#anyone wanna buy me papyrus so they can kiss
buzzingroyalty · 2 years
I opened my favorite sexy rectangle
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soriel, 1 (chocolate) for the ask game?
Like a Box of Chocolates
Rating: G Word Count: 2734 Read on AO3: here
"Ok. I brought a few choices," Sans said while sitting with his back to the door. He pulled a plastic sack full of chocolate and chocolate-adjacent treats out from under his shirt.
"Oh, you did not have to do that." The voice behind the door sounded embarrassed.
"It's no big deal." He shrugged instinctively, though she wouldn't be able to see it. "Not like I candy things like this for you very often."
The lady laughed, even though the pun was a stretch. She was a great audience like that.
"I cannot argue with that. After all, it is the choco-thought that counts."
Sans let out a wheeze. Man, she had him beat in the bad jokes department. He needed to up his game.
"What can I say, I'm a sweet guy." That joke would work better if she could see his wink.
"You certainly are, my friend."
Sans blinked. He hadn't been prepared for the genuine warmth in her voice. Now he felt something like a melted chocolate himself.
"Uh. You'd better wait and make sure I didn't pick out garbage before you say that." He chuckled nervously and spread out the chocolates in the snow.
"Alright. Hit me with your best choco-shot."
He laughed out loud at that one too. She could really squeeze some mileage out of chocolate puns.
"First off we have the MTT-Brand Chocolate Mettaton. Which is exactly what it sounds like. Chocolate in the shape of everyone's favorite robot superstar." He scanned the back of the wrapper. "Contains sequins and glitter, but it's still monster food, so probably won't cause any more indigestion than Temmie Flakes. Still, wouldn't blame ya if you passed on that."
The lady laughed. "I do not know this 'Mettaton,' but he sounds like someone…"
Her voice trailed off, the way it always did when she neared a personal topic. It seemed to be happening more and more often lately. Sans didn't know if that was a good sign, or if he needed to do a better job of distracting her.
"Someone I know would have liked that," she finished clumsily.
"Welp. It's yours, then." He attempted to slide it under the door.
Attempted. The thick block of chocolate wouldn't fit through the narrow space.
"What are my other options?" The lady asked, not seeming to hear his failure.
(Or just ignoring it. The way they always ignored things they didn't want to acknowledge.)
Oh well. He'd deal with that later, if she wanted to.
He picked up the next box and rattled it. It looked thin enough to fit under the door.
"I think this one's called, uh, pocket?” He couldn’t tell for sure, since the box was labeled in a language he didn’t recognize. Where did Alphys get this stuff? “A pal gave it to me. They’re like chocolate-covered sticks, I think."
"Not precisely what I was looking for, but I would love to try it regardless," she said. "If I am allowed to have both options, I mean. If not, I should probably stick with the Em-Tee-Tee."
Sans bit back a snort. So she hadn't heard after all. That made this a lot more awkward.
"Do you wanna hear the other options first? Wouldn't want ya to have any regrets."
"Oh! There are more?"
She sounded as surprised as a kid finding an extra fry in the bottom of their Grillby's bag. He couldn't help grinning.
"Yup. Next up is a chocolate spider donut—”
“Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders?” The voice seemed on the verge of laughter again.
His eyesockets widened. “Uh… welp. Guess you don’t need the whole spiel, huh?”
“There is a spider bakesale right around the corner from my home,” the lady explained. “I believe they are saving for a… ‘heated limo’? To travel safely through Snowdin. I wish I could help them, but I did not think to take much gold when I…”
Another dead end. That was fine, Sans could piece together enough. Not that her personal life was any of his business, anyway.
“If it makes ya feel any better, they really raked me over the coals for this one.”
“It does not!” came her quick reply. “I only asked for a chocolate bar. Not for you to spend money that you need on me.”
Geez, this lady was too good for him. As if Sans ever really went out of his way for anyone.
Except Papyrus, but he was family. And sometimes Grillby, if he felt bad about failing to pay his tab for too long. And Alphys, but he owed her for screwing off after space-time blew up in their faces.
And now, the lady behind the door. The lady he didn’t owe anything to, except a few good laughs.
Who was he kidding? Those laughs were more important to him than anything.
“Eh, it just cost me one day of selling ‘dogs. Donut worry about it.”
“Very well. Since it was for a good cause, I will not grill you any further. But please tell me that was the last chocolate you purchased for me.”
“It’s the last one I purchased.” He grinned. While she couldn’t see his expression, she must have heard the but in his voice.
“Please tell me you did not steal any chocolate for me.”
“Geez, lady, what do you take me for? I’d never commit petty thievery.”
“Well, that is reassuring.”
“Yep. Gotta save room for the real high-dollar crimes. Like the illegal hot dog stand.”
The voice behind the door went silent. He wished he could see her face now more than ever. His own grin slowly slid from his skull.
“Everyone knows about it,” he reassured her. “If the King really wanted to shut me down, he’d have done it a long time ago.”
“Oh, I am not judging you for that. I am sure the law is rigged against you if the King has any say in it.” Her voice was surprisingly bitter.
His real problem was that he couldn’t ever find the necessary documents to get licensed in food preparation. His birth certificate was presumably in whatever alternate dimension his old man had blasted them out of.
“You are judging me for something, though,” he realized. The chill of the snow seeped into his bones, but he didn’t dare adjust his position. Somehow he felt that if he moved, she would disappear.
“I am not. I was only thinking about…” She sighed. “It is complicated. There was a time when I could have helped you, but it is long past.”
“Help me? Look, lady, the ‘dog stand is fine. Promise. Better than fine, since I don’t gotta pay taxes on it.”
She chuckled at that.
“Very well. Forgive a silly old lady for worrying.”
“Done.” He smiled, settling back against the door more comfortably.
He should’ve known she’d have a problem with his illegal activities, though. She was a classy lady, and he was… him. Why had he even brought it up? It wasn’t a great joke. Did he really just want her to know?
Eh, whatever. She wasn’t mad, so no harm done, right?
“I would like to know how you acquired this other chocolate, if it was not through your sticky fingers.” She sounded like she was grinning.
“Huh? Oh.” He blinked and dug out the last chocolate of the bunch. Blue dusted his cheeks. “QC—that’s the lady who runs the shop in town—gave ‘em to me for free. They’re called, uh, kisses.”
QC had a knowing look in her eyes when she’d offered the bag of chocolates to him. It was his own fault for implying they were for a girl. Everyone already thought he screwed around in the woods on his shifts, and with the way gossip travelled in a small town, everyone at Grillby’s would be asking about his girlfriend tonight.
“Kisses,” the lady behind the door echoed. “This is not one of your jokes, is it?”
“Not this time. Sorry to disappoint.” His grin felt too tight. “They’re, uh, tiny chocolates. Kinda cone-shaped? QC makes ‘em herself, so they’ve gotta be good.”
“Oh.” Oddly, the voice did sound disappointed. Sans couldn’t imagine why. Not like he could kiss her through the door, even if he had lips. And even if there was some unlikely timeline where she wanted a kiss from him.
He wanted to thump his skull back against the door, but there was no point in worrying her like that.
“In that case, I will take the kisses. They will be perfect for…”
He was sure she would leave it at that. Cover up with some non sequitur.
So his eyesockets went wide when she said, “for the anniversary of my child’s passing.”
“Oh.” He let out a strangled little laugh. “I—geez, I’m sorry. If I’d known—”
“You would have what? Spent even more money on this silly old lady, who cannot even leave to buy her child’s favorite chocolate?” Her voice was firm. “No. I thought you deserved to know, after the trouble you went to, and because you shared your own secret with me today.”
“My ‘dog stand is hardly a secret,” he said, still feeling a little shaky. She had a kid? A dead kid?
Well, who in the Underground didn’t have skeletons in their closet? Metaphorically or literally. She was still his best friend. If she wanted his pity, she would’ve said something sooner.
“Regardless,” she said. “It is in the past. Forget it, if you wish. But please do not treat me any differently.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said sincerely. If there was one thing he was good at, it was maintaining the status quo. “So, uh. These chocolates. I kind of wanted you to have all of ‘em, if that’s alright with you.”
“It would be rude to refuse a gift, would it not?” She sounded like she was smiling again, to his relief.
“There’s just one problem. Uh. Don’t think they’re all gonna fit under the door.” He rapped on the stone surface with his knuckle for emphasis.
“I did not assume they would. The recipe I gave you before hardly passed through.”
Sans blinked. “Then you—huh?”
“I will open the door just a fraction. It can only be done from the inside.” She paused, like she was gathering a breath. “I would ask that you do not look. I promise I will not peek, either.”
Sans’s ribcage tightened. She was going to open the door. She would be right there, with no stone between them.
The thought opened a desperate floodgate within him. He hadn’t realized just how badly he wanted to see her, to know her, to live off of more than just scraps and unfinished sentences.
She once had a child. She had some kind of beef against the King. She wanted to give charity to spiders, but didn’t have enough money. All these facts he filed away, tucking them into the grooves in his ribcage.
It would be enough. He’d duct tape those gates shut again, if he had to. He wasn’t going to betray the trust she’d shown him.
“Got it. You don’t wanna be smitten by my good looks, I understand,” he joked.
(He had a feeling it would be the other way around, if anything. Not that quality of jokes translated to quality of appearance—he would know. If it did, he’d have biceps like his brother.)
“It would be tragic. Much too high a price for you to handsome chocolate to me.”
“Heh, I’m sure you’re a door-able too. But I’ll keep my sockets shut, since our friendship hinges on it.”
That got a raucous laugh out of her, the kind that started off high-pitched and quickly became something of a snorting bleat. That sound was sweeter than chocolate to him.
...Man, his pals at Grilby’s would be right to dunk on him. He was a massive dork.
“Alright,” she said once she caught her breath, “if you are ready, my friend…”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Better choco-late than never, huh?”
That one only got a snort, but he wasn’t sure if that was because the pun fell flat, or because she was nervous. As far as he knew, she hadn’t been outside of the Ruins in years. And here she was, trusting a sentry—someone whose job it was to keep a look out—to turn a blind eye.
It was a good thing he’d never been good at his job.
Stone ground against stone with a dramatic rumble. His eyesockets stayed shut. Warmth emanated from somewhere near his shoulder, and he lifted the bag of chocolates.
His small hand brushed a large fur-covered one. A shiver trailed down his spine. One small touch shouldn’t have done so much to him, but—but she was real. She was more than just a voice behind a door. Which he knew, but knowing and feeling could be worlds apart at times.
She took the bag, and the moment was over. But the door didn’t close.
“My dear friend,” she whispered, her voice sounding closer than ever. “Would it be presumptuous to ask another favor of you?”
“‘Course not. Glad to do a favor for my favor-ite person.” He kept his tone light, unaffected by the swirling emotions inside him.
“If I could… oh, dear, this is embarrassing.”
He resisted the urge to open his eyes, to see what look might be on her face.
“It has simply been so long… may I hold your hand a moment longer?”
He felt the marrow heating within his bones.
“That all? I gotta hand it to ya, you made me think you needed an arm and a leg.”
She chuckled before awkwardly fumbling to grasp his hand again.
Heat poured from her palm into his phalanges. Aside from the fur, there were several spots of soft skin—probably paw pads. Was she a dog monster, like the Canine Unit in town? She didn’t make nearly enough dog jokes for that to be the case. Her laugh sounded more like a goat’s, but she obviously didn’t have hooves. Maybe she was some kind of chimera? You didn’t see those often nowadays, but then again, no one saw monsters from the Ruins, either.
“Thank you,” she said, her voice as soft as the snow that began to drift around him.
“Not disappointed?” He asked, only half-joking. “My hand can’t be as comfy as yours.”
“Ah, but it is all your bone. And that is wonderful to me.”
“Geez, old lady.” He was grateful she couldn’t see his blush. “You’re pretty fur-fect yourself.”
When she laughed, her body shook all the way down to her hand. The feeling more than made up for all the G he’d spent on chocolate and donuts.
Suddenly his hand was being lifted up, and then something soft pressed against his knuckles. His soul flared erratically, and his eyes nearly flew open. If they had, he was sure his left eyelight would have been blue from shock.
“A kiss for a kiss,” she said slyly. “It is only fair.”
“Heh heh…” His voice shook with more than laughter. “Technically, that was one kiss for a bag of kisses. Pretty sure that math doesn’t square up.”
“Oh, you are quite right! One day we will have to circle back and rectify that.”
He practically had to cast gravity magic on himself to keep his eyes from flying open.
“You—huh?” He said intelligently.
“Perhaps not soon,” she clarified. “This has all been… a lot, for me. But thanks to you, my dear friend, this day has not been so bitter as I am used to.”
“Uh, no problem, then. With all that chocolate, I hope it’s sweet.”
Sweet as the anniversary of a death could be, anyway. He grimaced. Maybe that joke was too soon, but she just squeezed his hand before finally letting go.
“I do think it will be,” she said softly. “I will look forward to hearing more of your punny jokes tomorrow.”
The door scraped shut, and he hesitantly opened his eyes. He couldn't help inspecting the door to see if anything changed. Pressing his still-warm hand against the smooth stone.
“Heh. Good luck getting rid of me now.” He grinned.
Then he tucked his hands in his pockets, where her kiss remained like a tattoo on his bone.
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Ticklish Shenanigans - Chapter 45
Bacon and Eggs. ...Wait, That's Not What it Stands For?
Mod Yosh ~ Angel, Chris, Denise, Papyrus, Toriel Mod Kitty ~ Flowey, Frisk, Sans
Papyrus gave a small cough, trying to extinguish the fiery orange blazing across his cheekbones. “I’m going to go wash up. I’ll meet you in Sans’ room, Denise.”
“Sounds fine to me.” Denise nuzzled and kissed the tall monster, who giggled giddily in return. She grinned as she watched the blush he had tried to quell down flare back up.
Rising up from the couch, the young woman made her way up to Sans' room. She noticed the covers on the bed were on, and she figured Papyrus had made the bed, but there was a lump in it which had caused her initial pause. Thinking it was just a pile of pillows Sans had decided to put under the covers to mess with Papyrus, she shrugged and leapt on the lump with a giggle.
Denise yelped -- both from the sudden exclamation and the realization that the lump was in fact not pillows -- throwing off the sheets to see who it was. It had been a male's voice, but Papyrus was in the bathroom and Sans was sleeping in Toriel's room. When she found the intruder was someone she didn’t recognize, she let out a loud ear-splitting shriek.
Sans woke immediately at the sound, eye flaring and teleporting to his room. Pushing an arm protectively in front of Denise, he quickly assessed the room, ready to fight for or flee with the human.
Papyrus rushed in quickly, having heard the scream as well. “Denise! Are you okay?”
Denise quickly calmed down now that the brothers were in the same room, and with a clear mind she glanced at the intruder again. Turned out she did recognize him after all. “CHRIS?!”
“Uhhh.... Hey, Denise....” The young man sat up on the bed and rubbed his side, trying to ebb away the pain, and grinned nervously, eyeing the monsters warily
“I cannot believe this! You're so desperate you've stooped so low as to stalk me?!” Denise’s fear had been replaced by rage in an instant.
“Umm.... M-more like ... observing you...?” Chris chuckled pathetically.
Sans lowered his hand, slipping both into his pockets, fixing the intruder with a rather threatening grin, stepping forward. "hey, buddy, you've got one minute to explain yourself before i toss ya outta here." His eyelights flicked out like a switch.
“I-it's nothing bad, all I was gonna do was ask her to go out on a date with me if I got her anything she wanted! Working at that vet’s given me enough money to buy her anything--”
“For the last time, Chris, I'm not interested! Nothing you can give me will change my mind!”
“But why? You're not dating anyone now!”
“As a matter of fact, she is.” Papyrus glared at Chris with an uncharacteristically angry expression, stepping up to Denise’s side and wrapping an arm around her, hugging her close to him protectively. “She's dating me. So step down.”
“What? Denise, you gave me up for a boney freak?” Chris realized far too late that those were the last word he should’ve said in the presence of two very agitated skeletons.
“You shouldn't be calling me such harsh names when you have no means of defending yourself against me and my brother, human.” Papyrus summoned multiple bones and angled them all at Chris, ready to attack at any given moment, as he glared daggers at him. “Leave our house and never talk to Denise ever again, or you will regret it.”
Chris gulped nervously, sliding back on the bed as far away as he could.
"lemme take care of this, bro," Sans offered, shooting a hand out and magically grabbing hold of Chris's SOUL, harshly tugging him a little closer. "listen, pal. if you think sneaking into someone's house is 'nothing bad', well, i've got some news for ya. your ex and my bro only just got together, so if you two broke up, it was for another reason. sounds like she's done with you, and you managed to piss off my brother, which isn't an easy thing to do. so, i suggest you do as he says, unless you wanna have a bad time." His pupils came back, and he let go of his magical hold. "i'll escort you out." He pointed to the door.
Without another word, Chris whimpered loudly as he bolted through the doorway and out the house.
Denise sighed shakily and hugged herself closer to Papyrus. “Oh, Gosh, that was one of the scariest things ever.... Thank you so much, Papyrus. You too, Sans. I don't know what I'd do without you both.”
“Don't mention it, Denise!” Papyrus’ demeanor instantly switched back to his usual happy, cheerful self. “But wowie, I can see why you call him a creep now....”
Sans peered downstairs to make sure he was really gone, then sighed, gingerly rubbing his skull. "well, i think he'll leave you alone now, anyway. you gonna be alright?"
“Yeah, I will be, thanks.” The young woman closed her eyes, smiling as Papyrus gently petted her hair. She was so very happy that he had been there to help her during a scary situation. It truly made her feel wanted. It made her feel loved.
“Is everything alright in here?” a new voice spoke up. Toriel walked into the room, concern etched across her normally soft features. “I am so sorry I was not able to come up sooner, but I knew the brothers would’ve been able to help. Are you alright, my child?”
“Yeah, we're fine, we just had a little intruder,” Denise explained. “Sans and Pap chased him away. Heh, wonder how Frisk will react to my ex committing a B&E.”
“Goodness! Well, I'm glad everything's alright now. Wonderful job, boys!”
“But of course!” Papyrus stood up straighter, his free hand placed on his chest. “The Great Papyrus shall make sure no one harasses my girlfriend ever again! Nyeh heh heh!”
“Glad I can count on you.~” Denise kissed his cheek and grinned as he giggled sheepishly with a blush.
"well, i'm goin' back to my nap...," Sans said, feeling more tired than before now that the excitement had died down. He trudged himself over to Toriel's room once again, collapsing on her bed and curling up, not bothering with the covers.
Frisk jogged upstairs. "Was that just Chris I saw running out of the house!? Did he hurt you, Deni?"
Toriel giggled sympathetically and followed Sans. Seeing he had passed out by the time she arrived in her room, she smiled as she tucked the little monster in under the covers. Giving him a soft parting nuzzle, she went downstairs to resume making dinner.
Denise smiled reassuringly to her younger sister. “Don't worry, sis, I'm fine. Turns out that creep decided to follow us home from the vet and hide in the bed. Sans and Papyrus helped kick him out, though.”
Sans smiled genuinely in his sleep, SOUL brightening at her care.
Frisk made a face. "Ugh, how horrible! Forget anything I said about him seeming nice at all!" She went to hug her sister tightly. "I'm glad you're okay though." Smiling up at Papyrus, the little girl grabbed and hugged him too. "Thanks for keeping my sis safe."
“But of course, I would do anything for my friends and family!” Papyrus proclaimed.
Denise smiled and hugged back. “Well, I dunno about you, Frisk, but Papy and I are gonna take a nap until dinner's ready. I'm tuckered out.”
“Yes, as am I. You're more than welcome to join us if you'd like!”
"That sounds pretty nice, actually," Frisk replied with a smile. "It hasn't been quite as rigorous as one of your workouts, Papyrus, but my legs are pretty tired after walking so much today."
“That's a clear sign you haven't yet gotten used to training!” the skeleton laughed. “We'll have to start training again as soon as we possibly can to keep you in tip-top shape! Once you are, your legs won't hurt after walking a mile at a time! Nyeh heh heh heh!”
Giggling, Frisk matched his enthusiasm, grinning with a determined brandishing of her fists. "One day I'm going to be able to run around the park five times over without even breaking a sweat!"
“Good luck with that! Because by the time you can do that I'll be able to run ten laps!”
Denise giggled softly as she tucked herself into bed and closed her eyes, listening to the two shout excitedly before slipping off into sleep.
Toriel's cooking roused Sans from his light doze with its heavenly scent. His nap was short but sweet — dreamless, happily against his expectations. Even though there was quite a bit going on to trouble him, he was still somehow in better spirits than when the goat-monster had first made the dish. And this time he planned on taking full advantage of his appetite. Sliding out of bed, he made his way downstairs. With a soft grin, he playfully snuck up on his girlfriend, hugging her from behind.
Toriel jumped with a startled bleat before breaking into a fit of giggles once she recognized who had snuck up on her. “Sahans, you silly skeleton! Did you enjoy your nap?” She turned around and bent down to hug him back.
"heheh! hmm, i really did. it was refreshing." He nuzzled her affectionately. "how's dinner comin' along? need help with anything?"
“Thank you, dear, but I’m afraid you’ve just missed your chance to help. I’ve already put the casserole in the oven. It should be ready in a few minutes. Would you mind waking everyone up?”
"sure thing," Sans replied with a smile. Leisurely, he walked back upstairs and found the other three passed out in his room. His grin grew a little wider, a little devious. Oh, how he was sorely tempted..... In fact....
Summoning several bone attacks, he sent them to prod his brother's feet and ribs, and Denise's navel. "time to getcha getcha get up! heheheh!"
Papyrus gasped loudly, immediately roused from sleep, and burst out laughing and squirming with his sockets wide open and dazed. “NYAHAHAAAHH?!...”
“Eeeeheek!” Instantly awoken as well, Denise made a blind grab for the bone, giggling profusely.
Frisk abruptly woke from the disturbance, blinking then giggling, squirming out from between the victims before she became one herself.
Chuckling, Sans dispelled the attack that Denise managed to grab, directing the ones still on his brother to stroke at his neck and spine before dissipating the magic completely. "heheh, how do you like bein' woken up like that, huh?" he teased, folding his arms.
Papyrus panted softly, still rattled from the unexpected awakening. “Ihit was some surprihise alright. Hfff....”
Denise recovered rather quickly before smirking at Sans. “It wasn't the best decision to wake us up like that, though. You'd better be careful, Sans, 'cuz you won't know where and you won't know when we’ll get you back.”
Sans's arms subtly shifted from the relaxed, confident pose to tensely holding his ribs. His eyes darted. "uhh, dinner's just about ready, heheh...." Then his pupils fixed on Denise, and his cocky grin returned somewhat. "and, well, i might be a little harder to catch than i've been lettin' ya get away with."
Papyrus grinned mischievously as he turned Sans' SOUL blue, gently weighing him down to the ground. “It'll be a piece of cake for her if we work together!”
Denise giggled and shot her boyfriend a grateful look. “That's right! And you said dinner's just about ready, so that still gives us a good few minutes to do our thing. Of course, this will only be a mere fraction of our revenge, hehee!”
Sans let out a rather surprised huff of breath as he sunk to the floor — though, really he should have expected this. He could probably teleport to safety even with the blue magic, unlike green, but he had a feeling it would be incredibly taxing, which would render his nap entirely pointless. Plus they'd just find him anyway and he'd be too exhausted to fend them off. There really was no winning, he lamented to himself. "h-hey ... don't i ever get to have revenge without it coming back two-fold on me?" He defensively kept his arms about himself.
“Not with me! We tickle masters always need to be right on top of our little ‘lees.” Denise knelt down at Sans' feet, preparing to tickle them.
“Dinner's ready!~” Toriel called from downstairs.
“OH, BOY!” Subsiding the spell on Sans' SOUL, Papyrus rushed downstairs.
“...Darn it. Looks like you got off lucky, Sansy.”
Sans drew his legs up as she approached, quietly whimpering and curling his toes. When Papyrus's spell lifted, he scrabbled back and clumsily up onto his feet, rubbing away anticipatory tingles against the floor. "hehh.... yeah, s-saved by the dinner bell...." With a nervous grin, he backed out of the room and hurried down the stairs to the kitchen, hopping into his chair at the table.
"Hehe! Wow, sis, you get him all worked up even without touching him." Frisk giggled in amusement before following after the skeleton.
“Well, of course, I am a master tickler after all! You know first-hand.” She grinned and gave her sides a little tickle before making her way downstairs. “C'mon, let's eat!”
Toriel laughed as the brothers rushed in, amused by their different purposes for rushing to the table. “Who's ready for dinner?”
“I AM!” Papyrus sat down next to Sans, grinning eagerly.
Starting to relax again now that there wasn't an imminent tickle threat, Sans nodded in agreement. "same here!"
Frisk wriggled with a squeak. "Eehe~! I do! Aha, I do!" Still lightly giggling, she took her seat, eagerly eying the food. "It smells so good, Mom!"
Flowey, however, seemed a bit quiet, though he also piped up. "Golly, Mom, it looks amazing!"
Angel limped heavily into the kitchen, softly whimpering with each labored step, having been drawn from her nap by the scent of food.
“Angel! What are you doing walking around? You need to rest your side.” Papyrus gently picked her up and snuggled her close to his chest.
“I'm really hungry,” she whined. “If I didn't try coming out here, you'd all forget about me and I'd miss dinner.”
“Oh, dear, we are so terribly sorry,” Toriel apologized. “I'll let you eat some tuna, but after that you will have to rest again.” She prepared a can of tuna for her, making sure to put the fish on a plate, setting it down on the ground.
“Thanks....” Once Papyrus placed her down, the kitten began to slowly eat.
“The poor dear.... Who did she say attacked her again?” The boss monster picked Flowey up by the pot and placed him on the table before grabbing plates and silverware.
Denise walked in and sat down, catching the tail end of Toriel’s question. “I think she said a girl who looked like Frisk wearing green and yellow holding a knife.”
Toriel gasped loudly and fell still, the china falling out of her hands and shattering on the floor.
Angel squealed from the abrupt noise and tried to flee, hobbling painfully out of the kitchen.
Sans was at the boss monster's side nearly instantly. "tori, what's the matter?
Flowey winced. This was an unpleasant turn of events. But there was really nothing he could do or say without immediately becoming suspicious.
“I-I don't believe it....” the boss monster stammered, almost as if she hadn’t noticed Sans’ presence beside her. “It was Chara....”
“Did you say Chara?” Papyrus exclaimed with widened eyes, shooting up to a stand. “As in the Fallen Human?”
“She's ... alive? But.... Why would she attack Angel?”
Sans's mind reeled. "w-what? how could that be....?" He glanced at Flowey, seeing that the flower was having some sort of glare-off with Frisk. "i ... dunno, tori, but ... this did happen in that non-existing place i told you about, so there's a possibility it wasn't really her.... i mean, you buried her, right?" he said quietly. "but, i really don't think angel was her intended target. i think ... we should all be very careful...."
“Y-yes, you’re right....” Toriel took in a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. “Well.... Let us just focus on having a good time over dinner.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Papyrus agreed, sitting back down. “We've already had more than enough stress for one day.”
"c-course. here, why doncha sit down, okay, tori?" Sans pulled out her chair, gently guiding her to it before grabbing more dishes and setting them on the table and giving Toriel a serving utensil. "i'll take care of the mess, okay?" Taking out the broom, he swept up the broken porcelain and dumped it in the trash.
After putting the broom away, he walked into the living room and bent next to Angel, who cowered next to the television, giving the kitten a gentle scratch around the ears. “holdin' up okay, cutie?" he inquired quietly.
“Thank you, dear.” Still a little shaken up, Toriel began to serve each family member a portion of the casserole.
“I-I think so,” Angel mewed, leaning into his touch.
"hey," he cooed, "i just want'cha t' know we wouldn't have forgotten about ya. you're pretty big on our minds, ya know? you just focus on gettin' better, yeah?" The small skeleton pet her fondly for a few moments as he carried her carefully back into the kitchen, placing her down and pushing her plate of tuna closer to her before returning to his own seat at the table.
Frisk dug in immediately once she was served, swallowing a few bites before looking up at the goat-monster. "This is really tasty, Mom, thanks for making it for us!"
Angel purred softly in thanks and resumed eating.
Papyrus took a big bite and grinned brightly. “Wowie! This has to be your best dish yet!”
Denise grinned brightly after taking a bite herself. “It is! Thanks so much, Ms. Toriel!”
“Of course, my children, thank you so much.” Toriel beamed, seeming to feel better already.
Flowey chimed in with merely a small sound of approval as he pecked at his plate, thoughts dwelling on distant memories.
Sans ate slowly and savoringly, feeling his fatigue slowly melt away. "Mm, this pie's very filling, tori." He softly grinned at her.
“You are so sweet, thank you!” Toriel laughed, beginning to eat her own food.
“So, Sans, have you gotten around to sending in those papers for the job at the Golden Valley Lab?” Papyrus asked casually.
Swallowing down his current forkful, Sans's eyes shimmered a bit brighter in excitement. "yep, handed them in in person! ...ya'know ... before getting gettin' myself captured by a bunch of the most ludicrous monsters in the whole world...." He slid an elbow on the table, slumping his cheekbone on his palm, glancing away with a slightly agitated puff of breath.
Angel couldn't help but purr with laughter.
“Oh? What happened?” Toriel inquired.
“We were captured by a clan of Temmies and they tickled him for making a pun.” Angel explained. “It was funny!”
"yeah, yeah. you tell me how funny it is after you get swarmed by feathers for a harmless pun like you're some kinda criminal. gh~hhh...." He shivered. "and apparently i got off easy...."
“Oho, goodness. It's okay, Sans, I'm sure that won't ever happen again.” Toriel reached out to caress his cheek with a soft giggle.
Papyrus finished eating and grinned before ladeling himself another helping. “I'm totally going in for seconds! This is so good!”
“It really is!” Denise agreed. “The potatoes are my favorite! What did you do with them, Toriel? They taste a lot creamier than usual.”
“Aww, thank you!” Toriel smiled sweetly. “All I did was add milk.”
Papyrus stopped chewing his mouthful immediately, eyes wide and bones growing hollow, before rushing off to the bathroom.
“Goodness!” Toriel exclaimed in alarm. “What's gotten into him?”
Sans leaned into her touch with a softening expression. "thanks, tori." Then he jolted, sitting up with wide eyes. "wait, uh, which kinda milk did you use? pap gets sick from lactose!"
“Oh my goodness, I had completely forgotten!” The goat monster stared at Sans with large, horrified eyes.
“Wait, Papyrus is lactose intolerant?” Denise asked. “But he's a skeleton, doesn't he need milk?”
"well, that's why he couldn't have any ice cream with us when ya made that other kind of pie," he reminded her, then turned to Denise. "a-and milk's good for bones, sure, but you can get calcium from other sources too. uh, hold on, i'm gonna go check on him."
Hopping down from his chair, Sans hurried to find his brother. "hey, pap, you okay?" he asked anxiously.
Sans found Papyrus hunched over the toilet bowl, his trembling arms tightly gripping the sides to keep himself from dunking his head in. The moment he had spat out his mouthful, he began to feel the pressing nausea creeping in, as if his body had only decided to start feeling sick once he learned of the milk. It totally wouldn’t have acted up like this if he hadn’t known. Cursed immune system! “I-I don’t know. I feel ill. S-Sans, can you c-come in and stay? I … don’t w-want to be alone.”
"yeah, of course, bro," Sans said gently, walking over beside Papyrus and rubbing over his shoulders and spine. "you're gonna be alright, buddy...." Now that he knew what to expect, he wasn't quite so freaked out as the first time, but his SOUL still panged in sympathy.
“Th-thanks, brother....” Papyrus began to softly groan as his arms shook weakly from supporting himself over the bowl. “I-I don't wanna!...”
"hey, i know, i know, but remember what frisk said? you're just gettin' rid of the bad stuff so you can feel better. you can get through this, pap, you can get through anything!" He massaged circles over his brother's back with his palm.
“I know, but--! ...O-okay.” He trembled and breathed heavily for a few moments before feeling the bile rising up in his magic, stinging his throat. He shook with a harsh cough, gagging as his body tried to expel the meal he thoroughly enjoyed mere minutes prior. He swallowed it down, trying to force himself not to vomit in spite of everything. “I-I can't do it, I'm sc-scared!” he wailed, tears building up in his sockets.
"i know it's not fun, bro," Sans said, concerned, but calm, petting fingers along the vertebrae of his brother's neck. "but i'm here with ya. it's just a natural reaction that's supposed to help ya out, right? the sooner you let it happen, the faster you're gonna feel better. i'll help ya once you get it all out of your system, okay?"
Papyrus was about to respond when a new bout of coughing interrupted him, and he was unable to swallow down his dinner this time. He lowered his face to the toilet bowl and wretched into it.
Sans winced — still not quite used to the physical act of expulsion — though he didn't falter in his comforting massage. "there ya go, it's gonna be alright, pap. was that everything? you want some water to wash it from your mouth?"
“I ... I think I'm good now. Yes, please, water would be nice. Uuugh....” His face was still stuck in the bowl in case he vomited again.
Withdrawing with a few gentle pats, Sans filled a paper cup with water from the sink, handing it to Papyrus. "here ya are, buddy. 'member not to swallow ... you just take it easy," he coaxed.
“Thanks.” Papyrus took the cup and tipped it back, swishing the water in his mouth before spitting it back out into the toilet. “Man, and I was so excited for this meal too....”
"aww, i'm sorry, pap...." Sans gently hugged him, then retrieved a washcloth, wetting it and giving it to his brother so he could clean his face. "we'll just make extra sure that everybody's aware of what'cha can't have and always double check so this doesn't happen again. how does that sound?"
“That sounds good. Thanks so much for helping me, Sans.” After wiping his mandible of any lingering residue, he pulled his brother in for a loose hug.
"no problem, pap." Sans smiled, hugging him back. "see? i knew you could get through it. you wanna lay down or anything?"
“Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Will you come visit before you go to bed?”
"sure, i'll definitely do that, bro." Sans gave Papyrus an affectionate nuzzle. "i'll come by real soon. oh, hey, would ya like me to bring angel to ya when i do?"
Papyrus smiled and nuzzled back. “Yeah, that'd be great, thanks. See you soon, Sans.” Giving his brother one more hug and a little squeeze, he made his way upstairs to Sans' room.
Softly smiling, Sans made his way back to the kitchen. "pap's gonna be okay, he just went up to rest."
“Alright. Glad to know he's okay now,” Denise said.
Toriel sighed heavily and placed her paws on her head. “I can't believe I had so foolishly forgotten Papyrus' allergies. He was looking forward to this dish, and now he can't even eat it.”
"hey, don't fret about it, tori," Sans soothed, smiling gently at her. "i'm sure you won't forget again, we'll all just be a little more careful from now on. didn't you have some allergies too, denise? maybe we should make a list of ingredients we shouldn't get or somethin'?"
Denise nodded. “Yeah, I’m allergic to cinnamon. Oh, and soy.”
“Oh, dear, that will be a problem,” Toriel fretted. “It seems Papyrus can only consume soy milk, but Denise can only consume real milk.”
“Oh, wow, I didn't even notice that! That is gonna be tricky....”
"oh, yikes. well, maybe whenever we do get milk, we can stick a large, unmissable label of what kind it is on the carton. heh, i even have a bunch'a 'caution' stickers with my other lab equipment we could slap on 'em. that would give anyone pause to stop and think for a sec." Sans shrugged. "unless we just decide to give up on milk entirely — and i would, if it becomes a regular problem — but ... i think most of us like it too much for that...."
“I do not think it will have to come to that,” Toriel responded, “but the cautionary stickers do sound like an excellent idea.”
Finishing her tuna, Angel licked her muzzle and whiskers for a bit before limping slowly back out of the kitchen and to the living room.
"heheh, all right, well, i'll bring a package of 'em down then. i'm gonna visit pap in my room before i turn in tonight anyway." Shoveling down the rest of the food from his plate, he gave Toriel a skele-kiss on the cheek. "thanks again for such a wonderful meal, tori!"
Seeing Angel had left the kitchen, Sans walked out into the living room to find her, gingerly scratching her head with his fingertips. "hey, cutie. d'you wanna sleep in my room with papyrus tonight? i can carry you up there."
“Hmhmm, you’re very welcome, sugar skull.~” Toriel returned the affection with a nuzzle.
Angel was purring softly as she curled up on the couch, wincing as she fought to resist licking at her wound. Seeing Sans approaching her and feeling his phalange-tips on her head, her purring grew louder. “Yes please. Is Papyrus okay, Sans? What happened to him?”
Very carefully scooping her up in his arms, he walked slowly, trying not to aggravate any sore spots. "yeah, he's all right, he just can't have a component that's found in regular milk, so when he ingests it, his body responds by trying to get it outta him. it's not a fun process, but i think it's pretty much over now and he'll live, so doncha worry, okay?"
Once he made it to his room, he knocked. "hey, pap, it's me, and i brought angel. 's it okay to come in?"
“He can't drink milk? That makes two of us, then. I don’t think I can tolerate it either, but it just tastes so good. My trips to the litter box always make me regret it, though….” The kitten wrinkled her nose.
Papyrus was in the process of making the bed when he heard the knock. “Oh, hello, Sans. Yes, you two can come in!”
"aww, well, i dunno about for cats, but he can have other kinds of milk, as long as they don't contain any lactose," he expounded as he opened the door, then grinned at Papyrus. "hey bro, you're startin' to look better already!"
“Well, you know I always seem to recover quicker than most monsters, brother. Hi, Angel!” Papyrus carefully took his purring pet from Sans’ arms and lightly stroked her head. “Wowie, listen to that purr! You sure seem happy!”
“I'm not really that happy. Well, I mean, I am happy to see you and Sans, but ... It just hurts so much....”
“But if you're in pain, then why are you purring at all?”
"well, as far as i know, purring is a soothing sort of thing—" His eyes narrowed playfully as he scratched under her chin. "except, y'know when you use it to tickle me, you rascal. but anyway, it helps ya feel better, right, angel? i'm not the best on how non-monster anatomy works, but i think it's a chemical reaction thing. it's like ... if you could get your soul to glow when you're in pain, kinda, you'd feel a bit better on principal even if you're not feelin' all that great."
“Yeah, purring makes my wounds not hurt so much....” Angel affirmed.
“Wowie, that's so cool! Gosh, Sans, for someone who claims he doesn't know much at all about the anatomy of anything but monsters, you're quite knowledgeable!”
Sans shrugged with a small chuckle, slowly lowering Angel down on the bed. "well, i mean i've picked up some basic things from the human literature we've read over the years, but it's not my area of expertise. humans and other non-monsters are much more physically based than we are, but certain parallels can be made between us, so it's not too difficult to conjecture about."
Papyrus blinked a few times. “I ... think I understand?”
Angel purred a little louder in amusement.
“Well, in any case, I've finished making the bed, so I’m going to settle in for the night.” Papyrus suddenly grinned in a mixture of sheepishness and eagerness. “Um, Sans? Would you mind terribly if ... if you read something to me tonight? Just for old time’s sake?”
"hey, i'd love to, bro," Sans replied, eyes sparkling slightly. That small part of him that never wanted Papyrus to grow up — to see his innocence crumble — danced in joy. He never wanted Papyrus to get beaten down by life's woes, and Sans would do just about anything to maintain his brother's optimism. "what would you like to hear tonight?"
“How about ‘Peek-a-Boo with Fluffy Bunny’?” Settling down on the mattress, he curled up under the covers and hugged Angel very gently. “You're going to love Sans' reading, Angel. He does the voices so well!”
“Can't wait,” the kitten mewed, sounding tired, yet intrigued.
"well, now, that one's a classic, let me go get it." With a large smile, Sans retrieved the book from his brother's room, then settled himself on top of the covers right up next to Papyrus so that he could see the pictures if he wanted. As much care as they'd taken, the pages were still rather worn around the edges. Holding it a casual distance away, Sans cleared his throat.
"one morning, fluffy bunny was hop-hop-hopping along in the old farmer's vegetable garden when she heard a voice say, 'fluffy bunny, if you can find me before the sun touches the highest point in the sky, i'll give you something nice today.'"
"'oh, who could that be?' fluffy bunny wondered. 'i'd really like a present, i'll be sure to find whoever wants to play!' so, she hurried to the lettuce patch, searching through the large green leaves, opening them to reveal a tiny ladybug. 'peek-a-boo, i found you!' fluffy bunny exclaimed."
"'oh, it's not me you're looking for,' the ladybug replied, 'i'm just staying cool in the shade. maybe you should look by the old farmer's porch.' so fluffy bunny hopped straight there, looking under the patio, peeking into the old farmer's worn boots, and glancing into the filled watering can where a small green frog was swimming. 'peek-a-boo, i found you!', fluffy bunny proclaimed."
"'sorry," said the frog, 'but you must be looking for someone else. i'm just taking my morning bath. why don't you try the old farmer's greenhouse?' so fluffy bunny hopped to the vine-covered building of glass, burrowing into a well-used tunnel to get inside."
"fluffy bunny searched around stacks of orange, clay pots, and gardening tools. she looked in all four corners of the greenhouse. then she finally looked up and saw the old farmer's tabby cat resting on the shelves. 'peek-a-boo, i found you!' fluffy bunny called.”
"'i'm terribly sorry, but i'm not playing a game right now,' the cat said with a yawn. 'i'm just taking a nap where it's nice and warm. why don't you look around the big oak tree?' fluffy bunny was starting to wonder if she'd ever find who the voice belonged to, the sun was climbing higher and so far she'd had no luck. but fluffy bunny hopped to the oak tree anyway."
At this point, the book's last few pages had torn out. The first time he'd read the story to Papyrus, Sans hadn't known the book had been damaged, and the disappointment of the cliffhanger spurred Sans to make up an ending on the spot. He changed it up often — once going on for well over an hour about Fluffy Bunny's crazy adventures and mishaps. He decided to keep it on the shorter side this time. He closed the book, leaning his head against Papyrus's shoulder.
"so fluffy bunny looked all around the tree, but wasn't able to find anybody. discouraged, she sat under its shade, unsure where else she could look. not long after, a tall friendly skeleton monster was strolling by when he saw the sad bunny, so he stopped and sat down next to her."
"'what's troubling you?' asked the monster. 'why do you look so down? it's such beautiful day on the surface, you should be out enjoying it!'"
"'oh, it's just that someone said they'd give me something nice if i could find them before the afternoon, and i've looked everywhere i can think of. i found a ladybug, a frog, and a cat, but it wasn't any of them, i think i'm just going to give up.'"
"'oh dear,' said the skeleton, 'you shouldn't give up, i believe in you, little bunny! and even if you don't find your initial playmate before the afternoon, it sounds like you have gotten a lot of exercise and met many new potential friends!'"
"'hey, i guess you're right,' fluffy bunny replied. 'wow, you've really cheered me up, i guess i should look on the positive side of things, shouldn't i? well, thank you mr. skeleton, i'll keep looking, there's only a few more places left to search anyway.'"
"'i'm glad,' said the skeleton, wearing a large smile. 'good luck, tiny bunny, i will be cheering you on!'"
"fluffy bunny continued to search until noon, but wasn't able to find the owner of the voice. but she didn't feel bad because she knew she hadn't given up, she did everything she could have. so instead, she invited her new friends — including the friendly skeleton — to play the rest of the day together, and the skeleton provided everyone with puzzles and spaghetti and everyone was happy.... the end."
It wasn't too often that Sans ended it without Fluffy Bunny finding out who had spoken to her, but the older skeleton liked to keep things unexpected so that Papyrus wouldn't get bored of it.
Papyrus snuggled deeper into the covers, smiling joyfully as he looked at the saturated illustrations on the pages, giggling softly at each of Sans’ impressions of the characters. His eyes began to grow heavy, and before long he had fallen asleep, images of playing with little woodland creatures in an open field dancing in his dreams. He began to gently snore, a very happy smile stretched across his face.
“Wow, that was a nice story,” Angel meowed, arching her eyes. “I can see why Papyrus likes it so much. The skeleton in the story seemed a bit out of place, though....” She tilted her head to the side curiously.
"heheh, well you're a clever little kitty, aren't you?" Sans chuckled, giving Angel's ears a rub. "that's because everything after Fluffy Bunny goes to the tree is missing, so i made the rest of it up." Turning, he gave his brother's cheek a gentle bump with his teeth, whispering, "love ya, pap."
Papyrus mumbled something along the lines of, "Love you, Sans…," in his sleep.
Angel continued to purr, more so from happiness than pain now, as she rubbed against his fingers before curling up in the crook of Papyrus’ shoulder with a yawn. “I'll take care of him. You can go if you want. Night, Sans.”
"night, cutie." Sans tapped his finger to his teeth, gently pressing it to the bridge of her nose. "get plenty of rest."
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creative-poptart · 5 years
What would the bros of your choice react to their S/O being a famous superhero! Wherever an evil villain came on the news, they needed to leave. “Hey, forgot I had to do this important thing...got to go! Love you! “ *Kisses him and runs out the door* Next thing he sees is the famous super hero fighting the villain. How would they figure it out? Would they feel betrayed that such a huge secret was kept from him? When S/O is confronted, they say that they didn’t want them to be in danger.~Odd-Anon
Odd-Anon, you never fail to provide me with interesting and funny asks! I really like this one, and I’m struggling to pick which bois I wanna do because this would be great for all of them!!! That being said, when I open up my inbox again, maybe we can take another look at this ask for the other set of bois! For now, I’ll stick with the group of Papyruses!
UT Papyrus/Creampuff: He honestly kind of idolizes this mysterious hero that keeps coming out of nowhere to fight villains! They are amazing at what they do and he’s always cheering them on from the television or wherever he can spot them! With you, Creampuff is honestly surprised that you never stick around to see this particular hero in action, but you do remind him of them just a little. You’re brave and kind, just like they are, and you always fight to keep things at peace! His discovery comes in the form of doing your laundry as a nice surprise for you and sees your superhero outfit in the clothing! He’s shocked, but supportive and wants to make sure that you stay safe as well, so he won’t reveal your identity to anyone except maybe his brother. He’s not upset that you want to keep him safe, being a superhero is dangerous! Now though, you have your own personal cheerleader (and sidekick if you let him)!
UF Papyrus/Fell: At first he really doesn’t care all that much about a new superhero, but there’s something about this one that really strikes him as familiar. He’s not sure what it is, but he’s beginning to get suspicious of the fact that you really don’t seem to be making sense when it comes to the times that this hero becomes active. Fell really wants to get to the bottom of it, so he’s trying to ask you subtly about why you’re always disappearing, why your absences are so suspicious. You don’t really want to tell him, and that stings. He’s eventually going to find out by slipping in to a dangerous fight with a supervillain nearby, and you coming to rescue him in your outfit. He’ll pull the mask off of you when you’re in private, then demand to know why you hid something this big from him. Once you explain though, he’s much more understanding and will start to support you instead of pressuring you.
US Papyrus/Stretch: He really isn’t too interested in the superheroes and supervillains like one might think he would be, except when something happens to directly affect him. That just so happens to be that you end up leaving his snuggles whenever something on TV pops up with a supervillain, and honestly Stretch wants it to stop. He’s doing everything he can to convince you to stay, but you claim that the imagery is something you don’t like seeing on the screen, so you have to leave. He isn’t buying it, so one day when you slip out of his arms and head back up to your room when a supervillain comes on the screen again, he waits ten seconds, then follows you up. Upon entering the room though, he sees you in your superhero outfit and both of you freeze. There’s an odd pause, but he won’t stop you from going out to get the bad guy put back where they belong in a cell, then you two can talk.
“huh, and here i thought you just really didn’t like snuggling up to me anymore. well, this is more than a pleasant surprise, can we chat for a minute?”
SF Papyrus/Rus: Well, this is gonna be hard to hide from him once you start dating, in all honesty. For as much as Rus loves to be all over his S/O, it’s basically a guarantee that he’ll be trying to love on you at all times of the day. You’re going to have to get very creative with your excuses to get out of his grip once you actually get into the part where the supervillains are trying to do what they do. He’s increasingly less inclined to let you go the more frequently it happens, and soon he’s going to do his own digging into why you need to leave so often when he’s trying to love you. Eventually he’s going to confront you, almost in tears, wondering if you’re going to break up with him, but you hurriedly reassure him that isn’t the case. You’ll have to show him your outfit so that he’s convinced of it fully, and then he’s much more likely to let you go, so long as you give him some super-snuggles when you get back from fighting baddies.
“well darlin’, i dunno what to say... i just.. i didn’t expect this at all, but it explains a lot more than i would have come up with on my own, thank you.”
Thanks for the ask Odd-Anon!
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vampirezelda · 7 years
Birthday Gift Ficlet
I created a little Edge Fluff for @mellamew because she’s a great friend and it’s her birthday today! I hope you enjoy it mella, happy birthday!
Edge and Cat hc can be found here, and the pictures that go with said ficlet can be found here! all by @vividlylost who was also the beta reader for the ficlet <3
You were bored. Like, seriously bored. How anyone could be this bored was beyond you. All your friends were too far away to go out and do things normal people do, like gush over the latest chapter in that fanfic you all liked while at the mall, or rant about your newfound hatred of peaches while painting each other’s nails and watching cheesy movies. Yes, you saw right, peaches! They wronged you in that way they looked uncannily like a rear end. So naughty.
Sitting up in your bed to check the soul-sucking social sites you frequent and see nothing of note has occurred for quite a while, a feat you deem impressive. Suddenly your phone starts ringing across the room, so you just flop on the floor from the bed with a “oof!” and roll to it, picking the annoying contraption up and answering it.
“Human escort service, we service all manner of people be it human, monster, or former Captain of the Royal Guard.” You answer with a teasing lilt to your voice.
“I MUST HAVE THE WRONG---WAIT A MOMENT, IS THIS A JAPE? YOU ALMOST FOOLED ME, BUT I, THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS CANNOT HAVE THE WOOL PULLED OVER MY EYE SOCKETS SO EASILY!” Papyrus says in a slightly embarrassed and rushed tone. You were sure you were going to fool him this time.
“Ha, you got me Papyrus. Tis I, the short and bored human! Whatever have you called me for on this fine summer afternoon?”
Papyrus huffs over the phone and then clears his non-existent throat, which you have come to learn is an indicator he’s about to reveal something he deems very interesting. “I KNEW YOU WOULD BE BORED TODAY, AND AS SUCH HAVE CREATED AN OUTDOOR ACTIVITY I AM POSITIVE YOU WILL ENJOY. NOW, PLEASE DRESS IN CLOTHES YOU ARE COMFORTABLE IN BECOMING SLIGHTLY MESSY AND I SHALL BE AT YOUR DOOR IN TEN MINUTES SHARP. SEE YOU SOON, HUMAN!” He promptly hangs up and you’re left wondering what sort of shenanigans of terror he’s going to have you running through this time.
With ten minutes to become presentable, though, you’re rushing to slip on a pair of jeans and a tank top. Then you nearly trip over your shoes situated in the middle of the room, discarded there last night in a haze of sleepiness.
Fully clothed and with four minutes to compose yourself; easy-peasy. You dance over to the small bathroom and furiously brush those pearly whites while also brushing your hair, something you’ve perfected over the time you’ve known Papyrus.
With one-minute to spare you’re forced to just tie your hair up in a messy ponytail, as you dash into the main area looking any and everywhere for your purse. Under that side table? No. Maybe the kitchen counter has it? No. You spot it hanging on the coat rack for some reason just as there are three concise knocks on the door to your apartment, and you quickly snatch your purse up as you open the door.
“H-hey Pap! On time, just like you said you would be! Ready to go?” You say with perhaps too much enthusiasm, grabbing onto his arm, locking your door, and walking in a random direction.
“……DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHERE WE’RE GOING?” Papyrus says with a certain gruffness to his voice, knowing full well you do not know where you’re going.
You stop and think for a moment, then turn to him. “Nah. I was just walking in a direction and hoping it was the correct choice for our little adventure. Lead on, dear Captain!” You take his hand and raise it in the air, while passersby look at you oddly.
He shakes his head at you and groans, but brings you along, hand-holding and all, to the large park nearby. In the middle of the park is a very large picnic blanket, complete with a cute little basket that has...holes in it? All-in-all, it was an odd sight to see.
“So……you wanna tell me what this is all about? Not gonna run me through another one of your challenges you deem soothing for the soul, right?” You sass. Papyrus just rolls his eye lights and brings you closer to the container, urging you sit on the blanket with him. Ok, maybe not a crazy challenge? He would have been pulling equipment out willy nilly and strapping it on you.
“I Can Assure You That This Is Not Another One Of My ‘Crazy Challenges’ You Will Be Experiencing Today.” He announces not as loudly as before. “Now, For The Main Activity! Sit Here And Just Relax. You Shall Know Why Soon Enough, Nyeh Heh Heh.”
Papyrus turns and blocks off your view of the basket, and you trust him enough to just close your eyes and revel in the feel of the sunshine on your skin.
…What? You look at Papyrus, but he’s still turned away and you can’t see quite what he’s doing.
There it was again! That sounded exactly like a kitten. Papyrus turns around and there is a litter of kittens hanging from his arms, scrabbling for purchase amongst his turtleneck sleeves.
“Oh my Gosh! Lookit the cute little kitties! Is this what my edgy boy has been doing all day? Rounding up poor innocent kittens in his scheme for making his datemate feel better?” You gently scoop up one of the kittens into your arms, snuggling it against your face.
“I Did Not Do Anything Nefarious In Order to Lead These Fanged Felines Here! I Simply Asked A Human Veterinarian For A…Favor. Yes, That’s What It Is Called Here On The Surface,” is the response you hear from beyond the mass of fluff climbing his arms, making you giggle quietly into the kitten’s fur.
A couple kittens decide to abandon their quest at climbing Mount Papyrus to investigate what the other moving object in the vicinity is, and you were now sprawled on your back with kittens making a bed of your stomach, chest, and thighs. Suffice to say, you felt happier than you have in a long while, and Papyrus seemed to notice, if the slight nod to himself is any indication.
You doze off, a combination of the sun’s warmth and kitten purrs vibrating through your body lulling you to sleep.
Papyrus takes this opportunity to relax a bit and and let his “terrible” facade drop, observing the scene with fondness. He may have snuck a picture of you, but you’ll never know unless he sends it to you of course. He spends this time letting the kittens use him as a climbing tower, enjoying the ministrations of one specific feline, which was all black except for white patterns along their stomach that vaguely could be thought of as skeletal like patterns
“Feline, Do Not—” is what wakes you up after who knows how long, the sun a bit lower than before and some kittens having vacated your body in favor of the tower than is Papyrus. “—That Is Not A Proper Lounging Spot! Oh For…..Fine, You May Stay There Until I Say So, Devious Fanged Feline.”
The sight that greets you is too precious to bear. Papyrus is sitting cross legged on the blanket like before but with numerous kittens perched on various spots among his body. What takes the cake though, is the kitten that has found its home in the scarf bunched against his neck, dozing silently.
He seems content to stay as still as a statue, not noticing you are awake until you make a high pitched “awww”.
“DO NOT ‘AW’ ME! I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING CUTE! THESE FELINES HAVE SIMPLY BESTED ME IN COMBAT, AND SO I HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO BOW TO THEIR WHIMS.” At the outburst most of the kittens scatter to your lap, the exception being the one settled in his scarf. It seems that little one has claimed Papyrus as his own.
Seeing this Papyrus blushes red and stammers; caught off guard once again.
You giggle and take a picture, hiding it from sight. “That one seems pretty attached to you. Wanna take him home?” She watched with interest, throwing some toys back and forth for the others to interact with. She was definitely revitalized after a day out and about with this little surprise.
Papyrus stilled even more, if that were even possible. “N-NO! SANS POSITIVELY DESPISES CATS WITH A BURNING PASSION. I AM AFRAID IT WOULD NEVER WORK OUT.” He glances down to the kitten sleeping in his scarf and gently picks it up, gaining a protesting meow in return. "LISTEN DATEMATE, I INSIST YOU TAKE THIS SMALL FELINE.  I CAN NOT ALWAYS BE THERE, BUT THIS SMALL FANGED FELINE WILL MOST CERTAINLY GROW INTO A FEARSOME PROTECTOR FOR WHEN I CAN'T. I SHALL FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK FOR ITS ADOPTION."  The kitten takes this moment to try and bite the hand that is holding it, but the dull fangs do nothing against his bone.
You take your new kitten from him and hold it close, squinting up at him in the process. “No teaching the kitty to harass the neighbors. Final Decision.”
“YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY NO FUN. ‘DON’T BUILD TRAPS TO PROTECT MY APARTMENT PAPYRUS, DON’T IMPROVE ANY OF MY KITCHEN EQUIPMENT TO MAKE IT EVEN BETTER THAN BEFORE PAPYRUS.’ WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER?!” He gripes but relents, gathering the kittens and herding them into the basket they were in before, cleaning up the picnic area he set up before your arrival.
“COME DATEMATE, I SHALL ESCORT YOU HOME AND THEN GO OUT TO BUY ITEMS OUR—I MEAN YOUR NEW FELINE COULD POSSIBLY NEED.” With your kitten secured in your arms Papyrus squishes you close to his side, staying that close the entire way back to your apartment.
When you step up to your door and unlock it Papyrus turns you around and gives you a skeletal kiss to the forehead, the audible “MWUAH” inevitably following it. “I HOPE YOU ENJOYED OUR TIME TOGETHER TODAY, DATEMATE. IF YOU EVER NEED CHEERING UP AGAIN, KNOW I AM ALWAYS WILLING TO CRUSH THOSE PESKY NEGATIVE EMOTIONS FOR YOU. OR BRING YOU ANOTHER FELINE. YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY FELINES.” He walks off after that heart warming speech to gather the required supplies at the store and finalize the adoption of your new found friend,  leaving you to snuggle your shared kitten with Papyrus. Looks like nothing can stay wrong for long when you’re around him.
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Survey #91
“does he love you the way that i do?”
would you rather have stars in the sky or the moon? moon do you ever stop and appreciate little things?  all the time. what is the worst natural disaster you’ve experienced firsthand? hurricanes do you cuddle with your pet (if you have one)?  yeah! you are completely alone with your favorite celebrity/person/whoever. what do you do?  just talk to him about stuff. if you had the power to instantly transform someone’s life (for the better), who would you choose to use this on?  off the top of my head, my mom. if a family member (or boyfriend/girlfriend, if you have one) happened to be infected by a zombie, how would you go about dealing with that situation? i'm a merciful person that doesn't want to see someone suffer. i'd kill them in the quickest way possible. if you were paralyzed from the neck down, would you still want to continue living? why or why not?  absolutely fucking not because that's just awful. has any medication you’ve taken ever made you sick? how so?  yeah. the mood stabilizer i'm on now, latuda, sometimes makes me so nauseous that i actually do get sick. did you ever listen to avril lavigne when you were younger?  dude she was like my crush full homo. i loved her. did you ever buy "now that’s what i call music" cds?  as a kid, my older sister did do you like turkey or ham more? ham. do you like rihanna? no. have you ever become good friends with someone you never met in person? most of my closest friends i've ever had i met online. what do you consider your default mood to be?  content have you ever dipped french fries in a frosty?  once. disgusting. favorite undertale character?  uhhh. asriel is honestly really cool. but i also love sans and papyrus. what do you think about lizards?  SO CUTE is there a certain place or store you especially hate going to?  walmart. the flourescent lighting makes me yawn. do you like any cover songs? which ones if you have any favorites?  sure. i love "hurt" by johnny cash, "another brick in the wall" by korn, "whiskey in the jar" by metallica... if you’re old enough, do you go clubbing on the weekends or not?  i've never been to a club. don't want to. what is/was your best subjects in school? science. have you ever gambled and won? i don't gamble. do you ever count the presents you're getting for birthdays or holidays? no! that's awful! be grateful for whatever you were given! do you have your ears pierced? twice in each earlobe. are you easily offended? sometimes. what is the best prank you have ever pulled?  i don't pull pranks. when you’re in a relationship, do you tend to be very physical? no. have you ever ended up dating someone you initially disliked? no. do you wear a lot of yellow? no. i don't like yellow. do you and your siblings actually look alike?  yeah. have you ever suffered from chronically bad acne? no. if you could own anyone’s autograph, and not be allowed to sell it, who would you choose?  mark fischbach's *heart eyes* how many dogs have you had, and do you remember all their names?  oh god. trigger, angel, harley, delilah, teddy, cali, bentley. how do you feel about snakes? i absolutely adore snakes. how many cats have you owned and can you remember their names? we have, without a doubt, had about 50 cats. there's no way i could remember all of them. were you sick a lot as a child? what illnesses plagued you the most? no. i like... never get sick. do you have any sinister or morbid tattoos? no, but i do have some pretty dark ones planned. do you feel that you are better than most humans? i mean some, sure, in regards to being better in temperment. i don't believe any human is ultimately "better" than the other, though, in essence. what is your favorite type of meat to eat? chicken or pork. have you ever dated a red-head? no. what do you call small children? (children, kids, tots, etc.)  kids how old were you when you took driver’s ed?  16 have you ever pet-sat for someone? yeah. what’s one theme song you will NEVER skip?  the one to "deadman wonderland" what’s something that gets much more hate than it deserves?  nickelback. like shut up, you like at least one of their songs lol what show/movie never gets old for you? the shrek series lol are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? not anymore are you happier now or three months ago? now! how old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? i don't want kids. do you think you’ll be married in ten years? probably? what do you miss most about your ex? my most recent ex, all the things we had in common, i guess. my "main" ex, i miss a lot of things about him, but more than anything, i miss him actually being a caring person. are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? no. how long have you liked the person you like? since late 2011. are you one of those people who are always cold? people usually tell me my skin is freezing, but i'm typically very hot. if you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away? i'd definitely give it away. tongue piercings - cute or trashy? i honestly find them cute. when it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? skinny would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? ballerina. ballet is beautiful. honestly - can you say that looks don’t matter at ALL? you can't tell me with a straight face that they don't matter at all. i’ve got to know, who do you prefer: mario or luigi? luigi! yes or no: techno music? no. yes or no: pigtails? cute mostly on kids. how old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? i was about to turn 16, if you mean my first "serious" boyfriend. i don't remember what age i was when i started "dating" aaron, but i was in the 7th grade. is your home town nice? noooo do you believe in love at first sight? explain. hell no. you can't just look at someone and automatically "love" them. do you currently have any medicine in your bag / purse / etc? if so, what kind? yes, my adivan. what do you like on your pasta / noodles? sauce, butter, grated cheese, etc.? sauce ultimately, do you believe nature controls man or that man controls nature? explain. both. do you think it’s wrong to put yourself before others? in what sort of situations? it strictly depends on the situation in school, are / were you ever reluctant to ask questions? what about to answer questions? for what reasons? yes, but i was worse at asking questions. i was and still am shy. are you weary of displaying signs of affection for your significant other around adults? why or why not? no, when i do have a s.o. there's no shame in expressing love. have you ever had red velvet cake or carrot cake? have you ever made either of those? i've had both, but never made either. what is your favorite take out food to get? what do you usually order? bojangle's, and it's called a chicken supreme dinner. if I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? i REALLY wanna go to a metallica concert. what color looks best on you? black name three facts about your family. uhhh. we're german, irish, and polish; our surname is scottish; and we live all over the country. if you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you? gender yes, appearance, it'd be cool to select a few features if you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral? "took it like a woman" by alice cooper favorite holiday dish? spiral ham would you ever get into a long distance relationship? i honestly don't think i could. favorite kind of soup?  vegetable soup. the best was surprisingly from my elementary school. what’s your favorite hot beverage? hot chocolate. for your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?  red velvet did you ever play an instrument? if so, what? i played flute for years, and i shortly played around with guitar. best i could do was probably the intro to "crazy train" would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? carve pumpkins favorite kind of candy? reese's if you're including chocolate, sour punch straws if not. what’s a movie you cried while watching?  "the notebook" destroyed me how old were you when you had your first kiss? 16 would you rather have hair that changes color with emotion or get injured each time you’re touched by the person you love? hair that changes color with emotion, obviously. do you have a laptop? yes, but mine's currently broken. i've been using mom's. have you ever been the object of someones affection, when they were ‘taken’?  yeah. does it bother you when people lie to spare you ‘heartache’?  it depends. have you ever had a black eye?  no. would you sacrifice your dreams, to help someone else reach theirs?  no, i wouldn't. ever wished you were alive when there were dinosaurs? lmao no?? do you believe we “live and learn”? depends on if you want to learn. what is on your wrists right now? nothing on the left, my tattoo on the right. reason for the last tear shed?  i was fighting with my mom. have you ever been called a babe or baby?  yes, and i don't like it. name one person you wish you could fix things with? if i could only pick one person, jason. but i also really really wish my old best friend megan and i could be friends again. if you’re single, then why don’t you get a girlfriend/boyfriend?  because you don't simply "get" a boyfriend?? are you and the last person you kissed in a relationship or just friends? we're not even friends anymore what was the worst night of your life, or the night you have been scared the most? the night jason broke up with me. what three places in the world do you want to travel to? south africa, germany, aaaand... australia, maybe? are you allergic to cats? no have you ever babysat?  once what’s your second favorite color? pink do you refuse to use public toilets?  i avoid them as best i possibly can. how do you feel about golden oreos? never tried, don't want to, because i know i'll hate them. favorite cheese? i only like american. favorite lunch meat?  salami what's the strangest animal you've had for a pet? rats are you more annoyed when decorations are up two months prior to a holiday or still up two months after a holiday? hmmm. prior, maybe. what’s the strangest art piece you’ve come across?  i've heard of one where a woman vomits onto a canvas in abstract designs. and they actually sell. fucking gross. can you legally drive? not without someone who's had their license for seven years. do you know any songs that are older than you are? most of the songs i enjoy are older than me lol are you comfortable sharing drinks with your friends? not really. what season were you born in?  winter have your parents ever questioned your virginity?  yes. what pizza place do you usually order from? domino's, my favorite. if we want something quick though, little ceasar's. do you have a least favorite color? what is it?  brown, puke green do you find graveyards scary?  no. do you swear a lot? yes. do you know if you were born in the am or pm? am do you sit on the mattresses in furniture stores?  ha ha yeah have you ever read the bill of rights/declaration of independence?  we had to memorize the bill of rights in high school. have your parents ever thought you were gay? what happened? no. my old therapist thought i was though once. she was awful. what do you normally order when you go to subway? turkey, bacon, american cheese, pickles, jalapenos, banana peppers, chipotle... and i feel like i'm forgetting something. are you comfortable talking to both your parents about sex and boys? just vaguely with my mom. what is your idea of “too big” when it comes to weight? when you can no longer properly function. how about “too thin”?  once your bones are clearly visible. have you ever experienced an overly clinging boy-/girlfriend? yeah. partially why we only dated for two weeks. have you ever decided that you like/dislike someone based on their survey answers? i wouldn't say entirely. but i'll sometimes get a bad idea about some people. a bloodied, possibly wounded man is on the side of the road: do you stop to see if you can assist him, or do you drive past? i'd call 911. i wouldn't help because who knows if he's dangerous. what’s the ultimate cake topping?  chocolate have you ever walked into a wall?  more like ran ha ha can you name all 50 american states?  no. have you ever needed stitches? yeah. when i passed out onto the floor on my chin. have you ever been in a submarine?  no. do you believe there used to be dragons?  no. who’s your favorite god from ancient history? hmmm. athena. could you go out with someone who had a child from a previous relationship? no. what was your first alcoholic drink?  strawberry mike's hard lemonade where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?  ohio who was your first kiss? the first person who kissed me was juan, but the first person i kissed and who reciprocated was jason, so i consider him my "first kiss" what nicknames do you have/have had? britt, britt-britt, brittany bear, ozz, ruby, flower did you ever have a treehouse as a kid?  no. we only had tall pine trees where i grew up. have you ever planted a tree? an apple tree, yes. have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours?  no. do you have any cats? no, but i want one. are you a moody person? i have either bpd or bipolarity ii. of course i am. how many girls do you know named alison? my little sister's best friend's name is allison. do you prefer to do the asking out, or be asked out?  be asked out. have you ever been evicted? yes. do you know anyone who snores?  my mom snores louder than anyone i've ever met. dad, too. what is your favorite font?  garamond. have you ever seen a rooster? yep. have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? yeah. what is your favorite number?  13 what color are your slippers?  they're meerkat slippers lol. so tan. what state were you born in?  north carolina. do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? multiple people. do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? rarely. where is your favorite place to get fries?  bojangle's. their seasoning is ohhh goodness how many romantic relationships have you been in so far? one have you ever been camping in the wilderness?  no. would you consider yourself to be a picky eater? VERY do you have gluten intolerance or anyone who does?  i don't, but my cousin does. do you trust the media?  HA what kind of cookies are your favorite? chocolate chip do animals have souls? yeah. are you easily embarrassed? YES how well do you handle your alcohol?  apparently extremely well. i've never been smashed, despite drinking a moderate amount. how can people tell if you're drunk?  i'm talkative and kinda loud. tell me about the best pet you ever had: the dog i currently have now, teddy<3 are any of your siblings married? ashley, yes. who was the last person to spend the night with you at your house?  chelsea. that was fun. who was your date to senior prom? jason. does your dad smoke?  yes. he's getting better about it, though. is your mom over 50?  yes. who would you tell, or who did you tell when you lost your virginity? i'd tell my mom first. that or i'd tell nobody because it's not really anyone's business. do you have a debit card? no. why did you stop working at the last place you were employed? i was getting so anxious that i was puking. do you have freckles? no. what would you do if you found out your ex was pregnant/fathered a child? tyler, wouldn't care, jason... i'd feel weird. do you think the drinking age in america should be lowered to 18?  no. what is the nearest big city to you? raleigh. do you think what bill clinton did was wrong? ... obviously? have you ever run away? yeah. what is your favorite holiday?  halloween. how often are you online?  like... all the time. what are you obsessed with? mark fischbach, link neal & rhett mclaughlin, meerkats, "silent hill"... backstreet boys or nsync?  backstreet boys. what is your favorite disney movie? "the lion king" who did you last go bowling with?  colleen, bradley, girt. do you have any pets?  three great dogs, one lovely snake. who do you look like in your family? vaguely like my sisters, and an equal amount of people say i look like my mom or dad. could you ever believe in assisted suicide? no. have your parents ever put one of your pets to sleep? we had to. he had spleen cancer and was dying. have you ever been hunting? no. what oceans have you swam in? atlantic. are you ugly? i feel like i am, mostly because of my weight. what was your favorite park ride as a child? the carousel gnr or aerosmith?  ohhh. hmmm... i think aerosmith, but i love gnr too. could you pull off red hair? i have red hair now and it looks great. do you know any guys with their nipples pierced?  i think so. favorite beatles song? "hey, jude" have you ever seen a tornado? no. have you ever felt an earthquake? no. do you eat apples with the skin on or skin off? skin on. what is the first thing you do when you get on the computer?  open youtube what do you mainly watch on youtube?  let's plays do you sing in the shower? no. are you the competitive type? not at all. have you ever stolen someone's boyfriend/girlfriend?   unintentionally would you ever consider being a scientist?   no. are you scared of cancer?   who isn't? do you want to get married?  yeah. how many bisexual friends do you have?   two, off the top of my head. would you get married four times?  well first of all, i'm against divorce unless you're in an abusive/neglectful/overall horrible situation, so. are you good at chemistry?   no. do you have online friends?   yep. do you like your handwriting?   i do. have you ever been called emo?   yeah. describe your favorite shoes:   i have this pair of slip-ons that is a black cat design with sunglasses lol do you like zombie movies?   no opinion. have you ever volunteered in a hospital? if not, would you ever want to?  no to both. have you ever had to give a pet away?  yes. what kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live?  squirrels, i gues?  besides birds? if a stranger went in your room, would they be able to tell what gender you are from just looking at it?   no.  i actually think a lot of people would think i was a guy.  well... that is if you exclude my huge meerkat display lmao does the smell of cigarettes, weed and beer repulse you?   yes to all. do you like sitting on the inside or outside of a restaurant booth?  inside.  i feel safer. do you own a nightgown?  no. have you ever made a tent out of sheets in your bedroom?   ha ha yeah. have you ever had sex or something like it?   something like it, yeah, but not actual sex. have you ever worn fishnets?  fishnet gloves, yes. do you always wear your seat belt?  always. is there ice cream in your freezer?   i wish. does your bathroom have a window?   a small one. do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done?  yes.  a family friend's salon. do you have a fish tank?   no. if you found out you couldn’t have kids, would you adopt?   finding out i couldn't have kids would honestly be relieving.  i don't want kids, so i obviously wouldn't adopt, either. do bunnies roam around your backyard at night?   yes, actually.
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