'll still do it but only this. if anybody else read this, please remember this is the only platonic oneshot i would write! thx!
this is kind of short bec again, i dont write platonic, but i hope u like it!
TW: none.
Unedited ;; Female Reader
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Somewhat protective but also composed.
Spain does not seem like the type who would isolate you from your friends. Actually, he encourages you to have a social life, to an extent. Typically, he'll let you hang out with Romano (he gives Romano fare warnings to be nice to you, and since the Southern part Italy is nice to women, he unsurprisingly obeys Spain's order), France and Prussia (now here he'd set strict boundaries like no touching you and no comments about love or doing things out of the ordinary that would give you ideas that could potentially harm you).
You're allowed to have your free will, he'll even give you advice on how to be socially active or avoid socially awkward situation, and would support you during times when you're overwhelmed with, well, anything. On the outside, he's always bright and seem lighthearted to your friends, but once you start having relationships, he would secretly threaten who you choose to love, because truly, he knows intimidation and know when to use it.
And that'd be to anyone who dare do anything he deems harsh towards his daughter. He knows when to act cruel and has mastered at soullessly staring at his enemies, which is something he'll imply to anyone who dares do anything bad at you. Hell, he'll even break every bit of their bones once you feel uncomfortable with said lover and destroy their existing dignity 'til all what's left of them is a past they ought to wish to never remember.
Come home crying and he'll guarantee that he's going to throw everything that he planned out of the window to comfort you with any problems. Failed at something? Don't worry, he's there to let you cry or vent or whatever you suggest. Movie nights, late-night walks, ice cream, you name it. He's trying to be the best father, after all. Spain would sacrifice everything to make his daughter happy, and when you are feeling horrible in a particular day; would he dismiss schedules, meetings, even time with his friends, just to show you he does his efforts. You're practically living with a dream dad.
He's very adamant on doing the chores, if I were to be honest. Because of Romano constantly lazing around and only doing his chores when he wants to- Spain has been accustomed to doing the tasks at his house. He's fine with you being responsible, but you're more on to be spoiled rather than being forced to do things. Cooking, mainly, is something he'll do for multiple reasons. One of it is to show you his culture, the other is to assure you what home tastes like. Having a bad day, too, would result in tons of food in your plate to binge on. Menial tasks like picking up trash, or wiping the table, etc. is generally something he'll appreciate you doing.
But as the country of passion, he'd rather you spend your time on something you're passionate about. No need for something as small as chores! No, you do what you prefer to do and he'll be your right-hand-man in any hobby or job you're willing to do. Model? Chef? Psychiatrist? Anything? Well, he would be by your side. As long as it won't harm you, then he sees no point in stopping what you like. Though, he has some rules he'd like for you to abide, and one of it is being involved in self-threatening situations. He does not want you have any funny business with his enemies.
But overall, he's actually very normal for a yandere and would keep a mellow behavior with you. Sometimes he'd be clingy, but you could point that out and he'll give you your needed space.
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basement-writings · 4 years
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{~ Spain x Male shy Reader ~}
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Antonio would have taken a fancy to you because of your shy persona. He would see it as his job to be your protector; protecting you from the dangers of the world that you wouldn’t even have to worry about with him.
After stalking you for a while he would have noticed how much you open up to your friends, yearning for the day you would act like that to him, but that would come in due time.
He would slowly start making appearances in your life slowly, trying his hardest to not be too pushy with trying to get you to open up to him.
He would always ask you to hang out with him, even going as far to inserting himself into your friend circle, all to try and become one of the boyz- closer to you.
Slowly but surely you would open up to him and you bet that Antonio would relish the moments he would see your true personality show around him. Your face lighting up every time you would see him, he practically ascends right then and there!
And it would be that trust that Antonio would end up abusing in order to make you his.
Him trying to isolate you from your other friends by taking up all your time and when would you even have time for your pesky friends when you would be going on all these wonderful adventures with Antonio?
Soon they are all forgotten and replaced with Antonio, him being the only one you open up too just how it aught to be!
When you eventually figure out what Antonio has been doing it’ll already be too late to turn back,
you’ll be house bound with no one around you to help, all besides Antonio himself.
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Yandere kidnaps the s/o and then they get hit with the ol' "Im not mad, just disappointed" Who do you think out of the countries would get wrecked by that.
Why is this so funny?
Honestly, everyone would probably become pretty bummed out if their s/o said that, some more than others.
 I see England, Spain, N. Italy, Russia, Sweden, Prussia, and Canada as more of the sensitive yanderes. Basically this would lead to feelings of pure confusion (Spain, N. Italy, Prussia), anger (England, Russia, Canada), or overall sadness (Prussia, England, Sweden, Canada) with the yanderes.
England and Russia are more likely to lash out on their darling and be pretty crushed for awhile. Spain and N. Italy would be extremely confused (and maybe a little sad). Prussia, Sweden, and Canada would be completely destroyed.
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Su cautivo.
|| title translation: His captive.
APH Spain x Fem! Reader
police! AU
Sitting in his office, the young officer grumbled to himself. Paperwork in hand, he got down to work not before checking the clock on the office wall.
Ah, his shift would be over soon, how wounderful! And if he got really lucky, he could maybe catch a glimpse of his beloved at just the right time... A dreamy sigh escaped Antonio's lips as he held his warm cheeks with his gloved hands. Just the mere mention on (y/n)'s name was enough for the Spaniard to lose all control of himself but he needed to stay focused. Thanks to his position, he was able to learn a lot more about (y/n). Her job, where she lived, etc, etc. He liked to make sure that she wasn't hanging around the wrong crowd, Antonio could never forgive himself if he ever let something happen to (y/n)!
The two of them met suddenly, almost as if God himself decided that the two were made for one another!... At least, that was the case in Antonio's derranged mind that is. In his eyes, (y/n) was the sweetest little angel that could do no wrong. Yeah, she had some fire to her but the Spaniard liked that. He liked that a lot, actually. She made his dull life a lot more exciting and he found himself craving her presence each and every day. Only her smile could cure his sadness, only her touch could make him feel complete. Oh yes, Antonio was deeply in love with (y/n) but somewhere along the way his feelings started to become a lot more twisted. He really didn't want to admit it but he was a jealous and possessive man. For someone so carefree he never thought that such a horrible feeling could ever take ahold of him, but that was the kind of power (y/n) had over Antonio.
She made him do and feel certain things he had never felt before, it was almost as though he was under some sort of spell. But he was perfectly content with being under that spell, and as a matter of fact he absolutely adored it!
As much as he wanted to though, he simply couldn't do whatever he pleased. He was a man of the law, and he wanted nothing more then to protect those around him. He became a police officer to ensure the safety of others and he loved his job. In fact, if it wasn't for this job, he never would have met (y/n)! Recently she came to Spain to vacation with her friends and he had to give her a parking ticket. She was so flustered the first time they met and Antonio found it so difficult to be fair. He could tell that she really didn't know any better, but he had to still give her the ticket. Still though, he couldn't completely hold himself back, calling her a beauty and sending a cheeky little wink along her way. Ever since then, the Spaniard had watched intently, finding the girl to be utterly irrasistible. He kept track of her activities and he made sure to bump in to (y/n) a couple of times too. To his delight she wasn't bitter to him at all, instead she would greet him with the sweetest of smiles. They would talk and chat for hours and hours, and Antonio always somehow found a subject that she liked. The way her eyes gleamed with joy when she spoke about her hobbies and passions was just so precious. He could have sworn that the (h/c)ette could hear his rapidly beating heart....
He also always made sure to be nothing but charming and patient with (y/n). She was falling for him, he was sure. He was so sure in fact that he even found several ways to sabotage her little trip. He always found a way to get her in trouble and he always managed to separate her from her friends. He was always there on time to save her, and (y/n) was always oh so happy to see him. They were meant to be, he knew it, he just did!
Reaching for his back pocket, he pulled out a pair of sturdy handcuffs. They gleamed brightly under the officle lights, as if they were tempting Antonio. He could already imagine her two soft hands cuffed, him leading her away somewhere... A dark smile formed itself on Antonio's handsome face as he decided to do something he wanted to do for so long now.
Walking down the dimly lit street, Antonio made his way towards a club. There were a few calls in regards to the noisy club but this was also a great oppurtunity for Antonio to capture his sweetheart. He could already pitcure her petrified face as he took her away all for himself... He was so selfish, wasn't he? Wanting all of that beauty and glory for himself only!
Pity he didn't give a single damn.
Kicking the door down, he raised his gun up in the air shouting "Police, no one move!" In front of him were two young men who have gotten in to a fight and in between him was the person he was looking for... Talk about good luck! The entire club fell silent as Antonio examined the room quickly. Various wine bottles were shattered to pieces as several guests had small injuries on themselves. He alerted his colluges and the hospital. In the meantime, he calmed everyone down but he paid special attention to (y/n). He could see her shock from miles away and Antonio wanted nothing more then to ease her worries. He decided to take his chances as he approached (y/n) to "arrest" her. He quietly mumbled in her ear how she was an important witness and that he needed to question her at the police station. She relaxed a little, but still bearly walked along side Antonio. Her hands were cuffed at the back as the metal held on tightly on to her wrists. Antonio made sure to cuff her tightly, aftrer all he can't let her run away! She was being such a good girl now, obeying all of his rules. A scarlet blush tinted his cheeks as he and (y/n) entered the car. A goofy smile was on the brunette's face as his green eyes focused on the (h/c) beauty through the rear view mirror. He knew that he had to pay close attention to the road in front of him but he couldn't help but to steal a glance.
By now (y/n) had realized just how wrong all of this was. She hadn't done anything wrong, and no matter how much she saw she still couldn't be that important to be held up for questioning, right? Not to mention the way Antonio stared her down sent shivers down her spine. The way his eyes stared down her figure was nothing short but predatory, and being both in the same car as him really didn't help to ease her situation. The entire car ride was intense as heavy rain started to pour down, the ocassional thunder roaring loudly through the sky. (y/n) shook up a bit, the latest lightning bolt slightly scaring her.
How adorable was she?!
After a few silent minutes, the duo was now in front of the police station. The building was dark as the heavy rain tapped against the car window, making the tense atmosphere more unsettling. She could tell Antonio was planning something but she had no clue as to what that was. She tried to wiggle her hands but the metal cuffs were just far too tight. Noticing her small escape attempt, the Spaniard smirked, feeling pleased with himself. Reaching in to his front pocket he took out a small syringe. A dark glint formed itself in his forest green eyes as (y/n) stared helplessly at the mysterious liquid. She wobbled and shook in her seat, trying desperately to somehow open the car door. Salty tears pricked her eyes as Antonio grew closer, almost breathing down her neck by this point. She whimpered, cried, begged Antonio not to hurt her.
Silly girl, can't you see that he wants to protect you? Being by his side means guaranteed saftey and comfort and that was all he wanted to give to his darling. With nowhere else to go, Antonio gently pricked (y/n)'s soft neck with the syringe, a loud whimper escaping her in the process. Soon enough her vision became foggy as her heart pounded in her chest madly. A sweet and loving voice filled her ears as Antonio sung her a little song in hopes of calming her down.
She was his to take and his to keep, and now she was finally his to love as well.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Can you please write more about Mob boss Spain ? I liked that idea and you write very nicely.
Thank you. I’m glad you like my writing because it’s normally words I toss onto a paper and hope it doesn’t sound like gibberish. XD
“Mi amor~ come and sit on my lap.” He coos at you. He’s longing for your touch.
“Coming Antonio.” You glide over to him and let you glide over to him and let your body heat infuse with his. You were accustomed to the life in which you were originally held as a captive. Eventually, Stockholm Syndrome set in and clung to every positive thing that he did for you as a sign of truly committed devotion. Even the smallest thing he did for you like bring you a rose, or even bring you your evening tea while you were in bed. You saw it as ways that he was the only man that could ever love you properly. You were truly ensnared by this man.
“What have you been up to today y/n?” He gets closer to your face and his voice reverberates in your eardrums like a calm storm.
“Nothing my love just the usual musing while I stare at the pristine Cala Granadella sea. As I waited for you to return to me.” You push your bodyweight deeper into his tight chest. Antonio squeezes you tighter. He slid his hands down to your waist and began to leave a trail of kisses on your cheek leading down to your collarbone. Your skin was pricked with hundred of goosebumps that decorated your forearms and back. You loved his touch on your skin. He may have been a little goofy for a mob boss but he could be commanding whenever he needed to be. Even in bed.
How could you not be in love with such a dynamic personality in a man? You let your senses melt into the building passion.
The moment was ruined when loud bangs and footsteps began to ring out into the Spanish-styled mansion.
La Policia.
“ Maldita Sea!” He curses against your skin. He moved away from your neck and looks at the elegantly carved pinewood door. “Looks like we're going to have to escape as we practiced mi amor.” He gives you one more quick but longing kiss on your lips. You hesitate to let the lips of your beloved Spaniard go. However, you knew the timing was key in order to evade the police and prevent them from keeping the two of you apart.
‘Those so-called friends and family of mine really don’t know how to take a hint.’ You were angry at the notion that people who were closest to you considered Antonio to be an awful man.
“Ready y/n?” He’s graded your shoes and jacket and led you to the walk-in closet where there was an inconspicuous brown shoe that could be pulled and unveiled as an escape route.
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kallulovesu · 4 years
hi, i saw that you write for hetalia, can you write something about spain going yandere for a witch country that had a past with england ?
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“Oh...how interesting!”
Would be the first thing Antonio would say after finding out about you, genuinely interested in who exactly you were, and what you did.
He had never heard of a witch country before, especially one that had a past with England, so you could imagine the excitement he felt once hearing about you.
And I mean, England actually managing to pull someone? It would baffle him at first, since to be honest...the British man didn’t seem like someone that would be seen as desirable to others, (was that offensive to say? Antonio couldn’t really tell.) which was why he wanted to know more about you, perhaps even meeting you if possible.
Lets say, your country is a bit more closed off and has little information that is truly known about it, hell, even your appearance was a mystery to most of the nations. He would try getting info about you through word of mouth, even if they usually weren’t 100% reliable.
He just wanted to know you a bit better!
Was it reckless of him? Perhaps so, but Antonio would try getting a bit closer to England for the sole purpose of getting to know about you, chatting with him and casually slipping in questions about his past ‘lovers’ and using that as an opportunity to at least get to hear a thing or two about your history— oh, and Antonio would be able to get the location of your country if he pushed hard enough!
It wouldn’t be long until he’d try and get in your country, coming by himself and simply stating that he had business with you, and didn’t mean anything dangerous. Too bad he was still thrown off your territory without you listening to him...
But he wouldn’t give up, not until you were his! He came by multiple times, thrown away many times until you finally gave into it and let him meet you once. Antonio couldn’t describe how overjoyed he felt!
The meeting mainly consisted of him gawking at you, still not believing that he was able to meet you— the person that he longed to meet for all this time. You were such a cutiepie! Your adorable face, while usually remaining blank made him want to melt, and your voice was lovely as well! How unfortunate you barely wanted to talk with him.
He would come by more frequently, not exactly caring if you were busy at the moment or not, since he could just observe you!
It was annoying seeing you with others, but he just brushed it off, letting you interact with people before carrying on his plan of kidnapping you.
Oh, I never mentioned this, did I?
Antonio was planning on kidnapping you, though it would be better to get a bit closer to you before doing so.
You weren’t planning on leaving anytime soon, so he had to push you a bit! He promised that you wouldn’t dislike it, since you got to be by his side 24/7– oh, and he’d show you how beautiful his country was!
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kallulovesu · 4 years
heya!! can i have a scenario where spain and romano share a s/o? how well would that go? :D have a nice day!
(A/N:) you too anon!! I hope this is to your liking :D
“Listen up here you—!”
An angry Italian voice rang throughout the room, the sound of loud footsteps marching towards you and the man that was currently holding you in his arms, Antonio.
"Tone it down a bit, don’t you see that they’re trying to rest?" Antonio hummed, fingers brushing through your hair.
Romano stopped in front of the bed. "I don’t care about any of that! We had an agreement you bastard—"
"Didn’t I tell you to tone it down? Yelling will get us nowhere," the Spaniard started. Hand abruptly ceasing to move, which gained a soft from groan from you. "we don’t want to frighten them, do we?"
Romano calmed down a bit, looking away and muttering an almost inaudible ‘sì...’ .
"Whatever. But I need to talk to you right now, bastard." He crossed his arms, glaring down at the man below him.
Antonio let out a small chuckle. "Alright, alright... what is it?" He sat up, gently pulling you off of him, even though it slightly pained him to do so.
"I’ve had it enough with you! You keep hogging all of their attention from me— you agreed that we’d spend an equal amount of time with them, and now you’re pulling this kind of bullshit?!" Romano pointed an accusing finger at the other man, whom simply stared back at him, keeping that seemingly innocent smile on his face.
"Ah, is that it?" Was all he resorted with, slightly tilting his head to the side while staring at the younger man before him. That smile, which almost seemed to taunt Romano never wavering.
"You know..." Antonio began, getting off the bed as he spoke, eyes trailing down at his partner. "Do you truly believe that they’d enjoy being with such an insufferable man such as yourself? Someone so selfish...so cowardly, I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to provide them with what they’d truly want."
"You’re lucky I have a soft spot for you, or else I would’ve gotten rid of you a long time ago."
"But who knows? Perhaps I’ll snap soon, and take them for myself. But I don’t think they’d really mind." He said, leaning in closer to Romano’s face— who stood still, speechless and not knowing what to do or respond with.
"Just kidding! I have to leave for now, so take good care of our corazon for me, okay?" The Spaniard laughed, patting his friend (who was still shaken up and scared) on the shoulder and walking off.
"Adiós!~" he spared you one last glance and waved.
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basement-writings · 4 years
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Ok this is a minor thing but I cant understland why so many people feel the need to put specificly a blind reader? There's nothing wrong with it but I just don't get why it's been requested so much?
~~Yandere Spain and Romano x Tough Blind Reader ~~
<TW: mention of forced freeding:>
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Antonio will definatly put his guitar skills to use when courting you.
he'll write you love song after love song, some in your native language and some in his. If you haven't fallen for him yet, hearing him sing in Spanish would surely do the trick in making you fall for him.
he'll see your stubbornness as you playing hard to get, god it'll only make him want to have you more.
He has a lot of patience, though if you are being increasingly stubborn at his advances he might do something that you both wouldn't like.
best bet is to play nice
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now here is where things get really bad.
Romano isnt known for having the best patience and you being stubborn with him would only cause him to be stubborn towards you as well.
Romano would be the one to kidnap you in a fit of rage after you spit on his best attempts to court you.
though he would feel the tiniest bit sad, he would continue to court you even if you've been kidnapped.
but he won't let you spit on his attempts at courting you.
He'll make you the nicest meal he can and if you so dare to decline it he'll just force you to eat it.
I'd say watch what you do around him, he's one to punish you hard and truly.
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Could you please write Courting/stalking/persuing headcanons for our lovely boys aph Spain, Romania and Bulgaria ❤️ I’d love to see your opinion of them! Thank you
I love these three so much, thank you for requesting them!❤
♡ 1p! Spain ♡
Due to his cheery attitude and carefree smile no one would ever suspect that Antonio picked up such a dark hobby. He is never seen and he is very subtle, and this also goes for his mood swings. If s/o pays attention, they can notice the change in his green eyes and how they darken whenever someone else dares to interupt their conversation or just how much more handsy he becomes if they pay attention to someone else. Antonio isn't ashamed at all, in fact following s/o around is one of his favorite things to do! Seeing them all alone and vulnerable only fuels the Spaniards obsessive and protective side and there is nothing that can be done to stop him. He'll send his darling various anonymous gifts and each one shall be more romantic then the last. Darling must be careful though, because who knows what or rather who is going to be delivered at their doorstep if they decide to be too naughty.
♡ 1p! Romania ♡
Vladimir is an odd one but there is this charm to him that no one can resist. He'll use the help he can get from his magical friends and he is always three steps ahead. In just a few days he will know so much about his s/o that it will be disturbing. He knows the major things such as where they work, where their friends and family live, who they are and the absurd things such as their favorite hobbies, their underware size, what kind of shampoo they use, etc...
He always lurks in the shadows and his presence can be felt only when he wants it to be. He's charming and sweet, but also incredibly dangerous. Darling dearest better be catious with who they hang out with because Vladimir won't be pleased with certain company.
♡ 1p! Bulgaria ♡
Poor Aleksandar is so awkward around new people, but that only seems to worsen if his darling is amywhere near him. He stutters a lot and because of that Aleks has to resort to stalking. He's not super proud of it but he always soaks up any and all information that comes to his s/o. He's desparate but he can't bring himself to talk to his darling, not yet at least. The man lacks confidence and he knows that there are better, stronger men out there. But no matter how bleak and hopeless the situation may seem, Aleks always keeps a positive mindset. Yeah he's poor, but he can still spoil his little darling! He'll shower them in endless love and roses and Aleks is going to blush and smile the entire time. It will take him a while to get to that part though.
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Flames of passion.
Pirate! AU
Yandere! APH Spain.
The salty air of the sea was almost entierly blocked thanks to the disgusting smell of smoke. The once clear blue sky was now filled with terrible smoke, and the usually merry townsfolk were now all running and screaming for their lives. Wicked laughter and cries of terror ran through the thick air as the (h/c)ette ran from her house, her family. She cried and cried, feeling so angry at herself for leaving her own mother in the fire. Even now, the voice of her mother rang through her mind as she screamed at her to run, to run far, far away and to never come back.
"They are pirates (y/n), they show no mercy! I beg of you, just go! Live out your life my darling!!"
A loud sob left her mouth as she continued to run, all the while looking at the place she used to call home. Her friends and neighbours were all being slaughtered and there was nothing that she could do. The once wounderful and colourful shops that stood by the end of her street were nothing more but mere ashes now. Her mind was in a daze, she just couldn't believe that this was happening. What did these pirates want?! This town had nothing to offer! Almost no nobles lived here, and the town wasn't very rich either. The pirates just appeared out of thin air, swords and guns ready. "Find the treasure!" they shouted.
"Find the most beautiful treasure in all of the seven seas!!"
The young maiden had no clue about what treasure they were talking about. These pirates were clearly delusional-! She continued to run as fast as her legs would carry her, but before she knew she had collided on to a firm back. Her vision was blurry due to the tears that ran down her cheeks, but the only thing she was able to make out was red.
The man in front of her turned his back, and the moment his green gaze had landed on (y/n), he shouted at his men to stop. With his hand raised high in the air, the men stopped whatever they were doing and stared at their captain, eagerly waiting for his next order. His gaze softened when he saw that the (h/c) beauty was shaking beneath him. A small but hungry smile framed his sun kissed skin as he lowered himself down to her level. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, he had finally found her! His sweet love, she was right in front of him! Oh this was so perfect, he felt as though he was in a dream. He lost count of how many sleepless nights he had because of his angel but he knew that it would all be worth it in the end. He could hardly contain himself as he gingerly took a lock of her soft (h/c) hair. Antonio lightly traced it with his gloved fingers, completely ingulfed in his own little fantasy. He didn't even notice that (y/n)'s eyes were now open and they contained nothing more then pure and utter rage.
Almost by instinct, the girl screamed at him, sharply bitting his hand in the process. Antonio pulled away quickly, slightly taken by surprise. His men grew wary as they approached the enraged girl, all of their weapons in hand. Antonio took off his black leather glove off his fingers, lightly tracing the fresh wound. Crimson blood stained his smooth skin, but his reaction wasn't the one she expected it to be. She thought that the pirate captain would be furious with her, that he was just going to just shoot her in the head and be done with it. Instead, he slightly tilted his chin upwards and he started to laugh.
His entire crew was dumbfounded, (y/n) even more so. Her eyes never once broke eye contact with his though, but by now she was beyond terrified.
What was this man going to do with her...?
Still laughing, his bloody fingers traced small circles against her soft cheeks, almost as he was toying with her. His green gaze shone with determination, hunger. The wolfish grin on his face was too much for (y/n) to handle, all she wanted to do was to run, scream, anything! But no matter how badly she wanted to, she couldn't. She was frozen in her tracks, stuck in the embrace of this pirate. He moved closer to her, his lips now brushing against her ear. He blew right beside it, sending shivers down her spine. She kept on shaking as the pirate spoke:
"Mi corazón, do you know what I am searching for right at this very moment...?"
His voice was soft, too soft to belong to a benevolent pirate like him. Furrowing her brow, (y/n) simply answered "Treasure." He let out a half hearted laugh, amused by her answer.
"Not all that glimmers is gold my dear..."
...what on Earth was he talking about? This man was clearly out of his mind! The pirate's grip tightened around the girl, his lips locking on to hers in to a deep, needy kiss. She could sense the raw passion the Spaniard was putting in to the kiss, so much so that it was completely suffocating. She closed her eyes in a vain attempt to wake up from his hellish nightmare. She cried and prayed the the mighty Lord to just end this torture already. But alas, her prayers went unheard as she was still in the Spaniards embrace. He had the look of an obsessed, lovestruck fool that was far too gone in his own desires. He kissed her once more, gently licking a single tear on her left cheek in the process.
"(y/n), you are the treasure I was seeking! You have enchanted me the moment we met and ever since that day I could never forget you. My mind and heart would not allow me to rest, not until we were reunited once again. I kept calling you my treasure and it somehow turned in to a fullblown rumour! Even that British bastard is looking for my treasure now, completely unaware that my treasure is a person and not a mere object...!"
The flames around the pair seemed to intensify with each passing second, but those were the least of (y/n)'s worries now. Her mind was a mess and she had no idea what to even think of this situation. At the moment, the temptation of throwing herself in to the fire was pretty high, but she was most likely just going to drown in the flames of his own passion anyway...
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alfredosauce50 · 5 years
Can you hear me? (Dark! Spain x reader) 3
Wordcount: 2,363 The reader is referred to as she/her.
"... Hola." The husky voice whispered. You froze in your seat at the familiar sound that you had been dreading to hear. And just like that, the illusion that your brain made where he didn't exist just disappeared. The overhead light that illuminated the interior of your car dimmed to darkness as the icy hands of fear grabbed a hold of your racing heart. "Me extrañaste?" The man muttered these words to you in a low, sultry voice that only made your hair stand on end. Despite not understanding what he was saying, you shook your head and just murmured one thing. "No. No. No. Whatever you just said, no." You exasperated, starting the car to hear the engine roar and come to life. "Stop calling this number. I'm going to call the fucking police. I can't stand it anymore." 
The other merely chuckled at the threat, and at hearing those laughs, you furrowed your brows and hitched a breath. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" "Police? Oh, but I don't think you want to do that." The other responded with a heavy, Spanish accent. It was so prominent that you thought he was doing it on purpose. "He's not with you, is he?" Your hands were growing clammy and your blood ran cold. "Who?" Even though you asked that question, a sick, churning in your stomach warned you of a hunch. "Your boyfriend. Where is your boyfriend?" A loud gasp was heard and heat rushed up to your face. "He is alone, isn't he?" You refused to let him hear you break down over the phone. There was also no need for the conversation to continue to know exactly where this deranged man was, or planning to head to, so you hung up with your face distorted with fear. Usually, you would have steered clear of him at all costs, but you did not have the luxury to do so when Alfred was there with him. With a heart as pure as his, he probably would not have sensed his impending doom coming at all. He was probably just sitting on a high stool at the bar, slumped over the counter and dozing off waiting for you. It would not be difficult for just about anyone to sneak up behind and pull him to the back of the bar-- "Shit!" You screamed, revving up the engine to hear it roar to life. The wheels of your car screeched as you sped down the road shrouded in what looked like a black abyss of darkness. The potent glow of your headlights guided you through the night's lonely streets. Nothing but the sound of the wheels, the wind hitting your car and a continuous thumping in the back of your ears could be heard. Because it was already half-past ten, it was no wonder there were no people on the streets despite being in the shopping district. Not a single soul was found as you searched around frantically for the address you were given as if despair wanted to rub itself in your face with nobody around to help you. When the engine stopped humming and you pulled up in a parking spot just opposite, your phone started to hum and you shot your hand out to pick it up. If you and Alfred were safe at home, you would have declined the call. But you had no choice. "Antonio. Don't hurt him, please." Those were the first words that left your mouth when the call connected. Your voice was shaking. It was only persuasion that could save both of your skins, for he was at leisure to do absolutely anything his twisted mind desired. He could have been anywhere. He could be sitting right next to Alfred at this moment. He could even be outside, watching you plead for mercy into your phone. "Please, I beg of you! He hasn't done anything wrong, he doesn't deserve this!" And he just hummed. He hummed like he himself was not doing anything wrong. "And I beg to differ, mi amor. But since you said please, I won't lay a finger on him-" You let go of the breath you didn't know you had been holding. But you really shouldn't have. "-only if you do as I say." You hid your face with your free hand and let it slide down to your mouth to muffle a few whimpers. Nobody could help you, not the police, not even Alfred who knew of this psychopath of a stalker. So you obliged, but reluctantly to say the least. "... Fine... But how will I know you're not lying? I don't trust you!" "Oh, but you have to trust me, yes?" He responded, unable to bite back a wide smile that came off as anything but friendly. "You have no choice! But I will make sure he gets back home safe, all you have to do is listen to me." "..." He took your silence as a yes, so he went on to instruct you to carry out his plan. And this sick scheme of his was foolproof in his eyes- with careful thinking, impeccable execution and the life of your loved one at stake, success was practically guaranteed. Once he decided that phone calls were simply not enough, he came up with the perfect plot to play you right into his hands. "Text him that you are unable to pick him up. Tell him that you forgot that Arthur had borrowed your car because his broke down. And then say..." Your eyes went round at the mention of Arthur's name. How did he even know he had picked up Peter from your house? More importantly, what else did he know about you and the people in your life? The only plausible explanation was that he was actually a close friend of yours, well not anymore. Either that, or he had been overhearing your conversations and spying on you for the past few weeks. You prayed it was the latter option because it would have been impossible to narrow your suspects down to one person. You knew all your friends for ages, most of them at least, and you loved every single one of them. "... You're still too afraid to even leave the door at night." It was painful how much truth the last statement held. During the time when those calls ceased, you were still paranoid about going out at night alone. "... Okay. And you won't do anything to him when he gets home, right?" You asked in a feeble voice. "I promise." He muttered. "And you'll know if he gets home safe. You can call him, can't you? Now. Before you hang up on me and do that, I want you to do something for me as well." You bit your lip and waited for that sultry voice of his to spell out how you were going to die. He could tell you to do anything at this point. The clever bastard had you wrapped around his thumb by threatening you with Alfred. No matter what it was going to be, you were probably not going to see the light of day again. "When Alfred gets to his own house, I want you to go home." Huh? Confusion flashed onto your face and you knitted your brows together. It was a little less terrifying than you expected, and it sounded too good to be true that you needed to question his motives. "... But why? Aren't you going to like, murder me in an empty alleyway or something? Not that I want you to! Please don't-" A sigh under a grungy filter was heard. "No, why would I ever do that? Didn't I already tell you how much I-" He thinned his lips. "You know what, no more questions. Just do as I say and Alfred will be untouched." He hung up after that, suggesting that there was nothing else for you to do but everything he just told you to. Your lips had separated agape to throw a few more questions his way, but alas, he was gone. But the same minute he ended the call, you sprung into action and texted Alfred to get the hell home. Your thumbs worked quickly against the keyboard, and no matter how much the blonde complained, you continued to persuade him. Eventually, he agreed and arrived home safely. And how did you know that? You did text him to check if he did make it to his house in one piece. As you started up your car, your eyes flickered over to the blinding white light of a seven eleven just opposite. The contrast in lighting immediately grabbed your attention, and for good reason too. Although you needed to squint a little to recognize the hooded figure standing outside the convenience store, you matched a name with his appearance. A few of his dark brown locks curled out from his hoodie, and his facial features including those green eyes grew clearer as you ran up to him. He had his phone pressed up to his ear like he was in a call, but the second before you jumped onto him, he hung up and lowered it. "Tony!" You screamed, leaping up to wrap your arms around his neck. Unfortunately for you, it was hard to keep a hold of such a high place when you were vertically challenged compared to him. He let out a startled scream and fumbled with his phone. Spinning around with wide eyes, he blinked furiously before he offered you a dazzling smile. "(F/N)! Coincidence seeing you here!" He started with a few laughs. "Are you here to pick up Alfred? I just left the bar from getting something I forgot..." Those laughs silenced when he finally saw the face you were making. It was pure horror. "... (F/N)? Are you alright?" He asked softly with a frown downturning his lips. You shook your head furiously and held onto his jacket, digging your fingers into the fabric to secure him there. "I'm sorry for bothering you. But... Could you accompany me home?" You whispered. Your grip on him did not loosen. Breathing shallow and eyes glazed with a layer of tears, he immediately assumed something terrible had happened that night. He did not ask many questions and only grabbed your hand to lead you away. Pulling you over to your car, he sat you in the passenger seat and buckled you in before he went over to the other side and sat behind the wheel. "You don't have to tell me everything if you don't want to, but I'm always here if you need someone to listen." He began to make his way to your house, driving you back in the car you owned. "Do you need to call the police? Medical attention?" "... No. I just... Wanted to see a friendly face." You whispered, staring out the window. It was not a very satisfactory answer, but the less he knew, the safer he was. "I was harassed by a few guys, but I'm not hurt or anything." He opened his mouth to say something else, but you just cut him off by giving him directions. Strange thing was, he did not even need your help finding your neighborhood. But you never bothered to mention it, not that you even noticed it. When he pulled up in your driveway, he opened your door for you and helped you out. As he turned to leave, you grabbed onto his sleeve to stop him from even stepping off your property. "Wait!" He turned around to face you with an inquisitive look. "I know this might sound weird, but... Could you maybe come inside? I'm still a little paranoid." A little paranoid was an understatement. The last time you were home, he had managed to get inside. He even entered your room. Your bed. And the phone call you just had with him just confirmed he was waiting inside for you, so were you just going to let this opportunity of having a friend by your side slip away? The man appeared to be a little hesitant, but when he remembered the reason why he was here, he nodded and trailed after you. Even that was not enough, so you reached out for his hand to pull him up the small flight of stairs to your front door. "Woah, hey! I'm not leaving any time soon, so you can calm down!" He exclaimed, slipping out of his shoes as you jabbed your key into the door. You did the same, except you kicked your shoes off and stormed into your house without sparing them a second look. You threw all of your things onto the couch, only to hear your purse roll off to hit the ground in a thud. "... I just had a feeling someone followed me back home." You finally said, flicking on the lights in all the rooms in your abode as you checked for any intruders. Peering in every room and every possible place that was large enough to conceal a fully grown male, you felt your heart finally calm when you were given fruitless results. The only place under this roof you had not checked yet was the bedroom now. You were subconsciously saving it for last, because you thought it was where he would most likely show up again. So once you explored the second floor, you pulled him into your bedroom expecting to see a creep waiting for you in the corner. But alas, there was nobody. A small hum rumbled from your throat as you walked in, glancing around to inspect the place. You checked under the bed, in the closet, and even in the bin... Just to be sure. And yet, there was no sign of anyone here. "... Hm... That's weird..." You mumbled under your breath, placing your hands on your hips. "Oh! I haven't checked the garden!" You twisted around to walk out the door, but the man there with you had shut it with a click-- the sound of your lock.
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kallulovesu · 4 years
Hetalia/APH Masterlist
[last updated on 28/04/22]
General yandere South Italy headcanons
General yandere Spain headcanons
General yandere Russia headcanons
General yandere Japan headcanons
General yandere England headcanons
General Yandere Poland headcanons
General Yandere Luxembourg headcanons
General yandere Asea headcanons
Allies with a darling that outsmarts them
Japan falling in love with one of America’s states
Russia with a complacent darling that loves him back :)
Spain going after a witch country (that so happens to have a past with iggy)
Which 2ps would like a tomboy s/o?
Which 2ps would like a loud, goofy s/o?
Yan America, Spain, Romano and England reacting to finding their s/o that ran away years ago
Yandere allies and axis reacting to their crush’s confession to their home country
2p Romano, America, Japan and China reacting to their darling escaping after having kidnapped them
Platonic Yandere reader against Yandere Belarus! (Poor Russia)
Platonic Yandere allies headcanons
Yandere allies + axis helping their s/o out with depression and existential crisis
Axis trio + America and Russia being war enemies with their s/o
Yandere pirate Spain x mermaid reader headcanons
England, Russia and Germany with a shy s/o that apologizes a lot
Yandere Lithuania with a blind s/o who is dependent on him
Yandere nyo!Allies reacting to being trapped in a giant soap bubble with their s/o
Yandere nyo axis, Romano and baltics reacting to being trapped in a floating bubble with their s/o
Yandere Prussia, England and Germany with a darling that acts all shy— but ends up fooling them.
Yandere Japan, Germany , China and Prussia finding their darling years after they escaped
Yandere Germany, America being told off by their country darling
Yandere Canada in a queerplatonic relationship w an ace reader that is insecure about her identity
Yandere America, England, Spain, Romano reacting to finding their s/o that ran away years ago except they immediately dipped once seeing them,
Yandere Canada, America, and Russia with a sweet, but chaotic s/o
the Nyo Nordics, Nyo Spain and Nyo Korea reacting to being trapped in a floating bubble with their darling
1p/2p italies sharing an s/o
Witch reader breaking it off with a very power hungry and almost abusive iggy (good riddance)
South Italy and Spain sharing a darling!
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