#anygays you can follow me on twitter
randompumpkinkiddo · 6 months
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it's so windy holy shit
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larentsaloud · 3 years
I’ve come to appreciate BTS in 2021. I mean I knew of their existence. I am not a barbaric creature. I think early spring after clocking them out and chatting to Wheatus on Twitter about their music I was quite taken aback by their talent. Didn’t really understand what the fuss what about at first. 😅
Oh in case you don’t know that band that composed the iconic Teenbage Dirtbag tune? Yeah. <IM JUST A TEENAGE DIRTBAG BAAAABYYYY> screaming in high pitch* also jumps* {Jimin joins. *pause* Jungkook joins* GUYS!! I’m in the middle of a story about yall.}
We got into a polemic about shipping, because I was and still am someone who supports one direction. From my user name you can probably guess I am / was a Larry.
~~~~ let’s not fight about this ~~~~
I love one direction and support their solo careers, there’s something about them that made me feel things, I’ve not felt for a long time. Ultimately it’s why I and the rest of the planet consume art. To feel stuff. It’s kind of safer than having a broken heart. It’s why certain songs are so addictive. Like that’s the whole basis of POP music / culture. Create consumable goods we can all be addicted to. Capitalism. All that jazz. *Tae throws hands* <Yes, Tae I know. I shouldn’t have brought jazz into it.>
Back to business.
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I think Zayn and Louis are my most played artists this year. Which is funny because I was a huge rock fan and wouldn’t go near boy bands. It’s kind of like I said I won’t touch the hot stove and here I am all over the fucking thing. Even running a blog. Lol. 😭😭😭
No surprises there! Anyhow.
Wheatus’s song has been covered by 1D and he engaged with me a little. We chatted about Ani Di Franco whom we both love and then he followed me. I was so 🥺🥺 because he’s such a cool dude. Sorry about this prelude, but I promise that it will be a point to this. <Jin stop asking us whats for dinner>
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Anygays, he shared a BTS song and loads of army flooded his replies trying to gate keep BTS from a ‘Larry’ so I got freaked out. God bless Wheatus because he publicly defended me saying music was for everyone. <Jhope just hugged me guys!>
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*leaves room for 5 minutes. Comes back confused. Where’s my flute? Can’t hear due to the sound of jikook playing it super out of tune. FFS guys. Lemme write this post.
I used to play flute back in the day. Not like Lizzo, it was a lot less sexy.
So after that I felt all sorts of feelings about BTS. I followed them on Twitter and checked out a few videos. Never thought much of it. Cute lads I said to myself.
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WORLD WIDE HANDSOME 🌎🌍🌏🥰🥰 *cue in namjoon eye roll
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In a recent bout of existential crisis I decided to pursue writing as a career and entered some competitions, wrote a novel or two that needs to be edited and finished off. LOL.
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While in that space, one direction fandom saved me. Literally saved my life, because I wrote a fan fiction in which I discovered my love for the art of sentences! I took the FF down once I evaluated some hard truths.
This meant being honest with myself about breaking the fourth wall. Once I cleared my conscience I ached to create stories and longed to write until my eyes bleed just not about THEM.
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Amidst the pandemic I was safe in my bubble where I found new friends and pals from all across the globe. We talk. We share dreams. We laugh. We cry. We watch Grammys together and scream. Internet is fucking powerful.
Of late I got attached to K-Drama. Initially I attributed this to the fact, that Korean dramas have original plot… and told everyone who was asking me about
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~~~regrets ever mentioning the thing ~~~
So I called it
But let’s be honest.
I needed a break from my book. I wanted romance. I want to cry on cue and laugh. I wanted to yell at yet another predictable story line when amnesia >>> arrived.
I live for that shit.
They do follow solid plot developments and I LOVED the cinematography in them, or their beauty, language, food, the intricate language and culture?! Maybe all of it.
I just fell in love with Korea first.
Once I crossed that path and starter messaging my mother in Korean when saying good night and telling her I love her, she confessed that she fell into the Korean loop hole, too. It was a truly beautiful moment for us both.
And from k-dramas it was only a matter of time before I started listening to BTS, watched their YT crack videos, in the soop, BTS run.
The thing about Jikook…
Kind of happened despite me trying. I fell in love with whatever they have.
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2-hearts-1-home28 · 4 years
I'd like to address something in relation to larry and larries.
I'm a larrie. I haven't been here from the start so I haven't gotten the opportunity to actually witness the happenings at the time maybe up until late 2014 ( before that I was a fan of 1d but not heavily and so I never bothered with keeping up with them before that) but! As of the 2014, I thought I'd actually invest myself into the fandom, and I was a full blown anti lmao ( I know..I was young and naive and dumb af, blinded by the bullshit, lies and deceit the media shoved down my ( our throats-that they still do..but we're past that, obviously and now, we see things for how they are, how the industry works and what they put the boys through. What HL had to and still continue to go through)
Anygays, just like it states in the ask, new larries don't know much of what went on and how things work, I was one of them..and now I can wholeheartedly say I am in fact aware of it all, I understand things and I see how deep it all, in fact, goes. It really isn't about how long you've been here for, it's about how an informed opinion will always carry more value than a poorly informed one...and it's true, the veteran larries who have been here from the get-go have witnessed everything so their opinions would certainly matter more than some random ass anti who knows little to nothing.
From what I've seen and continue to see through the language we've become so accustomed to, how we've become so good at reading Louis ( and Harry) and also through the messages they sneak into their songs and music videos, their body language and tones..they're so blatantly obvious and it's like a silent plea for us to hear them out y'know? I mean with RBB & SBB?? that shit felt like a damn fever dream! There's absolutely no other explanation for those chaotic bloody bears!! Niall being discreet and snapping his neck to look at Louis expectantly?? The foreshadowing tweets??? The reflections?? The way those rainbow bears showed up every single night on tour with different props and shit- they had on some expensive stuff ffs the crew would never go through such great lengths to waste their money on all of that!
Let me remind you that these are the same guys who created freaking fake islands with a mysterious website and twitter acc with creepy ass shit that got us thinking we were trapped and bound to die by joining a cult, just to promote a singe!!! Then went on to have us watch a table on the beach be setup for 3 whole whole days!!! Only for his equally chaotic spouse to make us run like headless chicken all around to these global hotspots ( In the places of most larry significance at that) just to unlock secret bloody messages for his new single!! And then went on to make us sit through 6 hours of watching paint dry on a wall.. for an album release!
Like??? Do you see the other members pulling cryptic shit like this? No!! Louis and Harry KNOW we analyse their every doing and they take fucking pride in that. They love it. They want us to figure shit out. I mean when Louis said his fans loved to look for secret messages and Easter eggs, when be called us his, and I quote "little detectives" he was talking about larries. When harry said we've been sleuthing about to try and connect the dots with the whole Eroda thing, he was talking about larries..because really, who else other than us larries are able to follow cryptic and obsurd leads?? To take what they're so sweetly throwing at us and run with it? Yeah.
Anygays.. I absolutely agree with everything said. It doesn't matter how long you've been in the fandom, just be open minded about things and don't be gullible and believe whatever the media says. It's their job to make money and care a fuck about the artist. So if you actually take the time to see things between the lines and see what HL are trying to tell you, good for you. You're a proper larrie.
If you're a new larrie, and don't know the difference between larries and, well..bluegreeners, just don't be fooled by antis. They're going around pretending to be larries to make fun of us. You'll notice easily though, bluegreeners are usually annoying and disrespectful to HL's friends and family, constantly making literally everything about larry without supporting them as individuals. They usually comment embarrassing shit like " is larry real/ touch your hair if larry is real" on people's livestreams and will use blue&green hearts everywhere. This is also what you should find if it's an anti pretending to be a "larrie" . Also, if you "ship them" you aren't a larrie. Being a larrie means you know that they're in a romantic relationship. Ship obviously meaning a bromance like Niam, Zouis, Zarry, Lirry, Nouis and...I'm sorry ( Ziam). Larry ain't it.
Just pointer to any newbies .
In conclusion though, at this point I don't care about proof, I know that they made it. I know they're still together and still going strong and nothing will change my mind. Babygate and stunting is real and I stand by my word.
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eightspringdays · 5 years
Tumblr is so changed like half of the fandom i used to be part of are dead or moved on, anygay, I'm back and I'll reblog memes until I find something to be fixated on, also you can follow me on Twitter and i can follow you there too!
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earthpodd · 6 years
Hi, so I’m pretty new to earthpodd. Can you give me the rundown of all their little cute moments. Since I do know the basics of them. There’s just not a lot of people that I see actively shipping them, other then on tumblr which is sad.
Okay, love. Unfortunately I can’t link you to the moments, because I am stuck mobile and out of home, plus there is also the fact that most were IG stories. Anygay, it all started, I believe when they had that dinner with NewTay. Everything was mostly recorded through stories. Earth and Podd didn’t know each other all that well back then, but still Podd was teasing Earth and trying to feed him while recording him and they seemed so comfortable with each other that I believe it was the real starting point of EarthPodd. After that more often than not you could see them hanging out together and they seemed to enjoy the company, but it was still nothing that seemed past the broship. Then there were those sneaky pictures somebody took of them having dinner together at a restaurant, all close and personal. It was downhill from there. They got exponentially closer, at least three days per week they would have sleepovers (I believe mostly at Earth’s house), it was so much to the point that in one of the stories you could see 2 toothbrushes in Earth’s bathroom. Now you may be thinking “well, friends can do that”, so let me get a bit deeper. Anyone who knows Earth and has been following him for some time is able to tell the change in attitude and spirits he has been through since he met Podd. Earth is more open now, he smiles more, laughs more, posts more and seems way happier than he has been in such a long time. (That was the starting point for /me/ to start shipping them). More recently (the last month and a half or so), they seem to have grown even closer. Podd bought Earth’s favourite food for him. He basically became Earth’s chauffeur, driving him all around town, they started liking stuff about them being in a relationship. They went out together wearing couple shirts. They had a dinner and movie date. Earth had taken Podd to get his hair done twice already. They’re having more and more sleepovers, @m34ns and are assuming they are basically living together, because we see more stories of Podd in Earth’s bedroom than anywhere else. Hfjsbfjdbfjd. They are touchy, always close together, always bickering and teasing each other, even when they are apart they do that through Twitter, or IG comments, or text on Line. Then more recently Earth has gone to England and Podd is visibly sad and missing him. And Earth was asking him to make soup for him when he gets back.
Hfjsbfjdbfjd okay, this is a mess. Did I answer your questions?
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istanstraykids · 6 years
hello! here am I, shamelessly promoting myself :) I’ve had this Twitter account for a while but didn’t really use it lol I’m more active there now so if you guys want, you can follow me on there too
The username is the same ofc 
anygay, have a great day ^-^
I have a BTS one too lol it’s @thelastsugastan (just like my other fan account here on Tumblr hehe)
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larentsaloud · 3 years
hey bestie dearest f4 enthusiast my only means to make it through each week without crying,
so i hate twitter on principle (like most sane people) but i've recently started watching this show. idk if you've heard of it? it's called f4 thailand? don't watch it if you don't know what it is, its like volunteering to test out hell's newest torture method waiting for each ep, but you wouldn't know what its like yeah?
anyways enough of my delulu bullshit
I am writing to ask Your Greatness how twitter should be used. The aforementioned show has consumed my whole being and against my better judgement I now have a twitter account. I feel like a child who lost their mother at the supermarket, please impart some wisdom and teach me the (evil) ways of twitter. How are likes and reblogs different to retweets and likes? I know just how passionate you are about reblogs and I too feel the same.
Much love,
Your devout follower and fellow f4 addict
Good morning Dearest Anon,
Well, since you have decided to address me so formally I must follow suit. First of all thank you for writing this and calling me My Greatness considering I am unhinged 99% of the time on this blog and barely anything is coherent and my bestie calls me her psycho wife.
I literally had to change this blogs main agenda to fully dive into f4 and that's disconcerting because I used to cover...well OTHER topics. This is my Twitter. It is even less comprehensive Than this blog. I have ADHD so you would think Twitter should be better for me, considering that it has limit on characters, but I find threads annoying, plus people are more likely steal content. You share one idea and next thing everyone is using your idea and the credit remains buried...underneath a mounting of random accounts.
Twitter folk also LOVE to present Tumblr theories and posts without giving credits, which is another pet peeve of mine. I do my best, to ether credit source or to just share links to the original post, or when expanding on theories to actually ask permission to do so.
Sometimes I will be reading a post thinking why the f*ck does this sound like I wrote it and then it turns out I did write it someone used the exact sentences...
Anygays, this is a diversion to get to the point! Sorry.
Back to you.
Wow. So you really are doing a deep dive to the hell gates, huh?
I meaaaaaaaan. How to use Twitter? Find accounts like to interact with, DM them, comment, like, retweet. You can also quote tweets bit like when you reblog here but add something on the dash.
The hashtags are used mostly to trend stuff I guess, so you won't be able to organise your stuff using it.
Umm. Moots are mutuals.
x or x
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Love to you little rascal,
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