#anyone other than nari tbh
maybmila · 26 days
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huskyremix · 1 year
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Our dear cult twink Lambert needs some love too
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waokevale · 5 months
Introducing Follower gang!
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There. Finally did all the Bishops follower designs!
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The 7 deadly sins
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And some other follower gang, done with lineart this time because the other 2 pieces made me lose my soul for how long they took.
(Also a small HC if I may: Dr. Sozonius is trapped inside the mushroom on Sozos head, while the actual mushroom is controlling his body)
+ some more doodles
Info about the 7 Sins and more doodles below:
Jeg represents Greed - he was one of the first of Lamb's followers. (At first, it was very difficult for Lambert to indoctrinate people, due to their inexperience, this guy was like the 5th or so) Jeg has...a very specific personality to say the least, yet the Lamb can't help but be fond of him. They eventually nominate him the Tax enforcer role and...That might've been the worst decision of their life. But they did not take the role away. Jeg acts smug 24/7 and relishes in his new power, but deep down, dudes pretty insecure, ( but don't tell anyone!) He used to have a huge crush on the lamb, but then Narinder and eventually the other bishops came, and since their leader was for some reason head over heels for the ex god of death, Jeg grew bitter and often got into fights with Nari, as well as charging him and his other siblings more than the average follower. Though he's mostly mellowed out since then.
Brash represents Gluttony They despise Helob, since they used to fight for "food" a lot, and eventually Brash got really injured and was found by the Lamb. She tried to eat them, but was quickly disarmed. Despite this, they decided to spare him and bring his sorry ass back to the cult to indoctrinate. They were very cunning and didn't trust the lamb either, but eventually they cooled off and accepted the new life. She still eats people tho, just not from the cult, otherwise jail or *worse*
Yara represents Pride She is one of the core followers. She's very strict and somewhat self-centered, she likes things done her way, or if not her way, the lambs way. Period. No one else can boss her around or even give a helpful advice. She's actually a pretty stand up deer, and despite being incredibly stubborn still makes a good friend. She gets along with most people though Brash annoys her, since he keeps snatching body parts off corpses. She has always been extremely devoted to the lamb and will be annoyed if any follower dissents and tries to preach against them. She wasn't surprised in the slightest when they eventually took down all the bishops.
Thorn represents Envy He had a pretty terrible life before the cult. When he was brought in, she was bitter about her newfound situation. He wasn't very trusting of the lamb and thought they expected something out of her (which technically they did, but it's just work). He envies the fools who are so oblivious and just do everything as they're told and let their lives be guided by some amateur god. Similar to the other two, he puts on a mask, He often acts overly saccharine to hide his true feelings, but doesn't have any bad intentions. (Most of the time) She does genuinely like some people, but others, he only pretends to like to appease the lamb or to blackmail them. He hates when the people he actually cares about are threatened.
Jermo represents Wrath Jermo absolutely does not trust anyone. Similar to Thorn, and most other followers tbh, their life was absolutely horrible prior to the cult. They trusted some people, they got betrayed, and almost died several times because of it. It was extremely difficult for the lamb to make them stop dissenting. They legit had to give them the loyalty necklace in order for them to finally stop dissenting. Jermo keeps getting into fights with other followers, because they feel as though everyone is always against them or is constantly judging them. (They're technically not wrong) They've died 5 times, because they keep getting into fights with other followers. Lamb strongly considered keeping them dead, but decided to challenge themself with them (also they're too cuddly to just be killed off) Despite their many, *many* flaws, Thorn has a huge crush on them, since he's one of the people who managed to see their soft side. Jermo, deep, deep, deep down actually cares a lot, but they've been hurt too much by everyone, so they retaliate for the same stuff to not repeat.
Herett represents Lust At some point, she passingly heard about the cult and since it seemed like a peaceful place from the rumors (and also had hot people in it) she eagerly joined in. She's usually in the kitchen area, if not hanging around the love tent or babysitting some kids. She crushes on almost everyone, but for some reason she hates Kallamar (legit in my actual game she rejected him so hard, despite having the lustful trait and not caring prior)
Mateo represents Sloth Is perhaps the 1st or 2nd of Lambs followers, so they're absolutely not letting go of him, dudes lived 4 long lives and is tired of it, he keeps switching jobs since with age he's been slacking off more. He's currently stuck as a janitor (he hates it) He's also one of the few people who managed to befriend Jermo, his mellow, don't care attitude is somewhat comforting to them. Aside that, he gets along with almost everyone, as best as he can at least.
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Not much else to say about the gang in the third pic but Riley and Dannie are platonic bffs and were forced to babysit kids when the lamb was crusading. The lamb was a little incompetent here to give carnivores children to take care of, but thankfully they actually managed to be good with them and got used to being on nanny duty.
The capybara (Beige) is a retired teacher and adopted a little owlet to take care of (Chip)
While Femur is our below yellow cat, and that's my HC name for him. He's a gatherer here.
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dreamcrow · 7 months
20 questions
i was tagged by several people (thank you @niemalsetwas, @babblish, and @creativenicocorner), who in doing so have conveniently eliminated many of the people i would have thought to tag myself, haha. let's see... @falling-hand-in-unlovable-hand, @eri-223, @sidhewrites, if you like? plus anyone else who would like to steal.
1.) how many works do you have on ao3?
41 posted; 0 drafts.
2.) what's your total ao3 word count?
189,246. (?!)
3.) what fandoms do you write for?
oh, ask not for whom the hyperfixation tolls. (toa, obviously.) i do have a few fics i've deleted, though, in fandoms i don't currently have any fics for. maybe i should republish them on anon? 🤔
4.) what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in my sleep i dreamed of waking
all that dazzling dawn has put asunder
it's a lovely day in stricklake month
misc. trollhunters prompts
oh...they're (almost) all str/icklake, lol. and so old! is it strange that i feel so disaffected by this? well, probably not. a good lesson in kudos being merely a measurement of "how many times people pushed the kudos button," i suppose.
5.) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to! part of my general attitude of "fandom is a conversation." i worry i don't always have all the spoons to make my replies what i feel they "should" be, but i do always want to convey my gratitude for people taking the time to leave a comment at all.
6.) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, that's easy: notstantinoplefic! unfortunately it's not yet approached something even remotely publishable, so that probably means very little. ¯\_( ᐛ )_/¯
other than that...probably the first or second parts of minor arcana. probably the first, more than the second. skrael's chapter ends on something awful but he's about to enjoy a good bit of (however fleeting) catharis; bellroc however doesn't get any closure for what happens in their chapter until they meet nari, a couple centuries later.
7.) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...do i have a fic that doesn't have an ultimately happy ending? 😂 oh, i am too soft. even the horrible vicious ancient wizard gods tend to go out with full stomachs, warm beds, and someone on their side.
8.) do you get hate on fics?
i'll not lie: i have glimpsed the occasional drama from over my meticulously-curated rose hedge. but most of it seems to be from children, and for all my various weaknesses, i think i can survive being vagueblogged by people who aren't old enough to vote. if not: my anon is on ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
9.) do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i am ATTEMPTING. most of the smut i've ever read has left me generally ??? baffled, glazing over, skipping through (without animus) to the next part. again, this is not the fault of the author; it's true even of things i can tell objectively are well-written, titillating, otherwise universally acclaimed. but i enjoy thinking about character exercises, and i am not completely untemptable, so this year i've been trying to make some progress on my longtime agenda of "get the horrible bird wizard railed."
...none of which is terribly apparent given that none of it is published, ofc! but. hopefully. that may change in the not-too-distant future.
10.) do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
tbh i am very picky about crossovers. but i must admit... skraelroc necro/cav au... a man is Considering
11.) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i've had people repost my art, which (as someone who does not think of himself as an even remotely skilled artist) was very surprising. but never fic.
12.) have you ever had a fic translated?
none that i know of.
13.) have you ever co-written a fic before?
the closest i've ever come is probably blue wizard boyfriends, which is inspired by some rp shenanigans between a friend and me. but even so, my take on douxie in that series has diverged quite a bit from hers! so it doesn't really feel like "cowriting."
14.) what's your all-time favorite ship?
as your #1 friendly neighborhood degenerate not-even-actually-incest pornographer, i simply must say: nothing quite hits like a ship you literally invented
15.) what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
to be completely honest, i do still feel the occasional pang of nostalgia for my gr/avity f/4lls fic. i had a lot of world built for it, a whole sequence/interaction arc for the characters (and not just the couple). unfortunately, even this many years later—even if i never got directly harassed—the nastiness of that fandom has still left a very strong impression on me. it was the first time i think i ever saw a/ntis in action, and i don't think i have any desire to pick that story up again.
16.) what are your writing strengths?
...worldbuilding? present tense, apparently. 😂 i've also been told i have a knack for—ah, how did he put it. understated emotional closeup shots? i think of such kind comments often, haha.
17.) what are your writing weaknesses?
discipline. not using too many semicolons. recently: not using paired adjectives. mainstream fanon. not going back over published work and finding a billion small things to fix (though i'm getting better at this).
18.) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
...mainly: "you're lucky i didn't make myself learn actual ancient egyptian for all those dumb little skraelroc shmoop fics i keep setting in ancient egypt"
otherwise? i err on the side of under-doing it, but i love doing this. i love seeing this in fic, even if it's not a language i know. it's like a little easter egg!!
19.) first fandom you wrote for?
a very old anime fandom which i will not be revealing on main. probably twenty years ago, at this point. almost certainly on ff.net.
20.) favorite fic you've ever written?
oh, i'm not sorry. i am thinking of minor arcana so often these days, but i really am pretty proud of it. even now, more than a year later! once i have the time to go through and fine-tune everything, i'm going to bind it. it's a very weird fic, probably, but one that is nevertheless (or perhaps because of this?) very dear to my heart.
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straponstrapoff · 1 year
Last tag game of 2022
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better I was tagged by @mygeekcorner!
Three Ships? Uhh I don’t get as much into that stuff as I used to, but let’s say Duncney from Total Drama, Loid/Yor from Spyfam, and uh hm.  Maybe Hannam and Nari from the smut manhwa Talk to Me? I’d change a thing or two but I do really love their dynamic lol
First Ever Ship? If you wanna go like way back, then I guess Lena and Kostos from The Sisterhood of Travelling Pants could count fjdklgjldf
Last Song? Alice Francis - Shoot Him Down
Last Movie? Shinbone Alley
Currently Reading? I already replied about this lately and not much has changed so ye. Also I guess I could add waiting for the 10th volume of Spyfam as “currently reading”. Plus a ton of smaller romance stories and smut/romance comics (which I both just enjoy and treat as work inspo seeking lol)
Currently Watching? Keeping up with Chainsaw Man, watching Hart of Dixie, then uhh. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness since it’s a really fun show
Currently Consuming? Chinkali |3
Currently Craving? Craved chinkali, so I got chinkali... Other than that, for my local bestie to stop being ill because I wanna hang with him so badlyyy Not tagging anyone because like, my longterm mutuals and I already had and keep having those convos a thousand times over tbh jfkdfdsf
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nari-nim · 3 years
yeosang as your boyfriend
nari note: kicking off the bf series with this king. who do you want to see next? creds for gif goes to @holy-yeosang​
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Let’s be honest, you might have to make the first move with him
But it’s worth it because yeosang is actually such boyfriend material
He takes comfort in established familiarity and warm-heartedness, so likes taking things slow and understanding your personality more than anything
Shy boi at first even as y’all are dating
It can take a long time to reach the point he’s super comfortable. 
But please be patient with him because he really has super intense and strong feelings for you
Super playful and chaotic once he feels max comfortable around you!!
Type to be quiet around others but then rambles nonstop with you. Would be so funny too, he has so many hot takes he was holding in 
Can be unpredictable, but not in a bad way! 
More like he just stares at you in such a straight face until you get slightly worried, but he just feeds you three pocky sticks, kisses your lips as you are munching in confusion, and then leaves
Also please he’s so funny??? Like it’s not the type of humor like Wooyoung who just is so loud and makes everyone laugh, but the type where he makes such snarky or intellectual jabs at the situation/those around him
So it just ends up with the two of your snickering on the side
So many inside jokes
So much laughter, always 
Definitely the type to tease you as his form of flirting
Enjoys personal attention and lots of eye contact when talking about literally anything that comes to mind
Really likes just sitting with you somewhere cozy and talking about life for hours and hours on end
Once he’s comfortable, he’s actually so adorably expressive and unafraid to return PDA
While he may struggle with emotional expression at times, physical affection can stand in loving words for him
While not as touchy as San or Wooyoung, he isn’t afraid to have the two of you be in your own world
Sits close to you at any given opportunity and quietly takes care of you
Like offering you snacks first, moves your hair behind your ears, urges you to wrap you arms around his, gives you his jacket
He’s the type to love you quietly
Actions speak louder than words, and his actions are so incredibly thoughtful and attentive
For example, he may not be tripping over himself to tell you just how much he loves you 24/7 but he never fails to open soft drinks for you after the one time your nail broke in front of him when you tried to pry the metal tab open, he literally ignores the group chat but makes sure he bids you good morning and good night because he’s seen how happy they make you feel, etc
Ok but he is so kind even if he rarely voices it. You can absolutely count on him to be there for emotional and practical support whenever it’s needed.
Very trusting in the relationship
He is really understanding of you having friends/a life outside of him so he’s less likely to get jealous
Really rational in disagreements
Sometimes it can get hard to read his expressions, so it’s important you both learn to communicate a lot to keep the relationship healthy! He’s actually really good at voicing his thoughts and opinions well once he has the space to do so
Values reciprocation
Will do aegyo to make you blush or sway things in his favor. And then will proceed to hide his face immediately after
please he is Adorable
You’re his hype man. He will also then get super shy, but loves every single second of it. Secretly wants you to hype him up nonstop
I think he secretly really enjoys words of affirmation as his primary love language (receiving).
Compliments can be a little rare from him, so when he does compliment you, you know he really means it!! 
And he will roast you
Sometimes, he has his fun by occasionally starting some verbal sparring followed by intense making up. 
Like he’ll choose a topic and say something so wild about it just to see your expression. Pushes your buttons a little before either one of you has to shut the other up through a make out session or a bet
Just very trustworthy, loyal, loving and faithful as a whole uwu
NSFW after this
With that being said, he’s a switch
I don’t see power play being as big of deal for him tbh, he likes to go with the flow with what you both feel like during the moment
literally his preference to dom or sub may actually depend on you and the dynamic of the relationship
when he’s dom, he’s soft or hard depending on the mood as well
but ngl I’m leaning on that hard dom agenda
Sex with him can start out a bit vanilla at first
He’s so careful and wants you to be comfy :’)
But give it a few rounds and lots of communication, his kinky ass will take over
Takes a lot of joy in pleasing you, and can take this to an extreme where he just wants to watch you cum again and again and again from his touch
Um can be a bit of a sadist 
Type to ask you if it hurts while overstimulating you and says “good” when you moan in affirmation 
Secretly has a thing to see you cry 
Also really likes edging
He likes driving you so desperate to the point you’re begging him to let you cum
As you’re reaching and moaning for him he’ll say in a teasing tone “oh really, what do you want? You want my cock? Hm? Is that it?” 
Just to hear your pleady whines
That mocking tone will send shivers down anyone’s spine 
Oh My God you cannot tell me he won’t have a degradation kink (giving)
Also the type to be like “use your words” while he’s going down on you and then proceed to suck your clit extra hard, making you unable to form coherent sounds through your loud moans. It then becomes his excuse to edge you for yet another round because you didn’t use your words, did you?
Whew, anyways
Grab onto his biceps while he rails into you and notice how they flex underneath you as he starts pounding harder in response
Likes to show off his gains by pushing you up against a wall 
Also likes it when you top him
Likes hearing you really vocal, even though he’s more on the quieter side when he isn’t dirty talking
Usually just groans when hitting an extra sensitive spot or when you give a particularly good blowjob that day
Likes having you go down on him as foreplay, but prefers penetration as an end goal
Into the classic missionary and launchpad positions so he can see your expression clearly as he overstimulates/edges you
Likes seeing you look up at him through those teary eyes <3
But also very into doggy style
Likes fucking you into the sheets in general, so any position adjacent to that is on his favorites list
um his fingering game is so strong
In the mornings, likes slowly fucking you from behind while spooning you so he can also grab onto your tits or play with your clit
His end goal always is to make you feel so fucking good, it just manifests differently than service tops like Seonghwa or Yunho
Very private about your sex life and not into public sex at all
Possessive in that way. Only he can touch you like that, see you like that, hear your moans like that, etc
Likes hearing you confirm that 
“Only I can make you scream like this”
“Who fucks you this good, huh?”
“C’mon, say it louder.” 
Has one hell of a degradation kink (giving) me thinks
Likes it when you talk back, lowkey likes brat taming when he’s in a dom mood
But does like teasing you in public and keeping it like that until you both find a bedroom, gets off on the idea of you both having to hide your neediness in public
Very little people expect that from just seeing you both together in regular settings 
But little do they know despite the two of you innocently sitting together eating brunch with the team, leaving a few inches for jesus, y’all just had the freakiest sex before getting there. Like you’re literally shifting around in your seat as the soreness kicks in, and Yeosang is smirking ever so slightly at your discomfort
Will rest a heavy head on your upper thigh for a few seconds, brushing his pinky finger against your clothed clit through the thin fabric of your outfit, as he reaches for the bread basket 
Likes hearing that little gasp leaving your lips
Knows he’s leaving you very frustrated and will use that to his advantage later
The whole time, he has the most innocent, fair expression on his face
when he’s a sub tho?
similar vibes. wants you to feel good. 
Still wants to dirty talk, but it’s far more subservient now
one quick way to get him into subspace
if you push him far enough, then he’s so pouty and clingy and fucking cute
It’s so rare to see him like this but always such a treat
favorite positions is to have you ride him and he’ll play with your tits
or he’s still fucking you into the sheets but you are 100% in control
Just imagine him all whiny and teary as he fucks into you, begging you to let him cum as your clench your walls purposely around him, making him yelp as he tries to still his shaking thighs to wait for your signal
actually can be quite obedient as a sub
truly will do his best to be your good boy 
Anyways, aftercare is pretty good with him. He’s very caring and gentle and checks in a lot with you (he better, usually he fucks quite a few rounds out of you)
If he’s fucked out tho, make sure he is also taken care of! As a sub, he follows your orders so well so he’ll probably fall asleep so fast after intensely cumming for the nth time 
At the very least wipes you both down clean with a warm washcloth and kisses you to sleep
Likes spooning you at the end :’)
give him his cuddles </3
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indylgc · 2 years
hiiii everybody! as the title suggests, here’s my tracker and plot call for the new trimester. after way too much consideration, i decided to put all three of my kids together in one, if only so i wouldn’t spam dash. i’ll put their trackers and a little info on what they’ll be up to below (with nari and becca under the readmore) but please like this post if you want to plot with one of them! or reply or dm me with who in specific you’d like. so i don’t go insane, i’ll probably only take enough threads to meet requirements, but if more people want to plot than i have spots to fill, we can definitely plot something else and/or have a thread about the event; i just can’t promise to get you your points! 
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indy, as usual, is going to be clueless as hell. he has attempted to write his own raps a few times, and maybe did sort of okay when writing in english, but he still has trouble reading korean sometimes, let alone writing a song in it. it may be a disaster, but also as always, he’s going to do his best. would love for someone to get impatient with him tbh...but will also accept patient souls to help him. first meetings or pre-established relationships would both be fine as long as they haven’t interacted on dash!
first new person: @lgcyumi (3/4) second new person: @lgcharu (3/4) bonus: @lgcdaeyeol​ (2/4)
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nari is also going to be really bad. she’s historically always been a pretty uncreative person. she’s also bad at getting in touch with her emotions (if she has any? lmao) to write something of any substance. so she has no clue how to write and produce music, and she’s still recovering from being the only girl eliminated on the finale of future dreams, so her attitude is even worse than usual. she really does not want to be there, especially doing something she’s bad at. but she’ll do it because she has to.
first new person: @lgcnabi (4/4) second new person: @lgcnicky​ (2/4)
nari is booked and busy! just kidding, but she does have a guest role in the truth untold. she is a fake bitch so i’m sure she’ll enjoy acting like someone else, even though she does that basically every day! she’ll probably act more professionally and seriously in this setting, and not let how miserable she is show, because she’s grateful to get to do something and wants to do her best.  count on her to be fake and overly polite if you interact with her, and i would love a thread for this!
partner: @lgcyein​ (0/4)
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it’s becca’s time to shine!! unlike the other two, songwriting and composing is one of the only useful things she can do. well, she knows how to play a lot of instruments too, but she has basically no idol skills. she’s loved poetry for most of her life, has been in bands and writing and composing her own music for the past few years now, so she has Experience. she would be happy to help newbies get into making music, and to tell people with bad attitudes like nari to suck it up and do the workshops. i think i already have becca’s slots filled, but songwriting related plots are always welcome for her regardless and maybe...since she likes it so much...i could take an extra thread if anyone needs it 💗
first new person: @lgcyeonwoo​ (4/4) second new person: @lgcareum​ (3/4)
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Hello,I used to love Sherlock but I never watched season 4 because some of the reviews from fans kinda scared me away.I've been rewatching the show lately and I can't decide if I should finally give it a try or if I should spare myself.I adore Sherlock as a character,his displays of cleverness (and his showing off tbh) and BC's acting. And of course I love the johnlock dynamic but I enjoy Sherlock on his own above everything else,so knowing that would you say I'm missing out if I don't watch it?
Oh boy. I don’t think I can really give you a recommendation per se with this. With series 1 of Sherlock, the public immediately loved it and clamoured for more. Series 2 of Sherlock built on that and it got even more popular. Series 3 of Sherlock was highly, highly, highly anticipated, and while it got a generally pretty good public reception, it wasn’t as strong as the first two, and Johnlock shippers had mixed feelings (you know, particularly given how John married someone other than Sherlock, who also shot Sherlock in the heart, then unbelievably went back to her). Series 4 absolutely tanked with both the public and the fandom. Moffat and Gatiss have had a LONG-running habit of never fully resolving dropped plot threads or resolving serious emotional consequences of the things that happen between their characters. It’s something I definitely noticed and hated in their writing for Doctor Who and in the “resolution” to every cliffhanger ending of the first three series of Sherlock. Aka: 
Series 1 cliffhanger: Sherlock and John are trapped at the pool with Moriarty with a bomb about to go off, which Sherlock is about to shoot to set off to prevent Moriarty from getting away, even knowing that they’ll die along with him. John is fully on board. The stakes are massively high and the series ends like that. 
Series 1 resolution: Moriarty gets a phone call and changes his mind. Sort of funny, but also a completely lame resolution. Nothing is ever said between Sherlock and John that addresses the fact that they were about to die, that they were prepared to die together for the cause of not letting a terrorist escape, or what any of that might mean for anyone involved, the deeply serious nature of their work and how committed they are to it, etc. Not a word.
Series 2 cliffhanger: Sherlock has seemingly committed suicide in front of John, who is barely coping with his grief - and yet, right at the end, we see Sherlock watching him from afar at the cemetery. But how did he survive??? How will John react when he finds out??? How long will it take before Sherlock reveals the fact of his survival???? 
Series 2 resolution: We aren’t told, at least not for sure. We’re given a series of theories that openly parallel and/or mock fandom speculation, but never provided with a real answer. Sherlock and John’s long-awaited reunion is unbalanced by the presence of a third party (one which unbalances their dynamic for the remainder of the show from this point forward), and is turned into a tasteless joke. Eventually a bomb threat somewhat forces a surface resolution that never addresses any of the underlying issues, tensions, or problems between them - not then, nor at any point going forward. 
Series 3 cliffhanger: Moriarty is alive!!!!!!!!! But how???? Also, who cares? We just witnessed a terrible, stiff, cold parting scene on the tarmac between Sherlock and John, one which fits every single trope of an undeclared statement of love on Sherlock’s part. They shake hands. If I were being sent on a suicide mission after having saved my best friend from facing the consequences of his murder-wife’s international murder career and all I got was a handshake, nary a thank you, hug, “good luck, hope you don’t die after all”, any of it, I’d be pissed as hell. Really didn’t care about the Moriarty “revelation” at all. 
Series 3 resolution: Surprise, Moriarty isn’t alive. Yawn. I don’t even remember what the explanation was, if there was one. 
Series 4 does not end with a cliffhanger, pretty clearly signalling that the writers are done with the show, to which I say a hearty Thank God. Series 4 was brutal, in my personal opinion. The acting was good, but Martin and Amanda had just broken up, which made filming awkward for everyone and really affected the dynamics. The writing is inconsistent, unresolved (as per usual), and the last episode jumps the shark to a whole new level. They tried to write a Bond film in one episode, so you can only imagine how many threads they created and failed to resolve in 90 minutes of air time. The plot holes are staggering, and the unaddressed emotional consequences, as ever, are completely ignored. Moffat and Gatiss are lazy, lazy writers, who think that anyone who dares want a properly-written story is demanding “pablum”, as Gatiss once scoffed at some event or other. Series 4 has been dragged from one side of this fandom to the other, critics hated it, the public didn’t like it, and it’s all quite well-justified. 
That said... I’m one of those irritating people who can’t ignore the canon. The only show I’ve never watched all the way to the end is Doctor Who, because of the aforementioned terrible writing reasons. For me personally, I see my calling in life to fix this canon, which means that I feel duty-bound to know what it is. But was it an enjoyable experience to watch those three episodes? No. Do I recommend watching them? Also no. And yet, I would, just because I need to know what they did. I’ve only watched each episode exactly twice from start to finish. I’ve revisited individual scenes, just to see a facial expression or remember exactly what the line was, but transcripts are super helpful for that, too, so yeah. Even thinking about series 4 gives me heart palpitations, and I say that as someone who also hated series 3. So... take what you will from that????? If you do watch it, do come and tell me what you thought! 
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minuteminx · 4 years
About Me
I keep forgetting that Tumblr has this neat little pin function that would be really good for introducing myself and giving folks some pertinent information before you follow and/or interact with me or my content, so, here goes!
Hi everyone!  My name’s Allison, and I am relatively new here (to Fallout 4 fandom, not to Tumblr.  I’ve been on Tumblr since 2015.)  I started playing  FO4 in April 2020, and I made the silly mistake of actually caring that I’d run off all my Dragon Age followers from my main blog (@allisondraste) with my new interest, so I made anentire sideblog and here we are.  So if you get a like, follow, ask or reply from @allisondraste​, that’s me!
I am going to put the rest of this About Me under a Read More to be mindful of space, and of people’s dashes. :)
Basic Information
Preferred name: Allison! (But honestly if you come up with a nickname for me, I’m probably going to be cool with it.)
Preferred pronouns: She/Her, but I’m also fine being called They/Them
Sexuality: Asexual
Real life occupation: Psychology Doctoral Intern (at the time of posting.  If you read this after August 1st 2021, I’ll just be a Psychologist)
Things I do in fandom: Art, fanfiction, meta/lore, shitposting, reblogging/supporting other creators
Other fandom’s I’ve participated in: Dragon Age, Inuyasha
Where else you can find me: 
Main Blog
Archive of Our Own
Fallout 4 Specific Information
Preferred faction: Minutemen!
Favorite characters: Preston, MacCready, Hancock, Piper, Nick, Sturges, Ronnie
Characters that I am occasionally critical about, but 100% support other people liking them: 
OTP(s): Preston/SoSu, Sturges/Danse, Piper/Sullivan, any of my friends’ ships tbh
BroTP(s): Preston & Piper, Preston & Sturges, MacCready & SoSu, Hancock & SoSu
NoTP(s): I don’t think I have one other than just “broadly abusive.” 
General Preferences for Interaction
I’ll start by saying that this isn’t a “do not follow if” section (with the exception of bigots and general jerks).  This is more of a “if you follow me, please be aware of and respect my boundaries” section.  I’ve not always had the greatest experience in fandom and it’s made me very wary of new spaces. 
So here are some things to know: 
I have opinions (tm) about characters and lore, and I will openly state those on my blog.  It does not bother me if you disagree and I am always welcoming of good faith discussion and debate.  However I prefer that anything extra critical of my faves, my ideas, or me, be kept out of the notes of my posts.  I will never attack anyone for their opinions or preferences, either. 
If I want constructive criticism, I will ask for it.  I create content for fun and for free, so unless something I’ve made is unintentionally harmful, I would rather not receive that kind of feedback.  If I do make something unintentionally harmful, please let me know so that I can address it.  I do my research and try to be sensitive, but I’m aware that I am not immune to mistakes. 
I cannot stress this next point enough: I am new here.  This means that I literally have absolutely nary an idea about the history of fandom drama and discourse.  Zip. Zilch. Nada. I can promise you that, even though I am not a fan of the BoS (just for example, and anecdotally), any criticism about the BoS is never directed towards people who do like the BoS.  I understand that we are all different people with different backgrounds and our reaction to the same content may be different.  
That being said, if you aren’t someone who likes to see BoS critical content, then my blog might not be for you.  I do, however, like Paladin Danse as well as several other characters who are part of the BoS, so it’s really a mixed bags. 
I am not a fan of discourse and would prefer not to participate in it.  I am also completely against personal attacks based on assumptions drawn from fictional preferences. 
I keep my blog safe for work, and I will never reblog explicit content, even if I like it.
I really really really really really really hate Preston settlement jokes.  I know it’s a meme and an old tradition, but I really hate it.  I also do not enjoy content in which he is abused, killed, etc., so please be aware that I may unfollow or not follow back if you regularly share these things. 
I love being tagged in things!  Never question if it’s okay or if I will be annoyed.  I am ALWAYS happy to be tagged, even if I can’t always find time to answer them. 
My ask box is always open and I leave my anons on.  If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or just wanna say “hey!” feel free to see me there.  Please don’t send nasty anons.  
Thanks for taking the time to read all of thi and for getting to know me!  I hope to see you around :D
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seoafin · 3 years
i just noticed, that when i compared kaikai kitan’s lyrics from those lyrics channel/ websites with eng translations & from jpnese websites, the kanjis aren’t the same, that’s why it seems um, “choppy” so i decided to try translate the ones from jpnese website (it seems more reliable LMAO, i’ll add the links for the comparison [if u want to] in the end) AND IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG ASKS
(before i start, i still have a rly long way to go with this language so i’m so sry if there’s any mistranslations 🙇‍♀️)
[note: literal meaning = with → ; idiomatic/ my (shitty) personal take = with ⇒]
有象無象 人の成り(uzo-muzou, hito no nari) = small fry, what (or how) a man is composed of
虚勢 心象 人外 物の怪みたいだ (kyosei, shinshou, jingai, mononoke mitaida) = fictitious, an image, a monster, it's like a demon spirit/ ghost
→ small fry, a man is composed of fictitiousness & an imagination : it's like a monster or a demon spirit/ ghost.
⇒ humanity is just like a mixture of small fries. ppl are usually trying to show their goodness, but it's superficial (“humans are built from lies. there’s always an underside to the emotions and actions shown on the surface. but negative emotions...like hatred and murderous intent never lie.” - jogo). they’re not the human being, but like monsters/ the fake one. [cursed spirits’ pov?]
虚心坦懐 命宿し(kyoshin-tankai, inochi yadoshi) = feeling calm, new life springs
あとは ぱっぱらぱな 中身なき人間 (ato wa pappara pa na nakami-naki ningen) = at the last a foolish, empty man is left
→ calm spirits were gifted lives. what left is the foolish & empty (hu)man.
⇒ and now, the nature, which people fear, were gifted lives as the cursed spirits. they’re the genuine "humanity." except for them, the rest are just the assemblage of foolish & hollow people. [from the stand point of cursed spirits]
寄せる期待 不平等な人生 (yoseru kitai, fubyoudou na jinsei) = with an anticipation/ expectation, with an unfair life
才能もない, 大乗非日常が (saino mo nai, daijo hinichijo ga) = without talent, the days out-of-ordinary that i arrived in to save the people
→ my life was an unfair and inept one, and i just lived with some anticipation. now, i’ve arrived in the days out-of ordinary to save the people.
⇒ though he expected how his life would treats him, all he can see are the unfair deaths of the ppl. yuuji, a boy without any talent (no cursed technique/ a capacity for jujutsu), has gotten involved in the days out-of ordinary to save others.
⇒ geto told himself that protecting ppl is his job, & struggled for their peace. but, the constant unfair deaths of his allies even though the weak they’re trying to save are foolish is the truth. the days out-of ordinary suddenly comes to the ordinary, non-talented people (the village ig)
怨親平等に 没個性 (onshin-byodou, ni botsu-kosei) = treating equally both my foes and friends, and with no personality stands out
辿る記憶 僕に居場所などないから(tadoru kioku, boku ni ibasho nadonaikara) = pursuing my memory for my existence, nowhere is left
→ i rmbr that i treated ppl equally even the ppl who had no personality that stands out (might be a continuation of the prev line), but i have nowhere to go now.
⇒ once, geto treated ppl, both shamans & non-shamans equally, but the latter didn't have any personality stand out in themselves bc of their ignorance; besides, [sometimes] they show their hostility to them (how the twins are treated in the countryside). after eliminating them, he remembers the days with his friends, but there’s nowhere to go [stsg confrontation ig]
夢の狭間で 泣いてないで (yume no hazama de naitenaide) = don’t cry (like that) in the gap between the dreams
どんな顔すればいいか わかってる(don-na kaosureba iika, wakatteru) = how to express my feeling on my face is that, i know/ understand
だけど まだ応えてくれよ(dakedo mada, kotaete kureyo) = but answer me for a while longer
→ i know (/understand) how i should express my feeling, but answer me for a while longer.
闇を祓って, 闇を祓って(yami wo haratte (2x)) = purify the darkness (2x)
夜の帳が下りたら 合図だ (yoru no tobari ga oritara aizu da) = when the curtain of the night has been lowered, it's the signal
→ shamans exorcise cursed spirits within a curtain (tobari)
相対して 廻る環状戦 (aitai-shite, mawaru kanjo-sen) = in opposite (/on the other hand), unending/endless battles go around
戯言などは 吐き捨ていけと(zaregoto nado wa hakisute ike to) = for words like nonsense, i was told to spit out them and go
→ they (?) told me to spit out such nonsense like words, and just go ahead.
まだ止めないで まだ止めないで(mada tomenaide (2x)) = don't let it stop for now (2x)
→ don’t let me stop for now (2x)
誰よりも 聡く在る 街に生まれしこの正体を(dareyorimo satoku aru machi ni umareshi kono sho-tai wo) = the presense being the smartest for the identity born in this town/ this identity of the creature born in this town exists as the smartest one.
今は ただ呪い呪われた僕の未来を創造して(imawa tada, noroi-norowareta boku no mirai wo, sozou shite) = for now, just create my future that was cursed /it creates my cursed future
⇒ itadori’s life was flipped upside down after eating the finger and turned to a vessel, but he continues on anyways to see the cursed future
走って転んで 消えない痛み抱いては(hashitte koronde, kienai itami daite wa) = run and slip, and with embracing the pain that doesn't leave me
→ i’ll keep running though sometimes i slipped, along with embracing the pain that doesn't leave me.
⇒ on the way, yuuji’s been through some tragedies and he’ll encounter much more. even so, he’s going to embrace the pain that won’t ever fade away (maybe abt junpei..?) [1]
世界が待ってる この一瞬を(sekai ga matteru, kono isshun wo) = the world is waiting for this moment
抒情的感情が 揺らいでいくバグ(jojouteki-kanjou ga yuraideiku, bug) = emotions are changing their forms with a bug
→ the BUG causes my emotions to change gradually.
(tbh i’m still confused on how to translate this)
↳ 揺ら yura = waver/ unstable ; 抒情 jojou = description of one’s feeling
従順に従った欠陥の罰 (jyu-jyun ni shitagatta kekkan no batsu) = the punishment of the defective who followed obediently
⇒ it’s a punishment, geto, as a defective carried bc of following it (a person, ig??¿)
死守選択しかない 愛に 無常気 (shishu-sentaku shikanai ai ni, mujo-ki) = the choice left is to protect it at any cost, love and the heart that feels everything dies/ change easily
↳ or, impermance in love, there’s no choice but to protect it until the very end(/ at any cost) with a heart that feels everything change/ dies easily
声も出せないまま (koe mo dasenai mama) = my voice hasn't been able to be raised/ without being able to raise my voice
傀儡な誓いの無き 百鬼夜行 (kugutsu na, chikai no naki, hyakki-yako) = without any vow that were empty like a puppet, hyakki yako (the night parade of the 100 demons)
→without any vow, geto caused the hyakki yako. it’s like he’s just a marionette, being empty (maybe it’s implying that 🧠 is controlling it rn)
数珠繋ぎなこの果てまでも (juzu-tsunagi na kono hate mademo) = even to the end where everything (every event in this world) is linked together
⇒ even after gojo killed him
極楽往生 現実蹴って 凪いで(gokuraku oujo, genjitsu kette, naide) = rest in peace, kick the reality, and calm down
→ rest in peace? it doesn't exist in the reality, so i kicked it, and then calmed down
⇒ geto can’t even have a peaceful death, he wants to kick (read : strangle) the reality which has his body in a shaman’s control
命を投げ出さないで (inochi wo nagedasanaide) = don't throw your life away
内の脆さに浸って(uchino morosa ni hitatte) = bask in the fragility of one's heart
→ don’t throw your life away without basking in the fragility of your heart
どんな顔すればいいか わかんないよ (don-na kao sureba iika wakan-naiyo) = i don’t know how i should express my feeling (with my face)
今はただ応えてくれよ(imawa tada kotaete kureyo) = but just answer me for now
→ i don't know how i should express my feeling, but answer me just now
五常を解いて 五常を解いて(gojo wo toite (2x)) = disentangle gojo [confucianism] (2x)
→ disentangle the thought of gojo (2x)
⇒rescue gojou (from the prison realm) [explanation at the end]
不確かな声を紡ぐイデア(futashika na koe wo tsumugu idea) = the idea deliberates the unclear voices (that’s hard to hear)
相殺して 廻る感情線 (sousai shite, mawaru kanjousen) = countervail something, and the continuous emotion going around (/ looping/ revolving)
→ my continuous emotion is going around in my mind with (sth ?¿) countervailing it [i actually wanna go w neutralize it but it seems off]
その先に今 立ち上がる手を(sonosaki ni ima, tachiagaru te wo) = on the road ahead, now give me the hand to raise myself up
→ give me ur hand to raise myself up to see my future (yuuji’s pov(?)?))
ただ追いかけて ただ追いかけて(tada oikakete (2x)) = just by following / u just kept following them (?) [2x]
⇒ yuuji following in gojo’s path (taking the line after this into acct)
誰よりも強く在りたいと願う 君の運命すら (dare yorimo tsuyoku aritai to negau kimi no unmei sura) = even the fate of yours despite of your desire that being stronger than anyone else
→ even the fate of yours despite of the desire that being stronger than anyone else,
⇒ most likey yuuji, and his line, “i want to become strong. please teach me to be ‘the strongest’”
今はただ ほの暗い夜の底に (ima wa tada, honogurai yoru no soko ni) = just only for now, at the bottom of the gloomy (/dim) night
深く深く落ちこんで(fukaku fukaku ochikonde) = deeply, much more deeply (it) falls
→ it has only fallen to the bottom of the gloomy night deeply, much more deeply for now.
⇒ (+ the continuation from the previous line) this may implied shibuya (?), only more than 4 hours passed for the whole arc after all and yuuji witnessing what happened to nanami and nobara in front of his eyes [2]
不格好に見えたかい (bukakko ni mietakai) = seems (seemed) uncool?
これが今の僕なんだ (korega imano bokunanda) = this is what i am, how my present being
→ this is what i am, what i can be now
何者にもなれないだけの屍だ 嗤えよ(nanimono nimo, narenai dakeno, shikabaneda waraeyo) = i'm just only a dead that can't be anything, anyone, you can ridicule me (for it)
→ you can ridicule me. i'm just only a dead that can't be anything, anyone.
⇒ geto (?) and his wild goose chase (?) but now he’s dead and someone is using his body
↳ 屍 = can also be corpse
目の前の全てから 逃げることさえやめた(menomae no subetekara, nigeru koto sae yameta) = everything in front of me, i’ve quit running away from/ i’ve quit running away from all the things surround (/in front of) me
イメージを繰り返し 想像の先をいけと (image wo kurikaeshi, so-zo no saki wo ike to) = keep drawing inspiration, and go over the (/ ur) imagination
⇒ (+ continuation from the last line) this one may refer to yuuji’s strong will or megumi in jjk 58 “with a firm base, skill, and imagination...a person can change to the slightest of events”
闇を祓って 闇を祓って (yami wo haratte (2x)) = purify the darkness (2x)
夜の帳が下りたら合図だ (yoruno tobari ga oritara aizu da) = when the curtain of the night has been lowered, it's the signal
相対して 廻る環状戦 (sou-sai shite, mawaru kan-jyo-sen) = in opposite (/on the other hand), unending/endless battles go around
戯言などは 吐き捨ていけと(zaregoto nado wa, hakisute ike to) = for words like nonsense, i was told to spit out them and go
→ they told me to spit out such nonsense like words, and just go ahead.
まだ止めないで まだ止めないで(mada tomenaide (2x)) = don't let it stop for now (2x)
→ don't let it (/me) stop for now (2x)
誰よりも 聡く在る 街に生まれしこの正体を(dareyorimo satoku aru machi ni umareshi kono sho-tai wo) = the presense being the smartest for the identity born in this town
→ this identity of the creature born in this town exists as the smartest one.
今は ただ呪い呪われた僕の未来を創造して(imawa tada, noroi-norowareta boku no mirai wo, sozou shite) = for now, just create my future that was cursed /it creates my cursed future
走って転んで 消えない痛み抱いては(hashitte koronde, kienai itami daite wa) = run and slip, with embracing the pain that doesn't leave me
→ i’ll keep running though sometimes i slipped, along with embracing the pain that doesn't leave me.
世界が待ってる この一瞬を(sekai ga matteru, kono isshun wo) = the world is waiting for this moment
a) a proverb :
虚心坦懐 (kyoshin-tankai) = literally : empty// void; heart// mind// spirit; level// wide; pocket; heart
↳ the feeling "calm" or "relaxed" / the generosity without any prejudice/ with an open and calm mind, with no preconceived notions, without reserve, frank, candid
↳ 虚心 = a lack of prejudice/ preconception; 坦懐 = inner peace
↳"虚心坦懐 (が) 命 (を) 宿す" = "the feeling calm was gifted a life/ a new life springs." would be the meaning. it may describe the origin of the cursed spirits that may come from humans’ defilements / klesas or fear of natural disaster
a) 6 buddhist terms :
1) 有象無象 (uzo-muzo)
↳ literally : exist-shape-nothing-shape
it can be the mob/ masses. it’s a combination of the buddhist phrase : all things; things with physical forms and things without physical forms; material/ immaterial , visible/ invisible to denote the entirety of existence. by extension, “a large number of unexceptional people; the unwashed masses”; a term used to belittle mob behavior or “the common folk.” it’s probs humans from the cursed spirits’ perspective/  jogo’s “true humans” talk
2) 大乗 (daijo) = "the great vehicle" this word came from, "大乗仏教 (daijo-bukkyo)" = mahayana sect/ doctrine. mahayana emphasizes altruistic practice—called the bodhisattva practice—as a means to attain enlightenment for oneself and help others attain it as well [aka gojo who attained “enlightment” but stays in the figurative endless cycle of life and death, the college]
3) 怨親平等 (onshin byo do) = the attitude to treat friend and foe equally/ one’s foe and friend is equal/ hate and affection is equal
↳ the word byodo is connected with (平等王 byodo-o) = king impartial judge/ 10 kings (judges) of the underworld [this one is based from chinese taoism] and one of them is yama (sukuna’s mudra) who judges the dead on the 35th day    [3]
4 無常気 (mujo ki) = the heart that feels everything is fragile/ impermanence of the world, usually changing easily (it came from a chinese translation of a buddist scripture)
↳ 無常 = impermanence (nature of life)
↳ 気 = mind
5 数珠 (jyuzu) = the item to count the times of chanting the sutras, which form is the same to the bracelet strung with beads. the number of beads of the bracelet is 108 which signifies klesas/ curses + 4 smaller beads signifying the great 4 bodhisattvas, and the usage is similar to a rosary.
6 極楽往生 (gokuraku oujo) : "極楽" & "往生," has its own meaning each:
↳ 極楽: perfect bliss; the pure land of amitabha’s buddha (in buddhism pure land sect/ doctrine)
↳ 往生: death; dying a happy death.
↳ it’d be easier if we make "極楽往生" ⇾ "being born in the pure land after life/ rebirth in paradise (the word is a reference to the pure land section doctrine of amitabha buddha’s paradise/ pure land)
personally, i’ll go with “a peaceful death/ getting a rest in peace” (bc of the promise of reciting amitabha’s name would be born in the pure land, free from the samsaric cycle so they can focuse on attaining nirvana thing). the word “極楽往生” sort of reminds me of yuuji’s & his wish to give ppl a “just death” even though that his “just death” isn’t properly defined in the manga (yet), maybe....it stemmed from his grandfather’s seemingly “peaceful death” even though he wasn’t surrounded by ppl? (hahaha 😃🔫)
c) 3 puns :
↳ kanjo-sen : (環状戦[loop line/ transportation belt line]& 感情線 [emotion])
but the kanjo-sen used in the lyrics is "環状線", the sound might be a metaphor of it which means "loop line"
↳ so-zo: 創造 (creation)/ 想像 (imagination)
↳ warau: 嗤う ([to be] ridicule(d)/ laugh at) /  笑う (laugh)
d) double meaning phrases
1)五常 (gojo) = i’ll quote the wiki definition ⇾ confucianism or ruism, which is "the 5 moralities/ virtues (benevolence [仁 jin], justice & truth [義 gi], courtesy [礼 rei] , wisdom [智 chi], and trust/ faith [信 shin])” of what the mankind should keep," taught by confucius who is one of the philosophers of china.
"五常" also relates to buddhism : it’s the 5 precepts/ commandments ⇾ not to kill, not to steal, not to engage in sexual misconduct (the earliest scripts only said abt adultery), not to lie (including gossip), not to consume intoxicants (actually this one is still up for debate, whether u can drink or sth else but not till u lose ur inhibitions bc u have to keep ur mind clear and all or just completely abstain from it)
2)解く (toku) ⇾ a verb which means solve/ liberate (break free)/ disentangle
↳usually, in jpnese, ppl use "説く (teach with speech)" as a verb rather than "解く" for thoughts including "五常." the kanji must have been changed intentionally
↳ hence : rescue/ free gojo
btw, in this song there’s 3 variation of kanjis for the word loop/ circle, which might be the theme all along = 廻, 環, 数珠. and the lines incorporated in the song seem to be written to make them matched for the story continues + the song itself is a perfect loop if u take the beginning and ending of the mv where yuuji woke up from his sleep and fell asleep at the end
extra = if u noticed this sentence : どんな顔すればいいか わかってる
(don-na kaosureba iika, wakatteru) = how to express my feeling on my face is that, i know/ understand
だけど まだ応えてくれよ(dakedo mada, kotaete kureyo) = but answer me for a while longer
change into this :
どんな顔すればいいか わかんないよ (donna kao sureba iika wakan-naiyo) = how to express my feeling on my face? i don’t know/ understand
今はただ応えてくれよ(imawa tada kotaete kureyo) = but just answer me for now
→ I don't know how I should express my feeling, but answer me just now.
the transition of hope to despair/ hopeless?
and "凪いで" (naide) might just rhyming with "投げ出さないで" (nagedasanaide.)
i was genuinely surprised that those anime songs (op-ed) lyric channel translated this 1-3 weeks after when usually they get others out within 3-5 days, but when i see the kanjis.....understandable 😁 (bc if u give me this without any romaji i’ll probably just try until eventually i give up)
PSA AGAIN : i’m not gonna say this is the “right” translation bc i still have a long way to go with the language and this “translation” came from someone who learned jpnese just bc i got tired of switching back and forth between google translate and fanart/ fics, i have no idea what it said and it just looked interesting 😭 - 🐱
i forgot to give the links 🧍
the jpnese websites : a, b, c
eng : a
and the others are from utube just search “kaikai kitan lyrics” - 🐱
ok after you sent me this last night i totally didn’t cry myself to sleep listening to the song
what is the POINT in alluding to the suffering of the shibuya arc when anime only watchers are not going to have any idea of pain that awaits them i....they’re sadists....😭😁😭
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bubblegumstardust · 4 years
A list of my OCs
Starfire Universe (action space thing)
Aliya: Former assassin who literally could not give 2 shits about any of what's going on
Nari: Recent graduate from the space fleet academy whatever thing and literally can't stand Aliya when she joins the squad
Isak: Also a former assassin and Aliya's best friend whose been dragged along for the ride
Yami: Bad. Ass. If you come up against her in a fight, you don't stand a chance
Yama: Asshole but we love him. Giant flirt
Kelsi: Team sweetheart. Adorable bean. Can fix literally anything
Enyo: Trauma. They will happily kick your ass. Nari's best friend and only soft for Kelsi
Madelyn: Android with the consciousness of Kelsi's older sister. Emotion is not a thing...until it is
Mia: Tech whizz. Likes hacking the government in her spare time
Alon: Poor suffering dad and squad commander. Give this man a break
Sekani: An actual angel. Hugs cure everything except major injuries but he can heal those too (medic)
Jian: Ex of Nari's older sister. Works at a different agency and somehow got stuck liasing with these dumbasses
Jaya: Trauma. Joined the "army" way too young but she's too good to stop. In charge of this elite group of dummies
Zera: Best pilot in her class. Ran away from home and has a reputation for being tough as nails. Real soft spot for Jaya
Min: Nari's older sister. Team medic and resident mum friend.
Aleksandr: Broody boy but actually a real softie. One of Jaya's best friends and has a crippling crush on their other best friend
Cody: Tech and engineering prodigy. Super sweet. Got it bad for the cute scientist whose helping them out.
Leon: Asshole who doesn't care about rules. Has more disciplinaries than anyone else but gets away with it because his mission record is insanely good
Elementals Universe (modern fantasy)
Elara: Immortal princess whose been around since the dawn of humanity. Has control of life and death
Amalthea: Elara's twin sister with the same power who hasn't been seen for like 500 years bc she done fucked up bad
Nik: Way too fucken old but being kept vaguely immortal by Elara bc his brother wanted to. Can create portals
Io: Also can create portals. Stupidly in love with Elara for about 2000 years
Kenna: Fashion design student who does not have the fucken time for saving the world. Fire powers.
Aiden: Also fire powers. Bad boy exterior, soft boy centre. We love him
Kirsi: Just a damn goddess tbh but also an enormous nerd. Water powers
Malik: Also water powers. Dumbass genius. Like honestly he's so smart but also the biggest idiot I've ever come across
Silas: Earth powers. Soft nature boy who just loves baking and sweaters and hugs
Gaia: Also earth. Babe. Rich kid but like a really amazing human being who always takes care of everyone.
Lani: Air powers. Tired. Lowkey angry feminist vibes and would absolutely be down for a revolution
Sora: Also air. Really quiet and sweet. Very artsy. Anger her at your own risk though
Miyako: Shadow. Major alt-girl vibes. Likes to pretend she doesn't care but really does a lot
Leyla: Shadow. Absolute rebel. Unbelievably talented. Will absolutely kick your ass
Tala: Light. She's just a straight up angel but has no idea what she's doing with her life. Dyed her hair white just to be extra
Citlali: Also light. Angry child who absolutely gets political on Twitter all the time.
Nate: Groomed his whole life to join the ranks of his families evil organisation. Redemption arc for my boi
Superhero Universe
Aimi: Can literally control other peoples bodies. Soft and sweet and absolutely terrified of her powers
Tamika: Powerful telekinesis. Most lovely person you'll ever meet
Tamara: Tamika's twin with the same ability. She's like...really cool
Sammi: They're somehow the team mum but absolutely should not be. Can mimic anything
Elodie: Sweet but lowkey chaotic. Abuses her ability to manipulate time constantly
Ciara: Can absorb energy and send out blast of it. Automatic team baby because of her age. Hates it
Nicu: Can warp reality and is absolutely the last person who should be trusted with that power. Chaotic. Absolute nightmare
Elias: Can make infinite copies of himself and constantly uses this to get in all kinds of trouble
Zola: Can phase through objects. Such a sweetheart. Has a constant headache from putting up with this lot
Kitt: Pain in the ass but dated both Elodie and Nicu as is so deeply ingrained in the group now that they can't get rid of him. Can control temperature
Fantasy Universe
Hari: Gay af. Eldest son who holds the weight of the world on his shoulders. Super hot and charismatic
Safina: A year younger than Hari. Has a hot warrior girlfriend. Actual fucking goddess
Zaryn: youngest child. Engaged to the princess of a foreign kingdom. Really sweet
Elidi: First in line to the throne of her kingdom. Soft quiet sweet girl. She is aestheticTM
Neoma: The hot warrior girlfriend. I might also be in love with her.
Leizi: Their cousin from a different kingdom. Has a claim to both their throne and her own. Is basically a lesbian pirate.
Dystopian Universe
Lina: So much trauma
Kylaa: joined the revolution but then went and fell in love which she didn't mean to do goddamnit
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insouxiant · 5 years
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( choi sulli, she/they, non binary ) HEAR YE, HEAR YE! Allow me to introduce NARI EO of the JOSEONS. The 25 year old PRINCESS is known to be ARTICULATE and METICULOUS, but rumors about court claim SHE can be INCISIVE and INSOUCIANT when crossed. Only time will tell where their interests belong. 
the second child in a family of far too many, nari grew up finding ways to shine. she wouldn’t be just another princess. she would be seen. 
the fact that her main value lies in her ability to attract a powerful husband? no. 
she’s the second child and a daughter no less so like. her two younger brothers are more ‘valuable’ than she is because at least they can inherit the throne if something happens to the crown prince. #salty
she followed the crown prince everywhere determined that anything he could do, she could do it better. if her tutors refused to teach her politics because she wasn’t born a male or her brother brushed her off because he had better things to do, then she’d learn it herself. she developed an interest in mathematics, particularly in finance, from her own self-learning. she would listen to her brother’s lessons from behind closed doors if she had to.
firmly believes in the right to education and not just ‘feminine activities’ like sewing.
nari is meticulous and ambitious. she puts 110% into everything and once she gets started on something - a project, a research topic, a hobby, whatever, she’ll do her damn best to master it. absolutely hopeless at painting though and it infuriates her. 
ruthless in her ambitions, would push anyone and everyone including friends out of the way to get where she needs to be, or for the good of her family/people.
she’s often found where the people are. she’s naturally extroverted and loves the company of people, but also she takes any opportunity she can to network and forge alliances - both personal and for her country. plus, the kings aren’t the only ones with knowledge and opinions. 
super poised and elegant but also like a little shit??
lowkey p gay tbh
competitive with her older brother but is much fonder of her younger siblings. there’s still an element of competition (on her part) with them but for the most part she’s just Soft. especially for yejin, her favourite smol bean.
she’s actually way too competitive it’s a bit of a problem like her parents probably found her so frustrating as a child because she just HAD to do everything her siblings and was prone to salty sulking when denied. 
she’s also quick to judge and quite forceful in her opinions -- like any human, she’s capable of being wrong but she’s stubborn enough to keep arguing her point even when she knows shes wrong. girl has no chill and probably rubs some people the wrong way. like ?? not everything has to be an argument let it gooo 
very proud of her korean culture - her curiosity dares her to try western food, clothing and she treasures the chance to experience it all, but she wants to give back in e
nari identifies as nonbinary, but doesn’t mind the use of feminine terms like woman, etc. mostly she thinks she’s above the ridiculousness of a rigid binary designed to oppress her. people care about it so much, so her solution is to not care about it at all. 
honestly, idk i’m kind of figuring her out as i go 
wanted connections:
women supporting women -- nari is perpetually frustrated by a lack of women’s rights and the way they are treated and would love a networking group of like-minded women? women of all ranks and countries and talents, whether its in the arts or science or whatever. she loves interesting people, so people with unique histories or stories or perspectives. basically just a group of people who enjoy rigorous debating and sharing culture and learning each others languages and just support each other with their endeavors. who needs men to solve their countries problems? their wives and daughters will do it ten times faster and infinitely better. 
antagonist -- someone who drives nari absolutely up the wall, whether its because they are against everything she stands for or who challenges her (in a good way) and gets under her skin, w/e. a good old you irritate the shit out of me plot. 
engineering nerds -- nari is fascinated by mechanics and engineering and would like a nerd pal, especially someone who can actually make things. 
a betrothed -- she IS twenty-five is probably considered ‘old’ by 17th century standards and as useful as she is to the court, she could be more useful by bringing about a great political alliance via marriage. given korea’s history of invasion by various neighbouring countries, political alliances (especially ones that bring military/money) are important?? anyway a prince probably about the same age as nari and preferably not a terrible person? it’d be fun if they got along, also fun if they hate each other ( but later get along ). honestly ,,, nari’s kinda p gay so it probably wouldn’t end romantic but !! imagine a cute brotp marriage where they are Supportive of each other and any side loves they might develop but mostly platonic life partners u feel
her royal guard
i currently can’t think of anything else but like this post and i’ll message u if u want to plot :) 
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pastwinter · 6 years
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heya, dears!! i’m just reposting this list of neato, romantic plots since it’s been a while and the list has gotten a little longer -- as usual, like this or shoot me a message if there’s something you’re interested in!
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baek jinho | runaway manhwa artist | heterosexual | 24
a lil inspired by the truth untold by bts, i’d love!! a plot in which emotionally cautious jinho develops feelings for muse b ( a literal light! someone who really knows how to pull jinho out of her shell ) , and as is her habit, she keeps it all bottled in and hides it -- but! she’s awfully honest in her latest manhwa in which she depicts the protagonist finding the courage to admit her feelings, and it’s honestly so obvious!! that the love interest is a portrayal of muse b!! to everyone except muse b who has yet to read the manhwa ( or maybe they’re just oblivious ) . and maybe if we want to take it down the angsty route, muse b gets into a relationship with someone before jinho can confess her feelings?? 
ideally i’d like for muse b to have an outgoing personality seeing as jinho can lean towards reserved. age doesn’t matter so much really?? but she’s heterosexual, so muse b must be male.
jinho’s 24 and she has a little brother who’s 19, so anyone around that age she’ll label as a “ kid ” and dote on them like she would her brother so if anyone wants a classic “ i like you but you treat me like a child B(( ” plot, come at me!! and either gender could work here, but it’ll be angsty if your muse is a gal since jinho can’t return her feelings... and doesn’t that sound like fun : )))
“ you keep confessing to me and i keep turning you down bc i’m honestly scared out of my mind that i would ruin everything but good golly gosh you’re very persistent aren’t you?? and psh no this isn’t a date! i’m just humoring you bc i feel bad ( but we both know that’s a frikkin lie ) ”
also see this post for a few other plots i’m dying for starring my lil runaway!
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lee gwangmin | youtuber | bisexual | 23
a second meeting with his first boyfriend!! bc while gwangmin cared for him deeply ( maybe even?? this guy was his first love?? ) , i can see the two having broken up bc gwangmin refused to acknowledge that his parents had an issue with his sexuality despite their uncomfortable words of support. he refused to talk about it and went to lengths to avoid having his parents and boyfriend around each other for extended periods of time, and that had to be frustrating!! and stressful considering this would have been around the time they’d be graduating/had just graduated high school. so maybe that’s why they broke up? 
the reason can always be discussed, but i’d love a second meeting in which both of them have grown up a little! and maybe confront the fact that gwangmin is STILL avoiding the problem.
also gimme a prickly pear who isn’t so prickly around gwangmin bc he’s such a wholesome sweetie pie and makes them feel so good about themselves and just!! happy in general!! and maybe they start to like him more than they should and gwangmin can tell but stays quiet bc... they’re so... CUTE when they’re trying to hide it!! and when it comes out on accident or they witness someone coming onto gwangmin and they get embarrassed and frightened of his reaction, he’s just grinning bc of course he likes them!!
y’all i’ll admit it right now -- i’m weak for cliche plots but who isn’t??
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kim nari | professional dork singer | bisexual | 18-21
so my little ray of sunshine can be played during her time as a trainee or during her time as an idol 
so pretty pls gimme a sunbae-hoobae relationship that’s 90% platonic and mentor-like and 10% something more. but is that something more acknowledged?? not if you want to avoid scandals and secret relationships!!
but maybe... it DOES get acknowledged... and they gotta sneak around... but nari’s just debuted finally, and if it’s revealed she’s dating, that could be really bad for her... “ the timing might be bad but n o we’re not breaking up bc of a ‘ what if ’ ”
“ you’re that boy i ran away from back in middle school when you confessed to me and continued to avoid afterwards but now we’re older and dating isn’t so scary and you grew up to be incredibly handsome wow... also i’m so sorry ”
maybe said boy is a fellow idol?? a producer?? or she just runs into him by chance?? either way, it’ll be awkward for nari B ))
bc i’m weak for the idea ( and is it cliche?? MAYBE ) , consider your muse joining a show in which idols are paired with their “ ideal types, ” and nari just so happens to be on the show, too. now, this could go a few ways!
the producers are mistaken in pairing nari with your muse bc the two of them HATE each other!! but maybe not as much as they first thought.
OR they’re utterly smitten with each other... but they’re not paired together! they’re someone else’s ideal types, so do they pine and never act on their feelings or do some sneaking about without anyone knowing??
also give me a prickly pear who isn’t so prickly for nari bc she’s the actual sun and makes them feel so warm and soft :’ ))
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choi donghae | lost soul | bisexual | 20
you know what i’d love?? an angsty plot in which your muse assists donghae in moving on aka brings his murderer to justice before danbi has a chance to kill him and before he’s able to take another victim. and while it’s a happy moment bc he and his sister can finally be at peace, it’s bittersweet bc your muse sincerely cares for him
i’d also give my left shoe for a plot where donghae starts acting as your muse’s guardian angel bc he misses them and doesn’t know what else to do with his extra time and they eventually figure it out bc no one has THAT much good luck
also donghae pretending to be human around your muse and starting to fall for them but that sweet boy just can’t!! keep such a big secret from them!!
and if we wanna go down the human!donghae route, gimme that classic “ bad boy/girl meets good boy ” but instead of corrupting donghae, he starts to rub off on them and that’s not good for their reputation, dude
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choi danbi | bitter specter | bisexual | 20
" i’ve been pretending that i’m not dead by appearing to you when barely anyone is around but you ran into my mom and mentioned me and now you’re confused and shaking bc according to her, donghae and i are still missing, so i suppose i owe you some answers now ”
“ i saved you from getting mugged one time and it was very freaky and ghostly and now you’re purposely looking for me in random allies?? are you dumb??? and why is this so endearing to me?? ”
and for human!danbi, how about a rival athlete who she Hates but kissed one time when she was tipsy and now... now she hates them even MORE bc they won’t let her forget about it!!
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son daehyun | grim reaper | heterosexual | o l d... but looks 28
before i even start, let me point out that daehyun is based upon the grim reapers from tvn’s goblin, but he’s part of a unit who specializes in finding the souls who were never allowed to move on
so... how about he's assigned to find a soul who was supposed to die YEARS ago, but narrowly avoided death through a miracle only a greater being could have caused and like... he’s gotta keep an eye on her bc she shouldn’t even exist but there’s no way that he can reap her when she’s living her life! but every time she finds herself about to die, daehyun is there against his better judgement to save her until he’s too late 
but maybe... she finds her way back to him bc she refuses to let go of their memories :’ ))
and gimme senior reaper dae having to show this rookie reaper the ropes and he’s trying to act all tough and cool for her, and while it’s so obvious how soft he really is, the rookie lets dae do his thing bc it’s cute. and she tells him so -- and dae is flabbergasted 
“ cute?? me??? nO i’m not blushing shut up ” 
ALSO dae meeting his love from a past life!! i already typed up a starter for this scenario a while back, but i’d also really love to plot it out!
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son soojin | old soul | pansexual | technically old as heck but 26 in this life
lil info before we begin -- soojin is a reincarnated soul who chose to keep her memories in hopes of being reunited with her lover one day
what if… her lover was actually an immortal being of some sort?? and they’ve been sad bc they’ve gone all this time thinking they’d never see her again but wait!! it’s her!! she just has a different face bc reincarnation is apparently a thing!!
or similarly – they were broken up about her death but it’s been centuries, dude… they’re Over It and have moved on and are in love without someone else. sucks to be soojin.
oR soojin’s fallen in love with someone in this life, maybe even contemplating marriage when who is that she stumbles upon?? her lover from her first life?? well fRIK
O R soojin finds her lover, they don’t recognize her bc she has a different face, and she withholds who she really is bc they seem so… happy with their s/o. happy without her. and maybe it’s time she lets them go bUT WAIT A SECOND THERE SHE SLIPS UP and says something only SHE would have known/said!! her cover’s blown!! uh oh : )))
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chae jihoon | vampire bar owner | bisexual | 94 but looks 24
how about you gimme jihoon seeing his first love for the first time since they turned him and ran away : ))))
so originally i wrote the person who turned jihoon was a lady, but!! it really doesn’t matter tbh. they just need to be on the wild side with a soft center :’ ) and apparently have a fear of commitment!
but really just!! give me a surprise meeting or maybe it’s on purpose -- maybe they really missed jihoon and just wanted to see how he was doing after all these years. maybe they want a second chance or a chance to apologize. whatever the reason, give it to me!!
also give me this horrible situation that ends in disaster : ))) once again, the gender is flexible since i haven’t put a ton of thought into this person who wiggles their way into jihoon’s heart during his darkest time. 
and who knows?? maybe our muses can have a happy ending instead of that sad ending! or... maybe not : )
also give me this softness right here thanks!!
and now just some general scenarios i’d love to see!!
polyships pls and thanks!! gwangmin and nari are one cute duo or could be paired separately with two other muses, as well as most of my other muses -- the only ones i don’t think would be up for it ( or at the very least be very difficult to convince ) would be jinho bc she's so wary of relationships to begin with and daehyun.
but give me the cute first date, the cuddling and kisses and before that, the proposition of dating each other. give me the angst where one thinks the other two don’t like them as much as they do each other. give me breaking up just to get back together bc it being just two of them doesn’t feel right anymore.
any sort of fan meets their idol plot! i’m Weak for them
best friends to lovers bc who doesn’t love those??
“ i’ve got a tough/cold image but i’m soft for you ” plots!!
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peachyjie · 6 years
A Fool || Fan Cheng Cheng
A/N : Nothing much, this is Nari passing through the scenarios like whoosh and swoosh and Enjoy this lovable hot meme FCC! 💕
Requested : Yes, this is a fun scenarios to write tbh (Ask box still close, patience my love uwu)
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Pairing : Fan Cheng Cheng - Reader (96!liner)
Cameo : The Child, Justin and their mother
Genre : slight!angst + fluff
Summary : What if to you age is a questionable situation? When to him, 4 years is a knock away?
You stared at the list, furrowing your eyebrows. “Hey, do you know what this is?”, you nudged Chengcheng.
You looked at him in confusion, whilst his gaze to you was as soft and in awe as ever. You had to smack his back to get him back to reality before shoving the list to him.
“Oh what?”, he stuttered out. He stared at the list and coughed. “This is in the rice aisle”, he mumbled. You nodded pushing the cart in front of you, he following beside you.
This is Fan Cheng Cheng, the little brother of the famous actress Fan Bing Bing. Contestant of Idol Producer, member of 9%. A joyful hyperactive teen, a meme also.
This is the boy who’s in love with you
You took the small bag of rice before putting it in the cart before proceeding to find oil. “We need cooking oil now”, you said glancing at Chengcheng.
Chengcheng swore his heart skipped a beat when you looked at him. He nodded vigorously before following you again. He went closer to walk beside you, in silence.
He is nervous, you could tell. Whenever Chengcheng is nervous, he would always coughs randomly and play with his fingers. A very fidgety Fan Cheng Cheng.
Chengcheng himself know he is making it too obvious, anyone could tell he likes you. A lot. He didn’t know he will fall this hard, but he also didn’t know his fall made him land on the ground too hard.
He had liked you for a year already. Mustering his courage, he asked you out in the Chirstmass celebration the boys would always held in their dorm. That was the first time he fall so hard, he finally confessed.
But that was also his first landing, he was rejected
It crushed him, and you didn’t mean to reject him also. You tried to avoid him after the rejection, but he seems like he didn’t want to go too far from you. So he chose to go in pain, quietly.
The Yuehua guys still think Chengcheng has hope, so in whatever occasion they would always pair you with Chengcheng. It wouldn’t trouble you too much, but to Chengcheng? Another story
“Y/N!”, you saw Zhengting on the other aisle screaming your name. You laughed before he ran to your side. He placed the milk carton in the cart before proceeding to rest his head on your shoulder.
“What’s next?”, he asked. You giggled a little and pat his head to calm his excitement. “Get some eggs, don’t let Justin do it please”, you stared at him in concern.
“The last time that kid a carton of eggs, we have to pay for 2 cartons because he thinks juggling it would be amazing”, Zhengting scoffed. You laughed.
Zhengting stood up straight and ran to find some eggs, not before winking at Chengcheng. The younger sighed at his leader.
“You seem really close with Zhengting-ge”, he said making a conversation. You smiled at the mention of your bestfriend. “Yea, you can say it like that”, you replied to him.
Zhu Zheng Ting, he was your first friend when you moved to China for college. Being in the same age as Zhengting, it made both of you to connect with each other.
Hence, both of you are glued to each other. But also, that’s how you became a mom to the yuehua boys.
“Do you like him?”, you snaps out of your trance and stared at Chengcheng. Did you heard him wrong? Or did he just asked you if you-
“Do you like Zhengting-ge?”, he asks again. You only blinked. Once. Twice. Three times.
“Is that why you rejected me, Y/N-Jie?”, you softens. The way he asks was so soft but unsure, he was curious but too afraid to know about what you’ll say.
“I don’t”, you said catching him off guard. “I don’t like Zhengting that way, Cheng”, he relaxed a bit before following you to find some cooking oil.
“And Zhengting is not my reason on why i rejected you, Chengcheng”, you said searching the usual brand they used. Chengcheng only hummed, unsure if he sould continue asking you or just stay silent.
When you found the brand, you tiptoed as you tried to reach it. Huffing, you tried again.
Chengcheng snorted, seeing how cute and too adorable you were. It wasn’t until you gave him a glare, he had to force himself to stop laughing.
You kept trying to get the bottle, but it seems like your height is hating you right now. It wasn’t until you felt a small warm presence behind you, you turned around in shock.
You stared at Chengcheng who easily took the bottle and soon handed it to you. You blushed slightly at the sudden close proximity, trying to hide it from him.
But Chengcheng who likes to observes you will always notice. He smiled softly and opens his mouth.
“Why did you reject me?”, he asks you. You stared at him in shock. 5 months after the rejection, he never ever asked you on the reason.
“I need to know, please”, he pleaded slowly walking closer, making the gap smaller. You swore your heart was beating too fast, too hard.
His stare, intense yet soft. Curious but also a spark of hurt is back. “I know I never asked, because I assumed you like Ting-ge”, he said softly.
He took one if your hand and gently held it in his.
“But since I know you don’t like Ting-ge, and it’s not a legit reason anymore”, he said. Eyes meeting yours, you held on your breath.
“Why did you reject me, jie?”
“Cheng-“, you stuttered out.
“I like you, a lot.”, he blurted out. “I really do, jie. I like you too much, and I know I shouldn’t”, the confidence he had slowly crumbles. His words guiding him back to the first point where he confessed to you.
“Then why didn’t you stop?”, Chengcheng stared at you. He smiled.
“I fell for you too fast, I can’t even stop. So I can only let myself fall deeper”
You were speechless, being really frank. You didn’t hate Chengcheng, but you don’t think being with him will work out. Why does he has to still like you when it’s killing him.
“Our gap, Chengcheng”, you said. Staring at him, his eyes dance in confusion. “I’m 4 years older than you, and I’m afraid it won’t work out okay?”, you said slowly feeling the frustration bubbling in you.
“You’re young and successful, and you want to date this oldie? I can’t risk it, I can’t risk going on a heartbreak. But most of all, I can’t risk hurting you”
You stared at Chengcheng, noticing he was trying to hold his laugh. “Are you seriously laughing right now?”, you scoffed.
“That’s it?”, he asked for confirmation. “What do you mean ‘that’s it’?!”, you said in frustration. “Jie- no, Y/N”
Your heart skipped a beat, this was the first time he called you with your name. No formalities, just name.
“You rejected me only because of our age gap”, he smiles. “Just how much more innocent and cute can you be”, he laughed.
You hit him on the chest, annoyed by his teasing. But that didn’t stop Chengcheng from laughing. He had to calmed down before holding both of your arm to stop you from hitting him.
“Okay, I’ll stop”, he sighed. “But do you like me?”, you stared at him.
“You like me also, don’t you?”, he smirks. You swore you can hit him right here and right now. But both of your hands are being hold by him, no way.
“Y/N, if you think age is such a concern. I’ll prove it to you it won’t affect anything, on you or on me. On us”
You huffed, he only smiles softly.
“I like you, a lot.”, he looks around and see no people wandering near here.
“This may not be the most romantic place ever, but I am willing to do it again.”, he sighs. He stared at you, taking one of your hand before raising it to his face.
Softly, gently. He kissed your hand.
“Will you try and go out with this baby?”
You scoffed, seeing him stare at you in a teasing eyes. Because he already knows what the answer will be.
“You can try and change my mind”, you said before walking to the cart with the bottle of oil. Pushing out of Chengcheng’s grip.
He smiled, all wide. He jumps to you, giddy as he tried to stay composed.
You swore that was Justin’s voice. Both of you and Chencheng turned around watching Justin with a wide grin in his face.
“I knew Cheng-ge could do it! You guys can be all disgusting now, you know”, he grins to both of you.
“Didn’t I tell you to leave them alone?!”, you heard someone roars.
It didn’t took long for Zhengting to suddenly come and tackle the younger. Popping his head, he gives you a smile.
Chengcheng stared at you, you gave him a small, “What?”
“So, want to have a date after this?”, he thinks. “Girlfriend?”, he teases.
“You’re too much of a fool for your age”, you pushed him away.
He laughed before walking next to you, slunging a hand on your shoulder noticing a grin you tried to fight.
He kissed the side of your head, making you turn to him in surprise.
“Yea, I’m a fool. At least I’m your fool, Y/N”
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heroicisms · 6 years
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she can manipulate and move clocks as well as go back in time, but only twelve hours. while she could go forward in time if she applied herself more, she’s restrained herself, not wanting to see the future before it happens bc she’s kinda superstitious about it
a sweet bab she’s always here to cheer for her classmates or her brother or just anyone tbh
when she first started at saturn she was always visiting her brother’s class so if you’re in the same grade as minnie u probs know her
she isn’t the sTRONGEST hero ever but where others focus on strength she prefers to focus on technique which is how she passed the entrance exams aka using the clocks in the fake buildings as fucking boomerangs
she’s kind and patient but also kinda gullible and naive ?? tell her something and she’ll probably believe it unless you’ve given her a good reason not to trust you
she’s the kind of person to try and talk to a villain after she’s captured them, try and figure out why they are the way they are
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cullen’s parents were in debt when he was born, but they kept holding out against the organisation they owed until around the time cullen’s quirk showed itself. seeing that the son might be useful, the organisation decided that rather than paying the money back, the parents could give them cullen instead
they didn’t quite accept, but with a few... memory alterations, they took the kid anyway and erased his memory of his real home and his parents
he’s allowed to move around freely in the organisation’s base, but he learned the hard way as a kid that if he doesn’t want to dream walk for the others, he’ll be forced to with tranquillisers, so he just does everything sorta... numbly... like he’s surviving but not living
that being said, he hasn’t bothered to change anything about his situation because it’s just reality for him ?? he’s a captive, he can’t move around freely, but it’s all he knows
he can dream walk, but he has to be unconscious to do so. he usually has to try to get into someone’s dreams, but sometimes he just wanders into other people’s, usually because of some pull aka he was thinking about the person or something
give me someone whose dreams he enters and they strike up a friendship and he visits them and tells him that he should do something about all the bad things going on around him, that he can change things
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she was born quirkless but really wanted to become a hero, mainly because she idolised them from a young age
being quirkless in a neighbourhood full of rough kids who were quick to shoot down anyone who thought they could be anything greater than them, and yuna was just an easy target
she hung out with the neighbourhood kids a lot, even though many of them teased her and were mean to her, and she was always the guinea pig in their experiments or when they needed someone to go into a haunted place first the “it’s ok if u die” person
that was how she ended up getting into an accident to the point where the other kids thought she was dead, but she was fine, i still need to think up the exact details bUT
someone from the league of villains found her and took her in, giving her a quirk while the other kids ran home and told everyone that yuna had split from the group and disappeared
her quirk is psionic inundation so she can overload someone’s mind to cause various effects, but she has to see their face first and she can’t do it to too many people at a time for too long
she doesn’t rEALLY want revenge she’s just happy to have a home and be treated well instead of a nuisance, but if she were to run into those people who left her it probs wouldn’t go well
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my poor son wanted to be a hero but didn’t pass the entrance exam rip, but i have a headcanon that he has a childhood friend who DID make it in but they lost contact and he’s very sad about it but thinks they’re too busy to do anything so he doesn’t bother them
what he does instead is ?? try and find out what’s going on with villains after he hears that saturn tends to be a target for villains sometimes which is where his powers come in
he has cloaking, which basically means he can become invisible as well as turn others invisible, but ofc he can still be heard, seen, felt, etc. so he has to be careful
he uses this power to spy on villains and anonymously reports things to heroes or the police so he’s not qUITE a vigilante but if he steps over the line then he’s screwed
he studies physics at university but he doesn’t know what he wants to do with it yet
idk how reckless he’ll get with this whole following the villains thing tbh i guess it depends on the childhood friend
that being said someone gimme the childhood friend i have a Need
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mira aka mirror u get it bc rEFLECTION MANIPULATION
she can control reflections and sorta turn them into physical objects and the like ?? but ofc this doesn’t work as well when it’s too dark to give a reflection, and it ESPECIALLY doesn’t work when there’s nothing to give a reflection at all
her parents were killed because they were bait and the police and heroes were shady, long story short. they thought they would be saved, not become the evidence that the accused was put away with
this left mira in the foster system, and she hated every last bit of it, aware that if she expressed her real feelings about heroes, she would be treated as a potential threat, and no one would want a potential villain in their house, so she was forced to keep quit until she ran away as a teen
she isn’t part of the league of villains, though she’s probably come across them from time to time and tends to let them do their thing as long as they let her do hers
so far, she’s just committed petty crimes, occasionally sabotaging a hero if she happens to be in the area, biding her time until she can get worthy revenge on the heroes that let her parents die
it IS possible that she can be brought back to the good side, or at least a neutral one, so there’s tHAT at least
she hides her face behind a masquerade-esque mask because she’s paranoid of someone from her past seeing her as a villain
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except this time she’s one half of a weapon owned by a crime syndicate aka her father
she can’t speak and uses her sketchbook to communicate, though she does know sign language
since she’s already looked down upon for not being able to speak, xiaoli ensures that she knows what she’s doing elsewhere, proving herself by her combat and her quirk, which she is sure is why her father bothered to keep her around for as long as he has
despite essentially being an assassin, she has a neutral stance towards heroes, more of a “they were born into the life and destiny they were, and i was born into mine”
she avoids bloodshed if she can, but isn’t about to get too upset if she can’t
she has gravity manipulation, though she mainly uses it on herself in combat to make herself lighter, though she’ll use it on others if she has to. she prefers to be an area-based fighter, counting on the environment to incapacitate her opponents
she’s considered leaving the syndicate before, just making a run for it, but she refuses to leave bolin behind, but also didn’t bring it up to him bc she’s an idiot
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zer0pm · 6 years
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Photo taken and edited by me~ (Dammit, he’s too handsome) 
Tropes Pt. 2 for my upcoming project.  Alas, the con at the end of this month is taking much of my time, however, I am making strides with making the fancomic mainly in writing that focuses on the interactions of Ardyn and his crew.  So without further ado, here ya go!  Fair warning, long read ahead.
Feel free to leave insight, commentary, heck even stuff that you would like to see come to life between the Ardynights~  For those who are just learning about this project for the first time, you can refer to the link below of the crew I have created for Trash Jesus during his time as a mortal man and hero to his people 2000 years ago:
Ardyn and his crew
Ardyn & The Lancer
If It’s You, It’s Okay – The Lancer lets Ardyn get away with a lot of things, granted he’ll more or less talk his ear off for it
Seeker: “Why do you let him do what he does if you are so vocal in your dislike for his choices?”
Lancer: “Once you’re in his company long enough, you’ll understand.”
Shield: “Ardyn is just…Ardyn.”
Ardyn: “Did someone call my name?”
Straight Man and Wise Guy – The Lancer as the Straight Man and Ardyn as the Wise Guy respectively
Ardyn and his team travel to what would later be known as Altissia to make a pact with Leviathan, the goddess of the seas who is known to treat those who so much as annoy her with an unbridled wrath.
Ardyn: “We board ship, commune with the Hyrdraean, and move that much closer to defeating the ultimate evil.  Sound like a plan?”
Lancer: “The Hydraean is not known for her kindness, Ardyn.  We must proceed with caution.  The wrath of the sea would surely be upon us if we so much as look at her the wrong way.”
Ardyn: “Come now.  I am the Astrals’ Chosen.  What could possibly go wrong?”
(scene cuts to Ardyn and his crew holding onto the collapsing mast of the ship struggling against the goddess’ seastorm)
Ardyn & The Shield
Get a Hold of Yourself, Man! – The Shield does this to Ardyn as he loses confidence in himself as Chosen.  They brawl it out with the Shield seemingly having the upper hand despite Ardyn possessing superior abilities which further damages Ardyn’s ego, but at the right moment the latter sets his pride aside and overcomes his friend who smiles and proudly accepts his defeat.
Shield: “If you cannot defeat me, then you cannot defeat the daemons.  You cannot defeat the Starscourge.  So allow me to do us all a favor and end your life now since you have already surrendered to your failures.” (moves to attack Ardyn)
Ardyn: (dodges) “Shield!  Have you gone mad?!”
Ardyn: “I know what you’re trying to do.” (sword pointing at the Shield)
Shield: (ended in a kneeling position and was unarmed by Ardyn’s last strike, he bows his head respectfully) “Is the king now ready to take his crown?”
I Owe You My Life – Ardyn saved The Shield when they were children, the former was too young to remember as he himself was in the mindset of playing the game of Hero.  The Shield on the other hand remembers everything and dedicates his life to protecting Ardyn even after the fall of Solheim.
Ardyn: “What made you chase after the profession of soldier?”
Shield: “A little boy.  He saved me from a fire when I was a young lad myself.”
Ardyn: “You of all people required saving?”
Shield: (nods) “Since then, I wanted to become stronger.  To have the same resolve and courage as he did…does.”
Ardyn: “Ah, so you think he’s still alive?  That’s good!  It would be a great honor to meet him, my friend.”
Shield: (smiles)
(flashback – Ardyn single-handedly drags The Shield from the burning and collapsing building.  Both boys coughing as they gasp for clean air)
Young Ardyn: (after he regains his breath) “…Are you alright?”
Young Shield: “I…I think so.”
Young Ardyn: (looks at him and smiles gleefully) “That was a most excellent time!  I can’t wait to tell, Lancer!  Let’s play again, yes?” (scurries off)
Young Shield: “……” (looks at the retreating boy with slight awe)
(flashback ends)
Lancer: “So that was you.  And after all this time, I thought it was a story he made up.”
Ardyn & The Seeker
Only Friend – The Seeker has made many ties whilst wandering Eos in her personal quest, these people including the Oracle; however, she outright states that she never allows herself or anyone to get close emotionally.  Over time, however…
Seeker: “It…has been a long time since I can openly admit to trusting someone.”
Ardyn: (shrugs) “You trust us enough to travel with us in our perilous journey.  Three men, I imagine, is not ideal company for a lady.”
Seeker: “That is different.  Saving Eos forces one to place reliance onto others because that is what is demanded.  But trust…that’s a sentiment, a gift.  Something I scarce allow…”
Ardyn: (smiles) “Is this the part where you confess your love to me?  At long last?”
Seeker: “No.”
Ardyn: (fakes being emotionally hurt by her rejection)
Seeker: (she smiles slightly in response) “You are strange, Chosen.” (moves to prepare for their next objective)
Ardyn: “Seeker.”
Seeker: (turns to him) “?”
Ardyn: “I trust you too.”
Ship Tease - for the most part, this relationship seems very one-sided as Ardyn is a persistent flirt while the Seeker does not appear to be one for romance.  Still, they have a interesting enough dynamic for this trope to properly be referenced to and one of many banters to match.
(Seeker treating Ardyn’s wounds)
Seeker: “Hold still.”
Ardyn: “It’s not that ba-hss!” (winces)
Seeker: “True.  Lucky for you, you will not have scars.”
Ardyn: “Ahh, but the female masses fancy scars. Look at the Shield.”
Shield: (a short distance away, surrounded by fawning/fussing women though he nary gives them attention in return)
Ardyn: “See what I mean?”
Seeker: “I’m sure you can find safer ways to appeal to them.”
Ardyn: “I will try everything, risks and all.”
Seeker: “Sounds like a lot of effort to attract attention. You do plenty of that without even trying.”
Ardyn: “Whatever it takes to keep your eyes on mine.  If scars are to mar my person on a regular basis to ensure the promise of your hands and attention tending to me…then the pain is worth it.  I seek only to appeal to you.”
Seeker: (finishes dressing his wounds and dismisses him) “Enough of that.  Go tend to the others, Chosen.”
Ardyn: “As you wish, my temptress.”
Seeker: (sighs)
You Are Better Than You Think You Are - they give each other lectures of this in the fluffiest of ways, here are my favorite moments.
(The Seeker telling this to Ardyn)
Seeker: “Ardyn, that is not true. The ring and the Crystal does not define who you are. It does not tell you that you are less.”
Ardyn: “Then who am I? What more could I be?”
Seeker: “A good man…that has taken the burdens none could carry to save the lives of all. One who evidently believes himself to be… a man of no consequence.” (A/N: I squealed when I wrote this tbh)
Ardyn: (chuckles)
Seeker: (smiles) “Ah, there is that man.”
(Ardyn telling this to the Seeker)
Ardyn: “Seeker…”
Seeker: “If this is another one of your advances to make light of the situation then hurry up and get it over with.”
Ardyn: “I just wanted to say…that you are worth more than you make yourself out to be, that despite your words and your actions, you are a good soul and the bravest person I know.  It is your side that I will proudly stand by until the end itself.” (after a long-filled silence, he moves to leave her to her thoughts, but is stopped when she grips his sleeve, preventing him from going.  He looks back at her questioningly and is taken aback when she further initiates physical contact by embracing him.  No words were shared and he embraces her wholly, offering the comfort she wanted)
The Lancer & The Shield
Cultured Warrior – when not under the threat of daemons or battle, The Lancer passes the time with fine spirits and engages in deep political discussions, mostly pertaining to the recovery of Solheim should they succeed in their mission to purge the Starscourge.  The Shield prefers discussing literature, but will not turn down a drink when offered.
Lancer: “Shield, whilst they are handling this task, I have a spotted a promising tavern nearby.  We should discuss recovery efforts of the lands.”
Shield: “You just want to drink.”
Lancer: (sighs) “Very well.  Pass me enough spirits and you can share your thoughts on your latest read.”
Worthy Opponent – The Lancer considers The Shield this.
Ardyn: “Back at home, Lancer and Shield would be sparring on the training grounds constantly.”
Seeker: “I’m guessing The Shield rose victorious after each session?”
Lancer: “Admittedly that is the case.”
Shield: “You came close, Lancer.”
Lancer: “Closer each time.”
Shield: (nods) “Then I look forward to the next.”
The Lancer & The Seeker
Deadpan Snarker – They can have a battle and we’ll never know who will win.  This one is mixed with If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Him...
Lancer: “Ardyn has told me that I should apologize for my words about your home earlier.”
Seeker: “And yet by your approach, the gesture will not be made.”
Lancer: “How very keen.”
Seeker: “So then what is it that you wish to say?”
Lancer: “My brother is easily ensnared by the…fairer sex.  He will trust you without reason.  He has a warn heart.” (steps closer to her) “If broken at any time, the next moment will be my spear through yours.”
Seeker: “….” (glares at him, but then looks down)
Lancer: (follows her gaze to see a dagger pressed against his lower abdomen)
Seeker: (carefully puts the dagger away) “Sorry, reflex.” (with one last glare, she walks away)
Headbutting Heroes - when they first meet, Lancer was extremely distrustful of her, being a stranger that can hold her own in a fight and all of mysterious origins, and the Shield is not too keen on sharing personal information let alone her intentions either
Lancer: “Abstaining to share only makes us suspicious of your character.”
Seeker: “Look, if I wished for your demise, I would have left you all for the daemons to ravenously pick at back at the surface.”
Revenge Before Reason – They hate the daemons more than anyone considering their Dark and Troubled Past
(recounting why he wants vengeance)
Lancer: “I trust…you will not tell Ardyn what you saw.  If he knew…”
Seeker: “I won’t.  And I understand.”
Lancer: “….Thank you.”
Seeker: “They will pay.”
Lancer: (nods) “Every last one of them.”
(when the Seeker pursues her own vengeance)
Ardyn: “Lancer…did you know of this?”
Lancer: “Some fury cannot be quenched by love and comfort alone.”
Ardyn: “She will die!  And you let her go?!”
Lancer: “When there is a wrath that burns that ferociously, the only price is blood.”
The Shield & The Seeker
Birds of a Feather - they both have made oaths to protect
Shield: “We share the same oath.”
Seeker: “Yours pertains to one ward, mine extends to all.”
Shield: “My ward has all resting on his shoulders.”
Hidden Depths – all have shades of this. The Shield is an avid reader and actually collects books during the journey.
Seeker: “Sir Shield.”
Shield: “Lady Seeker.”
Seeker: “I have taken notice of your souvenirs and could not help but recognize one of them.”
Shield: “Which one?”
Seeker: “The Indigo Character.  We had the copies of the same story back in Memento.”
Shield: “A good read?”
Seeker: “You will not be able to put the book down.”
Shield: (smiles slightly, almost enthused) “That is what I hope for.”
Shield: “Here.” (hands the Seeker a book)
Seeker: “What is this?”
Shield: “A journal.  The previous owner was a researcher that studied flora all across Eos.”
Seeker: “I am not one for flowers, truthfully.”
Shield: “Give it a look.” (this even would lead to the Seeker learning something from her homeland)
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