#anyone else lowkey been back on that vine type shit
urfavnegronerd · 10 months
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can yall pls send me a03 recommendations
anyway i luh yall
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pazzodiamante · 4 years
K but consider: Kyoutani is friends with Mattsun and Makki.
When Kyoutani first showed up to Aoba Johsai and joined the vball team later than the other first years for personal reasons, nobody really knew how to react. Oikawa obviously tried to befriend him, Iwaizumi tried his best to make him feel welcomed, and everyone else just treated him like he’d been with them for a while now even though he hadn’t. Although things seemed normal, everyone minus Iwa was always cautious around him. They acted as if he was a living time bomb and would explode if you got too close. They weren’t entirely wrong, but they also weren’t really right either. Anyways, after a few weeks of the meme team watching Kyou and how he acted around others, they decided to try and get to know him. He was pretty introverted and only seemed to like Iwaizumi and maybe even Watari but they could deal with that, after all Kyoutani was kinda like Iwaizumi but give him anger issues and less self control, at least that’s what they told themselves and each other.
It took months for them to actually get a conversation out of this dude that lasted more than a few minutes. Like at first Kyoutani wanted nothing to do with them but after seeing that they would not give up on trying to get closer to him, he slowly started to get used to them interacting with him at the most random times and occasionally talked back to them. No one really understood how their relationship worked but they accepted it after seeing that Kyoutani didn’t seem annoyed or pissed whenever he was with them. Oikawa was lowkey a bit jealous that they managed to befriend this small, feral, human chihuahua while he could barely get a conversation out of him. Iwaizumi and Watari weren’t surprised or confused like the others though, Kyoutani respected Iwa and Iwa saw him as a little brother so they were good while Watari and Kyou could be considered friends.
Anyways everybody knew that Mattsun and Makki were best bro’s (possibly more) and that they would do the dumbest shit while reciting vines and having fun but no one expected Kyoutani to join in, he just didn’t seem like the type of person. They were wrong to assume that Kyoutani wasn’t the type of person to do all the crazy stuff the meme team did, they were so wrong. Kyoutani knew and loved vines. Kyoutani was daring which made him great dangerous dares. Kyoutani knew how to skateboard while Makki didn’t so they spend extra time together so Kyou could teach him how. Mattsun and Kyou actually lived close to each other so they would often see each other at nearby stores and sometimes Kyou would walk home with them since he didn’t always get held up in practice or classes and Makki had to take a turn that the other two didn’t so Mattsun isn’t always alone for the rest of his walk home. Kyoutani wasn’t a completely different person with them, but anyone could tell the difference between his actions towards his friends and actions towards people he simply considered teammates for a long while.
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weapvnized · 4 years
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*falls out of the dumpster behind your local Denny’s* Howdy, everyone! I’m Kip and we’re just not going to talk about how late I am to the party and just jump right into my intro that definitely got out of hand because yours truly is way to excited for this rp!
What’s that scent? The smell of BLOOD SPILT AGAINST COLD METAL, which would explain the appearance of JAVIER CRUZ. Continental records indicate they are  known as PHANTOM, a THIRTY year old SPECIALIST. They have the unique ability of INTANGIBILITY.  They were specifically selected for enrollment for the ASSASSINATION OF GRANT ANDERSON, where they ASSASSNITED A HIGH RANKING PUBLIC OFFICIAL IN A SUPPOSED SECURE LOCATION WITHOUT ANY SIGNS OF FORCED ENTRY, LEAVING MOST OF THE PUBLIC TO BUY INTO THE CONSPIRACY OF IT BEING AN INSIDE JOB. They can be VOLATILE and CYNICAL, but also ADAPTABLE and DAUNTLESS. We wish them well in their business to come.
BACKSTORY ! (death tw, murder tw, & car accident tw)
The first six years of Javier’s life were about as close to perfect as life could get — raised in a warm home by two doting parents that provided their son with all the love and care in the world. It’s clear his life would’ve been completely different had tragedy not struck. While at home, safe and sound, going on make believe adventures with his babysitter, his parents were killed in a car accident.
With no one to take him in and no place to stay after that night, Javier was placed into foster care. Still trying to process and understand his own grief, he found the transition difficult and behavioral issues began to arise in the young boy. Soon after his behavioral problems popped up, he found himself getting bounced from home to home — never finding the perfect fit. 
Unsure of what else to do with him, Javier was moved into a group home when he was fourteen. He initially hated it there, but his opinion changed ever so slightly when he started to bond with two other boys there. As it turned out, the trio had a few similarities to bond over  — all three were superhumans that had been juggled and mismanaged in the system from their early childhoods due to behavioral issues and all three of them were overall fed up with it.
Despite trouble brewing, the staff didn’t see Javier bonding with the other two as problematic. In fact, it looked like an improvement for him —like he was finally coming out of his shell and forming meaningful connections for the first time since his parents’ deaths. They didn’t overhear the lengthy conversations where the boys expressed their dissatisfaction with their lives in comparison to the well-off and completely intolerable peers they had at school. And they certainly weren’t aware that Javier was beginning to use his intangibility to sneak the three of them out at night.
Their night’s spent out started as a way to blow off steam — damage a little public property and run off laughing into the night. Slowly, Dustin — the eldest of the trio and unofficial leader of the group — came to the conclusion that there was so much more the boys could do with their powers. It all started with pure intentions — steal from businesses that could afford it and stage the stolen items as anonymous and generous gifts made to the group home. Naturally things started to escalate and they found themselves stealing from wealthy individuals as well — acting as a modern version of Robinhood and his band of merry men. 
With the exception of a few close calls, their actions went largely unnoticed until one fateful night. Unbeknownst to the trio, the owner of the estate they were robbing was home and quietly watching the amateur heist take place. Impressed with how well they worked together and used their abilities, the man didn’t report them to the police and instead made plans to adopt the two that hadn’t aged out of the system yet. 
Javier and the boy closer to his age were soon adopted seemingly out of nowhere and Dustin was even offered a place to stay with them by the man they stole from. Perhaps this should’ve raised some sort of alarms, but all three were all too delighted to have a place where it felt like they were finally wanted and cared for to pay attention to any red flags.
Shortly after, they started training more rigorously and eventually started participating in more largescale crimes. All the while they were treated like family — never suspecting that they were really nothing more than tools to the person who took them in. It wasn’t until later when Javier was injured in a training mishap and pushed to continue, that Dustin became suspicious of why they were really there.
There was little time to process all this though, as they were quickly dispatched to take care of a job for a “trusted contact.” It was, of course, a setup to get rid of the boys who would become a problem should they turn against the man that took them in. In all the chaos, betrayal, and confusion that came with this job, Dustin was killed while the other two were able to make it back home — only to face more betrayal. The pair managed to escape death for the second time that night, but not without Javier taking a bullet to his shoulder from his adoptive father.
After getting Javier proper medical attention, the pair decided it was for the best that they part ways in hopes that it’d make them harder to track down. Once he fully recovered, he went back to criminal work, this time working independently as a hitman in hopes to better hone his skills so he can absolutely wreck his adoptive father’s shit one day 😌
Forgive and forget? Absolutely not! Javier is very much the resent and remember type. Screw him over at any point and he’ll be hellbent on getting even. Like even over little things — he can be extremely petty.
Very hotheaded — it doesn’t take a lot to get under his skin. And while it is something he’s sort of working on...it’s not uncommon to find him in the middle of a heated argument over something stupid or caught up in a bar brawl.
Is the type to take jobs very seriously and expects the people working with him to do the same. While he’s not going to call you out right then and there for a mistake, you can bet your ass he’ll have a lot to say once the job is over and will be brutally honest about it. 
Teamwork is really hit or miss with him. He has experience at working well as a team and should in theory be better at it because of it, but his general distrust for others can get in the way and make things not go quite as smooth as they need to. Despite all his distrust, he is someone who can be relied on in the field and does make it a priority to make sure everyone involved gets out in one piece so there’s that.
Generally prefers to work alone or at least in some sort of leadership role, but he can adapt and take direction well if need be. And while he would prefer missions to go exactly as planned, realistically he knows that’s probably not going to happen and can quickly adjust.
It’s not easy to gain his trust or friendship, but once you do he’s very ride or die (unless you epically screw up and manage to lose his trust). 
Not to call him out or anything, but he’s had very few meaningful or significant relationships of any type with other people so he’s lowkey lonely. Of course, he’d never admit it, but yeah definitely lonely.
His sense of humor, when present, is usually sarcastic and dry.
Can frequently be seen rolling his eyes, facepalming, and sporting an annoyed expression.
Immediate death glare to anyone who calls him Javi (if they’re not close).
The first vine that pops into my head when I think about Javier is the one where the dude is hanging off his bed and goes, “Alright, let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’m going to go first, I hate you.”
Wanted Connections/Plot Ideas || Stats || Powers Page || Playlist || Pinterest (blood & images of weapons tw in the aesthetic section!!)
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heckin-harrington · 7 years
87 question tag!
87 random questions
I was tagged by @steveharringtonofficial ♥︎ thank you my friend!
I’m tagging: @mileven-353 @lovelydacre and anyone else who wants to do this! (ofc, don’t feel pressured to)
1. Where do you live? Texas
2. One cool item you own? A bracelet from an African Bushman tribe :)
3. Moon or stars? stars
4. Places you’d like to travel to? back to Africa, Japan, and Australia
5. Favourite song? The Only Reason - 5sos or High Enough - Damn Yankees
6. Do you have any fears? lowkey the dark, heIGHTS, roaches
7. Do you feel different than you did last year? eh, slightly worse slightly better ???
8. What is your race? white
9. Pet peeves? people my age who call me pet names bc they’re ‘older’ than me, people who think they’re the shit, just negative humans in general
10. Any siblings? one sister, two stepbrothers, and two half brothers
11. Are you a gamer? i wouldn’t consider myself a gamer but i love me some horror games and Crasj Bandicoot
12. Sexual orientation? i hate labels and i just like nice people so i’m just here :)
13. Does a broken mirror mean bad luck? eh
14. What do you feel is your mental age? maybe a little older than i am now (16) but not much, maybe 18 or so
15. How old were you when you started dating? 15 but nothin’s happened bc it gives me hella anxiety
16. Where do you do most of your online shopping? amazon or hottopic
17. Favourite animal? cheetah !!
18. What’s one film from the 2000s that you like? all my fav movies are from the 80s but i love all of the Disney Channel Original movies and ofc the HSM trilogy
19. What’s your favourite scary movie? IT bc it’s the only horror movie i’ve ever seen :,)
20. Fun fact about yourself? i’m on the autism spectrum :) i have asperger’s syndrome
21. Shoe size? 8
22. Which fictional character(s) do you relate to the most? Hermione Granger, bc i’m a huge book worm/nerd and Steve Harrington, bc i act all macho and confident but my self esteem is low but i would protect my friends at all costs
23. Where do you see yourself living in ten years? hopefully Africa working with cheetahs or San Diego working at the safari park there
24. Ever wore clothes that were just wayyy too tight? yup yup yup, theatre perks
25. What’s on your mind? my dream from last night... oh how i wish i was still sleeping to carry it on
26. Are you religious? yeah, but not a bible thumper
27. How tall are you? 5’3”
28. Favourite band? 5sos always and Def Leppard
29. Do you remember 2009? I was 8 so no, not really
30. Cats or dogs? cats
31. Fruit or vegetables? fruits
32. Do you want to get married? not currently but everyone says i’ll change my mind
33. Do you want children? no but again ^^ but if I were, I’d want a son
34. Flamingos or peacocks? flamingos
35. What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation or time travel
36. Are you a germ freak? to an extent
37. Did swearing baby, ghost car, or ghost caught on tape scare you as a kid? what???
38. Do you prefer sweet or salty? both
39. Tea or coffee? coffee
40. Are you superstitious? depends
41. Do you like stripes? yeah i guess, i don’t wear ‘em tho
42. Favourite shows as a kid? Blues Clues, Dora, Bindi the Jungle Girl, or Power Rangers: Jungle Fury
43. Favourite shows growing up? all the good Disney Channel shows
44. Favourite musical? Rock of Ages
45. Favourite movie? Monsters Inc. or any 80s movie
46. Birthday? September 30
47. Are you a grammar Nazi? sometimes
48. Ever gotten drunk? nope
49. Do you have a carrier bag? yes
50. What would you do if you were the opposite gender for a day? good lord, i have no clue. probably play with my hair (like style it ‘n such) and sing all the good guy songs from musicals
51. If you were the opposite gender what would you change your name to? apparently if I was a guy my name would’ve been Seamus (aye Irish squad where y’all at) but I’ve always liked the name Tristian
52. What song is stuck in your head? the Stranger Things rap... *sigh* leTS GO BACK TO INDIANA—
53. Celebrity crush? Michael Clifford, Joe Keery, and Dacre Montgomery hULLO
54. If you could live in a non-English speaking country, where would it be? Namibia (i have a fascination with Africa y’all)
55. Are you a good dancer? hA NO
56. Have any allergies? tree nuts
57. Any bad habits? i bite my nails and procrastinate like there’s no tomorrow
58. Ever broke a bone? nope but i have busted open my head twice
59. Are you a city or country person? city
60. Do you like your home country? yeah, America is pretty snazzy
61. Sunflowers or daisies? sunflowers
62. Tulips or roses? roses
63. Oak or maple? maple
64. Disney or Nickelodeon? Disney with a splash of Nickelodeon (iCarly, Victorious, and Drake & Josh were my SHIT)
65. WYR be obese or anorexic? obese
66. WYR be over 6 feet or under 5 feet? under 5 feet
67. Rubies or sapphires? sapphires
68. Are you stubborn? yes
69. Have you been in scouts/Girl Scouts? Yup! Currently an Ambassador Girl Scout :)
70. What type of music do you listen to? 80s hairband, pop-punk, emo, a lot of stuff actually
71. Favourite vine? “welcome to t-t-t-t-target!! *airhorns*” and sO MANY MORE
72. Beaches or castles? beaches
73. Pick the closest book to you, and write the line for page 36, line 16: “When they get to me, I cop a plea that I wasn’t in control of the car, that I was scared and pleading for the guy to stop.” -Mindhunter, John Douglas
74. Anyone in the same room as you right now? in the car with my stepdad
75. Which is worse; throwing up or diharreah? throwing up, i cry when i do... it’s a mess
76. Butterflies or lady bugs? lady bugs!
77. Do you say “K” when you’re not mad? nope, i just say it on a daily basis
78. How do you react when purposely scare you? i scream... then slap
79. Most overrated celebrity? beyonce or the kardashians
80. Do you have a globe in your room? nope
81. Do you have a dream catcher in your room? nope, I used to
82. What do you see when you look out your window? my neighbor’s house or if i look out my closet window, the street and coldesac
83. Have you been on an airplane? yup, many a times
84. Do you believe in aliens? obviously
85. Do you believe in ghosts? yES
86. Do you believe in God? yeah
87. Do you believe in yourself? haha nope
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stanmxm · 7 years
park woojin as a prince
should i turn this into a series? idk we shall see c: also feel free to request anyone else you want! i can do almost all of the pd101 boys i’m such trash rip i had to put this under the cut aGAIN because it got too long this is a bad habit
prince that doesn’t give a fuck
not that he doesn’t care about his people-- he loves the snaggletooth kingdom (I HATE MYSELF)
but this whole “take over the throne! serve as the king!” stuff isn’t really for him
being real, he just wants to be normal
he thinks it’s fascinating that there are people who can just like, walk around town without security guards and are allowed to hang out with their friends in the woods on a cool spring day
woojin’s kingdom is pretty prestigious, so he’s been sheltered his whole life
everyone treats him as if they’re inferior to him and he doesn’t like it
unfortunately, he’s bonded by blood and it’s either become king in the future or die
he’s in quite a pickle
after one particular fight he had with his parents, woojin decides screw it and he’s just gonna run away
truthfully, he’s been thinking about it for a while, but he didn’t think he’d ever be up to it. since his emotions are running high tho he’s just going to go for it
he packs up all the stuff he needs in a worn out bag he found in the castle and climbs out his window, running out into where ever
thankfully his window was next to a vine he could safely climb down and the security guards at 4am weren’t very good at their jobs lmao
so woojin is sprinting off to where ever his feet take him.. he’s only been out of the castle about 7 times since he’s been born so the kid doesn’t know where tf he’s going lmao
you, on the other hand, were new in town
your family had just moved from deep dark kingdom (this is bc i swerved from baejin’s lane to woojin’s lmAO) for work a few days ago
adjusting to a new place was weird for you, so you had a hard time sleeping, and just so happened to walking around a dead town at 4am to clear your mind
you were just strolling, minding your own business when whAT THE FUCK YOUR FACE GOES STRAIGHT INTO THE PAVEMENT THERE IS BLOOD YOU FEEL PAIN
you go to turn to the asshole person that bumped into you and tell them that this wasn’t the olympics so they can slow tf down but then you look up
and holy shit he’s cute wtf
“seriously i’m so sorry, i just didn’t figure someone was going to out at this time and I really should’ve watched where I was-”
“why were you running”
the question came out without you meaning to, but you couldn’t help but be curious about why this kid was practicing for a marathon at 4 in the morning
“dude my nose is bleeding the least you can give me is an answer”
woojin scratches the back of his head, trying to come up with an excuse for why the prince of the freaking kingdom was sprinting in the middle of the night but
did you just call him dude?
“what’s your family name?”
he asked you suddenly, and you’re quite taken aback by his sudden question, it was lowkey rude
“i asked you a question first”
woojin tried his hardest not to roll his eyes
“i’ll answer your question if you answer mine, okay?”
you really wanted to complain and say that you asked him first, so he should respond first, but you bit your tongue and just answered with your surname
and suddenly woojin’s skin is clear? birds are singing?? his friend from jeojang kingdom, jihoon, is no longer having slapping competitions with him???
life is suddenly so much better because you’re obviously new to the kingdom and you have no idea who he is
the brightest smile you’ve ever seen in your life graces woojin’s face and he’s hurriedly pulling out a shirt from his backpack and pressing it to your face
“here, use this to stop the bleeding, and come with me!!”
you’re suddenly whisked up from the ground, with one hand holding the shirt to your face and the other hand being held by woojin, him pulling you off into the woods and wOAH WHY IS HE TAKING YOU TO THE WOODS
woojin just chuckled and kept pulling you along 
“you want to know why i was running, right? dont worry, we won’t go deep into the woods, just somewhere quiet to talk”
reluctantly, you let him pull you to the outskirts of town to where you two could be surrounded by trees that hid you from everyone
woojin ends up lying telling you that he was running because he was out for a walk and an animal spooked him
you wanted to question him as to why he had extra clothes but decided against it because you two were making such good conversation
you tell him about where you’re from, what you like to do, your family, and he seems so invested and amazed by all the stories you considered to be boring
“wait, so what is it like to go to school?”
you laugh at his adorable interest in everything and answer all the questions to his heart’s desire
every time you wonder why he lacks knowledge on every day activities or basic life stuff, he gives you excuses like he was homeschooled, his family is super conservative, he’s usually really shy so he doesn’t talk to people
thankfully you push away your suspicions and decide to trust him
you let him talk about his secret love of dancing, his small insecurity about his tooth, his baby pink sweat shirt and pants outfit that he strangely loves so much?
“no no no seriously, it’s like the softest thing i’ve ever touched here feel it-”
he actually had it in his bag LMAO
it was super soft tho not gonna lie
he ends up letting you wear the pink sweater once you start getting cold, and only then do you realize that the sun is coming up and you both had sat there for 3 hours just talking
“oh my gosh, i gotta go!!”
before you know it woojin takes off running, and you’re so taken aback that he just left without saying goodbye
“come back here tomorrow!!” he yells over his shoulder “4am! don’t be late! i’ll wait as long as i have to!”
you end up falling asleep during work that day, wrapped up in woojin’s sweater, asking yourself what type of night you just had and if you’d be just as happy seeing him again the next night
should i make a part two?? idk this might have been bad i’m sorry :c let me know!
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