#any in snapchat from late july 2016 got corrupted
fairy-ganj-mother · 7 months
ughhhhh i wish my phones didn't break every year in college and I didnt lose all of the pics I ever took
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ventingoutmyass · 6 years
Ten days will mark two years since I took my life back. Two years since I made the decision to end my pain.
I've talked many times about the toxic relationship I was in in 2015-2016. But I've never told the story.
Let's go back to March of 2015. I met this girl in my first hour class of my junior year. Across from me sat this jaw-dropping, beautiful girl. Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 5 feet of sass and charisma and personality. She was a preppy, popular girl with boys all over her. And yet, she took notice of me. I was awkward and quiet and didnt quite know how to dress or wear my hair. We starting talking and for about a month, things were great. I had started my first relationship and I was so excited.
In April, just like in every high school, prom was on everyone's mind. For some reason, I had decided that I didnt want to go to my junior prom. A couple days after telling her this, she was asked to the dance, in the class we shared, by a boy who was a friend of ours. I watched in horror as he played out this huge show and asked her. And I watched her say yes. My heart was breaking and I was physically shaking and I kept telling myself, "it's okay, hes a nice guy, he will treat her well". For the next three days I had this feeling like I had been punched in the chest, I couldn't breath right and it physically hurt. It was the first time I experienced emotional pain physically, and the first time that pain continued the next morning. And the morning after that. Two days later, she told me she wanted to just be friends. Until this point in my life, it was the worst pain I've felt in one single moment. The next morning was the first time I smoked a cigarette. A price I'm paying to this day.
I decided to go to prom after that. Even if I couldn't be her date, I could at least spend a few minutes with her. The three of us actually ended up going sort of as a group, so I spent almost the entire night with her. We didnt get the dance to the song we wanted to, but I spent the night at her house that night. It was purely sweet and innocent, I cant tell you how happy I was to sleep next to her, to cuddle her, to wake up next to her and eat breakfast the next morning together with her family. I had the first taste of what a relationship was. I call this point in our relationship, the first peak.
Summer break came and I was excited at the opportunity to see her all day long some days if we wanted. To spend days together and eat meals and create memories. Although she lived three streets over from me, a five minute walk, I didnt see her until school started again.
In fact, I didnt see her again until the fourth day back. You see, when I talk about this relationship, I tell people that we lived very close, we were practically neighbors, but it was a long distance relationship. We rarely saw eachother besides the first two months and the last three. We never saw eachother, but we texted and used snapchat every minute of everyday to talk to eachother. I saw her for the first time in almost three months. It shouldn't been happy and we should've been excited but, it was more awkward than anything. We shared a small hug and a hello and went about our days. I still have the screenshot somewhere of the message she sent me that afternoon about how she wanted to cry and jump in my arms but just... didn't. I think that set the mood for the rest of the relationship.
Between that August and Jaunary 2016, it was a constant cycle of fighting followed by a few days of silence and making up and fighting a couple days later. It was non-stop for about five months. So on Febraury 1st, we decided to take a break. We agreed to take a little time apart and come back together in a few months. In February we each went on a date with someone else, and while I lost interest in the person I was talking to, she didn't.
The exact date was January 26th, this was the day I first noticed I was having suicidal thoughts.
In late March we began talking again. She told me she had a new boyfriend, but not much more than that. While I knew his name, I had never met him or even known what he looked like. As our relationship started back up, her boyfriend became sort of the elephant in the room. He was very much there, but rarely talked about.
This girl was very insecure, especially about her sexuality. She wanted to keep me a secret, because she was in the closet. Which dont get me wrong, that's perfectly fine! She refused to put a label on our relationship and never once said the word "girlfriend". She never made an effort to see me and whenever I made a suggestion to see her she made excuses, she never posted about me on any social media even as a friend. But as soon as this boy was in her life, she was all about him. They saw eachother all the time, met each others family, posted pictures hanging out and kissing every week. And whenever she had a complaint about him, she came to me.
The entire time she told me that he was a beard, for show, to say "I'm not gay, look at my boyfriend!" And for some reason, my depressed ass decided it was easier to believe it than to lose the girl I had fallen head over heels in love with. So I stayed. I stayed, and i suffered because of it.
They went to prom together by senior year, I had a single, 30 second interaction with her the entire night. I told her goodnight as I was leaving and she asked for a picture with me. So she handed her phone to her date, and he took a picture of us. She kissed me on the cheek, and I walked away, following my friends to an afterparty where I hoped to get so drunk that I would forget the night. We never found that party... So instead I got high in my driveway and sat at home crying while my friends were asleep on the floor around me. This prom night might've been just as painful as the last, but I didnt have her in my arms at the end of the night.
The following summer was... interesting? She finally came around to making sure to see me, since I wouldn't be at school the next year. In July of 2016 she told me about a four-day job she had to dogsit for a family friend. So behind her family's back, (who hated me by this point for "corrupting their daughter" and "ruining the relationship she has with this nice boy") she invited me to come with her while she visited the empty house for a few hours a day. These four days were by far the happiest we'd been the entire relationship. We kissed for the first time and we were intimate and it was honestly amazing and I had felt truly happy for the first time in over six months. The next few weeks were full of love and happiness, this was the true peak of the relationship. Her family started to warm up to me and I was invited to family parties and we were spending more quality time together than ever before. I thought it was genuinely getting better, that it was just going up from there. But there was one problem, she still had a boyfriend. The same story continued as I continued to suffer in silence at the idea that he was only for show, that she was just using him to make her family and friends happy. That she plans to break up with him and the right time hasn't come up, for months.
That story came to a halt on September 20th, 2016. She revealed to me the lie she had kept for an unknown time, possibly the entire time, that she was serious about her relationship with him. She told me "We are doing well, we aren't fighting, I'm going to stay with him". I can't say that I was heartbroken. By this point, I was in such constant pain, it felt like any other moment. The thing that possibly saved me, was that four days prior, I felt better. I continued to feel better for four days in a row. So I said enough was enough. Of course, I gave her a piece of my mind, and I left.
That was the day I began my recovery. In September of 2016, I was a walking body without a person inside of it. I was nothing of a person I once was. And I saw an opportunity. Since I have to rebuild and recover and became a person again, I decided I didn't want to be the person I was before. I didn't want to be the person I hated so much that I nearly killed myself over. I recreated a new person to be proud of. And who I rebuilt is who I am today. And while I still live everyday with the trauma that those days left me, I wake up every single morning, grateful for the person I am and the life I have and the strength I was able to gather from my support system and the rubble of who I once was. I am thankful everyday to live this life and to be surrounded by people who genuinely love me and care for me.
Without this relationship, I wouldn't be who I am. Not even close. I was torn down to nothing and I was able to create the person I always wanted to be. I learned my lessons and I learned to appreciate and I know how I deserve to be treated. I'm able to carry these lessons on for the rest of my life and to relationships for my future. And I have lots of poems to show my success
This tragic story had a happy ending.
I'm on the road to recovery and I'm finally going the right direction
-508 September 18, 2016
I found a home away from home in your arms only to find out that sweet escape was nothing but a cage
-518 October 15, 2016
Sometimes I still miss you. Not even exactly you, but the idea of what we had. I miss always having somebody right at my fingertips, somebody who made me feel whole.
-523 October 29, 2016
In three months I've hit rock bottom and climbed myself to the highest point I could reach
-531 November 22, 2016
I'm still struggling not to think about her every minute of the day
-539 January 6, 2017
Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it
-550 April 5, 2017
All I want, is to feel nothing next time I see you
-556 April 20, 2017
It's okay if I'm not your favorite chapter you have written, but I hope you sometimes smile when you flip back to the pages I was still apart of
-569 August 12, 2017
I am in love with life and it's potentials
-574 October 17, 2017
Now that I know what it means to be dead, I can start living again
-579 November 5, 2017
Remember when you wanted what you currently have
-590 December 23, 2017
There's a person who once knew everything about me that there was to know, but who I was then has been burned alive. And I am thankful with every breath that I take, that the one who burned me, will never meet who I am today
-597 January 26, 2018
There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you’re the one that will change theirs
-602 March 17, 2018
This may be a sad chapter, but you are not a sad story
-624 June 28, 2018
You haven't been through all that just to give up now
-627 July 14, 2018
I'm warming my hands on the bridges I've burnt
-633 July 30, 2018
The bravest thing she ever did was to stay alive each day
-634 July 30, 2018
We are always in recovery
-638 September 3, 2018
There's more to life than spending every day wishing you were dead
-641 September 3, 2018
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
WhatsApp Text Status Makes a Return in 'About' With Android Beta
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/31/whatsapp-text-status-makes-a-return-in-about-with-android-beta/
WhatsApp Text Status Makes a Return in 'About' With Android Beta
WhatsApp did a major overhaul by introducing Snapchat-like WhatsApp Status a while back. It was met with a lot of criticism from many users who wanted the old text-based status message back. Now, with WhatsApp’s latest beta, the company is testing just that. In the latest Android beta version 2.17.95, users are now seeing the revival of the old status message feature.android download
The feature is still being tested, but this indicates that it should arrive in the stable version soon. If you want to use it immediately, we suggest you sign up for the WhatsApp beta community in Google Play. For beta users, you will see the old status feature by pressing the three dot icon on the top right edge.
Android phones
Head to Settings, and in the About and phone number section, you will see the old status option back. It comes with the old default options of ‘Available’, ‘Busy’, ‘At school’, ‘At the movies’, etc, and more importantly, does not disappear in 24 hours.
Notably, this About and phone number section is not visible to all beta users as yet. Within the Gadgets 360 team, only a few members saw the feature despite others being on the WhatsApp v2.17.95 for Android.
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The revival of the text status doesn’t mean that the new WhatsApp Status feature will disappear. It still very much exists in a separate tab where you can add photos and videos that disappear in 24 hours, just like Snapchat. The tab also lists all the new updates from your contacts in the same format as you see on Snapchat. Unfortunately, there’s no way (yet) to disable this feature completely.
Facebook also introduced a similar Snapchat-like feature in Messenger on Thursday. Calling it Messenger Day, the feature lets you post photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours as well.
WhatsApp, iMessage and Snapchat Attacked Because of Their Encryption
You cannot realistically ban encryption. Encryption is used to guard verbal exchange through electronic gadgets; it protects your bank records and online debts. This is cryptography, it’s miles utilized in masses of structures. We’ve got politicians talking about banning that technology. How can this be? British Top minister David Cameron has raised a red flag on encrypted messaging apps like WhatsApp, iMessage, and Snapchat. He has known as for the banning of these apps; implying that they’re being used by criminal companies and terrorists to talk.
Exchange through electronic gadgets; it protects your bank records and online debts. This is cryptography, it’s miles utilized in masses of structures. We’ve got politicians talking about banning that technology. How can this be? British Top minister David Cameron has raised a red flag on encrypted messaging apps like WhatsApp, iMessage, and Snapchat. He has known as for the banning of these apps; implying that they’re being used by criminal companies and terrorists to talk.whatsapp for PC windows 7 free download
“In our us of a, will we need to allow a method of verbal exchange among human beings which we can not read?”, rhetorically said with the aid of the Prime Minister
With this sort of good judgment, I am going to head as ways as to mention; we should depart our homes and cars unlocked, and valuables left unguarded in public areas due to the fact clearly it’d be a great deal less difficult to capture thieves and placed them in jail.
Security isn’t always just for what the social norm calls the “properly men”. it is a two manner avenue. I’d as an alternative have peace of mind that my facts are being covered so nicely; to the point that Authorities officers can not faucet into it. Consider the numerous ways this may cross incorrectly. Consider corrupt politicians with access to facts or just bear in mind that lightening up on safety features, will make it less difficult for the common hacker to advantage get right of entry to.
Laptop scientists have spoken out on the futility of weakening encryption;
So most effective Authorities officials have got admission to.This identical weakness may be exploited by using malicious hackers. This view is held with the aid of many Pc experts actively within the discipline.
A few months again a ban was called on WhatsApp inside the United kingdom; it has lately been dropped because of mass complaint. But this can of worms has now not been closed simply but. This has simply driven the issue to different components of the sector; where they could theoretically benefit some traction and unfold. India has a ban on positive forms of encryption. WhatsApp uses quit to stop encryption; that is illegal in India.
WhatsApp makes use of a 256bit encryption which is best regarded by using the sender and the receiver. India only lets in 40bit encryption in case you want to have permission you want to use thru the Authorities. The Indian Authorities has requested for the keys for you to gain access, But WhatsApp creators have said they do no longer have them. So all person the usage of the modern day version of WhatsApp in India are technically breaking the law. No moves have been determined on what to do with the organization; they may be now not based totally in India making matters complicated.
Currently, the Brazilian government was said to have been mentioned to be amassing WhatsApp information with the hopes of fighting drug monitoring. WhatsApp has been cooperating with law enforcement; However have long gone on to say that they cannot offer the entire volume of what they want. We are just uncovering what’s on the floor; do some studies on what your neighborhood Authorities and even net service providers are doing; and what facts they’re doing with this information.
Achieving LinkedIn Influencer Status
I formerly wrote about spotting influencers so that it will growth your commercial enterprise’ popularity. The other side of the coin is the way to gain LinkedIn influencer fame yourself so you can undoubtedly impact other businesses. One thing that you need to hold in mind is that there’s influence fame after which there is influencer status on LinkedIn. The two are not the identical component.check my status.nvc case status
What do you want to do to advantage influencer repute on LinkedIn?
Of path, so as to undergo the process of gaining influence reputation, you want to start with the content material, much like you usually do. No longer simplest do you want to create content however you want to create clean, compelling, attractive content on a regular basis. The more top-pleasant content you produce, the better your fame as a LinkedIn influencer will move. It’ll additionally assist you to enhance your professional recognition in well know, that is one of the principal matters which you are after. As is continually the case, you’ll need to live away from doing a “hard promote” on absolutely everyone. you will succeed in promoting your products and/or offerings by constructing your recognition, credibility, believe, and by way of positioning yourself as a topic count professional. Of path, take into account that the writing of your content material Now not handiest wishes to be pinnacle first-rate but it additionally needs to be interesting. You want to connect to your reader on a human/emotional degree and the tale which you inform with each and each piece of content material needs to resonate with your reader.
Getting began
The content that you percentage with different human beings ought to be a combination of curated and original content. If you aren’t positive approximately the virtues of curated content, the handiest component which you want to know at this point is that curated content material is useful as it widens your attitude and adds value to the postings which you share with different people. Of course, your unique content material is simply as important (if Not crucial) in your business.
There are people who feel that clean, concise, brief content material postings are the manner to move. However, there is a lot of benefit in posting longer articles as properly. one of the positives of an extended publish is that you are capable of providing details that you just can not deliver when you have a strict phrase hindrance. a longer submits will permit you to connect to your reader in a distinctive manner than a shorter one. Of direction, the problem with an extended publish is that the reader has to stay with you for a longer time and you need to maintain that individual’s interest for an extended time. That is not usually clean, of a route. But, in case your put up is sincerely nicely written and captivates the reader, you ought to haven’t any trouble keeping his or her attention. All you need to do is wow the reader together with your know-how and expertise. You could accomplish that in your sleep!
The Future of Android Games, Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
Cell gaming has come a totally lengthy way because the creation of crude & easy games like Snake and Pong which have been to be had on early Nokia telephones. Cell processors and images are now as powerful as computer systems were only some years in the past. Older generations nonetheless do not forget to lug around a Game Boy or Game equipment and to beg their mother and father for some other Recreation. New generations actually have access to 100’s of thousands of video games on their Mobile device.
In quick, Cell gaming has exploded in only some years time. Inside the month of July 2016, there have been 63.1 million arcade games downloaded & games Inside the “strategy” category generated $195M sales. In a latest observe over 37% of Cell app users with 30 minutes of loose time pick out to play games over every other hobby. We’ve all seen it and We’ve all done it ourselves, whether or not its expecting an appointment or sitting in the airport, we pull out our Mobile tool and bounce right into a short Sport to kill the time.
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