#any prayer
latenightsundayblues · 8 months
You absolutely cannot tell me that Lawrence Gordon, middle aged sexually repressed homo who's been craving dick since college, was faced with the sight of a soaking wet twink and didn't have a single unsavory thought
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you’d think after 800 years he’d learn his lesson about taking afternoon naps. / prev comic / follow for more sleepy xie lian
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valtsv · 2 months
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this part of VAL's monologue about how she was created keeps coming back to me, because while it isn't the only time that we see her being capable of empathy or sympathy, and of recognising other people as victims of the same cruelty and violence that she herself was (as we hear when she talks about the civilians killed at dutler's weald), it is the one time that she doesn't try to separate herself from them entirely, as though that will protect her from being made the same - helpless, and suffering at the whims of others. perhaps because she sees the person she was before she was hallowed as a separate entity already - the one who made the decision that damned them both - but perhaps also because they are her, or what she could have been, and she them. i can't help but wonder how many nights she spent telling herself that the doors to the cells in that substation would miraculously unlock, and they would all walk free. that the cellmate whose screams kept her awake would take to the latest hallowing brands, or at least stop being in so much pain. that her mother would come back, and her hands would be soft. that someone would apologise for what they were doing to her. to all of them. i wonder how many lies she whispered into the dark before she stopped believing them. perhaps it was when she realised that hers was the only voice left calling out into the silence.
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thedeathwitchescats · 11 months
The gods are going to love you even if you cant do much. The gods are going to love you even if you can do nothing. The gods are going to love you even if your sick and cant get up. The gods are going to love you even if youre struggling and getting food is more important than getting offerings. Your devotion is what matters. If you love the gods they will love you
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leroibobo · 10 months
really do not think people understand the extent to which palestinian sites/landmarks (especially muslim ones) were destroyed, beginning in 1948 until now, even in cities. the oldest extant mosque in jaffa (al-bahr mosque) was built in 1675, even though islam came there in the 7th century
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thatswhatilikebruh · 5 months
Personally me? I just LOVE all the canon ships that we have on the show!!
Buck x Tommy 🥺
Athena x Bobby😍
Hen x Karen💅
Maddie x Chimney 💕
eddie x therapy🥰
Eddie x half girlfriend x doppelganger x babytrapped malewife and his bf 🙂‍↕️✋️
I dont think I have missed any < 3
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aioliravioli-69 · 6 months
To the person who showed Buddy the turial: you're safe
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heybiji · 5 months
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dande's dying btw
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the-oddest-inkling · 6 months
I am doing a cold turkey Coca Cola rehab starting tomorrow. Not only to lose 50 kgs of weight, but also because of health reasons.
I drank 2 litres of Coke each day until now and it completely fucked up my digestive system and my bladder.
It will be really tough, but I want to do it!
I would appreciate some prayers.
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fizzyorange-v2 · 2 months
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on not being able to save those you love, even from themselves
“I've been inside his head. That guy's a piece of shit.”
“It doesn't matter. I-I don't want to be someone who leaves people behind. I want to be someone who saves his family. And for better or worse... he's family.”
1 - Billy-Ray Belcourt, A History of My Brief Body / Virgina Woolf, Final Letter to Her Husband // 2 - Nick Schager, The Boys Recap: Don’t Forget Your Second Wind // 3 - Adrienne Rich, For the Dead // 4 - Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care / The Boys, Assassination Run / Lena Oleanderson, Love in the Thoracic Cavity / Friedrich Nietzsche / @ell-hs, x / unknown // 5 - The Front Bottoms, Twelve Feet Deep / Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human / Walter Benjamin, One Way Street (tr. Edmund Jephcott), Selected Writings, Vol I: 1913-1926 / lillie, via Pinterest // 6 - John Le Carré, The Looking Glass War / Bring Me the Horizon, True Friends / starparkdesigns, via Instagram // 7 - Clive Barker, The Hellbound Heart / The Crane Wives, Tongues and Teeth / @neuxue, x // 8 - Susan Sontag, As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks (1964 - 1980) / Molly McAdams, Stealing Harper (Taking Chances, #1.5) / The Mountain Goats, Training Montage / Hael, Who Made You A Monster? // 9 - Bares, Montage // 10 - Aeschylus, Agamemnon / Garth Ennis, Preacher / D.N., excerpt from a book i'll never write #71 / @catradoraism, x / Poor Man’s Poison, Black Sheep // 11 - The Mountain Goats, Up the Wolves // 12 & 13 - Natalie Young, Notes on Earth Life // 14 - Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire / unknown / David Fincher, The Social Network // 15 - Margaret Atwood, "Hesitations outside the door", Power Politics / @theartistichuman, x / Jorge Rivera-Herrans, No Longer You // 16 - unknown
as always please let me know if any links break, any credit is incorrect, or if you’re aware of where a missing piece of media is from :]
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soath · 1 month
It is genuinely not surprising that Ashton has such a strong The Gods Are Going To Kill Us take on the situation, given what they specifically have seen and what they have to relate to. They're about two weeks out from 1.) getting done violence onto them by an angel and then 2.) being told they have a bit of a dead thing that the gods tried to kill inside them. Then they go and put a lot of effort into getting that dead scrap to wake up (with disastrous consequences illustrating how incredibly volatile its power is). Then they have their only religious friend blow up in front of them. Then they watch a movie trilogy where the only non-god main character is another earth genasi broken-walking-timebomb whose main purpose on the mission is to explode when the gods need him to. They don't see the Lawbearer weep for her son, they only see the Emissary, a child, crying because he's afraid to die. Then they go to Vasselheim, the city of the gods, and see the corpse of a Titan, the dead thing the gods killed, yanked out of the earth and puppeted by one wannabe god and now desecrated in death by the overconfident followers of all the others. They're making something beautiful out of it, they're living on it, and normally he'd be in favor of that but they don't even know its name. They're building new temples on the corpse of the old world, hollowing it out and starting fresh, and Ashton is a part of that old world. They cannot stop being connected to a power the gods seem to, at best, be willing to weaponize. That would make anyone paranoid; given their background it's impressive that he's not more combative, tbh.
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arkiwii · 9 months
GREAT NEWS people, my chronically online ass who keeps searching up any hidden gems online has found a little prequel comic that has been drawn by the author of the "Family Vacation" chapter in the comic anthology, that I already spoke about on this blog!
It has been posted on Twitter by the artist, and I couldn't find any translation, so I allowed myself to give a translation (badly) so everyone can enjoy the sight of an Ifrit who just wants what's best for her guardians!
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And a bonus drawing they did as well!
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grechsblog · 15 days
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im already sick.
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solarpunkani · 9 months
my dad went to the library to get some books (his goal is to read more this new year) and he brought me back a lil announcement abt a 'bring your own craft' kinda event that happens every Friday from 10 to 12
on the one hand: possibly a cool way to make crafting friends, get out of the house, go to the library more often
on the other hand: the odds of me being conscious before 12pm most of the time is Extremely Low
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rcarx · 2 years
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happy birthday kty!! (x)
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